ENV107L - Course Outline (Summer2021) - MRL - R1

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North South University

School of Health and Life Science

Department of Environmental Science and Management

Course Name:
Introduction to Environmental Science Lab (1 Credit)
Course Code
ENV 107L, Sec 7,8,9
& Section No:
Semester: Summer 2021

Instructor, Department and Course Information

I. Instructor Prof. Dr. Md. Monirul Islam (MrL)

II. Office Room SAC 723
III. Class room First 5 classes in Google Classroom and the following 2 are at Room SAC
726. Last class is the final exam, place: TBA
IV. Class time ST: 1:00-2:30pm (Section 7), 2:40- 4:10pm (Section 8), 4:20- 5:50pm
(Section 9)

Students of one section is not allowed to attend other section’s class as in

almost each class there will be assessment.
V. Office Hours ST during class dates: 11am-12.50pm; 5.50-6.50pm (for first five class
dates I will be available over phone, email, Google classroom/ virtually;
after that at my office room SAC 723).

VI. Phone 01716363505

VII. Email Address monirul.islam01@northsouth.edu
VIII. Department Environmental Science and Management


Table: Tentative Class schedule, Lab reports and Exams

Lectures Content

Class 1 (Online) Basic understanding on environment and scientific method

-Basic laboratory rules and safety
-Basic calculation methods and data representation
Prepare lab report -1: Name of the lab experiment: Aquatic
biodiversity assessment.

Based on the virtual class (Include Tables, graphs regarding different

fish species and some calculations - average and percentage) (Write
your name and ID on the first page of the lab report)
Class 2 (Online) Water
-Water pollution
-Basic water quality parameter analysis
[pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)]
-Water conservation techniques

Prepare lab report-2: Name of the lab experiment: Water quality

Based on virtual lab class (Include the procedures of measuring pH,

DO & BOD).

Ecology and Ecosystem

-Familiarising with ecosystem
-Introduce students with different plant and animal samples

Prepare lab report-3: Name of the lab experiment: Ecology and

Ecosystem Study

Based on virtual lab class (Include: Different Levels of Organization:

Species, Population, Community; parts of a plant with figure,
herbarium with figure, list of some plant and animal species)
Class 3 (Online) Air quality and global warming
- Air Quality Index (AQI)
-What is global warming and reasons and effects of global warming
-Thermal expansion of sea water
Prepare lab report-4: Name of the lab experiment: Air quality and
thermal expansion assessment

Based on virtual class (Include: AQI, AQI reading of the particular day
and some calculation regarding thermal expansion).
Class 4 (Online) Conservation of resources
-Influence of lifestyle on consumption of resource and energy
-Calculation of personal energy usage
-Carbon footprint
-Ecological footprint

Prepare lab report-5: Name of the lab experiment: Energy and

ecological footprint assessment

Based on virtual class (Include: Electricity bill analysis to calculate

personal energy consumption, some question regarding energy
consumption pattern and conservation of energy, and Ecological
footprint count quiz).
Class 5 (online) Quiz; Review of the previous lectures and instructions for on-
campus lab class. You must need to bring 3 plant leaves and 3
blank A4 pages in order to make herbarium in the next class.
Class 6 (On Submission of Lab reports 1- 5 (make sure to get my signature)
campus Lab,
SAC 726) (ID Water Quality
first 10) -Basic water quality parameter analysis
[pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), TSS, Turbidity, Temperature of different
-Relationship between temperature and Dissolved Oxygen

Prepare lab report-6: Name of the lab experiment: Water quality

assessment in the samples

Graphs/tables demonstrating the parameters of different samples and

the relationship between temperature and DO

Ecology and Ecosystem
 Introduce students with different plant and animal samples (ESM
will provide herbarium for plant as well as different animal samples
for the observation of the students)
 The students will work in groups and bring leaf samples to make
discussion about the characteristics of the plant species.
 Each student will make herbarium using the leaves of at least
three species

Prepare lab report-7: Name of the lab experiment: Herbarium and

faunal museum specimen study

Herbarium (using the leaves brought by the students; with the

attachment of leaf sample); hand drawn picture, taxonomic
classification and identifying characteristics of the animal species
(selected from ESM lab)

Class 7 (On Same as class 6 but for the students with last 10 IDs
campus Lab,
SAC 726) (ID last
Class 8 (On Final exam + Submission of all the Lab Reports


Grading tool Points
Attendance and class participation 20%
Assessment of lab reports 40%
Viva voce/Quiz 10%
Final 30%
Total 100%

Class attendance and participation marks

% present Marks (20)
Less than 50 0
50-60 10
61-70 12
71-80 16
More than 80 20
100 (no late in any class) 20 + 1 (bonus)

Special Instructions:
 After each class you need to prepare a Lab report based on that class. There
are specific dates for submission of the lab reports. You must need to submit
within that specific date (this date will be taken into account to mark); I will

check, sign and give them back to you. You need to bind all the lab reports
together (use environment friendly binding – avoid plastic, instead use simple
stapler pin or string), add a cover page clearly mentioning your name, ID,
course details and declaration. On the final exam day you must need to submit
all the reports before the exam starts.
 Students of one section is not allowed to attend the class or exam in another
section as the assessment process may be different.
 For lab reports you are not allowed to copy from others – not even the cover
page. You must need to write on you own. All the reports need to be hand
written by yourself. However, for preparing graph(s) from data you may use
 No make-up is possible

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