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Student’s Name: Date:27-07-21

1. Explain about the Ganga Action Plan. 3m

The Ganga Action Plan was, launched on 14 Jan. 1986 by the then Prime Minister of India Shri
Rajeev Gandhi, with the main objective of pollution abatement of the river Ganga, to improve the
water quality by interception, diversion, and treatment of domestic sewage, and to identify grossly
polluting units to prevent.

2. Describe the role of rivers in National economy. 3m

Role of rivers in the economy of a country:
• Water from rivers is a natural resource essential for various human activities.
• River water is used for irrigation.
• Can be used for hydro power generation.
• Used for navigation and even for transportation.

3. What are the reasons for the river pollution? Discuss. 3m

Rivers get polluted in the following ways:
(i) River water is used for domestic, municipal, industrial and agricultural purposes. This affects the
quality of water. The volume of river is also reduced because more and more water is being drained
out of them.
(ii) A heavy load of untreated sewage and industrial effluents are emptied into the rivers. This affects
not only the quality of water but also the self-cleansing capacity of the river.
(iii) The increasing urbanization and industrialization also contribute to the river pollution. Due to
these reasons the pollution level of many rivers has been rising. 

4. How can we prevent river pollution? Suggest few measures. 5m

Following are the four ways to prevent water pollution:
1.Chemical industries which pollutes the water most should be set up away from rivers and water
2.Waste water of industries should not be directly disposed off in the rivers.
3.Water of industries should not only be purified but also used for irrigation.
4. People should not bathe in rivers and should not wash their clothes in rivers. 

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