BSBLDR501 1 Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence Practice Tasks Answer Booklet

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Develop and use emotional intelligence

Practice Tasks Answer Booklet 

Activity 1 

1. What is emotional intelligence? 

The ability to recognize their own. To identify, assess, and control the emotions of
oneself, others, or the ability to control a person's life in a creative way. Originally
believed to be. Intelligence Is the main factor. That makes people successful. Have
good quality and happy life. But later Psychologists do not think that success in life is
based solely on intellectual ability. But in those days there was not enough research

2. State whether the statement is True or False:

Statements: True/False

In order to manage a healthy stress level, it is important to eat and True

sleep well and exercise daily.

If you are under an important deadline at work, you are required to True
submit an important monthly report to your manager, but you run
fairly behind the schedule, which causes you to stress. The best
solution is to go an have a long nap.

Stress is part of our life, it is normal to stress. True

The newly downloaded Candy Crush Saga on your phone is tool True
that can be used for your professional development, as it trains my
brain, teaches me strategy and time management.
3. How do you identify emotional strengths? 
 Relax Do you want to face the uncertainty of life to be strong and dignified? If you start to
look at the fluctuations in life as a test of strength, then the wisdom and the solution to the
problem will begin to accumulate in you. more Can be used to deal with various crises. That
may happen every now and then.

Activity 2
1. Take an online stress test to see if you are stressed. Once you have
completed the quiz copy your results here. You do not have to give a real
email address once you have completed the quiz.
Overall you have scored within the average range for coping with
stress. This suggests that while there are stressful events occurring in your
life, you are usually able to cope with them effectively.
The scores below will highlight stressors that you reported as high, low
or average. In addition, there are solutions to help manage each individual

2. List at least three sources of stress. 

• Conflict at work
• Tight deadline
• Strong competition

3. What can you do to reduce stress in your daily life? 

• Eat well
• Drink plenty of fresh water
• Get quality sleep
• Exercise daily, do lots of physical activity
• Moderate your intake of alcohol and caffeine
• Get lots of fresh air

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