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Alissa Milini Alissa D.

Milini 6288 Tyro Street NE
Louisville, OH 44641


Education University of Mount Union
Fall 2003-Spring 2007
Bachelor of Arts in Science
● Middle Childhood Education (Grades 4-9): Math and
Social Studies
● Generalist Endorsement (Grades 4-6): Language Arts &
● Reading 4-9

University of Akron
Fall 2008-Spring 2011
Master’s Degree
● School Counseling/ Pupil Services Licensure

University of Mount Union

Spring 2020-Present
Masters in Educational Leadership with Ohio Principal Licensure Candidate

Work Experience
Lake Local Schools / Lake Elementary
2007- Present, Hartville, Ohio
● Fifth Grade Teacher, Math and Social Studies

Grade Level Leader/Curriculum Council
Leadership Experience
Fall 2008- Present
Attended regular district level lead teacher meetings. Organized
various grade level activities, presented data from grade level
common assessments, met regularly with the building principal.

Created School Wide Implementation Plan for Responsive

Spring2021- Present
● As a part of my administrative internship, I worked with
administration and other teachers to create an
implementation plan for the responsive classroom
Completed Value Added Roster Verifications
Created School Wide Digital Binder
● As a part of my administrative internship, I developed a
building “digital binder” as a way to organize information
for staff.
Assisted in the hiring of 10 certified staff members

Math Lead Teacher

Fall 2008- Present
● Attended and presented meetings at the county level four
times each school year. Reported information from the
meetings to the math teachers on my fifth grade team.

Responsive Classroom Program Core Trainer

June 2021-Present

Mentor Teacher
Fall 2020-Present

Eureka Math Implementation

2017- Present
● Attended professional development, led professional
development and assisted various grade levels with
assessment building and curriculum mapping
Key Communicators
● Met monthly with district representatives and
administration to discuss what is going on around the

Attended the Lead the Core Conference in Columbus, Ohio

January 2017

Presented at County Lead Teacher Meeting

February 2017
● Led a session on Achieve the Core’s Coherence Map and
how it can be used to differentiate instruction in the
Building Emergency Response Team
Fall 2016-Present

Building Leadership Team

Fall 2008 - Fall 2011

Master Teacher Certification
Awards & Recognition
February 2017

Lake Local Schools: Lion’s Club Teacher of the Month

December 2012

Stark County All Star Teaching Team

April 2020

Google Certified Educator

May 2020

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