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EX. 5.2 PG.

NO 68

• EVEN NUMBER ;- The number which are divisible by 2 are called even
• or
• Numbers which have 0,2,4,6,8 at its ones place are
• Called even number. E.g 8 , 28, 364

• Odd number- Numbers which have 1,3,5,7,9 at its ones place are
called odd number, e.g - 3 , 571 , 2353
Q1 Underline the even number.
a) 3 , 6 , 8 ,9, 11 , 12 , 14 ,18

c) 31 , 32 , 112 , 306 , 407 , 508

e) 3170 , 56 , 116 , 8448 , 2393 17246

Q2 Underline the odd number
a)1,2 ,3, 5, 6, 8 ,11 ,12 , 13 ,15 ,17

c)684 , 313 , 820 , 823 , 837 , 839 , 742

e) 71156 , 83133 , 43921 , 51639 , 81637

3) Form multiples of these even numbers.
8 : 8 , 16 , 24 , 32 ,40 , 48 , 56 , 64
4 : 4 , 8 ,12 ,16 ,20 ,24 ,28 ,32

4)Form multiples of these odd numbers

3 : 3 ,6 ,9 , 12 ,15 , 18 ,21 ,24
7 : 7 , 14 , 21 ,28 ,35 ,42 , 49

5)Write :
1) Smallest 1 digit number – 1
2) Greatest 1 digit number- 9
3) Smallest even 2 digit number-10
4) Greatest even 2 digit number-98
Factor- when two or more numbers are multiplied
, each of the number is called factor of the
• 1) 1 is a factor of every number.

• 2) A number is a factor of itself.

• 3) The smallest factor of a number 1.

• 4) The greatest factor of number is number itself.

• 5) The factor of a number are always less than or equal to the number.
Q1:- Find out if the first number is a factor of the second

a) 8 , 72 b) 3, 144

8 72 9 3 144 46
- 72 -12
0 24
Since remainder is 0
therefore we can say that since remainder is 0 we
8 is a factor of 72. can say that 3 is a factor of 144
2) Find all the factors of the number in the following
a)16 b) 20
1 x16= 16 1 x20 = 20
2x8 = 16 2x10=20
4x4 = 16 4x5= 20
Factors of 16 = 1,2,4,8,16 5x4= 20
Factors of 20 = 1 ,2,4,5,10,20
c)18 d) 15
1 x18=18 1x 15 = 15
2x9= 18 3x5 = 15
9x2= 18 5x3= 15
Factors of 18 = 1 ,2,9,18
factors of 15 = 1 ,3,5 ,15

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