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The Impact of Preheating and Postcooling on Critical-

to-Quality Characteristics in Hot-Dip Galvanizing
a a a
T. Qasim , M. Al-Faouri & O. Al-Araidah
Industrial Engineering Department , Jordan University of Science and Technology , Irbid ,
Accepted author version posted online: 31 Aug 2014.Published online: 17 Nov 2014.

To cite this article: T. Qasim , M. Al-Faouri & O. Al-Araidah (2014): The Impact of Preheating and Postcooling on Critical-to-
Quality Characteristics in Hot-Dip Galvanizing, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2014.952036

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 0: 1–5, 2014
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online
DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2014.952036

The Impact of Preheating and Postcooling on Critical-to-Quality

Characteristics in Hot-Dip Galvanizing
T. Qasim, M. Al-Faouri, and O. Al-Araidah

Industrial Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan

Hot-dip galvanizing (HDG) is a widely used method for protecting steel against corrosion to ensure structure’s life expectancy. The HDG
Downloaded by [Jordan Univ. of Science & Tech], [Tarek Qasim] at 23:21 19 November 2014

process includes surface preparation, galvanizing, and posttreatment operations where multiple stage parameters are controlled to ensure
the optimal utilization of zinc to achieve expected results at minimum cost. In this experimental study, we investigated the influence of
preheating temperature and the postcooling methods on critical-to-quality (CTQ) characteristics in HDG at various sample thicknesses.
Measured CTQ characteristics included the thickness, hardness, roughness, and microstructure of the coated layers. Obtained results
showed that coating thickness decreased as preheating temperature increased and as sample thickness decreased. The selection of the post-
cooling method impacts largely coating hardness and surface roughness both increased as the thickness of the specimen increased and as the
preheating temperature increased. Microstructure analysis of coatings illustrated that there was an increase in the variation of readings as
the sample thickness increased and as the preheating temperature decreased. Therefore, HDG parameters must be tuned to account for
variations in the thicknesses of galvanized structures to better ensure life expectancy.

Keywords Coating thickness; Hot-dip galvanizing; Postcooling; Preheating; Sample thickness.

INTRODUCTION et al. studied the effect of phosphorous surface

Iron and steel rust is the formation of hydrated iron segregation on iron–zinc chemical reaction. They con-
oxide as a result of a chemical reaction when a ferrous cluded that the phosphorous surface segregation has
compound is exposed to ambient conditions. This reac- no effect on the Fe–Zn growth in 0.0 wt% Al–Zn bath,
tion is active and continues until the entire corroded part while 0.2 wt% Al–Zn bath showed a linear growth of
is consumed. To prevent steel rusting, the target part is both P-ion implemented and non-P-ion implemented [4].
covered with a material that does not react with oxygen The effect of substrate grain size on the iron–zinc reac-
when it is exposed to ambient conditions and prevents tion studied by Jordan and Marder [5], who found that
moisture from reaching the surface of the part. Hot-dip for large (85 mm) substrate grain size the nucleation of
galvanizing (HDG) is the process of inundating iron or Fe–Zn layer, was significantly retarded, while for smaller
steel with a chemically clean surface in a special tank grain size (15 mm) outbursts were found. They concluded
of liquid zinc to form an anti-corrosion surface [1]. that for large grain sizes the immersion time should be
The life of the zinc coating depends on the thickness increased to form the outburst of Fe–Zn layer. The
and structure of the coating layers. The variation of each effect of iron oxide as an inhabitation later and the effect
coating layer is a function of multiple process factors of dew point and the reactive wetting during HDG were
governing the chemical reaction. studied [6, 7]. They found that the iron oxide layer acted
HDG principles have remained unchanged since gal- as a barrier layer in the pure zinc bath, while high dew
vanizing first became a trade more than 150 years ago, point atmosphere significantly contributed to the
but a vast amount of research on all aspects of the pro- decrease in Zn coating defects. Duran and Langill [8]
cess has enabled galvanizing today to be a technically investigated techniques to remove wet storage stain
advanced industry [1–3]. In an effort to understand defects without dulling the galvanized surface on galva-
and eliminate the problems associated with the galvaniz- nized commercially available products. The wet storage
ing process, several studies have been performed to stain, also known as the white rust, is a common prob-
understand the galvanizing process and to identify and lem that results in complete deterioration of the zinc
optimize critical parameters of the process. The vast coating. This problem is commonly found in tightly
majority of previous research focused on the chemical stacked or bundled items with zinc surfaces such as gal-
reaction and the iron oxidization process that might vanized bars and plates. The study showed that provid-
affect the characteristics of the zinc coating layer. Jordan ing adequate air flow to and removing standing water
from newly galvanized surfaces prevent wet storage
stain. Rahrig [9] showed that surface preparation affec-
Received May 26, 2014; Accepted July 18, 2014 ted significantly the performance of powder-coated gal-
Address correspondence to T. Qasim, Industrial Engineering vanized steel. Yoo et al. [10] investigated the effect of
Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, the air-knife system in controlling coating thickness.
Jordan; E-mail: Another study of the influence of air-knife tilting on


coating thickness by Cho et al. [11] concluded that the TABLE 1.—Chemical composition (maximum quantities) and mechanical
nozzle of constant expansion with downward jet angle properties of the structural steel used in the study.
of 5 is the most effective to diminish splashing. This Tensile Yield
is consistent with Soon-Bum Kwon’s findings, that C Mn P S strength strength Elongation
constant expansion rate nozzle was more favorable for
the problem of splashing in comparison with covenantal 0.2(%) 1.4(%) 0.035(%) 0.03(%) 320–520 195 20(%)
(N=mm2) (N=mm2)
one [12]. Jo et al. suggested a two-step method to
calculate the coating thickness, which consists of air-jet
analysis and they validate the new method with
traditional coating thickness calculations [13]. More at the surface; (2) rinsing: immersing specimens in cold
recently, Kim et al. [14] studied the effect of surface fin- running water for 2 min to avoid carryover of the alka-
ish condition and thickness of Zn=Al coating to deter- line degreasing solution; (3) pickling: this treatment
mine the slip coefficient criteria. Choi et al. [15] removes any oxides contamination and rust by treat-
studied single coated defect of galvanized steel at micro- ment in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid; (4) rinsing after
Downloaded by [Jordan Univ. of Science & Tech], [Tarek Qasim] at 23:21 19 November 2014

level utilizing FE-SEM microscopy. In addition, several pickling: uses a running water bath to avoid the buildup
studies concentrated on the influence and improvement of iron salts on specimen; and (5) fluxing: immersing
of coating by studying the effect of alloying elements specimen in a flux solution for a certain time, depending
of the zinc bath [16, 17]. on the ammonia and iron contents of the solution and
Due to the fact that the formation of Fe–Zn coating the complexity of the shape of specimens.
is due to chemical reaction that might be affected by In this study, steel samples were immersed in a degrea-
temperature during the formation of the zinc layer and ser, and then were rinsed in running water. Samples were
the thickness of the coating layer was affected by the pickled in hydrochloric acid (18% HCl) for 20 to 30 min
postcooling process which had a significant effect on at ambient temperature to remove rust and scale. Then it
continuity and the rate of the reaction. To improve zinc was rinsed again in a water bath and dipped in a flux sol-
coated steel and overcome some of the defects noticed by ution of ZnCl2(66%) and NH4Cl (44%). The immersion
engineers at Jordan Pipes Company according to indus- time depended on the test of ammonia and iron content
trial standard procedures, this paper investigates the of the solution and it was between 1 and 2 min due to
effects of the preheating temperature and the postcool- samples’ simplicity. The temperature of the pickling
ing method on quality characteristics of the Fe–Zn coat- bath was maintained at 70 C. Ammonium chloride
ing for various sample thicknesses by utilizing four was added whenever ammonia concentration dropped
samples thicknesses, three preheating temperatures, to less than 500 g=L.
and two postcooling treatments. To the best of our To study the effect of preheating temperature, the
knowledge, no one has looked at these variables exper- samples were heated using the preheating unit available
imentally to confirm if these variables have effects on at the factory where tests are performed. This unit uti-
coating thickness, defects, and properties to improve lizes hot exhaust air produced by the molten zinc bath
the overall zinc coating. brought through ducts into the temperature controlled
heating unit (area). The samples were subjected to pre-
MATERIALS AND METHODS heating treatment at temperatures ranging from 100 to
200 C. To insure that the samples where heated uni-
HDG is an efficient metallurgical method for protect- formly all through, the temperature of each specimen
ing steel from corrosion by dipping steel alloys into a was measured using an infrared thermometer (II IR
bath containing molten zinc which results in preventive 608A AMPR0BE) before being dipped in the zinc bath.
zinc coating layer over the steel. The HDG process con- The galvanizing process is the reaction between iron
sists of three main stages including pretreatment, galva- and zinc to form a continuous and adherent coating.
nizing, and posttreatment processes. The experimental Several factors affecting this reaction have to be
procedure followed in the study is briefly outlined below controlled: (1) zinc quality and additives; (2) bath tem-
with parameters particularly relevant to this study. All perature; (3) immersion rate and time; and (4) with-
samples were galvanized at Jordan Pipes Company drawal rate. All factors were precontrolled and fixed
(JOPIPES) in accordance with the company’s general during experimentation in accordance with standard
practice. procedures utilized by the industry.
A total of 72 rectangular steel samples with 4 different
thicknesses, 1.2, 3, 5, and 10 mm, were used in this study
with 18 specimens of each thickness. Table 1 shows the
TABLE 2.—Measured parameters.
chemical composition and mechanical properties of the
DIN 17100 grade St37 structural steel used in this study. 100 150 200
This steel is commercially available and is widely used in Temperature ( C)
galvanizing industry. Posttreatment Air Water Air Water Air Water
The pretreatment process includes (1) degreasing: Total no. of samples 
12 12 12 12 12 12
immersing the specimens in a bath containing alkaline
solution in order to remove oils and any contamination 
3  1.2 mm; 3  3 mm; 3  5 mm; 3  10 mm (3 trials of each thickness).

In posttreatment, samples were cooled by air or water simplicity of use. A gauge reading for Fe–Zn coating
baths to prevent white rust. Samples were postcooled in thickness is taken by simply placing the magnetic probe
air for slow cooling at 28–30 C for 30 min, or quenched at 20 different points of the coated surface at both sides
in water for fast cooling at 25 C in static water for of each sample. The average of 10 consistent readings
10–15 min. Table 2 presents a summary of the studied from each side were then computed and compared to
factors. related ISO standard; DIN EN ISO 1461 – ASTM
The effects of various preheating temperatures and A123=123 [19].
cooling methods on critical-to-quality (CTQ) character- Coating thickness of steel samples subjected to three
istics of the coating were studied. Investigated CTQs preheating temperatures and two cooling methods for
include coating thickness, surface roughness, and coat- various sample thicknesses is shown in Fig. 2. Preheating
ing hardness. Moreover, samples were visually inspected the steel samples at 100 C gave the highest coating thick-
for bare spots, distortion, rough surface, black spots, ness at different sample thickness. As the preheating
white rust, low coating, zinc peaks, and dross patches. temperature increased, the coating thickness decreased.
The effect of cooling method on coating thickness inter-
Downloaded by [Jordan Univ. of Science & Tech], [Tarek Qasim] at 23:21 19 November 2014

acted with the preheating temperature and the sample

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION thickness. For 1.2 mm sample thickness, air cooling
Visual inspection revealed several visual defects method gave higher coating thickness than water cooling
including bare spots, buckling, and black spots. Bare method at 150 and 200 C preheating temperatures
spots occur because of inadequate surface preparation, (Fig. 2 (a)). For the 3 and 10 mm sample thicknesses,
excess aluminum in the galvanizing kettle, or lifting aids the water cooling method gave higher coating thickness
that prevent coat from forming. The product must be than air cooling method at all preheating temperatures
re-galvanized to overcome bare spots. Thermal buckling (Figs. 2(b) and 2(d)). For the 5 mm sample thickness,
was more noticeable in specimens of thicknesses with 1.2 there was no difference in coating thickness between
and 3 mm more than in 5 and 10 mm thick specimens. the two cooling methods at different preheating tem-
This could be attributed to fast cooling rate during the peratures (Fig. 2(c)). The results suggested that preheat-
posttreatment process, slow cooling rate should be con- ing at 100 C and water cooling method for steel of
sidered when dealing with thin shapes. Black spots were thickness of 10 mm resulted in the highest coating thick-
observed in some samples due to process related prob- ness. For air cooled samples, there was no significant
lems including low fluxing materials or less efficient impact of the preheating temperature on coating thick-
degreasing. Figure 1 shows an example of an uncoated ness; this can be attributed to the increased time for
area and black spots found in samples having a the chemical reaction to take place. Moreover, results
thickness of 1.2 mm and preheated at 200 C and water illustrate that coating thickness increased as the thick-
cooled. The sample were cut along the defected area ness of the specimen increased regardless of preheating
and viewed from the side. Samples that failed visual or posttreatment methods. It seems that dipping time
inspection were rejected and replaced by new galvanized in this case has a greater influence on coating thickness
samples for mechanical testing. The effects of studied as the chemical reaction time increases with dipping
parameters on black spots were not studied. In addition, time.
it is well documented that black spots appear in samples Rockwell hardness test machine scale B was used to
due to fluxing and degreasing issues. test the hardness of all 72 samples. Ten readings were
Coating thickness is an important factor in the HDG taken from both sides and the averages of best five read-
because it is directly related to the amount of zinc used ings were considered from each side for three trials for
which directly affects the cost [18]. It was inspected using samples having the same variables. Coat hardness values
an electronic digital thickness gauge (Electrometer 345 for steel samples preheated at 200 C and subjected to
FB – MK 11) with scale range of 0–1500 mm. This gauge two cooling methods were shown in Fig. 3. Samples
is widely used in the industry for its accuracy and cooled with water had higher coat hardness values at dif-
ferent thicknesses than samples cooled with air. Samples
with 10 mm thickness had significantly higher coat hard-
ness values than samples with 1.2, 3, and 5 mm. This can
be attributed to a higher coating thickness in 10 mm
samples as shown in Fig. 2.
Surface roughness (surface finish deviation and tex-
ture) test was implemented at Jordan University Science
and Technology Engineering workshop, using ‘‘SUR-
TRONIC 3P Device.’’ This device is a completely
self-contained surface roughness instrument with total
portability, it can be operated on horizontal or vertical
surfaces, this device uses very thin pin which moves in
FIGURE 1.—An illustration of uncoated area and black spots found on the a straight path and measures the surface deviations then
surface of a sample, viewed from the side after cutting the sample along converts it to profile reading. All of the 72 samples
the defected area. tested and 3 paths were taken for every sample and
Downloaded by [Jordan Univ. of Science & Tech], [Tarek Qasim] at 23:21 19 November 2014

FIGURE 2.—Effect of air and water cooling methods on coating thickness for steel samples with thicknesses of (a) 1.2 mm, (b) 3 mm, (c) 5 mm, and
(d) 10 mm.

automatically the device gives the average reading. The

effect of three preheating temperatures and two cooling
methods on coat roughness of steel samples was pre-
sented in Fig. 4. As the sample thickness increased, the
roughness increased for all preheating temperatures
and cooling methods. The air cooling method resulted
in higher roughness than the water cooling method at
each sample thickness. As the preheating temperature
increased, the roughness decreased. In conclusion, the
highest roughness was achieved for 10 mm thickness
samples subjected to 100 C preheating temperature
and air cooling method.
FIGURE 3.—Effects of air and water cooling methods and sample thickness
on coat hardness. Values for samples preheated at 200 C. CONCLUSIONS
The objective of this study was to experimentally inves-
tigate the influence of preheating temperature and the
postcooling methods on quality characteristics of the Fe–
Zn coating for various sample thicknesses. Four individual
tests carried out for each group of samples and compared
with the international standards ISO 1461 (ASTM A123=
123); visual inspections, coating thickness, hardness, and
roughness. The following conclusions can be derived in
relation to the different variables tested in this study:

1. All samples tested for visual defects such as bare spots,

distortion, black spots, white rust, and dross patches
were found to be satisfactory. In some cases, the sam-
ples were replaced and galvanized until visual inspec-
tion was satisfactory according to ISO standards.
2. Coating thickness was directly related with steel thick-
FIGURE 4.—Effects of preheating temperatures of 100, 150, and 200 C and ness and decreased with the preheating temperatures.
steel sample thickness on coat surface roughness for samples subjected to The coating thickness increased as sample thickness
air and water cooling methods with air cooling. increased at the same pre heating temperature and

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Numerical analysis for the coating thickness prediction in
continuous hot-dip galvanizing. Journal of Mechanical
The authors greatly acknowledge the collaborations Science and Technology 2009, 23, 3471–3478.
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personnel at Jordan University of Science and Tech- continuous hot-dip galvanizing. Journal of Mechanical
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14. Kim, T.S.; Lee, H.S.; Yoo, S.H.; Tae, S.H.; Oh, S.H.; Lim,
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