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Praise the Lord

TPM Scripture School Class Test

Date: 16th April 2021 Marks: 50
Standard XI Time: 3 Hrs.
I. Answer in Short (Any 5) 5 x 2 = 10
1. What are the sacrifices to be offered willingly with the whole heart?
For what purpose were the sacrifices offered willingly with the whole heart?
2. What is the spiritual significance of “Thanksgiving offering”?
3. When should the Paschal lamb be chosen? How many days should it be kept?
4. What does “sprinkling the blood” signify spiritually in the Burnt offering?
5. Who can become the Meat offering? How?
6. What does Peace offering reveal?

II. Answer the Following (Any 4) 4 x 3 = 12

1. What is the purpose for God to reveal Himself as a Triune God?
2. What is the spiritual meaning of the Paschal lamb being slain, after being kept for
four days?
3. Write the natures of the fallen man revealed by the objects of sacrifice of Burnt
offerings. By what these natures must be burnt?
4. Mention four experiences of peace which we have to preserve in order to meet the
5. Write with the reference about the offering of Meat offering baked in various ways.
Write about its spiritual significance.
III. Answer in Detail (Any 3) 3 x 4 = 12
1. What do the following signify in the Meat offering
i. Grain being pounded
ii. Oil
iii. Frankincense
2. What are the five minor sacrifices? Write their spiritual significances?
3. What is the manner of sacrifice in Peace offering?
4. The Paschal lamb is without blemish, prove with references that Jesus our Passover
is also without blemish.
IV. Answer the following with Bible references (Any two) 2 x 8 = 16
1. Explain the manner in which the Passover should be eaten. Write their spiritual
significances, giving verses.
2. Explain the spiritual significances contained in the manner of sacrifice in Peace
offering with references.
3. Explain the purpose of sacrifices ordained by God.

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