Now That You Are Saved, What Next? A Practical Step Into Intimacy With The Lord

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Now that you are saved, what next?

Page 1

A practical Step into Intimacy with God

JOSEPH FAROUNBI © Copyright, 2020

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced without the prior consent of

the publisher.

Bible quotations are from King James Version

Unless otherwise stated.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 2

Gift for

Gift from

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 3


I give special thanks to the Almighty God for inspiring

me and giving me the understanding of His word.
I thank Him for supplying everything needed for the
successful completion of this book.
I appreciate everyone that edited and proof-read this
book to give you a delightful reading, they are; Pastor
Gbenga Olowonihi, Pastor Timothy Oyetade and Pastor
Olusoji Wojuade who challenged me into writing in the
quest to propagate the gospel.
Likewise, I salute my wonderful wife, Olorunwafunmi
and my son Obaloluwa for their invaluable support and
encouragement when I was preparing this book.
Finally, thanks to everyone that would read and give
out copies of this book.
As you aspire to be intimate with your maker, I pray
that the Holy Spirit will help you to hear and receive
what the father has for you so that you can fulfill your
purpose in life in Jesus mighty name.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 4


Because there is more to your life, than you can

possibly imagine, No matter what you have achieve in
life, believe me; you can still make a difference in all
ramifications of your life to the glory of God.
If truly and sincerely you desire to be intimate with
God and experience Him in a new dimension, He will
definitely reveal Himself to you.
Hence; this book is dedicated to you.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 5

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………. 4
DEDICATION………………………………………………………………… 5
CONTENT…………………………………………………………………….. 6
INTRODUCTION..……………………………………………………….... 7
Chapter 1
A LIFE OF PURPOSE……………………………………………………… 9
Chapter 2
THE CONCEPT OF INTIMACY………………………………………….. 12
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
THE MIND ……………………………………………………………………... 56

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t is a known fact that God loves all His children the same
way but not everyone enjoys Him the same way. A lot of
people fast and pray on a particular need or challenges for
days or even months but no answer, whereas someone else
pray on the same matter and immediately there comes the
What brings about this difference? It is as a result of a higher
level of relationship with God that is called Intimacy.
Intimacy will deliver you from a life of trial and error. It brings
accuracy to the fulfillment of your destiny.
There is just a relationship of being a believer (salvation
experience) but there is another relationship of father to son
(son-ship) relationship.
At this level, the individual has passed the test of complete
obedience and absolute trust.
God always come around to commune with you, to reveal
secret things to you. You will have access to classified
information, As in the case of Abraham,
“… how will I do this things without telling my friend
This type of relationship called intimacy is not automatic,
there is a price attached to it, just as it takes time to know
another man, the same is with the Lord.

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If you will be willing and ready to pay the price now that you
are saved, you will definitely get there.
As you read through this practical book step by step, take
time to practice what you read here, I pray that the Holy
Spirit will help you to hear and receive all that the father is
saying about you.

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Chapter 1
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N ow that you have handed over the affairs of your

life to the Lord Jesus Christ, it is the desire of God
that you are fruitful in all endeavors of your life.
He has also given you including everyone privileges to
become better in every
necessary thing that you are
involved in. No one has excuses
to live or die fruitless and
unfulfilled, including you! Living
below the plans of God for your
life is a contradiction to divine purpose for your
existence on earth.
What then is Purpose?
Purpose is the reason for living, without it, life is a
washout. May I announce to you that no one is born
without a purpose. It is unfortunate however that not
everyone has a good understanding of why he or she is
here, how will you know your purpose when you are
100km away from your maker?
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 9
Believe me, there is a purpose for your living which you
must accomplish in your season.
God has chosen you, unknown to you though; you may
not believe it yet. The truth is, if you had not been
chosen for something you would not have been here in
the first place. God deliberately choose your continent,
country, generation, tribe, hometown, parents and the
special womb that conceived you. Isn’t this amazing!
Hear this;
“Before I formed thee in the
belly I knew thee: and before
thou camest forth out of the
womb I sanctified thee...
Jeremiah 1:5a”
Although you did not have a choice in these but God
has given you the ability to choose whether to walk
closely (intimately) with him so that your purpose will
be fulfilled or walk otherwise to mortgage your divine
purpose, in the ways that encourage and glorify the
enemies of your soul. You are whom you are today
because of your orientation i.e. you have choices to
make in this matter if the agenda of God for your life
will be fulfilled.
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Prior to your arrival on earth, everything had been set
up to work directly or otherwise, to your advantage
Whether or not each would manifest, and how it would
happen have been tied to how you utilize your ability
to make choices and decisions.
May I inform you that nobody is too young or old for
fruitfulness and fulfillment of destiny. So you are not
too young to break forth into uncommon glory.
Your contemporaries may have gone far, on the
contrary, you are too young to be stagnant at the stage
your life is right now.
Also you are not too old to still become greater than
the greatest in your generation. You are only too young
to stop progressing.
This is the best time to forge ahead with wisdom and
God’s grace, in doing so, you need the Holy Spirit to
reveal your purpose or bring awareness of your
purpose to you.
For this to happen, you need to have a serious personal
working relationship with God your maker, Hence;
“A Life of Intimacy with God”.

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Chapter 2
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O xford dictionary defines intimacy as a close

familiarity or friendship with someone, that is,
having a very private or personal relationship with
something or someone.
This is the very plan of
God for all His children.
Intimacy is a divine
summon for all.
It is having a private or personal relationship with the
Lord. Intimacy with the Lord is not the same as prayers.
Most people pray including unbelievers (non-
Christians). Prayer cannot be regarded as intimacy with
the Lord. Some Christians have turn their daily twenty
minutes prayers to have been in intimacy with the
Lord, please note, that is not enough to produce the
type of Intimacy we are talking about in this context.
Intimacy is a two-way phenomenon which entails you
having good understanding of the person you are
intimate with, for example;
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What he loves, what he hate, what he expect from you,
what he is all about etc.
This can be referred to be the correct definition of the
kind of Intimacy we are discussing. God want His
children to really understand Him, and this does not
happen in a day.
Intimacy will deliver you from a life of trial and error; it
will bring accuracy to the fulfillment of your destiny. So
for you to live a life of purpose here on earth, you need
to start a life of intimacy with the Lord.

“And the Lord said unto Moses, come up to me into

the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of
stone, and a law and commandments which I have
written; that thou mayest teach them” Exodus 24:12
The LORD said come unto me and be there, Moses
obeyed and the result was a life of personal
relationship with God.
This is the heart desire of God for us His children in this
dispensation, a life of personal relationship with HIM.
Unlike in the old testament, where their eyes was
covered with a veil, the bible says the veil is now
removed in Christ Jesus, that is, we now have a free
access to our God without going through anyone, I
mean anyone if you too can pay the price!
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2 Corinthians 3:14 says “But their minds were blinded:
for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken
away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is
done away in Christ”.
The veil is done away in Jesus Christ. That means Jesus
Christ has paid the price, we now have access to the
father without going through anyone.
Just as it takes time and it always comes with a price
for a man to know another man, the same is
applicable in trying to be intimate with God.
There is a price attached to this, if you will be intimate
with God, you must be willing and ready to pay the
price. Please note that intimacy is not a gift, it comes
with a price!
Before God will bring you into His intimacy, you will
have to pass the test of trust with HIM.
God will never come into intimacy with a man that He
cannot trust. Therefore Trust is a major factor when it
comes to the subject of intimacy.
Intimacy is not a process where you do something and
suddenly become intimate with God.
You must first pass the test of trust before you will ever
be intimate with God.

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We have examples of people like Abraham, David,
Paul, and some Apostles of old and living servants of
God etc. who have passed the test of trust and they
became so intimate with God.
So it is very possible to be intimate with God.
You too can be in this category if you are willing to
make it your choice!

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Chapter 3
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Again, let me state very clearly that intimacy is not

an automatic thing;
it is something you have
to work towards and the
first step in doing that is
to develop some
qualities. The qualities
include the following;
You cannot be intimate with God without complete
obedience, not partial obedience.
A good example in this regard is Abraham; God was
pleased with him because of His complete obedience
no wonder He recommend him to us:
“Harken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye
that seek the Lord: look unto the rock whence ye are
hewn, and the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.
Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that
bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and
increased him” Isaiah 51:1-2
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The bottom line of quarrel between God and man has
to do with violations of Instructions, DIVINE
Violation of divine instruction was where the first man
missed it; God is not pleased with anyone who violates
His instruction.
God has specific plans (purpose) for your life as
discussed in chapter one of this book, and to achieve
them, there are instructions in achieving those plans
which in turn will to a large extent affect the journey
into intimacy with God.
“And he said, take now thy son, your only son Isaac,
whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of
Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon
one of the mountains which I will tell thee of ”
Genesis 22:2.
The above text shows us one of the hardest
instructions ever that anyone can receive from God;
Sacrificing your only son, not just any son but the one
whom you have waited for all your life. The one love so
This could be likened to sacrificing your hard earned
career, your most cherished car for the Lord or
whatever that you so much cherished in life!
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Beloved, Abraham got to the point of intimacy with
God as a result of this complete obedience. He passed
his own test! No wonder Abraham never begged God
to reveal things to him, the moment he passed the test
of complete obedience, God was willing to reveal His
plans to him. Genesis 18:17 says;
“I can’t do this without telling Abraham first”.
Please note that Abraham did not reach this level of
intimacy automatically or by 20 minutes daily praying.
It was that painful obedience; it was complete
obedience that got him there.
A life of complete obedience is one of the
requirements that will make it easy for you to develop
intimacy with God.
This is another quality required for a life of intimacy
with God.
What then is passion? Passion is what motivates you,
what you are willing to sacrifice your pleasure for.
It is a known fact that no relationship will work without
passion, so it is in developing intimacy with the Lord.
David is a good example in this context, he said…
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“As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so
panteth my soul after thee, o God” Psalm 42:1.
The difference between success and failure is your
passion about the subject matter. Some people see
‘prayer and quiet time’ as a burden not an opportunity
granted for fellowship with God.
If you belong to this group, it may be difficult for you to
be intimate with God. Are you willing or always longing
to commune with your father in heaven or you see it as
a routine, as a matter of compulsion.
God can always spot the difference between these two
attitudes. Remember God want you to approach Him
with passion. You cannot have an effective relationship
with God without constantly longing to be in His
“My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when
shall I come and appear before God? Psalm 42:2”
It is your passion that will propel you to long for His
presence day and night, Even when David was going
through critical moments, he never play with seeking
the presence of God. Are you also going through
similar situations asking where is your God? It may be
an avenue to seek God like never before!
Take a look at Psalm 42:3
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“My tears have been my meat day and night, while
they continually say unto me, where is thy God?”
Then read verse 4 to 11, David was sure of His God, he
was not overwhelmed by his challenges. He has a good
knowledge of his God. That is the result of INTIMACY.
Remember the love of Jesus Christ; He has done all the
hard work on the cross to make it possible for you and I
to be intimate with God.
Matthew 27: 51 says “And behold, the veil of the
temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom;
and the earth did quake and the rocks rent;”
Meaning that you can assess the Inner most Holy of
the Holies in the temple, the old temple has been
replaced; No veil covering it again,

“What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of

the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God,
and ye are not your own?”
1 Corinthians 6:19
Jesus Christ paid the price; all you need to access God
is through the name of Jesus Christ.
Praise God!

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This is another quality that we cannot ignore in our
pursuit of intimacy with God. Discipline entails a lot of
sacrifice, placing value on what God value above your
own value.
It will be difficult for a lazy man to be intimate with
God because God will be eager to commune with you
when it is convenient for you and when it is not.
Therefore, the ultimate goal that a child of God should
pursue is intimacy with God.
No matter what you have achieved as a Christian, if
you are not yet enjoying intimacy with God, you have
not started a journey into a life free of trial by error!!!
Therefore the matter of intimacy is a very serious one.
Apostle Paul captured the meaning of intimacy with
God very well in his epistle.
“And be found in Him, not having mine own
righteousness, which is of the law but that which is
through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of
God by faith.
That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection
and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made
conformable unto His death”
Philippians 3:9-10
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A lot of Christian missed it by focusing only in investing
in their Christian image, regular church attendance,
Christianly appearance, holding one position or the
other in church or fellowship Centre’s rather than their
relationship with God.
Apostle Paul was a good example of a life committed
to knowing God above all other things.
What others counted as achievements in life, this
man considered and count them as loss. What a great
life of discipline! You too must be discipline in the
place of prayer, fasting, study and meditation and
desire to wait on God for direction in all matters of
life. I repeat in all matters of life!
What will you sacrifice as a Christian for the pursuit of
intimacy with God?
Again, for emphasis sake, be reminded that intimacy is
not a gift.
No need to pray for it alone, there is a price attached
to it and a life of discipline is one major way to
accomplish that. You don’t just call someone your
best friend without knowing each other; knowing
each other develops per time.

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The same is applicable to our relationship with God.
A solid foundation to developing intimacy with the
Lord cannot be built outside of complete obedience,
passion and discipline.

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Chapter 4
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T he bible says the meek will God guide in decision

making, thus to be meek is to fear God. In fact the
bible states that the fear of God is the beginning
of divine wisdom!
A lot of time the
devil will present a
big offer to you
coated with good
things, believe me,
if you are not
intimate with God (leaning on God for guidance), you
will fail. Let’s quickly dissect some verses in Psalm 25;
“All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto
such as keep His covenant and His testimonies. For thy
name’s sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity for it is
great. What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him
shall he teach in the way that he shall choose”
Psalm 25: 10-12.
From the above verses of the scripture, the bible says
God will do two things for the man that fear God; the
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first is that God will choose the way such a man
should go and secondly, He will teach him how to go
on that path (way).
For example; God will choose the children you should
have and He will then teach you how to train them in
His wills. If you allow God to do the above two things in
your life, you will enjoy a life of accuracy.
Divine guidance is one of the great benefits of intimacy
with the Lord, the higher you rise in life, the more
powerful and influential your decisions will be.
When you are at the lower level of the ladder of life,
your decisions will not cost much but as you climb the
ladder of life, as God begins to raise you up and up, the
influence of your decision on people will begin to
In fact as times goes on, some people’s decisions will
hold the power of life and death over people, the
challenge is that there is always a very short or limited
time to make such decision.
“Good and upright is the Lord; therefore will he teach
sinners in the way?. The meek will he guide in
judgment and the meek will He teach His way”
Psalm 25: 8-9
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That is ability to conclude on issue accurately in a
twinkling of an eye!
Thus fearing God must not be the end of your
relationship with Him, instead it must usher you into
the way chosen for you to go and then He will teach
you on how to walk in that way.
Beloved you can fear God and die even in debt or
should I say you may claim to fear God but didn’t allow
God to choose your path and teach you on how to go
about it.
“Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the
sons of the prophets unto Elisha saying, Thy servant
my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy
servant did fear the Lord: and the creditor is come to
take unto him my two sons to be bondmen”
2king 4:1
The man in the above scripture feared the Lord but
probably took the leading of God for granted and he
missed his divine provision because our God is called
Jehovah Jireh
“The Lord who provides” Genesis 22:14.
Also let’s take a look at the account of Prophet Isaiah.
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“Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy one of
Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to
profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou
shouldest go” Isaiah 48:17.
This is the result of the fear of God and intimacy, so
therefore, it is one thing to fear the LORD and it is
another thing for you to have a closer relationship with
Him (Intimacy) if you must enjoy Him to the fullest.
It is one thing to fear the Lord and it is another thing to
keep His commandment. For you to enter into His
intimacy, you must keep His commandment. When you
keep His commandment then He will reveal more and
more of Himself unto you.
The more of Him that you know will definitely lead you
to a closer walk with Him.

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Chapter 5
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F irst and foremost, a man that has intimacy with the

LORD will enjoy a powerful advantage over every
other person around him or her. The benefits is as
The book of John
chapter 13 will be
our case study in
this context; After
Jesus had taught
them what it means
to be a leader,
confirming to the disciples that He is the Messiah and
that one of them is a betrayer and about to betray
They all concluded that it was never possible, though
He was discussing with all of them, they were so
confused, He revealed the secret to one out of twelve
disciples, yet others didn’t know about it.
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For example can you imagine six of you sitting in a
building discussing about how you will succeed
together in life and one of you is planning against your
future, how will you know that?
How will you know who is who in your house, your
place of work, your church or your locality? The bible
even confirms that a man’s enemy is of his own
“A man’s foes shall be they of his own household”
Matthew 10:36.
So then, how will you know them because they may
seem to be very close to you?
In verse 21 and 22 of John 13;
“when Jesus had thus said, He was troubled in spirit,
and testified and said, verily, verily, I say unto you,
that one of you shall betray me, then the disciples
looked one another, doubting of whom he spake”.
In this case, Judas Iscariot was not a known enemy, not
at all. Do you know that apart from Jesus, one other
person knew about this matter but He kept quiet!
Please read John 13:23-26. Out of the twelve people on
the table, two people on the same table were
discussing and the bible says no one knew about it.

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“… He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have
dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it
to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.” John 13:26
Intimacy will always give the person that has it a
powerful advantage over others, see verse 28
“ Now no man at the table knew for what intent he
spake this unto him”.
Beloved verse 23 also shows us a picture of intimacy,
“Now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of His
disciples whom Jesus loved”
That is the picture of how God want you to operate. He
wants you to be His favorite like Abraham, David etc.
The bible gives us a picture of God that has two levels
of relationship with His children; First a level of
relationship that Jesus paid for (i.e. your salvation
experience) and secondly, the level of relationship
that you must pay for (i.e. intimacy with God).
It is understandable that every Christian doesn’t enjoy
God the same way, though God loves us the same way.
Let’s quickly check verse 24 and 25 of our text again.
“Simon Peter therefore (because of this confusion
about who is going to betray Christ) beckoned to him
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(that is the one that was lying on the bosom of Jesus)
to ask who it should be of whom He spake. He then
lying on Jesus’ breast, saith to Him, LORD who is it? “
I like you to note something here that leadership in the
kingdom matters is not determined by title, you don’t
need to be a Pastor, Bishop or Reverend to be a good
Christian leader. It is determined by closeness, by
intimacy with God.
Peter could not get this information but the one who
was close to Jesus. “The one that was lying on the
bosom of the Lord”, that is the one who is more
intimate with Him. How close are you to God too?
Do you easily have access to information from Him? If
not, take a step today, God is ever ready to be intimate
with you.
“Draw near to God
and He will draw near
to you. Cleanse your
hands, ye sinners; and
purify your hearts, ye
double minded”.
James 4:8
To draw near to God, as it is discussed in Hebrews 11:6,
is to diligently seek Him.
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What then does it meant to diligently seek Him?
The word diligent means “persevering attention,
constant effort, persistent.”
In other words, you must draw near to God, you don’t
just do so once in a while or when the mood strikes
you or when you are going through unpalatable
To diligently seek Him is to drop other things that may
be preventing you from reading the Word and praying.
Spending time with God becomes a priority in your life.
It means when you have to go to work or do anything,
you get up early enough to pray instead of skipping
time to commune with God.
For God to draw nearer to you, you must be persistent,
constant and daily effort on your own part to draw
nearer to Him too.
Some would call it pressing in, not just pressing in to
God or reading more of the Word of God or praying
more. Pressing in to His presence; the reward is that
He, in turn, will draw near to you. There will be a
closeness between you and God—a fellowship—a
friendship. Nothing is more precious than friendship
with Almighty God.
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Be rest assure that when He draws near to you, the
doors of communication are wide open. You can hear
His instruction, correction and encouragement. And,
you will enjoy the other rewards that come directly
through this relationship.

3. He Will Guide You into All Truth.

“Howbeit when, the Spirit
of truth, is come, he will
guide you into all truth: for
he shall not speak of
himself; but whatsoever he
shall hear, that shall he
speak: and he will shew
you things to come.”
John 16:13
When you’re in tune with God, you get to follow Him
to a very special place known and accessible only to His
followers. It’s a place called TRUTH.
Some people think they know the truth, but they are
deceived. God is the one and only TRUTH, and He says
He will lead you into this truth.
Not just some truth, a little truth or the truth that can
be comprehended —but ALL truth!, that is the type of
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truth that cannot be comprehended by human wisdom
What does that really mean?
It means if you’re a businessman, the Holy Spirit will
show you how to increase your profits. If you’re a
student, it means the Holy Spirit will show you how to
excel in your exams. Whatever truth you desire to
know, He will reveal because God is the author of
If there’s a truth to know—He’s the One to reveal it to
us! Beloved, will you like to know the future right now?
Will you like the advantage of knowing how to prepare
for things to come?
Am sure you wished that too! That is one of the
rewards of drawing nearer to the Lord Jesus Christ.
When you abide in Him and He teaches you all things,
it causes you to know God’s will in any situation.
That’s doing what the Spirit of God tells you to do—
that’s walking in VICTORY. Remember, victory doesn’t
come by walking in your own ability and your own
mental capacity. You can turn on the news and see
what has happened already, but God is the only One
who can show you things to come.
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If you rely on what you know in the natural, you’ll be
defeated like everybody else.
But if you abide in God and He abides in you, there
won’t be a single enemy that can bring defeat to your
“… For without me ye can do nothing” John 15:5b
The Spirit of God will continually direct you, and He will
show you things to come.
He’ll reveal to you how to prevent problems and
trouble so that it doesn’t even happen to you.
Even when tests and trials come as they will
occasionally happen for your promotions, you’ll walk
right through them unhurt. Hear this;
“when thou passeth through the waters, I will be with
thee; and through the rivers, they shall not over flow
thee, When thou walkest through the fire, thou shall
not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon
thee” Isaiah 43:2
This is the reward of being guided by the Lord. It is
unfortunate that we have a lot of pastors (leaders),
workers and professional giants in Christendom today
but they are spiritual dwarfs, they claim to be too busy
and that is what they base their lack of spirituality on.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 35
Are you as busy as these people of old, in the bible;
President like Daniel, Administrator like Nehemiah,
king like David etc.
They were all leaders and they were intimate with God.
Beloved, you too can be intimate with God and never
forget this principles of life;
“The intimate with God is always the Leader
anywhere anytime”.
So to be a good leader physical or spiritual, you must
be intimate with Lord.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 36

Chapter 6
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

N ow that you know what it means to be intimate

with God and some of the benefits of being
intimate with
Him, For you to enter
into this level of
relationship called
intimacy, please pay
attention to the
following points;
1. Enter into a Relationship with God
The bible states it very clear that our God is a spirit
(John 14:24) therefore it is impossible for anyone to
begin intimacy with Him without first having a
relationship with Him. That relationship is called been
born again.
“Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily I say
unto you, except a man be born again, he cannot see
the kingdom of God.” John 3:3.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 37
Please note the word “except” above, it means there is
no other way, for you to establish a relationship with
your maker, you must first be born again i.e. genuinely
hand over the affairs of your life to Him.
In John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father,
but by me”.
Also the bible confirms to us that there is no other
way; the only right way to God is through Jesus.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by
the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some
other way, the same is a thief and a rubber.
John 10:1 “
From the references above, it therefore means that if
you must be on the LORD side, you must be born again
as this will qualify you for the first level of relationship
that I talk about earlier on (Salvation level of
This will give you the privilege to access God in all
Beloved, if you have never started a relationship with
God or you are not sure of your status with Him, I

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 38

encourage you to start a genuine relationship with Him
today as tomorrow may be too late. To do this is as
simple as A.B.C.
A = Acknowledge that you are a sinner.
B = Believe that Jesus died for your sake and paid for all
your sins with His blood on the cross of Calvary.
C = Confess Him as your Lord and savior genuinely, and
then Ask Him to release His saving grace to take over
the affairs of your life right now.
If you are in this category, why not PAUSE and go
ahead right now!

Talk to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer right now!!!

Invite Him to come and
take over the affairs of
your life since you now
realized that without Him
you can do nothing, Accept
His work of Calvary, ask
that His blood will clean
away all your past sins!

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 39

“Lord Jesus Christ, I want to know you. I want you to
come into my life. Thank you for dying on the cross
for my sins so that I can be fully accepted by you. I
now realized that only you can give me the power to
change and become the person you created me to be.
Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life.
I give my life to you. Please do with it as you wish.
Congratulations, welcome to the family of God!
I pray that the Lord Jesus will hear your cry right now
and save you in Jesus mighty name.

2. Service your relationship

Beyond the salvation (born again) experience, there
are further activities that will build your relationship
towards intimacy with God.
For example, your salvation experience can be liken to
the wedding day that gives a couple a legal right to
enjoy each other, but how much of each other they
enjoy, will be determined by several other things.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 40
To enjoy relationship with someone, that relationship
must not be dormant, you must keep servicing it, the
same way with God, your new relationship must not be
dormant for a day, He longs to commune with you
every minute, remember God has all the time and that
has been His desire from the very beginning to come
around to commune with His children, He always visit
Adam daily!
“ And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto
him, where art thou? Genesis 3:9 ”
The question now is how do you service this new
It must be service through:
i. Intense prayers day
and night.
ii. Worshipping Him
from time to time
iii. Fasting to renew
your spiritual
iv. Constant meditation on the word of God to feed
your spirit.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 41
Remember our God is a Spirit, so work on your spirit
man from time to time.
3. Proofs of your Relationship
Your relationship with
the Lord gives you an
official license to
fellowship with the
trinity. In fellowship,
there is transfer of power
and anointing.
The more you fellowship with God, the more
knowledge and experience of Him you have. This gives
you privilege to know His ways, His desires, His
feelings, His expectations of you and the texture of His
voice. Therefore this experience becomes proof of your
encounters with Him.
When you can hear God and you show the proof of
your relationship with Him, it becomes clearer to men
that you are indeed a son of God. Please note that
there is a level of just a child and another level of being
a son in deed. Matters of the kingdom are reveal to
sons and not babes (baby Christians).
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 42
Isaiah 9:6 says “For unto us a child is born, unto us a
son is given: and the government shall be upon his
From the text above, it states clearly that the
government was not given until He was a son. The
manifestation of your relationship with God is a proof
that you are indeed a son!
No wonder the bible states that the world awaits your
testimony, your proof of being a child of God, that is,
your manifestation.
“For the earnest expectation of the creature (world)
waited for the manifestation of the sons of God.”
Hebrew 8:19
Manifestation of the sons and not babes,
“Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child,
differeth nothing from a servant, though he be Lord of
all; but is under tutors and governors until the time
appointed of the father” Galatians 4: 1-2.
So I encourage you today, it is time to start growing so
that, someday, you too will become a son!
“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the
word, that ye may grow thereby:” 1 peter 2:2
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 43
When men have challenges in life, they run to you to
consult God on their behalf.
It is a proof as stated earlier that whoever has intimacy
with the Lord has advantage over others, they believe
that God will definitely reveal Himself to you no matter
what, so at this stage, it becomes a proof that in deed
you are a son of God.
4. Intimacy is not a Gift, So work it out.
“for the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up, and the
reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen
upon me. Psalm 69:9”
Intimacy is not a gift, again I repeat; it is a reward.
I like you to take note of this again and again; it is a
reward that comes when you have paid a price of
complete obedience, passion, a life of discipline and
loyalty to God.
God draws you nearer, gives you a closer peck. For
emphasis sake, what is then loyalty?
It is the willingness to sacrifice your personal interest
for the interest of the person you claim to be loyal to.
God will never establish His intimacy with you without
testing and demand your loyalty to Him.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 44
God will never open His intimacy to just anyone, not at
all! The value of intimacy with God is therefore not
priceless as some people thought!
Have you noticed some men of God who have paid the
price of loyalty as a result of their closeness to God?
You can see a proof in their life.
You too can have access to God at this level if only you
will be able to pay the price too.
Think about this today!

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 45

Chapter 7
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

I n this chapter I like to

briefly discuss some
practical steps to being
intimate with God and how
you can increase your
relationship with Him.


Prayer is a communication tool to become intimate
with God, it is worthy of note to inform you that
intimacy can never be achieved through hurry or in
haste, but conscious intentional effort at spending
time with God.
You can never be close with
someone you only
communicate with once in a
month or week,
communicating steadily with
God leads into intimacy.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 46

It is always a two way communication, you talk and
give Him time to talk, and that leads to intimacy.


God has revealed His nature,
His will, His personality through
His word. You cannot afford to
relate with God from the
knowledge of what someone
else told you about Him alone.
Beloved if all you know about God is what your General
overseer, your prophet, your pastor or other brethren
in the Lord says, “May I inform you that you are not
safe, in fact you are far from safety”. Since God has
revealed Himself through His word, you must be able
to read it effectively. Ask me how?
(i) You can achieve this by having a proper bible
reading plan (make sure you write down your own
findings about God too i.e. His revelations through
His word).
(ii) Be diligent to go through the study plan daily. It
may not be easy at first as it will; but believe me as
long as you are consistent, someday it will become
a habit.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 47
Don’t go a day without study, then ask the spirit of
God; “The Revealer Himself (Holy Spirit)” to reveal
every mystery to you.
Believe me He will, because He is waiting for you
already. Hear this;
“The secrete things belong unto the LORD our God:
but those things which are revealed belong unto us,
and to our children forever, that we may do all the
words of this law.” Deuteronomy 29:29
Also John 15: 13 says
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will
guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of
himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he
speak: and he will shew you things to come.”
So believe me, if you will ask Him concerning any issue
or secret, He will reveal Himself to you.
That is one the duty of the Holy Spirit who lives in you.


If you must be intimate with God, you must increase
your relationship with Him daily.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 48

You need to develop
yourself and take into
cognizance the following
(a) Quality Time:
If you are in a hurry before God, you will lose the
benefits of being there alone with Him.
The bible says:
“And the LORD said unto Moses, come up to me into
the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of
stones, and a law, and commandments which I have
written, that thou mayest teach them” Exodus 24:12.
God does not waste people’s time. He will always be
there waiting for you, but will you be there to receive
from Him?
If you must grow in intimacy with the LORD, increase
the time you spend with God: We talked about the
man Daniel in the previous chapters, Daniel was always
with God three times a day to pray
“He kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and
prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did
aforetime. Daniel 6:10”
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 49
No wonder he was able to do exploit for God, you
remember how he reminded and interpreted the
dream of another man; ‘King Nebuchanezzar’, the bible
states that he prayed three times as he used to do
before (as he did aforetime) the incidence! It has
become His life style.
He is used to having an appointment with God.
How often do you pray?
I am not talking about plus Jesus minus Satan type of
prayer, beloved I encourage you to set a consistence
and balanced quiet time to pray, study and meditate
on the word of God.
(b) Separation
You may never
attain a serious
level of intimacy
without separation.
This involves
withdrawal from
normal duties, activities, people, thought and your
usual environment to a particular place within a
specific period of time to fellowship with the Lord.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 50
It is unfortunate to note that a lot of the so called
Christian has time for their children, spouses, business,
job etc. but claim there is no time to separate
themselves to be with God.
This matter is serious to the extent that even the Lord
Jesus normally separates Himself to fellowship with the
Father on several occasions.
“And in the morning, rising up a great while before
day He went out and departed into a solitary and
there he prayed” Mark 1:35.
I encourage you, like the Lord Jesus, to commune with
your heavenly father very early on a daily basis.
The moment you wake up, quickly change
environment, leave that bed first; trying to fellowship
with the Lord right on your bed will not yield effective
A lot of us have tried it before; believe me, it will yield
no meaningful result.
It may not only be physical environment to some; you
need to identify certain things in your personal life that
need you to withdraw away from, in other to establish
this kind of relationship we are talking about.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 51
Divine communications are like TV signals in the
atmosphere, it’s always available but you need a
receiver to connect them. When you separate from
distractions, it becomes easier to connect those divine
(c) Set a place aside
Let’s quickly take a look at Mark 1:35 quoted earlier
“And in the morning, rising up a great while before
day He went out and departed into a solitary and
there he prayed” Mark 1:35
The bible says Jesus withdrew to a solitary place where
he lacks physical companions, you too need to set a
place aside for fellowship, as much as you need
intimacy with the Lord, it will cost you to set a place
aside for fellowship, i.e. a private place.
May I also inform you that intimacy is never developed
in the open or public places, not even in church or
fellowship; gathering of believers only teaches us
foundation for Christian living which helps to prevent
backsliding. Though, I advise you strongly not to ignore
the gathering of believers in anyway but the truth is; it
is not enough for a life of intimacy with the Lord.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 52
You must learn to retreat to a private place where
there is no distraction to aid effective communication
with the Father, then you will be able to know how
God communicate with you personally.
I challenge you to avoid whatever that hinders you
from withdrawing to the secret place every day.
(d) The price must be paid
Once again let me remind you as I have always been
telling you from chapter two of this book that intimacy
is not cheap. It will cost you something.
It could be too much sleep, time, friends, food,
relationships, social media, entertainments, and any
other things that make it difficult for people to enter
into intimacy.
Please note that the moment you aspire to enter into
intimacy with the Lord, the devil will increase the
interaction of those things /people in other to pull you
back. It is a strategy of the devil, don’t be trap with it!
What must you give up as a price for intimacy?
Please think about it now and try as much as possible
to do so, remember whoever that has intimacy will
always be ahead of others and he or she will live a life
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 53
of accuracy. Is it your flesh that is hindering your
relationship with the Lord?
Take time to tarry on the word of God, it will make
your spirit to become stronger.
To deal with the enemies of intimacy, first identify
them, note that their intention is to separate you
finally from your God, the devil knows that your
strength is in your relationship with God, only in Christ
you can do all things and that is why the devil will do
whatever he could to come between you and God so
that you can be far apart from Him.
I like you to also note that the devil’s ability lies in
hiding his personality, presence and his workings in a
man’s life. If you don’t detect it, he will torment you as
long as possible. Praise God!
This is why the Holy Spirit will always reveal the static
and pretense of the devil to you as long as you stay in
intimacy with God. Are you at a cross road, thinking
how do you go about your relationship with God?
Consult the Holy Spirit for help today.
David was so confused; take a look at what he did as
recorded in 1 Samuel 23:1-4
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 54
…”He enquired of the Lord if he could go for battle and
God showed him what to do immediately”.
He enjoyed the reward of intimacy several times
because he paid the price!
Beloved, please be encouraged to make up your mind
right now and pay whatever it will cost you to develop
intimacy with the Lord, again it may cost you to
separate from some friends, it may cost you to be off-
social media for a while, or not to subscribe to that TV
channels that has turned to be a stumbling block
between you and your maker, or to separate yourself
from those friends that add no value to your spiritual

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 55

Chapter 8
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

“Keep thy heart with all

diligence, for out of it are
the issues of life.
Proverb 4:23”
Taking a critical look at this
verse of the scripture, As
you strife to sustain your
intimacy with God, I like to inform you that the
battlefield is your heart, out of it are the issues of life.
No wonder the bible command us to keep it with all
Watch what you think about or say.
The devil is a liar. In fact the Lord Jesus calls him;
“ …the father of lies and of all that is false” John 8:44.
He lies to you and I. He tells us things about ourselves,
about others and about circumstances we are going
through that are just not true.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 56
He will paint your challenges so big such that it will
overwhelm you. He does not, however, tell us the
entire lies all at once, He begins by bombarding our
mind with cleverly device pattern of little evil thoughts,
suspicious doubts, fears, wonderings, reasoning’s and
theories of men, he moves slowly and cautiously.
Remember, he has a well map out strategy for his
warfare. He has studied our weakness for a very, very
long time.
Beloved, your mind is the battlefield, as a Christian,
the question is what do you occupy your mind with? It
will be easier for the devil to attack your mind if you
keep tolerating wrong thoughts.
Don’t try to fight wrong thoughts with your own
thoughts. You must fight negative thoughts with the
word of God.
Philippians 4:8 tell us to think on things that are true,
honest, pure, lovely, of good report and virtuous.
Whatever that enters your heart becomes your
manifestation. Therefore I challenge you to guard your
mind diligently. A mind filled with negative (corruption)

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 57

things cannot receive from God; therefore the state of
your mind determines your intimacy with the Lord.
Apart from your thought, I like to ask you a question;
what have you been feeding your eyes? The devil has
trapped a lot of Christians today by introducing
negative things into their lives.
For some, it is what their friends told them or what
they watch on Television, social media etc. that shifted
their focus and they lost intimacy with God. Be
sensitive to what you see. Believe me, what you see
will enter your mind and it will determine what
becomes of you.
To maintain your intimacy with the LORD, guard your
mind jealously. You cannot continue to feed your eyes
all the time with what you see on Zee world, Star life,
AMC series, African Magic, Orisun TVs, Facebook,
Whatsapp etc. and have a strong intimacy with God, as
good as they are, it could turn to be a stumbling block
for your relationship with Lord.
Again, I encourage you today; pay the price, it may be
painful at the start but believe me, it pays to be
intimate with the Lord.
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 58
Remember the Holy Spirit is waiting for you to involve
Him in everything that you do.
James 4:8 says when you draw near to God; He will
draw near to you, so the problem is not God, if you
refuse to draw nearer, He too will remain far away
from you.


As I conclude on the subject matter of your journey
into Intimacy with the Lord, I like to explain some of
the tools of the devil against your intimacy with God
He has been using these tools over and over again, so
don’t be trap by them.
1. Success:
The devil has been
able to use this tool to
hijack a lot of God’s
children away from
the plan and purpose
of God for their life.
Beloved you must
understand that, one

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 59

of the dangers of success or promotions in life is called
legitimate busyness.
The moment you are promoted by God, He does it for
you to be in control so as to occupy for Him, it is a fact
that life doesn’t get safer the higher you go in life.
It gets more technical and that is why you need to have
access to classified information which only happens in
the place of intimacy before you get to the top.
When you allow success to enter your brain, you will
begin to see God as a partner who only needs to do His
duty while you do yours too rather than seeing Him as
the source of your blessing, “your source of life”. “your
source of everything”
Before your success arrive, make sure you have a
structured prayer and word life in place. Don’t attempt
to replace God with your success in life, when such
happen, God withdraws His commitment from such
individual, so I advise you to manage your success
properly, you are nothing without God. Romans 8:35a
“What shall separate us from the love of Christ?”
Think about this, is there anything that worth
separating you from your source of ALL?

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 60

Always remember where you are coming from, this will
make you conscious of the tricks of the devil, May I
remind you that the devil compiles the file of every
champion and he waits to get them. I pray his waiting
over your life will be in vain in Jesus name. Amen!
The devil is never tired!
Let intimacy with God be your defense because only in
HIM you can do all things and the devil is powerless as
long as you have a secure relationship with God.
When God is answering your prayer and things are
booming in your career and business don’t ignore the
presence of God, if you do? All the success can
disappear in a twinkling of an eye.
When God blesses you, it is to make you a blessing and
to serve as a reminder of His faithfulness to you and
others. Don’t fall for the deception of the devil,
remember, you are nothing without God.

2. Complacency or Self-approval
This has to do with cultivating a kind of know it all
attitude. That is feeling of calm satisfaction with your
own abilities or situation that prevents you from
trying harder: Surely the root of complacency is pride
and God said;
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 61
"I hate pride and arrogance" Prov. 8:13a.
Assuming you have climbed the mountain and there
are no more peaks to surmount, you need to keep your
intimacy to maintain that peak.
For example, God has used you to perform miracles in
the past and, that has entered your brain to ignore the
source of your strength.
The Lord said "Nevertheless I have somewhat against
you, because thou has left thy first love.”
Revelation: 2:4.

So then because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor

cold–I will spue (spit) you out of my mouth."
Revelation 3:16
Beloved, to get to the peak is not the problem but to
stay at the peak i.e. to maintain your success; Am sure
you have heard about great men of God that
backslide? It is never their wish, so I encourage you to
guard your intimacy jealously. I pray the enemy will not
succeed over your life.
3. Activities
Don’t allow fellowship /church activities or any other
activities to take over your quest to spend time with
God. Instead Balance it!
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 62
As much as there is no such thing as a “Lone Ranger
Christian.” That is you must get involved in; growth
class, prayer group, Sunday school classes, choir or
other activities that will help you grow in Christ.
But don’t allow the accomplishment of the work of
God to take priority over your relationship with the
Captain of the mission (Jesus Christ) Himself, because
on the last day, there will be a lot of surprises!
"Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we
not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have
cast out devils? And in thy name done many
wonderful works? And then will I tell them plainly, I
never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work
iniquity " (Matt. 7:22-23)
So I encourage you to balance your church activities
and personal fellowship, don’t allow your relationship
to suffer, you are useful in that fellowship/ church
because of His grace upon your life.
As long as you are not lazy about the whole issue, it is
very easy to manage both your church activities and
your personal quest to know more of the Lord.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 63

This book has reminded you that you have a purpose
to fulfill, how soon it will be fulfill depend on you.
It’s your choice! Either to draw closer to the one that
knows tomorrow since all you know is about few things
that have happened, but this great God knows the end
of all things right from the beginning.
HE knows your tomorrow!
It’s your choice either to keep doing things in your
natural wisdom and continue to rise and fall or to lean
on Him and allow Him to be your guide.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not
unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Proverb 3:5-6
He longs to be your guide if only you will trust and
obey Him too.
Take a look at the lyrics of this hymn;
it is the summary of the whole subject matter of being
intimate with the Lord; WHEN WE WALK WITH THE

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 64

1. When we walk with the Lord in the light of His
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

2. Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,

But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.

3. Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,

But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.

4. But we never can prove the delights of His love

Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 65

5. Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet,
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way;
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.

Beloved, I encourage you to handover your ALL to

Jesus Christ because He is interested in being intimate
with you. You have learned that God want to reveal
secret things of the kingdom to you like He did to
father Abraham.
Please be reminded that the Lord Jesus Christ will
return very soon as promised, I hope you too is looking
forward to His return, please don’t be caught unaware.
I pray that the grace to pay the price of intimacy is
release unto you right now in Jesus mighty name.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 66

Are you in any of this category?
 I just asked Jesus into my life (I need some helpful

 I may want to ask Jesus into my life, but I have a

question I would like you to answer first…

Kindly get in touch with your Christian leader or with

me as I will be glad to give further clarifications where
+2348066777267, +2347055533281.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 67
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 68
Now that you are saved, what next? Page 69

Benny Hinn, “The Anointing” Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas

Nelson Inc., 1997.

Joyce Meyer, “Battlefield of the Mind” Christian Living

Inspirational, 2014.

Olusola & Oyenike Areogun, “Spirit Meat”, Abundant Life

House Books, 2020.

King James Version, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1982.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 3rd
Edition, 2001.

RCCG Hymnal Book.

Now that you are saved, what next? Page 70

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