5 Himalaya and Northern Plain

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Division of Himalayas

Geographically Himalaya भौगोलिक रूप से लिमािय को

can be divided into लिभालित लकया िा सकता िै

1.Trans Himalaya 1. ट् ाांस लिमािय

2.Greater Himalaya 2. ग्रेटर लिमािय
3.Middle Himalaya 3. मध्य लिमािय
4.Shiwalik Range 4. लििालिक रें ि
5.purvanchal 5. पूिाांचि
Trans Himalaya
 Trans Himalaya is the northernmost
part of Himalaya, some part of it lies
in Tibet so also known as Tibetan
 ट् ाां स लिमािय लिमािय का सबसे उत्तरी भाग िै ,
इसका कुछ भाग लतब्बत में स्थित िै इसलिए इसे
लतब्बती लिमािय के नाम से भी िाना िाता िै ।
 Karakoram, Ladakh, Zaskar and
Kailas are main ranges of trans
 काराकोरम, िद्दाख, ज़स्कर और कैिास लिमािय की
मु ख्य श्रेलियााँ िैं ।
 Trans Himalaya is the part of
Eurassian plate.
 ट् ाां स लिमािय यूरेलियन प्लेट का लिस्सा िै ।
 It start from Pamir knot and
extended up to river Gilgit with an
average length of 600 km
 K2 is the highest peak of
 Original name of k2 is Godwin
 k2 is the highest peak of India but
it lies in PoK . The ancient name of
karakoram is kishangiri.
 Karakoram is abode of highest
number of Indian glacier like
Siachin, Baltora, Biafo , Hisper.
Ladakh –:
 it is the western extension of
Kailsh Range
 Mount Rakaposhi is the highest
peak of Ladakh.

Kailsh -:
 famous for abode of Lord Shiva
Greater Himalaya
It lies south of Trans Himalaya, start from
Nanga Parbat and extended upto Namcha
Barwa with an average height of 6100 mtr,
average width of 25 km and average length of
2500 km.
It is also known as Himadri (abode of
God),inner Himalaya and central Himalaya.
यह ट् रां स हहमरलय के दहिण में स्थित है , नांगर पर्व त से शुरू होतर है
और 6100 मीटर की औसत ऊांचरई, 25 हकमी की औसत चौडरई
और 2500 हकमी की औसत लांबरई के सरि नरमचर बरर्र तक
हर्स्तरररत है ।
इसे हहमरद्री (भगर्रन कर हनर्रस), आां तररक हहमरलय और मध्य
हहमरलय के रूप में भी जरनर जरतर है ।

 Greater Himalaya is the highest mountain

range of the word.
 ग्रे टर हहमरलय शब्द की सबसे ऊांची पर्व त श्रांखलर है ।
 Being highest, it include various
important mountain peak of the world
like – Mount Everest, Kanchanjunga ,
Nanga Parbat, Namcha Barwa, Cho oyu,
Lhotse, Makalu, Mansalu , akalu,
Annapurna, Nanda Devi, Kamet, Gurla
Mandhata, Badrinath etc .
 सर्ोच्च होने के नरते , इसमें दु हनयर की हर्हभन्न महत्वपूणव
पर्व त चोटी जैसे मरउां ट एर्रे स्ट, कांचनजांगर, नांगर परबत,
नमचर बरर्र, चो ओयू , लोटसे , मकरलू, मांसलू, अकरलू,
अन्नपूणरव , नांदर दे र्ी, करमेत, गु रलर मरां धरतर, बद्रीनरि आहद
शरहमल हैं ।

 There are number of pass located on

this range like – Zozi-la, Burzil-la, Bara-
lacha-la, Niti-la, Jelap-la, Bum-la, Bomdi-
la, Shipki-la etc.
 इस रें ज पर जोइलर, बु हजवलर, बरलरचलर, हनहतलर, जेलरपलर,
बु मलर, बोमहिलर, हशपहकलर आहद कई मरगव स्थित हैं
Middle Himalaya
It lies south of greater Himalaya, start from
Jammu and Kashmir and extended up to
Arunachal Pradesh with an average height of
1300 to 5100 m, average length of 2500 km and
average width of 80 km.
यह अहधक से अहधक हहमरलय के दहिण में स्थित है , जम्मू और कश्मीर
से शुरू होतर है और अरुणरचल प्रदे श तक 1300 से 5100 मीटर की
औसत ऊांचरई, 2500 हकमी की औसत लांबरई और 80 हकमी की औसत
चौडरई के सरि हर्स्तरररत होतर है ।
It is also known as lower, Lesser Himalaya and
इसे हनम्न, कम हहमरलय और हहमरचल के रूप में भी जरनर जरतर है ।
 Pir Panjal, Nag Tibba, Dhaola Dhar, Mussoorie
Range and Mahabharat Range are the
important ranges which comes under middle
 पीर पांजरल, नरग हटब्बर, ढोलर धरर, मसू री रें ज और महरभररत रें ज
महत्वपूणव श्ेहणयरां हैं जो मध्य हहमरलय के अांतगव त आती हैं ।
 Neraly all major Himalayan hill station
are part of middle Himalaya like Kullu
Manali, Shimla, Ranikhet ,Mussoorie,
Almora Darjeeling etc.
 लगभग सभी प्रमुख हहमरलयन हहल स्टे शन मध्य हहमरलय
कर हहस्सर हैं जैसे कुल्लू मनरली, हशमलर, ररनीखेत, मसू री,
अल्मोडर दरहजवहलांग आहद।
 Pasture land situated on the south of
middle Himalaya are known with
different name like Merg in Kashmir –
Gulmerg, Sonmerg and Tanmerg while
Bugyal and Payar in Himachal and UK.
 मध्य हहमरलय के दहिण में स्थित चररगरह भू हम को कश्मीर
गु लमगव , सोनमगव और तां मगव में अलग नरम से जरनर जरतर है ,
जबहक हहमरचल और हिटे न में बु ग्यरल और पयरर।
 Between Zaskar and Pir Panjal there
lies valley of Kashmir, in Himachal
Pradesh Kangra valley and Kulu Valley
in the upper course of Ravi.
 जस्कर और पीर पांजरल के बीच, कश्मीर की घरटी,
हहमरचल प्रदे श करांगडर घरटी और ररर्ी के ऊपरी हहस्से में
कुल्लू घरटी में स्थित है ।
It lies south of middle Himalaya start from
Potwar and extended upto Brahmaputara
Vally. With an average length of 2400 km,
average width of 40 km and average height
of 1200 m.
यह मध्य हहमरलय के दहिण में स्थित है और इसकी शुरुआत
पोतरर्र से होती है और िह्मपुत्र र्ै ली तक हर्स्तरररत है । 2400 हकमी
की औसत लांबरई के सरि, 40 हकमी की औसत चौडरई और 1200
मीटर की औसत ऊांचरई के सरि।

 Shiwalik is the southernmost and youngest

part of Himalaya, which means it formed
last ,all of them.
 हशर्रहलक हहमरलय कर सबसे दहिणी और सबसे छोटर हहस्सर
है , हजसकर अिव है हक यह अांहतम, उन सभी कर गठन।
 Shiwalik is known with various local
name like in
1) Jammu Kashmir – Jammu Hill
2) UK/HP -Dhang Range and
Dundwa Range
3) Nepal- Churi-Muria
4) AP- Abor, Dafla, Miri, Mishmi
हशर्रहलक को हर्हभन्न थिरनीय नरमोां से जरनर जरतर है जैसे हक
1. जम्मू कश्मीर जम्मू पहरडी
2. यू के / एचपी धनांग रें ज और िां िर्र रें ज
3. नेपरल चुरी मुररयर
4. एपी- अबोर, दफलर, हमरी, हमशमी

 It formed after Himalaya so they

obstructed the course of river draining
from higher reach and formed
temporary lake. After some time river
had cut their course through shiwalik
and leaving behind the plain, which are
known as doon or duns in west and
duars in east.
 हहमरलय के बरद इसकर गठन हुआ, इसहलए उन्ोांने उच्च पहुां च से
नदी के बहरर् के मरगव को बरहधत हकयर और अथिरयी झील कर
हनमरवण हकयर। कुछ समय के बरद नदी ने हशर्रहलक के मरध्यम से
और मै दरन को पीछे छोडते हुए अपने परठ्यक्रम में कटौती की िी,
हजसे पहिम में दू न यर दू न और पूर्व में िु आर के रूप में जरनर जरतर
है ।
 the southern slop of shiwalik in Panjab and
H.P are totally devoid of forest and highly
dissected by seasonal stream locally called
as Chos
 पांजरब और हह.प्र। में हशर्रहलक कर दहिणी ढलरन पूरी तरह से
जांगल से रहहत है और थिरनीय रूप से मौसमी धररर से घुल जरतर है
हजसे चोस कहते हैं
Purvanchal l

 After crossing Dhiang George Himalaya

take a hairpin southern bend, from here
Himalaya is known as purvanchal.
 हढयरां ग जॉजव हहमरलय को परर करने के बरद, एक हे यरहपन
दहिणी मोड पर ले जरतर है , यहराँ से हहमरलय को पूर्रां चल के
रूप में जरनर जरतर है ।

 In Myanmar it is also known as Arakan

 म्रां मरर में इसे अररकरन योमर के नरम से भी जरनर जरतर है ।

 Purvanchal is basically a series of low

hill along the Myanmar border.
 पूर्रां चल मूल रूप से म्रां मरर सीमर के सरि कम पहरडी की
एक श्रांखलर है ।
 Patkai Hill, Naga Hill, Manipur Hill, Mizo Hill,
Tripura hill are some importamt hills of
 पटकरई हहल, नरगर हहल, महणपुर हहल, हमजो हहल, हत्रपुरर पहरडी
पूर्रांचल की कुछ आयरतम पहरडी हैं ।

 Saramati is the highest peak of purvanchal

located on Naga hill.
 सरमरती, नरगर पहरडी पर स्थित पूर्रांचल की सबसे ऊांची चोटी है

 It forms the boundary line between India

and Myanmar
 यह भररत और म्रांमरर के बीच सीमर रे खर बनरती है

 Garo, Khasi, Jyantiya are not a part of

 गररो, खरसी, जयांती पूर्रांचल कर हहस्सर नहीां हैं
Regional division of Himalaya
North Indian Plain
 It is almost universally accepted
that NIP are formed as a result of
natural filling of a deep depression
between Penisular india and
Himalaya by the depositional work
of river coming from Himalaya
 On the basis of gomorphological
feature north indian plain can be
divided into four part.
1. Bhabar
2. Tarai
3. Khadar
4. Bangar
 It lies south of shiwalik, start
from jammu Kashmir (16 km) and
extended upto Arunachal Pradesh.
(8 km)
 Its is made up of stone boulder.
 Particle size of This plain is large
so porosity is also high and river
disappear in this zone.
 Ex : - Saraswati River of Haryana
 Bhangar is composed of old
alluvium lies outside the flood
plain of river.
 Generally they are fertile but
required regular amount of
 It lies south of Bhabar start from
Jammu Kashmir and extended up to
Arunachal Pradesh with an average
width of 15 – 30 km.
 Particle size of this region is small
so porosity is also low.
 River reappear on the surface
example Saraswati river of Haryana.
 Tarai plain are marshy tract with
high biodiversity
 Most of the tarai land specially in
Punjab U.P and Uttarakhand has
been reclaimed and turned into
agricultural land.
 Khadar is composed of new Alluvium
along the flood plain of the river.
 They are highly fertile.
 These deposits are generally present
along the bank of river.
Reh or Kallar
 Comprises barren saline efflorescence of drier areas in
Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Reh areas have spread in
recent time with increase in irrigation.

 Denotes an elevated piece of land situated along the
banks of the ganga river especially in the upper Ganga –
Yamuna Doab. This has been formed due to accumulation
of wind – blown sands during the hot dry months of the
On the basis of region north Indian
plain can be divided into four parts.

 The Rajasthan Plain.

 The Punjab – Haryana Plain.
 The Ganga Plain.
 The Brahmaputra Plain.
 Rajasthan plain are the western most part of North
Indian Plain.
 Thar Desert is the west most part of Rajasthan Plain.
 In India the mainly cover the part of Rajasthan.
 Aravali divide these plain into two parts.
 West of aravali there lies arid and semi - arid plains.
 East of aravali there lies fertile plain like Jaipur and
 Luni is the only river which flow through this region.
 North of Luni there is a large inland drainage basin
which is the source of common salt and many other
 Sambhar, Didwana , Kuchaman , Sargol and Khatu are
some important lake.
Punjab and Haryana Plain
 The Punjab Haryana plains extend for about 640 km from northeast to southwest and
cover an area of 1.75 lakh km.
 The Punjab Haryana plain is drained by five rivers and the intervening area between the
rivers is known as doab.
 The doabs of the five rivers have been united by the depositional process into a
homogenous geomorphological unit.
From east to west these doabs are as follows :
1) Sindh Sagar doab between the Jhelum – Chenab and the Indus.
2) Chaj doab between the Ravi and the Chenab.
3) Rechna doab between the Ravi and the Chenab.
4) Bari doab between the Beas and the Ravi.
5) Bist – Jalandhar doab lying between the Beas and the sultej.

 The mass of alluvium brought by five rivers has been broken by river courses, which have
carved for themselves broad flood plains of Khadar flanked by bluffs locally known as
 The northern part of the Punjab Haryana plain adjoining the Siwalik hills has witnessed
intensive erosion leading to gully formation by a network of stream called chhos.

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