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1) Optimization

85 - In applied Statistics and Machine Learning, optimization is one of the most

important skills.

optimization as a problem where you maximize or minimize a real function by

systematically choosing input values from an allowed set and computing the
value of the function. That means when we talk about optimization we are
always interested in finding the best solution.

86 - So, let say that one has some functional form(e.g in the form of f(x)) that
he is interested in and he is trying to find the best solution for this functional

 Why Optimization for Machine Learning?

 91 –.Almost all machine learning algorithms can be viewed as solutions

to optimization problems and it is interesting that even in cases, where the
original machine learning technique has a basis derived from other fields
for example, from biology and so on one could still interpret all of these
machine learning algorithms as some solution to an optimization problem.

 93 –.A basic understanding of optimization will help in:

 More deeply understand the working of machine learning
 Rationalize the working of the algorithm. That means if you get a
result and you want to interpret it, and if you had a very deep
understanding of optimization you will be able to see why you
got the result.
 And at an even higher level of understanding, you might be able
to develop new algorithms yourselves.

95 - Components of an Optimization Problem

. Generally, an optimization problem has three components.

minimize f(x), w.r.t x, subject to a ≤ x ≤ b
1. The objective function(f(x)): The first component is an objective
function f(x) which we are trying to either maximize or minimize. In
general, we talk about minimization problems this is simply because if you
have a maximization problem with f(x) we can convert it to a minimization
problem with -f(x). So, without loss of generality, we can look at
minimization problems.
2. Decision variables(x): The second component is the decision
variables which we can choose to minimize the function. So, we write this
as min f(x).
3. Constraints(a ≤ x ≤ b): The third component is the constraint which
basically constrains this x to some set.
So, whenever you look at an optimization problem you should look for these
three components in an optimization problem.

98 - The basic uses of the Data Visualization technique are

● It is a powerful technique to explore the data

with presentable and interpretable results.
● In the data mining process, it acts as a primary step in the pre-processing
● It supports the data cleaning process by finding incorrect data and corrupted or
missing values.
● It also helps to construct and select variables, which means we have to
determine which variable to include and discard in the analysis.
● In the process of Data Reduction, it also plays a crucial role while combining the

99 -Types of Optimization Problems:

Depending on the types of constraints only:
1. Constrained optimization problems: In cases where the constraint is
given there and we have to have the solution satisfy these constraints we
call them constrained optimization problems.
2. Unconstrained optimization problems: In cases where the
constraint is missing we call them unconstrained optimization problems.

100 - Depending on the types of objective functions, decision variables and

1. If the decision variable(x) is a continuous variable: A variable x is
said to be continuous if it takes an infinite number of values. In this case,
x can take an infinite number of values between -2 to 2.

min f(x), x ∈ (-2, 2)

 102 - Linear programming problem: If the decision variable(x) is a

continuous variable and if the objective function(f) is linear and all the
constraints are also linear then this type of problem known as a linear
programming problem. So, in this case, the decision variables are
continuous, the objective function is linear and the constraints are also

1. 85 -

 Nonlinear programming problem: If the decision variable(x)

remains continuous; however, if either the objective function(f) or the
constraints are non-linear then this type of problem known as a non-
linear programming problem. So, a programming problem becomes
non-linear if either the objective or the constraints become non-linear.

86 - It is at the heart of almost all machine learning and statistical

techniques used in data science. It helps to find minimum error or best solution
for a problem. ... Optimization helps find a minimum value for the loss function

91 -The data optimization process makes use of sophisticated data quality tools,
such as those provided by Precisely, to access, organize, and cleanse data,
whatever the source, to maximize the speed and comprehensiveness with which
pertinent information can be extracted, analyzed, and put to use.

● .

93 - What are the optimization techniques?

Prominent examples include spectral clustering, matrix factorization, tensor analysis,
and regularizations. These matrix-formulated optimization-centric methodologies are
rapidly evolving into a popular research area for solving challenging data mining problems.

95 - Optimization methods are used in many areas of study to find solutions that
maximize or minimize some study parameters, such as minimize costs in the
production of a good or service, maximize profits, minimize raw material in the
development of a good, or maximize production.

98 - advantages of optimization techniques?

Business process optimisation: 5 key advantages for your company
 Improved Efficiency. The first and most obvious benefit of business process
optimization is how it can improve your company's efficiency. ...
 Accurate Information. ...
 Greater Adaptability. ...
 Performance Monitoring and Accountability. ...
 Higher Quality Results.

99 - disadvantages of optimization?

These algorithms, however, also have several drawbacks which include that they can only locate a
local optimum, they have difficulty solving discrete optimization problems, they are complex
algorithms that are difficult to implement efficiently, and they may be susceptible to numerical

100 -
Code Optimization Techniques-
 Compile Time Evaluation.
 Common sub-expression elimination.
 Dead Code Elimination.
 Code Movement.
 Strength Reduction.

102 - Optimization Theory, Methods, and Applications in Engineering

 Deterministic optimization.
 Stochastic optimization.
 Heuristic algorithms.
 Hybrid methods.
 Industrial engineering and manufacturing systems.
 Computer science.
 Artificial intelligence.
 Multicriteria decision making
85- the applications of optimization techniques

 Introduction. Optimization theory and methods have been applied in many

fields to handle various practical problems. ...
 Optimization Methods. Y. ...
 Information System. ...
 Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Systems. ...
 Engineering Design. ...
 Multicriteria Decision Making. ...
 Operations and Supply Chain Management.

86- optimization techniques in computer science

In computer science, program optimization, code optimization, or software

optimization is the process of modifying a software system to make some
aspect of it work more efficiently or use fewer resour

91 - how do you optimize codes?

Try to avoid implementing cheap tricks to make your code run faster.
1. Optimize your Code using Appropriate Algorithm. ...
2. Optimize Your Code for Memory. ...
3. printf and scanf Vs cout and cin. ...
4. Using Operators. ...
5. if Condition Optimization. ...
6. Problems with Functions. ...
7. Optimizing Loops. ...
8. Data Structure Optimization.

93 - The purpose of optimization is to achieve the “best” design relative to a set
of prioritized criteria or constraints. These include maximizing factors such as
productivity, strength, reliability, longevity, efficiency, and utilization.

95- Optimization is an act, process or methodology of making Design, system, or

decision as fully perfect, functional. Optimization. 4. Optimization of a product or process
is the determination of experimental condition resulting in it's optimal performance.

98 –h ow is optimization used in real life?

In our daily lives, we benefit from the application of Mathematical Optimization
algorithms. They are used, for example, by GPS systems, by shipping
companies delivering packages to our homes, by financial companies, airline
reservations systems, etc.

100 -  three elements of an optimization problem?

Optimization problems are classified according to the mathematical characteristics of the
objective function, the constraints, and the controllable decision variables. Optimization
problems are made up of three basic ingredients: An objective function that we want to
minimize or maximize

102 - Conclusion • Optimization techniques are a part of development process. • The levels
of variables for getting optimum response is evaluated. • Different optimization methods are used
for different optimization problems. • Optimization helps in getting optimum product with desired
bioavailability criteria as well as mass production.

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