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2 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

Vol. 28 · No. 988



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Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 3

If your condition does not

significantly improve after any given
visit, you don’t pay for the visit.
Dr. Cavanaugh treats your nervous system. 

The nervous system controls everything in your body.

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Adrenal Glands
Spleen Call NOW to
Gall Bladder feel better sooner!
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Blood Vessels 563-203-0843
Pain Timothy J. Cavanaugh, D.C.
Numbness 1739 Wilkes Avenue - Davenport, Iowa
4 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

Through August 22, 2021

Presentation at the Figge made possible by:

Premier: Humanities Iowa and the
National Endowment for the Humanities
Supporting: John K. Figge Family
in memory of Mrs. Jean Nobis
Contributing: Carolyn Levine & Leonard
Kallio Trust; Linda and J. Randolph Lewis

Omnipotence Enough (Emily Dickinson), 2017

Oil paint on fabric, wooden yoke, and shoe lasts
103.25 x 42.5 x 5 in. | 262.3 x 108 x 12.7 cm.
© Lesley Dill, photo by Sarah Ingber

Davenport, Iowa • 563.326.7804
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 5

Widen the Lens When

“gene therapies” masquerading as “vac- tactics, unconstitutional and unenforceable
cines;” prohibiting repurposing of FDA mandates to mask up and/or vaccinate, and
approved drugs as provably successful this whole COVID thing is getting glaringly

Considering COVID,
therapeutics to treat COVID in early stages weird and desperate, and potentially illegal
because if effective therapeutics existed, under federal common rule. Why???
EUAs could not be obtained by the phar- Time to wise up, America. The stakes are

Bigotry, and What You

maceutical companies; redefining “herd too high to not at least consider there might
immunity” as the result of some percentage be something to these COVID controver-
of mass inoculation, eliminating innate or sies. At the top of the list: Why are COVID

Actually Know
natural immunity as a factor and thereby health officials lobbying so hard to inject
ignoring long-settled science on basic bio- our still-developing children with experi-
logical functionality of innate immunity in mental gene therapies?

fighting viral infectious disease (traditional
fter nearly 30 years of providing experimental gene therapies that are experi- vaccines have all been accelerated attempts
alternative news and views in sharp encing their own problems with efficacy. In to mimic natural immunity to minimize It’s Still So About the
contrast to that of mainstream cor- what world is this not medical malfeasance deaths, severe illness/disability, and over-
porate media’s highly scripted homogenous on the part of the health establishment? stress on hospitals from lethal viruses); and
coverage (or lack thereof ), it is the under- If you are diagnosed with COVID, vac- finally, coercion and bullying 50 percent
reported content that differentiates our jour- cinated or not, would you not want your of Americans who are reasonably vaccine- Be crystal clear: Even the health officials
nalistic missions. physician to prescribe medicines that have hesitant to accept injections of experimental cannot disclaim that children are at statisti-
Alternative coverage of issues has never proven efficacy so you could minimize your gene therapies responsible for hundreds cal zero risk of getting or giving COVID.
been more important, more necessary suffering and enhance your chances for of thousands of adverse reactions as They cannot articulate the medical benefit
to a free society, especially considering a swifter recovery? Of course you would. reported in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event kids would receive from the jabs. Further-
that broadcast, cable, and print media is Yet this option is outside many Americans’ Reporting System (VAERS) and in Europe more they will not articulate the dispropor-
now entirely controlled by just five media reach. Why??? (EudraVigilance). tionate risk kids face from potential harm
conglomerates. This is made exponentially Widening the lens, the human experi- deriving from the jabs, now or in the future.
more alarming by those owners being ence with COVID-19 is that it is fatal to What parent, what health-care provider,
largely comprised of two (2) of the globe’s 0.03 percent of people. This is an exception- There’s a Big World of what teacher, what conscious adult would
largest investment funds: Vanguard and ally small cohort of at-risk human beings, ever consent to such an unjustified medi-
Blackrock. Propaganda has graduated to almost all with serious co-morbid illnesses Honorable Professionals cal intervention – better characterized as
propagenda. and/or advanced age. By every measure of a Out There Sharing medical malpractice – without sufficient
long-term safety trials traditionally required
I have four (maybe five) favorite rules pandemic before COVID, SARS-CoV-2 viral
for life. Among them are (1) Never accept infection and/or COVID-19 disease would by all other FDA approved pharmaceuticals
nonsense as a replacement for sense; and (2) not qualify as a lethal pandemic-level event. There is a world of evidence submitted and biologicals?
Evidence matters. After 19 months of due by eminently credentialed, highly esteemed No child should ever be forced to absorb
diligence on all matters COVID without medical and research professionals who are a scintilla of risk on behalf of adults when
compromising these simple rules, I am con- Recapping COVID risking their own careers and reputations the risk is so negligible as to be nonexistent.
fident Americans have been largely played. in an effort to save our sorry, assimilated, Teachers, whose average age range falls
I do not minimize the harshness of Controversies branch-covidian tushies. Herculean efforts within the second least at-risk cohort to
COVID-19. It is a dangerous virus if left by renowned professionals such as Dr. Peter perish from COVID, have no justification
to f lourish, especially in patients with Let’s recap why COVID is arguably not a McCullough, Dr Robert Malone (inven- under the sun to expect such an unreason-
advanced age and/or serious underlying pandemic-level event and strains the ratio- tor of mRNA technology), Dr. Michael able sacrifice from children.
conditions, including the immune com- nale for all the extreme mitigations imposed Yeadon, Dr. Robert Hodkingson, Dr. Peter Teachers who have health issues putting
promised. That said, it is a mystery that under emergency declarations nationwide: Bragen, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Harvey Risch, them at greater risk, such as obesity, diabe-
our national policy for treating COVID Media “f looding” using synchronized mes- Dr. Knut Wittowski, Dr. Scott Atlas, and tes, or autoimmune conditions, shouldn’t
is to inject experimental gene therapies saging (propagenda); mass masking as a Dr Richard Flemming (and that’s barely a teach if their lives are at stake. They are the
when available, or else do nothing until visible trigger of fear; predictive computer smattering) overwhelmingly support every adults; it is their risk to assess and absorb,
the patient becomes so medically debili- modeling of people with COVID versus element of the above summary of contra- not their students’. That’s what makes them
tated that he/she requires hospitalization, actual numbers of people with COVID dictory evidence, and so much more. Yet the adults and the kids not the adults. The
where, by that time, few therapeutics work, dictating policy that include extreme miti- while the evidence persuasively negates same is true for anyone in the 0.03 percent
so ventilation is highly likely, resulting in gations such as shutting down entire econo- the increasingly incoherent narratives and who are at high risk from COVID. That
80-percent probability of death. mies worldwide; repetitively showcasing propagenda from most media, government, cohort must also assess their risk and take
Meanwhile, if a symptomatic COVID- wildly exaggerated case numbers to disguise and health officials, most Americans blindly responsibility to protect themselves. The
positive person begins therapeutics early on, the glaring lack of corresponding deaths; comply, putting themselves and their fami- rest of the 99.97 percent can cooperate in
such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, using only PCR testing (recently discredited lies at unnecessary risk. many other ways besides giving up their
and several other provably successful FDA due to excessively high cycle thresholds) to More importantly, the bulk of contra- livelihoods, social interactions, all other
approved drugs (for illnesses other than diagnose COVID cases without additional vening evidence is aggressively censored health care, for starters.
COVID), augmented with vitamins D, confirmation via culturing or clinical obser- from American consumption. And that Time for the Great Rethink
K12, C, and Zinc, the notable efficacy and vation of symptoms; assigning as many as provides the biggest tell of all that we are It is finally time for all adults to take our
resulting recovery rate is well-documented 80 percent of the millions of COVID cases being played. What possible harm can come heads out of our masks and start think-
worldwide. Yet the FDA refuses to give as “asymptomatic” based solely on a posi- from open discussion and debate of various ing again. Why are policy makers shutting
Emergency Use Authorization to these tive PCR test, resulting in 50- to 75-percent contradictory aspects of COVID, most espe- down entire economies worldwide for a
drugs as repurposed drugs for treatment of false positives and grossly miscalculating cially the controversy surrounding effective disease that is only lethal to 0.03 percent
COVID. Why??? the real transmissibility of the SARS-CoV2 treatments? – or, put another way, that 99.97 percent
In some states, if doctors prescribe virus; regulation capture that (a) permits Health professionals should be able to of human beings survive? More people die
these very drugs to treat COVID, they are unsubstantiated death records (no autopsy, make their cases to the public. Why is this in accidents every year, or from cancer, or
intimidated with threats, including the culturing) “from” COVID” versus comor- rational process not allowed for COVID fill-in-the-blank. Why are we not focusing
loss of their licenses, termination of their bidities “with” COVID, and (b) coding for (and a growing number of other topics) by on best protecting those at high-risk and
employment, and censorship if they dare hospitalization and healthcare for increased the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, modulating risk for the rest of humanity as
share their findings. Meanwhile the only dollar reimbursements; FDA Emergency Google, and now Patreon and Paypal? Add
sanctioned treatment for COVID are three Use Authorizations (EUA) for experimental to the mix the berserk incentives, bullying
Continued On Page 20
6 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •


Constitutional Training Class Constitutional Training

world’s foremost experts on US history,
the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.
There will be a catered Lopiez Pizza lunch Course Outline
With Michael Badnarik break and the $225 class fee also includes
a hard back copy of Michael’s course text • Class begins with a sobering reality
Saturday, August 14 book Good to be King (he’ll even sign it for
check demonstrating that much of
what one thinks one knows about the
@ River Cities' Reader Conference Room you). Good to be King was published in
2004, and Congressman Ron Paul wrote the
Constitution is wrong.
• The core of this class is a discussion
Downtown Davenport, Iowa foreword, which is reprinted below and is a about the difference between rights
useful overview of what one can expect in and privileges. Using information
this class. the students know to be true, Michael
To get a feel for Michael’s style, delivery helps them draw the conclusion that
and content you can watch the video of his “property” is the one-word answer to
address to the over 100 county sheriffs from every question about the Constitu-
thirty states at Or, you tion. Students soon realize that rights
can listen to Michael as a guest on a podcast and responsibilities are as inseparable
as heads and tails on a coin.
I co-hosted with Corey Eib, called Agenda31
• An examination of different forms of
at Further below is government helps students under-
the course outline, and lastly the link to the stand that communism isn’t just
payment portal to register for the class and another option, it is the antithesis of
reserve you seat. Seating is limited to 25 our cherished Constitution.
students, so please sign up before August 12 • A 20-minute review of the American
to reserve your spot. Revolution helps students rediscover
their passion for freedom, making it
clear that losing our Liberty is not an
Good to be King Foreword acceptable option.
• Eventually, an examination of the
by Texas Congressman Constitution, Article by Article,
Ron Paul and Section by Section, leads any
thinking individual to the startling
Michael Badnarik has created a constitu- conclusion that most of what our
tional primer that will edify and entertain government does is unconstitutional!
schoolchildren and seasoned libertarians This is unconscionable and totally
alike. Good to be King: The Foundation unacceptable!
• Finally, each of the Bill of Rights is

of Our Constitutional Freedom presents a
thoroughly readable explanation of how our examined and explained to students
n Saturday, August 14, 2021 the Foundation’s Continental Congress 2009 in
constitutional republic should work, and now eager to protect these valuable
River Cities’ Reader is host- St. Charles, Illinois. This effort led by Bob ideals as the birthright that they are.
ing a US Constitution training Schulz resulted in the Articles of Freedom how the system became broken in the first
• Class concludes with a brief quiz
which are remedial instructions for fed- place.
class taught by my good friend Michael that helps students measure just how
eral and state legislators on how to remedy Mr. Badnarik starts with fundamentals,
Badnarik. much they’ve absorbed in a very short
the ongoing violations of the Constitu- identifying the difference between rights
In these current times, more and more time.
tion. ( Then in 2012, I and privileges. He discusses the critical and
people are paying attention to local, state
needed distinction between republican and
and federal government behavior. And, more worked again with Michael to help market
democratic systems of government, arguing
To reserve and pay for your seat,
and more people are realizing that it is the and facilitate the Constitutional Sheriffs
that freedom can survive in America only if
find the payment link and more at
we the people’s responsibility to hold govern- and Peace Officers Association sponsored
we return to our republican roots. He also
ment accountable. Our elected government County Sheriff convention and Bill of Rights
training. Led by former Graham County illustrates the forgotten tenets of federalism
officials and sworn peace officers have all and states’ rights, arguing that federal usur-
taken an oath to uphold the US Constitution. Arizona sheriff Richard Mack, this event
pation of state power has accelerated the loss
How can the people hold its government held in Las Vegas, showcased how county
of our freedoms.
accountable if they don’t know and under- sheriffs, police chiefs and county commis-
The author then provides a detailed
stand the Constitution? Michael Badnarik’s sioners were effectively upholding their
explication of the true meaning of major
Constitution classes are entertaining and oaths of office to stop federal government
constitutional provisions and amendments.
enlightening while one learns the Liberty overreach and constitutional violations such
He does an excellent job of demystifying our
philosophy and how property rights are to be as maintaining citizens’ rights to property,
founding document, demonstrating that
protected via the Constitution. water rights and raw milk. (
ordinary Americans can and should under-
Michael is a lifelong teacher having mb1) stand the Constitution and how it applies to
instructed county sheriffs on the Bill of In 2018, I edited Michael’s third book, their lives.
Rights and taught students to code, scuba Philosophical Lighthouse, and was honored Anyone who believes in limited govern-
dive, sail and skydive. He’s also a philoso- to write in his foreword, “Michael’s a power- ment—that is to say anyone who believes in
pher, published author and polymath which ful and entertaining teacher. His success is liberty—will benefit from reading this book.
means his “knowledge spans a substantial due in part to his immense patience. And If we wish to remain free, we must con-
number of subjects, known to draw on com- it’s also because of his innate ability to paint stantly question and challenge conventional
plex bodies of knowledge to solve specific mental pictures that guide us students to views about the proper role of government
problems.” ( further understand what previously evaded in our society. Good to Be King will serve
Polymath). In 2004, Michael was nominated us. He’s part technician and part bard.” as needed ammunition for libertarians and
by the Libertarian Party to run for President Join us on August 14, 2021 from 9am to constitutionalists committed to resisting
and was on the ballot in 48 states. 4pm at the River Cities’ Reader office in tyranny in America. I commend Michael
I first worked with Michael in coordi- downtown Davenport, Iowa for a day of Badnarik for authoring a compelling text on
nating and operating the We the People fun and valuable learning from one of the the foundations of liberty in America.
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 7

Thank You, Sheriff Tim Lane ceding the County Sheriff’s authority
to a state or federal agency appropriate
establishments. Although
the COVID-19 pandemic
and/or justified?
Sheriff Lane: I would not consider has had a serious effect
ceding the authority of the Office of on the lives of millions of
Sheriff to any state or federal agency.
Question 9: Do you consider an people, as Americans we
individual’s body his/her own private are entitled to choose how
we mitigate our own risks.
Sheriff Lane: I consider an individu-
al’s body to be legally the same as their The fear and anxiety cre-
life or person which is constitutionally ated by those who demand
Fast forward to 2021, and Sheriff Lane
compliance is inexcusable.
has been contacted by local concerned We will enforce all rules
citizens who want to know where within the courtoom as
he stands on mask mandates. These
inquires were before the Iowa state directed by the judge. This
legislature passed and Governor Reyn- includes mask rules. At this
olds signed into law prohibitions on time there is no masking
mask mandates. Sheriff Lane’s response
requirement in the Scott

to those who have asked him is worth
ince 2012, I’ve advocated the most media and mainstream so-called news. printing here below. County courthouse court-
critical and important locally Question 1: If local, state, or federal
elected office is the county sher- health officials decree that Americans
rooms.” – Sheriff Tim Lane
iff. A sheriff who protects the county’s must comply with mandatory vaccina- “As the Sheriff of Scott
If you value freedom in the county
citizens’ property rights is the number- tions, would you support or oppose such County, I have directed my where you live, you must get to know
one indicator for a free and open society a mandate?
where value-for-value principles flourish. Sheriff Lane: I would oppose a man-
agency NOT to enforce your county sheriff. If you don’t even
know who your county sheriff is, then
Business owners are constantly look- date on a COVID-19 vaccination. mask mandates or to serve
it’s time to engage. Contact their office
ing over their shoulder worrying about Question 2: If you do support a man- any business with an en- and find out where they stand and let
the next ministry of truth-guidance datory vaccination for all or any specific
edict that could cancel their business if segment of the American populace, for
forcement action for not your family and neighbors know if you
support your county sheriff and why.
they don’t comply. which Scott County citizens qualify, for following mask mandates
What if I refuse to comply with any reason or under a specified health within their
another lockdown? What if I find people crisis, please share the source for such
like me who choose to trade and operate constitutional and/or administrative
regardless of an unfounded top-down authority (e.g. county, state, federal)
emergency order? What if I choose to to enforce such a mandate, and please
ignore the constant finger-wagging from include under what type of order or
county health officials who can only read directive (e.g. county board policy, state Thank You for Your Support
fear mongering propaganda provided health department declaration, federal
from afar? What if I understand that I agency guideline) would you require A big “Thank You!” to all the readers who have reached out to
am the best arbiter of what is good and in order to enforce any restrictions of us telling us how much they value our questioning the official
healthy for me and my family? citizens’ lawful activities, commerce, COVID narrative to publish under reported research
Last October, prior to the 2020 elec- education or travel in Scott County,
and provide exposure to censored voices.
tion, I wrote: “It’s important to under- Iowa, who do not comply with being
stand that when a government entity vaccinated?
Your words of encouragement and financial support
are greatly appreciated and continue to motivate us.
has gone wild – be it a state legislature, Sheriff Lane: I would not direct
a governor, a federal congress, a state or the Sheriff’s Office to enforce such a We read all letters mailed to us at
federal agency, a court system and its mandate. 532 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa, 52801,
judges, or even a president – the people’s Question 3: Please apply the same and e-mailed to us at
ultimate firewall against unconstitu- specifications from question 2 to a
tional and tyrannical acts is the county requirement that Scott County citizens If you find the Reader you hold in your hand valuable, for what-
sheriff.” must participate in a specific biologi- ever reason, consider reciprocating that value with a one-time,
In that election issue, we published the cal test in order to continue their same monthly, or annual contribution at
answers from two county sheriff can- lawful activities.
didates for 12 detailed questions. You Sheriff Lane: I would oppose manda- Or, equally as valuable, frequent the advertisers inside these
can read all of them at tory biological testing and would not pages and tell them you value their participation in
sheriff2020. Here we re-publish critical direct the Sheriff’s Office to enforce locally owned independent publishing.
questions and Scott County Sheriff Tim biological testing.
Lane’s answers related to the COVID Question 6: Under what circum-
fear-mongering that dominates social stances, if any, would you consider
8 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

Covering August 5, 2021 - September 9, 2021

Your event listing in print and online has been complimentary since 1993!
Send your events to
VISUAL ARTS Anne Kauf - Kara Fedje - Will Van Dyke, exhibits of
Exhibits & Shows paintings by Kauf, textiles by… Quad City Arts Art @ the Classes
Airport, thru Mon Aug 30
Openings & Gallery Events Take Home Workshop: Handmade Shower Pouf, scrub
Scott & Rock Island Counties Deasia Hickman, art exhibit in the 4th Wednesdays Art… yourself clean and save some money with this handmade…
Free Senior Day, seniors age 60 and over receive free admission Metropolitan Community Church of the Quad Cities, thru Bettendorf Public Library, Thu Aug 5
the first Thursday of each month as well as 10 percent off in the John Born: Bridging the Divide and Laura Vincent- Tue Aug 31
Museum Store and Figge Café; for information, call 563-326- Arnold: Internal Landscapes, painting exhibitions; Mon.- Wine & Art: My Art Journal Speaks for Me, join artist
7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 11am-5pm; free;… Quad City Arts Center, Franklin Evans: Franklinsfootpaths, Evans uses the Latoya D Lewis for an amazing Art Journaling evening with, 10am Thu Aug 5 thru Fri Aug 13 Figge’s collection and architecture to create a site-specific complimentary wine; experience turning blank pages
installation made up of painting, collage, sculpture, video, into artistic conversations, as she shares her passion for
Golden Light: Summer of New Beginnings, held in Drawn to Spectacle, a playful exhibition that focuses on personal ephemera, and layers of artists’ tape and other raw creating beautiful pages to house beautiful words; $20’; for
conjunction with the exhibit’s expressions of hope and… Bereskin spectacle and points a spotlight at our culture’s fascination materials in the Gildehaus Gallery; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W.
Gallery & Art Academy, 5:30pm Fri Aug 6 with fairs and circuses; enjoy some rarely seen works of art 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; for information, call 563- Second St., Davenport IA,, 6pm Thu
and then drop in at our Midway where we invite you to share 326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport Aug 5
Art in the Garden, local and regional artists, including jewelers, your memories and participate in hands-on creative activities; IA,, thru Thu Sep 9
woodworkers, fabric artists, and… Quad City Botanical Center, Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; Figure Drawing, on Fridays, with facilitator Lee White;
Sat Aug 7 for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 POP Power from Warhol to Koons: Masterworks from participants learn by practicing their skills and adapting to
W. Second St., Davenport IA,, thru Sun the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family change. These are not instructed classes. Bring your own
I+G Evening Maker’s Market, celebrate Back to School by Aug 15 Foundation, the exhibit provides audiences with a new look supplies. All non-toxic and non-photographic media are
shopping locally from 30+ local… Iron + Grain Coffee House - at the work of Pop Art pioneers such as powerhouses Andy welcome; $15; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art
Davenport, 5pm Sat Aug 14 Tom Uttech: Origin, the exhibit features “Kisibakwad,” Warhol, Claes Oldenburg, and Roy Lichtenstein by presenting Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.
the beloved painting from the Figge collection, alongside a their iconic works alongside those of their present-day org, 5:30pm Fri Aug 6 thru Fri Aug 27
Virtual Family Day - Your Way!, join us for this family-flexible selection of large-scale photographs by the artist from the Neo-Pop counterparts; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-
virtual enrichment experience focusing on artist Franklin Evans; collection of the Museum of Wisconsin Art; Tue.-Sat. 10am- 8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; for information, call 563-326- Happy Little Trees, with instructor Allen Halloway; join
your free online registration grants your family two weeks of 5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; for information, 7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, us for an in-person adventure where we paint picturesque
access to a virtual line-up, which means you can choose your day call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St.,, thru Thu Sep 9 landscapes reminiscent of Bob Ross; learn to make a painting
to play!; for information, call 563-326-7832; Figge Art Museum, 225 Davenport IA,, thru Sun Aug 15 in one sitting using water-based oil paint; all supplies are
W. Second St., Davenport IA,, Sat Aug 14 Youth Hope Cre8Studios Art Show, Youth Hope Middle included; $25; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art
Lesley Dill – Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me, a and High School Cre8Studios student… Moline Public Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.
Virtual Artist Talk: Lesley Dill, join artist Lesley Dill for a virtual uniquely inspired group of sculptures and two-dimensional Library, Mon Aug 16 thru Thu Sep 9 org, 10am Sat Aug 7
talk about her work and art process; free; for information, call works more than a decade in the making; Tue.-Sat. 10am-
563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport 5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; for information, Jim Dine and Lee Friedlander: Work from the Same Virtual Event: Dollar Bill Origami, learn how to make
IA,, 6:30pm Wed Aug 18 call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., House, works by artists who have established long a variety of origami using just… Davenport Public Library -
Davenport IA,, thru Sun Aug 22 distinguished careers in photography and painting; Tue.-Sat. Main Branch, 4pm Mon Aug 9
Flourish: Virtual Fundraiser for Living Proof Exhibit, join 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-8pm, Sun. noon-5pm; $4-10; for
us for an evening of art in celebration of… Gilda’s Club Quad Cities, Golden Light: Summer of New Beginnings, expressions of information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Southwest Craft Take ‘n’ Make, create cute woodland
6pm Thu Aug 19 hope and light by gallery artists Larry… Bereskin Gallery & Art Second St., Davenport IA,, Sat Aug 21 animal treat bags, with treats included; for… Rock Island
Academy, thru Thu Aug 26 thru Thu Sep 9 Public Library - Southwest Branch, Tue Aug 10
I+G Maker’s Market, featuring independent artists and their
handmade goods, live music (sponsored… Iron + Grain Coffee Take and Make Adult Crafts: Donuts, we will have new
House - East Moline, 9am Sat Aug 28 take and make adult crafts available… Davenport Public
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Tue Aug 10
Curator Talk: Andrew Wallace, join Figge Director of
Collections and Exhibitions Andrew Wallace as he discusses Virtual Event: Living Proof Exhibit Creative Session,
the exhibition “Jim Dine & Lee Friedlander: Work from the learn to create a spoon rest using air dry clay with… Gilda’s
Same House”; free; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Club Quad Cities, 6pm Tue Aug 10
Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA,,
6:30pm Thu Sep 2 Landscape Photography on Location, with instructor
Randy Richmond; travel to the Mines of Spain near Dubuque
Free Senior Day, seniors age 60 and over receive free admission to photograph the landscape as part of this three-day
the first Thursday of each month as well as 10 percent off in the workshop; $80-95; for information, call 563-326-7804;
Museum Store and Figge Café; for information, call 563-326- Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA,
7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA,, 6pm Wed Aug 11, Thu Sep 2
Not Your Ordinary Batik Class, with instructor Mary
Teacher Appreciation Open House, the Figge welcomes all Stringer; create a wall hanging. Learn to play with fabric dyes,
educators to the museum for the annual Teacher Appreciation wax resist, stencils, stamps, and embellishments; $40-55; for
Open House; teachers may explore the museum’s education information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W.
resources, and enjoy complimentary refreshments, door prizes, Second St., Davenport IA,, 10am Sat
and activities; free; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Aug 14
Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA,,
3:30pm Thu Sep 9 Life Drawing 3rd Sunday, with instructor Gary
Burlingame; artists from all over the QC… Bereskin Gallery &
Virtual Curator Talk: José Carlos Diaz, join us virtually for a Art Academy, 1pm Sun Aug 15
Curator Talk with José Carlos Diaz about “Pop Power From Warhol
to Koons: Masterworks from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer Take and Make Adult Crafts: Socks, we will have new
and His Family Foundation”; registrants will receive a Zoom link take and make adult crafts available… Davenport Public
two hours before the program starts; free; for information, call Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Tue Aug 17
563-326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport
IA,, 6:30pm Thu Sep 9 Color Your Stress Away, relax, listen to music, and color
Justin Wolfe Smith and Emily Stys in Saturday Night Fever @ your night away; we… Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse, Fri Aug 6 thru Wed Sep 8 Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Aug 18
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 9
Take Home Workshop: Botanical Embroidery, using Old Dominion, Nashville-based country musicians perform Quad City Bank & Trust Riverfront Pops: The Music Little River Band, concert with the multi-platinum-
basic embroidery stitches, make a beautiful small botanical a grandstand concert in the Mississippi… Mississippi Valley of The Rolling Stones – Mick Jagger & Keith Richards selling band behind “Reminiscing,” “The Night Owls,” and
sampler;… Bettendorf Public Library, Thu Aug 19 Fairgrounds, 8pm Fri Aug 6 1969, Quad City Symphony Orchestra musicians perform hits “Lonesome Loser”; $30-60; for tickets and information, call
from the iconic… LeClaire Park Bandshell, 7:30pm Sat Aug 21 563-328-8000; Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077
Virtual Preservation Workshop: Photographic Wave Makers: Orlando Coolridge & Vagabond Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,, 8pm Sat
Images, join us in learning how to practically care for and… Maurice (as Slumpgang777) - EverEvolved - Blaise Susto - She Returns From War - Mel Washington Sep 4
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 2pm Thu Aug 19 B - Aubs. - Sons Of Mars - DK, a night of outdoor music and - Haiva ru - Little Bird, concert with the South Carolina-
art featuring vendors IAMARTGOD, Roan… Rozz-Tox, 5pm based rockers, featuring sets by… Codfish Hollow Barn, 7pm George Thorogood & the Destroyers, concert with the
Tipsy Art, enjoy painting and wine with friends; for Fri Aug 6 Sat Aug 21 band that has sold over 15 million albums and played more
information, call 309-373-5080… Hauberg Civic Center than 8,000 ferocious live shows; for tickets and information,
Mansion, 7pm Fri Aug 20 All Sweat Productions Performs Abbey Road, River Shakey Graves - Tre Burt, concert with the Texas-based call 563-328-8000; Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center,
Music Experience and Rock Island Parks and Recreation blues, folk, country, and rock singer/songwriter,… Codfish 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,,
The Calligraphy Experience, with instructors Amy present local musicians performing… Schwiebert Riverfront Hollow Barn, 7pm Sun Aug 22 8pm Sun Sep 5
Nielsen and Paul Herrera; explore the history and origins of Park, 7pm Sat Aug 7
western letterforms and their evolution into various written Angela Meyer - Logan Springer, concert with the pop and Son Little, concert with the rhythm & blues musician from
languages; then learn the Uncial alphabet and write a quote Cakewalkin’ Jass Band, grave-site concert in the Bix country singers and instrumentalists; $12… Raccoon Motel, Philadelphia; $18… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sun Sep 5
of your choosing; $20-35; for information, call 563-326- Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival… Oakdale Memorial 7pm Thu Aug 26
7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, Gardens, 10am Sat Aug 7 Baby Blues Beach-Style Festival: The Main Street, 10am Sat Aug 21 Bee Gees Gold Tribute, concert with the touring disco Rambles (11am) - The Tim Stop Band (2pm) - The
Fresh Wax: All the Waves w/ Bob Herington, free performers tribute musicians; 6pm buffet,… Circa ’21 Dinner Bamboozlers (4pm), held on Main Street; featuring local
Art Along the River: Videography, with Jeremy Wernli; outdoor concert in which the owner of Ragged Records Playhouse, 7:15pm Thu Aug 26 musicians the Main Street… Downtown Port Byron, 11am
learn camera and YouTube basics to feel… LeClaire Park is stopping by to spin some of his favorites from the 70s & Mon Sep 6
Bandshell, 2pm Sun Aug 22 80s; masks are required to enter the building and use the Live @ Five: Class of ’82, a concert in the annual summer
restrooms… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Sat Aug 7 series sponsored by NerdFest & Massetone… RME Courtyard, Waxahatchee, barn concert with the indie music project
Virtual Felt Cardinal Keychain, join Rachel on the Silvis 5pm Fri Aug 27 formed in 2010 by… Codfish Hollow Barn, 8pm Thu Sep 9
Public Library Facebook page for… Silvis Public Library, 1pm Pitbull, raper/singer/songwriter Armando Christian Pérez
Mon Aug 23 performs a grandstand concert in the… Mississippi Valley Mike & the Moonpies - Buffalo Gospel, concert with

Take and Make Adult Crafts: Dresses, we will have new

Fairgrounds, 8pm Sat Aug 7 the neotraditional country and Americana band based in
Austin,… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri Aug 27 LITERARY ARTS
take and make adult crafts available… Davenport Public Craig Morgan, chart-topping country star performs a
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Tue Aug 24 grandstand concert in the Mississippi… Mississippi Valley Tunes At the Tulip: Freddy Allen & Nervous Neal Virtual Presentation – Opening the Box: Collections
Fairgrounds, 8pm Sun Aug 8 Smith, $5 at the door; for information, call 309-373-5080… about the Historic Mississippi Valley Fair and
Take and Make Adult Crafts: Lady Bugs, we will have Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 6pm Fri Aug 27 Fairgrounds, explore and learn about the curious world
new take and make adult crafts available… Davenport Public Vincent Neil Emerson, concert with the Texas-based of archives and… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch,
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Tue Aug 31 singer/songwriter; $10… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue Aug 10 Doobie Brothers 50th Anniversary Tour, four-time 2:30pm Fri Aug 6
Grammy Award winners and Rock & Roll Hall of… TaxSlayer
Take Home Workshop: Marbled Vase, nail polish turns Figge and RME Present Jazz on the Plaza, guests will be Center, 7:30pm Sat Aug 28 Bright & Morning Star, a discussion of Richard Wright’s
a plain vase into something spectacular; for… Bettendorf able to listen to jazz music from the Edgar Crockett Quartet, short story with the Shorts… Davenport Public Library -
Public Library, Thu Sep 2 partake in jazz-inspired art activities related to jazz music, Northern Parallels 050: All Day/All Night Open Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Aug 9
utilize drawing horses to sketch the band, and partake in food Air, celebration of the 50th Northern Parallels with DJs
Wine & Art: Diamonds are a Skull’s Best Friend, with and beverages for purchase from the Figge Cafe’s Chef Stu; Kinny::Kindig, Mike Derer,… Rozz-Tox, 4pm Sat Aug 28 Virtual Book Club – Shorts & Sweets, discuss a new short
instructor: Gloria Burlingame; join us for an evening of art and bring chairs; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art story every month with a variety… Davenport Public Library -
wine; Damien Hirst’s platinum cast skull is covered with 8,601 Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum. Lolo - Desert Noises - Hembree, concert with singer/ Main Branch, 10am Mon Aug 9
flawless diamonds; create your skull mask version with faux org, 5pm Thu Aug 12 songwriter Lauren Pritchard, featuring opening sets by
jewels and metallic paint; $20; for information, call 563-326- Desert… Codfish Hollow Barn, 7pm Sat Aug 28 The Snow Child, a discussion of Eowyn Ivey’s book with the
7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, Justin Wells, concert with the country-music and roots-rock Get Lit… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Aug 10, 6pm Thu Sep 2 singer/songwriter and special guests;… Raccoon Motel, 7pm KT Tunstall, alternative rocker in concert; $30 adv / $35 day
Thu Aug 12 of… The Redstone Room, 7pm Sun Aug 29 The Water Dancer, a discussion of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ book
Figure Drawing, on Fridays, with facilitator Lee White; with the West End… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
participants learn by practicing their skills and adapting to Tab Benoit, concert with the acclaimed blues guitarist Pinegrove - Miloe - Grumpy, concert with the rock band Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Aug 10
change. These are not instructed classes. Bring your own and B.B. King Entertainer of the Year award; $25-35; for formed in Montclair, New Jersey… Codfish Hollow Barn,
supplies. All non-toxic and non-photographic media are tickets and information, call 844-852-4FUN; Rhythm City 7:30pm Tue Aug 31 The Starless Sea, a discussion of Erin Morganstern’s novel
welcome; $15; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA, with the Between the… Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum., 8:30pm Thu Aug 12 Dwight Yoakam, concert with the multi-platinum-selling, Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Aug 11
org, 5:30pm Fri Sep 3 Grammy Award-winning country musician $49-128; for
Thick Paint - Salsa Chest, concert with the indie musicians; tickets, call 800-745-3000; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., The Tipping Point, a discussion of Malcolm Gladwell’s
Happy Little Trees, with instructor Allen Halloway; join $10; you will need to show… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Thu Aug 12 Davenport IA,, 7:30pm Fri Sep 3 book with the Non-Fiction Book… Rock Island Public Library -
us for an in-person adventure where we paint picturesque Downtown Library, 6pm Thu Aug 12
landscapes reminiscent of Bob Ross; learn to make a painting Live @ Five: The Dawn, a concert in the annual summer Live @ Five: Bobby Ray Bunch, a concert in the annual
in one sitting using water-based oil paint; all supplies are series sponsored by Quad… RME Courtyard, 5pm Fri Aug 13 summer series sponsored by MidAmerican… RME Courtyard, Virtual Event: The Atlas 16 Release Party, a virtual open
included; $25; for information, call 563-326-7804; Figge Art 5pm Fri Sep 3 house where interns from the Young Emerging… Midwest
Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum. Ya Maka My Weekend: Jumbies - Baby J & Golden Writing Center, Thu Aug 12
org, 10am Sat Sep 4 Street Band - Drea & Zion - Iyahbinghi - Universal Marshall Charloff Purple Xperience: A Tribute to
Expression - Indika, Downtown Rock Island and the Prince, the tribute act performs live at Jumer’s Lakeside Sleep No More, a discussion of PD James’ book with the
Take and Make Adult Crafts: Flower Clip, we will have Daiquiri Factory host the return… Downtown Rock Island, Patio; 6:30pm… Jumer’s Casino & Hotel, 7:30pm Fri Sep 3 Book Babes Plus… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
new take and make adult crafts available… Davenport Public 4pm Sat Aug 14 Library, 6:30pm Tue Aug 17
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Tue Sep 7
Big River Brass Band, donations appreciated; for Continued On Page 10
information, call 309-792-3131… LeClaire Park Bandshell, 7pm
Sun Aug 15
Call for Entry
Elizabeth Moen - Wyatt Waddell, concert with the
Call for Entry: Quarantine Art Exhibition, for all artists Iowa-based singer/songwriter, featuring an opening set by
residing within a 250-mile radius of the QCs… Quad City Arts Wyatt… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sun Aug 15
Center, thru Fri Aug 6
The Beach Boys, concert with the legendary surf-rock
performers, Rock And Roll Hall of Famers, and recipients

MUSIC of the Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award; $45-85; for

tickets and information, call 844-852-4FUN; Rhythm City
Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
NOLA Jazz Band, prelude concert to the Bix Beiderbecke,7:30pm Sun Aug 15
Memorial Jazz Festival… Putnam Museum & Science Center,
3pm Thu Aug 5 Ani DiFranco, the iconic singer/songwriter performs the
Barn’s grand re-opening show; $45… Codfish Hollow Barn,
Shinedown, multi-platinum-selling rockers perform a 7pm Thu Aug 19
grandstand concert in the Mississippi Valley… Mississippi
Valley Fairgrounds, 8pm Thu Aug 5 Allie Colleen, concert with the rising Nashville country
singer; $12… The Rust Belt, 8pm Fri Aug 20
2021 Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival, concert
sets held in celebration of late jazz musician; Rhythm City The Music of Boston and Journey w/ Tommy DeCarlo,
Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA, concert with the singer of the legendary rock band Boston, Thu Aug 5 thru Sat Aug 7 since 2007; $29-39; for tickets and information, call 563-328-
8000; Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore
Charley Crockett, concert with the blues, country, and Ave., Davenport IA,, 8pm Fri Aug 20
Americana singer, guitarist, and… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri
Aug 6 Tiffany & the Boy Band Night, the legendary pop star and
the Band Boy Night live… Jumer’s Casino & Hotel, 7:30pm Fri
Live @ Five: Heads in Motion, a concert in the annual Aug 20
summer series sponsored by Downtown… RME Courtyard,
5pm Fri Aug 6 Susan Perrin-Sallak and Kevin Babbitt in Outside Mullingar @
Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, Thu Aug 5 thru Sun Aug 15
10 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

THEATRE The Comedy of Errors, outdoor production of William

LITERARY ARTS Shakespeare’s comedy classic; Thu.-Sun. 7:30pm; free…
Riverside Theatre Festival Stage, 7:30pm Fri Aug 13 thru Sun

Quad City Music Guild's Virtual Book ’Em Mystery Book Club, we will be meeting
Aug 22

Frozen Jr., one-act version of Disney’s Oscar-winning

Matilda: The Musical

on Zoom; books are provided on… Moline Public Library, animated smash, directed by Richard… Ohnward Fine Arts
1pm Tue Aug 17 Center, Sat Aug 14 thru Sun Aug 15

A Wilderness Station and Dimensions, a discussion of Murder in Green Meadows, Douglas Post’s thriller about
Friday, August 6, through Sunday, August 15 @ two short stories by Alice Munro with… Bettendorf Public two married suburban couples, directed by… The Black Box
Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Avenue, Moline, IL Library, 7pm Wed Aug 18 Theatre, Thu Aug 19 thru Sun Aug 29

Pride, Prejudice, & Other Flavors, a discussion of Sonali Ain’t Misbehavin’, Tony-winning tribute to the music of
Dev’s book with the Novel Naptime… Moline Public Library, Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller, directed… Timber Lake Playhouse, Thu
10:30am Wed Aug 18 Aug 19 thru Mon Aug 30

There There, a discussion of Tommy Orange’s novel with Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story, jukebox-musical
the Brown Bag… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue celebration of the 1950s rock-and-roll icon; for tickets and…
Branch, 1pm Wed Aug 25 Timber Lake Playhouse, 7:30pm Thu Sep 9

Virtual Brown Bag Book Club, sign out a copy at the

Eastern Avenue Branch; copies… Davenport Public Library - Auditions & Calls for Entry
Main Branch, 1pm Wed Aug 25
Rising Stars’ Private Lessons/Small Group Lessons/
Virtual Iowa Statehood Book Club – The Sacred Cause Coaching, we are now offering private lessons, small group
of Union: Iowa and the Civil War, a discussion of Thomas lessons, and… Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse, Thu Aug 5 thru
Baker’s book; we will be offering… Davenport Public Library - Thu Sep 9
Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Wed Sep 1
Auditions: You Can’t Take It with You, auditions for the
Virtual Presentation – Opening the Box: Presented Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman comedy… Playcrafters
by the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center, Barn Theatre, Sat Aug 7 and Sun Aug 8
explore and learn about the curious world of archives and…
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 2:30pm Fri Sep 3 Summer Camp: Popcorn Players – Dr. Seuss Mayhem,
thru Aug. 13, for students entering grades K-1; these
Virtual Baking From Books: Beartown, in this series, one sessions… Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, 9am
of our reference librarians will attempt… Davenport Public Mon Aug 9
Library - Main Branch, 8:30am Sat Sep 4
Summer Camp: Character Factory, thru Aug. 20, for
Virtual Alpha Book Club, title TBA; free; for information, students entering grades 5-6; through a… Coralville Center
call 309-732-7323… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown for the Performing Arts, 9am Mon Aug 16
Library, 1:30pm Mon Sep 6
Change of Seasons Celebration, join City Circle Theatre
Virtual Event: The Art of Reading Book Club, an all- Company and Young Footliters Youth Theatre… Coralville
Sara Wegener, Lauren VanSpeybroeck, Wrigley Mancha, online graphic novel book club, with no set meeting… Moline Center for the Performing Arts, 1:30pm Sun Aug 22
Ellerie Hurley, and Micah Roldan in Matilda: The Musical Public Library, Mon Sep 6

inner of five 2013 Tony Awards and director Adam Beck, assistant music director Virtual Pageturners, we will be meeting on Zoom; books
Randin Letendre, choreographer Hillary Erb, are provided on… Moline Public Library, 1pm Tue Sep 7
London’s record-holder for the most
Olivier Awards ever won by a musical, costume designer Peggy Freeman, lighting Under the Banner Of Heaven, a discussion of John Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes, offering
the Broadway smash Matilda: The Musical con- designer Steve Parmley, sound designer Ryan Krakauer’s novel with the Between the… Davenport Public classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Conditioning,
tinues Quad City Music Guild’s summer of live Mandle, prop designer Katy Henderson, pro- Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Sep 8 Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet, for ages 3 to adult;
performances at Moline’s Prospect Park Audito- ducer Anthony Greer, and Kevin Pieper, who all classes taught by the company’s professional dancers;
rium, its August 6 through 15 run treating family
audiences to a delightful entertainment that the
serves as assistant director, stage manager, and
set designer. THEATRE for information and to register, call 309-786-2677… Ballet
Quad Cities School of Dance, 617 17th St., Rock Island IL, Thu Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9
New York Times called “an exhilarating tale of
empowerment” told with “astonishing slyness
The show’s title character is played by area
stage veteran Wrigley Mancha, whose other
Ballet on the Lawn, dance vignettes with Ballet Quad Cities
and grace.” recent performances include the Black Box Newsies: The Musical, Countryside Community Theatre at 1, 3, & 6pm; fun-filled performance featuring old and new
In the show, Matilda is a little girl with Theatre’s I Never Saw Another Butterfly and the presents the Tony-winning musical adapted from the… favorites, and premiering a new piece with live music; find
astonishing wit, intelligence, and psycho- Spotlight Theatre musicals Big, Billy Elliot, and North Scott High School Fine Arts Auditorium, Thu Aug 5 your picnic spot with friends and family and connect through
kinetic powers who is unloved by her cruel even the 2019 production of Matilda. Lauren thru Sun Aug 8 the arts; $15-25, charcuterie picnic box available to order for
$20; for information, call 309-786-3779; Davenport Outing
parents but cherished by her endearing yet shy VanSpeybroeck, who has enjoyed leading roles The Mountaintop, Katori Hall’s fictional depiction of Martin Club, 2109 N. Brady St., Davenport IA,,
teacher Miss Honey. Over the course of her in Music Guild’s Legally Blonde: The Musi- Luther King Jr.’s last night… The Mockingbird on Main, 8pm Sun Aug 22
first term at school, Matilda and Miss Honey cal and the Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse’s The Thu Aug 5 thru Sat Aug 7
have a profound effect on each other’s lives, as Sound of Music, portrays Miss Honey, while The Sampson Bros.: Indigenous Music/Dance Duo,
Miss Honey begins not only to recognize but the evil Miss Trunchbull is played by Sara Virtual Performance – Mary & Ethel: How I Learned performing Native hoop dance to hip-hop, two Minneapolis
also appreciate Matilda’s extraordinary per- Wegener, a recent veteran of the Spotlight to Sing, thru Aug. 8; virtual encore performances of the brothers have… John & Alice Butler Hall - University of
Mississippi Bend… Brunner Theatre Center, Augustana Dubuque Heritage Center, 7:30pm Wed Sep 1
sonality. Matilda’s school life isn’t completely Theatre’s The Wedding Singer, the Black Box College, Thu Aug 5 thru Sun Aug 8
smooth sailing, however – the school’s mean Theatre’s Assassins, and Music Guild’s Dirty
headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, hates children Rotten Scoundrels.
Constellations, Nick Payne’s time-looping love story,
and just loves thinking up new punishments Thirty-one local talents,meanwhile, directed by James Beaudry; Thu.-Sat.… Clinton Area
for those who don’t abide by her rules. But complete the Matilda: The Musical ensemble: Showboat Theatre, Thu Aug 5 thru Sun Aug 15
Matilda has courage and cleverness in equal Melissa Anderson-Clark, Traveyon Bland, Comedy Open Mic Night, if you’ve got something funny to
Outside Mullingar, John Patrick Shanley’s Tony-nominated say, say it here;… Village Theatre, 8pm Thu Aug 5
amounts, and could prove to be her fellow Miguel Cornelius, Madison Crumbleholme, romantic comedy, directed by Jennifer Kingry;… Richmond
pupils’ saving grace. Grace Engstrom, Ava Ethridge, Colin Hill Barn Theatre, Thu Aug 5 thru Sun Aug 15 SUYP Comedy Presents: Truth or Dare!, performers
Inspired by the iconic children’s book Hepner, Elise Hiatt, Tony Hiatt, Samantha must admit to humiliating truths, perform outrageous dares,
by Roald Dahl, the author of Charlie & the Hofstetter, Ellerie Hurley, Braeson Jackson, The Robber Bridegroom, Alfred Uhry’s Tony-winning and… Village Theatre, 8pm Sat Aug 7
Chocolate Factory and James & the Giant Helena Jackson, Alex King, Ali Knollenberg, bluegrass musical, directed by Dan Danielowski; Tue.-Sat.…
Peach, the Tony-winning Matilda: The Musi- Michelle Lefler, Harper Moran, Kate Moran, Timber Lake Playhouse, Thu Aug 5 thru Sun Aug 15 Zach Martina, standup comedian performs in the
Tomfoolery on Tremont series; for… Renwick Mansion, 8pm
cal is a captivating modern masterpiece that Alex Pappas, Christian Raya, Kallie Reische, Matilda: The Musical, Tony-winning musical based on Sun Aug 22
revels in the anarchy of childhood, the power Antoine Richmond, Micah Roldan, Michael Roald Dahl’s children’s-book classic, directed by Heather
of imagination, and the inspiring story of a Schmidt, Audrey Seneli, Hailie Shemek, Celine Beck; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $11-16; for tickets and Austin Black, standup comedian performs in the
girl who dreams of a better life. As stated in Suarez, Dorothy Turner, Keegan Walker, Sam information, call 309-762-6610; Quad City Music Guild Tomfoolery on Tremont series; for… Renwick Mansion, 8pm
the Hollywood Reporter, “This funhouse fairy Whan, and Amber Whitaker. - Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Ave., Moline IL, Sun Aug 29
tale is by turns riotous and poignant, grotesque Quad City Music Guild’s Matilda: The, Fri Aug 6 thru Sun Aug 15
and menacing, its campy comic exaggeration Musical runs at the Prospect Park Auditorium
Saturday Night Fever, musical adaptation of the Oscar-
equaled only by its transporting emotional August 6 through 15, with performances nominated disco sensation starring John Travolta;… Circa ’21
power.” Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Dinner Playhouse, Fri Aug 6 thru Wed Sep 8
Directing Matilda: The Musical for Quad Sundays at 2 p.m.. Admission is $11-16, and Who? What? Wear? German Costume and Culture,
City Music Guild is Heather Beck, whose more information and tickets are available by Dear Edwina, a Magic Owl Children’s Theatre production of this exhibition will address the history, culture,… German
previous productions for the company have calling (309)762-6610 and visiting the family musical by… Timber Lake Playhouse, 2pm Tue Aug American Heritage Center, thru Sun Aug 22
included 2017’s The Little Mermaid and 2015’s 10 thru Sat Aug 14
Urinetown. Her creative team includes music
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 11
Faces of the Past, an original Putnam exhibit that explores
portraiture around… Putnam Museum & Science Center, thru
Historic Mansion & Carriage House Tours, on Fridays;
explore the history of the Hauberg Estate; $10… Hauberg VISUAL ARTS
Tue Aug 31 Civic Center Mansion, 1pm Fri Aug 6 thru Fri Aug 27

Play: The Story of Toys, in this exhibit for all ages, you’ll…
Putnam Museum & Science Center, thru Tue Aug 31
Food Truck Weekends, on Fridays and Saturdays; enjoy
additional food options provided by your… Jumer’s Casino &
Golden Light: Summer of New
Hotel, 4pm Fri Aug 6 thru Sat Aug 28
The Colors of Culture, an original Putnam exhibit in the
Putnam’s new World Culture… Putnam Museum & Science Davenport Freight House Farmers’ Market, discover

Exhibit: Through Thursday, August 26

Center, thru Tue Aug 31 a treasure trove of hand-crafted goods; Sun. 10am-2pm,
Wed.4-8pm,… Freight House Farmer’s Market, Sat Aug 7
Jugendstil: Art for All, at the turn of the 20th century,…
German American Heritage Center, thru Thu Sep 9
thru Sun Aug 29
Opening Reception: Friday, August 6, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Butterworth Center/Deere-Wiman House Sunday Beréskin Gallery & Art Academy,
OMg! Elements of Surprise, in this fascinating, interactive
exhibit, you’ll explore how these elements shape… Putnam
Tours, on Sundays; for information, call 309-743-2700…
Butterworth Center, Sun Aug 8 thru Sun Aug 29 2967 State Street, Bettendorf, IA
Museum & Science Center, thru Thu Sep 9
Library 2GO: Weekly Curbside, on Mondays; we are fully
Historic Summer Walking Tours, on Saturdays; learn open for entry and browsing,… Rock Island Public Library -
about where German immigrants worked, lived, and… Downtown Library, Mon Aug 9 thru Mon Aug 23
German American Heritage Center, 10am Sat Aug 7 thru Sat
Aug 21 Butterworth Center/Deere-Wiman House Guided
Outdoor Tours, on Mondays; for information, call 309-743-
A Virtual Conversation with Russell Curry of Curious 2700… Butterworth Center, 2:30pm Mon Aug 9 thru Mon
Music, Curry is the founder of Coralville based music label Aug 30
Curious… German American Heritage Center, 2pm Sun Aug
15 ESL Conversation Circles, practice conversations in
English; free; for information, call 309-524-2470… Moline
Public Library, 1pm Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Aug 24

MOVIES 2021 Tug Fest, annual carnival event featuring a tug-of-war

over… LeClaire and Port Byron Levees, Thu Aug 12 thru Sat
Into America’s Wild, the film follows three self-proclaimed Aug 14
“adventurers” on… Putnam Museum & Science Center, thru
Thu Sep 9 Hauberg Estate Garden Crew, on Thursdays; seeking
enthusiastic volunteers who are willing to get their hands
Transit, an outdoor screening of the Christian Petzold film; dirty;… Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, Thu Aug 12 thru Thu
presented as part of… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Fri Aug 13 Aug 26

At the Movies!, hosted by the Rock Island Library, meet QC Hot Air Balloon Festival, attendees can expect to view
us before the movie for… Alan Campbell Sports Complex, the… Rhythm City Casino Resort, 4pm Fri Aug 13 and Sat
7:30pm Sat Aug 14 Aug 14

Raya & the Last Dragon, a screening of the animated hit in Black Hawk Hiking Club Hike, to End of Summer
the Movies in… Longview Park, 8pm Sat Aug 14 Overnight, Pinicon Ridge Park, Central City, IA;… 2:30pm Fri
Aug 13 Larry Jon Davis, Lilies and Lotus at Lock 13
Divide Light, the film by award-winning Filmmaker Ed

Robbins portrays the original opera created by Artist Lesley OWL Event: Freight House Farmer’s Market, with
Dill and composer Richard Marriott and contemporizes the freebies, swag, and information about all the great he longer summer days and the color provides a stunning breadth of range within
works of poet Emily Dickinson; free; for information, call 563- happenings… Freight House Farmer’s Market, 7:30am Sat of light in the evening has not gone the four edges of the canvas.
326-7804; Figge Art Museum, 225 W. Second St., Davenport Aug 14 thru Sat Aug 28 unnoticed by the artists at the Beréskin Brad Bisbey, meanwhile, has 20 new works
IA,, 6:30pm Thu Aug 19
#Iowa175 Celebration, it’s the 175th Anniversary of Iowa Gallery & Art Academy, and through August based on his New Orleans figure-painting
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, an outdoor screening of the Rainer Statehood and the Main… Davenport Public Library - Main 26, works by some of the Bettendorf venue’s group. During the pandemic, several art
Werner Fassbinder film; presented as part… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Branch, 4:30pm Thu Aug 19 45 artisans will be on display in the exhibi- groups took to meeting online as a way
Fri Sep 3 tion Golden Light: Summer of New Begin- to continue working in safety. This also
2021 Alternating Currents Festival, the festival will
showcase 100+ performances, film screenings… Downtown nings, personal expressions of hope and light provided a new opportunity to paint models
inspired by the summer rays and the hope who streamed video from their own homes.
SPORTS Davenport, Thu Aug 19 thru Sun Aug 22
of better days for our community and world. “For me,” said Bisbey, “this created deeper
Davenport Public Library’s OWLT & About: Fejervary Discussing one of the works by one of connections with the models. These paint-
Quad Cities River Bandits vs. the Beloit Snappers, Fun Day, enjoy a take-and-make craft, get a library card,
minor-league baseball game; for information and tickets, check out… Fejervary Learning Center, noon Sat Aug 21
Golden Light’s artists, Larry Jon Davis’ Lilies ings are the result of our separation due to
call 563-324-3000; Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S. Gaines St., & Lotus at Lock 13, said gallery owner Pat the pandemic that ironically allowed an
Davenport IA. Tue Aug 10 thru Sun Floatzilla 2021, take part in the largest paddle on the Beréskin, “changed the course of my day. I intimate look at people in a genuine setting.
Aug 15 Mississippi; experience… Sunset Park, 7am Sat Aug 21 had a day where I was trying to do too much These are telling snapshots into other’s
Quad Cities River Bandits vs. the Wisconsin Timber Night Sky Viewing, in the zoo parking lot; Venus and
– a bit stressed you could say. I opened my lives.”
Rattlers, minor-league baseball game; for information and Mercury will be low… Niabi Zoo, 8pm Sat Aug 21 e-mail to a note from Larry telling me what For years, Bisbey has painted in acrylic
tickets, call 563-324-3000; Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S. he was working on. The image stopped me because of an allergy to traditional oil paint
Gaines St., Davenport IA. Tue Aug 24 Wrestling with God Retreat, a day of retreat with Fr. Bob dead in my tracks and gave me such a sense and thinners. Switching to water-based oil
thru Sun Aug 29 Miller and Dr.… St. Alphonsus Parish, 8am Tue Aug 24 of peace and calm. I took a deep breath and after a 25-year hiatus, however, has allowed
2nd Annual Ridgecrest Foundation Golf Outing, $200/ Dog Park Day, join your library in the Eleanor Wallace Dog let the image wash over me. It was a total him to add another element to these master-
team for a 4-person preferred ball tournament; cost includes: Park for National… Hasselroth Park, 8:30am Thu Aug 26 restart to my day. Art does that. It has the ful works. As Beréskin said, “This series
9… Sunrise Golf Course, 9am Sat Aug 28 ability to take us away to a different place – a shows a breakthrough in his paintings.
Tune Up for Taming, training session open to September different mood.” There is a different emotion and range of
Quad Cities River Bandits vs. the Peoria Chiefs, 12 Taming of the Slough… Bass Street YMCA & Sylvan
minor-league baseball game; for information and tickets, Boathouse, 5:30pm Thu Aug 26 Debora Stewart recently exhibited at color that Brad’s brush expresses. This is a
call 563-324-3000; Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S. Gaines St., Zhou B gallery Chicago in the International new depth that I have not seen from his work
Davenport IA. 6:30pm Tue Sep 7 thru Virtual Event – Final Friday Trivia, you can participate Association of Pastel Society Master Circle before.”
Thu Sep 9 by yourself, with your family at home,… Bettendorf Public exhibition. Typically, Stewart works in Additional artisans whose works are
Library, 7pm Fri Aug 27
abstraction and pastel, and her latest work featured in Golden Light: Summer of New
Red Blooms received high acclaim in its Beginnings include venue favorites Pat
OTHER EVENTS CASI’s 39th St. Patrick’s Day Race and 5K, sign up for
the Tot Trot, 1-Mile Family Fun Run,… CASI (Center for Active recent debut. Stewart is a seasoned artist, Halverson, Dean Kuegler, Steve Sinner, Troy
Seniors), 9am Sat Aug 28 teacher, and has presented workshops all Swangstu, and Pat Beréskin herself, and an
2021 Mississippi Valley Fair, the return of the annual
outdoor fair… Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, Thu Aug 5 thru Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill 9th Annual
over the world, with one of her seminars opening reception for the exhibit will take
Sun Aug 8 Shamrockin’ Paddy O’Pardy, an August St. Patrick’s Day being presented at the Beréskin Gallery this place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on August 6. The
bash featuring performances by Dave &… Kavanaugh’s coming spring. exhibition itself will be on display through
Grill & Chill at Whiskey Stop, on Thursdays; we provide Hilltop Bar & Grill, 10am Sat Aug 28 Hans Olson is from Fairfield, Iowa, and August 26, with regular gallery hours
the grill and sides (Salad, Baked… Whiskey Stop, 5pm Thu
Aug 5 thru Thu Aug 26 Vettes on the River, an all-Corvette car show; proceeds
lives up to his reputation of capturing the Tuesdays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to
from this annual event are… LeClaire Levee, Sat Aug 28 true nature of the Midwest in oil. His latest 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4
Virtual Event: Book Lovers Bingo, see how many spots work in the gallery typifies the rolling hills p.m. The venue is also open by appointment,
you can fill… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Thu Black Hawk Hiking Club Hike, to Valley of Eden Bird and ever changing texture and light within and more information is available by calling
Aug 5 thru Tue Aug 31 Sanctuary, Stockton, IL, and Apple River… 10:30am Sat Aug a landscape. Rose Moore, a local favorite, (563)508-4630 and visiting
finds a full range of color and light in her
Continued On Page 10 most recent work The Maples, a piece that
12 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •


Webinar: Our Chemical Environment: Racial
Disparities in Phthalate Exposure, this webinar
Flea Market, with antiques, jewelry, collectibles, and describes how higher exposure early in life may… University
more; $3 admission; for information,… Mississippi Valley of Illinois Extension - Milan, noon Wed Aug 11
Fairgrounds, 8am Sun Aug 29
Webinar: End of Summer Planted Fall Vegetables,
Davenport Freight House Farmers’ Market, discover with horticulture educator Bruce J. Black; foster the love of…
a treasure trove of hand-crafted goods; Sun. 10am-2pm, University of Illinois Extension - Milan, 1:30pm Tue Aug 17
Wed.4-8pm,… Freight House Farmer’s Market, Wed Sep 1
thru Wed Sep 8 Webinar – Storing your Summer Harvest, after a
bountiful summer harvest, you will want to ensure…
Virtual Event: Outside Activity Bingo, either pick up a University of Illinois Extension - Milan, noon Wed Aug 18
Bingo card in… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Wed
Sep 1 thru Thu Sep 9 Webinar: Science of Stem Cells: Fact versus Fictions,
we’ll uncover popular myths surrounding stem cell research
22nd Annual Senior Citizen Golf Cart Tours, guided and its… University of Illinois Extension - Milan, noon Wed
golf-cart tours of riverfront trails… River Action, Thu Sep 2 Aug 18
and Fri Sep 3
Rules of the Road Class, Nancy Johnson, associated with
Grill & Chill at Whiskey Stop, on Thursdays; we provide AARP and the Office of the… Moline Public Library, 1:30pm
the grill and sides (Salad, Baked… Whiskey Stop, 5pm Thu Thu Aug 19
Sep 2 thru Thu Sep 9
Webinar – Understanding the Impact of Adverse
NES @ Night, on Thursdays; party like it’s 1989; pop in and Childhood Experiences (ACEs), recent research has
post… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, revealed that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can…
6pm Thu Sep 2 thru Thu Sep 9 University of Illinois Extension - Milan, 2pm Thu Aug 19

Tune Up for Taming, training session open to September Will Van Dykes, Ode to a Chicago Water Tower Webinar: How Bias and Racism Impact Health Systems
12 Taming of the Slough… Bass Street YMCA & Sylvan @ Quad City Arts International Airport Gallery through August 30. and the Patient Experience, patient care is shaped by
Boathouse, 5:30pm Thu Sep 2 thru Thu Sep 9 adverse influences that may result… University of Illinois
Extension - Milan, noon Wed Aug 25

Historic Mansion & Carriage House Tours, on Fridays; Virtual Presentation – Exploring Intersections:
explore the history of the Hauberg Estate; $10,… Hauberg Eliminating Gun Violence, a live-streamed conversation Webinar – Keys for Embracing Aging: Safety, practicing
Civic Center Mansion, 1pm Fri Sep 3 series in the “Catholic Sisters on Racism,… Humility of Mary home, transportation, health, recreation, and emergency
Beiderbecke and Bellson, a Channel Cat Talk with Josh Center, 3pm Wed Aug 11 safety is important… University of Illinois Extension - Milan,
2021 Xtream Rock Island Grand Prix, the return of the Duffee of the Bix… Riverbend Commons Dock, 9am Thu 10am Thu Sep 2
largest go-karting… Downtown Rock Island, Sat Sep 4 and Aug 5 Virtual Remembering World War I History Series:
Sun Sep 5 Pershing’s Army, take another look at World War I military Main Menu: Genealogy, a Beginner’s Workshop, on
Patriots of the Prairie: John Brown Strides Down history, and learn… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Thursdays; classes will be led by experienced genealogist
Hauberg Estate Garden Crew, seeking enthusiastic Brady Street, a Riverine Walk; historian Karen Anderson Library, 6pm Wed Aug 11 Anne… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 1pm Thu
volunteers who are willing to get their hands dirty;… explains how abolitionists of… River Action, 9am Sat Aug 7 Sep 2 thru Thu Sep 9
Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, Thu Sep 9 Virtual WWI Lecture Series: Pershing’s First Army, join
River Landscape Mosaic, a Channel Cat Talk with Dr. Kevin Braafladt, the Army Sustainment Command Deputy Citizenship Test Preparation Course, this free eight-
Reuben Heine and Dr.… Riverbend Commons Dock, 9am Tue Historian at… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6pm week course series meets every Thursday until October…
Aug 10 and Thu Aug 12 Wed Aug 11 Moline Public Library, 10am Thu Sep 9

Renewing Moline: Redeveloping the Riverfront, a Webinar – Healthy Behaviors for a Healthy Immune
Riverine Walk; Alex Elias of Renew Moline offers an… River System, we want to do all we can to protect ourselves…
Action, Wed Aug 11 and Sat Aug 14 University of Illinois Extension - Milan, 10am Thu Sep 9

Virtual Presentation – Haunted History? The Darker Webinar – Keys for Embracing Aging: Know Your
Side of Davenport: Mayhem, Mysteries and Ghost Tales, Numbers, certain health numbers can save and extend your
German American Heritage Center Director, Kelly Lao will life; these… University of Illinois Extension - Milan, 10am Thu
guide us… Moline Public Library, noon Fri Aug 13 Sep 9

Virtual Presentation: Improve Your Resume with

Practical Strategies, in this workshop, you’ll get four
strategies to improve your… Davenport Public Library - Main MEETINGS
Branch, 6:30pm Mon Aug 16
Scott County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting,
How to Pay for College: Understanding the Financial on Tuesdays; activities may include voting on actions and
Aid Process presented by ICAN, presented by Lupe conducting public hearings;… Scott County Administrative
Hernandez, a Student Success Advisor with the Iowa Center, 5pm Thu Aug 5 thru Thu Aug 19
College… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch,
6pm Tue Aug 17 Goose Hollow Prayer Garden Open for Outdoor
Prayer, at 1006 Western Ave., Davenport; for information,
Quad City’s “First Residents”, a Channel Cat Talk with e-mail or… Goose Hollow, Thu
Christina Kastell, Curator at the… Riverbend Commons Dock, Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9
9am Tue Aug 17 and Thu Aug 19

NOW THRU Confluence, a Riverine Walk; Augustana College’s Dr. Norm

Quad Cities Social Action Committee, for information,
e-mail; help protest unfair

Moline discusses how… River Action, Wed Aug 18 thru Sat treatment of the elderly… Sippi’s Fine Food and Cocktails,
Aug 21 12:30pm Fri Aug 6

Virtual Presentation: The Lafayette Escadrille, Rock Island City Council Meeting, Public Comment is
Escape the summer heat and pop into a program in the 3rd Thursday at Hoover’s Presidential held at the beginning of City Council… Rock Island City Hall,
the Figge for our newest, “coolest” Library… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6pm Thu 6:45pm Mon Aug 9 thru Mon Aug 23
Aug 19
major exhibition featuring over 100 North Scott School District Board Meeting, held on the
Anticipating the Flood, a Channel Cat Talk; Jessica Brooks 2nd & 4th Monday of the month;… North Scott Community
artworks from Pop Art’s greatest artists, of the National Oceanic… Riverbend Commons Dock, 9am School District, 6:30pm Mon Aug 9 thru Sun Aug 22
including Keith Haring, Jeff Koons, Roy Tue Aug 24 and Thu Aug 26
Davenport School District Regular Meeting, held on
Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, and more. Stubb’s Eddy and Village of East Davenport, a Riverine the second and fourth Monday of the month;… Davenport
It’s sure to pack a punch! Walk; historian Karen Anderson explains why Stubb’s Eddy… Community School District, 6pm Mon Aug 9 thru Mon Aug
River Action, Wed Aug 25 and Sat Aug 28 23

Legacy of Campbell’s Island, a Riverine Walk; Susan Riverdale City Council Meeting, held on the 2nd and 4th
McPeters, D.A.R., provides early stories about… River Action, Tuesday of the month;… Riverdale City Hall, 7pm Tue Aug 10
BUY ADVANCED TICKETS ONLINE Wed Sep 1 and Sat Sep 4 thru Tue Aug 24 / 563.326.7804
Virtual Presentation – Exploring Intersections: Rock Island-Milan Board of Education Meeting, held in
Economic Justice, a live-streamed conversation series in the school library on the 2nd & 4th… Rock Island High School,
the “Catholic Sisters on Racism,… Humility of Mary Center, 6pm Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Aug 24
Genesis Health System | Sears Seating | Xenotronics Company
3pm Wed Sep 8
Media Sponsor: Quad-City Times
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 13
Moline City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting / Bettendorf City Council Meeting, recorded meetings can Coal Valley City Hall Meeting, held on the first and third East Moline City Council Regular Meeting /
Regular Meeting, meets in Council Chambers; the formal City be seen at or City’s Cable… Bettendorf City Wednesdays of each month;… Coal Valley Village Hall, 6pm Committee of the Whole Meeting, meets on the 1st and
Council meeting is… Moline City Hall, 6pm Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Hall, 7pm Tue Aug 17 Wed Sep 1 3rd Monday of every month;… East Moline Council Chambers
Aug 31 at City Hall, 6:30pm Mon Sep 6
Rock Island County Board Regular Meeting, all Davenport City Council Committee of the Whole
Rock Island Committee of the Whole Meeting, held on the meetings are open to the public, but may be… Rock Island Meeting, the Davenport City Council meets on the first and Bettendorf City Council Meeting, recorded meetings can
2nd Wednesday of the month (subject to… Rock Island County County Office Building, 5:30pm Tue Aug 17 third… Davenport City Hall, 5:30pm Wed Sep 1 be seen at or City’s Cable… Bettendorf City
Office Building, 5:30pm Wed Aug 11 Hall, 7pm Tue Sep 7
Rock Island Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting, Goose Hollow Prayer Garden Open for Outdoor
Davenport City Council Meeting, the Davenport City Council with time for public comment provided at the beginning Prayer, at 1006 Western Ave., Davenport; for information, Silvis City Council Meeting, held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday
meets on the first and third… Davenport City Hall, 5:30pm Wed of… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 5pm Tue e-mail or… Goose Hollow, Wed of each month;… Silvis City Hall, 6:30pm Tue Sep 7
Aug 11 thru Wed Aug 25 Aug 17 Sep 1 thru Thu Sep 9
Davenport School District Committee of the Whole
Bettendorf Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting, free; Silvis City Council Meeting, held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday Scott County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, Meeting, meets on the first Monday of the month (excepting
for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, of each month;… Silvis City Hall, 6:30pm Tue Aug 17 activities may include voting on actions and conducting national… Davenport Community School District, 5:30pm
5pm Thu Aug 12 public hearings;… Scott County Administrative Center, 5pm Tue Sep 7
Scott County Board of Supervisors Committee of the Thu Sep 2
Moline Public Library Board Meeting, agendas are available Whole Meeting, the board will review legislative actions, Davenport City Council Meeting, the Davenport City
prior to the meetings; minutes are available… Moline Public administrative items, and contracts; for… Scott County Quad Cities Social Action Committee, for information, Council meets on the first and third… Davenport City Hall,
Library, noon Thu Aug 12 Administrative Center, 8pm Tue Aug 17 thru Tue Aug 31 e-mail; help protest unfair 5:30pm Wed Sep 8
treatment of the elderly… Sippi’s Fine Food and Cocktails,
Bettendorf City Council Committee of the Whole Coal Valley City Council Meeting, held on the first and 12:30pm Fri Sep 3 Rock Island Committee of the Whole Meeting, held on
Meeting, recorded meetings can be seen at or third Wednesdays of each month;… Coal Valley Village Hall, the 2nd Wednesday of the month (subject to… Rock Island
City’s Cable… Bettendorf City Hall, 5pm Mon Aug 16 6pm Wed Aug 18 Bettendorf City Council Committee of the Whole County Office Building, 5:30pm Wed Sep 8
Meeting, recorded meetings can be seen at
East Moline City Council Regular Meeting / Committee of Davenport City Council Committee of the Whole or City’s Cable… Bettendorf City Hall, 5pm Mon Sep 6
the Whole Meeting, meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every Meeting, the Davenport City Council meets on the first and
month;… East Moline Council Chambers at City Hall, 6:30pm Mon third… Davenport City Hall, 5:30pm Wed Aug 18 Continued On Page 16
Aug 16
Silvis School District Board Meeting, held on the 3rd
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges Board of Trustees Thursday of the month in the Office… Northeast Junior High
Regular Meeting, held on the third Monday of the month (May’s School, 6pm Wed Aug 18
meeting… Scott Community Urban Center, 7pm Mon Aug 16
14 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •


POP Power from Warhol to Koons: Franklin Evans: Franklinsfootpaths

Masterworks from the Collections of Jordan D. Through Sunday, September 26 @ Figge Art Museum
Schnitzer & His Family Foundation

he talents of a gifted painter practice to “de-heroize” the artistic
Through Sunday, September 19 @ Figge Art Museum with two masters degrees from process and the artistic genius. Evans,
the University of Iowa are being who was trained as a painter even
showcased in a current exhibition at the though he considers himself a material-
Figge Art Museum, with the Davenport ist above all, uses paint to create hyper-
venue, through September 26, housing realistic, illusionistic effects of layering
Franklin Evans: Franklinsfootpaths, an and wear in these works. He thinks of
installation that explores elements of his work as “the not-quite-finished, the
Evans’ personal history in Iowa while in-transition, the nearly-emerging, the
also encouraging new ways of experi- slowly-evolving, the near-end, and the
encing the Quad Cities museum. move-towards-erasure.”
Evans creates immersive environ- Born in Reno, Nevada, Evans has
ments that ref lect his experience of lived and worked in New York City since
blurred boundaries. His work mixes the 1993, and has a BA degree from Stanford
personal and the historical, the chrono- University, an MA and an MFA in Paint-
logical and the non-linear, the intuitive ing from the University of Iowa, and an
and the analytic, and the hand-made MBA from Columbia University. He is
and the reproduction. For Franklins- also represented by New York’s Miles
footpaths, Evans uses both the Figge’s McEnery Gallery, Boston’s Steven Zevi-
collection and the building’s architec- tas Gallery, and the FL Gallery in Milan,
ture to create a site-specific installation Italy, and Evans’ work has been featured
made up of painting, collage, sculpture, and reviewed in the New York Times, the
video, personal ephemera, and layers of Boston Globe, Art in America, New York
artists’ tape and other raw materials in Magazine, Artforum, The New Yorker,
the Gildehaus Gallery. and many other publications.
As the artist has stated, Franklin The exhibit is on display through
Evans wants viewers to walk all over his September 26, and regular museum
Takashi Murakami, Homage to Francis Bacon (Isabel Rawsthorne), 2004, f loor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall instal- hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays
Lithograph, edition 26-300, Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer. lations. These immersive works are through Saturdays (10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on

obliquely autobiographical, constructed Thursdays) and noon to 5 p.m. on Sun-
ne of the most expansive exhibitions Together, the two collections represent the days. Museum admission is $4-10, and
from amassed art supplies and materi-
in the Davenport venue’s recent his- nation’s largest private collection of Pop and
als found in his studio space, including more information on Franklin Evans:
tory, with the works on display num- Neo-Pop prints and multiples. The exhibition
bering well over 100, POP Power from Warhol features many recent and important acquisi- artists’ tape, bubble wrap, old newsprint, Franklinsfootpaths is available by call-
to Koons: Masterworks from the Collections of tions by collector Jordan D. Schnitzer includ- unstretched canvas, and press releases ing (563)326-7804 and visiting
Jordan D. Schnitzer & His Family Foundation ing significant works by Koons, Murakami, from gallery exhibitions. According to
enjoys an engagement at the Figge Art Museum and others, and was curated by the late the artist, the purpose of his conceptual
through September 19, treating patrons to Patrick Shaw Cable, PhD, Deputy Director of
explosions of color, unforgettable imagery, and Exhibitions and Education of the Taubman
specific artistic visions that have continued to Museum of Art in Roanoke, Virginia.
capture the public imagination for more than “The Pop artists whose works are on display
50 years. are iconic – women and men whose art has
POP Power from Warhol to Koons pro- been revered and admired across the globe,”
vides audiences with a new look at the work said Michelle Hargrave, executive director
of Pop Art pioneers such as powerhouses and CEO of the Figge. “We are so thrilled to
Andy Warhol, Claes Oldenburg, and Roy offer the Quad Cities an opportunity to see
Lichtenstein by presenting their iconic works art that will provoke conversations, no matter
alongside those of their present-day Neo-Pop one’s age. This is an exhibition we are sure will
counterparts. The exhibition features over 114 be adored by art enthusiasts and those visiting
engaging and powerful works created since the Figge for the first time. It is, frankly, a cool
the birth of Pop over a half-century ago, and and wildly exciting exhibition to welcome
includes works by noted celebrity Neo-Pop our community indoors at the Figge this
artists such as Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, and summer.”
Takashi Murakami. Demonstrating its broad The exhibit will be on display through
contemporary appeal in this latest crop of Pop September 19, with regular museum hours 10
practitioners, the Pop aesthetic is as popular a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays through Saturdays
today as it was in the 1960s, and taken overall, (10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursdays) and noon to 5
Pop Power underscores the draw Pop has on p.m. on Sundays. Museum admission is $4-10,
the contemporary imagination. and more information on POP Power from
This cross-historical survey of Pop and Warhol to Koons: Masterworks from the Col-
Neo-Pop art presented in POP Power from lections of Jordan D. Schnitzer & His Family
Warhol to Koons was made possible through Foundation is available by calling (563)326-
a collaboration with Jordan D. Schnitzer and 7804 and visiting
the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation.
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 15
self. I am compelled to explore this period are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays through
VISUAL ARTS in America’s history when limited access Saturdays (10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursdays)

Lesley Dill – Wilderness:

to a diversity of written word ignited the and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Museum
bravery of these figures in response to admission is $4-10, with more informa-

Light Sizzles Around Me

their times.” tion available by calling (563)326-7804 and
Lesley Dill – Wilderness: Light Sizzles visiting
Around Me will be on display through
Through Sunday, August 22 @ Figge Art Museum August 22, and regular museum hours

orks by one of the most gifted Lifetime Achievement in Print-
and prolific artists of the 21st making Award in 2013, and the
century are currently on display Falk Visiting Artist Residency
at the Figge Art Museum, with the Dav- at the University of North Caro-
enport venue, through August 22, hous- lina at Greensboro in 2014–15.
ing Lesley Dill – Wilderness: Light Sizzles Dill was named a Fellow of
Around Me, a showcase for the talent whose the John Simon Guggenheim
wide variety of media including sculpture, Memorial Foundation in 2017,
print, performance art, and music explores and two years later, she received
the power of language and the mystical both the Smith College Museum
nature of the psyche. of Art Centennial award and
Dill received a Bachelor of Arts in Eng- the Emily Dickinson Museum’s
lish in 1972 from Trinity College and went Tell It Slant Award.
on to receive a Master of Arts in Teach- Wilderness, Light Sizzles
ing from Smith College in 1974. After a Around Me features a uniquely
period of teaching in public and private inspired group of sculptures
schools, Dill received a Master of Fine Arts and two-dimensional works
from the Maryland Institute College of more than a decade in the
Art in 1980, although it wasn’t until her making, with the installa-
late twenties that Dill began to consider tion including many works
a career as an artist. Before pursuing a made expressly for the Figge’s
career in art, Dill’s exposure to art was presentation. The exhibi-
mostly limited to the crafts practiced tion represents Dill’s ongoing
by various family members, including investigation into the sig-
ceramics, linocut printing, rug making, nificant voices and personas
and weaving, and as a result, some craft of America’s past. For Dill, the
practices can be found in her art. “American” voice grew from early Ameri- View of Lesley Dill's installation on Anne Hutchinson (1581-1643) @ Figge through August 22
Over the course of her career, Dill has ca’s obsessions with divinity and deviltry,
been the recipient of awards and grants on fears of the wilderness “out there” and A puritan wife and mother of 15 children, Anne Hutchinson was charismatic and
outspoken about her personal religious experience. Her spoken words were
from such institutions as the Joan Mitchell wilderness inside us. The extremes of both transcribed from her trial and are among the earliest recorded in America. Early on,
Foundation, New York Foundation for the shaped history and gave pulse and heat to Anne Hutchinson had a Vision and experienced Grace. From there, she began teaching
Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, the words of activists such as John Brown, in her home. Her personal belief in grace and faith was a repudiation of the established
and the Rockefeller Foundation. She was Sojourner Truth, Mother Ann Lee, and ministers' teachings. For this effrontery, she was taken to trial and scorned and
also the recipient of the Anonymous Was a Dred Scott. Dill has written: “These per- banished. One of her opponents stated during the trial: "She had rather bine a
Husbande than a Wife, and a Preacher than a Hearer." She was famously branded as
Woman Award in 2008, a Center for Book sonas and their times stir something deep "this American Jezebel." I honor her for having the courage to be such
Arts Honoree in 2010, a SGC International in my own family history and sense of an outlier and for continually affirming her view of faith.
- Lesley Dill
16 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

4th Annual Body, Mind, & Spirit Expo, a growing Euchre, on Thursdays & Fridays; $2-5; for information, call Bingo, on Fridays; no admission fee, card costs are $0.25 &…

MEETINGS metaphysical and holistic experience providing visitors with 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 12:45pm Thu CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 12:30pm Fri Aug 6 thru Fri
a… Riverfront Events Center, 9am Sat Aug 21 Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9 Sep 3

Moving Our Minds, designed to strengthen our minds by Line Dancing II, on Thursdays; $3-5; for information, call CASI Book Club, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477…
Bettendorf Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting, moving our bodies; adaptable… Davenport Public Library - 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 2:30pm Thu CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10am Fri Aug 6 thru Fri Sep 3
free; for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Eastern Avenue Branch, 7pm Thu Sep 2 Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9
Library, 5pm Thu Sep 9 Ceramics I & II, on Fridays; $7-11; for information, call 563-
Low-Impact Exercise, Mon.-Fri.; $2-5; for information, call 386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Fri Aug 6

Moline Public Library Board Meeting, agendas are 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Thu thru Fri Sep 3
available prior to the meetings; minutes are available… Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9
Moline Public Library, noon Thu Sep 9 Golden Tones Chorus Practice, on Fridays; $2-5; for
Genesis Foot Clinic, on Thursdays; reservations required; New Horizons Band Practice, on Thursdays; $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
for information, call 563-320-3978… CASI (Center for Active information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Fri Aug 6 thru Fri Sep 3

HEALTH Seniors), noon Thu Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 2 Seniors), 12:30pm Thu Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9
Senior Theatre: Second Avenue Players, on Fridays; $2-
Apple iPad Clinic, on Thursdays; $3-5; for information, call Reflexology Clinic, on Wed. & Thu., by appointment only; 5; for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
Memory Care Kit, pick up an activity kit designed to be 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 11am Thu for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10:30am Fri Aug 6 thru Fri Sep 3
used to… Bettendorf Public Library, Wed Aug 11 Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9 Seniors), Thu Aug 5 thru Thu Sep 9
Bridge, on Mondays & Fridays; $2-5; for information, call
Yoga on the Mezz, on Wednesdays; bring your own mat, Billiards, Mon.-Fri.; $2; for information, call 563-386-7477… Zumba Gold, on Wednesdays at 9am & Thursdays at 9:30am; 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 12:30pm Fri
$10 at the door;… Crawford Brew Works, 6pm Wed Aug 11 CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8am Thu Aug 5 thru Thu $3-5; for… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Thu Aug 5 thru Aug 6 thru Mon Sep 6
thru Wed Sep 8 Sep 9 Thu Sep 9
Ceramics I, on Mondays & Fridays; $7-11; for information, call
563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9:30am Fri
Aug 6 thru Mon Sep 6


CASI/RSVP Silver Linings Bell Choir, on Mondays; $2-5;
for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 9:30am Mon Aug 9 thru Mon Sep 6

Genesis Blood Pressure Checks, on Mondays; for
information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 9am Mon Aug 9 thru Mon Sep 6

Shuffleboard, on Mondays; $2-5; for information, call 563-

386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 2:15pm Mon Aug
9 thru Mon Sep 6

Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; volunteer group; no sewing

experience necessary; free; for… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 8am Mon Aug 9 thru Mon Sep 6

Zumba Gold Toning, on Mondays; $3-5; for information,

call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10:15am
Mon Aug 9 thru Mon Sep 6

Genesis Foot Clinic, on Mon. & Tue.; reservations required;

for information, call 563-320-3978… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 8am Mon Aug 9 thru Tue Sep 7

9/7: T-Shirt Tuesday Giveaway #8 Movie Matinee, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477…
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Aug 10
8/1: Hy-Vee Family Sunday 9/8: Free Admission & Replica Seat Giveaway
(Modern Woodmen) Canasta, on Tuesdays; $2-5; for information, call 563-386-
8/10: T-Shirt Tuesday Giveaway #6 & Free GA 7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Aug 10 thru

Ticket w/ School Supply Donation 9/10: Fireworks! (Smart Toyota) Tue Sep 7

(One Step Printing) 9/11: Carlos Correa Bobblehead Giveaway Knitting & Crocheting, on Tuesdays; volunteer group; free;
for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
8/11: QCBR & Epic Stone Night with Fireworks! (Midwest Technical Institute) Seniors), 12:30pm Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Sep 7
(MidAmerica Basement Systems) 9/14: T-Shirt Tuesday Giveaway #9 Line Dancing I, on Tuesdays; $3-5; for information, call 563-
386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Tue Aug 10
8/12 Pint Glass Giveaway #4 (Crawford Company) 9/16: Royals Top Prospect Player Poster #3 thru Tue Sep 7
8/13: Jersey Lunch Bag Giveaway (Pepsi), (Upper Iowa University) Line Dancing Lesson, on Tuesdays; free; for information,
Fireworks! (Smart Toyota), & Disabilities 9/17: Fireworks! (Smart Toyota) call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8:30am
Awareness Night with Jersey Auction Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Sep 7

(QC Disabilities Awareness Coalition) 9/18: Marines Bobblehead Giveaway Senior Technology Clinic, on Tuesdays; $5-7; for
(Red Hot Chicago) information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
8/14: George Springer Bobblehead (TBK Bank) Seniors), 1pm Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Sep 7
9/19: Military Camo Jersey Auction
8/15: Royals Top Prospect Player Poster #2 (Genesis Health System), Biggest Giveaway Spiritual Devotions, on Tuesdays; free; for information, call
(Upper Iowa University) of the Year! & Hy-Vee Family Sunday 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8am Tue Aug
10 thru Tue Sep 7
8/24: T-Shirt Tuesday Giveaway #7
Bunco, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call 563-386-
(Caravel Autism Health) 7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Wed Aug 11
8/25: Pennant Giveaway & 1/2 Price Ticket Night thru Wed Sep 8

(Modern Woodmen) Cribbage, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call 563-

386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Wed Aug 11
8/27: Free Admission, Hat Giveaway, & Earth Day thru Wed Sep 8
Jersey Auction (Waste Commission of Scott Evening Bingo, on Wednesdays; $10 card pack minimum
County) & Fireworks! (Smart Toyota) purchase; for information, call… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 6pm Wed Aug 11 thru Wed Sep 8
8/28: Alex Bregman Bobblehead Giveaway
(Hy-Vee) & Irish Heritage Night (Bud Light) Grief Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Wed. of the month;
donations… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9:30am Wed
Aug 11 thru Wed Sep 8

TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly), on Wednesdays;

All promotions and times are subject to change 11:30am weigh-in, noon meeting,; on the 3rd Thu.… CASI
HOME FIREWORKS AWAY OFF (Center for Active Seniors), Wed Aug 11 thru Wed Sep 8

563-324-3000 qcriverbandits T’ai Chi Ch’un, on Wednesdays; $24-36/6 weeks; for
information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
Seniors), 10:25am Wed Aug 11 thru Wed Sep 8
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 17
Walgreens Medication Review & Blood Pressure Library in the Park: Tyler Park, on Wednesdays; providing
Check, free; for information, call 563-386-7477… CASI story times, activities, and will have a… Davenport Public Library -
(Center for Active Seniors), 10am Thu Aug 19 Main Branch, 2pm Wed Aug 11

Classic Movie, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477… Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; dance your wiggles
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Aug 24 out; all ages welcome, but… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Street Branch, 10am Wed Aug 11 thru Wed Aug 25
Red Hat Club Luncheon, location varies; for information,
call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), noon Full STEAM Ahead at Longview Park, on Wednesdays;
Tue Sep 7 learn how Rock Island Public Library Children’s Department…
Longview Park, 2:30pm Wed Aug 11 thru Wed Aug 25

KIDS’ STUFF Creativity Lab Rainbow Vases, for grades K-5; reate a rainbow
vase inspired by artist… Moline Public Library, 3:30pm Thu Aug
Facebook Premiere Video Library TV Episode: Ocean,
a Facebook premiere video of the Library TV Episode “Ocean… Party in the Park: Van Buren Park, attendees can enjoy food,
Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu Aug 5 entertainment, and a variety of activities… Davenport Public
Library - Main Branch, 5:30pm Thu Aug 12
Library in the Park: Emeis Park, on Thursdays; providing story
times, activities, and will have a… Davenport Public Library - Main Facebook Premiere Video Library TV Episode: Australia,
Branch, 2pm thru Thu Aug 12 a Facebook premiere video of the Library TV Episode “Australia…
Silvis Public Library, 6pm Sat Aug 14
Library in the Park: Roosevelt Community Center, on
Thursdays; providing story times, activities, and will have a… Treasure Hunters at the Fairmount Block Party, go hunting
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 10am thru Thu Aug 12 for rocks, sea glass, minerals, shells, feathers, and gems; we’ll…
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 11:30am Sat Dwight Yoakam at the Adler Theatre -- September 3
Young Artist Storytime, on Thursdays; stories, music, dancing, Aug 14
books and art projects for ages… Davenport Public Library - Main
Branch, 10am thru Thu Aug 26 Virtual Teen Tuesday: Teen Advisory Board, held on Storytime, join Miss Christie in the new children’s area for
the Silvis Public Library’s Discord server: https://discord. stories,… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Sat Sep 4 Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri.; enjoy multiple stories, songs,
Fun with Color Mixing, join us in the Fairmount Children’s gg/3ShgbrtGzP; link is… Silvis Public Library, 5pm Tue Aug 17 and activities; each week there… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am
Garden for fun STEM… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Sunday Funday, activities for families with kids ages 2-12; no Tue Sep 7 thru Thu Sep 9
Street Branch, 10am Fri Aug 6 Virtual Choose Your Own Adventure Book Club, we will RSVP required,… Quad City Botanical Center, 1pm Sun Sep 5
read or finish a Choose Your Own Adventure… Davenport Public After School Kids Lab: Coding with Lego, we will be using
Virtual Teen Writing Club, the club will meet online via Zoom Library - Main Branch, 6:30pm Wed Aug 18 Mindfulness and Movement Storytime, this brand-new the popular LEGO building blocks to… Bettendorf Public Library,
once a month… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 4pm storytime has everything to help you… Davenport Public Library - 3pm Wed Sep 8
Fri Aug 6 Party in the Park: Northwest Park, attendees can enjoy food, Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Sep 6
entertainment, and a variety of activities… Davenport Public Young Adult Tabletop Role-playing, we have popular
Virtual Event: Children’s Booktalks, Fridays on Facebook Library - Main Branch, 5:30pm Thu Aug 19 tabletop role-playing systems, dice, and… Bettendorf Public
Live; reading ideas and new books for… Rock Island Public Library Challenge This!, for ages 5-11; try your hand at whatever… Library, 2pm Wed Sep 8
- Downtown Library, 10:30am Fri Aug 6 thru Fri Aug 27 Read to a Dog, QC CAN’s Reading Assistance Dogs are specially Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 4pm Tue Sep 7
trained, along with… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue After-school Video Games, we have Super Smash Bros., Mario
Facebook Premiere Video Library TV Episode: Branch, 5:30pm Thu Aug 19 Creation Studio Grab-and-Go – Global Gathering: Kart, and more; droop… Bettendorf Public Library, 3:30pm Thu
Freshwater, a Facebook premiere video of the Library TV Indigenous Australian Dot Art, pick up a bag of supplies full of Sep 9
Episode “Freshwater… Silvis Public Library, 6pm Sat Aug 7 DIY Teen: Clay Ice-Cream Octopi, ages 11-19 are invited to join materials to… Bettendorf Public Library, 9am Tue Sep 7
Miss Amber in using… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Tales for Tots: Session 1, storytime for ages 0-3 and their
Storytime, join Miss Christie in the new children’s area for 2pm Fri Aug 20 Homeschooler’s Hangout: Learn, Socialize, Explore, caregivers; participants… Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Thu
stories,… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Sat Aug 7 homeschool families are invited to visit the library and Sep 9
Facebook Premiere Video Library TV Episode: Mythical participate… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Tue Sep 7
Library in the Park: Jefferson Park, on Mondays; providing Animals, a Facebook premiere video of the Library TV Episode
story times, activities, and will have a… Davenport Public Library - “Mythical… Silvis Public Library, 6pm Sat Aug 21
Main Branch, 2pm Mon Aug 9
Girl Scout Event: Planting the Perennial Beds, held in the
Library in the Park: Van Buren Park, on Mondays; providing front of the mansion by the parking… Hauberg Civic Center
story times, activities, and will have a… Davenport Public Library - Mansion, 9am Sat Aug 21
Main Branch, 10am Mon Aug 9
Hug-a-Book Create!, work on three crafts using process art
String Art, try out a string art project; this program is best… techniques; free; for… Longview Park, 11am Sat Aug 21
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 2pm Mon
Aug 9 Virtual Sew Fun: Fox Pins, ake a felt fox pin using basic hand
sewing stitches; for… Moline Public Library, 3:30pm Tue Aug 24
Shark Week at the Library!, join us in the Children’s
Department all week for jaw-some… Moline Public Library, 1pm DIY Button Trees, design your own button tree wall art; this
Mon Aug 9 thru Sat Aug 14 program is… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 3:30pm
Wed Aug 25
Mindfulness and Movement Storytime, on Mondays; this
brand-new storytime has everything to help you… Davenport Teen Books & Boba, learn how to make some homemade Boba
Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Aug 9 thru Tea and talk… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch,
Mon Aug 30 2pm Sat Aug 28

Kindernature: Delightful Dirt, for ages 3-5; explore the Virtual Lego Charades: Books, join Ms. ShoShanna live on
ground under our feet and… Quad City Botanical Center, 10:30am the Silvis Public Library Facebook… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat
Tue Aug 10 Aug 28

Library in the Park: Goose Creek Park, on Tuesdays; PJ Party Storytime Live: Superheroes!, put on your PJ’s and
providing story times, activities, and will have a… Davenport join us live for a… Moline Public Library, 6pm Mon Aug 30
Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Tue Aug 10
Virtual PJ Party Storytime: Superheroes!, put on your PJ’s
Library in the Park: Green Acres Park, on Tuesdays; providing and join us in our virtual… Moline Public Library, Tue Aug 31
story times, activities, and will have a… Davenport Public Library -
Main Branch, 2pm Tue Aug 10 Virtual Choose Your Own Adventure Book Club, we will
read or finish a Choose Your Own Adventure… Davenport Public
Teen Advisory Board Meeting, TAB Members volunteer, Library - Main Branch, 6:30pm Wed Sep 1
organize & participate in teen programming, and give their…
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; dance your wiggles
Aug 10 out; all ages welcome, but… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Street Branch, 10am Wed Sep 1 thru Wed Sep 8
Challenge This!, on Tuesdays, for ages 5-11; try your hand at
whatever… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Little Makers, on Wednesdays; we’ll have plenty of craft supplies
4pm Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Aug 31 and a… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch,
3:30pm Wed Sep 1 thru Wed Sep 8
Virtual Storytime, on Tuesdays; free; for information, call
309-732-7323… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, Big/Little Bookclub, a book club for Littles (kids in 3rd through
10:30am Tue Aug 10 thru Tue Aug 31 5th… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm
Thu Sep 2
Library in the Park: Cork Hill Park, on Wednesdays; providing
story times, activities, and will have a… Davenport Public Library - Young Artist Storytime, on Thursdays; stories, music, dancing,
Main Branch, 10am Wed Aug 11 books and art projects for ages… Davenport Public Library - Main
Branch, 10am Thu Sep 2 thru Thu Sep 9
18 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •


Schulz’s Review of
the Latest Movies On Demand


Running a just-right 97 minutes, and
boasting phenomenal performances and
a supremely sinister soundscape, writer/
director John Krasinski’s horror-film
continuation is an intoxicating pleasure
even when maybe especially when the
tension is almost unbearable.


Augmenting his talking-heads segments
with TV appearances, music videos, and
hand-drawn and clay animation, director
Edgar Wright might as well be slipping
us all into an album jacket in this joyous,
moving, overpowering documentary on
Ron and Russell Mael.

Director Janicza Bravo and
co-screenwriter Jeremy O. Harris view
an alternately hilarious and harrowing
weekend trek in all its gaudiness and
threat yet never judge anything, or
anyone; their fantastically clever,
remarkably open-minded dramedy is the
complete opposite of moralistic.

Catch your favorite movies

and shows from ABC, NBC, CBS,
FOX, STARZ®, ENCORE® and more.
Plus, watch over 19,000 titles
at the press of a button!

Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 19

Movie Reviews By Mike Schulz •

Prime the Disneyland tour.

Then again, I do recall that ride
being pleasantly slow moving, which is

Amazon not a speed Collet-Serra appears at all

interested in. Barring the infrequent
sentimental detour – and MacGregor’s
JUNGLE CRUISE coded confession of his homosexu-
ality is a modestly touching one, if
wildly unexpected – Jungle Cruise

ts plot is needlessly complicated and moves like the dickens, with Blunt and
its effects are occasionally chintzy Johnson hastily tossing off wisecracks
and its leads don’t display anything in between, and usually amidst, the
director’s admirably kinetic action
in the way of romantic (let alone sexual)
sequences. He may not possess Gore
chemistry, and Disney’s Jungle Cruise is
Verbinski’s talent for mousetrap-style
still mostly a hoot – a ride turned into a
slapstick mayhem, but Collet-Serra’s
movie turned back into a ride. Director three pictures for Liam Neeson (one of
Jaume Collet-Serra’s family adventure which was 2014’s rather elegant Non-
may be as self-referential and avaricious Stop) obviously had preparatory ben-
as any of the Mouse House’s live-action Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise
efits. The film’s pacing is relentless yet
blockbusters, but the film’s cheerful never chaotic, and the jokes – especially challenge, and meets a most unusual norms, you might, as I did, find the
spirit and charm prove utterly infec- the skipper’s so-bad-they’re-awful fate. It’s an odd, evocative, haunting writer/director’s latest absolutely
tious, and I wound up having more and puns that sound taken directly from sequence. Yet while it’s transpiring, the astounding – as enchanting as his 2016
more fun as the film progressed. While the Disney ride – zip by so quickly you film-savvy among you may recognize Pete’s Dragon, as thematically rich and
this thing may not hit the manic highs barely have time to groan. that the knight is played (or perhaps presentationally unsettling as his 2017
of the better Pirates of the Caribbeans, It should go without saying that the merely voiced) by the basso profundo A Ghost Story, and as bizarrely, surrep-
it’s hard not to kind of adore a release ever-genial Blunt and Johnson are Ralph Ineson, the tortured patriarch of titiously moving as anything I’ve seen
that has the wit, at one point, to turn The enjoyable, too, if never quite as amusing that black-magic freakout The Witch. in years. The Green Knight bends rules,
Rock into stone. as Plemons and Whitehall, the latter of You may also register that Arthur’s bends expectations, bends time, and
Like most viewers, I presume, I whom is far funnier than the stereotype wife, Queen Guinevere, is portrayed by never stopped taking my breath away,
probably would’ve had a fine time had threatened by MacGregor’s bearing and Kate Dickie, who was Ineson’s equally be it through a horrific battleground
Jungle Cruise been content to be the swishy-dandy wardrobe. (Although I tortured spouse in The Witch. Low- of fallen soldiers, a lakeside dive to
African Queen meets Raiders of the Lost smiled a lot at the movie, the only time ery’s film is barely 10 minutes old, and retrieve a lopped-off head, or a hushed
Ark hybrid its trailers suggested. Emily I genuinely laughed was when White- already we have a pretty strong hint as Vikander soliloquy on what the color
Blunt, doing a Katharine Hepburn by hall kept forcing Plemons to repeat to what the overall experience is going green actually means. Though based
way of Karen Allen, plays 1916 botanist his marble-mouthed pronunciation of to be like – and it sure as hell ain’t on a 14th-century poem and set in
Dr. Lily Houghton, who, along with her “jungle.”) I do wish the stars’ banter Camelot. period, The Green Knight is unmistak-
milquetoast brother MacGregor (Jack had more Bogie/Hepburn edge and I haven’t yet checked in on the gen- ably modern, and so thrillingly moody
Whitehall), recruits Dwayne Johnson’s tension; Blunt is always on fire, but has eral audience reaction to The Green and enigmatic that it’s bound to piss off
steamboat captain Frank Wolff for an Johnson ever had successful romantic Knight, mostly because I’m not quite as many viewers as it entrances. Either
up-river trek through the Amazon in byplay with anyone on-screen? Still, ready to have my heart broken. But way, I hope you’re among them.
search of a mythical f lower with super- they make an endearing pair, and if nationwide response is anything
natural powers of healing. There are, Jungle Cruise is an endearing spectacle, like my alternately hushed and antsy
naturally, impediments on the journey: silly enough to cast Paul Giamatti as crowd’s collective reaction, I’m bet-
rapids, waterfalls, cannibals, a German a dyspeptic harbormaster and sweet ting most people ha-a-ated Lowery’s
July 13 Crossword Answers
submarine commander with his eyes enough to earn its several happy end- movie, and it’s not hard to presume
on the prize. (This obsessive nutjob is ings. It’s a satisfying ride. Glad I was why. Deeply meditative, oppressively
perhaps inevitably played by Jesse Ple- tall enough for it. dark, snail-paced, strange bordering on
mons, who might be having more fun wacky (A double-cast Alicia Vikander!
with a comically exaggerated German A talking fox! An unexplained horde
dialect than any actor since Cloris THE GREEN KNIGHT of naked giants!), Lowery’s Arthurian
Leachman.) Yet because Disney’s latest re-imagining gives you loads to chew
apparently required five screenwriters One of the first scenes in writer/ on but almost nothing in the way of tra-
and/or “story by” contributors and they director David Lowery’s medieval ditional entertainment, and certainly
all apparently needed something to do, anti-adventure The Green Knight – the nothing that summertime audiences
there’s also a time-consuming, weirdly scene that sets the film’s narrative accustomed to, say, Jungle Cruise might
extraneous side narrative involving the quest in motion – finds Dev Patel’s Sir understandably anticipate. Even its
resurrection of a slain 16th-century Gawain at a Round Table feast hosted hero, incandescently played by Patel,
conquistador (a largely CGI-ed Édgar by his uncle King Arthur (Sean Harris). is a weakling, a drunkard, a coward, a
Ramirez) and his compatriots, one of Before long, we’re treated to the arrival dupe … . The all-around anti-Rock.
whom is composed of snakes and the of the titular knight, a hulking, ambu- Yet if you can get on board with
other of bees. Don’t remember that in latory tree who makes a most unusual Lowery’s deliberate destruction of
20 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

The Looming Pernicious vaccination). indulged the crazy long enough.

Widen the Lens When Considering It is an anomaly that U.S. media is Start by asking yourself what you actually
COVID - Continued from page 5 Danger of Medical Bigotry largely reporting the majority of new cases, know about the experimental gene therapy
especially hospitalizations and deaths, is injections. What are the ingredients? How
appropriate? Which brings me to the pinnacle crisis among the unvaccinated. This claim defies do they actually work? What is mRNA and
It’s time to stop playing defense. No more of the moment: escalating propagenda by the trends being reported in all the other how does it differ from traditional vaccines?
defending nonsense, no more accepting broadcast and social media to create hyped developed countries where vaccination What are the potential risks associated
f limsy or no evidence for policies that do division between vaccinated and unvacci- rates are high and the super-majority of new with mRNA injections? This is particularly
far more harm than COVID. Lockdowns nated people. The science and logic under- cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are from important because specifics are often not
worldwide have caused far greater poverty pinning this dangerous dogma takes five reinfections among the vaccinated, such as explained in a lot the paperwork distributed
and starvation in less-developed countries, minutes to discern. Israel and Britain. When the media’s inter- at the time of vaccination that is required
killing millions more who have languished To date, a significant number of unvac- pretation of this CDC data was challenged by law as part of informed, comprehended
without basic resources. cinated people are COVID-recovered, in Massachusetts, it was found to be exag- consent.
No more blind trust in organizations that enjoying robust, durable natural immunity gerated misreporting as it was vaccinated Blaming unvaccinated people for any
have a long history of deceiving the Ameri- to reinfection of COVID. This is in contrast people that made up the largest cohort of COVID risk or hardship suggests a fear-
can people. Recall in 2018 when the court to vaccinated people whose inoculated reinfections. dulled mind, ripe for manipulation via
ordered Health & Human Services (HHS) immunity fades within six months, leaving So exactly what science are Fauci and coordinated, directed, and emotionally
to release all the documentation sought them increasingly vulnerable to reinfection company using to inform a policy of mass- triggering messaging that deliberately tar-
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree’s without a booster shot, potentially again vaccination in the middle of a pandemic? gets the brain’s Limbic System. The Limbic
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit and again. This, too, is medically curious due to the System is primal, emotional, and lacks the
that included all of HHS’ results from vac- Natural immunity provides a wondrous, pressure vaccines put on viruses to adapt. balancing self-governance that comes from
cine safety studies for the past 30 years, complex network of antigenic protection. Vaccines are traditionally prophylactic, rational cognitive processing. Its childish
studies legally mandated by Congress. The antibodies generated from natural not therapeutic, as they are currently being and irrational. And propagandists love it.
“The 1986 National Childhood Vaccina- recovery of wild virus are vast in protec- administered relative to COVID. Stif ling rational thought in favor of stim-
tion Injury Act granted economic immunity tive purpose, multitasking on myriad levels The stated benefit attributed to these ulating more emotional responses is the core
to pharmaceutical companies for vaccine to shield against viral invaders, including experimental injections won’t prevent mission of propagandists because it results
injuries and hence eviscerated their eco- creating memory. The experimental mRNA transmission, hospitalization, or death, but in the granddaddy of desirable outcomes:
nomic incentive for them to take respon- gene therapies consist of messenger RNA should reduce mild to moderate symptom- chaos. Chaos, in turn, provides the fertile
sibility for vaccine safety,” says Bigtree. that replicates specific viral Spike Protein, atic COVID-19. It’s hard to understand ground for the ultimate goal of advancing
“Market forces driving vaccine safety were producing a highly specific super antibody exactly why people would vaccinate if more centralized control. Edward Bernays
simply eliminated.” that is singular in its mission in identify- prolonged protection from infection isn’t made a career of exploiting this behavior
Instead of providing the court-ordered ing specific offending spike proteins and provided, especially when the significant modification, while Norm Chomsky made a
vaccine safety studies and their findings, destroying them, too often at the expense majority who do become infected are all but career of explaining it.
the HHS submitted a letter admitting that of other necessary good antibodies that guaranteed to survive. Don’t think pitting vaccinated people
it could find no such studies as required by resemble those produced by the toxic spikes. Add to that really good news that even against unvaccinated people doesn’t foster
law over the entire 30 years. That dereliction This is an oversimplification but hopefully though fully vaccinated, masks are still serious chaos. All manner of psycho-social
was not covered in the mainstream media. adequate for understanding why natural recommended and/or mandated, social engineering is strategically designed to
Yet media recklessly continues as paid pro- immunity is far preferable. distancing is still in place, and in some systematically heighten fear. And people
pagandists to deliver fact-blocked official To emphasize this preference, before countries lockdowns have resumed, all for will predictably find release in blaming one
narratives from the same offenders, includ- the COVID experimental injections were a respiratory disease with a 99.97-percent party for the woes of the other. This model
ing the National Institute of Health (NIH) emergency-use authorized, hospitals were survival rate. Why??? is chaos production at its finest. Be warned,
and CCD. ( kjr) using plasma from unvaccinated COVID- this highly contrived divisiveness is born
Masking efficacy is absurdly defended by recovered donors to make Convalescence of animus, fueled by relentless fear, and
the health-care industry, considering the Plasma to successfully treat patients Last Year, Concern for can devolve into discrimination and hate
hospitalized with COVID-19. Once people
numerous peer-reviewed studies, physics,
became vaccinated with one of the three
Implementing Vaccine speech. This is a manufactured construct
that has no basis in medical science. Instead,
and even OSHA regulations that summar-
ily contradict such policies. For every one experimental jabs, the Red Cross no longer Passports Was Consid- is rooted in age-old toxicity of political sci-
accepted plasma from those vaccinated ence. Do not be fooled and extract yourself.
squishy study proffered in favor of mask-
donors precisely because the super-antibody
ered Conspiracy Theory. It is also classic propaganda in the style of
ing, there are a dozen more that refute it,
establishing there is no statistical difference produced in their blood from the mRNA jab Today, Rejecting Vaccine Joesph Goebbels – Hitler’s infamous propa-
destroyed important beneficial antibodies ganda czar and master of chaos who turned
between mask wearing or not mask wear-
in patients. Passports Is Considered an entire continent against Jewish people.
ing relative to transmissibility. Instead of
having that debate in the public domain, Natural immunity is a biological impera- Conspiracy Theory. Goebbels’ first round of psycho-social mes-
every instance of these counter arguments tive. Yet the CDC dismisses it outright in saging targeted them as a contagion and
are censored from social and broadcast its calculus for achieving 70-percent herd Fear is a terrible terrible thing. It blinds dangerous health risk to the rest of the pop-
media. Why??? immunity. What possible justification could us, robs our sensibilities, heightens anxiety ulation. He used news broadcasts, movies,
Naturally, that control tactic is having the the CDC have for such a bizarre, unscien- and panic levels, triggers all kinds of nega- filmed speaking events, poster campaigns,
opposite effect. Telling most people not to tific policy? Whatever it is, it isn’t about tive emotions – anger, frustration, guilt, books, newspapers, and public relations that
look behind the curtain is a neon invitation health. What purpose is served by ignoring shame. Fear triggers our f light ref lex, and so set the devious standard in use today. Goeb-
to look behind the curtain … eventually. natural immunity and proceeding with vac- many other knee-jerk reactions. So much so, bels’ most insidious campaign was force-
And also eventually, it will start sinking cinating people who are COVID-recovered? especially over time with relentless media tagging Jews with yellow stars on their arms
in that COVID vaccines are not preventing What meaningful difference does it make messaging designed to disarm our cognitive to visually set them apart and trigger fear of
infections for very long. Instead it could if we arrest COVID via natural and inocu- abilities, that we leave our most useful tool their presence. Sound familiar?
be exacerbating infections by reinvigorat- lated immunity? This question deserves an in the box – reason. Nothing on Earth is so negative as bigotry
ing the virus and its variants. Variants are answer, especially when emerging stud- We need reason to climb out of the against cohorts of people that differ from
mostly other countries’ initial record of the ies show COVID-recovered people with morass of emotional confusion to initiate some perceived norm. Abandon it while you
original SARS2 virus, renamed (e.g. the natural immunity, who also get vaccinated, calm focus critical to accessing cognitive can, because it will rot your soul. My other
Delta variant is the original India SARS2 experience serious adverse reactions due to processing. Without it, we can’t begin to two favorite rules are “Be brave, kind, and
virus). According to former Pfizer Executive Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), properly sort things out enough to assess see the humor” and “It’s never too late for
VP Dr. Michael Yeadon, none of the current where the recipient is more vulnerable to the risk-benefit scenario(s) for ourselves presents.” Peace.
variants’ genomes differ more than three wild SARS2 virus if encountered. This phe- and our loved ones. Once we restore rational
(3) percent from the original SARS-CoV2 nomena has been largely captured within control of emotions, we can plot and plan
genome that was recorded in January 2020. “breakthrough cases” (reinfection after viable courses of action. Frankly, we’ve all
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 21
22 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

SPECIAL OPS • AUGUST 10, 2021 July 13 Answers: Page 19

Brawl Straps Quarantine Wolf

I’m a woman in my early 20s. The guy I’m dating
I’m a guy in my 30s. Before COVID, I used
brought me to meet his friends. His male friends
Tinder to hook up with different women a few
were warm and friendly. The women were awful.
times a week. I don’t recognize myself anymore.
One deliberately kept saying my name wrong
Yesterday, I was on a date, and the girl was
(it’s not exactly exotic), and two others glared at
really hot and wanted to go back to my place to
my miniskirt. Another said something about
have sex. I was weirdly turned off by the idea
how low-cut my top was. She made it sound like
and called her an Uber home. This isn’t like me,
a compliment, but it was a mean dig. How can
but it keeps happening. Why am I suddenly like
these women be so nasty when they don’t even
know me? How do I diffuse situations like these?
– Worried
– Upset

If we hadn’t gotten vaccines, we might’ve seen
othing like women celebrating other women: a whole new category of lingerie, la Victoria’s
“Way to go, girl! Showing everything but your Crotchless Hazmat Suit.
areolas.” Our body’s immune system protects us by
When a man has a beef with another man, he’ll mobilizing warrior cells to fight off such invad-
be direct about it: hurl insults at the guy’s face ers as bacteria, parasites, and viruses that cause
and maybe try to renovate his jaw with a barstool. infectious diseases. However, war is costly –
Women fight sneaky-dirty with other women, using whether between nations or inside us. Psycholo-
covert tactics, explains psychologist Anne Camp- gist Mark Schaller notes that our body’s effort to
bell. These include mobilizing a group of women to surround and kill “pathogenic intruders” sucks
ostracize a woman, talking trash to men about her up calories needed for important bodily func-
looks and how “loose” she is, and offering “compli- tions. It can also be “temporarily debilitating”
ments” that are actually nasty digs. Give a woman’s due to “fever, fatigue, and other physiological
confidence a beatdown and she might dim her shine consequences of an aggressive immunological
(cover her miniskirt with a shawl and wipe that sexy response.” (You sometimes have to boil the vil-
ACROSS organism 105. Old gold coin 48. Not so risky red lipstick off on her sleeve). lage alive to save the village.)
1. Proceedings 61. B'nai _ 106. Reveal 50. Highlanders Psychologist Tracy Vaillancourt separated To avoid these costs, we need to avoid being
5. Jag 62. Flutist 52. Pepper plant female research participants into random groups. exposed to disease in the first place. Helping us
10. Moles 63. Garfield's DOWN 53. Quiz-show group She compared one group’s reactions to a 20-some-
15. Be completely full predecessor 1. _ Vincit Omnia 54. English county do that is the job of our “behavioral immune
19. Early synthesizer 64. Flows 2. Priest's vestment 56. _ lazuli thing woman walking into a classroom dressed system.” This is Schaller’s term for a suite of
developer 66. Toaster oven 3. Preschoolers 57. "Casino _" “conservatively” (in a loosely fitting shirt and khaki psychological mechanisms that function as our
20. Combines setting 4. Churns 58. Do a garden job slacks) with the other group’s reactions to the same
21. Core group 67. Foot lever 5. Towers 60. Palindromic title early warning system, helping us identify signs
22. Ocean route 68. Stretch 6. Put forth 61. Vaunt woman dressed “provocatively” (in a very short of pathogens in our social environment and moti-
23. Panglossian 69. Give _ _ shot 7. Decomposes 62. Nice Nelly skirt and a tight, low-cut shirt). Dressed conserva- vating us to feel, think, and behave in ways that
25. Musical drama 71. Operates 8. Whitney or Wallach 63. Sandwiches tively, she was “barely noticed by the participants.” keep us from getting invaded by the buggers.
"lite": 2 wds. 72. Relating to 9. Helix pomatia 64. Ankh When she entered in skin-baring sexywear, almost
27. Brings back hearing 10. Make a groove in 65. Cookout fare For example, social psychology grad student
28. City in France 73. Ordinary language 11. _ nuncio 66. Pitt or Paisley all the women “aggressed against her.” They rolled James B. Moran and his adviser, social psy-
30. "_ Hears a Who!" 74. Agents: Hyph. 12. Fateful day 67. Hits a ball their eyes at her, gave her “once-overs,” and shot her chologist Damian Murray, find that reminding
31. Mellowed 75. Girl in Guadalajara 13. Misspeak 68. Brittle “death stares.” After she left, many laughed at her, research participants of the looming threat of
32. Angler's basket 76. Oculist 14. Marine creature 70. Wall pier
ridiculed her appearance, and/or suggested she was infectious disease puts a damper on the appeal of
for fish 78. Goody 15. Says impulsively 72. Writer of a kind
33. Dessert wine 79. Pleases 16. Balsa 73. _ path a man-hopping sleaze. casual sex and their inclination to have it down
34. D.C. acronym 81. Sibilant sound 17. Data 74. Slope You’re a target for the she-hyenas whenever you the road.
37. Narrative 82. Indian spinning 18. Have in mind 76. Fiendish ones wear sexy clothing and makeup (such as an intense
38. County in Florida wheel 24. Bump in a ski run 77. Bangkok denizen Chances are this response explains your own
42. Place for a mic 83. _ point 26. Noted Kazakhstani 78. Spine smoky eye with winged eyeliner). Decide whether psychological and behavioral shift: stud-turned-
43. Self-seeker (needlepoint) reporter 80. Cold-shoulder you have the emotional strength and social capital monk of COVID-19. There’s no clock on exactly
46. _ Beta Kappa 84. Imprint 29. Raise 82. Gum ingredient to bear the glares and backbiting, or whether you when you’ll be back to your sexual-Wild West
47. War god 86. Like a racehorse 32. Table bird 84. Sprout need to, say, stock up on some floor-length prairie
48. "Go!" 87. Temporary 33. Effort 85. Looks after self. Should you get nostalgic, keep in mind
49. Dunne or Castle replacement 34. Jalousie part 86. Skiing mishap dresses. This isn’t to say you should immediately that you can still dip into some elements of the
50. Kind of doctor 90. "A League of _ 35. St. John's bread 87. Run assume the worst of all women. However, under- hookup-y old days, such as “the walk of shame”
51. Rocky hill Own" 36. Functioning 88. Hyalite standing what you can expect from some might
52. Breakfast fare 91. Lively 37. Bobbin 89. Genus of – though, these days, that’s what we call it when
53. Leaves 95. Resistance 38. Snide look honeybees help you stand tall in the face of an attack – remem- you get yelled at by the old lady down the street
54. Perfume 97. Eye part: 2 wds. 39. "Father" of the 90. Beginner bering that it’s about them, not about you, when for taking out the trash unmasked.
55. Foreshadowing 99. Dyad A-bomb 91. Heraldic animal they imply that your bedroom’s visitors log rivals
evil 100. Indian lute 40. "To _ own self 92. Sapling Ellis Island’s.
57. Harder to get 101. Booth be true..." 93. The devil, mostly
58. Kind of box 102. Young or 41. Grammatical gaffe 94. Valley Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405. E-mail, visit
or booth Diamond 43. Happen 96. Chinese "path" @amyalkon on Twitter, and listen to Amy’s weekly radio show at Order
59. Spud 103. Otherwise 44. Headdresses 98. Ed. acronym Amy Alkon’s book Unf---ology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2018).
60. Single-celled 104. Benders 45. Pressed ©2021, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. New column published weekly at
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 23

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY New Columns Weekly at By Rob Brezsny

ARIES (March 21-April 19):Filmmaker boost your confidence in the rightness of the resources that ensure their suffering is a source dialogs that catalyze you to try new ways of
Federico Fellini had an unexpected path you’ve chosen for yourself. I’m hoping they of transformative teaching – and rarely a cause thinking and seeing; lively exchanges that
definition of happiness. He said it was may even show you which of your fears are irrel- of defeat. Have you guessed that I’m describing inspire you to experiment.
“being able to speak the truth without evant. Be hungry for these extraordinary you as you will be in the coming weeks?
hurting anyone.” I suspect you will have abun- teachings. AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18):
dant access to that kind of happiness in the SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): Blogger Mandukhai Munkhbaatar
coming weeks, Aries. I’ll go even further: You LEO (July 23-August 22): The next two Professor of psychology Ethan Kross offers advice on the arts of intimate
will have extra power to speak the truth in ways months will be a propitious time for you tells us there can be healthy, creative communion. “Do not fall in love only with a body
that heal and uplift people. My advice to you, and your intimate allies to grow closer forms of envy. “Just as hunger tells us we or with a face,” she tells us. “Do not fall in love
therefore, is to celebrate and indulge your ability. by harnessing the power of your imagi- need to eat,” he writes, “the feeling of envy could with the idea of being in love.” She also wants you
Be bold in expressing the fullness of what’s inter- nations. I urge you to be inventive in dreaming show us what is missing from our lives that really to know that it’s best for your long-term health
esting to you. up ways to educate and entertain each other. Seek matters to us.” The trick is to not interpret envy and happiness if you don’t seek cozy involvement
frisky adventures together that will delight you. as a negative emotion, but to see it as useful with a person who is afraid of your madness, or
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):“Look for a Here’s a poem by Vyacheslav Ivanov that I hope information that shows us what we want. In my with someone who, after you fight, disappears
long time at what pleases you, and will stimulate you: “We are two flames in a mid- astrological opinion, that’s a valuable practice for and refuses to talk. I approve of all these sugges-
longer still at what pains you,” wrote the night forest. We are two meteors that fly at night, you to deploy in the coming days. So pay close tions. Any others you would add? It’s a favorable
novelist Colette. What?! Was she a two-pointed arrow of one fate. We are two attention to the twinges of envy that pop into phase to get clearer about the qualities of people
making a perverse joke? That’s wicked advice, steeds whose bridle is held by one hand. We are your awareness. Harness that volatile stuff to you want and don’t want as your allies.
and I hope you adopt it only on rare occasions. In two eyes of a single gaze, two quivering wings of motivate yourself as you make plans to get the
fact, the exact opposite is the healthy way to live one dream, two-voiced lips of single mysteries. very experience or reward you envy. PISCES (February 19-March 20):
–especially for you in the coming weeks. Look at We are two arms of a single cross.” I gave my readers homework, asking
what pains you, yes. Don’t lose sight of what your . SAGITTARIUS (November 22-Decem- them to answer the question, “What is
problems and wounds are. But please, for the VIRGO (August 23-September 22): ber 21): Poet Walt Whitman bragged your favorite rule to break?” In response, Laura
sake of your dreams, for the benefit of your spiri- Virgo spiritual author Don Miguel Ruiz that he was “large.” He said, “I contain Grolla sent these thoughts: “My favorite rule to
tual and psychological health, look longer at urges us not to take anything person- multitudes.” One critic compared him break is an unwritten one: that we must all stress
what pleases you, energizes you, and inspires ally. He says that if someone treats us to “a whole continent with its waters, with its and strive for excellence. I have come up with a
you. disrespectfully, it’s almost certainly because they trees, with its animals.” Responding to Whit- stress-busting mantra, ‘It is okay to be okay.’ In
are suffering from psychological wounds that man, Sagittarian poet Gertrud Kolmar uttered my okay-ness, I have discovered the subtle fron-
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): If you make them act in vulgar, insensitive ways. Their an equally grandiose boast. “I too am a conti- tier of contentment, which is vast and largely
deepen your affection for butterflies and attacks have little to do with what’s true about us. nent,” she wrote. “I contain mountains never- unexplored. Okay-ness allows me not to compete
hummingbirds, I will love it. If you I agree with him, and will add this important reached, scrubland unpenetrated, pond bay, for attention, but rather to pay attention to
decide you want the dragonfly or bum- caveat. Even if you refrain from taking such river-delta, salt-licking coast-tongue.” That’s how others. I love okay-ness for the humor and deep,
blebee or lark to be your spirit creature, I will abuses personally, it doesn’t mean you should I’m imagining you these days, dear Sagittarius: renewing sleep it has generated. Best of all, okay-
approve. You almost always benefit from culti- tolerate them. It doesn’t mean you should keep as unexplored territory: as frontier land teeming ness allows me to be happily aging rather than
vating relationships with swift, nimble, and that person in your life or allow them to bully you with undiscovered mysteries. I love how expan- anxiously hot.” I bring this to your attention,
lively influences – and that’s especially true these in the future. I suspect these are important sive you are as you open your mind and heart to Pisces, because I think the coming weeks will be
days. So give yourself full permission to experi- themes for you to contemplate right now. new self-definitions. I love how you’re willing to a favorable time for you to investigate and
ment with the superpower of playful curiosity. risk being unknowable for a while as you wander embody the relaxing mysteries of OKness.
You’re most likely to thrive when you’re zipping LIBRA (September 23-October 22): out in the direction of the future.
around in quest of zesty ripples and sprightly “People who feel deeply, live deeply, and Homework: Tell me what subtle or not-so-subtle
rhythms. love deeply are destined to suffer CAPRICORN (December 22-January victories you plan to accomplish by January 1,
deeply,” writes poet Juansen Dizon. To 19): Poet Ezra Pound wrote a letter to 2022. E-mail
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Life is that romanticized, juvenile nonsense, I say: No! novelist James Joyce that included the and visit
showing you truths about what you are Wrong! People who feel and live and love deeply following passage: “You are f---ing with
not, what you don’t need, and what you are more emotionally intelligent than folks who my head, and so far I’ve been enjoying it. Where Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s
shouldn’t strive for. That’s auspicious, live on the surface – and are therefore less fragile. is the crime?” I bring this up, Capricorn, because EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES
although it may initially feel unsettling. I urge The deep ones are likely to be psychologically I believe the coming weeks will be prime time for & DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES
you to welcome these revelations with gratitude. adept; they have skills at liberating themselves you to engage with interesting souls who f--- The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at
They will help you tune in to the nuances of what from the smothering crush of their problems. with your head in enjoyable ways. You need a 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-77
it means to be radically authentic. They will The deep ones also have access to rich spiritual friendly jolt or two: a series of galvanizing prods;

New Red Meat Cartoons Weekly at

24 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

MUSIC By Max Allison

Sammerson Bridge, Happy Day to really get not only the instrumental details
that Bridge has worked into this piece, but
Tokumaru albums such as Exit and Port
Entropy feel like precursors to Happy Day for
this guitar tone with aplomb, in a way that just as importantly to catch his attention to all these reasons, though Tokumaru skirts
feels more indebted to “freak folk” staples spatialization and layered production. The closer to the territories of dextrous math
such as Akron/Family or Devendra Ban- mix feels cavernous and takes advantage rock and widescreen twee-pop, while Bridge
hart than any of the “whoa trippy mannnn” of every little nook in the stereo field, from remains more firmly engrained in country
psych music that has ascended over the last the short missives of electric guitar and and folk.
10 years. “Good Morning Baby Bo” doesn’t melodica that float in and out of the cor- That’s not to say that everything that
really have a song structure as much as that ners, to the shifting location of the rain field Bridge presents here falls along those lines.
central progression that Bridge loops while recording, all of which orbit that rock-solid Album closer “A Small Gift for the Flower
he adds and subtracts more elements from bassline planted at the center, which Bridge Giant,” which Bridge seems to have released
the mix. The song’s loose, almost dreamlike moves from its main couple-bar looped as a standalone mini-EP a couple weeks
quality is even more effective than if he just phrase into a nice walking line that would fit before Happy Day hit Bandcamp, stands as
had offered up a standard verse-chorus-verse nicely in the performance of a jazz standard. the album’s most combinatory and fast-
type affair. I love the flutes on this track. Or An instrumental track, “Noon + Rain” moving track. Bridge finds room for wisps
maybe they’re recorders? Or maybe they’re still conveys Bridge’s personality and the of dreamy e-piano, atonal bursts of string
synth VST voices? Whatever they are, they low-key expertise with which he approaches cacophony, a spoken word passage extolling
hit at the right moments to swell the energy composition and production. I say “low-key” the virtues of gratitude that may or may not
up from the guitar and vocal passages into because he doesn’t seem like the type of dude be his own voice, a syncopated 808 drum
slightly more proggy territory, like King who takes himself too seriously. I bet when beat, and washes of lovely acoustic guitar
https://sammersonbridge69. Crimson’s “I Talk To The Wind” if it were his friends try to tell him, “Dude, this album strumming. Once the song hits its stride is so great! How did you do this?”, he brushes
performed in an Iowa backyard and there with the introduction of the guitar, Bridge
was no fire witch there trying to capture you it off like, “Oh that old thing? I don’t know, once again lets the song structure melt away

and eat your soul. I just kind of whipped it together.” I don’t in favor of repetition that subtly gains layers
hile Davenport-based experimen-
Album highlight “Noon + Rain” captures know Sammerson Bridge but that’s the vibe as time moves on. We hear inklings of synth
tal folk artist and singer/songwriter
many sides of Bridge’s craft in one five- that his music gives off. And I am here to say, creeping somewhere in the mix, but they
Sammerson Bridge foregrounds his
minute package. The intro presents us with a “Dude, this album is so great!” never take over. We get more layers of guitar
new album Happy Day with an air of self-dep-
faint field recording of rain pattering on the Perhaps more than any other touchstone, but they all fuse together into a central wall
recation and presents the project as a tossed-
ground before a hot (gain-wise) fiddle bursts Happy Day hits on a strain of whimsical yet that keeps building momentum. By the
off lark, from the crude photo collage on its
in, spiraling through a plaintive yet energetic sophisticated and surprisingly deep folk/ time Bridge pops back in with a little outro
album cover to the tongue-in-cheek verbal
country stomp type melody – a flash of the pop experimentalism that recalls the work message – “I must go now. Thanks again. I
greeting he plants at the beginning of the first
mighty Henry Flynt, perhaps? But the fiddle of Shugo Tokumaru. Both Tokumaru and guess it’s time to go make that movie.” – not
track (“this is my new album”), these appear
is only the focus for one shake of a lamb’s tail Bridge love their woodwinds, their melodi- only am I sad to see the album end, but I look
to be little more than defense mechanisms to
before the track crumbles and reforms into cas, and their textured and effected guitar forward to checking out the dude’s movie
downplay the fact that the dude makes great
a moody, even jazzy little number animated lines, and both know how to elevate what whenever he finishes it. Given how much of a
by languid electric keyboard chords and could be seen as a dinky little folk ditty into cinematic sense of structure, detail, and tex-
Bridge’s practice couples a knack for mem-
another bumping, active bassline. Listen something that emotionally resonates – ture appear in his tunes, I’m sure that movie
orable melodies and guitar arrangements
with headphones on, not just pumping out of revealing their deliberation when it comes will be something to behold.
with a sophisticated, layered production style
your phone or laptop speakers or whatever, to how they piece their music together.
that carefully balances contrasting fidelities
and finds room for all sorts of little details
in the mix aside from the central guitar and
vocal elements. In short, he really earns that
“experimental” tag that appears on his Band- Murnau, fell off our collective horse – and that
fa l l was much more pronounced for
home base for the boys to return to
throughout the track sounds great,
camp page – moving far beyond the realm musicians who were used to jamming production-wise: subt ly crunchy,
of the rock band that happens to have a
synth part in one track and then decides that "Repent" at top volu me in t heir pu mmeling
guitar + drums sludge meta l project.
double-tracked and hard-panned,
bright while still a litt le menacing.
they’re experimental now. On Happy Day, For now, it doesn’t seem like Murnau When the f loodgates open up on the
Bridge tinkers with bizarro instrumentation have a nnou nced a ny major a lbu m track ’s chorus, and voca list/guitar-
decisions, specifically spatializes and pans
projec t , but t hey have i nd iv idua l ist A. R iggen’s voice rises up into
sounds across the stereo spread, and incor-
porates washes of found sound and field tracks trick ling out of the faucet here the fa lsetto range, the guitars soar
recording into traditional sound structures. and there to keep us satiated. into full distortion mode and we get
He also plays a mean bass guitar. The man is, The f irst one, “Repent,” feels like back to headbanging. My favorite
as they say, on one. I love it. a concise and fully rea lized example detail in here is the slow-building
The opening track “Good Morning Baby of the sound that the band has guitar drone that hangs in the back-
Bo” kicks things off with a perfect vibe that explored on previous releases such ground around the three minute
serves as a thesis for the album. Overtop of as 2020’s Lungs and 2021’s Sala- mark, rising behind that centra l
the central chord progression introduced mander. Those a lbums occasiona lly cleaner-toned riff until it brea ks
via chiming, texturally crackly (in a great
way) guitar and a chubby bassline filtered so
gave in to excess with tracks that into a full on scuzzy guitar solo.
it takes up just the right amount of space in stretched into the seven-to-10-min- Instead of blasting us straight in the
the mix while still bumping, Bridge layers ute mark – a fact that the band can’t face with a loud-ass solo though,
in field recordings of birds chirping, hard- be faulted for, as excessive, epic Murnau buries it somewhere toward
panned hand percussion, and a muffled tracks are tota lly par for the course the back of the mi x – a great move,
but still propulsive drum track. The guitar for doom meta l. (See Electric Wiz- as it adds more to the atmosphere
tone here channels that half-remembered watch?v=ozPNpk0waCc ard ’s “Dopethrone,” Sleep’s “Dopes- of the song to hear the solo sizzle
‘60s psych tonal palette that Bibio explored

moker” … you k now, a ll the classics and fr y back there in contrast with
on “Lovers Carvings” from his 2009 album
he Quad Cities’ doom-meta l/ about smok ing dope.) “Repent” sits the surrounding elements. I wonder
Ambivalence Avenue, before that sort of
jangly, homespun guitar tone started pop- p o s t- g r u n ge du o Mu r n au at a more manageable f ive min- if these dudes have ever heard the
ping up again along the pop <-> psych rock seems to be getting back on the utes, but Murnau f ills that time a lbum Rainbow by Boris & Michio
spectrum, perhaps best exemplified by Tame horse once again. Not that they ever with plent y of structura l twists and Kurihara, because that solo trig-
Impala. necessarily fell off the horse, but, you crunchy riffs. The jitter y, cleaner- gered some connections in my head
But I digress. Sammerson Bridge pulls off k now, societ y as a whole prett y much toned f irst riff that ser ves as the to that underrated record.
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 25


Send your live music events to
Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

2020/09/04 (Fri)
(5) St.Charles Rd., St.Charles IA
Jordan Danielsen – The Tangled Wood,
– Tyler Childers (9:30pm) – Avenue
of the Saints Amphitheater, 3357
Rob & Gary from the Night People
(2pm) – Wide River Winery Tasting
Hinterland Music Festival: Vincent
Neil Emerson (11:45am) – Bendigo
Park, SE 6th St., Galva IL

Angela Meyer (1pm) – Brad Morgan

(6 & 10pm) – Mississippi Valley
3636 Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA St.Charles Rd., St.Charles IA Room - Village of East Davenport, 1128 Fletcher (12:45pm) – Charley MONDAY (9)
Josh Sinclair (6:30pm) – Mississippi Joseph Hall: Elvis Rock N Remember Mound St., Davenport IA Crockett (1:45pm) – Hamilton
Fairgrounds Shed, 2815 Locust St., Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13
River Distilling Company & Cody – Coralville Center for the Performing Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – The Leithauser (2:45pm) – Orville Peck
Davenport IA S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Road Cocktail House, 303 N. Cody Rd., Arts, 1301 5th St., Coralville IA Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111 (4pm) – Elle King (5:15pm) – Mt.
Big River Brass Band – Aledo Central Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405
LeClaire IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 West 2nd St., Davenport IA Joy (6:30pm) – Khruangbin (8pm)
Park Bandshell, Hwy 17, Aledo IL State St., Bettendorf IA
Just Cuz (4pm) – North of 40 (7:30pm) S Linn St, Iowa City IA Threat Level Midnight (5pm) – Go Fish – Leon Bridges (9:30pm) – Avenue
Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Vincent Neil Emerson – Raccoon Motel,
– Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds The Knockoffs (5pm) – Chesty P’s Pub, Marina & Bar, 411 River Dr., Princeton IA of the Saints Amphitheater, 3357
Festival: Bix Youth Jazz Band (6pm) 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA
Pavilion, 2815 W. Locust St., Davenport 104 East Mason St., Polo IL Tommy Picket (noon) – Sara Simmons St.Charles Rd., St.Charles IA
– Chicago Cellar Boys (7pm) – NOLA
Jazz Band (8pm) – Mortonia Sextet
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13
Meadstock 2021 (2pm) – Bootleg
Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd St.,
(4pm) – The Hot Rods (6 & 10pm)
– The Diamonds (7 & 9pm) –
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405
State St., Bettendorf IA TUESDAY (10)
All-Stars (9pm) – Miss Jubilee & S Linn St, Iowa City IA Davenport IA Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds Oldies Lojo Russo (3pm) – Go Fish Marina & Bar, Brass Pear Band (5:30pm) – Riverside
the Yas Yas Boys (10pm) – Rhythm Ky & Ty – The Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, Michael Moncada & Whiskey High Tent, 2815 Locust St., Davenport IA 411 River Dr., Princeton IA Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway
City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 117 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA (4:30pm) – 1st Impression (8:30pm) Lucas Sanor (2pm) – Terraza Modern 22, Riverside IA
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Dave Ellis (6pm) – Go Fish Marina Bar &
Last Call Band (8:30pm) – Toxic Blonde – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 SUNDAY
2020/09/10 (Thu)
(8) Mexican, 4808 Forest Grove Dr., Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13
(10:30pm) – Riverside Casino and Golf W. Locust St., Davenport IA Bettendorf IA S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Grill, 411 River Dr., Princeton IA Angela Meyer (1pm) – Doug Brundies
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA The Moonlighters QC (6pm) – Ruby’s Sara Simmons (1pm) – Mississippi Valley Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second
Doc & Delilah (6:30pm) – The Faithful (6pm) – Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds
Lewis Knudsen (6pm) – Steventon’s, Davenport, 429 E. 3rd St., Davenport IA Fairgrounds Oldies Tent, 2815 Locust Ave., Rock Island IL
Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd, Shed, 2815 Locust St., Davenport IA
1399 Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA Pitbull – Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, St., Davenport IA Nicholas Naioti – Fairfield Arts &
LeClaire IA Craig Morgan – Mississippi Valley
Live @ Five: Heads in Motion (5pm) 2815 W. Locust St, Davenport IA The Stone Flowers (4pm) – The Dirt Convention Center, 200 N. Main St.,
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St,
– RME Courtyard, 131 W. 2nd St., Roadside Circus (9pm) – Electric Road Rockers (7:30pm) – Mississippi Fairfield IA
S Linn St, Iowa City IA Davenport IA
Davenport IA Shock (11pm) – Mississippi Valley Valley Fairgrounds Pavilion, 2815 W. Virtual Concert: Hannah Frey – Englert
Karaoke w/ Party Times DJ Service – Dave & Rich Acoustic Duo (2pm) –
Old Dominion – Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds Farmer’s Tent, 2815 W. Locust St., Davenport IA Theatre, 221 East Washington St.,
Perxactley’s Bar & Grill, 110 S. Olive Tycoga Vineyard & Winery, 2585 195th
Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, Locust St, Davenport IA Wayne Hancock – Craig Gerdes – Wiley Iowa City IA
Street, Maquoketa IA St., DeWitt IA
Davenport IA
Moonshine Run (4pm) – Megalord Project X (9pm) – Tomb (11pm) –
(7:30pm) – Mississippi Valley Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds
Fairgrounds Pavilion, 2815 W. Locust Farmer’s Tent, 2815 W. Locust St,
St., Davenport IA Davenport IA
NOLA Jazz Band (3pm) – Putnam Quad City Prospects – Hawkeye Tap
Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th Sports Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
St, Davenport IA Davenport IA
Open Jam featuring Far Out 283 – Scott Stowe (5pm) – Wide River Winery
My Place the Pub, 4405 State St., - LeClaire, 106 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA
Bettendorf IA The Slow Draws (6:30pm) – Ron-de-Voo
Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Park, East Third St., West Liberty IA
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Tommy Picket (noon) – 50 Shades
Shinedown – Mississippi Valley of Rock (3pm) – The Hot Rods (6 &
Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust St, 10pm) – The Diamonds (7 & 9pm) –
Davenport IA Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds Oldies
Tommy Picket (noon) – 50 Shades Tent, 2815 Locust St., Davenport IA
of Rock (3pm) – The Hot Rods (6 & Wave Makers: Orlando Coolridge
10pm) – The Diamonds (7 & 9pm) – & Vag a b o n d M au ri ce (as
Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds Oldies Slumpgang777) – EverEvolved –
Tent, 2815 Locust St., Davenport IA Blaise B – Aubs. – Sons Of Mars – DK
Trapt – Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds (5pm) – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave.,
Farmer’s Tent, 2815 W. Locust St, Rock Island IL
Davenport IA
2020/09/05 (Sat)
(6) 50 Shades of Rock – Hawkeye Tap
The 42s – Riverview Roadhouse, 701 N. Sports Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
Cody Road, LeClaire IA Davenport IA
Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz All Sweat Productions Performs
Festival: Bix Youth Jazz Band Abbey Road – Schwiebert Riverfront
(11:30am) – NOLA Jazz Band Park, 101 17th St., Rock Island IL
(12:30pm) – Southside Aces
(1:30pm) – Cakewalkin’ Jass Band
Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz
Festival: Bix Youth Jazz Band THE MUSIC OF
(2:30pm) – Chicago Cellar Boys (11:30am) – Southside Aces
(3:30pm) – Joe Smith & the Spicy (12:30pm) – Cakewalkin’ Jass Band
Pickles (6pm) – Mortonia Sextet (1:30pm) – Graystone Monarchs
(7pm) – Graystone Monarches All-
Stars (8pm) – Miss Jubilee & the
(2:30pm) – Joe Smith & the Spicy FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 • 8 PM
Pickles (3:30pm) – Miss Jubilee &
Yas Yas Boys (9pm) – Southside the Yas Yas Boys (6pm) – Graystone
Aces (10pm) – Rhythm City Casino Monarchs All-Stars (7pm) – Chicago
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave.,


Cellar Boys (8pm) – Mortonia Sextet
Davenport IA (9pm) – Joe Smith & the Spicy
Charley Crockett – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Pickles (10pm) –Rhythm City Casino
Second St., Davenport IA
Country Traditions – Rhythm City
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Davenport IA
Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Brooke Byam & the PeOple – Riverside
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway
Crooked Cactus – The Gypsy Highway 22, Riverside IA
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Davenport IA
Dave Ellis & Rich Fricke Acoustic Duo
Cakewalkin’ Jass Band (10am) –
Oakdale Memorial Gardens, 2501 GEORGE THOROGOOD
– Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228
30th St., Rock Island IL
Eastern Ave., Davenport IA
Coolidge – The Tangled Wood, 3636
Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA
Dave Zollo & the Body Electric Crooked Cactus (4pm) – Nuclear Plow SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 • 8 PM
(6:30pm) – Iowa City Ped Mall, 14 S. Boys (7:30pm) – Mississippi Valley
Clinton St, Iowa City IA Fairgrounds Pavilion, 2815 W. Locust
Dirty Water Boys – Dirty Water Music, St., Davenport IA
102 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA Doug Brundies (6 & 10pm) – Mississippi Get our full lineup and buy tickets online at
Doug Brundies (1pm) – Bad Hair (6 & Valley Fairgrounds Shed, 2815 Locust
10pm) – Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds St., Davenport IA
Shed, 2815 Locust St., Davenport IA Fresh Wax: All the Waves w/ Bob
Freddy Allen 2&4 Swing Trio – The Herington – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third
Grape Life Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Ave., Rock Island IL
7077 Elmore Avenue Davenport, IA 52807

Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Hinterland Music Festival: Lillie

Hinterland Music Festival: Hex Girls
(3pm) – Cut Worms (4pm) – Yola
Mae (11:30am) – Kelsey Waldon
– (12:30pm) – The Dip (1:30pm) – | 1.844.852.4FUN
(5:15pm) – Caamp (6:30pm) – Old Paul Cauthen (2:30pm) – Shooter
Crow Medicine Show (8pm) – The Jennings (3:45pm) – The Marcus
Avett Brothers (9:30pm) – Avenue King Band (5pm) – Tanya Tucker
of the Saints Amphitheater, 3357 (6:30pm) – Black Pumas (8pm)
26 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •


Send your live music events to
Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

2020/09/04 (Fri) Iowa City IA
BanD – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd
Highway 22, Riverside IA
Damon Johnson & the Get Ready – Chuck
St., Rock Island IL Bar, 411 River Dr., Princeton IA
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Davenport IA
Brass Pear Band (5:30pm) – Riverside
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
St., Davenport IA Garric (6:30pm) – Rascals Live, 1414 15th SUNDAY (15) Linn St, Iowa City IA The Riverside Band – Rhythm City Casino
Class of ’82: ’80s New Wave Tribute – The St., Moline IL Karaoke w/ Party Times DJ Service – Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Riverside IA 54th Annual Willow Folk Music Festival –
Tangled Wood, 3636 Tanglewood Rd., Danger Zone – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Perxactley’s Bar & Grill, 110 S. Olive Street, Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Willow United Methodist Church, 6522 S.
Bettendorf IA Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA Maquoketa IA Tiffany & the Band Boy Night – Jumer’s
Linn St, Iowa City IA Willow Road, Stockton IL
The Dandelion Stompers (6:30pm) – Ron- Dave Killinger – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Open Jam featuring Far Out 283 – My Place Casino & Hotel, 777 Jumer Dr., Rock Island
Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave., The Beach Boys – Rhythm City Casino Resort
de-Voo Park, East Third St., West Liberty IA 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA the Pub, 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA IL
Rock Island IL Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport
Daniel Stratman (6pm) – Steventon’s, 1399 Dick Danger Band (5pm) – Go Fish Marina & Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Toxic Blonde – Hawkeye Tap Sports Bar N
Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA Bar, 411 River Dr., Princeton IA 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Davenport IA
2020/09/05 (Sat) Big River Brass Band – LeClaire Park
Dave & Rich Acoustic Duo – Ray’s Time Out, Hap Hazard – 11th Street Precinct, 1107 Summer Organ Sampler Concert
Anthony Worden & the Illiterati – Chuy 1815 Manufacturing Dr., Clinton IA
Eli Mosley Band – Rhythm City Casino
Mound St., Davenport IA
Heads in Motion – The Tangled Wood, 3636
Bandshell, , Davenport IA
Elizabeth Moen – Wyatt Waddell – Raccoon
featuring Greg Hand (11:30am) – John
& Alice Butler Hall - University of Dubuque
Renteria (6:30pm) – Willow Creek Park, , Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA Buddy Olson (2pm) – Wide River Winery
Iowa City IA Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St.,
Iowa Arts Festival: One Foot on the Ground Tasting Room - Village of East Davenport,
Figge and RME Present Jazz on the Plaza Davenport IA Iowa Arts Festival: Dodge Street Duo Dubuque IA
(11:30am) – Flash in a Pan (1pm) – Miles 1128 Mound St., Davenport IA
(5pm) – Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., The Hotrods – Riverside Casino and Golf (11:30pm) – Jordan Sellergren (1pm) – Yam Yam – Vintage Pistol – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Over Mountains (2:45pm) – Downtown Crooked Cactus – 11th Street Precinct, 1107
Davenport IA Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA The Recliners (3pm) – Wyatt Waddell Washington St., Iowa City IA
Iowa City, , Iowa City IA Mound St., Davenport IA
Jef Spradley (6pm) – Go Fish Marina & Bar, Iowa Arts Festival: Pandelirium Steel (5pm) – Chastity Brown (7pm) –
411 River Dr., Princeton IA Drum Band (6pm) – Aaron Kamm & the
One Drops (7pm) – The Jayhawks (9pm)
Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (9pm) –
Downtown Iowa City, , Iowa City IA
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 State
St., Bettendorf IA FRIDAY (20) Good Clean Fun – Rhythm City Casino
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Justin Wells – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second Monica Austin (3pm) – Go Fish Marina & Bar, Allie Colleen – The Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., Davenport IA
St., Davenport IA – Downtown Iowa City, , Iowa City IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
411 River Dr., Princeton IA East Moline IL Johnny Kilowatt Band (6:30pm) –
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Jim Buennig – The Grape Life Wine Store & Linn St, Iowa City IA

Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, BYOBrass (6:30pm) – Ron-de-Voo Park, East Downtown Iowa City, Iowa City IA
Linn St, Iowa City IA Third St., West Liberty IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Karaoke w/ Party Times DJ Service – Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL
Linn St, Iowa City IA Miles Over Mountains – Savage Hearts – Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Crystal City – Brass Tower – Anthony Linn St, Iowa City IA
Perxactley’s Bar & Grill, 110 S. Olive Street, Worden Band (6:30pm) – Iowa City Ped Minus Six – The Tangled Wood, 3636
Maquoketa IA Lewis Knudsen – Hawkeye Tap Sports Bar N Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA Linn St, Iowa City IA
Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Davenport IA Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – The Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 State Mall, 14 S. Clinton St, Iowa City IA Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA
Mission Creek Summer Sessions (6:30pm) Dave Ellis – The Grape Life Wine Store & North of 40 – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill,
– Willow Creek Park, , Iowa City IA Live @ Five: The Dawn (5pm) – RME Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111 West St., Bettendorf IA
Courtyard, 131 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA 2nd St., Davenport IA Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA
Open Jam featuring Far Out 283 – My Place
the Pub, 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA Tug Fest: North of 40 – LeClaire Levee, 117 S.
Front St., LeClaire IA
The Tailfins – Rhythm City Casino Resort
Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
WEDNESDAY (18) Doug Brundies – The Tangled Wood, 3636
Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA
Quad City Bank & Trust Riverfront Pops:
The Music of The Rolling Stones, Mick
Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Douglas & Tucker (6pm) – Steventon’s, 1399 Jagger & Keith Richards 1969 – LeClaire
Tug Fest: Project X (7:30pm) – Blacktop Davenport IA Ember (5:30pm) – Riverside Casino and Golf
321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA Park Bandshell, , Davenport IA
Mojo (10pm) – Port Byron Levee, Tug Fest: Down 24 (3pm) – The Brat Pack Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Tab Benoit – Rhythm City Casino Resort Good Clean Fun – Riverside Casino and Golf The Riverside Band – Riverside Casino and
Downtown Port Byron, Port Byron IL (8pm) – LeClaire Levee, 117 S. Front St., Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
The Wolf & Gypsy Band – The Gypsy LeClaire IA Linn St, Iowa City IA
IA The Hooten Hallers – Gabe’s, 330 E. Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – The
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Tug Fest: Sam, Wyatt, & Aleck Acoustic Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave.,
Thick Paint – Salsa Chest – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Washington St., Iowa City IA Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111 West
Davenport IA Band (8:15am) – Dirt Road Rockers Rock Island IL
Third Ave., Rock Island IL Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S 2nd St., Davenport IA
(7pm) – TOMB (10:30pm) – Port Byron Virtual Concert: Aseethe – Englert Theatre,
Tug Fest: Ky & Ty & the Other Guy – LeClaire
Levee, 117 S. Front St., LeClaire IA SATURDAY (14) Levee, Downtown Port Byron, Port Byron 221 East Washington St., Iowa City IA Linn St, Iowa City IA
The Music of Boston and Journey w/
Susto – She Returns From War – Mel
Washington – Haiva ru – Little Bird –
54th Annual Willow Folk Music Festival –
Willow United Methodist Church, 6522 S.
Ya Maka My Weekend: Jumbies – Baby THURSDAY
2020/09/05 (Sat)
(19) Tommy DeCarlo – Rhythm City Casino
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Codfish Hollow Barn, 5013 288th Ave.,
Maquoketa IA
J & Golden Street Band – Drea & Zion
Aaron Kamm & the One Drops – Reggae Willow Road, Stockton IL Ani DiFranco – Codfish Hollow Barn, 5013 Davenport IA Tangled Reality – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads,
– Iyahbinghi – Universal Expression –
Rapids – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Casi Joy (8:30pm) – The Hotrods (10pm) 288th Ave., Maquoketa IA Orphan Jon & the Abandoned – The Gypsy 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport I
Indika – Downtown Rock Island, 615 31st
– Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Jordan Danielsen (6pm) – Go Fish Marina &

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your status regardless of
whether you believe you
are at risk.
The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention recommend
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ages of 13 and 64 get tested
for HIV at least once.
Learn More at
Know More, Do More • FREE ASSANGE. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 27


Send your live music events to
Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

2020/09/04 (Fri)
(22) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Linn St, Iowa City IA
Courtyard, 131 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Lojo Russo – The Tangled Wood, 3636
e Ave., Davenport IA
Jordan Danielsen (2pm) – Wide River
George Thorogood & the Destroyers –
Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center, WEDNESDAY (8)
Alan & Alex Duo (4pm) – The Gypsy Highway Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill 9th Annual Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA Winery Tasting Room - Village of East 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA “Shamrockin’ Paddy O’Pardy”: Dave & Marshall Charloff Purple Xperience: A Davenport, 1128 Mound St., Davenport Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 Linn St, Iowa City IA
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 State Rich (noon) – Phyllis & the Sharks (2pm) Tribute to Prince – Jumer’s Casino & IA State St., Bettendorf IA Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave.,
St., Bettendorf IA – Lynn Allen (5pm) – Danger Zone (8pm) Hotel, 777 Jumer Dr., Rock Island IL Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Karl Beatty (2pm) – Terraza Modern Rock Island IL
Karl Beatty (2pm) – Terraza Modern – Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th Stephanie JNote & Johnny J – Kavanaugh’s Linn St, Iowa City IA Mexican, 4808 Forest Grove Dr., Virtual Concert: Sean Tyler – Englert
Mexican, 4808 Forest Grove Dr., St., Rock Island IL Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock Island Little River Band – Rhythm City Casino Bettendorf IA Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa
Bettendorf IA Lolo – Desert Noises – Hembree – Codfish IL Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Son Little – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second City IA
North of 40 (4pm) – Parkside Grill & Lounge, Hollow Barn, 5013 288th Ave., Maquoketa Tony Hoeppner & Friends (6:30pm) – Davenport IA St., Davenport IA
2307 5th Ave, Moline IL IA Mississippi River Distilling Company & The Moonlighters QC – Riverside Casino
Shakey Graves – Tre Burt – Codfish Hollow
Barn, 5013 288th Ave., Maquoketa IA
Northern Parallels 050: All Day/All Night
Open Air (4pm) – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third
Cody Road Cocktail House, 303 N. Cody
Rd., LeClaire IA
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Riverside IA MONDAY
2020/09/05 (Sat)
(6) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Ave., Rock Island IL Wild Oatz – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – The Baby Blues Beach–Style Festival: The Linn St, Iowa City IA
2020/09/05 (Sat)
(24) Reverend Raven & the Chain’ Smokin’
Altar Boys – Flatted Fifth Blues & BBQ, 300
2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111
West 2nd St., Davenport IA
Main Street Rambles (11am) – The Tim
Stop Band (2pm) – The Bamboozlers
Mission Creek Summer Sessions
(6:30pm) – Downtown Iowa City, , Iowa
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Linn St, Iowa City IA
Potter Dr., Bellevue IA
Rob and Gary of the Night People – SATURDAY (4) Soul Storm – The Gypsy Highway Bar &
Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA
(4pm) – Downtown Port Byron, , Port
Byron IL
City IA
Open Jam featuring Far Out 283 – My
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 State Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., The Blooze Brothers Revue – Timber Lake Tangled Reality – Green Tree Brewery, 309 Place the Pub, 4405 State St., Bettendorf
St., Bettendorf IA Davenport IA
Rubix Kube – Riverside Casino Event Center,
Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt.
Carroll IL
N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA
Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey
WEDNESDAY (25) 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar – The
The Brat Pack – The Tangled Wood, 3636
Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA SUNDAY (5) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Linn St, Iowa City IA
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Waxahatchee – Codfish Hollow Barn, 5013
Frank Martin Busch (4pm) – Hitchville Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111 West The Carefree Highwaymen – The Grape Douglas & Tucker – The Tangled Wood, Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 288th Ave., Maquoketa IA
(7:15pm) – Riverside Casino and Golf 2nd St., Davenport IA Life Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmor 3636 Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA State St., Bettendorf IA
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA Top of the World – Rhythm City Casino
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Linn St, Iowa City IA Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave., Toy Factory – Riverside Casino and Golf
Rock Island IL Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Virtual Concert: Sinner Frenz – Englert The Wallens – The Grape Life Wine Store &
Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
City IA
THURSDAY (26) Angela Meyer (3pm) – Go Fish Marina & Bar,
Angela Meyer – Logan Springer – Raccoon 411 River Dr., Princeton IA
Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA Code 415 (4pm) – Parkside Grill & Lounge,
Bee Gees Gold Tribute – Circa ’21 Dinner 2307 5th Ave, Moline IL
Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Island IL Dave Ellis & Rich Fricke Acoustic Duo
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S (2pm) – Len Brown’s North Shore Inn, 700
Linn St, Iowa City IA N. Shore Dr., Moline IL
Karaoke w/ Party Times DJ Service – KT Tunstall – The Redstone Room, 129 Main
Perxactley’s Bar & Grill, 110 S. Olive Street, St, Davenport IA
Maquoketa IA Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 State
Open Jam featuring Far Out 283 – My Place St., Bettendorf IA
the Pub, 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA Lewis Knudsen (2pm) – Terraza Modern
Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Mexican, 4808 Forest Grove Dr.,
321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Bettendorf IA
A Rock ‘n’ Roll Tribute from Elvis to the Travis Ried Band (3pm) – The Gypsy
Beatles featuring the Neverly Brothers Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
– Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Davenport IA
Road, Mt. Carroll IL
2020/09/05 (Sat)
FRIDAY (27) Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Angela Meyer (6pm) – Steventon’s, 1399 Linn St, Iowa City IA
Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, 4405 State
Black Velvet (5pm) – Wide River Winery - St., Bettendorf IA
LeClaire, 106 N. Cody Rd., LeClaire IA Pinegrove – Miloe – Grumpy – Codfish
The Bryce Janey Band (6:30pm) – Iowa City Hollow Barn, 5013 288th Ave., Maquoketa
Ped Mall, 14 S. Clinton St, Iowa City IA IA
Funktastic 5 – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill,
2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S WEDNESDAY (1)
Linn St, Iowa City IA Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Live @ Five: Class of ’82 (5pm) – RME Linn St, Iowa City IA
Courtyard, 131 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave.,
Lonesome Road – Rhythm City Casino Rock Island IL
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Virtual Concert: Ligament – Englert
Davenport IA Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Iowa
Mike & the Moonpies – Buffalo Gospel City IA
– Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St.,
Davenport IA
Ron Tegeler Jazz Trio – The Grape Life THURSDAY (2)
Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave., Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Davenport IA Linn St, Iowa City IA
Taylor Kay – Hawkeye Tap Sports Bar N Grill, Open Jam featuring Far Out 283 – My Place
4646 Cheyenne Ave., Davenport IA the Pub, 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Top of the World – Riverside Casino and Golf Open Mic Night – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads,
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Tres Colores (6:30pm) – Ron-de-Voo Park, Telekinetic Yeti – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington
East Third St., West Liberty IA St., Iowa City IA
Tunes At the Tulip: Freddy Allen & Nervous
Neal Smith (6pm) – Hauberg Civic Center
Mansion, 1300 24th St., Rock Island IL FRIDAY (3)
The 42s – Riverview Roadhouse, 701 N. Cody
Road, LeClaire IA
SATURDAY (28) The Beaker Brothers (6:30pm) – Iowa City
Ped Mall, 14 S. Clinton St, Iowa City IA
Blues Rock-It – 11th Street Precinct, 1107 Dirty Water Boys – Dirty Water Music, 102 N.
Mound St., Davenport IA Cody Rd., LeClaire IA
The Dawn – The Tangled Wood, 3636 Donovan Gustofson – Bootleg Hill Honey
Tanglewood Rd., Bettendorf IA Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Doobie Brothers 50th Anniversary Tour – Dwight Yoakam – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third
TaxSlayer Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL St., Davenport IA
Halfloves – treesreach – Penny Peach – Karaoke Night – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
WWWW – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Linn St, Iowa City IA
Iowa City IA Lewis Knudsen (6pm) – Steventon’s, 1399
JD Young Band – The Gypsy Highway Bar & Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA
Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA Live @ Five: Bobby Ray Bunch (5pm) – RME
28 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 28 No. 988 • August 2021 FREE ASSANGE. Know More, Do More •

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