Error Identification 1 (Ei-004,005)

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1. T h e s h o p   a s s i s t a n c e   w a s   v e r y   h e l p f u l   a n d I w a s a b l e t o b u y w h a t I   w a n t e d .

2. H a v e y o u   w r o t e   a r e p l y   t o   y o u r g r a n d m o t h e r   t o t h a n k   h e r f o r t h e   p r e s e n t   ?

3. My father told me don't stay out late at night with my friends.

4. We have to do it ourself as there are not enough workers to finish it on time.

5. Amy sits besides me in class while Sita is behind me.

6. We are grateful for Mrs Halimah for helping us to win the inter-school debate.

7. When Rahman reached to home, he realized that no one was there.

8. T h e f i r e   s p r e a d   q u i c k l y ,   d e s t r o y   t h r e e h o u s e s   w i t h i n   m i n u t e s .

9. She crossed the road without looking and was knock down by a car.

10. He got out of the car, than he locked it and walked to the office.

11. I hope you will kind consider my application for a job in your company.

12. If I know it was going to rain like this, I would have stayed at home.

13. To my opinion advertisements are more harmful than beneficial.

14. T h e c r o w d w a s   l i t t l e   a n d I   h a d   n o   d i f f i c u l t y i n g e t t i n g a g o o d   s e a t .

15. Mrs Salmah bought a lot of furnitures at the sale for her new house.

16. If you go I'm sure you will find it enjoy.

17. Would you mind go with me to the hospital ?


1. T h e r e   w e r e   m a r k s   o n   t h e s n o w b u t   i t   w e r e   u n r e c o g n i z a b l e .

2.He lead me to the rear of the shop where more goods were stacked.

3. The branch struck him hard and lay him unconscious.

4. The sudden noise frightened the baby and made it to cry.

5. The dog wagged it's tail when it saw me approaching.

6. There was signs of neglect showing that no one was living there.

7. After a few moment, the woman opened the window

and looked out curiously.

8.Can you write an article to be include in the next issue of the

magazine ?

9. Decided to leave, I packed my clothes and left a note to say I had gone.

10. One of the former student donated a large sum of money to the school.

11. He was quite amusing when he heard what had happened.

12. Turn left by the crossroads when you reach it.

13. He has been working here for sometimes.

14. He stopped to see if he could picked up the trail.

15. Although he jumped aside, but the stone hit him.

16. I decided to climbed to the top of the hill to get a better view.

17. He jumped down after shouted a warning to those standing below.

18. After a few minutes, I look up and saw that it was getting dark.

19. I saw the blind man crossed the busy road without any help.

20. The robber gave the victim with a hard blow.


1. T o   w h o   d i d y o u   p a s s   t h e m e s s a g e I   g a v e   y o u ?

2. The firemen put off the fire quickly  but the house was burnt down.

3. The villagers carried out a through search for the missing child.

4. Please convey my best wish to your mother when you see her.

5. Unless you finish all your homework, you can watch television.

6. The contestant hitted the target with great accuracy.

7. I am sorry to say that your son has been  absence from school for a


8. Successful applicants will be paid attracting salary, bonus and

fringe benefits.
9. Can you borrow me your book for a few days ?
10. My friend asked me to go for shopping with her but I refused.

11. S h e h a s   a s m a l l e y e s   a n d a p o i n t e d n o s e .

12. Jane is rather a outstanding woman.

13. We need to take an action to solve the problem of pollution.

14. If you read, you get a knowledge.

15. The woman describe her daughter  as jewel.


1. I   a m l i v i n g   i n L o n d o n s i n c e l a s t S e p t e m b e r .
2. I have been in New York two weeks ago.
3. The phone rung while I was doing the dishes.
4. I have received your letter last week.
5. If I had taken part, I will win the prize.
6. They have now reduce the number of projects on the highlands.
7. She gave a loud scream and  fall over the chair.
8. We ate the chicken and also  drunk the orange juice.
9. After this happen, we dared not go there again.
10. Has anyone ever tell you to knock before you enter ?
11. W h i l e I   a m   w a t c h i n g t e l e v i s i o n l a s t n i g h t , s o m e o n e c a l l e d .
12. Valuable paintings were  stole from the gallery.
13. I found that my drawers  were searched.
14. I suddenly noticed that he  has turned blue.
15. The car was damage badly in the accident.
16. Teenagers without guidance can be easily  influence.
17. When my father was doing his work, we will not disturb him.
18. We had better went home now. It is late.
19. When I reached her house, she  already left.
20. If I were you, I will see the headmaster.


1. T h e y w e r e   b o r i n g   b y t h e f i l m .
2. A f t e r   t i e d   u p t h e t h i e f , I c a l l e d t h e p o l i c e .
3. 'Stop cry or I will hit you,' he threatened.
4. This problem can be solved by control pollution.
5. I saw a man climbed over the gate.
6. A l i n a s a w h e r   t r i e d   t o o p e n t h e f r o n t d o o r .
7. The gate was not damaged but it was  wide opened.
8. I saw my neighbor  was standing by the door.
9. We had a very frightened experience.
10. I heard the child screamed.
11. When you send the forms, you should included a photograph.
12. If you have a car, you can traveled around Singapore.
13. The thieves must had stolen the handphone.
14. Our group must climbed the hill.
15. When she is free, she will  helps us.
16. Even when he is sad, he will  jokes.
17. We must prayed to God for help.
18. Do I must go ?
19. You can leaving soon.
20. He can easily recognizes his old friends.

ERROR IDENTIFICATION 6 (Count/ Uncount…, Direct/In… -011,012)

1. T e l l t h e d r i v e r w h e r e   d o y o u w a n t   t o g o .
2. He wants to know what can he do.
3. I'll ask her what is the time .
4. We don't know why is he late.
5. Tell me where is the key.
6. I wonder what is she doing there.
7. Why they can't do it properly ?
8. I understand why did he do it.
9. Can anyone tell me what is the story about ?
10. Her mother is staying where ?
11. The teacher gave each of the student a test paper.
12. It's important for every students to have a dictionary.
13. Every furniture in that room is made of wood.
14. People's idea about values change.
15. We have a lot of works to do.
16. One of my mother's ring was also stolen.
17. She has a lot of jewelleries.
18. The businessman has bought a lot of  properties.
19. It is wise to have a smaller  amount of children.
20. They usually have three or less children.
1. I   r e a c h e d a t   S e m a n t a n S t r e e t .
2. About half past nine we arrived the destination.
3. We heard a lot of noise among the jungles.
4. We came out from the tree when it was safe.
5. They thanked to the family for helping them.
6. I screamed loudly to him.
7. She wants the best of us.
8. Parents need to spend more time  on their children.
9. They are able to concentrate of their work.
10. They spend more time  to caring for others.
11. A l t h o u g h h e i s t i r e d   b u t   h e w a n t s t o p l a y .
12. The weather was such cold that I didn't go out.
13. It was too hot that I couldn't drink it.
14. Unless I study hard, I will pass all my exams.
15. Ronnie is my age wherelse Steve is younger than I.
16. Either Jack will call Susan or Bob.
17. He ate a lot because he was  too hungry.
18. He completed the race in spite his injury.
19. Marie woke up late.  Consequent she missed the train.
20. Smith is a poor man.  Moreover he helps other poor people.
1. I t   d i f f e r e n c e   f r o m o n e c u l t u r e t o a n o t h e r .
2. I realized it had dead.
3. It was so enjoy.
4. The harmony atmosphere made me feel good.
5. A child needs attention from their parents.
6. On New Year's Eve me and my family have dinner together.
7. In spite of his injured, he decided to take part.
8. The river was more deep than I thought.
9. The tracks were much more width compared with the tiger's.
10. Compared with her, my handwriting is neater.
11. The sizes of houses varies according to the location.
12. He also have a pair of brown eyes.
13. He look very young although he is over 40 years.
14. There are no sharing of space.
15. A small family have a lot of advantages.
16. Her reason for leaving home were not clear.
17. There is a lot of differences between them.
18. People in the West doesn't know much about us.
19. My father don't like people who lie.
20. Who want to read the book first.
ERROR IDENTIFICATION 9 (Vocab/Collocation,EI-017,019)
1. I f y o u g i v e m o r e c a r e a n d a t t e n t i o n , i t w o u l d   f r u i t   a b e t t e r c h i l d .
2. They have increased the bus fees.
3. It's too late to alter any mistakes  done.
4. You can see them wondering around our house.
5. The desert was delicious.
6. Every necessary step must be done.
7. They should do their responsibilities well.
8. He is an oversea graduate.
9. This scheme has larger advantages
10. We heard the voice of a gun.
11. You can find the toys in the children department.
12. Luggages are sold cheaply here.
13. Although I love my family  but I get feed up with them sometimes.
14. He told me don't do it.
15. I went the shopping alone.
16. I have spend all my money.
17. Some animals might attacked if they are provoked.
18. The man were able to pull out the child quickly.
19. The rings is bigger than her fingers.
20. The men were kind because he knew what it was to be homeless.
ERROR IDENTIFICATION 10 (Word Orders/Error,EI-018,020)
1 .  Accidents are easier to happen when motorists speed.
2 .  The cost of living nowadays is at a very high rate.
3 .  We saw one tiger was approached to us.
4 .  For instance, Russia and China  they are Communists.
5 .  Teacher asked some question to the class.
6 .  Hank do first.
7 .  The address after the name what you should put .
8 .  All of you finished ?
9 .  What kind of children  did they get this award ?
10   He is tall and rugged looking man walked towards me.

1 .  It cause the crack to become wider.

2 .  The gold did not shone brightly because it was dirty.
3 .  Rubies and diamond is known as jewels.
4 .  They found the footprints  lefted by the tiger.
5 .  Raymond shoes because dirty because of the mud.
6 .  Jewel is a precious stone.
7 .  Her son are an only child.
8 .  Things leave behind by the visitors were handed to him.
9 .  The sun was not shine brightly.
10   She is no time to call anyone.
1 .  It was difficult to breath because of the smoke.
2 .  The books which was found belong to Raynie.
3 .  The jewellery was not make of gold but of silver.
4 .  The exposed slope was covering with plastic sheets.
5 .  People who lives in the east are mainly farmers.
6 .  I need a scissors.
7 .  Everyone must do their work.
8 .  Which group want to do it first ?
9 .  Young people today have so much problems.
10   There should be more understanding between one  and other.

1 .  He has a habbit of getting up early.

2 .  I need a new dress that suitable for a wedding.
3 .  If you earn more, you are able to spent more.
4 .  They came to looked for the missing child.
5 .  What you going to tell your father ?
6 .  The drain full of rubbish.
7 .  I very scared and did not run.
8 .  They used strong ropes to went down the cliff.
9 .  When she smiles, dimples  appears on her cheeks.
10   It is harder to built roads in remote areas.
1 .  I heard the dog barked.
1 .    T  h e b r e a k - i n o c c u r r e d   o n l a s t   M o n d a y .
2   .   I n   t h e o t h e r h a n d i t i s c h e a p e r t o t r a v e l b y b u s .
2 .    T  h e s h o p i s   o p e n e d   f r o m 1 0 . 0 0 a . m . t o 8 . 0 0 p . m .
3   .   L e s s   f i g h t s o c c u r w h e n t h e p o l i c e p a t r o l t h e s t r e e t s .
3 .    I n t h e   n e x t m o r n i n g w e w e n t t o P u l a u B e s a r .
4   .   T h e y w o r r y   o n   t h e i r s o n ' s b e h a v i o r .
4 .    S  h e a l s o   u s e   h e r m o n e y t o h e l p u s .
5   .   M r L i m l i v e s   a c r o s s   m y h o u s e .
5 .    T  h e y h a v e p l e n t y o f t i m e t o d o t h e i r   w o r k s .
6   .   S h e w o r k s i n t h e   w o m e n   s e c t i o n .
6 .    W  e found a purse consisting of $400.
7   .   I f R o s e   w i n   a t r o p h y , I ' l l b e h a p p y .
7 .    A  li said the wrong directions.
8   .   H e   l i f t   h i s h a n d t o a t t r a c t a t t e n t i o n .
8 .    T  h e n u m b e r o f c r i m e s   d o n e   h a s d e c r e a s e d
9   .   S h e   d o n ' t   h a v e a n y m o n e y .
9 .    I  d o n ' t k n o w   w h e a t h e r   h e ' s c o m i n g .
10     F e e l i n g c u r i o u s , I   w a t c h e d   o u t t h r o u g h t h e w i n d o w .
10.  She was brave enought to go alone.


1 .  The water was flowed down the hill.
2 .  The footprints might be done by burglars.
3 .  A Indian lady gave the beggar some money.
4 .  She wanted a car as the one on display.
5 .  She was afraid to lost her way.
6 .  There were no time to shout for help.
7 .  The number of accidents have increased.
8 .  The cholera epidemic  spreaded very fast.
9 .  Bakar payed $6 for the magazine.
10   The letter was handwriting not typed.

1 .  If she don't come soon, she'll be late.

2 .  Her youngest child is able to  do decisions himself.
3 .  The scratches on my arm was still visible.
4 .  A big bolder rolled down the hill.
5 .  Some people don't believe  the exist of God.
6 .  I can't afforded to buy a car.
7 .  They had orders to capture or killed the outlaw.
8 .  The police have come to search of the kidnapped tycoon.
9 .  Compared to Mariam, I have an easy life.
10   My mother prefers coffee than tea.


1 .  The mother elephant helped  it's baby cross the river.
2 .  There were no rain for two weeks.
3 .  He wrote his own biography when he retired.
4 .  Although he is the big boy in his class, he is rather timid.
5 .  The hockey team has win all the matches so far.
6 .  His mother asked him to chose the shoes he liked best.
7 .  The master bedroom has a bathroom  attach.
8 .  The boy which was chosen as Head Boy is my friend.
9 .  Aishah asked his husband to come home early.
10   I have not seen Ranjt since two weeks.

1 .  Please take a sit and wait.

2 .  My grandfather was discharge from the hospital yesterday.
3 .  You better hurry if you want to be punctual.
4 .  The bag is mine, not her's.
5 .  No one must leave their bag behind.
6 .  Did he gave us permission to enter ?
7 .  I rather read than watch television.
8 .  They rised the bus fares again.
9 .  He cussess in getting the scholarship.
10   My cousin married with a doctor.
1 .  The school held a walkathon to raise  fund for the library.
2 .  During the sell, people came in hundreds to shop.
3 .  Constant practise made him a good speaker.
4 .  You must respect to your parents and obey them.
5 .  Vehicles have to get permission to enter Signapore.
6 .  I look forward to hear from you soon
7 .  You must evade bad company for your own good.
8 .  When you get into the car, tie your seatbelt.
9 .  People who gamble loose money.
10   The child feel of his bed.

1 .  He fell disappointed when he wasn't invited.

2 .  I made a complain to the manager.
3 .  She said she needed a few money.
4 .  He has no believe in God.
5 .  would you like to leave a massage ?
6 .  We have to decide a name for the baby.
7 .  The storm is over following the latest news.
8 .  I dont' like living near an industrious area.
9 .  It is good to eat vegetable.
10   There was a lot of rubbish at the  backside of the factory.
1 .  He was quite amusing when he heard what had happened.
2 .  Turn left by the crossroads when you reach it.
3 .  He has been working here for sometimes.
4 .  He stopped to see if he could picked up the trail.
5 .  Although he jumped aside, but the stone hit him.
6 .  I decided to climbed to the top of the hill to get a better view.
7 .  He jumped down after shouted a warning to those standing below.
8 .  After a few minutes, I look up and saw that it was getting dark.
9 .  I saw the blind man crossed the busy road without any help.
1 0 .  The robber gave the victim with a hard blow.

1. World Environment  Day is very  important  day for everyone .

2. It has given  significance  because the  environment  problem  is a global  one .

3. Recently, the  world head  of government  met  in Rio de Janeiro  to
discuss  this  problem.

4. Them  feel that some action  must be taken  before  it is too  late.

5. The  reason is that  it concerns  everyones  living on planet Earth.

6. The immediate  step to taking  is towards  forest conservation.

7. The cutting of  forest  trees must be  minimize  to prevent  soil erosion.

8. Those  trees which are fell  must be  immediately  replaced .

9. Trees  minimize  depletion  in a ozone  layer by absorbing  carbon dioxide

and other harmful  gases.

10. Let us worked together  to make the world a  cleaner  and healthier  place
to live in .
1 .  The  KBSM program recomends  the  teaching  of moral values .
2 .  Form Five students  required  to learn the  moral values  of justice ,
moderation  and  rationality.
3 .  Last year  we learnt  the values of self-reliance,  diligent  and public-spiritedness .
4 .  Every student have  to be aware  of the difference between  good values  and bad
ones .
5 .  It  takes a decade  to teach a children  to be good .
6 .  Children should  being considerate  and kind to  others, irrespective  of race or status.
7 .  If we are considerate  and rational  in our thinking,  they will  be able to live  in
8 .  If we are  humble, law-abiding  and just , we will  be richly  reward .
9 .  We  should learn to fight  for ours rights  in life .
1 0 .  However  there is no reasons  for us to be  prejudiced  against someone  or something.

1 .  The documents  handed  to the authorities  for further  investigation .

2 .  I shall  to go  to Sepang tomorrow  with  my brother .
3 .  He ought  see  the teacher  to clarify  the matter.
4 .  Listening  to music are  a good  way to relax,  isn't it   ?
5 .  Please don't  put off  do  your homework .
6 .  Thilaga she  has been  to New York with  her father .
7 .  She would  read  her ABC when  she was  2 years old.
8 .  What  shall  we do with  all this rambutans  ?
9 .  Nobody have  to go to the prize-giving  ceremony  unless  he or she wants to .
1 0 .  The ladies  who we met  just now is  my  teacher.
1 .  Much have been discussed  regarding  the  protection  of  wildlife .
2 .  There is  many endangered  species of mammals , birds, amphibians
and plants  nowadays.
3 .  "Extinction"  mean  these species  have disappeared  completely  from the earth .
4 .  Some  endangered  specie  are  the orang utan, tiger,  panther and elephant .
5 .  Efforts  may  be made to prevent  their extinction  before it is too  late.
6 .  One way  is to breeding  these animals in captivity  before letting  them free in their
natural habitats .
7 .  The rapid decline in their  numbers  is  mainly due to  poachings , forest clearing
and natural disasters .
8 .  Strict measures  must taken  to prohibit  poaching, and the sale  of these  animals.
9 .  Strict  laws should passed  and enforced to deter  poaching .
1 0 .  In this way , wildlife  and their young having  a chance to  survive.

1. No doubt, after the O level examination , you will be very keen  obtain  a

scholarship for your  further studies .

2. Do not be  hoodwinked  by attractive scholarships  encouraged  by local

private colleges .

3. Whether  these local colleges  can afford to giving  scholarships is in

itself  doubtful .

4. Most  of them avoid  giving scholarships  even thought  the enrolment  is high.

5. Some of the  scholarship  are misleading  because they only tell you half of  the story .

6. These are probably  offered by irresponsible  people who are out  to

misled  innocent students .

7. Can  you please  tell  me how  he told you this  morning ?

8. She was wearing  a  cotton dirty old  shirt for the party .

9. She goes  to a market  every day to buy  food for  her family.

10. That  teacher is the dedicated  teacher  in  this school .

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