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When I think about our country, what rings in my head is the poor state we are in and how long it
has been like that. We are just a third world country despite our abundance in resources and culture. This
makes me feel a lot of emotions – sad, pity, frustrated, but on top of it all, anger. I think that the reason
why something so full of resources yet still fails to succeed is because of poor management. In our case, a

The more I am aging, the more I find the dark side of politics so horrid. It came to a point where I
despise it that much and I lost hope for the country. I acknowledge and praise those sincere government
officials but I still think that the defective system will prevail.

One may argue that there are laws and measures established to ensure the integrity of the
government but I think that those safeguards have been compromised a long time ago. One could also say
that there are still positive things to focus on when talking about the Philippines but I think that it doesn’t
have to be only those. There is more in this country but the influential people seek to preserve their
interest and power, they are willing to take advantage of others or even fight among themselves.

When I think of ways to correct what’s wrong with our system, I always end up with “it should
be a collective effort.” It can’t be corrected by a single good politician only; but it could be a start. It must
then be: to have many good officials holding a high position. And, it is us, the citizens who have the
power to put those kinds of officers in those high positions.

If we have a competent government, and with cooperation of entities (business or non-business), I

think that the country can significantly get better and its fellow citizens can have a better quality of life. It
begins with everyone registering, educating, and practicing their right to suffrage – voting for the right
people to lead.

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