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Great Depression Essay Rubric 

Remember! A successful essay will:  

●   Engage all of the events outlined in the flowmap of cause and effect that
were highlighted in the skits, a n d h o w th e y re late  
late d to e a c h o th e r 
●  Clearly use the sources provided by drawing on specific examples
●  Demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of the catastrophe

  Be no less than a page and a half long, double spaced, size twelve font

4-Exemplary  3-Accomplished  2-Developing  1-Beginning 

Introduction The introduction The introduction The introduction The introduction

Paragraph   paragraph introduces the  paragraph introduces the  paragraph introduces the  paragraph is missing
(Hook, Thesis topic in an engaging way topic and ends with a topic and ends with a many of the elements
and ends with a strong thesis statement that thesis statement that including clarity on the
thesis statement that clearly outlines the  begins to outline the topic being outlined
clearly outlines the flowmap of cause and flowmap of cause and and a thesis statement.. 
flowmap of cause and effect.  effect but needs more
effect.  development. 

Body All body

strong paragraphs
evidence to have All
havebody paragraphs
evidence to support Body paragraphs
some evidence to have
support Body paragraphs
structure, with nolack
support claims made and claims made and link to claims made and link to transitions and little or
link to thesis; fully thesis; Engages with the thesis; Begins to engages no connection to clear
engages with the text and text and skits and with the text and skits; topic, and/or claims, or
skits and illustrates strong illustrates understanding does not illustrate evidence to back
understanding of the of the complexities of understanding of the thesis. 
complexities of the the catastrophe by complexities of the
catastrophe by showing showing how each cause catastrophe- does not
how each cause connects  connects  connect causes to each

Concluding The concluding The concluding The concluding The concluding

Paragraph   paragraph restates thesis  paragraph restates thesis  paragraph restates thesis  paragraph may hint at
in new words, in new words,  but may not use new the thesis but does
summarizes claims,, and words, summarizes some contain clear
summarizes claims and
goes above and beyond to connects the topic to claims but needs further connections to the
modern day (Why detail. Does not connect topic. 
connect the topic to should we care?)   to modern times. 
modern day (Why should
we care?).

Formatting  Paper is typed, size 12 Paper is typed, size 12 Some of the paper is The paper is lacking
font double spaced, font double spaced, is typed but not complete; much or all of the
exceeds 1 ½ pages and at least 1 ½ pages and other elements of the formatting required to
has a creative title.   has a title.  formatting are missing   consider the
assignment complete 

Spelling and The essay is free from Only a few spelling The spelling and/or Many spelling and/or
Grammar most spelling and and/or grammar errors grammar errors begin to grammar errors that
(Conventions)  grammar errors.  remain.   be a distraction from the can distract or confuse
clarity of the writing. the reader.

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