Various Regions of Food Insecurity in The Countries Mentioned and Cite The Causes For The Same. 1. Syria

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Various regions of food insecurity in the countries

mentioned and cite the causes for the same.

1. Syria

There's been a civil war in Syria for the last eight years, with different groups
trying to seize control of the country.

The fighting has been between:

 Soldiers who support the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad

 Fighters known as rebels, who don't want Assad to be in power anymore

 The group that calls itself Islamic State (IS)

These are the causes as Food itself frequently becomes a weapon during conflict.

The destruction of rural infrastructure, the loss of livestock, deforestation, the
widespread use of land-mines as well as the population movements lead to long-
term food security problems, particularly when these factors interact with natural

The study of  Berhanu (2001)  conducted in Ethiopia, identified different factors
that cause food insecurity. These are deterioration of food production
capacity (due to drought and land degradation), population pressure and
instability and armed conflict. Similarly,  Tilaye (2004)  conducted in Amhara
region identified the following factors that cause food insecurity. These are
drought (erratic rainfall, shortage of farmland due to population pressure,
soil erosion, lack of oxen, low price of sheep and sheep diseases, frost,
water logging and problem of pests and plant diseases.

Poor soil fertility, land shortage, frost attack, chronic shortage of cash
income, poor farming technologies, weak extension services, high labor
wastage, poor social and infrastructural situation have caused the problem
of food insecurity. Hence, a combination of factors has resulted in serious
and growing problem of food insecurity in Ethiopia ( Hussein, 2006 ). These will
have cumulative effects on household level food security status.

2. Uruguay
3. Congo
Almost 90 percent of arable land remains uncultivated and agriculture
is largely limited to subsistence production and cash crops such as
beans, sugar cane, cocoa and coffee. Because domestic food
production covers only 30 percent of the needs, Congo relies
extensively on food imports from overseas.  
The recurrence of social and political conflict has affected the Congo’s
ability to break the cycle of hunger and poverty by forcing people to
abandon their land, homes and jobs and discouraging long-term

Suggest remedial measures for

uplifting the victims of hunger
and progressing towards a

hunger-free world.

1. Food Donations

One of the simplest ways to combat world hunger is to initiate more food collection drives. A can
of food may seem like a small step, but even a small step can make a huge difference in
someone’s life.

2. Urban Farming

Agricultural researchers believe that building rooftop/indoor farms in the middle of cities could
help solve the world’s hunger problem. Experts say that vertical farming could feed up to 10
billion people and make agriculture independent of the weather and need for land.

3. Sustainable Farming

Much like urban farming, sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals — environmental
health, economic profitability and social and economic equity. The sustainability is based on the
principle that farmers must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their needs.

4. Government Intervention
Another way to fight global hunger is to encourage foreign nations to be more focused on
government intervention programs like those that provide food to mothers and children in poor

5. Birth Control Education

Because many people are not educated on reproduction or do not have access to
contraceptives, high birthrates pose a problem. Gaining access to contraceptives allows for
family planning, economic freedom and reduces world hunger.
6. Access To Credit
If companies do not have credit, they cannot start up industries that help combat global poverty.
In the past few years, more people in poor countries have gained access to credit. Most of these
credit loans are repaid, and they have created many industries, like farms, that help create a
sustainable provision for people and also develop nations economically.

7. Access To Education
A better education system is the answer to most of the world’s problems. In the context of world
hunger, education can provide better opportunities and more access to income and food.
Additionally, some countries have food-for-education programs where students are given free
food for coming to school.

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