Debi-Beleqa Detail Draft Design Report

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision

Development Bureau Works Enterprise






MARCH 2021


Debi Beleka Kebele Water Supply Project Draft Design Report. March 2021 i
Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1 Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURE..........................................................................................................................................vii

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATION .......................................................................................................viii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ ix

1INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 10

1.1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 10

1.2 OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................................. 11

1.2.1. General Objective ............................................................................................................................ 11

2 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................... 12

2.1 TOPOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 13

2.2 CLIMATE ...................................................................................................................................... 13

2.2.1 Socioeconomic Characteristics .................................................................................................. 13

2.2.2 Power and Communication ........................................................................................................ 14

2.2.3 Education ................................................................................................................................... 14

2.2.4 Ethnic and Religious Composition ............................................................................................ 14

2.2.5 Health and Hygiene.................................................................................................................... 14

2.3 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY CONDITION ............................................................................... 15

3 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 17

4 DESIGN CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................. 18

4.1 STANDARDIZATION.................................................................................................................. 18

4.2 SERVICE AREA ........................................................................................................................... 18

4.3 DESIGN PERIOD ......................................................................................................................... 18

4.3.1 Target Year And Phasing ........................................................................................................... 18

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

4.3.2 Design Period ............................................................................................................................. 19

4.3.3 Economic Lives ......................................................................................................................... 19

4.4 WATER SOURCE......................................................................................................................... 20

4.5 WATER QUALITY AND TREATMENT .................................................................................... 20

4.6 RISING MAIN/PRESSURE LINES ............................................................................................. 21

4.6.1 Hydraulic Design ....................................................................................................................... 21

4.6.2 Pipe Material .............................................................................................................................. 22

4.6.3 Connection To Rising Mains ..................................................................................................... 22

4.7 SERVICE RESERVOIR ................................................................................................................ 22

4.8 DISTRIBUTION NETWORK....................................................................................................... 23

4.8.1 Selection Of Pipe Materials And Type ...................................................................................... 24

4.9 NODAL DEMANDS & PUBLIC FOUNTAIN ............................................................................ 25


5 POPULATION AND DEMAND PROJECTION ................................................................................. 28

5.1 POPULATION .............................................................................................................................. 28

5.2 DESIGN PERIOD ......................................................................................................................... 28

5.3 POPULATION FORECAST ......................................................................................................... 29

5.4 PRESENT WATER DEMAND .................................................................................................... 30

5.4.1 Definition ................................................................................................................................... 30

5.5 FUTURE WATER DEMAND ...................................................................................................... 30

5.5.1 Domestic Water Demand ........................................................................................................... 30

5.5.2 Mode and Level of Service ........................................................................................................ 31

5.5.3 Growth of Domestic Water Demand ......................................................................................... 32

5.5.4 Population distribution by Mode of services ............................................................................. 32

5.5.5 Climatic Grouping ..................................................................................................................... 34

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

5.5.6 Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor .......................................................................................... 34

5.5.7 Summary of Projected Population and Growth in Domestic Demand ...................................... 35

5.5.8 Public demand (Pd) .................................................................................................................... 36

5.5.9 Animal Demand ......................................................................................................................... 36

5.5.10 Industrial Water Demand ....................................................................................................... 36

5.5.11 Fire Water Demand ................................................................................................................ 37

5.5.12 Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL) ................................................................................ 37

5.6 VARIATION OF WATER USE ................................................................................................... 38

5.6.1 Maximum Day Demand ............................................................................................................. 38

5.6.2 Peak Hour Demand .................................................................................................................... 39

5.7 SUMMARY OF WATER DEMAND ........................................................................................... 40

6 PROPOSED SCHEME DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 42

6.1 WATER SOURCE......................................................................................................................... 42

6.2 COLLECTION CHAMBER.......................................................................................................... 42

6.3 RAISING MAIN OF DEBI-BELEQA .......................................................................................... 42

6.4 SERVICE RESERVOIR ................................................................................................................ 44

6.5 DISTRIBUTION NETWORK....................................................................................................... 44

6.6 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE................................................................................................ 45

6.7 PUBLIC FOUNTAINS .................................................................................................................. 45

6.8 VALVE .......................................................................................................................................... 46

6.9 VALVE CHAMBER ..................................................................................................................... 46

6.10 CROSSINGS STRUCTURE ......................................................................................................... 46

6.11 ACCESS ROAD ............................................................................................................................ 47

6.12 DISINFECTION ............................................................................................................................ 47

6.13 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL ................................................................................................... 48

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

6.13.1 Sand Source ........................................................................................................................... 48

6.13.2 Gravel ..................................................................................................................................... 48

7 Debi beleqa kebele water supply project Electro mechanical design and hydraulic analysis ............... 49

7.1 Pump and generator analysis: ........................................................................................................ 49

7.2 Electromechanical design input data for Debi beleqa kebele water supply system ...................... 51

7.3 Electromechanical Design Input/output Analysis data For Debi beleqa kebele WSP: ................. 53

7.4 Special sump well raw water/wet well /polder Surface pump ....................................................... 59

7.4.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 59

7.5 Surface pumps ................................................................................................................................ 60

7.6 Switch Board (control panel) ......................................................................................................... 62

7.6.1 Power cable ................................................................................................................................ 62

7.6.2 Technical Information ................................................................................................................ 63

7.7 Technical specification of generator Equipment ........................................................................... 63

7.7.1 Generating sets ........................................................................................................................... 63

7.8 Generally Generator ....................................................................................................................... 65

7.8.1 Engine (Fundamental) ................................................................................................................ 65

7.8.2 Horse Power ............................................................................................................................... 66

7.8.3 Cooling System (Water Cooled or Air Cooled) ......................................................................... 66

7.8.4 Water Cooled ............................................................................................................................. 66

7.8.5 Air Cooled.................................................................................................................................. 66

7.8.6 Lubrication System .................................................................................................................... 67

7.8.7 Fuel System;............................................................................................................................... 67

7.9 Electrical System ........................................................................................................................... 67

7.10 Tests on Completion ...................................................................................................................... 67

7.11 Alternatives .................................................................................................................................... 68

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

7.11.1 The Contractor’s main Bid shall comply fully with the Specification .................................. 68

8 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT/EIA/ ......................................................................... 69

8.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 69

8.2 POSITIVE IMPACT OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................... 69

8.3 NEGATIVE IMPACTS ................................................................................................................. 70

8.4 MITIGATION MEASURES FOR NEGATIVE IMPACTS ......................................................... 70

9 MANAGEMENTAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL SETUP .................................................................. 71

9.1 INTRODUCTION. ........................................................................................................................ 71

9.2 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ........................................................................................... 71

9.3 MONITORING, EVALUATION & REPORTING ...................................................................... 72

9.4 TRAINING .................................................................................................................................... 72

10 COST ESTIMATION OF THE WORK ................................................................................................ 73

10.1 INVESTMENT AND OPERATION COST ................................................................................. 73

11 IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ....................................................................................................... 75

Table 11-1 Debi beleka kebele water supply project ............................................................................ 75

12 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................................... 77

Annex A WATER CAD ANALYSIS REPORT ........................................................................................... 78

Annex B BILL OF QUANTITY.................................................................................................................. 123

ANNEX SOCIO ECONOMIC DATA ........................................................................................................ 205

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Table 2-1 Top ten diseases of Debi-Beleqa kebele ........................................................................................ 15
Table 2-3 the existing water schemes of Debi-Beleqa Kebele ...................................................................... 16
Table 5-3 Growth rates by CSA for Urban and rural Population Projection of Amhara region ................... 29
Table 5-4 Projected Population of Debi-Beleqa ............................................................................................ 29
Table 5-6 by mode of service (distribution %) of Debi-Beleqa..................................................................... 32
Table 5-8 Projected Average Per Capita domestic Water demand for Debi-Beleqa .................................... 32
Table 5-9 Projected population Mode of Service (2023 -2037) .................................................................... 33
Table 5-10 Projected average DWDm3/d Daboketema, ewukeriya ............................................................. 33
Table 5-11 Climatic Adjustment Factors ....................................................................................................... 34
Table 5-12 Socio-Economic Grouping .......................................................................................................... 34
Table 5-13 Summary of Adjusted Domestic Demand for Debi-Beleqa ........................................................ 35
Table 5-15 Summary of Adjusted Average Day Demand. ............................................................................ 37
Table 5-16:Maximum daily coefficients ........................................................................................................ 38
Table 5-17:MDD for Debi-Beleqa ................................................................................................................. 39
Table 5-18 Peak Hour Factors ....................................................................................................................... 39
Table 5-19 Summary of variation use of water demand ................................................................................ 39
Table 5-20 Summary of Water Demand ........................................................................................................ 40
Table 6-2 Summary of distribution system.................................................................................................... 44
Table 6-3 newly proposed Pressure reducing valve ...................................................................................... 45
Table 6-4 newly proposed public fountain .................................................................................................... 45

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Figure 1Google Map showing location and topography of Project area ....................................................... 12
Figure 2.2 Debi-Beleqa imag ......................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9-1 Management and organization setup ............................................................................................ 71

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise


GI = Galvanized iron

CSA = Central Statistical Agency

YC = Yard connection

HC = House Connection

PF = Public fountain

L/s = Liters per Second

L/c/d = Liter Per Capita per day

M3/d = Cubic meters per day

m.a.s.l = meters above sea level

HDPE= High Density Polyethylene Pipe

DN = Nominal Diameter

PN = Nominal Pressure

EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment

BOQ = Bill of quantity

MoWR =Ministry of Water Resource

UTM = universal Transversal Mercator

KVA = Kilo volt Ampere

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise


In order to give immediate solution that is aimed at alleviating the serious problem of the existing water
supply and sanitation system of Debi-Beleqa rural water supply in Abergelie woreda, Waghimra zone,
study and design of new system have been carried out and presented in this report.

The overall objective of this report is to review and expand the implemented Debi-Beleka kebeles water
supply for these kebeles to improving the quantity, quality and level of service for these project area
This rural piped system project is reviewed and designed for 15 years design period (2023-2037).
According to the socioeconomic data of Debi-Beleqa, the base population that the project incorporates is
9169. Population projection has been made based on CSA’s Country Level Population Projection growth
rates and accordingly the total projected population at the end of the design period is calculated to be
11951. The maximum day demand and the peak hour demand at the end of the design period is 9.21l/s and
14.16l/s respectively. The report comprises the outcome of the study and design of the water supply
system, sanitation and hygiene issues. Debi-beleqa sump well raw water Booster Station-1 to Treatment
Point or Booster Station-2 finally treated water is booster to 300m3 reservoir that stored in 25m3 sandwich
reservoir at booster station, The proposed schemes 8.55km rising main, 17.847km distribution work, 300m3
RC service reservoir 25m3 sandwich reservoir , also in this project water treatment include only slow sand
filter and sedimentation tank. 14 water point (including institutional water point), and 3 Pressure reducing
valve is included to overcome the existing problem.
In addition the detailed bill of quantities for the system components and the water cad simulation results of
the pipe and a junction report for the critical hours of the day (peak hour and minimum demands) are
tabulated in the annex part of this report. Finally, the Bill of quantity and engineering estimation of the new
expansion of the project also incorporated in the annex part of this document. Accordingly, the investment
cost required to implement the first phase of the proposed water supply system including VAT and 10%
contingency is 82,673,366.83 ETB.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise



Provision of clean water supply is one of the major factors that greatly contribute to the socioeconomic
transformation of a country by improving the health there by increasing life standard and economic of the
productivity of the society. But, however most of the developing countries like Ethiopia has still low potable
water supply and sanitation coverage that resulted the citizens to be suffered from water born and water related
diseases. In the modern society, it is a must to build sustainable water supply schemes which can provide
potable water.

This report presents the results of the study and design on water supply and sanitation of Debi- Beleka kebele of
Waghimra zone Abergele woreda carried out in accordance with the scope of works agreed up on between the
client Amhara water resources development Bureau and the consultant Amhara Design and Supervision Works
Enterprise with main objectives of conducting Detail design study on the Rural Piped Water Supply System
(RPS) in order to improve the living conditions of the population in the study area by enhancing the level of
water supply services in terms of quantity, quality and accessibility.

Thus, in this report detail Descriptions of the major works undertaken are described here under.

 General background

 Infrastructure and social service

 Existing water supply system and sanitation conditions

 Population and water demand

 Description of the proposed scheme

 Cost estimates of the different parts of the system

This report is prepared based on physical field investigation of pipe route surveying and necessary data
collections, from concerned governmental organization.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise


1.2.1. General Objective

The general objective of the service is to implement the WASH program “increased access to improved
water supply and sanitation services for residents in participating towns and communities in Ethiopia”

The specific objective of the project is:-

➢ To identify the existing problem of the water supply system and sanitation condition of the project area.

➢ To address the adequate and safe water for the community at least for the coming 15 years.

➢ To design the water supply schemes that meets the need of the community with their relative population
in the design period.

Debi Beleka Kebele Water Supply Project Draft Design Report. March 2021 11
Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

The project area Debi-Beleka kebele is located in Abergelie woreda, Waghimra zone of Amhara National
Regional State, Debi-Beleqa about 115km far from the Town of zone administration Seqota town(with Gravel
road), 47km Distance from wereda center to kebele center (with Gravel road) and 555km from the capital city
of regional state Bahir Dar city through Bahir Dar Dessie asphalt road. 32 km accessible by boat and then 15
km of the road is not Accessible. Debi kebele Geographically it is located at latitude 1461414 North, longitude
456077East and Beleqa kebele latitude 1460004 North, longitude 455372East.

Figure 1Google Map showing location and topography of Project area

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Figure 2.2 Debi-Beleqa imag

The topography of the area varies with altitude of 1449.272 and 1590.499a.m.s.l. Most of the project area is
characterized by a hilly topographical feature as around 20% of the landscape is covered by hilly, 5% flat, 75%
mountains. The elevation of the kebele's ranges from 1449 to 1590m a.s.l. .Debi-Beleqa has road connections
by all-weather gravel roads and is accessible all year round.


There is only one rainy season in the project area, the summer season, from July to September. The project area
receives a mean annual rain fall of 226mm and the minimum and maximum air temperature in the project area
is 15oC and 25oC respectively for Tekeze monastery. The climatic zone division is 95% Qolla5% woynadega
for Debi-Beleqa.

2.2.1 Socioeconomic Characteristics

The residents of the project area, except few government employees, are engaged on Agricultural activities
(both farming and Animal breeding). The project area is very much conducive for rain fed agricultural

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

activities. However, there is no any irrigation practice in the project area due to the fact that there is no any
surface water available for irrigation during the non-rainy season.

2.2.2 Power and Communication

By the time this Water Supply System Study was being carried out, Some Villages of the project area there is
no Electric Supply and there are also some households who are using Renewable Solar Power Technology

Mobile Telephone Service is not fully available in all villages of the project area. However, it works in selected
sites. All parts of the project area, are accessible by vehicles.

2.2.3 Education

From the woreda Education Bureau it was said that the woreda education coverage has reached 94% and the
education facilities in Abergelei woreda are indicated here under:

2.2.4 Ethnic and Religious Composition

The project area is covered by Ethiopian Orthodox religion followers and there are many Churches.

2.2.5 Health and Hygiene

There is one governmental health center and health post for kebele dwellers whereas there is one health post for
Debi kebele and one Health post in Beleqa kebele inhabitants. Water born and water related diseases are the
most common diseases at the area due to the shortage of improved water supply and sanitation services. There
is the shortage of shower facilities and solid waste disposal mechanisms in the Kebele. The health Impose has
No beds.

The minor emergency medical services treatment, especially for women and children is undertaken for the
community while there is full medical treatment is provided for Debi-Beleqa Kebele population. Some of the
community near to the gravel road constructed by URRAP that connect the Seqota town with the rural village
have got awareness about hygiene and pre protection of disease. Some households in the kebeles have their
own pit latrines constructed from locally available materials (stone, wood and mud) but there are no public
showers or solid waste disposal mechanisms in the project area.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

The ten most prevalent diseases in the area as reported by the woreda health office are those listed in the
following table.

Table 2-1 Top ten diseases of Debi-Beleqa kebele

No. Kind of Disease Percentage
1 Pneumonia 19.6
2 AFT 18.5
3 Trachoma 13.5
4 Dyspepsia 11.6
5 Malaria 10.3
6 Diariarea 6.2
7 msd 5.7
8 UTI 4.9
9 Skin Infection 4.8
10 Conjuntivities 4.6

Source: Kebele's Health impose


There is no existing water supply system in the project area, those are traditional ponds (rain water harvesting
structures), shallow hand dug well. Some of the communities have developed spring which its discharge is not
constant throughout the year. Especially during drought season most of the springs dry and the community
suffers by the shortage of adequate and safe water supply.

The pond water is bacteriologically contaminated, because the pond receives run-off that drains from the
surrounding areas during the rainy season. The pond water sources are mostly with inadequate quantity and
quality and these water sources are commonly used untreated which constitutes a major health hazard to the

As per the information obtained from the woreda health service office, water born and water related diseases
are the dominant ones among others.

It is very far from their villages, some of the residents of the project area are relied on near Water Supply. The
cost of the water which the residents of the project area buy from the water vendors in near project is also
expensive. In addition to this, transporting it using pack animals is a difficult job.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

In De-Beleqa kebele there is no existing water supply system that means the kebele water accessed is
protected spring,

Table 2-2 the existing water schemes of Debi-Beleqa Kebele

Type of scheme Functional Non functional

Hand dug well

Spring No
Shallow well
Deep well

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise


This report is prepared mainly based on the field assessment. During the preparation of detail engineering
design report, the following points were followed and modified to suit into the actual condition;

• Review the design criteria prepared by MoWR, January 2006 related to the type of the system.

• Studying the current population information of the town.

• Conducting detailed surveying work.

• Assessing the water demand of the Kebele based on the current and projected population.

• Reviewing surveying reports of the distribution and transmission lines, reservoirs sites.

• Studying distribution of the water users by category, and setting the nodal demand.

• Designing of each scheme components based on the basic related design criteria.

• Preparation of working drawings for each scheme components.

• Preparation and appraising of the cost estimated of the project by using the current market prices.

• Evaluation of the design horizon of the system as it is taken to be for 15 years (up to the end of

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise


It is considered important to have standardization of design both in terms of types of systems to be employed
and in their sizing. The intention is to use the existing standard drawings if available and to produce standard
drawings, which can be used not only in this project but also in future projects as well. This would have the
benefit of reduced design periods and the familiarization of contractors with end product.


The service area is determined on the basis of:
• Project area boundaries
• Potential expansions
• Area development plan


4.3.1 Target Year And Phasing

Water demand will increase annually according to the population increase, development of the industry etc.
For this reason, short term ranged plan will result in uneconomical and unreasonable facilities due to
overlapped facilities in future system. In order to avoid those cases, master plan on water supply system is
formulated for long range plan covering up to 20years. Within that large scale of framework, the economical
and rational system will be planned. In case that water supply system that meets the requirements at the final
stage (after 20 years) is invested at initial stage, that system is to excess to meet actual requirement. Thus
project proposed in master plan is phased by target year.
The target year/design period is determined on the basis of
• The trend of water demand
• The prospect of securing water resources
• The possibility of rising funds
• Ability of customers to pay for improved water supply services
• The serviceability period of the facilities/Economic life of facilities
• Initial investment cost

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

4.3.2 Design Period

The design period is one of the main design parameters in a water supply project. In small to medium size
towns, where the potential costumers ability to pay for improved water is normally limited, it has been agreed
not to make the period too long. In order to minimize the risk of developing a project with too high tariffs for
the consumers, it could be considered to phase the construction, so that construction is only made for existing
town settlements, but designed for future settlements according to town development plans.
TABLE 4- 1 Water Supply Design Period
Category Population range Design period Phase 1 Phase 2

C1 >1,000,000 20 10 10

C2 100,000 -1,000,000 20 10 10

C3 50,000-99,999 20 10 10

C4 20,000-49,999 20 10 10

C5 <20,000 15 15 -

Rural - 15 15 -

4.3.3 Economic Lives

In addition to the above points, it is also important to know the useful and economic life time of the civil and
electromechanical components of the water supply systems. This would also help the designer to divide the
water supply components into different phases. The design periods of most of different components is
summarized in the table below.
TABLE 4- 2Design Life For Major Components
Items Civil (years) Mechanical

River Water Intakes 50 15

Springs 25 15

Impounding Dams 50

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Treatment Plant - -

I. Clarifiers 50 15

II. Filtration 50 15

III. Chemical Dosing 50 10

Pumping Stations 50 15

Service Reservoirs - -

I. Concrete 50 15

II. Pressed Steel 20 15

Pipelines -

I. Ductile iron pipes 40

II. Steel pipes 40

III. UPVC pipes 25

Pipeline Fittings 25

Building 50


Water sources would be selected to meet the expected maximum day demand for the agreed design period. A
24-hour basis is not mandatory given the need for consideration of maintenance and operation activities when
pumping is involved. Gravity system sources, however, should operate 24 hours per day.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has prepared guidelines on drinking water quality. The
recommendations for drinking water prepared by the MoWR should also be adopted. These recommendations
state that potable water should contain no concentration of any substance or organism high enough to impair
pot ability. Applying different barriers is important to reduce the risks from drinking water due to microbial,
Debi Beleka Kebele Water Supply Project Draft Design Report. March 2021 20
Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

physical and chemical contaminations. Water treatment is viewed as just one of the barriers needed to ensure
that water produced from a given source complies with the national drinking water quality standard and/or that
of the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
The most important criterion in the treatment of domestic water is the removal of all pathogenic organisms as
well as high risk chemical substances such as heavy metals, fluoride, arsenic, nitrate and organic constituents.
Moreover, suspended matters causing turbidity, iron and manganese compounds impairing a bitter taste or
staining laundry, and excessive carbon dioxide corroding concrete and metal should also be removed by water
treatment process to the required level. Disinfection removes pathogenic micro-organisms or renders them
inactive. Water must be in contact with the dose of the disinfectant agent for a certain period of time (minimum
30 minutes) to guarantee the required reduction of indicator micro-organisms, usually bacteria.3.6 PUMPING
Pumping station structure is to be designed to suit the maximum day demand at the end of the design period.
All electrical and mechanical works should be designed for the maximum day demand for 10 years in such a
way that to enable expansion of the capacity for the future with minimum cost. However due to insufficient
source capacity the available discharge will be considered for such designs.
The submersible pumps should be designed to pump the amount of water decided during pump test result.
The pumps should be installed with safeguard electrodes. Standard designs and precautions should be
followed during the design preparation and installation.


The pressure mains are designed to convey economically the required maximum day demand of the design
period. Where ground elevations, physical obstructions and land regulations permit, transmission mains
should follow the most practical direct route. Designs should be prepared based on maximum day demand of
24 hours pumping. However, since the capacity of available water sources are not sufficient enough to meet
the required demand, design of pressure mains was made using the safe yields of wells.

4.6.1 Hydraulic Design

The Hazen Williams formula is used for the hydraulic design of pipe lines. The roughness coefficient (Hazen
Williams coefficient –HWC) used in this formula is dependent on a number of factors, including the type of
pipes, corrosiveness of the water and the age of the installation.
New Ferrous pipes, which are not subjected to corrosion, would remain relatively smooth with a HWC value in
the range of 130mm. However the roughness is greatly affected by corrosion. Mains which would be subjected

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

to a slight to moderate degree of corrosion are expected to have a HWC value approx. 110mm after some years
of use. It is therefore considered appropriate that this value is adopted for the design of transmission mains.
However, due to its durability and corrosion resistance a HWC value of new HDPE pipe, i.e. 150mm could be
adopted in the hydraulic design.
It is recommended that flow velocities in the transmission mains remain in the ranges of 0.6 to 1.5m /s. The
dynamic head loss in these pipes should be limited, when possible, to be about 10m per kilometre to optimize
the operation and maintenance cost.

4.6.2 Pipe Material

The choice of pipe materials is dependent on the following criteria:
• Chemical nature of the soil
• Chemical nature of the water to be conveyed
• Comparative cost of alternatives
• Weather conditions of the area
• Formation of the pipe route
• The overburden pressure, etc

4.6.3 Connection To Rising Mains

There should be no house connections to any rising main. Non-compliance with this policy results in un-
steady flow and pressure conditions, which reduces the efficiency and the working life time of the pumps.
Exceptions to this rule might be made only where the cost of laying separate distribution mains threatens the
financial viability of the project or with respect to the layout of pipes, the location of reservoirs and
source/treatment is large and if there is distribution in between. Connections to the transmission mains would
only be permitted in the following cases:
• Supply to chemical mixing tanks in the treatment plant
• Supply to a Town on the way to the town under consideration. It should be noted however that water
would be delivered to a storage tank rather than direct supply to houses. In either of the above cases, flow
meters should be installed on the off-take pipe.


The required capacity of service reservoirs is dependent on the following key issues:
• The volume of water required to balance hourly variations of the water demand.

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• Firefighting requirement (conditional)

• Reserve to allow during repairing breakdowns in the water supply system

The volume of service reservoir should be sufficient to balance the hourly variations on the maximum day
demand. This volume could be determined by using mass flow balance. The demand factors used to determine
the volume of the reservoir should be adopted from similar studies.
All outlet pipes would be fitted with water meters and facilities are provided to measure water level in the
reservoir. Both overflow and washout facilities would also be installed. Additional reserve in reservoir volume
for firefighting is not considered, rather the system is assumed to accommodate the requirement by stopping the
supply to the consumers and directing it to the firefighting purpose.


The main components of the distribution network are primary, secondary and tertiary distribution lines. It is the
primary and secondary mains which should be included under this project and would be constructed in a single
stage as dictated by the expected development of the Town. All primary and secondary distribution mains are
designed for the peak hour demand. The minimum diameter of the primary and secondary mains would depend
on the nature of the town. Tertiary distribution lines, except institutional connections, are to be utilized as part
of house Connection programs and should be constructed by water supply offices.
Whenever possible, distribution systems should be looped and so that dead ends are avoided. The hydraulic
design of the distribution network is carried out by using WATERCAD computer program which has been
specifically designed for the analysis and simulation of water distribution networks. The Hazen Williams
Coefficient (HWC) is adopted depending on the pipe material type and age of the pipes as given below:

Table 4- 3 Hazen Williams Coefficients

Pipe Status Pipe Material
uPVC Ferrous HDPE
New pipe 150 130 150
15 years old 125 110 150
25 years old 105 100 150
It is preferable that flow velocities in the distribution systems remain in the ranges of 0.6 to 1.5 m/s
although in exceptional circumstances this may decrease or increase to 0.3 m/s and 2 m/s respectively.
The minimum pressure in the distribution system should not be less than 5m water column during peak
hour flow. The maximum pressure in the distribution system should not be more than 70 m water column

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during night (minimum) flow. In some towns this may dictate that the distribution system should have to
be divided into a number of sub-pressure zones.
As transmission mains, the pipe material of the distribution network is dictated by the hydraulic, price,
geology and weather condition. However at this stage it is anticipated that the majority of the pipe
materials would be GS, UPVC or HDPE depending on the interest of the client although exceptions would
arise in:
 Road, river ,and ditch crossings

 Areas where the area is rocky and the pipe should lie above ground surface

 Areas where pipes would be suspended

4.8.1 Selection Of Pipe Materials And Type

The following materials will normally be selected, taking into consideration useful lifetime, leakage levels and
maintenance requirements.
For transmission and rising mains:
• DCI for DN 150 and above,

• GI for DN 100 and lower.

For distribution systems:

• DCI for pipes DN 250 and above.

• UPVC for pipes DN 200 to DN 80.

• GI for pipes for tertiary systems and pipes of DN 80to 25

• HDPE for distribution systems OD 380 to 25.

However, it is very important to note that HDPE pipe is a new technology not much used by different
factors. It is by far less cost than the other pipes. The durability is more than 50 years and has less friction
factor and it is corrosion resistant. The other important factor is, it is easy to transport and has less weight as
compared to Gs pipes. This pipe is compatible with other pipes and has got different kinds of fittings and
accessories. It is also weld-able by different methods.

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The nodal demands would be computed by splitting the distribution area into sub-areas. While splitting, as
much as possible, the demand is calculated to be homogeneous with respect to water use. In this specific project
location it would be illogical to distribute the nodal demands based on the area only since it will take time to
put the development plan in place. Hence, professional adjustment is used to come up with fair nodal demand
distribution in the proposed distribution system.
Public fountains would be located in the selected areas of the town as per GTP-2 planning to ensure that each
customer would be within 250 & 1000 meters of walking distance for urban and rural areas respectively. In
addition each public fountain should serve from 150 to 200 households. Each fountain would be fitted with 4
taps and water meter and should be located within a secured compound.


In determining the layout of the distribution system attention should be given to the development of the town.
Pipes have to be laid at the edge of the road instead of in the road itself. All distribution lines should have a
minimum of 80-90cm soil cover.
Table 4- 4 Pipe Cover
Pipe Material depth of Cover(cm)
uPvc D+90
DCI D+80
Gs D+80

 Air Valve
Double air valves would be installed at all high points with respect to the existing land profile and the gradient.
Single air valves would be installed wherever the uphill pipeline gradient reduces or where the downhill
pipeline gradient increases. Furthermore it should be insured that there is at least a minimum of one air valve
for every 1,000 meters of pipeline. Air valves generally might not be required in the distribution system since
the taps in the distribution systems are enough to bleed out the excess air.
TABLE 4- 5 Type And Size Of Air Valve

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Main Type of Air

No Diameter(mm) Valve Air valve

1 Up to 250 Single orifice 50

2 250 to 450 Double orifice 80

3 450 to 600 Double orifice 100

4 More than 600 Double orifice 150

 Fire Hydrants
During design of a water supply system, provision of fire hydrant is essential to enable the town preventing
the damage. Fire hydrants should be located adjacent to places of public interest such as schools hospitals
shopping centers administrative buildings. In considering the provision of fire hydrants a minimum pressure
of 15 meters head of water should be obtained where fire hydrants would be installed. In this design fire
hydrants are not proposed and during emergency the water supply system would be stopped and used for
firefighting purposes since their provision & giving separate allowance for firefighting would increase the
volume of service reservoirs and pipe lines which intern would increase the cost of the project.

 Pressure reducing Valve

Pressure reducing valve are often used for separate pressure zone in distribution system. These valves
prevent the pressure downstream from exceeding a specified level in order to avoid pressure that could have
damaging effects on the system.

 Washouts
Washout chambers would be installed at all low points although a minimum spacing of 2,000 m would
also be imposed. A flap check-valve has to be installed and secured at the ends of washout drainpipes,
where they discharge to the drainage system.
 Isolating Valves

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Spacing: Isolating valves should be provided along the pipe profile to isolate a portion of the system during
repairs. These valves on mains would be installed at intervals as required; their spacing being dictated by
factors such as washout requirements, Connections to consumers and Connections to other mains. In normal
conditions isolating valves should be installed at maximum distances of 500m.
Number: The number of isolating valves to be installed at intersections of arteries and service or consumers
mains is n-1, where n is the number of branches at the intersection.
Location: At interconnecting pipes, bypass pipe Connections, hydrant Connections, washouts and air vents.
Type and Size: Proposed type of isolating valve is gate valve compatible in size, type and pressure ratings
with the system.
 Valve Chambers

Concrete manholes should be provided for each valve location for protection and provide easy access.
 Thrust Blocks

Whenever the pipelines change direction horizontally or vertically or changes size concrete thrust blocks
should be provided to resist the trust force in the piping system.
 Pipe Support

Concrete supports for pipes should be provided whenever the pipe is laid above ground surface and also in
situations where foundation formations are not good. Lateral transverse anchors should also be provided for
conditions where pipe is laid in steep slopes.
 Road and River/Ditch Crossings

Whenever pipeline crosses gravel, asphaltic or concrete roads and river/ditch, crossing structures, which
protect the pipe, should be provided. For heavy traffic road crossings, reinforced concrete encasement
should be provided.

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Population related studies are usually conducted for implementation of various projects in the country. Kebele
administrations and Municipality may count the population for many purposes periodically. However the
central statistical Authority (CSA) is the recognized Ethiopian Authority to determine the official population
figures and growth rates that should be taken for any development activity throughout the country.
According to the data (2020) for Debi-Beleqa kebele According to the socioeconomic data, the base population
that the project incorporates is 9169. Population projection has been made based on CSA’s Country Level
Population Projection growth rates and accordingly the total projected population at the end of the design
period is calculated to be 11951.

Table 5-1Total Population Data of the project area

Name of kebele's Debi kebele Beleqa kebele

Men 2240 2322

Women 2311 2328
Total 4519 4650
Grand Total (Total of the kebeles)


Generally the design period of water supply system is determined by considering, The period should neither
be too long so that financial burden is not thrown on the present generation nor should it be too short so as to
avoid the uneconomical design and the Useful life of the pipes, structures and equipment used in the water
works is taken into consideration.

Accordingly the design period of water supply system is determined by considering the following facts:-

 Funds available for the construction of the project.

 Useful Life span of materials that are used in the water supply system.

 Rate of interest on the loans taken to complete the project.

 Operation & maintenance cost.

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 Anticipated expansion of the population.

Since the Project area are rural villages and based on the above mentioned facts, 15 years design period is
considered. Since the project is under construction the period service of the water supply scheme will be last
for the coming 15 years up to 2037 G.C.


After the design period has been fixed, the population of the study area in various periods has to be
determined based on CSA’s country level population growth rates. For such developing Villages, population
geometric progress method is the commonly used formula to forecast the population at the end of n years.

Pn= Pp(1 +r)n Where:- Pn= population at the target year

Pp = present population

r = Annual growth rate in%

n = design period, in year

Table 5-1 Growth rates by CSA for Urban and rural Population Projection of Amhara region
1995-2000 2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025 2025-2030
Low Variant (for large towns and surrounding rural villages)
Growth rate 2.8 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.7
Urban 4.8 4.1 4.2 4 3.9 3.8 3.6
Rural 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3
Medium variant (for medium towns, small town and surrounding rural villages)
Growth rate 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 1.9
Urban 4.9 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.1 4 3.8
Rural 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.1 2 1.7 1.5

Source: The 1994 population and housing Census of Ethiopia, result at country level, Volume II Analytical
Report, June 1999

Table 5-2 Projected Population of Debi-Beleqa

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Description 2020 2023 2027 2032 2037

Annual growth rate 2% 1.70% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50%
Population 9169 9649 10286 11088 11951

Therefore, the projected population at the end of the design period (2037) Debi-Beleqa will be 11951
respectively. Previously the population is forecasted by considering the area as urban, the actual Debi-Beleqa
Kebeles project is under rural condition of the Ethiopian standard.


5.4.1 Definition

In the assessment of present water demand one has to consider that population has a direct relation with water
supply system. If people totally use secondary sources like rivers and hand dug wells, then they have no piped
demand. In cases where people utilize both piped system and natural sources, it becomes difficult to estimate
the actual water demand. The reason for not using the piped system totally may be because of the piped water
shortage or because of reluctance on the part of the consccvb umer to pay for water to be used for activities like
bathing or cloth washing. Hence, the present piped water demand is defined as the quantity of water people
would consume if: - soon

➢ There is no water shortage

➢ The people have the ability to pay

➢ There is a breakdown of population between the various standards of supply like house connection, yard
connection, public fountains.


5.5.1 Domestic Water Demand

In the design of any water supply project it is necessary to estimate the amount of water that is required to
satisfactorily serve up to the end of the design period. This involves determining the number of people who

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will be served and their per capita water consumption, together with an analysis of the factors that may operate
to affect consumption. The major factors that affect the rate of water usage are:-

➢ Location and climatic condition

➢ Standard of living

➢ Pressure in the distribution system

➢ Cost and quality of water

➢ Installation of water meter

➢ Efficiency of the water service administration.

Water demand of households will depend on their income, willingness to pay and understanding of people
about the advantage of using treated & potable water. Therefore, it is clear that the future piped water
consumption will be closely related to the future water tariff and connection fees to be charged.

5.5.2 Mode and Level of Service

Modes of services commonly prevalent in most Ethiopian towns i.e. urban and semi urban areas are:-

➢ Traditional Source users (TSU)

➢ Public tap users (PTU)

➢ Yard tap users (YTU)

➢ House tap users (HTU)

In the project area there are traditional source users who get water from river for cattle drinking purpose and for
their daily needs. However after the implementation of this new project, other than affordability, all the
hindrance to use proper water supply system will be solved. Therefore consultant assumes most of the dwellers
use water from the following as per ministry of guide line:-

▪ Public Tap users ----------------20litter/day

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▪ Yard Connection----------------32litter/day

▪ House tap user ------------------51 litter/day

▪ Traditional users-----------------15litre/day

5.5.3 Growth of Domestic Water Demand

The implementation of the project will result in change of the per capita water demand through each mode of
service. To estimate the projected per capita demand using the initial demand of 51 l/c/d, 32 l/c/d and 20 l/c/d
for house, yard and public tap users respectively, the consultant assumed water demand to grow at growth rates
of 1% per annum for public and 2% for house and yard connection.
Table 5-3 by mode of service (distribution %) of Debi-Beleqa
Mode of Service 2023 2027 2032 2037
HC 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
YCO 10% 12.86% 16.43% 20%
PT 90% 87.14% 83.57% 80%
TOTAL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Table 5-4 Projected Average Per Capita domestic Water demand for Debi-Beleqa
Mode of Service Year
2023 2027 2032 2037
HC 0 0 0 0
YCO 40 45.0203524 52.19092735 60.50358899
PT 25 27.060804 29.87731422 32.98696908

5.5.4 Population distribution by Mode of services

Following project implementation the resultant improvement in the piped water system will encourage more
households to apply for connections. However, even by 2037 at the end of design period, households will not
be able to apply for connection due to having low income and due to distance they have from a distribution line
due to scattered population.

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Although the standard approach of projecting would normally involve a detail analysis of past consumption
trends by consumers group to which alternative economic development scenarios would be applied to produce
future consumption levels, this approach requires detail information on the present consumption pattern and
future economic development scenarios, which is not possible to get for the project area because they haven’t
piped system. However, the consultant has made his own Engineering Judgment from his experience there by
making a comparison with similar water supply projects executed before. Therefore, the consultant has assumed
90% of the population needs to be served by public taps, 10% of the population need to be served by yard tap

The percentage of population to be served by each demand category is therefore, estimated taking the condition
stated above and assuming that the percentage for the yard taps users will increase gradually during the project
service period while that of the public tap users and traditional users will reduce as people shift to the next
demand category. This is because of the expectation that the economic and living standard of the project area
will increase in the future. Those who were previously using public tap will shift their mode of service to yard
connection, hence it is assumed that the number of yard connection users will increase.

Table 5-5 Projected population Mode of Service (2023 -2037)

Description Unit Year
2020 2023 2027 2032 2037
Growth rate (Town) 1.70% 1.70% 1.50% 1.50%
Kebele Population No 9169 9649 10286 11088 11951
HC 0 0 0 0
YCO 965 1323 1822 2390
PT 8684 8964 9266 9561
Total Population Served 9649 10286 11088 11951

Table 5-6 Projected average DWDm3/d Daboketema, ewukeriya

2020 2023 2027 2032 2037
Demand Category
0 0 0 0
40 45.0203524 52.19093 60.50358899

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25 27.060804 29.87731 32.98696908

255.69 302.11 371.91 460.00
Total average m3/d 0
2.96 3.09 3.22 3.36
Total average l/s 0

5.5.5 Climatic Grouping

The Climate of project area has an impact for the quantities of water consumptions. Those who are living in hot
area consume more water and people who live in normal temperature area consume less water. In order to
account for changes of average per capita domestic demand, the water demand is multiplied by climatic factors.

Table 5-7 Climatic Adjustment Factors

Group Altitude Factor
A >3300 0.8
B 2300-3300 0.9
C 1500-2300 1.0
D 500-1500 1.3
E <500 1.5

Source: Data Compilation and Analysis Project (1997)

According to our surveying data all the targeted Kebeles and Debe-Beleqa are found in the altitude b/n 1500
& 2300. Therefore an adjustment factor of 1 to adjust the average per capita domestic water demand is

5.5.6 Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor

Socio-economic activities have a role in determining the degree of development of the rural town under study
which in turn determines water consumption Debi-Beleqa Kebele, as compared to other rural advanced towns
have lower standard of living and most of the inhabitants are farmers with few government employees. In the
view of this and considering their development, it is classified under group D with appropriate adjustment
factor of 1.00 for Debi-Beleqa and 0.9 for Debi-Beleqa monastery.

Table 5-8 Socio-Economic Grouping

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Group Description Factor

A Towns enjoying high living standard and with very high 1.1
potential for development
B Towns having a very high potential for development but lower 1.05
living standard at present
C Towns under normal Ethiopian Condition 1
D Advanced Rural town 0.9
Source: MoWR Design Criteria

5.5.7 Summary of Projected Population and Growth in Domestic Demand

The following table presents summary of the results on population projection, percentage of population served
by different mode of services, Water demand determination and its growth in the expected service year of the
new system and the calculated adjusted average domestic demand in liter per second.

Table 5-9 Summary of Adjusted Domestic Demand for Debi-Beleqa

Description Unit Year
2020 2023 2027 2032 2037
Growth rate (Town) 1.70% 1.70% 1.50% 1.50%
Town Population No 9169 9649 10286 11088 11951
Percentage of
population served by
Service Type
YCO % 10.00% 12.86% 16.43% 20.00%
PT % 90.00% 87.14% 83.57% 80.00%
Population served by
YCO 965 1323 1822 2390
PT 8684 8964 9266 9561
Total Population Served 9649 10286 11088 11951
Domestic Demand
Per capita demand
HC l/c/d 0 0 0 0
YCO l/c/d 40 45.0203524 52.19093 60.50358899

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PT l/c/d 25 27.060804 29.87731 32.98696908

Total Domestic demand m3/d 255.69 302.11 371.91 460.00
Climate Adjustment
Factor 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Adjustment Factor 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Adjusted Total m /d 253.13 299.09 368.19 455.40
Domestic demand
l/s 2.929802312 3.46170131 4.261504 5.270874556

5.5.8 Public demand (Pd)

These demand categories include the water requirements of all schools, hospitals, public facilities, government
offices, small commercial institutions and etc. In project area it was not possible to identify the present public
demand due to the absence of adequate data for this particular design purpose. It was therefore decided to
determine public demand as percentage of domestic demand. Studies in other towns, having metered water
consumption show that public consumption amounts to about 10-20% of domestic consumption, depending on
the size of the town, and the type and extent of commercial and industrial activity. For this particular design
purpose as it is indicated on design criteria, it is considered adequate to assume public demand to be 10%.

5.5.9 Animal Demand

In these rural villages there are livestock, which uses water from river. Livestock found in the area includes
cattle, sheep and goats and others. Hence, using nearby river for these animals is assumed in this study.

5.5.10 Industrial Water Demand

At present there is no industry in Woreda. The future water demand for heavy industries is not considered in
this study due to their excessively high water requirement resulting in high investment cost. If any Heavy
industries will be installed, it is expected to have their own water supply system.

As per the information from the woreda economic development office concerning the plan for construction of
any small-scale industries in the future, no specific & reliable indication could be obtained. Hence not to come-
up with over designed water supply system the demand for small-scale industries is also not considered.

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5.5.11 Fire Water Demand

Additional reserve in reservoir volume is not considered for firefighting purpose, rather the system is assumed
to accommodate the requirement by stopping the supply to the consumers and directing it to the firefighting

5.5.12 Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL)

All water leakages in the system and unauthorized connections are categorized under unaccounted for water.
This includes:-

 Leakage and Overflow from service reservoir,

 Leakage from mains and service pipe connections,

 Defective pipe joint, cracked pipes,

 Loose valve and fittings.

 Under registration of supply meter and premises of consumer to get unmetered supply

 Wastage from public tap.

Loss will be minimal at the beginning of the design period and will increase gradually with time in the
expected service life of the new system unless intermediate leakage detection & subsequent remedial work is
carried out. It is logical to presume an increase in water loss with time in designing water supply system. Loss
will be minimal at the beginning of the design period and will increase gradually with time in the expected
service life of the new system unless intermediate leakage detection and subsequent remedial work is carried
out. It is logical to presume an increase in water loss with time in designing water supply system.

Table 5-10 Summary of Adjusted Average Day Demand.

Description Unit Year
2023 2027 2032 2037
Population No. 9649 10286 11088 11951
Domestic Demand m3/d 253.13 299.09 368.19 455.40
Commercial & Institutional m /d 18.94 22.38 27.55 34.07

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Total Domestic +Non m3/d

Domestic 272.07 321.47 395.74 489.48
Non-Revenue Water (NRW) % 20% 20% 20% 20
m3/d 54.41 64.29 79.15 122.37
Total Average Day Demand m /d 326.49 385.76 474.89 611.84

3.78 4.46 5.50 7.08


Water use varies from season to season, from day to day and hour to hour. Water requirements in the dry season
are more than in wet season. The use of water is also more during weekends than working days. More water is
also required at rush hours when people come back from work than on normal working hours. Therefore, to
satisfy this variation of demand the average day demand is scaled up by certain factors to get the maximum day
demand and peak hour demand. These scaled up water demand figures are used to size or determine the
capacities of the water supply system like pump stations, rising main and pipe distribution networks.

5.6.1 Maximum Day Demand

The deviation of consumption from the average day demand is taken care of as per the maximum daily
coefficient figures presented in Table 5.11. The maximum day demand factor utilized to calculate the maximum
day demand is dependent on the population of the town as, for example, in large town less people have access
to alternative water sources. The proposed maximum day factor is summarized in table below.
Table 5-11:Maximum daily coefficients

Population Maximum day factor

0 to 20,000 1.3

20,001 to 50,000 1.25

50,001 and above 1.20

Since the population size of the project area is within the range of 0 up 20,000, 1.3 coefficient factors for
maximum day demand is selected.

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Table 5-12:MDD for Debi-Beleqa

Description Unit Year
2023 2027 2032 2037
Max. Day Factor 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Max. Day Demand m3/d 424.43 501.49 617.36 795.40
l/s 4.91 5.80 7.15 9.21

5.6.2 Peak Hour Demand

The peak hour demand is the highest demand in any one hour over the year. It represents the diurnal variation
in water demand resulting from behavioral patterns of the local population. The size, mode of service and social
activities of the town significantly influence the peak hour demand. Further, studies show that the peak hour
factor is greater for smaller population than bigger population. A peaking factor suiting the town is selected
from the design criteria correlating peaking factor with number of population as stated in the table below.

Table 5-13 Peak Hour Factors

Town Population Peak Hour Factors

<20,000 2

20001-50,000 1.9

50,001-100,000 1.8

Therefore, since the population of this project area is in the range less than 20,000 up to the end of the design
period, a peak hour factor of 2 is adopted to estimate the peak hour demand.

Table 5-14 Summary of variation use of water demand

Description Unit Year
2023 2027 2032 2037
Population No. 9649 10286 11088 11951
Total Average Day m3/d
Demand 326.49 385.76 474.89 611.84
l/s 3.78 4.46 5.50 7.08
Max. Day Factor 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Max. Day Demand m3/d 424.43 501.49 617.36 795.40

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l/s 4.91 5.80 7.15 9.21

Peak Hour Factor 2 2 2 2
m3/d 652.98 771.52 949.78 1223.69
Peak Hour Flow l/s 7.56 8.93 10.99 14.16


The revised and projected total water demand is summarized and presented in table 4.16

Table 5-15 Summary of Water Demand

YEAR unit 2023 2027 2032 2037

Projected Average DWD

(PA DWD)(m3/day)
HTU l/c/d 0 0 0 0
YTU l/c/d 40 45.0203524 52.19092735 60.50359
PTU l/c/d 25 27.060804 29.87731422 32.98697
m3/d 255.69 302.11 371.91 460.00
Total avg.(l/sec l/s 2.959396275 3.49666799 4.304549088 5.32411571
Adjusted Average DWD
(AA DWD)(m3/day)
Climatic factor 1 1 1 1
Socio-economic factor 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
AA DWD(m3/day) m3/d 230.1226543 271.9009029 334.7217371 414.003238
l/sec l/sec 2.663456647 3.147001191 3.874094179 4.7917041
Public Demand(PD)
Rate per AA DWD(%) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
PD(m3/day) m3/d 18.94 22.38 27.55 34.07
PD(l/sec) l/sec 0.219197917 0.258992804 0.31883131 0.394349
Unaccounted for Water
Rate(%) 20 20 20 20
UL 54.41 64.29 79.15 122.37
Tot Average Daily Demand
m3/day m3/d 326.49 385.76 474.89 611.84
lit/sec l/sec 3.78 4.46 5.50 7.08

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Maximum Day Demand(MDD)

Max day Factor 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
m3/day m3/day 424.43 501.49 617.36 795.40
lit/sec lit/sec 4.91 5.80 7.15 9.21
Peak Hour Demand(PHD)
Peak hour Factor 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
m3/day m3/day 652.98 771.52 949.78 1223.69
lit/sec lit/sec 7.56 8.93 10.99 14.16

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A design period of 15 years is considered for the design of the proposed scheme as it is rural piped water supply
system. Debi-beleqa sump well raw water Booster Station-1 to Treatment Point or Booster Station-2 finally
treated water is booster to 300m3 reservoir that stored in 25m3 sandwich reservoir at booster station, The
proposed schemes 8.55km rising main, 17.847km distribution work, 300m3 RC service reservoir 25m3
sandwich reservoir , also in this project water treatment include only slow sand filter and sedimentation tank, 14
water point (including institutional water point), and 3 Pressure reducing valve is included to overcome the
existing problem.


The adequacy of water source to meet the water requirement of the Villages population till the end of the design
period is an important factor to be considered in rendering sustainable water supply service. The River is
located 8.55Km far from the service reservoir project at UTM E 458,713.11, N 1,462,301.97and elevation of
1,590.50a.m.s.l. The only option proposed for debi beleka kebele is Tekeze dam reservoir, and the source is

Therefore, based on the estimated source yield, the maximum day demand of the Debi-Beleqa kebeles at the
end of the design period will be satisfied.


Maximum day water demand of 24 pump hour with 5% loss for Debi-Beleqa 9.67l/s for 30minute detention
time= 9.67L/Sec.* (30min.*60sfec./min.)/ (1000L/1m3) = 17.406m3
There for standard of 25m3 sandwich masonry circular reservoir have been designed and proposed at the UTM
location of E- 460,134.93mE, N- 1,462,011.87mN and E-1325.33m above mean sea level. From this proposed
reservoir for Debi-Beleqa multi villages gate by each surface pump.


Before this review the Debi-Beleqa Raising main is already designed and constructed. But the raising main
should satisfy the economical diameter with in permissible range of velocity that convince to convey the
maximum day demand to the service reservoir. Water is supplied from sump well to Booster1 (from sump
well to Treatment point) that are PN25 OD180mm with length 6350m ,Booster2 to Booster3 HDPE PN25,
OD180mm & HDPE PN20,OD160mm with length 1207m and next from Booster3 to 300m3 service

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

reservoir HDPE PN10, OD140mm,ID122.4mm with the length 769m. In related to this for Debi-Beleqa rising
main design are included in this design report. The total length of 8.56km. The raising main from Sump well
to treatment point(Sedimentation tank) is designed to convey a maximum day demand with 5% loss and
raising main from booster2 to 300m3 reservoir is designed to convey a maximum day demand Therefore,
HDPE pipes are recommended and the constructed one can be used as it is.

It is indispensable to review the rising main with the newly calculated maximum day demand because there is
a change between the demands that calculated before. To determine the economic diameter for pressure line
between the Sump well and service reservoir, the following equation is adopted.

To 1

Where Q=Discharge in m3/se, The calculated maximum day demand for 15 years design period is 9.67l/s, but
to adjust the pumping hour, the pumping discharge will be 9.67 l/sec with 24 pumping hour from Sump well
to treatment plant and from treatment plant to 300m3 service reservoir will be designed 9.21l/s at the end of
the design period.

Check velocity

V=0.78m/s quite optimum!!

The total length of the proposed from the borehole to the service reservoir is about 8555. The layout of the
rising main including the distribution lines is shown in the drawing album attached.

Using the river yield the type and size of the transmission and riser pipes are confirmed through computer
aided analysis (WATERCAD) and pipe parameters are as tabulated below.

It is recommended that flow velocities in the transmission mains remain in the ranges of 0.6 to 2m /s. The
dynamic head loss in these pipes should be limited to be about 5m-10m per kilometer to optimize the operation
and maintenance cost.

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise


The formerly calculated Capacity of reservoir for 300m3 proposed to construct for Debi-Beleqa and by this
review the reservoir capacity is calculated by using simplified empirical method commonly practiced in many
water supply projects. Therefore the maximum day demand at the end of design period (2037 G. C) is
795.4m3/day and one third of this maximum day demand is 265.13m3for so It is recommended to use
previously designed 300m3. Therefore, take Debi-Beleqa 300m3 RC Reservoir at UTM Easting 458,713.11,
Northing 1,462,301.97 and elevation of 1,590.50masl. In addition 25m3 sandwich reservoir is provided at
Easting 460,134.93, Northing 1,462,011.87, and Elevation of 1,325.33for the treatment reservoir.


The distribution network is designed in such a way that it safely and economically accommodates the Peak
hour demand of the year 2037. The layout of the distribution network has been prepared based on the existing
settlement pattern and topographic suitability. It is preferable that flow velocities in the distribution systems
remain in the ranges of 0.6 to 1.5m/s in exceptional circumstances this may decrease or increase to 0.3m/s and
2m/s respectively. The minimum pressure in the distribution system should not be less than 5m water column
during peak hour flow. The hydraulic network diagram system for project area as shown on the layout
drawing including minimum demand (night time) and peak hour demand (day time) conditions were carried
out using the software called Water cad vi8. Specific print outs of simulation results covering minimum and
peak hour consumption periods are attached in annex A and schematic layouts showing the proposed pipe
distribution network are presented in the drawing.

As per the analysis from the hydraulic calculation summary, the maximum pressure at minimum demand is
within the recommended guide line range. Therefore, the nominal pressure of the pipe in the distribution
network will be PN- 10. In our distribution system the pipes are HDPE PE -100, PN-10. And GS medium
class for some hard geologic formation areas. (See Annex A)
Table 6-1 Summary of distribution system

S/N Diameter (OD) diameter Length (m) Pipe type Remark
1 160 HDPE PN10
139.9 82
2 140 HDPE PN10
122.4 2130

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3 125 HDPE PN16

100.9 4275
4 110 HDPE PN10
96 2580
5 90 78.5 2479 HDPE PN10
6 75 HDPE PN10
65.4 197
7 63 HDPE PN10
54.9 1465
8 50 43.6 931 HDPE PN10
9 40 34.8 1897 HDPE PN10
Grand Total


This tank used us pleasure reducing valve for next distribution. means pressure reduce at this point. this tank
put at distribution line of Debi- Beleqa.

Table 6-2 newly proposed Pressure reducing valve

(From) (m Pressure (To)
Label Elevation (m) X (m) Y (m) H2O) (m H2O)
PRV-1 1,521.43 458,265.98 1,461,943.10 70 55
PRV-2 1,496.89 457,014.94 1,461,835.30 80 56
PRV-3 1,461.66 456,588.36 1,460,077.64 115 63


The total number of public fountains, which are required for household consumption has been limited
considering both the average fetch distance and the number of population. For this reason, there were 11 water
points for the community and 3 water points for institution which is already constructed for Debi-Beleqa.

The following table shows the newly proposed public fountain.

Table 6-3 newly proposed public fountain

Level Elevation pressure Easting Northing
WP 1,523.00 66 458,795.27 1,462,020.28
Tesgji Village - WP6 1,495.06 54 456,919.15 1,461,336.56
Tesgji Village - WP5 1,493.50 54 456,815.84 1,461,138.55

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SCH - WP3 1,538.93 10 460,586.56 1,460,289.09

SCH - WP2 1,488.81 57 457,173.73 1,461,328.93
SCH - WP1 1,467.05 52 456,979.56 1,460,162.87
Quakures Village - WP10 1,530.93 17 460,438.27 1,460,366.19
Merel Village - WP1 1,460.40 64 456,594.61 1,460,084.37
Gemn Village - WP3 1,505.07 44 458,577.58 1,460,347.75
Gemn Village - WP2 1,495.59 15 458,032.11 1,460,218.53
Etu Wala Village - WP8 1,497.97 74 457,895.09 1,461,977.49
Dedu Village - WP7 1,534.07 23 456,525.47 1,462,203.18
Arew Village - WP9 1,527.44 47 459,116.23 1,463,309.32
Abeqo Village WP4 1,515.05 29 455,450.09 1,460,767.87

There is no existing public fountains in Debi-Beleqa rural area. The proposed number of new public fountains
to be constructed for the institutional 3 for school. Totally 14public fountains for the water supply project will
be constructed.


Air valves

On the raising mains air valves will be located at all high points and where the raising grade reduces or the
falling grade increases (clearly shown on the profile).

Washout valves

Washout valves will be provided at all points on both raising and distribution mains to enable mains to be
drained for maintenance and repair.


Concrete/masonry valve chambers shall be provided for each valve location for protection and to provide easy


Whenever a pipe crosses gullies and rivers shall be provided the protection with support. In our case concrete
supports (anchors) shall be provided with encasement.

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise


Access road is very essential for important water supply sites of the project for smooth operations of the
system during construction and operation and maintenance. In our case all the structures are situated well for
construction and operation and maintenance.


All water supplies should be disinfected in order to protect public health. Disinfections inactivates any
remaining bacteria in the water after previous treatment steps and provides a residual disinfectants to inactivate
bacteria introduced by any subsequent entrance of contaminated water during storage or distribution. Hence all
water supplied through distribution system should be disinfected to provide a residual disinfectant, which
provides ongoing protection from bacterial growth and survival.

At present, the principal disinfectant used worldwide is chlorine. Chlorine in its various forms is invariably
and almost universally used for disinfecting public water supplies. It is cheap, reliable, easy to handle, easily
measurable, and above all, it is capable of providing residual disinfecting effects for long periods, thus
affording complete protection against future recontamination of water in the distribution system. Its only
disadvantage is that when used in greater amounts, it imparts bitter and bad taste to the water, which may not
be liked by certain consumers.

Generally chlorine gas and chlorine compounds are used to disinfect water before distribution. Chlorine gas
needs more expensive feeding equipment, difficult to operate & maintain, and requires skilled supervisor so,
use of chlorine compounds is preferred to chlorine gas. Among the chlorine compounds, calcium hypochlorite
is selected to sodium hypochlorite, as the available chlorine in calcium hypochlorite is greater.

The calcium hypochlorite solution will be prepared in a tank provided with motor driven paddles to
thoroughly mix the chemical. The solution will then be directed to a constant head regulator to keep constant
head then will be dosed in to the clean water reservoir through plastic tube fitted with flow regulating tap.
Two solution tanks with mixers will be employed to ensure uninterrupted operation while one tank is being
filled for solution preparation.

This chlorine dosing facilities will be installed at the top of the clean water reservoir. The equipment will be
provided with simple shade to protect it from the attack of direct sunlight and rain.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
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Availability of construction material at reasonable and economic distance is important for the well going of the

6.13.1 Sand Source

Sand source is one major important factor for such projects. Because it is used as a component of concrete and
masonry works. Hence, sand material with no fines and appropriate gradation is important.

The potential source of sand for this project is Tekeze River which is a maximum of 10km far from the project

6.13.2 Gravel

During the study, the study team observe that there is crusher around the project area and the gravel can be
supplied from this quarry site.

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7 Debi beleqa kebele water supply project Electro mechanical design and hydraulic analysis
The hydraulic analysis of a water transmission system usually involves the use of the Hazen-Williams or
Darcy-Weisbach equations to determine frictional head losses in the various pipes for various design flow
rates. A commonly used form of the Hazen-Williams equation is:-
hf =10.675*L*(Q^1.852)/((C^1.852) *(D^4.87))
Where Q = the pump flow rate in meter cube per second
C = a coefficient depending on the smoothness of the interior of the pipe
D = diameter of the pipe in meters
L = pipe length in meter
hf =major frictional head loss in the pipe in meter
hft =1.1xhf, hft is the total frictional loss in the pipe including pipe fitting and valve losses(10% of hf)
TDH= ED+DWL+ hft+ reservoir height + free head (water hammer)

7.1 Pump and generator analysis:

Water must be pumped from the source to the destination higher elevation point (booster or service reservoir)
by using either centrifugal, surface or submersible pump. Water pumping station have been developed based on
the following data;
➢ Total available dynamic head, TDH(H) in meter
➢ Q l/s amount shall be pumped for the adjusted pumping hour
➢ At duty point the mechanical and electrical efficiencies for the pump are ηm, and ηe respectively
➢ Duty points lie in the best efficiency zone.
➢ To ensure that cavitation will not take place in a pump, the designer must calculate the available NPSH
(netpositive suction head) and compare it with the required NPSH for the pump.
➢ The available NPSH must be greater than the required NPSH in order to prevent cavitation.
➢ The required NPSH of any pump is usually given by the pump manufacturer in pump catalogues.
➢ Electric motors are to be sized to suit the maximum power that may possibly be absorbed by the pump,
and are to be rated for ambient conditions.
➢ Starting currents shall be limited up to 4 times the full load current,
➢ The pump and generator set will be work at the specific location masl, temperature and humidity

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𝑸∗𝑯 𝐴𝑙 𝐺𝑝 𝒑
➢ 𝑷𝒑 = 𝒌𝒘 , 𝑷𝒂𝒍𝒕 = ∗ ∗ 10, 𝒑𝒎 = 𝒌𝒘 , Gp=1.5xPm(kw)
𝟏𝟎𝟐∗ ηp 1000 100 ηe

➢ Power cable size should have a maximum current carrying capacity higher than the motor full load
current as well as with a voltage drop of less than 3% for the total cable length.
➢ Each pump provided with the following automatic cutouts, to stop the pump and indicate a fault, at the
pump panel.

➢ Low source level

➢ High reservoir water level

➢ High delivery pressure (closed valve);

➢ Phase failure, phase sequence

➢ Over current or under current

➢ Under voltage, or over voltage.

 The diesel generators installation would include the following:
➢ Diesel generator pipe works
➢ Switchgear
➢ Cables
➢ Earthing
➢ All accessories and other necessary items
 Documents to be supplied by the contractor having:
➢ Pump and generator set
1) Service and Maintenance Manuals
2) Workshop Manual.
3) Spare Parts Manual
4) Spare part list - indicating make, model, and rating etc.
➢ Control panel boards
1) Description (operating) manual.
2) Control module manual.
3) Fault-finding manual.
4) Component lists – indicating country of origin, make, etc.
5) Spare part list - indicating make, model, and rating etc.
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 Drawings to be part of the documents:

1) Wiring and schematic drawing showing detailed circuits
2) Each wire, component, terminal, etc. shall be clearly annotated on the drawing for identification and
maintenance purposes.
3) Hardcopy of every handbook, manual and every drawing per unit (for each).

7.2 Electromechanical design input data for Debi beleqa kebele water supply system
Input data for debi beleqa Sump well source and all other boosters respectively are:
Input data for Debi beleqa sump well raw water booster-1 to TP or BS-2:

Well ID: Sump well source BS-1

• Surface water elevation =1138.17m
• Sump well/wet well elevation =1336.42m
• Pressure line Length, type and pipe diameter From sump well source system to TP/BS-2 is
HDPE Pipe ,OD180 and L=6350m
• Peak point elevation = …m
• Sump well/reservoir/collection chamber high = 2.75m
• safe yield discharge(Q)=9.67l/s
• Maximum day demand = above 9.67l/s
➢ Sump well booster-1 design out put
• TDH(H) =230m
• pump power < = 37kw
• Q =9.67 l/s for each pump and total Q = 2(1+1)= 9.67 l/s

For the sump well special raw water/polder surface pumps the maximum pumping hour Considered is 24 hours
for the above systems.
Booster ID: From Treatment plant clear water well booster-2 to booster-3 Design parameters are;
• Recommended discharge=9.21l/s
• Booster station-2 elevation=1325.33m
• Booster station-3 elevation=1527.05m
• Pressure line Length, type and pipe diameter= HDPE PN25 ,ID 128.2mm(OD180mm) and L=450m
• Pressure line Length, type and pipe diameter=HDPE PN20,ID 122.3mm(OD160mm) and L=757m

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• Total Pressure line length from BS-2 to BS-3=1207m

• Booster reservoir height=2.75m
• Recommended discharge=9.21 l/s
➢ Output for Booster station-2 of single pump (9.21 l/s) system

• TDH(H) =210m
• pump power (for each) = 30kw
• Q = 9.21 l/s for each pump and total Q = 2(1+1)= 9.21 l/s
Booster ID: Tsetska booster station-3 to Service reservoir Design parameters are;
• Recommended discharge=9.21 l/s
• Booster station-3 elevation=1527.05m
• Service reservoir elevation=1590.5m
• Pressure line Length, type and pipe diameter=HDPE PN10,ID 122.4mm(OD140mm) and L=769m
• Service reservoir height=5m
➢ Outputs for tsetska booster-3 system
• TDH(H) =73m
• pump power (for each) = 15kw
• Q = 9.21 l/s for each pump and total Q = 2(1+1)= 9.21 l/s

Dosing pump ID: Tsetska main Service reservoir clorine dosinp pump Design parameters are;
• Recommended discharge=9.21 l/s
• Service reservoir elevation=1590.5m
• Pressure line Length, type and pipe diameter=HDPE PN10,ID 122.4mm(OD140mm) and L=769m
• Total daily demand in meter cube per day=795.74m3/day
• 500m3 Service reservoir height=5m
➢ Outputs for tsetska dosing pump system
• TDH(H) =10m
• Agitator and dosing pump power < = 1kw
• Q = 3 L/Hr
The maximum pumping hour is 24 hours for the above all surface and submersible pump systems because of
the client interest, but Most Electromechanical Designer Engineer recommend that the maximum pumping hour
for surface pump should be 18-hours due to the different surface pump bearing effect.
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At duty point the mechanical (ηm) and electrical efficiencies (ηe) for both submersible and surface pump are
greater than or equal to 65% and 80% respectively.

7.3 Electromechanical Design Input/output Analysis data For Debi beleqa kebele WSP:

Debi Beleqa Water Kebele Water supply project electro mechanical design analysis

Sump well and booster station EM design

BS-1 From
From From booster-2 booster-3 to
sump well to booster-3 Service
to TP reservoir
1 total dynamic head analysis
pump Design discharge (l/s) 9.67 9.21 9.21
design discharge (m3/s) 0.0097 0.0092 0.0092
recommended pump position below OGL 0 0 0
Blind casing interval @ pump position
expected dynamic water level 0 0 0
well recommended safe yield (L/s) 9.67 9.21 9.21
riser pipe type GS GS GS
PN25,OD PN10,OD140
rising main pipe type m & HDPE
180mm,ID mm,ID122.4
128.2mm mm
riser pipe diameter(m) 0.1 0.1 0.1
rising main pipe diameter (m) 0.1282 0.1223 0.1224
velocity for the riser pipe 1.23 1.17 1.17
velocity for the rising main pipe 0.75 0.78 0.78
riser pipe length (m) 5 5 5
rising main pipe length (m) 6350 1207 769
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120 120 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe© 150 150 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) 9.67 9.21 9.21
pumping hour, hr 24 24 24
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 0.11 0.10 0.10
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 26.48 5.79 3.67

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minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 2.66 0.59 0.38

Total head loss (m) 29.25 5.62 4.15
pump station OGL elevation (m) 1138.17 1325.33 1527.05
destination reservoir elevation 1336.42 1527.05 1590.50
elevation difference (m) 198.25 201.72 63.45
CC/reservoir height 2.75 2.75 5.00
total dynamic head (m) 230.25 210.09 72.60
total dynamic head above well ogl 230.25 210.09 72.49
TDH (m) 230 210 73
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 65 65 65
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80 80 80
motor power, kw(pump input power) 33.55 29.17 10.14
motor power, kw 41.93 36.46 12.68
standard motor power Pm, in kw not greater
2 37 30 15
maximum expected outside motor and pump
diameter not greater than
1duty & 1 1duty & 1 1duty & 1
total number of duty and standby pumps
standby standby standby
power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 54.69739819 19.01385747
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 7.159 7.249 2.904
total generator power, kw 70.058 61.947 21.917
total generator power including other loads, kva 98.081 86.725 30.684
2. standard continuous duty generator power,
100 93.75 37.5
2 kva
motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 78 63 32

motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 156 127 63

minimum required transformer kva 63 51 25
2 appropriate transformer power size, kva 100 100 25
manual transfer switch in ampere 150 100 50
Three phase circuit breaker with rating 100 80 40

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2. power cable from control panel board to motor, 40mtr, 40mtr,

40mtr, 3x10
6 mtr& size in sqmm 3x25mm2 3x16mm2

3 suction and delivery side pipe analysis

booster-1 , 2
3 suction and delivery side pipe analysis

Booster pump discharge at duty point ,l/s 9.67

booster pump discharge at duty point ,m3/hr 0.00967

no of duty pumps 1
no of standby pumps 1
total no of pumps 2
single pump discharge, l/s 9.67
allowable suction side velocity m/s 1.5
allowable delivery side velocity m/s 2.8
suction side common pipe dia, mm 90.6258977
suction side independent pipe dia, mm 90.6258977
delivery side independent pipe dia, mm 66.33136513
delivery side common pipe dia, mm 66.33136513

actual suction common manifold pipe dia, mm 150

actual suction independent pipe dia, mm 100

actual delivery independent pipe dia, mm 80
actual delivery common pipe dia, mm 100
actual suction common pipe velocity, m/s 0.547536889
actual suction independent pipe velocity, m/s 1.231958

actual delivery independent pipe velocity, m/s 1.924934375

actual delivery common pipe velocity, m/s 1.231958
chlorine Dosing pump
Calculation of required weight of a chemical
for 24 hours, dosage rate and mixer sizing existing
new route

Average dose, mg/L 1.40

Strength of liquid /powder/, % (10 to 65%) 50.00

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Solution concentration to be used, % 3.00

pumping discharge, m3/hr 33.16
Maximum day demand , m3/hr - 33.16
Maximum day demand , m3/day - 795.74
weight of coagulant required per hour for
- 0.05
solution having 100% strength , kg (ltr)
weight of coagulant required per hour
- 0.09
forsolution having 50% strength , kg (ltr)
Weight of coagulant required per day, kg/day,
- 2.23
Weight of coagulant required per day, kg/day,

Calculation of required amount of water needed for chemical preparation

Liters of water required, L - 74.27

Reccomended tank size, L 500.00
reccomended tank quantity, pcs 2.00
Total Solution dosage required per hour, L/hr - 3.09
number of duty dosing pump required 1.00
number of standby dosing pump required 1.00
each duty pump pumping discharge, l/hr - 3.09
calculation of chemical mixer size
G, velocity gradient, /s (700 to 1000)/s 1,000.00
V, water volume, m3 - 0.50
µ, viscosity of liquid, N-s/m2 (constant) 0.00 0.00
P, power imparted to the liquid, kw - 0.50
power of mixer with efficiency of 60 to 70% - 0.84
expected mixer (agitator) size, kw 1.00

Net positive suction head available (NPSHA) analysis for sump

well booster-1

booster 1

Q pump total discharge at duty point, L/s 9.67

Q single pump discharge at duty point, l/s 9.67

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Q single pump discharge at duty point, m3/s 0.00967

altitude of water pump station, Masl 1138.17

altitude of minimum water level, Masl 1135.92

absolute pressure at pump station altitude(Pa),

storm factor(variation of pressure -10% 0.870

modified absolute pressure at pump station, mtr 7.83

vapour pressure of liquid at pumping temp (Hv),

take 32.20C

common suction pipe dia, mtr 0.15

independent suction pipe dia, mtr 0.1

common suction pipe velocity, m/s 0.55

independent suction pipe velocity, m/s 1.23

common suction pipe length, mtr 6

independent suction pipe length, mtr 2

common suction pipe Hf 0.02
independent suction pipe Hf 0.04
suction side fittings friction loss, take 50% 0.03
suction side pipe and fittings total friction loss,
Hfs, Mtr
static suction (Hs) head(+) or lift (-), mtr -2.25

NPSHav (net postive suction head available), mtr 5.000

NPSHr of pump should be less than 4.00

Net positive suction head available (NPSHA) analysis for sump

well booster-2 and 3
Q pump total discharge at duty point, L/s 9.21

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Q single pump discharge at duty point, l/s 9.21

Q single pump discharge at duty point, m3/s 0.00921

altitude of water pump station, Masl 1527.05
altitude of minimum water level, Masl 1527.05
absolute pressure at pump station altitude(Pa),
storm factor(variation of pressure -10% 0.807995055
modified absolute pressure at pump station, mtr 7.271955492
vapour pressure of liquid at pumping temp (Hv),
take 32.20C
common suction pipe dia, mtr 0.15
independent suction pipe dia, mtr 0.1
common suction pipe velocity, m/s 0.521490667
independent suction pipe velocity, m/s 1.173354
common suction pipe length, mtr 6
independent suction pipe length, mtr 2
common suction pipe Hf 0.016082358
independent suction pipe Hf 0.038618277
suction side fittings friction loss, take 50% 0.027350317

suction side pipe and fittings total friction loss,

Hfs, Mtr
static suction (Hs) head(+) or lift (-), mtr 0
NPSHav (net postive suction head available), mtr 6.696047271
NPSHr of pump should be less than 5.7

Summarized table for above design analysis system of one sump well and two Booster station system
Description Discharge (l/s) Hea Pump Generat Transfor Remark
d(m) power(k or(kva) mer(kva)
Booster Pump (1+1)=9.67 l/s 230 P <=37 100 100 It is better to use
station-1 (single pump (single EEPCO power to
discharge =9.67 l/s) pump reduce running cost

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Booster Pump (1+1)=9.21 l/s 210 P <=30 93.75 100 It is better to use
station-2 (single pump (single EEPCO power to
discharge =9.21 l/s) pump reduce running cost
Booster Pump (1+1)=9.21 l/s 73 P <= 15 37.5 25 It is better to use
station-3 (single pump (single EEPCO power to
discharge =9.21 l/s) pump reduce running cost

Particular Technical specification of Electromechanical Equipments:

7.4 Special sump well raw water/wet well /polder Surface pump

7.4.1 General
✓ Special raw water Multistage, centrifugal radial type or centrifugal mixed flow type surface pump
directly coupled to motor for pumping ground water from sump wells.
✓ Special heavy duty surface pump as Multi stage for stationary, Horizontal installation, for pumping raw
water/muddy water which does not attack the pump materials neither sandy nor muddy.( according to
ISO 9906 Annex)
✓ self-prime side & radial or top discharge multistage, centrifugal horizontal Raw water/polder heavy duty
surface pump
✓ Min permissible sand content of 50mg/l
✓ Minimum working temperature 40°c (degree centigrade)
✓ Surface motor in pressure-resistant design with internal, sealed active cooling. The unit is filled with
medical white oil.
✓ Multi-stage radial/semi-axial/axial centrifugal surface pump in raw water works-design for
vertical/horizontal installation in stage design.
✓ All casing parts in high-quality anti rested cast design.
✓ Shaft and connecting elements of highly-alloyed stainless steel.
✓ Impellers in Stainless steel design with exchangeable wear rings of wear-resistant materials.
✓ Adjustment to the duty point possible by trimming of impeller.
✓ Shaft guided by metal or rubber slide bearings.
✓ Radial bearing completely lubricated by the pumped liquid and maintenance-free.
✓ A very good motor cooling is guaranteed by the pumped liquid circulating around the motor shroud.
Motor specification
✓ surface pump motor in polder/wet type motor of adequate power
✓ In three-phase A.C. design with rewind able stator.

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✓ Motor stator, shaft ends and connecting elements of stainless steel.

✓ Motor end parts in solid cast and highly corrosion protective design.
✓ Mitchell-type axial thrust bearing for high loads.
✓ Supporting plate and tilting segment of stainless steel, mobile wear ring of artificial carbon with
integrated counter supporting ring for negative axial loads.
✓ Motor with 2 x SIC/SIC mechanical shaft seal with separate sealing chamber.
✓ Motor filling with pure drinking water or water/propylene glycol.
✓ Motor sealing at the shaft by two wear-resistant mechanical shaft seals independent of the direction of
rotation. Both seals are cooled and lubricated by medical white oil
✓ Voltage:- 380v/400v,three phase, 50Hz
✓ Designed as to facilitate rewinding in the field workshop
✓ Overload margin 1.1% times over the rated HP
✓ Three phase induction motor
✓ Squirrel cage rotor
✓ RPM=2900
✓ Star-delta starting or autotransformer starting depending on the outlet winding cables for the motor.
✓ Stainless steel impellers statically and dynamically balanced
✓ Non return valve at the out let.
✓ Stainless steel strainer at pump suction
✓ The motor chamber is equipped with a terminal board.
✓ Bearing by two ball bearings which are maintenance-free.
✓ Possibility for retrofitting a moisture probe by means of a pencil electrode as protection against
penetrating humidity.
✓ The motor and pump parts are corrosion free cast iron. Shaft and connecting elements are of stainless
steel. The motor is suitable for continuous operation (S1) under full load in immerged and completely
emerged condition

7.5 Surface pumps

Motor specification
✓ Voltage:- 380v/400v,three phase, 50Hz
✓ Designed as to facilitate rewinding in the field workshop
✓ Overload margin 1.1% times over the rated HP
✓ Three phase induction motor
✓ Squirrel cage rotor
✓ RPM=2900
✓ Star-delta starting or autotransformer starting depending on the outlet winding cables for the motor.
Pump specification
✓ clear water Multistage, centrifugal radial type
✓ Min permissible sand content of 25mg/l
✓ Minimum working temperature 40°c (degree centigrade)
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✓ directly coupled to the motor

✓ Impellers made of bronze or stainless steel
✓ Statically and dynamically balanced
✓ Stainless steel strainer at the pump suction
✓ Motor cable protection on the pump body
✓ Pump discharge and total head as below mention in the BOQ.
✓ Pump power descript in BOQ
✓ Efficiency at 0.8 power factor lagging is not less than 65%
✓ Motor shaft made of stainless steel
✓ Size of surface pump power cable depend on the pump power as mention the BOQ
The head of the surface pump is necessary to measure while it is operating. The value of the head at the suction
and delivery connections taking care that both readings are taken in relation to one common level known as the
plane of reference.
✓ The value of the head at the suction connection is negative (that is below zero on the manometer) which
is the case where the level of the water being raised lower than the level of the suction connection.
✓ The value of the head at the suction connection is positive (that is above zero on the manometer) which
is the case when the level of the water being raised is above the level of the suction connection

In the first case, the head of the pump is given by the sum of the two readings which in the second, it is given
by subtracting the value of the head at the suction connection from the value of the delivery connection
Suction and discharge pipe work
Typically, main pipe work velocities should not exceed 2m/s in suction and 3m/s on discharge side. Maximum
allowable forces and moments on the pump flanges vary with the pump size and type.
Suction piping:
✓ The inlet pipe should be one or two sizes larger than the pump inlet bore and pipe bends should be of a
radius as large as possible
✓ Keep the total length of the suction pipe as short as possible
✓ A bend in the suction pipe should be located at a distance of at least 5 times the pipe bore diameter from
the suction flange
✓ Install as few bends as possible in the suction pipe and select the largest possible radius
✓ On suction lift the piping should be inclined up towards the pump inlet with eccentric reducers
incorporated to prevent air locks
✓ On positive suction, the inlet piping must have a constant fall towards the pump
✓ Do not install elbows at an angle other than perpendicular to the shaft axis. Elbows parallel to the shaft
axis will cause uneven flow
✓ Fitting an isolation valve will allow easier maintenance
✓ Never throttle pump on suction side and never place a valve directly on the pump inlet nozzle
✓ Inlet strainers, when used, should have a net ‘free area’ of at least three times the inlet pipe area
✓ In the case of contaminated liquids, install a suction strainer or dirt trap with a bore which matches the
bore of the pump

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Discharge piping:
✓ A non-return valve should be located in the discharge pipe work to protect the pump from excessive
back pressure and hence reverse rotation when the unit is stopped
✓ Pipe work reducers should have a maximum total angle of divergence of 90 degrees
✓ Fitting an isolation valve will allow easier maintenance
Spare parts
Factory recommended spare parts for operation has to be included for all Electromechanical Materials. The
recommended spare parts should include, but not limited to
For Pump:- Non-return valve, Bearing (delivery) , Diffuser, Impellers, Shaft, Bearing (suction),Coupling,
Strainer, Bushes

7.6 Switch Board (control panel)

✓ 3phase 4wires, 380,50HZ, star delta or autotransformer starting depending on the pump starting system.
✓ Short-circuit protected with a fuse disconnection switch ahead of the contactor or circuit breaker, usually
a molded type ease ahead of contactor.
✓ Systems with over current protection relay which is adjustable time and load.
✓ Water level monitoring relay for dry running protection.
✓ Voltmeter with selection switches for phase voltage.
✓ Ammeter for three phase current measurement and ammeter selection switch
✓ Indicator lamps for pump running and power on indicator. (green and yellow) red for faulty
✓ Phase failure relay. (Including under & over voltage protection relay)
✓ Running hour meter
✓ 3 electrodes for water level control.
✓ Fuse holders and fuse for main circuit protection
✓ Stop push button
✓ Start push button
✓ Manual or automatic selector switch
✓ Time delay relay 0.1 to 30 sec.
✓ Control circuit voltage can be 220v or 240v or 24v with transformer
✓ Pressure switch or level sensor
✓ Earth leakage relay with current transformer.

7.6.1 Power cable

✓ Four core submersible cable flat type to minimize the pump size
✓ Double/ single cable according to the type of starter to be used
✓ Cable diameter to be such that the voltage drop at the maximum depth setting is not more than 3 % at an
ambient temperature of 400C
✓ Cable connected with motor should be with water proof joint to the motor cables.
✓ Cable length as shown in BOQ or double of this if the pump is star delta.

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Additional Equipment
✓ 3 vulcanized electrodes for water level monitoring system to prevent pump from running dry running,
with 1.5*1 mm2 control cable for electrodes equal length with power cable
✓ Cable clamp per 3 meter length for total power cable length (total head) two pairs of pipe clamp at sump
well mouth with bolts and nuts for the specified pipe diameters on the BOQ.
✓ Pressure gauge as specified in the BOQ.
✓ two or three, according to a number of cable core, jointing kit with quick drying epoxy resin compound.

7.6.2 Technical Information

✓ The technical information should include but not limited to
✓ Pump discharge and total head.
✓ Complete pump performance at duty point and at different heads and discharge.
✓ Pump HP or KW
✓ Pump efficiency at 0.8 power factor (lagging) ,for centrifugal surface pumps efficiency>=0.65
✓ Number of stages and total length of pump and motor
✓ Pump over cable and motor diameter
✓ Pump out let connection diameter
✓ Type of impeller
✓ Impeller pump shaft, motor and pump casing material
✓ Size of submersible cable
✓ Make and type of starter
✓ Control panel box full details (wiring diagram and spare list)
✓ Impeller vane thickness, number of vane, vane angle at inlet and outlet of typical stage.
✓ Other relevant information.

7.7 Technical specification of generator Equipment

7.7.1 Generating sets

✓ Generator set steel base skid mounted with anti-vibration
✓ Continuous rating output at a power factor of 0.8 and continuous duty cycle at a maximum
permissible temperature.
✓ Radial or axial ventilated and provided with eye-bolt for lifting
✓ Insulation resistance between output terminals and earth should be greater than 5MΩ
✓ Control and main circuits should be protected from over voltage and short circuit
Engine-to includes but not limited to
✓ Diesel, vertical, turbo charged and suitable power

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✓ 4 to 6 cycles and 1500 rpm

✓ Air or water cooled
✓ It can be turbo charged for generator above 40kva
✓ Multi injection pump with constant speed governor
✓ Exhaust muffler industrial type with piping kit
✓ Heavy duty dry type air cleaner
✓ Fuel and oil filters
✓ Fuel tanker of adequate capacity for at least ten hours of operation
✓ Constant pressure oil pump
Engine instrumentation – to include but not limited to
✓ Oil pressure indicator gauge
✓ temperature indicator gauge
✓ fuel level indicator gauges
✓ Hour meter
✓ Frequency meter
✓ Battery charger indicator gauge
✓ Low oil level protection
✓ High temperature protection
✓ Oil pressure relief valve
✓ Emergency stop button
✓ DC circuit protection
Starting system-to include but not limited to
✓ DC motor , solenoid and single wiring system
✓ Heavy duty, dry charged and 12v,70A-hour battery with leads
✓ AC generator and charging regulator

✓ Synchronous, three phase 4 wires, 400v,50Hz rating
✓ B5 2613,499 and 500 or equivalent standard
✓ Drip proof single or double bearing type with normal tropical insulation
✓ Self-excited, AVR (automatic voltage regulator) controlled and screen protected
✓ ±3% rated voltage regulation under normal condition
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✓ Phase ammeters and voltmeters with selection switch

✓ Three Pole circuit breaker
Control panel
✓ AC voltmeter, ammeter, frequency meter, fuel gauge, hour meter, temperature indicator e.t.c.
✓ Selection switch for both voltmeter and ammeter
Supply of spare parts
✓ Air filter element
✓ Fuel filter element
✓ Lub.oil filter element
✓ Belts
✓ Over haul gasket
✓ Piston ring set
✓ Connecting rod bearing
✓ Main bearing
✓ Trust bearing
✓ Toolkit
✓ User manual
✓ Circuit breaker

7.8 Generally Generator

This specification shall be taken as standard, for an internal combustion engine as prime mover diesel
generating sets.

7.8.1 Engine (Fundamental)

The engine shall be capable of operating at its rated speed loaded to its rated capacity on hazardous working
environment, at ambient air temperature and relative air humidity variations specified in art.1-2 without
evidence of ever loading the capacity of the engine.

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7.8.2 Horse Power

The required minimum Brake Horse BHP, as per ISO standard power specified for the respective equipment in
sec. 2 shall be delivered by the engine at the flywheel at its rated speed at standard reference at condition with
all required accessories. The rating of the engine bid upon should be specified in accessories with ISO standard
power. If other standards are taken the following points should be specified clearly.

➢ Brake Horse power, BHP, rating

➢ Standard reference conditions (Ambient air temperature) tool barometric pressure and relative
air humidity…)
➢ Overall efficiency of the engine
➢ Standard accessories
A certified engine data showing, at least, net horse power, (continuous, intermittent and maximum) torque
performance curves, specific fuel consumption curve for booster surface pumps OGL elevations = 1138.17
meter elevation above sea level shall be submitted with the bid.

7.8.3 Cooling System (Water Cooled or Air Cooled)

7.8.4 Water Cooled

The cooling system unless otherwise specified in sec. 2 shall be of the closed, pressurized, pump forced type.
The radiator and water passages in the cylinder block shall be of ample capacity to permit continuous full Load
operation of the engine without boiling of the coolant at atmospheric air temperature up to 750c. The radiator
shall be heavy duty construction, properly mounted to withstand shocks and strain likely to be encountered in
operation under the conditions of operation described under art.1-2. The cooling system shall incorporate and
efficient thermostat to effect prompts warming of the proper engine temperature.

7.8.5 Air Cooled

If air cooled the air blower capacity and the cooling fin arrangement shall be sufficient to permit continuous full
load operation of the engine without overheating the engine at atmospheric air temperature of about 57 0c.
Velocity of cooling air should be sufficiently high to prevent formation of dust deposits which could impair the
cooling efficiency. The finish shall have adequate area for prompt and efficient cooling. Full details regarding
the type, capacity of the radiator/blower and the cooling system shall be submitted with the bid.

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7.8.6 Lubrication System

The lubrication system shall be powered by a mechanically driven gear type positive displacement pump of
ample capacity to operate at any desired ambient air temperature and altitude. The system shall be equipped
with suitable Engine oil pump, dual centrifugal and full flow-filters and suitably arranged oil passages in the
cylinder block. Full details regarding the type, capacity of the pump, the pump and filters and the lubrication
system shall be submitted with the bid.

7.8.7 Fuel System;

The fuel system shall include a mechanically driven fuel pump with all necessary regulator and controlling
attachments. The system shall incorporate easily accessible, interchangeable and readily removable injectors,
fitters of adequate capacity and construction heavy duty oil bath or dry type air cleaner or adequate capacity for
the size and type of engine bid upon. Manufacturer’s standard fuel tank shall be acceptable, unless otherwise
stated and shall be located so as not to be affected by heat from the engine, exhaust pipe, or muffler. Complete
specification data relating to the diesel engine fuel injection system shall be submitted by bidder.
The system shall incorporate easily accessible, interchangeable and readily removable injectors, filters of
adequate capacity and construction heavy duty oil bath or dry type air cleaner or adequate capacity for the size
and type of engine bid upon. Manufacturer’s standard fuel tank shall be acceptable, unless otherwise stated and
shall be located so as not to be affected by heat from the engine, exhaust pipe, or muffler, complete
specification data relating to the diesel engine fuel injection system shall be submitted by bidder.

7.9 Electrical System

The engine shall be provided with a complete electrical charging, starting, electrical switch, pre-heating Switch,
preheating switch and at least two keys. The engine shall start satisfactorily at temperatures as low as 00c. The
generator or alternator shall be the manufacturer’s standard production model and shall be adequate to provide
service under normal operation conditions.

7.10 Tests on Completion

On delivery to Site, the Plant will be visually inspected, and any Plant with obvious defects will be rejected.

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7.11 Alternatives

7.11.1 The Contractor’s main Bid shall comply fully with the Specification
The Contractor is however at liberty to include alternative items of Plant, which do not completely comply with
the requirements of the Specification provided that he submits manufacturer’s detailed descriptions of
alternatives and draws attention to any aspect of each component which does not fully comply with the
requirements of this Specification. These detailed descriptions, including any departure from the requirements
of the Specification may, after approval by the Employer, be included among the Contract documents and each
item shall be in accordance with the description of it. Approval of a manufacturer’s description shall not include
approval of any departure from the requirements of the Specification unless the departure is specifically
approved by the Employer in writing. The Employer however, may not necessarily accept any alternative put

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Environment is a system which consists of Hydrological, Biophysical, Atmospherically, Cultural and Social
condition. EIA provides the answer for impact during construction and after construction. It is used as an
instrument for sustainable development by minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the benefits that is
obtained as a result of the project. In addition to these it identifies the problems which exist in the environment
and select alternatives that mitigate the impact.

Water supply service is a mechanism that delivers adequate, clean and safe water to a community according to
their present and forecasted demand. Presently this is one of the characteristics of this water supply project. The
abundant quantity with high storing capacity as build from locally found materials to supply adequate safe and
clean water at proximal delivery distance to the user with cost effective and efficient operation mechanism are
some of the principles in the water supply. Environmental study shall respect these principles to conceive a
mitigation measure and devise a monitoring plan.

The main mission of the initial environmental impact examination and evaluation in this study is needed to
assess the existing condition. Furthermore, to observe preliminary cases and predicted effects that can be
noticed due to the project on natural and physical resources and human-environment of the proposed water
supply sites. The observed results will be used in improving the design, decision- making and community
participation to ensure sustainable and environmentally sound water supply to this kebele..

Thus, the study will thoroughly focus on existing situations that have impacts on the project and other
likelihood effects or impacts that may arise due to the project on the immediate sites and on the subsequent
water delivering mechanisms to the beneficiaries. The finding will further enhance the positive impacts and
provide protective devices and mitigation measures for negative impacts. It further assists to formulate the
monitoring and the follow-up procedures for some immediate and long term adverse effects.


The water supply project has an impact on the environment even though the design, construction and operation
of the project are being done carefully. So that the environmental impact assessment provide the result for the
impact during construction and after construction. Some of the major positive impacts of the project are:

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 Save time and energy saving in fetching of drinking water. Especially the burden of women and
child in fetching of water from other sources can be reduced.

 improve the water supply and sanitation coverage

 Improve health, life standard and productivity of the communities

 Provide better quality and sustainable water supply for project area communities.

 Easy control of hazards (like fire).

 Create job opportunities


There is no as such considerable negative impact in this rural piped water supply and sanitation project. But
some of expected impacts are:

 Disturbance of a small amount of agricultural land and vegetation during laying of pipelines.

 Facilitate the expansion of malaria

 land Loss of farmers for construction of public fountain


Most of the negative impacts caused by the project are accomplished in the construction period of pipe laying.
This can be reduced by proper planning of the construction activities such as making the construction work to
begin in non-farming and non- harvesting season.

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Most water supply schemes in our region suffer from sustainability due poor Manage mental system right
from the beginning till the operation stage. To alleviate the problem the Federal and Regional Governments
issued Policies and regulations to upgrade and improve the institutional and technical capacity of those major
actors in the sector. This section of the document is intended to prepare Manage mental Models and
Organizational structure for Debi-Beleqa kebele piped water supply system to operate efficiently and


The organization structure that depicts the future management set up of the Debi-Beleqa kebele piped Water
supply system is shown below.
User community


Manager and accountant

Guard Generator Plumber Cashier Tap


Figure 9-1 Management and organization setup

There is no established water service office; the project will be managed by woreda water office As can be seen
in the above diagram, a person titled manger and accountant is accountable to the WASHCO and subordinated
by other hired people with different experience and assignments.

The WASHCO shall follow and monitor the overall performance of the scheme instead of taking over other
routine activities like point source rural schemes. WASHCO with the assistance of woreda water team shall
give to employees a clear description of tasks to be performed regularly.

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The WASHCO will meet every month to look at matters and present financial and other administrative reports
to the community. The report consists of all works executed throughout the reporting period and encountered
problems, it can be prepared by the scheme manger. All community members shall involve solutions to ensure
ownership of the scheme.


A special initiative is needed to develop the capacity of the WASHCO, Subordinate staffs and communities
for effective and sustainable management of the rural piped water supply scheme. The approach to capacity
building and create awareness on the all over duties and responsibilities of the communities included in the
project will be during and after implementation and operation. Hence in order to actively react to the
personnel required during operation, educated community members can be systematically nominated and
engaged during the implementation phase of the project.

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The cost estimate presented below is basically associated with each item. Aspects such as Mobilization,
demobilization and engineering fees will be added separately. In establishing these Costs, current prices of
materials, equipment’s and labor were assessed from the available
Table 10- 1Summary of cost estimation
Summary of Bill for Debi-beleka Water Supply Project
Part A Civil & installation of work
No. Description Unit Qty Unit Rate Total
1 General Item Ls 1 3,134,073.47 3,134,073.47
2 Contractors and Consultants office No 1 889,625.80 889,625.80
3 300m3 service reservoir No 1 2,134,601.69 2,134,601.69
4 25m3 Sandwich reservoir No 3 523,328.25 1569984.75
5 Sedimentation tank Ls 1 1,231,983.86 1,231,983.86
6 Slow sand filter Ls 1 10,407,897.52 10,407,897.52
7 Installation of Rising Main Ls 1 6,312,776.29 6,312,776.29
8 Installation of Distribution System Ls 1 8,139,531.14 8,139,531.14
9 Generator and Pump house Ls 1 2,956,240.45 2,956,240.45
10 Chlorine house Ls 1 186,890.00 186,890.00
11 Guard house No 4 280,114.92 1,120,459.67
12 Public Fountain No 14 135,421.10 1,895,895.40
13 Toilet Ls 1 561,122.13 561,122.13
installation of BS-1 electromechanical
14 Ls 1 408,487.20 408,487.20
installation of BS-2 electromechanical
15 Ls 1 397,953.60 397,953.60
installation of BS-3 electromechanical
16 Ls 1 194,363.40 194,363.40
17 Installation of chlorination system Ls 1 85,000.00 85,000.00
Total part 1 41,626,886.37
Part B Supplying of pipe & fittings
Material supply for 300m3 Service
18 reservior, 25m3 Sandwich reservior, Ls 1
Sedimentation tank, Slow Sand filter 3,733,428.36 3,733,428.36
19 Part2 Rising Main pipe and fitting Ls 1 9,589,873.84 9,589,873.84
20 Part2 Distribution line Supply Ls 1 5,454,882.49 5,454,882.49
Total (B) in Ethiopian Birr 18,778,184.69
Total (A+B) 60,405,071.06
Vat (15%) 9,060,760.66

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contingency (10%) 6,040,507.11

GRAND TOTAL (Total A+B) in Ethiopian Birr 75,506,338.83
Part C Supplying of Electromechanical pipe & fitting
Part3 Material Supply of the project
supply of BS-1 Electrotechnical WORKS
21 Ls 1 $61,892.00 61,892.00
(In Dollar)
supply of BS-2 Electrotechnical WORKS
22 Ls 1 $60,296.00 60,296.00
(In Dollar)
supply of BS-3 Electrotechnical WORKS
23 Ls 1 $29,449.00 29,449.00
(In Dollar)
24 supply of chlorination system (In Dollar) Ls 1 $11,250.00 11,250.00
Total part C 162,887.00
contingency (10%) 16,288.70
Total part C 179,175.70
GRAND TOTAL (Total A+B+C) In ETB (1USD=40Birr) 82,673,366.83

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The Water Supply Schemes of the project is to be implemented in one phase. The phase will cover the period
from the year 2023 - 2037 because most part of Debi-Beleqa all work of kebele are new.

The construction activities that are proposed to implement:

➢ Rising and distribution pipe Laying

➢ Construction of 25 m3 Sandwich reservoir

➢ Construction of 300m3 RC service reservoir

➢ Sedimentation tank of treatment plant

➢ Slow Sand of treatment plant

➢ Construction of 14 Public fountain

➢ Construction of Pump house and Generator house

➢ Construction of Guard house, valve chamber, gully crossings and etc.

➢ Construction of Pressure reducing valve

Table 11-1 Debi beleka kebele water supply project

2021 2022
Detail Draft Design
Detail Final Design
Bid Evalution
Civil & Installation work
General Item

Contractors and Consultants office

Installation of Pressure Lines

Installation Distribution of pipe line

Reinforced Concrete Reservoir

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

sandwich Masonry Collection


Construction of sedimentation

Construction of slow sand

Chemical house
Public Fountain (for addis alem and
Guard house
Concrete Valve Chamber

Anchor, trust block and river crossing

Generator and pump house

Installation of Electro-mechanical
Supply of pipe, fitting &
Supply of Pressure Lines Pipe &
Supply of Distribution of pipe line
Pipe & Fitting

Supply of Electro-mechanical Work

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In terms of the CR_WASH concept, resilience to climate change i.e. environmentally borehole sources in the
project areas have reduction in yield from year to year, In addition Based on geomorphological, geological,
hydrogeological and geophysical investigations in this project area shows estimated borehole yield did not
satisfy the maximum day demand required for Debi-Beleqa kebele, Hence for this kebele prioritize nearby lake
as reliable source of water. According to site investigation for Debi beleka kebele, there is no possible
accessible area for groundwater development drilling site, the only possible alternative is Tekeze Artificial lake
as a reliable source.

The Proposed Rural Piped Water Supply Project is therefore, at right time and is expected to bring an
improvement in the public health status, economical productivity, sanitation conditions and time & energy
savings, particularly for women and children.

In order to optimize benefits and minimize the negative impacts of the proposed water supply project, the
following measures are recommended:

 Provision of clean and adequate water to the public users should be supported by improving the
sanitation facility. Therefore, the community should be trained in keeping his/her sanitation and personal

 Close follow up and the issue of empowering communities to build, own and manage their water systems
must be clarified at the highest level.

 The environmental protection component of rural water supply schemes should be explored such as
greeneries around water points.

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise


• Peak hour demand Pipe report

Length (Scaled) Diameter Velocity Headloss Gradient

ID (m) (mm) Material (m/s) (m/km)
2817 25 100.9 HDPE 1.2 12.968
2724 40 122.4 HDPE 1.09 8.7
2725 28 122.4 HDPE 1.09 8.701
2726 22 122.4 HDPE 1.09 8.706
2727 27 122.4 HDPE 1.09 8.701
2728 19 122.4 HDPE 1.09 8.698
2729 30 122.4 HDPE 1.09 8.704
2730 32 122.4 HDPE 1.09 8.698
2731 45 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.678
2732 26 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.678
2733 18 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.679
2734 21 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.679
2735 20 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.68
2736 24 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.675
2737 27 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.679
2738 23 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.675
2739 22 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.676
2740 29 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.68
2741 34 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.679
2742 36 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.678
2743 14 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.678
2744 57 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.675
2745 24 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.68
2746 27 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.679
2747 21 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.673
2748 23 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.683
2749 30 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.681
2750 15 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.675
2751 21 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.679
2752 24 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.673
2753 7 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.677
2754 31 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.679
2755 17 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.681
2756 26 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.678
2757 17 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.678
2758 28 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.677
2759 27 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.674
2760 25 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.678
2761 27 122.4 HDPE 1.02 7.68
2766 32 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.822
2767 31 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.826
2768 20 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.825
2769 32 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824

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2770 22 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.828

2771 29 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2772 31 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2773 19 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.823
2774 20 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2775 25 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2776 13 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.833
2777 13 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.818
2778 29 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.826
2779 22 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.822
2780 25 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.828
2781 13 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.818
2782 21 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.829
2783 15 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.82
2784 17 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.831
2785 18 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.82
2786 21 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.825
2787 26 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.825
2788 20 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.828
2789 31 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.823
2790 23 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.828
2791 30 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.823
2792 27 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2793 28 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.825
2794 33 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.826
2795 33 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.823
2796 27 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.827
2797 21 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.821
2798 28 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2799 24 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.827
2800 30 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.823
2801 22 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.827
2802 16 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.826
2803 22 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2804 34 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.825
2805 34 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.826
2806 34 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.825
2807 37 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.822
2808 31 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.825
2809 48 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.826
2816 19 122.4 HDPE 0.96 6.824
2722 34 139.9 HDPE 0.92 5.426
2723 48 139.9 HDPE 0.92 5.429
2941 65 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.566
2942 21 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.567
2943 16 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.561
2944 27 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.566
2945 51 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.568
2946 60 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.565

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2947 73 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.566

2949 61 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.564
2950 39 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.567
2951 40 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.568
3263 27 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.568
3264 29 34.8 HDPE 0.89 25.568
3075 20 34.8 HDPE 0.88 25.477
4392 13 34.8 HDPE 0.88 25.48
2666 28 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.154
2667 27 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.153
2668 23 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.149
2669 39 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.156
2670 51 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.152
2671 44 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.153
2672 18 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.153
2673 27 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.152
2674 30 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.151
2675 18 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.157
2676 38 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.154
2677 44 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.152
2678 27 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.155
2679 51 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.151
2680 51 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.154
2681 12 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.143
2682 26 43.6 HDPE 0.87 19.157
4297 32 54.9 HDPE 0.81 12.659
2762 28 34.8 HDPE 0.78 20.142
2763 25 34.8 HDPE 0.78 20.146
2764 32 34.8 HDPE 0.78 20.141
2765 35 34.8 HDPE 0.78 20.143
2849 26 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2850 37 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2851 15 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.107
2852 11 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.108
2853 5 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.093
2854 19 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.102
2855 14 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.108
2856 12 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.098
2857 17 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.108
2858 18 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.099
2859 25 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.101
2860 21 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2861 26 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.106
2862 14 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.097
2863 20 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2864 13 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.106
2865 10 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.111
2866 17 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.099
2867 14 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.107

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2868 24 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.101

2869 34 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2870 44 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.102
2871 29 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.105
2872 31 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.105
2873 24 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.1
2874 23 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.108
2875 17 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.097
2876 20 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.106
2887 33 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2888 21 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.106
2889 32 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.1
2890 46 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2891 20 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.102
2892 18 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.105
2893 17 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.099
2894 18 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2895 10 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.112
2897 13 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2898 29 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.101
2899 30 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2900 26 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.107
2901 32 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2902 28 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.099
2903 32 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.108
2904 22 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2905 27 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.1
2906 25 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.102
2907 27 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.105
2908 31 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.102
2909 27 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2910 26 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2911 31 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2912 21 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.106
2913 16 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2914 24 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2915 14 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.108
2916 9 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.094
2917 29 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.106
2918 23 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2919 14 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2920 24 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.099
2921 34 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.106
2922 32 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.101
2923 29 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.108
2924 24 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.1
2925 56 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.105
2926 20 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.098
2927 14 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.112

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2928 14 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104

2929 27 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2930 33 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.103
2931 31 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.101
2932 28 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.105
2933 33 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.102
2934 26 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.107
2935 40 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.104
2936 43 100.9 HDPE 0.73 5.102
4255 25 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.316
4257 37 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.317
4259 26 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.313
4261 21 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.317
4263 41 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.315
4265 45 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.315
4268 46 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.312
4270 17 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.321
4272 19 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.313
4274 11 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.316
4276 10 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.314
4278 16 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.314
4280 14 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.312
4282 27 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.314
4284 32 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.315
4286 44 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.314
4288 29 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.318
4290 31 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.316
4292 23 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.311
4295 24 78.5 HDPE 0.69 6.315
2818 24 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.094
2819 39 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.1
2820 46 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.094
2821 36 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.099
2822 30 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.094
2825 40 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.096
2826 61 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
2827 23 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.096
2828 22 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.094
2829 57 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
2830 16 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
2831 26 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.095
2832 20 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.101
2833 3 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.051
2834 20 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.1
2835 10 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.091
2836 30 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.095
2837 29 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
2838 18 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.101
2839 20 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.09

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2840 38 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.099

2841 55 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.095
2842 41 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.098
2843 18 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
2844 18 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.09
2881 6 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.095
2882 32 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.092
2883 53 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.098
2884 37 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.094
2885 39 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.098
3018 54 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
3019 50 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.098
3020 55 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.094
3104 25 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
4306 18 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.094
4309 6 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.095
4355 44 34.8 Ductile Iron 0.64 18.372
4371 31 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.095
4244 16 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.096
4246 17 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.097
4248 22 34.8 HDPE 0.64 14.098
4325 63 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.14
4327 52 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.14
4329 82 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.14
4331 134 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.14
4333 43 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.139
4335 51 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.14
4339 26 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.138
4342 23 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.143
4365 45 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.14
4367 92 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.139
4368 42 54.9 HDPE 0.64 8.143
4311 20 65.4 HDPE 0.63 6.518
4313 30 65.4 HDPE 0.63 6.517
4315 87 65.4 HDPE 0.63 6.52
4317 68 65.4 HDPE 0.63 6.52
4319 63 65.4 HDPE 0.63 6.519
4321 56 65.4 HDPE 0.63 6.518
4323 46 65.4 HDPE 0.63 6.52
2937 38 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.817
2938 36 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.813
2939 34 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.82
2940 24 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.816
2952 34 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.816
2953 25 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.814
2954 13 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.816
2955 12 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.819
2956 14 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.822
2957 12 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.811

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2958 12 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.813

2959 7 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.828
2960 8 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.814
2961 9 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.822
2962 13 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.813
2963 10 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.812
2964 14 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.819
2965 11 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.824
2966 25 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2967 23 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.817
2968 22 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2969 25 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.816
2970 23 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.819
2971 25 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.819
2972 20 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.813
2973 21 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.821
2974 11 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2975 20 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.811
2976 22 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.821
2977 26 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.813
2978 32 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.819
2979 28 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.813
2980 45 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.818
2981 32 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.818
2982 43 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.814
2983 36 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.819
2984 22 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.816
2985 30 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.819
2986 31 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2987 25 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2988 30 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.817
2989 36 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2990 40 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.817
2991 28 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.82
2992 32 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.816
2993 31 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.818
2994 23 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2995 22 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.815
2996 28 100.9 HDPE 0.62 3.816
2878 36 54.9 HDPE 0.61 7.605
2879 36 54.9 HDPE 0.61 7.603
2880 32 54.9 HDPE 0.61 7.605
4351 22 54.9 HDPE 0.61 7.6
4373 18 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.499
4375 60 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.498
4377 26 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.495
4379 35 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.501
4381 78 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.498
4383 96 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.497

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4387 81 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.499

4389 112 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.497
4391 59 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.499
4394 49 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.5
4395 84 43.6 HDPE 0.56 8.497
2683 28 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.229
2684 40 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2685 18 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.233
2686 24 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2687 29 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.233
2688 29 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.231
2689 26 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.233
2690 30 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.234
2691 41 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2692 38 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.231
2693 31 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2694 37 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2695 23 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2696 28 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.232
2697 40 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.232
2698 23 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.234
2699 30 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.232
2700 23 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2701 12 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.234
2702 64 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.232
2703 25 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2704 9 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.236
2705 12 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.225
2706 23 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.233
2707 23 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.238
2708 26 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.232
2709 18 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.23
2710 32 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.236
2711 20 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.233
2712 28 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.234
2713 29 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.233
2714 19 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.234
2715 36 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.23
2716 28 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2717 24 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.235
2718 35 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.232
2719 41 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.232
2720 21 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.233
2721 22 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.234
4299 43 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.208
4301 59 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.206
4303 35 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.209
4353 38 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.207
4354 45 54.9 HDPE 0.55 6.204

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4349 2 96 HDPE 0.52 2.993

4350 3 96 HDPE 0.52 2.945
2811 18 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.527
2812 26 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.524
2813 25 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.526
2814 26 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.525
2815 30 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.528
3046 38 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.529
3047 27 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.521
4252 25 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.527
4253 24 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.525
4343 35 34.8 HDPE 0.46 7.522
4360 3 96 HDPE 0.38 1.614
4361 3 96 HDPE 0.38 1.618
3052 29 96 HDPE 0.31 1.11
3053 32 96 HDPE 0.31 1.106
3054 15 96 HDPE 0.31 1.112
3055 29 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3056 28 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3057 50 96 HDPE 0.31 1.109
3058 25 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3059 20 96 HDPE 0.31 1.106
3060 24 96 HDPE 0.31 1.112
3061 27 96 HDPE 0.31 1.106
3062 23 96 HDPE 0.31 1.112
3063 34 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3064 22 96 HDPE 0.31 1.107
3065 26 96 HDPE 0.31 1.107
3066 27 96 HDPE 0.31 1.113
3067 29 96 HDPE 0.31 1.109
3068 17 96 HDPE 0.31 1.104
3069 18 96 HDPE 0.31 1.112
3070 29 96 HDPE 0.31 1.107
3071 24 96 HDPE 0.31 1.109
3072 20 96 HDPE 0.31 1.11
3073 40 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3076 14 96 HDPE 0.31 1.109
3077 23 96 HDPE 0.31 1.106
3078 21 96 HDPE 0.31 1.11
3079 28 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3080 23 96 HDPE 0.31 1.111
3081 15 96 HDPE 0.31 1.101
3082 45 96 HDPE 0.31 1.112
3083 21 96 HDPE 0.31 1.102
3084 23 96 HDPE 0.31 1.113
3085 26 96 HDPE 0.31 1.109
3086 25 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3087 29 96 HDPE 0.31 1.107
3088 9 96 HDPE 0.31 1.114

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3089 18 96 HDPE 0.31 1.105

3090 20 96 HDPE 0.31 1.112
3091 17 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3092 25 96 HDPE 0.31 1.105
3093 14 96 HDPE 0.31 1.11
3094 35 96 HDPE 0.31 1.111
3095 20 96 HDPE 0.31 1.105
3096 26 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3097 22 96 HDPE 0.31 1.114
3098 22 96 HDPE 0.31 1.105
3099 25 96 HDPE 0.31 1.111
3100 28 96 HDPE 0.31 1.108
3101 25 96 HDPE 0.31 1.11
3102 26 96 HDPE 0.31 1.106
3254 26 43.6 HDPE 0.31 2.78
3255 43 43.6 HDPE 0.31 2.783
3256 35 43.6 HDPE 0.31 2.785
3257 23 43.6 HDPE 0.31 2.78
2998 19 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.873
2999 31 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.871
3000 16 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.866
3001 10 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.865
3002 24 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.872
3003 23 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.866
3004 26 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.872
3005 11 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3006 50 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.871
3007 30 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.867
3008 28 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.872
3009 23 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.87
3010 32 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.871
3011 22 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.865
3012 27 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.874
3013 28 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3014 34 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.871
3015 30 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.867
3021 27 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3022 49 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.872
3023 17 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3024 15 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.866
3025 11 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3026 11 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.868
3027 6 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.879
3028 9 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.863
3029 13 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3030 28 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.871
3031 17 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.872
3032 33 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.87
3033 18 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.87

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3034 17 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.867

3035 27 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3036 52 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.872
3039 25 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.871
3040 19 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.867
3041 32 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.874
3042 36 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.867
3043 26 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.869
3044 25 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.873
3048 25 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.868
3049 25 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.87
3050 28 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.87
3051 29 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.871
3265 47 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.87
3266 21 100.9 HDPE 0.28 0.865
3160 32 34.8 HDPE 0.24 2.313
3161 32 34.8 HDPE 0.24 2.31
3162 55 34.8 HDPE 0.24 2.311
3163 27 34.8 HDPE 0.24 2.309
3164 33 34.8 HDPE 0.24 2.313
3165 25 34.8 HDPE 0.24 2.313
3103 36 96 HDPE 0.22 0.613
3166 27 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.422
3167 36 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.417
3168 37 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3169 23 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.414
3170 22 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3171 24 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3172 24 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3173 33 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3174 21 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.423
3175 20 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.417
3176 22 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3177 28 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3178 23 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.413
3179 17 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.425
3180 20 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.413
3181 22 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3182 21 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.422
3183 25 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3184 17 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3185 28 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.415
3186 21 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.423
3187 23 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.416
3188 19 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3189 27 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3190 19 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3191 15 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3192 7 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.409

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3193 8 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.428

3194 17 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.414
3195 10 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.43
3196 6 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.406
3197 7 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.433
3198 19 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.415
3199 17 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.416
3200 17 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3201 19 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.422
3202 25 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3203 40 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.417
3204 2 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.429
3205 18 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.422
3206 27 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.416
3207 20 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3208 22 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3209 26 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3210 18 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3211 38 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3212 22 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.422
3213 18 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3214 7 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.4
3215 21 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.424
3216 27 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.416
3217 15 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3218 32 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3219 25 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.417
3220 18 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.422
3221 50 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3222 22 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3223 29 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.416
3224 31 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3225 25 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3226 16 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.412
3227 18 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.423
3228 22 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3229 7 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3230 9 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.408
3231 8 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.433
3232 13 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.412
3233 24 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3234 26 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.416
3235 21 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.424
3236 20 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.416
3237 30 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3238 32 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3239 23 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3240 19 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3241 34 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3242 26 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419

3246 25 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.419
3247 33 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.417
3248 32 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.417
3249 28 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.421
3261 30 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.418
3262 29 78.5 HDPE 0.16 0.42
3250 32 43.6 HDPE 0.15 0.773
3251 39 43.6 HDPE 0.15 0.767
3252 33 43.6 HDPE 0.15 0.775
3253 41 43.6 HDPE 0.15 0.768
3105 25 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3106 23 96 HDPE 0.14 0.249
3107 27 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255
3108 26 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255
3109 28 96 HDPE 0.14 0.257
3110 28 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3111 23 96 HDPE 0.14 0.252
3112 21 96 HDPE 0.14 0.25
3113 18 96 HDPE 0.14 0.259
3114 22 96 HDPE 0.14 0.253
3115 19 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3116 38 96 HDPE 0.14 0.252
3117 24 96 HDPE 0.14 0.258
3118 29 96 HDPE 0.14 0.252
3119 21 96 HDPE 0.14 0.257
3120 12 96 HDPE 0.14 0.25
3121 29 96 HDPE 0.14 0.253
3122 28 96 HDPE 0.14 0.259
3123 41 96 HDPE 0.14 0.251
3124 26 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3125 41 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255
3126 52 96 HDPE 0.14 0.253
3127 59 96 HDPE 0.14 0.256
3128 48 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255
3129 20 96 HDPE 0.14 0.249
3130 22 96 HDPE 0.14 0.259
3131 20 96 HDPE 0.14 0.252
3132 8 96 HDPE 0.14 0.25
3133 9 96 HDPE 0.14 0.247
3134 10 96 HDPE 0.14 0.266
3135 21 96 HDPE 0.14 0.253
3136 16 96 HDPE 0.14 0.252
3137 37 96 HDPE 0.14 0.253
3138 27 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255
3139 30 96 HDPE 0.14 0.256
3140 37 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3141 28 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3142 26 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3143 19 96 HDPE 0.14 0.256

3144 25 96 HDPE 0.14 0.251
3145 29 96 HDPE 0.14 0.251
3146 20 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255
3150 39 96 HDPE 0.14 0.257
3151 22 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3152 18 96 HDPE 0.14 0.25
3153 29 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3154 24 96 HDPE 0.14 0.255
3155 29 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3156 18 96 HDPE 0.14 0.252
3157 27 96 HDPE 0.14 0.254
3158 21 96 HDPE 0.14 0.258
3159 30 96 HDPE 0.14 0.25

• Peak Hour Demand Junction report

Pressure (m
Label Elevation (m) H2O) X (m) Y (m)
25 1,449.27 106.00 455,771.65 1,460,425.97
26 1,449.60 106.00 455,772.28 1,460,418.47
24 1,452.41 103.00 455,773.05 1,460,433.22
27 1,453.27 102.00 455,777.52 1,460,411.69
40 1,454.88 100.00 455,978.54 1,460,285.27
28 1,456.28 99.00 455,788.69 1,460,404.38
39 1,456.59 98.00 455,973.95 1,460,294.88
23 1,457.70 98.00 455,767.80 1,460,444.30
38 1,458.47 96.00 455,963.92 1,460,313.24
29 1,459.49 96.00 455,798.29 1,460,400.74
41 1,459.46 95.00 455,992.81 1,460,271.90
37 1,459.90 95.00 455,948.04 1,460,325.57
34 1,461.18 94.00 455,880.22 1,460,352.10
36 1,461.05 94.00 455,926.39 1,460,338.80
35 1,461.21 94.00 455,904.91 1,460,347.74
42 1,461.02 93.00 456,009.74 1,460,258.51
22 1,462.89 93.00 455,769.11 1,460,455.75
33 1,462.44 93.00 455,860.56 1,460,360.98
66 1,459.34 93.00 456,643.53 1,460,045.87
30 1,463.03 92.00 455,810.77 1,460,393.59
70 1,459.77 92.00 456,723.36 1,460,024.07
32 1,463.50 92.00 455,840.41 1,460,372.72
81 1,460.14 91.00 457,113.31 1,459,866.66
73 1,460.79 91.00 456,733.44 1,460,029.20
31 1,464.20 91.00 455,819.55 1,460,387.07
65 1,460.98 91.00 456,627.05 1,460,046.52

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

78 1,460.75 91.00 457,101.90 1,459,867.93

69 1,461.17 91.00 456,698.97 1,460,034.33
51 1,462.86 91.00 456,209.33 1,460,223.65
64 1,461.46 90.00 456,599.80 1,460,061.84
67 1,461.43 90.00 456,654.02 1,460,045.59
61 1,461.68 90.00 456,563.05 1,460,090.18
60 1,461.82 90.00 456,546.11 1,460,104.95
62 1,461.66 90.00 456,586.13 1,460,075.17
44 1,464.04 90.00 456,064.25 1,460,242.05
43 1,464.51 90.00 456,034.78 1,460,253.59
57 1,462.80 89.00 456,528.11 1,460,118.98
46 1,464.77 89.00 456,091.51 1,460,234.78
83 1,462.32 89.00 457,126.20 1,459,877.59
68 1,463.03 89.00 456,676.88 1,460,038.64
59 1,463.64 89.00 456,499.39 1,460,129.98
187 1,463.32 88.00 456,782.92 1,460,026.92
285 1,477.03 88.00 456,932.91 1,461,793.12
284 1,477.06 88.00 456,935.72 1,461,797.25
58 1,464.66 88.00 456,469.91 1,460,142.68
55 1,465.10 88.00 456,413.20 1,460,179.86
56 1,464.99 88.00 456,445.11 1,460,155.54
52 1,465.83 88.00 456,245.10 1,460,217.31
50 1,466.48 87.00 456,166.58 1,460,222.33
82 1,464.36 87.00 457,122.21 1,459,872.76
48 1,467.00 87.00 456,134.83 1,460,224.18
188 1,464.94 87.00 456,812.27 1,460,022.34
84 1,464.68 87.00 457,130.24 1,459,885.41
283 1,478.64 87.00 456,925.44 1,461,775.47
21 1,469.03 87.00 455,773.88 1,460,468.39
53 1,466.41 86.00 456,378.94 1,460,191.32
80 1,466.16 85.00 457,089.97 1,459,876.93
54 1,468.23 85.00 456,350.16 1,460,200.65
189 1,467.52 84.00 456,839.66 1,460,014.47
85 1,467.51 84.00 457,135.36 1,459,897.75
286 1,482.17 83.00 456,943.01 1,461,805.78
49 1,470.23 83.00 456,326.27 1,460,207.77
197 1,468.91 83.00 456,861.18 1,460,005.61
45 1,470.55 83.00 456,267.13 1,460,218.62
86 1,468.78 83.00 457,145.22 1,459,923.79
87 1,469.33 82.00 457,154.28 1,459,937.64
282 1,483.53 82.00 456,922.38 1,461,762.09
88 1,469.63 82.00 457,176.35 1,459,961.96

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

196 1,470.12 82.00 456,890.41 1,459,991.85

47 1,471.88 81.00 456,295.54 1,460,210.53
90 1,470.09 81.00 457,191.32 1,459,992.78
91 1,470.09 81.00 457,208.36 1,460,013.15
93 1,470.25 81.00 457,229.14 1,460,060.33
195 1,470.83 81.00 456,911.17 1,459,983.57
79 1,470.93 81.00 457,077.00 1,459,887.57
20 1,475.28 80.00 455,779.60 1,460,479.21
194 1,471.37 80.00 456,935.59 1,459,971.50
89 1,471.29 80.00 457,182.42 1,459,978.50
94 1,471.19 80.00 457,246.73 1,460,104.15
193 1,471.92 80.00 456,960.78 1,459,960.26
354 1,492.54 79.00 457,678.63 1,462,222.36
192 1,472.65 79.00 456,991.02 1,459,945.50
353 1,492.88 79.00 457,658.11 1,462,217.47
95 1,472.90 78.00 457,255.56 1,460,123.18
270 1,486.28 78.00 456,867.18 1,461,597.46
271 1,486.35 78.00 456,867.68 1,461,607.50
191 1,473.70 78.00 457,018.92 1,459,935.80
J-37 1,488.06 78.00 456,954.91 1,461,815.49
190 1,474.00 78.00 457,041.64 1,459,921.73
12 1,479.38 77.00 455,973.13 1,460,616.23
96 1,474.05 77.00 457,268.92 1,460,144.84
17 1,479.17 77.00 455,821.64 1,460,537.40
281 1,488.61 77.00 456,921.19 1,461,750.12
269 1,487.73 77.00 456,868.23 1,461,580.68
11 1,480.38 77.00 456,011.35 1,460,626.81
18 1,479.96 76.00 455,803.93 1,460,508.56
19 1,479.86 76.00 455,790.50 1,460,487.09
225 1,484.16 76.00 456,541.60 1,460,886.60
227 1,484.51 76.00 456,577.77 1,460,924.73
355 1,495.90 76.00 457,691.51 1,462,222.39
357 1,496.27 76.00 457,737.92 1,462,220.75
268 1,488.58 76.00 456,871.57 1,461,567.04
13 1,481.01 75.00 455,931.35 1,460,604.57
224 1,484.53 75.00 456,516.44 1,460,868.15
226 1,484.84 75.00 456,559.55 1,460,905.27
J-45 1,477.06 75.00 456,939.33 1,461,791.91
228 1,485.22 75.00 456,598.07 1,460,948.09
356 1,496.70 75.00 457,716.37 1,462,221.92
358 1,497.17 75.00 457,763.41 1,462,206.75
359 1,497.36 75.00 457,785.24 1,462,191.64

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

10 1,482.07 75.00 456,036.83 1,460,632.40

352 1,496.37 75.00 457,646.00 1,462,209.31
3 1,482.95 75.00 456,198.48 1,460,663.66
360 1,497.72 75.00 457,774.62 1,462,199.40
280 1,490.72 74.00 456,916.05 1,461,734.42
272 1,490.09 74.00 456,870.06 1,461,620.60
4 1,483.39 74.00 456,184.94 1,460,662.92
97 1,476.88 74.00 457,279.28 1,460,161.25
288 1,491.73 74.00 456,990.05 1,461,827.65
279 1,491.03 74.00 456,908.71 1,461,717.63
Etu Wala
Village - WP8 1,497.97 74.00 457,895.09 1,461,977.49
14 1,482.75 74.00 455,896.61 1,460,589.74
362 1,498.94 74.00 457,806.01 1,462,178.58
J-46 1,478.64 74.00 456,927.06 1,461,774.53
267 1,490.64 74.00 456,874.59 1,461,542.81
9 1,483.75 73.00 456,068.74 1,460,641.12
16 1,482.70 73.00 455,836.98 1,460,555.85
8 1,484.20 73.00 456,095.82 1,460,648.27
7 1,484.48 73.00 456,125.58 1,460,655.04
277 1,491.96 73.00 456,896.74 1,461,673.32
231 1,488.03 73.00 456,663.98 1,460,991.01
278 1,492.23 73.00 456,901.07 1,461,694.31
351 1,498.70 73.00 457,634.59 1,462,196.57
229 1,488.35 72.00 456,620.03 1,460,963.74
15 1,484.05 72.00 455,863.05 1,460,577.08
103 1,479.01 72.00 457,301.22 1,460,183.87
276 1,492.66 72.00 456,890.15 1,461,648.60
6 1,485.63 72.00 456,158.27 1,460,659.05
230 1,488.82 72.00 456,642.55 1,460,974.99
350 1,499.52 72.00 457,622.38 1,462,182.90
347 1,499.26 72.00 457,586.99 1,462,151.62
266 1,492.48 72.00 456,879.91 1,461,509.38
273 1,493.28 71.00 456,883.36 1,461,635.97
349 1,499.57 71.00 457,606.59 1,462,168.69
375 1,501.08 71.00 457,930.38 1,461,978.57
348 1,499.31 71.00 457,572.51 1,462,137.96
346 1,499.31 71.00 457,551.46 1,462,115.66
104 1,480.13 71.00 457,326.59 1,460,208.98
5 1,486.97 71.00 456,212.42 1,460,665.69
361 1,501.73 71.00 457,821.77 1,462,165.74
234 1,490.44 71.00 456,728.53 1,461,039.93
232 1,490.43 71.00 456,681.07 1,461,004.29

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

222 1,489.49 70.00 456,500.02 1,460,854.94

105 1,481.06 70.00 457,342.10 1,460,229.47
198 1,484.83 70.00 455,873.31 1,460,634.29
241 1,491.91 70.00 456,816.71 1,461,116.67
235 1,491.60 70.00 456,751.03 1,461,063.16
233 1,491.33 70.00 456,707.81 1,461,021.16
345 1,501.01 69.00 457,535.14 1,462,099.41
363 1,503.63 69.00 457,838.79 1,462,158.06
237 1,492.58 69.00 456,793.40 1,461,099.56
265 1,494.65 69.00 456,883.40 1,461,465.96
289 1,496.89 69.00 457,014.56 1,461,837.50
210 1,489.15 69.00 456,231.10 1,460,673.82
243 1,493.05 69.00 456,825.67 1,461,126.69
373 1,504.25 69.00 457,960.87 1,461,988.46
218 1,490.34 69.00 456,415.46 1,460,778.69
220 1,490.71 69.00 456,461.11 1,460,817.94
107 1,482.33 69.00 457,363.49 1,460,241.55
291 1,497.82 69.00 457,039.29 1,461,835.90
327 1,498.37 68.00 457,106.52 1,461,843.18
344 1,501.70 68.00 457,514.43 1,462,078.02
219 1,491.13 68.00 456,456.61 1,460,810.22
236 1,493.26 68.00 456,770.68 1,461,079.92
199 1,486.03 68.00 455,853.68 1,460,642.65
217 1,491.06 68.00 456,435.73 1,460,790.00
110 1,482.95 68.00 457,381.62 1,460,259.04
223 1,491.58 68.00 456,488.34 1,460,843.36
215 1,491.01 68.00 456,402.14 1,460,773.50
221 1,491.54 68.00 456,471.32 1,460,827.06
238 1,494.15 68.00 456,834.06 1,461,132.97
245 1,494.37 68.00 456,857.15 1,461,159.01
264 1,495.92 68.00 456,881.20 1,461,437.36
293 1,498.99 67.00 457,058.59 1,461,836.10
342 1,502.28 67.00 457,473.99 1,462,040.26
343 1,502.48 67.00 457,494.51 1,462,059.59
200 1,486.65 67.00 455,839.34 1,460,648.67
263 1,496.29 67.00 456,884.78 1,461,406.66
216 1,491.89 67.00 456,382.35 1,460,759.53
290 1,498.90 67.00 457,028.70 1,461,857.66
364 1,506.07 67.00 457,862.71 1,462,138.22
213 1,491.78 67.00 456,326.28 1,460,725.53
212 1,491.64 67.00 456,303.68 1,460,706.91
328 1,500.16 67.00 457,136.71 1,461,850.63

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

111 1,484.26 67.00 457,402.31 1,460,273.91

248 1,495.87 67.00 456,880.25 1,461,238.98
341 1,502.86 67.00 457,453.36 1,462,014.37
242 1,495.48 67.00 456,846.64 1,461,145.55
371 1,507.02 67.00 457,977.88 1,462,007.21
329 1,500.69 67.00 457,172.55 1,461,858.92
367 1,507.03 67.00 457,929.04 1,462,087.91
388 1,519.59 67.00 458,289.34 1,461,944.79
247 1,495.87 67.00 456,872.31 1,461,193.45
211 1,491.95 66.00 456,284.32 1,460,692.54
246 1,495.87 66.00 456,862.23 1,461,176.23
366 1,507.10 66.00 457,902.86 1,462,107.13
112 1,484.82 66.00 457,425.59 1,460,290.16
391 1,520.47 66.00 458,335.76 1,461,952.54
262 1,497.40 66.00 456,885.42 1,461,382.18
368 1,507.79 66.00 457,945.34 1,462,076.52
WP 1,523.00 66.00 458,795.27 1,462,020.28
214 1,492.90 66.00 456,354.95 1,460,739.23
292 1,499.53 66.00 457,009.43 1,461,891.84
372 1,508.74 66.00 458,012.82 1,462,018.23
330 1,501.92 66.00 457,205.24 1,461,869.60
331 1,502.21 66.00 457,236.82 1,461,881.51
389 1,520.93 65.00 458,309.89 1,461,945.53
201 1,488.08 65.00 455,813.81 1,460,658.13
251 1,498.25 65.00 456,888.11 1,461,359.62
369 1,509.08 65.00 457,968.81 1,462,056.67
113 1,486.17 65.00 457,453.36 1,460,299.81
390 1,521.87 65.00 458,360.19 1,461,951.97
252 1,498.33 65.00 456,888.35 1,461,324.54
J-53 1,486.28 65.00 456,869.98 1,461,596.81
J-52 1,486.35 65.00 456,870.93 1,461,607.21
370 1,509.50 65.00 457,989.91 1,462,032.29
392 1,522.60 64.00 458,416.84 1,461,948.78
J-44 1,488.06 64.00 456,955.67 1,461,812.59
294 1,500.45 64.00 456,984.10 1,461,930.14
250 1,498.61 64.00 456,888.86 1,461,291.74
249 1,498.55 64.00 456,882.99 1,461,271.23
Merel Village
- WP1 1,460.40 64.00 456,594.61 1,460,084.37
365 1,509.06 64.00 457,885.65 1,462,120.86
374 1,510.54 64.00 458,034.53 1,462,005.60
275 1,499.15 64.00 456,881.81 1,461,343.80
332 1,504.05 64.00 457,269.93 1,461,890.81

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

478 1,520.29 64.00 458,828.43 1,462,955.16

114 1,487.34 64.00 457,480.75 1,460,310.73
339 1,505.47 64.00 457,410.72 1,461,973.07
393 1,523.60 64.00 458,431.32 1,461,948.26
336 1,505.13 63.00 457,348.51 1,461,934.59
333 1,504.70 63.00 457,289.98 1,461,900.13
479 1,520.59 63.00 458,838.52 1,462,961.32
J-70 1,460.98 63.00 456,628.67 1,460,048.68
337 1,505.53 63.00 457,369.85 1,461,946.00
377 1,511.58 63.00 458,058.65 1,461,994.30
J-54 1,487.73 63.00 456,870.61 1,461,581.05
334 1,505.23 63.00 457,322.21 1,461,920.09
340 1,506.16 63.00 457,430.38 1,461,991.36
J-69 1,461.46 63.00 456,602.73 1,460,064.62
115 1,487.87 63.00 457,513.17 1,460,310.08
335 1,505.19 63.00 457,302.74 1,461,910.04
J-68 1,461.66 63.00 456,590.10 1,460,080.01
117 1,488.02 63.00 457,557.32 1,460,306.83
116 1,488.09 63.00 457,528.27 1,460,309.19
384 1,513.11 63.00 458,202.33 1,461,955.20
J-71 1,461.17 63.00 456,715.18 1,460,037.05
338 1,506.34 63.00 457,394.08 1,461,959.46
118 1,488.56 62.00 457,585.22 1,460,308.21
J-55 1,488.58 62.00 456,873.84 1,461,567.74
382 1,513.52 62.00 458,173.05 1,461,965.53
142 1,488.14 62.00 458,117.29 1,460,142.52
202 1,490.41 62.00 455,766.47 1,460,677.09
143 1,488.86 61.00 458,131.80 1,460,145.09
296 1,502.93 61.00 456,963.83 1,461,960.46
J-47 1,490.72 61.00 456,918.87 1,461,733.94
119 1,489.60 61.00 457,635.24 1,460,306.40
J-51 1,490.09 61.00 456,872.66 1,461,617.76
J-43 1,491.73 61.00 456,990.72 1,461,825.56
121 1,489.96 61.00 457,660.23 1,460,303.99
383 1,515.05 61.00 458,179.47 1,461,962.25
394 1,526.91 61.00 458,467.11 1,461,951.38
477 1,524.20 60.00 458,835.72 1,462,930.55
297 1,503.42 60.00 456,943.42 1,461,982.90
324 1,491.65 60.00 457,067.75 1,461,752.73
123 1,490.44 60.00 457,728.77 1,460,292.57
378 1,514.82 60.00 458,084.67 1,461,984.13
323 1,492.12 60.00 457,064.72 1,461,777.04

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

J-72 1,463.32 60.00 456,782.73 1,460,031.27

J-56 1,490.64 60.00 456,877.68 1,461,541.00
J-78 1,460.75 60.00 457,103.37 1,459,872.13
122 1,490.86 60.00 457,703.17 1,460,300.42
325 1,491.93 60.00 457,071.55 1,461,727.14
480 1,523.12 60.00 458,889.93 1,462,962.41
124 1,490.87 60.00 457,750.70 1,460,286.00
141 1,490.52 60.00 458,098.74 1,460,155.28
386 1,516.38 60.00 458,221.64 1,461,946.36
146 1,490.64 59.00 458,216.85 1,460,164.86
381 1,515.97 59.00 458,142.85 1,461,971.12
145 1,490.69 59.00 458,193.66 1,460,166.83
J-48 1,492.23 59.00 456,902.62 1,461,692.41
144 1,491.19 59.00 458,172.22 1,460,165.72
120 1,491.87 59.00 457,679.88 1,460,304.00
125 1,491.89 59.00 457,783.86 1,460,278.60
J-49 1,492.66 59.00 456,892.04 1,461,647.65
475 1,526.44 59.00 458,892.22 1,462,899.29
258 1,489.45 59.00 457,045.03 1,461,329.77
259 1,488.86 58.00 457,097.53 1,461,326.33
J 1,490.04 58.00 457,016.04 1,461,337.37
257 1,490.35 58.00 457,013.55 1,461,331.86
260 1,488.71 58.00 457,134.78 1,461,325.52
395 1,529.72 58.00 458,501.51 1,461,951.43
255 1,490.77 58.00 456,983.31 1,461,341.48
J-50 1,493.28 58.00 456,885.26 1,461,632.57
J-57 1,492.48 58.00 456,881.84 1,461,508.98
483 1,522.69 58.00 458,981.45 1,463,005.04
CH-2 1,493.78 58.00 457,077.56 1,461,697.76
322 1,494.76 58.00 457,063.68 1,461,802.81
474 1,527.73 57.00 458,909.30 1,462,894.79
SCH - WP2 1,488.81 57.00 457,173.73 1,461,328.93
380 1,518.31 57.00 458,126.94 1,461,977.22
127 1,493.63 57.00 457,805.38 1,460,272.73
385 1,519.24 57.00 458,236.49 1,461,944.63
203 1,493.42 57.00 455,707.38 1,460,689.17
484 1,523.33 57.00 459,007.73 1,463,032.11
379 1,518.63 57.00 458,100.97 1,461,980.05
149 1,493.60 56.00 458,283.41 1,460,202.83
476 1,528.43 56.00 458,853.19 1,462,908.31
481 1,525.87 56.00 458,940.17 1,462,952.75
150 1,493.95 56.00 458,285.68 1,460,211.21

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

J-41 1,496.89 56.00 457,014.77 1,461,832.37

472 1,529.62 56.00 458,954.34 1,462,868.32
473 1,529.45 56.00 458,931.01 1,462,885.76
254 1,493.20 56.00 456,947.49 1,461,347.46
482 1,525.67 56.00 458,964.61 1,462,964.81
471 1,530.14 56.00 458,980.41 1,462,854.76
J-58 1,494.65 56.00 456,886.09 1,461,465.28
J-73 1,467.52 55.00 456,843.61 1,460,015.28
126 1,495.41 55.00 457,831.10 1,460,266.39
485 1,524.50 55.00 459,018.75 1,463,046.07
295 1,497.46 55.00 457,061.27 1,461,821.10
396 1,532.94 55.00 458,530.47 1,461,952.22
147 1,495.09 55.00 458,235.67 1,460,182.25
148 1,495.06 55.00 458,255.01 1,460,197.41
J-42 1,497.82 55.00 457,040.17 1,461,832.94
298 1,508.46 55.00 456,918.55 1,462,013.88
470 1,531.16 55.00 458,998.36 1,462,836.61
J-67 1,493.05 55.00 456,826.43 1,461,124.33
129 1,496.41 54.00 457,857.28 1,460,259.70
253 1,495.18 54.00 456,912.30 1,461,354.61
299 1,508.38 54.00 456,869.04 1,462,050.28
J-59 1,495.92 54.00 456,883.91 1,461,436.29
Tesgji Village
- WP5 1,493.50 54.00 456,815.84 1,461,138.55
399 1,534.47 54.00 458,552.68 1,461,953.61
J-85 1,494.37 54.00 456,858.11 1,461,156.76
Tesgji Village
- WP6 1,495.06 54.00 456,919.15 1,461,336.56
J-60 1,496.29 54.00 456,887.22 1,461,405.17
75 1,466.53 53.00 456,979.64 1,460,107.92
486 1,525.56 53.00 459,036.76 1,463,070.11
469 1,532.69 53.00 459,015.61 1,462,812.20
487 1,525.55 53.00 459,050.81 1,463,093.60
128 1,497.77 53.00 457,885.05 1,460,251.82
488 1,525.56 53.00 459,058.62 1,463,109.78
J-65 1,495.87 53.00 456,881.80 1,461,224.55
400 1,535.84 52.00 458,574.93 1,461,958.77
J-74 1,470.12 52.00 456,894.76 1,459,992.30
76 1,468.31 52.00 456,975.37 1,460,058.35
441 1,537.17 52.00 458,991.81 1,462,324.51
J-66 1,495.87 52.00 456,876.57 1,461,189.68
300 1,509.83 52.00 456,846.79 1,462,057.41
140 1,498.03 52.00 458,072.68 1,460,166.41

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

J-61 1,497.40 52.00 456,887.46 1,461,382.28

466 1,534.33 52.00 459,061.89 1,462,748.12
SCH - WP1 1,467.05 52.00 456,979.56 1,460,162.87
131 1,498.37 52.00 457,900.71 1,460,245.98
467 1,534.44 52.00 459,038.49 1,462,778.46
439 1,538.26 52.00 458,964.96 1,462,284.47
465 1,535.19 52.00 459,071.94 1,462,718.63
130 1,498.99 52.00 457,917.32 1,460,238.24
301 1,510.39 51.00 456,826.13 1,462,063.68
132 1,499.12 51.00 457,942.86 1,460,225.00
401 1,537.24 51.00 458,600.87 1,461,967.52
J-62 1,498.25 51.00 456,890.11 1,461,357.96
77 1,470.28 51.00 456,967.15 1,460,004.66
489 1,526.14 51.00 459,082.03 1,463,147.36
151 1,498.98 51.00 458,289.50 1,460,228.85
134 1,499.40 51.00 457,965.41 1,460,215.61
438 1,539.07 51.00 458,947.05 1,462,262.08
J-75 1,471.37 51.00 456,936.59 1,459,973.36
133 1,499.59 51.00 457,983.26 1,460,207.25
243 1,498.33 51.00 456,890.28 1,461,325.74
137 1,499.79 51.00 458,032.23 1,460,184.85
443 1,538.76 50.00 459,019.08 1,462,366.08
463 1,536.69 50.00 459,090.49 1,462,686.18
136 1,500.05 50.00 458,053.14 1,460,174.95
J-64 1,498.61 50.00 456,891.36 1,461,282.48
402 1,538.53 50.00 458,623.21 1,461,977.06
135 1,500.19 50.00 458,019.44 1,460,191.39
153 1,500.13 50.00 458,303.80 1,460,243.13
445 1,539.32 50.00 459,047.96 1,462,404.87
152 1,500.48 50.00 458,318.27 1,460,251.10
405 1,539.77 49.00 458,675.52 1,462,003.61
204 1,499.19 49.00 455,636.94 1,460,708.64
440 1,540.41 49.00 458,979.60 1,462,308.62
406 1,540.15 49.00 458,700.21 1,462,012.40
J-80 1,470.09 49.00 457,207.45 1,460,015.41
J-76 1,472.65 49.00 456,994.03 1,459,947.70
403 1,539.77 49.00 458,640.94 1,461,985.35
461 1,538.13 49.00 459,104.42 1,462,667.38
442 1,540.60 49.00 459,010.52 1,462,350.26
404 1,540.31 49.00 458,659.01 1,461,995.41
490 1,527.72 49.00 459,104.22 1,463,193.62
155 1,501.37 49.00 458,340.44 1,460,263.05

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

J-81 1,470.25 49.00 457,226.90 1,460,062.58

449 1,540.08 48.00 459,082.57 1,462,464.06
J-79 1,471.29 48.00 457,180.38 1,459,981.85
160 1,501.70 48.00 458,448.31 1,460,274.42
448 1,540.61 48.00 459,069.98 1,462,443.03
444 1,541.17 48.00 459,033.00 1,462,387.91
154 1,502.14 48.00 458,352.91 1,460,268.98
503 1,501.72 48.00 459,166.92 1,460,055.79
J-77 1,474.00 47.00 457,040.80 1,459,925.19
459 1,540.29 47.00 459,114.52 1,462,641.74
157 1,502.83 47.00 458,427.01 1,460,278.98
452 1,541.08 47.00 459,121.34 1,462,528.71
159 1,502.92 47.00 458,470.36 1,460,275.89
504 1,502.61 47.00 459,171.98 1,460,049.18
491 1,528.80 47.00 459,114.51 1,463,230.85
302 1,514.38 47.00 456,782.11 1,462,100.54
Arew Village
- WP9 1,527.44 47.00 459,116.23 1,463,309.32
156 1,503.33 47.00 458,381.83 1,460,287.89
453 1,541.39 47.00 459,127.19 1,462,550.71
455 1,541.24 46.00 459,125.58 1,462,580.78
407 1,543.26 46.00 458,741.40 1,462,030.11
447 1,542.31 46.00 459,064.07 1,462,435.90
457 1,541.16 46.00 459,123.78 1,462,603.32
158 1,503.65 46.00 458,402.14 1,460,285.30
493 1,528.43 46.00 459,117.21 1,463,280.98
492 1,529.10 46.00 459,115.88 1,463,254.23
451 1,542.58 46.00 459,114.98 1,462,519.00
446 1,543.28 46.00 459,058.77 1,462,424.79
162 1,504.29 46.00 458,492.14 1,460,288.55
J-39 1,544.00 45.00 458,773.12 1,462,023.24
J-38 1,545.00 45.00 458,756.61 1,462,024.96
161 1,505.37 44.00 458,516.49 1,460,301.97
303 1,516.47 44.00 456,769.39 1,462,110.05
205 1,503.52 44.00 455,608.40 1,460,714.04
Gemn Village
- WP3 1,505.07 44.00 458,577.58 1,460,347.75
437 1,545.91 44.00 458,936.76 1,462,246.07
163 1,505.48 44.00 458,540.90 1,460,307.14
505 1,505.35 44.00 459,180.78 1,460,047.11
568 1,505.00 44.00 459,793.02 1,459,514.49
J-90 1,474.05 44.00 457,267.60 1,460,145.39
506 1,505.60 44.00 459,190.77 1,460,045.87

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

164 1,505.87 44.00 458,565.19 1,460,315.11

567 1,505.25 44.00 459,790.26 1,459,520.08
304 1,517.13 43.00 456,746.60 1,462,123.10
569 1,505.76 43.00 459,799.54 1,459,514.16
165 1,507.20 42.00 458,597.07 1,460,331.67
206 1,504.65 42.00 455,582.29 1,460,721.58
565 1,506.82 42.00 459,769.80 1,459,538.05
409 1,547.91 42.00 458,747.26 1,462,061.30
166 1,507.73 42.00 458,619.24 1,460,343.70
308 1,517.88 42.00 456,701.95 1,462,145.44
306 1,518.48 42.00 456,730.26 1,462,134.73
305 1,518.52 42.00 456,727.94 1,462,135.69
167 1,508.54 41.00 458,640.11 1,460,352.57
566 1,507.93 41.00 459,783.07 1,459,527.58
564 1,508.14 41.00 459,766.87 1,459,552.23
570 1,508.56 41.00 459,814.74 1,459,526.13
563 1,508.78 40.00 459,768.94 1,459,545.64
509 1,509.23 40.00 459,260.31 1,460,069.72
434 1,550.24 40.00 458,902.26 1,462,237.49
502 1,509.48 40.00 459,157.99 1,460,073.75
309 1,519.36 40.00 456,673.34 1,462,154.80
508 1,509.63 40.00 459,226.22 1,460,056.65
507 1,509.76 40.00 459,210.84 1,460,052.52
562 1,509.46 40.00 459,778.51 1,459,561.04
572 1,509.48 40.00 459,847.37 1,459,536.97
307 1,520.34 40.00 456,711.71 1,462,147.75
430 1,551.22 39.00 458,884.05 1,462,215.94
571 1,510.09 39.00 459,830.54 1,459,532.78
510 1,510.56 39.00 459,282.54 1,460,085.86
J-89 1,479.01 39.00 457,293.16 1,460,179.09
408 1,551.60 39.00 458,742.73 1,462,090.60
168 1,510.99 39.00 458,666.54 1,460,357.12
170 1,511.30 38.00 458,691.04 1,460,364.97
171 1,511.83 38.00 458,717.46 1,460,375.40
561 1,511.27 38.00 459,791.73 1,459,575.01
J-82 1,480.13 37.00 457,324.91 1,460,210.51
511 1,512.26 37.00 459,305.38 1,460,104.79
573 1,511.88 37.00 459,861.12 1,459,549.63
501 1,513.25 36.00 459,153.21 1,460,095.66
J-83 1,481.06 36.00 457,340.99 1,460,230.87
310 1,522.85 36.00 456,644.96 1,462,159.61
428 1,554.76 36.00 458,860.14 1,462,212.57

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207 1,509.97 36.00 455,525.35 1,460,743.98

560 1,513.58 36.00 459,808.47 1,459,596.45
513 1,513.93 36.00 459,355.04 1,460,146.63
172 1,514.25 35.00 458,745.41 1,460,378.31
512 1,514.11 35.00 459,331.99 1,460,130.46
177 1,514.31 35.00 458,848.17 1,460,381.00
500 1,514.27 35.00 459,147.04 1,460,115.06
574 1,513.99 35.00 459,881.79 1,459,564.14
312 1,523.40 35.00 456,609.14 1,462,165.87
427 1,556.07 35.00 458,825.85 1,462,219.66
423 1,555.61 35.00 458,744.68 1,462,109.30
176 1,514.86 35.00 458,829.45 1,460,380.27
J-84 1,482.33 35.00 457,360.98 1,460,242.67
178 1,515.25 34.00 458,886.21 1,460,385.63
174 1,515.42 34.00 458,788.85 1,460,383.40
559 1,514.96 34.00 459,819.32 1,459,611.76
175 1,515.60 34.00 458,807.23 1,460,382.47
514 1,515.47 34.00 459,379.22 1,460,156.87
J-93 1,482.95 34.00 457,373.68 1,460,255.52
182 1,515.88 34.00 458,959.22 1,460,374.24
173 1,515.94 34.00 458,768.44 1,460,379.17
179 1,515.97 34.00 458,910.42 1,460,386.94
311 1,524.99 34.00 456,629.06 1,462,167.67
180 1,515.98 34.00 458,938.33 1,460,379.15
181 1,516.20 33.00 458,970.49 1,460,368.85
499 1,516.49 33.00 459,131.81 1,460,160.46
515 1,516.62 33.00 459,396.50 1,460,163.76
183 1,516.99 33.00 458,996.83 1,460,355.65
498 1,517.24 32.00 459,108.74 1,460,214.56
208 1,512.39 32.00 455,488.51 1,460,756.11
184 1,517.80 32.00 459,021.30 1,460,342.86
109 1,485.18 32.00 457,394.53 1,460,233.74
J-94 1,484.82 32.00 457,422.23 1,460,290.25
495 1,518.07 32.00 459,056.82 1,460,321.51
558 1,517.64 32.00 459,830.19 1,459,631.51
516 1,517.99 31.00 459,420.49 1,460,170.34
497 1,518.23 31.00 459,087.59 1,460,262.45
582 1,517.89 31.00 460,016.58 1,459,669.17
575 1,518.05 31.00 459,911.80 1,459,591.06
589 1,517.95 31.00 460,078.43 1,459,783.70
496 1,518.67 31.00 459,069.74 1,460,299.25
578 1,518.15 31.00 459,945.25 1,459,624.17

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

576 1,518.55 30.00 459,925.77 1,459,605.74

577 1,518.72 30.00 459,914.17 1,459,591.56
557 1,518.86 30.00 459,841.76 1,459,649.58
602 1,518.79 30.00 460,366.53 1,459,860.43
J-95 1,486.17 30.00 457,446.68 1,460,300.35
517 1,519.58 30.00 459,448.96 1,460,175.85
421 1,560.90 30.00 458,747.12 1,462,136.05
601 1,519.48 29.00 460,357.43 1,459,857.77
580 1,519.68 29.00 459,977.13 1,459,650.89
313 1,528.60 29.00 456,572.53 1,462,174.13
579 1,519.77 29.00 459,960.34 1,459,637.21
586 1,519.75 29.00 460,048.35 1,459,746.22
518 1,520.28 29.00 459,468.80 1,460,176.88
588 1,519.82 29.00 460,085.99 1,459,796.50
581 1,520.00 29.00 459,999.60 1,459,663.84
CH-3 1,519.92 29.00 459,760.05 1,460,279.28
536 1,520.07 29.00 459,753.90 1,460,255.42
555 1,520.29 29.00 459,853.12 1,459,693.05
419 1,562.10 29.00 458,752.42 1,462,157.03
583 1,520.41 29.00 460,029.55 1,459,704.90
Abeqo Village
WP4 1,515.05 29.00 455,450.09 1,460,767.87
556 1,520.68 28.00 459,848.31 1,459,677.11
J-96 1,487.34 28.00 457,479.16 1,460,314.24
535 1,520.71 28.00 459,745.17 1,460,223.85
587 1,520.61 28.00 460,059.84 1,459,763.89
554 1,520.98 28.00 459,858.38 1,459,717.76
585 1,520.77 28.00 460,043.59 1,459,741.52
522 1,521.46 28.00 459,508.16 1,460,175.69
417 1,563.28 28.00 458,748.45 1,462,185.13
590 1,521.19 28.00 460,104.74 1,459,822.89
534 1,521.62 27.00 459,738.17 1,460,198.24
553 1,521.84 27.00 459,860.76 1,459,738.80
551 1,521.99 27.00 459,864.22 1,459,760.50
J-97 1,488.02 27.00 457,557.02 1,460,310.05
523 1,522.39 27.00 459,527.88 1,460,166.59
591 1,522.07 27.00 460,123.51 1,459,839.36
603 1,522.12 27.00 460,370.87 1,459,866.61
584 1,522.31 27.00 460,034.62 1,459,725.82
524 1,522.92 27.00 459,545.84 1,460,162.49
600 1,522.35 26.00 460,351.15 1,459,854.53
552 1,522.79 26.00 459,866.35 1,459,780.19
525 1,523.68 26.00 459,573.44 1,460,152.70

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

592 1,523.42 25.00 460,141.41 1,459,843.39

550 1,524.31 25.00 459,864.10 1,459,796.85
594 1,523.97 25.00 460,212.87 1,459,838.41
533 1,524.43 25.00 459,722.67 1,460,145.13
593 1,524.07 25.00 460,191.08 1,459,843.34
595 1,524.23 25.00 460,241.79 1,459,837.29
526 1,524.92 24.00 459,595.43 1,460,141.94
J-98 1,489.96 24.00 457,653.39 1,460,306.87
426 1,566.88 24.00 458,784.88 1,462,225.16
549 1,524.90 24.00 459,860.49 1,459,819.99
604 1,524.46 24.00 460,373.37 1,459,878.99
527 1,525.57 24.00 459,622.12 1,460,131.29
546 1,525.48 24.00 459,841.22 1,459,886.78
545 1,525.75 24.00 459,835.34 1,459,907.42
532 1,525.82 23.00 459,711.32 1,460,115.26
108 1,493.01 23.00 457,430.30 1,460,220.29
548 1,525.86 23.00 459,854.29 1,459,846.87
599 1,525.47 23.00 460,328.75 1,459,855.71
547 1,526.04 23.00 459,847.02 1,459,868.03
528 1,526.18 23.00 459,637.28 1,460,122.20
598 1,525.63 23.00 460,310.62 1,459,858.21
J-103 1,490.86 23.00 457,701.85 1,460,302.49
Dedu Village -
WP7 1,534.07 23.00 456,525.47 1,462,203.18
530 1,526.91 22.00 459,661.05 1,460,109.54
596 1,526.75 22.00 460,270.98 1,459,848.15
597 1,526.82 22.00 460,294.60 1,459,855.49
529 1,527.49 22.00 459,679.85 1,460,099.37
544 1,527.46 22.00 459,825.18 1,459,938.47
531 1,527.78 22.00 459,705.77 1,460,083.64
605 1,527.37 21.00 460,370.19 1,459,902.46
J-99 1,491.89 21.00 457,783.50 1,460,280.74
542 1,528.24 21.00 459,803.11 1,459,981.05
538 1,528.57 21.00 459,728.48 1,460,069.36
543 1,528.55 21.00 459,813.76 1,459,959.71
539 1,528.92 20.00 459,755.63 1,460,045.58
415 1,571.10 20.00 458,742.35 1,462,224.66
425 1,571.20 20.00 458,764.25 1,462,226.59
541 1,529.46 20.00 459,793.75 1,460,000.56
606 1,528.96 20.00 460,366.82 1,459,928.36
540 1,529.55 20.00 459,781.71 1,460,019.72
CH-1 1,496.70 20.00 457,456.03 1,460,212.36
609 1,530.06 19.00 460,339.22 1,459,992.81

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

608 1,530.52 18.00 460,352.28 1,459,965.87

610 1,530.61 18.00 460,326.53 1,460,021.77
607 1,530.75 18.00 460,363.32 1,459,948.75
611 1,530.72 18.00 460,316.65 1,460,042.62
612 1,531.12 18.00 460,312.52 1,460,061.00
Village -
WP10 1,530.93 17.00 460,438.27 1,460,366.19
613 1,531.51 17.00 460,323.18 1,460,093.64
614 1,531.67 17.00 460,334.21 1,460,116.71
615 1,532.30 16.00 460,345.56 1,460,143.98
J-100 1,496.41 16.00 457,861.94 1,460,261.22
315 1,540.46 16.00 456,488.46 1,462,220.87
625 1,532.37 16.00 460,436.73 1,460,343.27
623 1,532.51 16.00 460,438.56 1,460,307.94
616 1,533.48 15.00 460,360.35 1,460,168.99
Gemn Village
- WP2 1,495.59 15.00 458,032.11 1,460,218.53
617 1,534.19 14.00 460,371.74 1,460,190.71
621 1,534.84 14.00 460,445.79 1,460,265.50
618 1,535.18 13.00 460,396.84 1,460,212.44
619 1,535.95 13.00 460,425.67 1,460,226.54
138 1,498.36 12.00 458,030.60 1,460,198.66
620 1,536.29 12.00 460,450.42 1,460,240.17
J-101 1,499.40 12.00 457,966.16 1,460,219.10
622 1,536.46 12.00 460,479.32 1,460,253.85
414 1,580.28 11.00 458,731.78 1,462,257.39
624 1,537.41 11.00 460,514.68 1,460,269.33
J-102 1,500.19 11.00 458,018.64 1,460,193.09
626 1,538.29 10.00 460,546.07 1,460,280.23
SCH - WP3 1,538.93 10.00 460,586.56 1,460,289.09
316 1,548.97 7.00 456,482.95 1,462,238.47
317 1,557.07 -1.00 456,470.68 1,462,252.26
98 1,480.80 (N/A) 457,314.23 1,460,153.57
99 1,487.63 (N/A) 457,342.71 1,460,140.86
100 1,500.42 (N/A) 457,377.98 1,460,118.74
101 1,515.44 (N/A) 457,413.70 1,460,093.21
SR - Option 1 1,525.30 (N/A) 457,440.51 1,460,080.92
318 1,568.16 (N/A) 456,460.01 1,462,270.72
319 1,576.00 (N/A) 456,448.55 1,462,282.86
320 1,582.51 (N/A) 456,445.57 1,462,296.11
321 1,586.96 (N/A) 456,439.25 1,462,311.02
519 1,528.24 (N/A) 459,462.51 1,460,144.81

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

520 1,540.38 (N/A) 459,454.93 1,460,124.08

SR - Option 4 1,546.09 (N/A) 459,464.54 1,460,101.87

• Minimum Day Demand Junction report

Elevation Pressure (m
Label (m) H2O) X (m) Y (m)
25 1,449.27 127.00 455,771.65 1,460,425.97
26 1,449.60 127.00 455,772.28 1,460,418.47
24 1,452.41 124.00 455,773.05 1,460,433.22
27 1,453.27 123.00 455,777.52 1,460,411.69
40 1,454.88 121.00 455,978.54 1,460,285.27
28 1,456.28 120.00 455,788.69 1,460,404.38
39 1,456.59 120.00 455,973.95 1,460,294.88
23 1,457.70 119.00 455,767.80 1,460,444.30
38 1,458.47 118.00 455,963.92 1,460,313.24
66 1,459.34 117.00 456,643.53 1,460,045.87
41 1,459.46 117.00 455,992.81 1,460,271.90
29 1,459.49 117.00 455,798.29 1,460,400.74
70 1,459.77 117.00 456,723.36 1,460,024.07
37 1,459.90 116.00 455,948.04 1,460,325.57
81 1,460.14 116.00 457,113.31 1,459,866.66
78 1,460.75 116.00 457,101.90 1,459,867.93
73 1,460.79 116.00 456,733.44 1,460,029.20
65 1,460.98 115.00 456,627.05 1,460,046.52
42 1,461.02 115.00 456,009.74 1,460,258.51
36 1,461.05 115.00 455,926.39 1,460,338.80
69 1,461.17 115.00 456,698.97 1,460,034.33
34 1,461.18 115.00 455,880.22 1,460,352.10
35 1,461.21 115.00 455,904.91 1,460,347.74
67 1,461.43 115.00 456,654.02 1,460,045.59
64 1,461.46 115.00 456,599.80 1,460,061.84
62 1,461.66 115.00 456,586.13 1,460,075.17
61 1,461.68 115.00 456,563.05 1,460,090.18
60 1,461.82 115.00 456,546.11 1,460,104.95
83 1,462.32 114.00 457,126.20 1,459,877.59
33 1,462.44 114.00 455,860.56 1,460,360.98
57 1,462.80 114.00 456,528.11 1,460,118.98
51 1,462.86 113.00 456,209.33 1,460,223.65
22 1,462.89 113.00 455,769.11 1,460,455.75
30 1,463.03 113.00 455,810.77 1,460,393.59
68 1,463.03 113.00 456,676.88 1,460,038.64
187 1,463.32 113.00 456,782.92 1,460,026.92
32 1,463.50 113.00 455,840.41 1,460,372.72

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

59 1,463.64 113.00 456,499.39 1,460,129.98

44 1,464.04 112.00 456,064.25 1,460,242.05
31 1,464.20 112.00 455,819.55 1,460,387.07
82 1,464.36 112.00 457,122.21 1,459,872.76
43 1,464.51 112.00 456,034.78 1,460,253.59
58 1,464.66 112.00 456,469.91 1,460,142.68
84 1,464.68 112.00 457,130.24 1,459,885.41
46 1,464.77 112.00 456,091.51 1,460,234.78
188 1,464.94 111.00 456,812.27 1,460,022.34
56 1,464.99 111.00 456,445.11 1,460,155.54
55 1,465.10 111.00 456,413.20 1,460,179.86
52 1,465.83 111.00 456,245.10 1,460,217.31
80 1,466.16 110.00 457,089.97 1,459,876.93
53 1,466.41 110.00 456,378.94 1,460,191.32
50 1,466.48 110.00 456,166.58 1,460,222.33
48 1,467.00 109.00 456,134.83 1,460,224.18
85 1,467.51 109.00 457,135.36 1,459,897.75
189 1,467.52 109.00 456,839.66 1,460,014.47
54 1,468.23 108.00 456,350.16 1,460,200.65
86 1,468.78 108.00 457,145.22 1,459,923.79
197 1,468.91 107.00 456,861.18 1,460,005.61
21 1,469.03 107.00 455,773.88 1,460,468.39
87 1,469.33 107.00 457,154.28 1,459,937.64
88 1,469.63 107.00 457,176.35 1,459,961.96
90 1,470.09 106.00 457,191.32 1,459,992.78
91 1,470.09 106.00 457,208.36 1,460,013.15
196 1,470.12 106.00 456,890.41 1,459,991.85
49 1,470.23 106.00 456,326.27 1,460,207.77
93 1,470.25 106.00 457,229.14 1,460,060.33
45 1,470.55 106.00 456,267.13 1,460,218.62
195 1,470.83 106.00 456,911.17 1,459,983.57
79 1,470.93 105.00 457,077.00 1,459,887.57
94 1,471.19 105.00 457,246.73 1,460,104.15
89 1,471.29 105.00 457,182.42 1,459,978.50
194 1,471.37 105.00 456,935.59 1,459,971.50
47 1,471.88 104.00 456,295.54 1,460,210.53
193 1,471.92 104.00 456,960.78 1,459,960.26
192 1,472.65 104.00 456,991.02 1,459,945.50
95 1,472.90 103.00 457,255.56 1,460,123.18
191 1,473.70 103.00 457,018.92 1,459,935.80
190 1,474.00 102.00 457,041.64 1,459,921.73
96 1,474.05 102.00 457,268.92 1,460,144.84
20 1,475.28 101.00 455,779.60 1,460,479.21
97 1,476.88 99.00 457,279.28 1,460,161.25

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

285 1,477.03 99.00 456,932.91 1,461,793.12

284 1,477.06 99.00 456,935.72 1,461,797.25
283 1,478.64 98.00 456,925.44 1,461,775.47
103 1,479.01 97.00 457,301.22 1,460,183.87
17 1,479.17 97.00 455,821.64 1,460,537.40
12 1,479.38 97.00 455,973.13 1,460,616.23
19 1,479.86 97.00 455,790.50 1,460,487.09
18 1,479.96 96.00 455,803.93 1,460,508.56
104 1,480.13 96.00 457,326.59 1,460,208.98
11 1,480.38 96.00 456,011.35 1,460,626.81
13 1,481.01 95.00 455,931.35 1,460,604.57
105 1,481.06 95.00 457,342.10 1,460,229.47
10 1,482.07 94.00 456,036.83 1,460,632.40
286 1,482.17 94.00 456,943.01 1,461,805.78
107 1,482.33 94.00 457,363.49 1,460,241.55
16 1,482.70 94.00 455,836.98 1,460,555.85
14 1,482.75 94.00 455,896.61 1,460,589.74
3 1,482.95 93.00 456,198.48 1,460,663.66
110 1,482.95 93.00 457,381.62 1,460,259.04
4 1,483.39 93.00 456,184.94 1,460,662.92
282 1,483.53 93.00 456,922.38 1,461,762.09
9 1,483.75 93.00 456,068.74 1,460,641.12
15 1,484.05 92.00 455,863.05 1,460,577.08
225 1,484.16 92.00 456,541.60 1,460,886.60
8 1,484.20 92.00 456,095.82 1,460,648.27
111 1,484.26 92.00 457,402.31 1,460,273.91
7 1,484.48 92.00 456,125.58 1,460,655.04
227 1,484.51 92.00 456,577.77 1,460,924.73
224 1,484.53 92.00 456,516.44 1,460,868.15
112 1,484.82 92.00 457,425.59 1,460,290.16
198 1,484.83 92.00 455,873.31 1,460,634.29
226 1,484.84 92.00 456,559.55 1,460,905.27
228 1,485.22 91.00 456,598.07 1,460,948.09
6 1,485.63 91.00 456,158.27 1,460,659.05
199 1,486.03 90.00 455,853.68 1,460,642.65
113 1,486.17 90.00 457,453.36 1,460,299.81
270 1,486.28 90.00 456,867.18 1,461,597.46
271 1,486.35 90.00 456,867.68 1,461,607.50
200 1,486.65 90.00 455,839.34 1,460,648.67
5 1,486.97 89.00 456,212.42 1,460,665.69
114 1,487.34 89.00 457,480.75 1,460,310.73
269 1,487.73 89.00 456,868.23 1,461,580.68
115 1,487.87 89.00 457,513.17 1,460,310.08
117 1,488.02 88.00 457,557.32 1,460,306.83

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

231 1,488.03 88.00 456,663.98 1,460,991.01

J-37 1,488.06 88.00 456,954.91 1,461,815.49
201 1,488.08 88.00 455,813.81 1,460,658.13
116 1,488.09 88.00 457,528.27 1,460,309.19
142 1,488.14 88.00 458,117.29 1,460,142.52
229 1,488.35 88.00 456,620.03 1,460,963.74
118 1,488.56 88.00 457,585.22 1,460,308.21
268 1,488.58 88.00 456,871.57 1,461,567.04
281 1,488.61 88.00 456,921.19 1,461,750.12
230 1,488.82 88.00 456,642.55 1,460,974.99
143 1,488.86 88.00 458,131.80 1,460,145.09
210 1,489.15 87.00 456,231.10 1,460,673.82
222 1,489.49 87.00 456,500.02 1,460,854.94
119 1,489.60 87.00 457,635.24 1,460,306.40
121 1,489.96 86.00 457,660.23 1,460,303.99
272 1,490.09 86.00 456,870.06 1,461,620.60
218 1,490.34 86.00 456,415.46 1,460,778.69
202 1,490.41 86.00 455,766.47 1,460,677.09
232 1,490.43 86.00 456,681.07 1,461,004.29
234 1,490.44 86.00 456,728.53 1,461,039.93
123 1,490.44 86.00 457,728.77 1,460,292.57
141 1,490.52 86.00 458,098.74 1,460,155.28
146 1,490.64 86.00 458,216.85 1,460,164.86
267 1,490.64 86.00 456,874.59 1,461,542.81
145 1,490.69 86.00 458,193.66 1,460,166.83
220 1,490.71 86.00 456,461.11 1,460,817.94
280 1,490.72 86.00 456,916.05 1,461,734.42
122 1,490.86 86.00 457,703.17 1,460,300.42
124 1,490.87 86.00 457,750.70 1,460,286.00
215 1,491.01 85.00 456,402.14 1,460,773.50
279 1,491.03 85.00 456,908.71 1,461,717.63
217 1,491.06 85.00 456,435.73 1,460,790.00
219 1,491.13 85.00 456,456.61 1,460,810.22
144 1,491.19 85.00 458,172.22 1,460,165.72
233 1,491.33 85.00 456,707.81 1,461,021.16
221 1,491.54 85.00 456,471.32 1,460,827.06
223 1,491.58 85.00 456,488.34 1,460,843.36
235 1,491.60 85.00 456,751.03 1,461,063.16
212 1,491.64 85.00 456,303.68 1,460,706.91
288 1,491.73 85.00 456,990.05 1,461,827.65
213 1,491.78 85.00 456,326.28 1,460,725.53
120 1,491.87 85.00 457,679.88 1,460,304.00
216 1,491.89 85.00 456,382.35 1,460,759.53
125 1,491.89 84.00 457,783.86 1,460,278.60

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

241 1,491.91 84.00 456,816.71 1,461,116.67

211 1,491.95 84.00 456,284.32 1,460,692.54
277 1,491.96 84.00 456,896.74 1,461,673.32
278 1,492.23 84.00 456,901.07 1,461,694.31
266 1,492.48 84.00 456,879.91 1,461,509.38
354 1,492.54 84.00 457,678.63 1,462,222.36
237 1,492.58 84.00 456,793.40 1,461,099.56
276 1,492.66 84.00 456,890.15 1,461,648.60
353 1,492.88 84.00 457,658.11 1,462,217.47
214 1,492.90 83.00 456,354.95 1,460,739.23
243 1,493.05 83.00 456,825.67 1,461,126.69
236 1,493.26 83.00 456,770.68 1,461,079.92
273 1,493.28 83.00 456,883.36 1,461,635.97
203 1,493.42 83.00 455,707.38 1,460,689.17
149 1,493.60 83.00 458,283.41 1,460,202.83
127 1,493.63 83.00 457,805.38 1,460,272.73
150 1,493.95 82.00 458,285.68 1,460,211.21
238 1,494.15 82.00 456,834.06 1,461,132.97
245 1,494.37 82.00 456,857.15 1,461,159.01
265 1,494.65 82.00 456,883.40 1,461,465.96
148 1,495.06 81.00 458,255.01 1,460,197.41
147 1,495.09 81.00 458,235.67 1,460,182.25
126 1,495.41 81.00 457,831.10 1,460,266.39
242 1,495.48 81.00 456,846.64 1,461,145.55
248 1,495.87 81.00 456,880.25 1,461,238.98
247 1,495.87 81.00 456,872.31 1,461,193.45
246 1,495.87 81.00 456,862.23 1,461,176.23
355 1,495.90 80.00 457,691.51 1,462,222.39
264 1,495.92 80.00 456,881.20 1,461,437.36
357 1,496.27 80.00 457,737.92 1,462,220.75
263 1,496.29 80.00 456,884.78 1,461,406.66
352 1,496.37 80.00 457,646.00 1,462,209.31
129 1,496.41 80.00 457,857.28 1,460,259.70
356 1,496.70 80.00 457,716.37 1,462,221.92
289 1,496.89 80.00 457,014.56 1,461,837.50
358 1,497.17 79.00 457,763.41 1,462,206.75
359 1,497.36 79.00 457,785.24 1,462,191.64
262 1,497.40 79.00 456,885.42 1,461,382.18
360 1,497.72 79.00 457,774.62 1,462,199.40
128 1,497.77 79.00 457,885.05 1,460,251.82
291 1,497.82 79.00 457,039.29 1,461,835.90
Etu Wala
Village - WP8 1,497.97 78.00 457,895.09 1,461,977.49
140 1,498.03 78.00 458,072.68 1,460,166.41

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

251 1,498.25 78.00 456,888.11 1,461,359.62

252 1,498.33 78.00 456,888.35 1,461,324.54
131 1,498.37 78.00 457,900.71 1,460,245.98
327 1,498.37 78.00 457,106.52 1,461,843.18
249 1,498.55 78.00 456,882.99 1,461,271.23
250 1,498.61 78.00 456,888.86 1,461,291.74
351 1,498.70 78.00 457,634.59 1,462,196.57
290 1,498.90 77.00 457,028.70 1,461,857.66
362 1,498.94 77.00 457,806.01 1,462,178.58
151 1,498.98 77.00 458,289.50 1,460,228.85
130 1,498.99 77.00 457,917.32 1,460,238.24
293 1,498.99 77.00 457,058.59 1,461,836.10
132 1,499.12 77.00 457,942.86 1,460,225.00
275 1,499.15 77.00 456,881.81 1,461,343.80
204 1,499.19 77.00 455,636.94 1,460,708.64
347 1,499.26 77.00 457,586.99 1,462,151.62
346 1,499.31 77.00 457,551.46 1,462,115.66
348 1,499.31 77.00 457,572.51 1,462,137.96
134 1,499.40 77.00 457,965.41 1,460,215.61
350 1,499.52 77.00 457,622.38 1,462,182.90
292 1,499.53 77.00 457,009.43 1,461,891.84
349 1,499.57 77.00 457,606.59 1,462,168.69
133 1,499.59 77.00 457,983.26 1,460,207.25
137 1,499.79 77.00 458,032.23 1,460,184.85
136 1,500.05 76.00 458,053.14 1,460,174.95
153 1,500.13 76.00 458,303.80 1,460,243.13
328 1,500.16 76.00 457,136.71 1,461,850.63
135 1,500.19 76.00 458,019.44 1,460,191.39
294 1,500.45 76.00 456,984.10 1,461,930.14
152 1,500.48 76.00 458,318.27 1,460,251.10
J-45 1,477.06 76.00 456,939.33 1,461,791.91
329 1,500.69 76.00 457,172.55 1,461,858.92
345 1,501.01 75.00 457,535.14 1,462,099.41
375 1,501.08 75.00 457,930.38 1,461,978.57
155 1,501.37 75.00 458,340.44 1,460,263.05
344 1,501.70 75.00 457,514.43 1,462,078.02
160 1,501.70 75.00 458,448.31 1,460,274.42
503 1,501.72 75.00 459,166.92 1,460,055.79
361 1,501.73 75.00 457,821.77 1,462,165.74
330 1,501.92 74.00 457,205.24 1,461,869.60
154 1,502.14 74.00 458,352.91 1,460,268.98
J-46 1,478.64 74.00 456,927.06 1,461,774.53
331 1,502.21 74.00 457,236.82 1,461,881.51
342 1,502.28 74.00 457,473.99 1,462,040.26

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

343 1,502.48 74.00 457,494.51 1,462,059.59

504 1,502.61 74.00 459,171.98 1,460,049.18
157 1,502.83 74.00 458,427.01 1,460,278.98
341 1,502.86 74.00 457,453.36 1,462,014.37
159 1,502.92 73.00 458,470.36 1,460,275.89
296 1,502.93 73.00 456,963.83 1,461,960.46
156 1,503.33 73.00 458,381.83 1,460,287.89
297 1,503.42 73.00 456,943.42 1,461,982.90
205 1,503.52 73.00 455,608.40 1,460,714.04
363 1,503.63 73.00 457,838.79 1,462,158.06
158 1,503.65 73.00 458,402.14 1,460,285.30
332 1,504.05 72.00 457,269.93 1,461,890.81
388 1,519.59 72.00 458,289.34 1,461,944.79
373 1,504.25 72.00 457,960.87 1,461,988.46
162 1,504.29 72.00 458,492.14 1,460,288.55
206 1,504.65 72.00 455,582.29 1,460,721.58
333 1,504.70 72.00 457,289.98 1,461,900.13
478 1,520.29 72.00 458,828.43 1,462,955.16
568 1,505.00 71.00 459,793.02 1,459,514.49
391 1,520.47 71.00 458,335.76 1,461,952.54
Gemn Village -
WP3 1,505.07 71.00 458,577.58 1,460,347.75
336 1,505.13 71.00 457,348.51 1,461,934.59
479 1,520.59 71.00 458,838.52 1,462,961.32
335 1,505.19 71.00 457,302.74 1,461,910.04
334 1,505.23 71.00 457,322.21 1,461,920.09
567 1,505.25 71.00 459,790.26 1,459,520.08
505 1,505.35 71.00 459,180.78 1,460,047.11
161 1,505.37 71.00 458,516.49 1,460,301.97
339 1,505.47 71.00 457,410.72 1,461,973.07
163 1,505.48 71.00 458,540.90 1,460,307.14
389 1,520.93 71.00 458,309.89 1,461,945.53
337 1,505.53 71.00 457,369.85 1,461,946.00
506 1,505.60 71.00 459,190.77 1,460,045.87
569 1,505.76 71.00 459,799.54 1,459,514.16
164 1,505.87 71.00 458,565.19 1,460,315.11
364 1,506.07 70.00 457,862.71 1,462,138.22
340 1,506.16 70.00 457,430.38 1,461,991.36
338 1,506.34 70.00 457,394.08 1,461,959.46
390 1,521.87 70.00 458,360.19 1,461,951.97
565 1,506.82 70.00 459,769.80 1,459,538.05
371 1,507.02 69.00 457,977.88 1,462,007.21
367 1,507.03 69.00 457,929.04 1,462,087.91
366 1,507.10 69.00 457,902.86 1,462,107.13

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

392 1,522.60 69.00 458,416.84 1,461,948.78

165 1,507.20 69.00 458,597.07 1,460,331.67
483 1,522.69 69.00 458,981.45 1,463,005.04
WP 1,523.00 69.00 458,795.27 1,462,020.28
480 1,523.12 69.00 458,889.93 1,462,962.41
166 1,507.73 69.00 458,619.24 1,460,343.70
368 1,507.79 69.00 457,945.34 1,462,076.52
484 1,523.33 69.00 459,007.73 1,463,032.11
566 1,507.93 68.00 459,783.07 1,459,527.58
564 1,508.14 68.00 459,766.87 1,459,552.23
393 1,523.60 68.00 458,431.32 1,461,948.26
299 1,508.38 68.00 456,869.04 1,462,050.28
298 1,508.46 68.00 456,918.55 1,462,013.88
167 1,508.54 68.00 458,640.11 1,460,352.57
570 1,508.56 68.00 459,814.74 1,459,526.13
372 1,508.74 68.00 458,012.82 1,462,018.23
477 1,524.20 68.00 458,835.72 1,462,930.55
563 1,508.78 68.00 459,768.94 1,459,545.64
365 1,509.06 67.00 457,885.65 1,462,120.86
485 1,524.50 67.00 459,018.75 1,463,046.07
369 1,509.08 67.00 457,968.81 1,462,056.67
509 1,509.23 67.00 459,260.31 1,460,069.72
562 1,509.46 67.00 459,778.51 1,459,561.04
572 1,509.48 67.00 459,847.37 1,459,536.97
502 1,509.48 67.00 459,157.99 1,460,073.75
370 1,509.50 67.00 457,989.91 1,462,032.29
508 1,509.63 67.00 459,226.22 1,460,056.65
507 1,509.76 67.00 459,210.84 1,460,052.52
J-53 1,486.28 67.00 456,869.98 1,461,596.81
300 1,509.83 67.00 456,846.79 1,462,057.41
J-52 1,486.35 67.00 456,870.93 1,461,607.21
207 1,509.97 66.00 455,525.35 1,460,743.98
571 1,510.09 66.00 459,830.54 1,459,532.78
487 1,525.55 66.00 459,050.81 1,463,093.60
488 1,525.56 66.00 459,058.62 1,463,109.78
486 1,525.56 66.00 459,036.76 1,463,070.11
482 1,525.67 66.00 458,964.61 1,462,964.81
301 1,510.39 66.00 456,826.13 1,462,063.68
481 1,525.87 66.00 458,940.17 1,462,952.75
374 1,510.54 66.00 458,034.53 1,462,005.60
510 1,510.56 66.00 459,282.54 1,460,085.86
489 1,526.14 66.00 459,082.03 1,463,147.36
168 1,510.99 65.00 458,666.54 1,460,357.12
475 1,526.44 65.00 458,892.22 1,462,899.29

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

J-54 1,487.73 65.00 456,870.61 1,461,581.05

561 1,511.27 65.00 459,791.73 1,459,575.01
170 1,511.30 65.00 458,691.04 1,460,364.97
394 1,526.91 65.00 458,467.11 1,461,951.38
377 1,511.58 65.00 458,058.65 1,461,994.30
J-44 1,488.06 65.00 456,955.67 1,461,812.59
171 1,511.83 65.00 458,717.46 1,460,375.40
573 1,511.88 65.00 459,861.12 1,459,549.63
Arew Village -
WP9 1,527.44 64.00 459,116.23 1,463,309.32
J-55 1,488.58 64.00 456,873.84 1,461,567.74
Merel Village -
WP1 1,460.40 64.00 456,594.61 1,460,084.37
260 1,488.71 64.00 457,134.78 1,461,325.52
511 1,512.26 64.00 459,305.38 1,460,104.79
490 1,527.72 64.00 459,104.22 1,463,193.62
474 1,527.73 64.00 458,909.30 1,462,894.79
SCH - WP2 1,488.81 64.00 457,173.73 1,461,328.93
208 1,512.39 64.00 455,488.51 1,460,756.11
259 1,488.86 64.00 457,097.53 1,461,326.33
J-78 1,460.75 64.00 457,103.37 1,459,872.13
J-70 1,460.98 64.00 456,628.67 1,460,048.68
J-71 1,461.17 64.00 456,715.18 1,460,037.05
258 1,489.45 63.00 457,045.03 1,461,329.77
476 1,528.43 63.00 458,853.19 1,462,908.31
493 1,528.43 63.00 459,117.21 1,463,280.98
384 1,513.11 63.00 458,202.33 1,461,955.20
J-69 1,461.46 63.00 456,602.73 1,460,064.62
501 1,513.25 63.00 459,153.21 1,460,095.66
491 1,528.80 63.00 459,114.51 1,463,230.85
J-68 1,461.66 63.00 456,590.10 1,460,080.01
382 1,513.52 63.00 458,173.05 1,461,965.53
J 1,490.04 63.00 457,016.04 1,461,337.37
560 1,513.58 63.00 459,808.47 1,459,596.45
J-51 1,490.09 63.00 456,872.66 1,461,617.76
492 1,529.10 63.00 459,115.88 1,463,254.23
257 1,490.35 63.00 457,013.55 1,461,331.86
513 1,513.93 63.00 459,355.04 1,460,146.63
574 1,513.99 62.00 459,881.79 1,459,564.14
473 1,529.45 62.00 458,931.01 1,462,885.76
512 1,514.11 62.00 459,331.99 1,460,130.46
J-56 1,490.64 62.00 456,877.68 1,461,541.00
472 1,529.62 62.00 458,954.34 1,462,868.32
172 1,514.25 62.00 458,745.41 1,460,378.31

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Amhara Design and Supervision
Development Bureau Works Enterprise

J-47 1,490.72 62.00 456,918.87 1,461,733.94

500 1,514.27 62.00 459,147.04 1,460,115.06
395 1,529.72 62.00 458,501.51 1,461,951.43
255 1,490.77 62.00 456,983.31 1,461,341.48
177 1,514.31 62.00 458,848.17 1,460,381.00
302 1,514.38 62.00 456,782.11 1,462,100.54
471 1,530.14 62.00 458,980.41 1,462,854.76
378 1,514.82 62.00 458,084.67 1,461,984.13
176 1,514.86 62.00 458,829.45 1,460,380.27
559 1,514.96 61.00 459,819.32 1,459,611.76
Abeqo Village
WP4 1,515.05 61.00 455,450.09 1,460,767.87
383 1,515.05 61.00 458,179.47 1,461,962.25
J-72 1,463.32 61.00 456,782.73 1,460,031.27
324 1,491.65 61.00 457,067.75 1,461,752.73
178 1,515.25 61.00 458,886.21 1,460,385.63
J-43 1,491.73 61.00 456,990.72 1,461,825.56
174 1,515.42 61.00 458,788.85 1,460,383.40
325 1,491.93 61.00 457,071.55 1,461,727.14
514 1,515.47 61.00 459,379.22 1,460,156.87
175 1,515.60 61.00 458,807.23 1,460,382.47
323 1,492.12 61.00 457,064.72 1,461,777.04
470 1,531.16 61.00 458,998.36 1,462,836.61
J-48 1,492.23 61.00 456,902.62 1,461,692.41
182 1,515.88 61.00 458,959.22 1,460,374.24
173 1,515.94 60.00 458,768.44 1,460,379.17
179 1,515.97 60.00 458,910.42 1,460,386.94
381 1,515.97 60.00 458,142.85 1,461,971.12
180 1,515.98 60.00 458,938.33 1,460,379.15
J-57 1,492.48 60.00 456,881.84 1,461,508.98
J-49 1,492.66 60.00 456,892.04 1,461,647.65
181 1,516.20 60.00 458,970.49 1,460,368.85
386 1,516.38 60.00 458,221.64 1,461,946.36
303 1,516.47 60.00 456,769.39 1,462,110.05
499 1,516.49 60.00 459,131.81 1,460,160.46
J-67 1,493.05 60.00 456,826.43 1,461,124.33
515 1,516.62 60.00 459,396.50 1,460,163.76
254 1,493.20 60.00 456,947.49 1,461,347.46
J-50 1,493.28 60.00 456,885.26 1,461,632.57
183 1,516.99 59.00 458,996.83 1,460,355.65
Tesgji Village -
WP5 1,493.50 59.00 456,815.84 1,461,138.55
304 1,517.13 59.00 456,746.60 1,462,123.10
469 1,532.69 59.00 459,015.61 1,462,812.20

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

498 1,517.24 59.00 459,108.74 1,460,214.56

CH-2 1,493.78 59.00 457,077.56 1,461,697.76
396 1,532.94 59.00 458,530.47 1,461,952.22
558 1,517.64 59.00 459,830.19 1,459,631.51
184 1,517.80 59.00 459,021.30 1,460,342.86
308 1,517.88 59.00 456,701.95 1,462,145.44
582 1,517.89 59.00 460,016.58 1,459,669.17
J-85 1,494.37 59.00 456,858.11 1,461,156.76
589 1,517.95 58.00 460,078.43 1,459,783.70
516 1,517.99 58.00 459,420.49 1,460,170.34
575 1,518.05 58.00 459,911.80 1,459,591.06
495 1,518.07 58.00 459,056.82 1,460,321.51
578 1,518.15 58.00 459,945.25 1,459,624.17
J-58 1,494.65 58.00 456,886.09 1,461,465.28
497 1,518.23 58.00 459,087.59 1,460,262.45
75 1,466.53 58.00 456,979.64 1,460,107.92
322 1,494.76 58.00 457,063.68 1,461,802.81
380 1,518.31 58.00 458,126.94 1,461,977.22
306 1,518.48 58.00 456,730.26 1,462,134.73
305 1,518.52 58.00 456,727.94 1,462,135.69
576 1,518.55 58.00 459,925.77 1,459,605.74
Tesgji Village -
WP6 1,495.06 58.00 456,919.15 1,461,336.56
379 1,518.63 58.00 458,100.97 1,461,980.05
496 1,518.67 58.00 459,069.74 1,460,299.25
253 1,495.18 58.00 456,912.30 1,461,354.61
577 1,518.72 58.00 459,914.17 1,459,591.56
602 1,518.79 58.00 460,366.53 1,459,860.43
SCH - WP1 1,467.05 58.00 456,979.56 1,460,162.87
557 1,518.86 58.00 459,841.76 1,459,649.58
466 1,534.33 58.00 459,061.89 1,462,748.12
467 1,534.44 57.00 459,038.49 1,462,778.46
399 1,534.47 57.00 458,552.68 1,461,953.61
385 1,519.24 57.00 458,236.49 1,461,944.63
J-73 1,467.52 57.00 456,843.61 1,460,015.28
309 1,519.36 57.00 456,673.34 1,462,154.80
J-65 1,495.87 57.00 456,881.80 1,461,224.55
J-66 1,495.87 57.00 456,876.57 1,461,189.68
J-59 1,495.92 57.00 456,883.91 1,461,436.29
601 1,519.48 57.00 460,357.43 1,459,857.77
517 1,519.58 57.00 459,448.96 1,460,175.85
580 1,519.68 57.00 459,977.13 1,459,650.89
586 1,519.75 57.00 460,048.35 1,459,746.22
465 1,535.19 57.00 459,071.94 1,462,718.63

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

579 1,519.77 57.00 459,960.34 1,459,637.21

588 1,519.82 57.00 460,085.99 1,459,796.50
J-60 1,496.29 57.00 456,887.22 1,461,405.17
CH-3 1,519.92 57.00 459,760.05 1,460,279.28
581 1,520.00 56.00 459,999.60 1,459,663.84
76 1,468.31 56.00 456,975.37 1,460,058.35
536 1,520.07 56.00 459,753.90 1,460,255.42
518 1,520.28 56.00 459,468.80 1,460,176.88
555 1,520.29 56.00 459,853.12 1,459,693.05
307 1,520.34 56.00 456,711.71 1,462,147.75
400 1,535.84 56.00 458,574.93 1,461,958.77
583 1,520.41 56.00 460,029.55 1,459,704.90
J-41 1,496.89 56.00 457,014.77 1,461,832.37
587 1,520.61 56.00 460,059.84 1,459,763.89
556 1,520.68 56.00 459,848.31 1,459,677.11
535 1,520.71 56.00 459,745.17 1,460,223.85
585 1,520.77 56.00 460,043.59 1,459,741.52
J-61 1,497.40 56.00 456,887.46 1,461,382.28
554 1,520.98 55.00 459,858.38 1,459,717.76
295 1,497.46 55.00 457,061.27 1,461,821.10
590 1,521.19 55.00 460,104.74 1,459,822.89
463 1,536.69 55.00 459,090.49 1,462,686.18
J-42 1,497.82 55.00 457,040.17 1,461,832.94
522 1,521.46 55.00 459,508.16 1,460,175.69
534 1,521.62 55.00 459,738.17 1,460,198.24
441 1,537.17 55.00 458,991.81 1,462,324.51
J-62 1,498.25 55.00 456,890.11 1,461,357.96
401 1,537.24 55.00 458,600.87 1,461,967.52
553 1,521.84 55.00 459,860.76 1,459,738.80
J-80 1,470.09 55.00 457,207.45 1,460,015.41
243 1,498.33 55.00 456,890.28 1,461,325.74
J-74 1,470.12 55.00 456,894.76 1,459,992.30
551 1,521.99 54.00 459,864.22 1,459,760.50
J-81 1,470.25 54.00 457,226.90 1,460,062.58
77 1,470.28 54.00 456,967.15 1,460,004.66
591 1,522.07 54.00 460,123.51 1,459,839.36
603 1,522.12 54.00 460,370.87 1,459,866.61
J-64 1,498.61 54.00 456,891.36 1,461,282.48
584 1,522.31 54.00 460,034.62 1,459,725.82
600 1,522.35 54.00 460,351.15 1,459,854.53
523 1,522.39 54.00 459,527.88 1,460,166.59
461 1,538.13 54.00 459,104.42 1,462,667.38
552 1,522.79 54.00 459,866.35 1,459,780.19
439 1,538.26 54.00 458,964.96 1,462,284.47

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310 1,522.85 54.00 456,644.96 1,462,159.61

524 1,522.92 54.00 459,545.84 1,460,162.49
J-79 1,471.29 53.00 457,180.38 1,459,981.85
402 1,538.53 53.00 458,623.21 1,461,977.06
J-75 1,471.37 53.00 456,936.59 1,459,973.36
443 1,538.76 53.00 459,019.08 1,462,366.08
312 1,523.40 53.00 456,609.14 1,462,165.87
592 1,523.42 53.00 460,141.41 1,459,843.39
438 1,539.07 53.00 458,947.05 1,462,262.08
525 1,523.68 53.00 459,573.44 1,460,152.70
445 1,539.32 53.00 459,047.96 1,462,404.87
594 1,523.97 52.00 460,212.87 1,459,838.41
593 1,524.07 52.00 460,191.08 1,459,843.34
595 1,524.23 52.00 460,241.79 1,459,837.29
550 1,524.31 52.00 459,864.10 1,459,796.85
403 1,539.77 52.00 458,640.94 1,461,985.35
405 1,539.77 52.00 458,675.52 1,462,003.61
J-76 1,472.65 52.00 456,994.03 1,459,947.70
533 1,524.43 52.00 459,722.67 1,460,145.13
604 1,524.46 52.00 460,373.37 1,459,878.99
449 1,540.08 52.00 459,082.57 1,462,464.06
406 1,540.15 52.00 458,700.21 1,462,012.40
459 1,540.29 52.00 459,114.52 1,462,641.74
404 1,540.31 52.00 458,659.01 1,461,995.41
549 1,524.90 52.00 459,860.49 1,459,819.99
526 1,524.92 52.00 459,595.43 1,460,141.94
440 1,540.41 51.00 458,979.60 1,462,308.62
311 1,524.99 51.00 456,629.06 1,462,167.67
442 1,540.60 51.00 459,010.52 1,462,350.26
448 1,540.61 51.00 459,069.98 1,462,443.03
599 1,525.47 51.00 460,328.75 1,459,855.71
546 1,525.48 51.00 459,841.22 1,459,886.78
527 1,525.57 51.00 459,622.12 1,460,131.29
598 1,525.63 51.00 460,310.62 1,459,858.21
452 1,541.08 51.00 459,121.34 1,462,528.71
457 1,541.16 51.00 459,123.78 1,462,603.32
444 1,541.17 51.00 459,033.00 1,462,387.91
545 1,525.75 51.00 459,835.34 1,459,907.42
J-77 1,474.00 51.00 457,040.80 1,459,925.19
455 1,541.24 51.00 459,125.58 1,462,580.78
J-90 1,474.05 51.00 457,267.60 1,460,145.39
532 1,525.82 51.00 459,711.32 1,460,115.26
548 1,525.86 51.00 459,854.29 1,459,846.87
453 1,541.39 51.00 459,127.19 1,462,550.71

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547 1,526.04 50.00 459,847.02 1,459,868.03

528 1,526.18 50.00 459,637.28 1,460,122.20
596 1,526.75 50.00 460,270.98 1,459,848.15
597 1,526.82 50.00 460,294.60 1,459,855.49
447 1,542.31 50.00 459,064.07 1,462,435.90
530 1,526.91 50.00 459,661.05 1,460,109.54
451 1,542.58 49.00 459,114.98 1,462,519.00
605 1,527.37 49.00 460,370.19 1,459,902.46
544 1,527.46 49.00 459,825.18 1,459,938.47
529 1,527.49 49.00 459,679.85 1,460,099.37
531 1,527.78 49.00 459,705.77 1,460,083.64
407 1,543.26 49.00 458,741.40 1,462,030.11
446 1,543.28 49.00 459,058.77 1,462,424.79
542 1,528.24 48.00 459,803.11 1,459,981.05
543 1,528.55 48.00 459,813.76 1,459,959.71
J-39 1,544.00 48.00 458,773.12 1,462,023.24
538 1,528.57 48.00 459,728.48 1,460,069.36
313 1,528.60 48.00 456,572.53 1,462,174.13
539 1,528.92 48.00 459,755.63 1,460,045.58
606 1,528.96 48.00 460,366.82 1,459,928.36
541 1,529.46 47.00 459,793.75 1,460,000.56
540 1,529.55 47.00 459,781.71 1,460,019.72
J-38 1,545.00 47.00 458,756.61 1,462,024.96
609 1,530.06 46.00 460,339.22 1,459,992.81
437 1,545.91 46.00 458,936.76 1,462,246.07
608 1,530.52 46.00 460,352.28 1,459,965.87
610 1,530.61 46.00 460,326.53 1,460,021.77
611 1,530.72 46.00 460,316.65 1,460,042.62
607 1,530.75 46.00 460,363.32 1,459,948.75
J-89 1,479.01 46.00 457,293.16 1,460,179.09
Village - WP10 1,530.93 46.00 460,438.27 1,460,366.19
612 1,531.12 45.00 460,312.52 1,460,061.00
613 1,531.51 45.00 460,323.18 1,460,093.64
614 1,531.67 45.00 460,334.21 1,460,116.71
J-82 1,480.13 45.00 457,324.91 1,460,210.51
615 1,532.30 44.00 460,345.56 1,460,143.98
625 1,532.37 44.00 460,436.73 1,460,343.27
409 1,547.91 44.00 458,747.26 1,462,061.30
623 1,532.51 44.00 460,438.56 1,460,307.94
J-83 1,481.06 44.00 457,340.99 1,460,230.87
616 1,533.48 43.00 460,360.35 1,460,168.99
Dedu Village -
WP7 1,534.07 42.00 456,525.47 1,462,203.18

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J-84 1,482.33 42.00 457,360.98 1,460,242.67

617 1,534.19 42.00 460,371.74 1,460,190.71
J-93 1,482.95 42.00 457,373.68 1,460,255.52
434 1,550.24 42.00 458,902.26 1,462,237.49
621 1,534.84 42.00 460,445.79 1,460,265.50
618 1,535.18 41.00 460,396.84 1,460,212.44
430 1,551.22 41.00 458,884.05 1,462,215.94
619 1,535.95 41.00 460,425.67 1,460,226.54
408 1,551.60 40.00 458,742.73 1,462,090.60
620 1,536.29 40.00 460,450.42 1,460,240.17
622 1,536.46 40.00 460,479.32 1,460,253.85
J-94 1,484.82 40.00 457,422.23 1,460,290.25
109 1,485.18 40.00 457,394.53 1,460,233.74
624 1,537.41 39.00 460,514.68 1,460,269.33
J-95 1,486.17 39.00 457,446.68 1,460,300.35
626 1,538.29 38.00 460,546.07 1,460,280.23
SCH - WP3 1,538.93 38.00 460,586.56 1,460,289.09
J-96 1,487.34 37.00 457,479.16 1,460,314.24
428 1,554.76 37.00 458,860.14 1,462,212.57
J-97 1,488.02 37.00 457,557.02 1,460,310.05
423 1,555.61 36.00 458,744.68 1,462,109.30
315 1,540.46 36.00 456,488.46 1,462,220.87
427 1,556.07 36.00 458,825.85 1,462,219.66
J-98 1,489.96 35.00 457,653.39 1,460,306.87
J-103 1,490.86 34.00 457,701.85 1,460,302.49
J-99 1,491.89 33.00 457,783.50 1,460,280.74
108 1,493.01 32.00 457,430.30 1,460,220.29
421 1,560.90 31.00 458,747.12 1,462,136.05
419 1,562.10 30.00 458,752.42 1,462,157.03
Gemn Village -
WP2 1,495.59 29.00 458,032.11 1,460,218.53
417 1,563.28 29.00 458,748.45 1,462,185.13
J-100 1,496.41 28.00 457,861.94 1,460,261.22
CH-1 1,496.70 28.00 457,456.03 1,460,212.36
316 1,548.97 28.00 456,482.95 1,462,238.47
138 1,498.36 26.00 458,030.60 1,460,198.66
J-101 1,499.40 25.00 457,966.16 1,460,219.10
426 1,566.88 25.00 458,784.88 1,462,225.16
J-102 1,500.19 25.00 458,018.64 1,460,193.09
415 1,571.10 21.00 458,742.35 1,462,224.66
425 1,571.20 21.00 458,764.25 1,462,226.59
317 1,557.07 19.00 456,470.68 1,462,252.26
414 1,580.28 12.00 458,731.78 1,462,257.39
98 1,480.80 (N/A) 457,314.23 1,460,153.57

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99 1,487.63 (N/A) 457,342.71 1,460,140.86

100 1,500.42 (N/A) 457,377.98 1,460,118.74
101 1,515.44 (N/A) 457,413.70 1,460,093.21
SR - Option 1 1,525.30 (N/A) 457,440.51 1,460,080.92
318 1,568.16 (N/A) 456,460.01 1,462,270.72
319 1,576.00 (N/A) 456,448.55 1,462,282.86
320 1,582.51 (N/A) 456,445.57 1,462,296.11
321 1,586.96 (N/A) 456,439.25 1,462,311.02
519 1,528.24 (N/A) 459,462.51 1,460,144.81
520 1,540.38 (N/A) 459,454.93 1,460,124.08
SR - Option 4 1,546.09 (N/A) 459,464.54 1,460,101.87

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Summary of Bill for Debi-beleka Water Supply Project
Part A Civil & installation of work
No. Description Unit Qty Unit Rate Total
1 General Item Ls 1 3,134,073.47 3,134,073.47
2 Contractors and Consultants office No 1 889,625.80 889,625.80
3 300m3 service reservoir No 1 2,134,601.69 2,134,601.69
4 25m3 Sandwich reservoir No 3 523,328.25 1569984.75
5 Sedimentation tank Ls 1 1,231,983.86 1,231,983.86
6 Slow sand filter Ls 1 10,407,897.52 10,407,897.52
7 Installation of Rising Main Ls 1 6,312,776.29 6,312,776.29
8 Installation of Distribution System Ls 1 8,139,531.14 8,139,531.14
9 Generator and Pump house Ls 1 2,956,240.45 2,956,240.45
10 Chlorine house Ls 1 186,890.00 186,890.00
11 Guard house No 4 280,114.92 1,120,459.67
12 Public Fountain No 14 135,421.10 1,895,895.40
13 Toilet Ls 1 561,122.13 561,122.13
installation of BS-1 electromechanical
14 Ls 1 408,487.20 408,487.20
installation of BS-2 electromechanical
15 Ls 1 397,953.60 397,953.60
installation of BS-3 electromechanical
16 Ls 1 194,363.40 194,363.40
17 Installation of chlorination system Ls 1 85,000.00 85,000.00
Total part 1 41,626,886.37
Part B Supplying of pipe & fittings
Material supply for 300m3 Service
18 reservior, 25m3 Sandwich reservior, Ls 1
Sedimentation tank, Slow Sand filter 3,733,428.36 3,733,428.36
19 Part2 Rising Main pipe and fitting Ls 1 9,589,873.84 9,589,873.84
20 Part2 Distribution line Supply Ls 1 5,454,882.49 5,454,882.49
Total (B) in Ethiopian Birr 18,778,184.69
Total (A+B) 60,405,071.06
Vat (15%) 9,060,760.66
contingency (10%) 6,040,507.11
GRAND TOTAL (Total A+B) in Ethiopian Birr 75,506,338.83
Part C Supplying of Electromechanical pipe & fitting
Part3 Material Supply of the project
supply of BS-1 Electrotechnical WORKS
21 Ls 1 $61,892.00 61,892.00
(In Dollar)
supply of BS-2 Electrotechnical WORKS
22 Ls 1 $60,296.00 60,296.00
(In Dollar)

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supply of BS-3 Electrotechnical WORKS

23 Ls 1 $29,449.00 29,449.00
(In Dollar)
24 supply of chlorination system (In Dollar) Ls 1 $11,250.00 11,250.00
Total part C 162,887.00
contingency (10%) 16,288.70
Total part C 179,175.70
GRAND TOTAL (Total A+B+C) In ETB (1USD=40Birr) 82,673,366.83

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It.No Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total

1 General Item
1.1 Mobilization of Manpower, materials and LS 1
equipment’s to the construction site 982,773.62 982,773.62
1.2 Demobilization of Manpower, materials LS 1
and equipment’s from the construction 930,649.86 930,649.86
1.3 Fabricate and erect metallic project sign LS 2 15,000.00
board for project identification including 30,000.00
printing of the title and necessary project
descriptions as per the engineer order or
client interest

1.4 Providing survey control points and LS 1

setting out of work for construction. 150,000.00 150,000.00
1.5 Prepare and provide as built drawings of LS 1
all works constructed under this contract 200,000.00 200,000.00
as per the specification and to the
satisfaction of engineer or client
(Including the existing system)

1.6 Serve the community by developing the Hr 180

required manpower, equipment, vehicle 4,500.00 810,000.00
and by supplying fuel /diesel for the
Generator with a maximum of 6 hrs
pumping per day after the whole water
Supply system is completed, tested and
disinfected. The completion of the whole
system, testing and disinfection should be
confirmed by the consultant and notified
to the client prior to the start of the
service. Any loss of water arising from
leakage will not be accounted and this
will be the responsibility of the

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1.7 Provide in class training (5 hrs. per day) Day 3

regarding operation and maintenance of 3,550.00 10,650.00
water supply systems for plumbers,
operators, (EM experts) and water supply
engineers. The contractor must produce
the training materials, must provide
stationaries, and must conduct the
training through qualified personnel. The
participants (Maximum of Total 9
Participants) will be from woreda and
1.8 Provide on job training (5 hrs. per day) Day 4
regarding operation and maintenance of 5,000.00 20,000.00
water supply systems for plumbers,
operators, (EM experts) and water supply
engineers. The contractor must arrange
vehicle for transportation and must
conduct the training through qualified
personnel. The participants (Maximum of
Total 9 Participants) will be from woreda
and kebele/Town.

Grand Total 3,134,073.47

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Bill No-2 Contractors and Consultants office

Unit Total
price Amount
I. No Description Unit Qty (Birr) (Birr)

1 Earth work

1.1 Site clearing up to a depth of 0.2 meter m2 148.7 15.00 2,230.50

Normal soil excavation for foundation up to a depth of

1.2 0.5meters m3 36.29 123.26 4,473.11

Soft rock excavation for foundation up to a depth of 0.3

1.3 meters m3 21.77 437.50 9,524.38

1.4 cart away excavated material not less than 100m m3 50.81 108.76 5,526.10

Excavation in hard rock to depth of 40cm if exist m3

1.5 15.00 658.82 5,526.10

1.6 Selected material filling m3 25.79 422.3 2,346.49

1.7 Backfill and compaction with excavated material m3 32.66 103.62 2,346.49

25 cm thick hard core filling ( equivalent to hard basaltic

1.8 stone) m2 72.58 425.87 2,346.49

Total A 34,319.63
2 Concrete work

2.1 C-20 concrete (100mm thick) for base slab m3 6.85 3,735.08 25,585.30

Total B 25,585.30

3 Masonry and block work

3.1 50cm thick stone masonry for foundation (80cm height) m3 20.32 2,490.02 50,597.21

Total C 50,597.21
4.00 Roofing

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Fabrication and installation of Eucalyptus truss (10cm

4.10 lower and upper chord, 8cm verticals and diagonals)
4.1.1 Lower chord m 80.00 120.00 9,600.00

4.1.2 Upper chord m 83.00 120.00 9,960.00

4.1.3 Diagonals, Verticals and bracing m 121.00 105.00 12,705.00

Fabrication and installation of standing Eucalyptus pole

4.20 of diameter 100mm. No. 55.00 200.00 10,000.00

4.30 70*50 purlin m 187.00 130.00 14,300.00

4.40 CIS G-28 roof m2 105.00 607.50 62,633.25

4.50 CIS G-28 wall m2 159.36 607.50 86,447.25

8 mm thick best quality (smooth surface) chip wood for

ceilings as per the engineers approval. Price shall include
40 x 50 mm zigba wood battens with c/c spacing of 600
mm both ways, corner list, apply three coats of synthetic
4.60 emulsion paint, and all other necessary accessories. m2 69.90 864.90 60,456.51

8 mm thick best quality (smooth surface) chip wood for

wall as per the engineer’s approval. Price shall include 40
x 50 mm horizontal zigba wood battens with c/c spacing
of 600 mm, apply three coats of synthetic emulsion paint,
4.70 and all other necessary accessories. m2 190.50 821.65 156,524.33

Supply and fix edge gutter formed in G-28 flat galvanized

metal sheet including support brackets 1mm thick shaped
steel plate spaced at a max. Spacing 1000mm c/c and fixed
to purlin .price includes metal primer and two coats of
4.80 synthetic enamel paint. m 20.80 845.74 13,531.84

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Supply & fix dia.110mm PVC down pipe including 1mm

4.90 thick metal support brackets fixed to walls or columns. m 20.00 368.36 5,801.67

Fascia board 20cmx2.5cm. Price includes two coats of

4.10 enamel paint. m 45.60 291.97 7,299.25

Total D 449,259.10
5.00 Finishing
5.10 3cm cement screed for floor slab m2 63.86 234.00 3,144.96

Total E 3,144.96

6 Door and windows

Metal doors and windows manufactured from

38x1.2mm LTZ frame profile and 1.5 mm thick ribbed
sheet all as per the engineers approval. Unit price shall
include one coats of anti-rust and three coats of
synthetic enamel paint, approved quality cylindrical
lock, hinges, manila and any other accessories to
complete the work.

1.2m*1.2m metal sheet double opening windows (1.5mm

thick) with suitable hinges and lock and key system
6.1 approved by the Engineer. No. 2 6,549.95 13,099.90

1.5*1.2 metal sheet double opening windows (1.5mm

thick)with suitable hinges and lock and key system
6.2 approved by the Engineer. No. 5 7,119.51 35,597.55

1.2*2.1 double open metal sheet doors (1.5mm thick) with

suitable hinges and lock and key system approved by the
6.3 Engineer. NO. 2 9,888.46 19,776.92

0.8m*2.1m one open metal sheet doors (1.5mm thick)

with suitable hinges and lock and key system approved by
6.4 the Engineer. NO. 4 7,573.81 30,295.24

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Total F 98,769.61
Electrical works including all accessories approved by the
7 engineer. LS 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
Total G 50,000.00

Office facilities (to be used by contractor & consultant

8 and finally delivered to the water utility/committee) - -

Table 140cmx80cmx72cm, top shall be in (MDF) 30mm

thick minimum post formed plastic laminated; with a
8.1 water fall edge detail have drawer with lock. No. 2.00 10,125.00 20,250.00

Ordinary office swivel Chair (2) with arm rest. Seat and
back are filled with foam, with a mid-back design; its seat
is adjustable for extra comfort. With back swivel,
adjustable height, with arms. Dimensions are
100cmHx60cmWx62.86cmD approximately and visitors’
chair (4) made up of metal frame and padded with foam,
seat thickness 2.54cm with dimensions
8.2 55cmWx80cmHx60cm approximately. Set 1.00 35,000.00 35,000.00

Printer with accessories continuous supply till project

period to be used by both firms and finally delivered to the
8.3 project. No. 1.00 22,500.00 22,500.00

Desktop computer with accessories continuous supply till

project period to be used by both firms finally delivered to
8.4 the project. No. 1.00 33,750.00 33,750.00

Steel Shelf cabinet two doors above with glass and have
8.5 dimension 1850mmx900mmx450mm No. 2.00 18,225.00 36,450.00

Steel Shelf cabinet two doors above with glass and have
8.6 dimension 1850mmx900mmx450mm No. 4.00 7,500.00 30,000.00
Total H 177,950.00
Total (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H) 889,625.80

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BOQ-No3. 300m3 Concrete Reservoirs

It. Unit
Description Unit Qty Total Cost
NO Rate
1 Earth Work
Site Clearing and removal of top soil up to
1.1 m2 167.33 2,202.20
20cm including pavement and ditch 13.16
Bulk excavation for foundation in ordinary soil
1.2 m3 114.932 12,843.45
not exceeding to a depth of 1.5 m taking . 111.75
Soft rock Excavation based on engineer
1.3 m3 58.032 16,175.47
consideration 278.73
Hard rock Excavation based on engineer
1.4 m3 48.360 32,204.93
consideration 665.94
Back fill with Selected material and
1.5 m3 96.72 27,695.53
compaction in layer by layer . 286.35
cart away excavated material up to a distance
1.6 m3 172.964 14,183.03
of 1km 82.00
30cm thick hard core fill on base of the
1.7 m2 96.72 42,199.63
foundation 436.31
providing 50mm thick crushed aggregate
1.8 m2 96.72 300.0 29,015.96
bedding on the surface of hard core
Sub Total 1 176,520.19
2 Concrete Work -
7cm thick C-5 lean concrete under the base
2.1 m2 96.72 17,351.38
slab and foundation of service reservoir 179.40
Reinforced concrete type C-30 filled into form
2.2 work and vibrated around reinforced bar for -
the reservoir
2.3 For Floor base Slab and foundation m3 33.910 158,348.28
2.4 For Column and Cup m3 1.453 6,786.10
2.5 For Wall and friction key m3 35.832 167,321.54
2.6 For Roof Slab top beam m3 28.759 134,294.47
Sub Total 2 484,101.77
3 masonry work
3.1 30cm deep masonry work under the wall m3 7.095 14,613.67
1 m wide pointed semi dressed stone pavement
3.2 around the reservoir with 1:3 (cement sand m2 37.99 1,050.50 39,912.70

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construction of rectangular ditch i.e. 20cm

channel hard core lined with 10cm thick of c-
3.3 10 mass concrete which is bounded by 25cm m 44.762 47,408.12
masonry wall price includes finishing works of
ditch 1,059.12
masonry valve chamber constructions as
shown in the drawing including 4mm sheet
3.2 No. 2 1,165.13
metal cover as per the drawing with hinges
and locks 582.57
subtotal 3 103,099.63
4 Provide and fix formwork -
4.1 For Base Slab m2 20.91 7,308.36
4.2 For Column and Column cup m2 7.38 4,385.49
4.3 For Internal, External Wall and friction key m2 269.63 160,247.69
4.4 Form Work for Top Slab and top beam m2 89.78 68,011.66
Sub Total 4 239,953.20
Provide, cut, bend and fix in position
reinforced steel bar. All according to
5 structural drawing. Price should include -
tying wires(steel tensile Strength Fst =400
5.1 Diameter 20 mm deformed bar Kg 116.43 8,349.38
5.2 Diameter 16 mm deformed bar Kg 583 41,814.29
5.3 Diameter 14 mm deformed bar Kg 243,610.54
3396.565 71.72
5.4 Diameter 12 mm deformed bar Kg 2795.47 200,473.27
5.5 Diameter 10 mm deformed bar Kg 3456 247,873.37
5.6 Diameter 8 mm deformed bar Kg 291.63 20,916.48
Sub Total 5 763,037.34
6 -
Provide and apply 3 coats of plaster 1:2 Mix
6.1 -
6.1.1 For column, Column cup m2 7.94 250 1,986.05
6.1.2 Internal Wall and friction key m2 135.74 200.00 27,148.44
6.1.3 For Base slab parfait m2 42.61 150 6,391.94

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6.1.4 for top slab m2 43.18 150.00 6,477.19

6.1.5 Rendering external wall m2 134.97 150.00 20,245.65
6.1.6 Painting work m2 32.46 100 3,245.82
3cm thick cement screed for base and roof slab
6.2 m2 163.06 500.25 81,573.06
at the top
Provide and apply 2 coats of plaster 1:3 Mix
6.3 m2 134.66 150.00 20,199.31
ratio for external wall
subtotal 6 167,267.46
7 Miscellaneous works -
Provide and install water stops made of natural
or synthetic rubber or elastomeric plastic
7.1 m2 66.04 160.00 10,567.10
compound with basic risen polyvinyl chloride
Provide and fix 4 mm sheet metal access cover
with 40x40 angle iron frame with latch and
7.2 No. 1 210.00 210.00
safety lock for reservoir manhole cover as per
the drawing
supply 11/2'' GI pipe ladder with safety gage
and installation with 5.5m height and
horizontal member 1'' GI pipe width 50cm with
7.3 spacing of ladder 30cm c/c for internal and No. 2 7500.00 15,000.00
external with 1m height and 0.30m handle
above top slab for external part as shown the
drawing and hooked to base and roof slabs.
7.4 water Level Gauge Including all accessory No. 1 2000.00 2,000.00
subtotal 7 27,777.10
install pipes, fittings & valves
8 instaliation of pipes and fittings
8.1 Air Vent as shown in the drawing
8.1.1 GI 3'' vent pipe (0.75*2) m 1.5 180 270.00
8.1.2 GI 3'' tee No. 2 150 300.00
8.1.3 GI 3'' nipples No. 4 141 564.00
8.1.4 GI 3'' elbow No. 4 150 600.00
8.2 Inlet Pipe 0 -
8.2.1 DN 150mm double flanged DCI pipe m 6 2430 14,580.00
DN 150mm DCI double flanged 90 degree
8.2.2 No. 2 6,480.00
Bend 3240
DN 150mm L=1.5m double flanged Puddle
8.2.3 No. 1 2,430.00
DCI pipe 2430
8.2.4 DN 150mm flanged float valve No. 1 2565 2,565.00
8.2.5 DN 150mm flanged dismantling joint No 1 3300 3,300.00

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Stub flanged Adaptor OD160mm with DN

8.2.6 No 1 2,700.00
150mm back ring, bolt and nuts 2700
HDPE PN10 Reducer coupling OD160 to OD
5.2.8.a 140mm Butt weld No 1 0 0.0
8.3 Outlet Pipe 0 -
DN 150mm L=1.5m double flanged puddle
8.3.1 m 1 2,430.00
DCI pipe 2430
DN150mm DCI double Flanged 90 degree
8.3.2 No. 3 9,720.00
Bend 3240
8.3.3 DN 150mm flanged Gate Valve No. 1 2550 2,550.00
8.3.4 DN150mm dismantling joint No 1 3300 3,300.00
8.3.5 DN150mm flanged Water Meter No 1 750 750.00

Stub flanged Adaptor OD150mm with

8.3.6 No 1 2,700.00
DN150mm back ring, bolt and nuts

8.3.7 DN150mm flanged spigot No 1 3,600.00

8.3.8 DN150mm flanged Strainer No 1 3600 3,600.00
8.4 Over Flow and Drain pipe 0 -
8.4.1 DN150mm flanged DCI pipe m 6 750 4,500.00
8.4.2 DN150mm flanged 90 degree bend No. 4 3300 13,200.00
8.4.3 DN150mm L=1.5m fanged puddle DCI pipe No. 1 1800 1,800.00
8.4.4 DN150mm L=1.2m flanged puddle DCI pipe No. 1 1500 1,500.00
8.4.5 DN150mm flanged Gate valve No. 1 2550 2,550.00
8.4.6 DN150mm flanged dismantling joint No. 1 3300 3,300.00
8.4.7 DN150mm flanged Tee No 1 1800 1,800.00
Sub Total 8 91,089.00
9 Fence Works -
Supply and erect 50mm*50mm*3mm angle
iron stands with c/c spaced at 150cm to a
height of 2.3m above ground level with 7 lines
of barbed wire mesh of 200mm and 400mm
9.1 m 123.76 6000.00 742,560.00
spacing, the bottom 5 and upper 2 lines,
respectively with cross diagonal & to a depth
of 60cm embedded in concrete foundation of
Construct 1500mmx2200mm size gate with
metal frame and rectangular hollow tube RHS
9.2 No 1 7500.00 7,500.00
2.5 including sheet metal having three coats of
antirust painting including hinges and lock.

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Sub Total 750,060.00

Grand Total 2,802,905.69

BOQ-No4. 25m3 Sandwich Masonry Reservoirs

Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total
1 Earth Work
Site clearing& removal up to a depth of 20
1.1 m2 40.7 535.57
cm 13.16
Bulk Excavation of normal soil not
1.2 m3 60.0 6,701.38
exceeding a depth of 1.5m 111.75
1.3 Ditto to 1.2 above, but Soft rock excavation m3 14.8 278.73 4,117.90
Ditto to 1.2 above, but hard rock
1.4 m4 7.4 4,919.18
excavation 665.94
Cart away the Surplus excavated materials
1.5 m3 82.9 6,870.58
50m away 82.90
1.6 Selected material filling m3 11.4 286.35 3,277.34
25cm thick Hard core filling (equivalent to
1.7 m2 21.2 9,261.25
hard basaltic stone) 436.31
back fill with excavated material around
1.8 m3 3.052 481.41
masonary wall 157.73
Subtotal-1 - 36,164.60
2 Concrete Work -
2.1 C-10 10cm thick lean concrete m2 21.2 179.40 3,807.98
2.2 C-30 20cm thick base slab of reservoir m3 4.245 4,669.66 19,824.03
C-30 10cm thick between the masonary
2.3 m3 3.592 16,771.24
wall and friction key 4,669.66
C-25 20cm thick circular renforce
2.4 m3 1.350 6,304.98
concrete for ring beam 4,669.66
2.5 C-25 15cm thick roof slab m3 3.578 4,669.66 16,706.14
Provide and install water stops made of
2.6 natural or Synthetic rubber or m 14.502 67,719.46
elastromateric plastic compound (UPVC) 4,669.66
Subtotal-2 - 131,133.83
3 Form work -
3.1 Base slab m2 4.082 349.47 1,426.56
3.2 Roof slab m2 17.52 594.32 10,415.23

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3.3 Top ring beem m2 6.75 594.32 4,012.26

Subtotal-3 - 15,854.04
4 Reinforcement bars as per the drawing -
4.1 Diameter 6mm kg 33.3 71.71 2,389.05
4.2 Diameter 8mm kg 108.0 71.72 7,746.04
4.3 Diameter 10mm kg 783.0 71.72 56,158.81
Subtotal-4 66,293.90
5 Masonary work -
40cm thick non vascular basaltic stone
5.1 Masonary wall with cement and sand mix m3 13.285 27,363.87
ratio (1:3) mortar 2,059.70
Provide and construct clear 1.90m*1.90m
stone masonary valve chamber for outlet,
5.2 over flow and draine valves as per the No 2.000 1,165.13
drawing. Includes 1.20m*1.20m, 4mm
thick sheet metal cover with hing and lock
40cm thick non vascular basaltic stone
5.3 Masonary wall below base slab with m3 3.919 7,605.59
cement and sand mix ratio (1:3) mortar 1,940.84
Subtotal-5 - 36,134.60
6 supply and installation of pipes and fittings -
6.1 Inlet pipe -
DN -200-mm Double flanged DCI
6.1.1 anchoring piece with puddle at the center No 1 3241.2
[1.2m] 3241.1729
6.1.2 DN 200mm Double flanged 90° bend No 3 594.781931 1784.3
6.1.4 DN200 mm Flanged Socket No 1 2684.15388 2684.2
6.1.5 DN200mm theared Float valve No 1 2684.15388 2,684.15
Supply and Installation of Outlet Pipes &
Fittings 0 -
6.2.1 DN 200mm flanged strainer No 1 3241.1729 3241.2
6.2.2 DN 200mm Double flanged 90° bend No 3 2684.15388 8052.5
DN200mm Double flanged pipe with
6.2.3 No 1 3241.2
puddle [2m] 3241.1729
6.2.4 DN200mm Flanged gate valve No 1 3651.01213 3651.0
6.2.5 DN 200mm Dismantling Joint No 1 3468.76213 3468.8
6.2.6 DN200mm Flanged water meter No 1 750 750.0
Stub flanged Adaptor OD180mm with
6.2.7 No 1 2,700.00
DN200mm back ring, bolt and nuts 2700

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Supply and Installation of PN10 GS Overflow

and Drain Pipes & Fittings

6.3.1 DN200mm Double flanged anchoring piece No 1 6000.0

with puddle at the center [0.6m] 3241.1729

6.3.2 DN150mm Double flanged anchoring piece No 1 6000.0

with puddle at the center [1.3m] 3241.1729
6.3.3 DN200mm pipe m 10.6 594.781931 6,304.69
6.3.4 DN200mm flanged 90° bend No 2 2684.15388 5,368.31
6.3.5 DN200mm Flanged Gate valve No 1 3651.01213 3,651.01
6.3.6 DN 200mm Dismantling Joint No 1 3651.01213 3651.0
6.3.7 DN200mm All Flanged Tee No 1 3058.23213 3,058.23
6.4 vent pipe as per the drawing 0 -
6.4.1 GS 2'' medium class pipe m 0.6 105.03721 63.02
6.4.2 GS 2'' elbow 90 degree No 2 155.495095 310.99
6.4.3 GS 2'' Tee No 1 276.565952 276.57
6.4.4 GS 2'' union No 2 88.4839516 176.97
6.4.5 GS 2'' nipples No 2 88.4839516 176.97
1 1/2'' GI pipe ladder installation with 3.15m
height and hoirizontal member 1'' GI pipe with
6.4.6 40cm c/c and 1m hight handile above top slab No 2 12,497.55
for external part as shown the drawing and
hooked to base and roof slabs.
Subtotal-6 83,033.72
7 Finishing work
3cm thick cement screed mix 1:3 for floor
7.1 m2 11.34 2,263.76
finish 199.71
3cm thick cement screed mix 1:3 for roof
7.2 m3 21.83 4,046.35
finish at the top 215.90
Apply 3-coats of plastering the internal
7.3 wall of reservoir including fine finish with m2 32.81 3,900.41
mix ratio of 1:2 185.39
Pointing the external wall of reservoir and
7.4 parfait wall below base slab with mix ratio m2 43.33 25,243.77
of 1:2 (cement mortar) 118.87
1m wide pointed stone pavement around
7.5 m2 19.47 20,618.86
the reservoir with 1:3 (cement sand ratio) 582.57

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construction of rectangular ditch i.e 20cm

chanal hard core lined with 10cm thick of
7.6 c-10 mass concrete wich is bounded by m 25.24 94,880.66
25cm masonary wall price includes
finishing works of ditch
80cm*80cm of 4mm sheet metal man hole
7.7 No 1 3,759.73
cover for roof slab 3,759.73
Sub Total-7 154,713.55

Grand Total 523,328.25

Bill No.5. Plain Sedimentation

No Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount
1 Excavation & Earth works
1.1 Clearing & removal of top soil 20cm m2 108.03 13.1607433 1421.755095
Excavation for foundation in ordinary
1.2 soil m3 94.8073 162.073938 15365.79251
Excavation for foundation in rock
1.3 formation m3 40.6317 361.992195 14708.35826
Back fill including compaction With
1.4 selected material m3 135.598 783.461789 106235.8516
Cart away excavated materials for not
1.5 more than 500 m away m3 157.045 82.8970434 13018.56618
Hard basaltic or equivalent stone hard
core well rolled, consolidated & blinded
with crushed stone to a finished thickness
1.6 of 250mm m2 87.38 389.230204 34010.93527
subtotal 184761.2589
2 Concrete works
2.1 Plain blinding concrete C-5 m2 87.38 2562.83299 223940.3467
2.2 Concrete class C-30 in floor slab m3 17.476 4669.66317 81607.03348
2.3 Concrete class C-25 in wall(sandwich) m 10.0215 4436.77897 44463.18044
2.4 Diffuser wall concrete c-30 m3 2.142 4436.77897 9503.580552
2.5 Weir section mass concrete c-20 m3 2 3919.78067 7839.561337
Sub total 367353.7025
Reinforcement Bars according to
structural drawing. Price shall include
cutting, bending, placing in position &
3 tying wires
3.1 Ø6 mm bars kg 415.206 71.7136205 29775.9255

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3.2 Ø 8 mm bars kg 672.6534 71.72262 48244.46422

3.3 Ø 12 mm bars kg 2610.67224 71.7286197 187259.9164
3.4 Ø 14 mm bars kg 2093 71.7331195 150137.4192
3.5 Tying wire kg 70 71.7376193 5021.633352
subtotal 420439.3586
4 Form works
4.1 Bottom slab m2 61.44 349.474928 21471.73958
4.2 Wall(diffuser) m2 50.592 594.320452 30067.86031
Sub total 51539.59989
5 Masonry work
Construction of hard basalt or equivalents
stone masonry wall with cement sand
5.1 mortar 1:3 in according to drawing m3 13.0375 1940.83622 25303.65216
subtotal 25303.65216
6 Accessories & Finishing works
6.1 30 mm thick screed to floor m2 87.04 215.899739 18791.9133
6.2 Plastering to internal wall m2 182.24 185.387876 33785.08658
6.3 Pointing to external wall m 66.64 118.867856 7921.353942
6.4 installation of GI pipe and their fitting
Supply and install DN 100mm overflow
6.4.1 pipe as shown in the drawing m 24 480 11520
install DN 150mm drain pipes pipe as
6.4.2 shown in the drawing m 30 502.45749 15073.7247
install DN 100m inlet and out let pipe as
6.4.3 shown in the drawing m 24 480 11520
DN 100mm dia gate valve for drain &
6.4.4 outlet pipe control No. 4 3600 14400
6.4.5 Gs pipe internal ladder 1 1/2” Ls 1 374.926372 374.9263715
DN 150mm internal dia gate valve for
6.4.6 inlet flow control No. 2 3651.01213 7302.02426
6.4.7 Dismantling DN 100 mm dia No. 4 3150 12600
6.4.8 Dismantling DN 150 mm dia No. 2 3468.76213 6937.52426
6.4.9 90 Degre bend DN 100mm No. 6 2684.15388 16104.92325
6.4.10 45 Degre bend DN 100mm No. 4 2250 9000
6.4.11 DN 100mm pipes for diffusers hole m 6 480 2880
6.4.12 flanged tee DN 150*150*150mm No. 2 3058.23213 6116.464251
6.4.13 blined flanged pipe DN 100mm No. 2 3241.1729 6482.345793
6.4.14 Flanged reducer DN 150*100mm No. 2 738 1476
6.4.15 Flanged reducer DN180*160mm 0

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stab flange with adaptor OD 160/DN

6.4.15 150mm including net and bolt No. 1 300 300
Sub total 182586.2867
Total 1231983.859


Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Amount
No Price
1 Excavation & Earth works
1.1 Clearing & removal of top soil 20cm m2 318.76 13.16 4195.118525
1.2 Excavation for foundation in ordinary m3 28248.92022
soil 162.07
1.3 Excavation for foundation in rock 27040.27397
formation m3 361.99
1.4 Back fill including compaction with 97539.03402
selected material m3 783.46
1.5 Cart away excavated materials for not 25925.80162
more than 50 m distance 312.75
m3 82.90
1.6 Hard basaltic or equivalent stone hard 96916.37476
core well rolled, consolidated &
blinded with crushed stone to a
finished thickness of 300mm m2 389.23
subtotal 279,865.52
2 Concrete works
2.1 Plain blinding concrete C-5 m2 249.00 2,562.83 638132.6003
2.2 Concrete class C-30 in floor slab and m3 232544.556
top slab 4,669.66
2.3 Concrete class C-30 in wall m3 7.32 4,436.78 32477.22206
2.4 Concrete C-25 for sandwich masonry m 38.81 4,436.78 172182.5182
subtotal 1,075,336.90
3 Reinforcement Bars according to
structural drawing. Price shall
include cutting, bending, placing in
position & tying wires
3.1 6 mm bar for sandwich concrete wall
horizontals kg 71.71 26406.67618
3.2 10mm bars for inlet trough, sandwich
vertical walls and valve chamber wall 1162.98
,base slab and top slab kg 71.72 83412.1121
3.3 12mm bars for bottom slab kg 2830.54 71.72 203013.709

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3.4 14 mm for filter bed bottom kg 1317.56 71.72 94498.97877

3.5 Tying wire kg 200.00 71.73 14345.42396
subtotal 421,676.90
4 Form works
4.1 Bottom slabs and top slab m2 52.44 349.47 18324.71785
4.2 Walls m2 519.60 594.32 308808.9069
subtotal 327,133.62
5 Masonry work
5.1 Construction of hard basalt or equivalents
stone masonry wall with cement sand 17.79
mortar 1:3 in according to drawing m 1,940.84 34527.47627
subtotal 34527.47627
6 Accessories & Finishing works
6.1 Two coats of 20 mm thick screed to floor m2 276.9232 215.90 59787.64666
6.2 Plastering to internal wall m2 305.6 185.39 56654.53501
6.3 Pointing to external wall m 2
215.72 118.87 25642.17396
6.4 Supply and place a size of dia
0.15to0.35mm sand to the filter media
wih Uniformity coefficient (U.C) (1.5-3)
m3 184.96 14,134.43 2614303.939
6.5 Supply and place size of dia0.7 to1.4mm m3 55.488
supporting gravel to the first layer (top) 14,134.43 784291.1816
6.6 Supply and place size of dia2 to4mm
supporting gravel to the third layer from
bottom m3 11.0976 3,637.52 40367.68986
6.7 Supply and place size of dia 6 to12mm
supporting gravel to the Second layer
from botom m3 11.0976 3,414.77 37895.69946
6.8 Supply and place size of dia 18 to36mm
supporting gravel to the fourth(bottom)
layer m3 22.1952 3,414.77 75791.39891
6.9 Supply and place a standard brick under
drain material as shown in the detail
drawing m2 231.2 1,849.18 427531.1506
6.1 Supply and installing GI pipe at
equivalent length DN 50 mm Gs
m 380.8
medium class(B) perforated lateral
under drain pipe with slot 4mm size 535.28836 203837.8084
6.11 Supply and install GI pipe at
equivalent length DN 150 mm Gs m 40.5
medium class(B) main drain pip 697.86457 28263.51507
6.12 Supply and install DN 150 mm DCI
pipe for Overflow pipe & Drain pipes m 37
as shown in the drawing 594.78193 22006.93144

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6.13 Supply and install DN 150 mm

Medium class GI pipe for Inlet pipe as m 10
shown in the drawing 594.78193 5947.819309
Construction of C-25 reinforced
concrete valve chambers with 6mm
thick metal sheet cover for valves and
fittings ,as shown on the drawing
No. 2
including, all necessary labour,
material, excavation, formwork,
reinforcement, plastering with cement
mortar, etc.(double reinforced) 43,027.39 86054.77493
6.15 medium class(B) Gs pipe ladder for
Vertical member 1 1/2 '' and
m 6
hoirizontal member 1'' pipe with 40cm
c/c 374.92637 2249.558229
sub total 4,470,625.82
7 installation of pipe and fitting
7.1 PN 10 All Flanged CI Reducer Tee DN
No 112 428,152.50
150*50*150 mm 3822.7902
7.2 PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Flanged socket No. 2 2684.1539 5,368.31
7.3 PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Flanged 90
No. 2 4,831.48
elbow 2415.7385
7.4 PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Gate valves for
No. 2 1,080.00
flow control &outlet 540
7.5 install K 9 DN 150 GS pipe Out let m 23 3651.0121 83,973.28
7.6 PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Dismantling
No. 2 6,937.52
Joint 3468.7621
7.7 PN 10 All Flanged CI Tee DN 150 mm No 2 3058.2321 6,116.46
7.8 PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Gate valves
No. 2 7,302.02
inlet control 3651.0121
7.9 PN 10 DN 100 mm GS Internal
No. 112 115,773.39
threaded stub flange Adapter 1033.6909
7.1 DN 150 mm Flanged End plug No. 2 8,266.81 16,533.62
7.11 DN 50 mm Threaded End plug No. 112 6,178.47 691,988.47
sub total 1,368,057.05
7 Fence Work For Treatment Plant
Supply and erect 150mm*100mm
concrete fence post with c/c spaced at
180cm to a height of 2m above ground
7.1 level with 6 lines of barbed wire mesh m 1,600.00 1,502.22 2,403,552.38
with cross diagonal & to a depth of
70cm embedded in concrete foundation
of 150mm*150mm

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Supply and construct gate type III as

7.2 No. 1 27,121.85
per the drawing 27,121.85
sub total 2,430,674.23
Total for two unit 10,407,897.52

Bill No.-7. Rising Main Installation

I.No. Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Total Pricce
1 Part I Trench Excavation and Back Filling
1.1 Trench excavation
a. Depth up to 0.90m m3 4136.58 111.75 462256.201
1.2 Trench excavation in 0
a. Soft rock m3 1181.88 278.73 329430.128
b. Hard rock m3 590.94 665.94 393532.073
1.3 back fill with excavated soil m3 5318.46 157.73 838880.696
1.4 back fill with selected material m3 590.94 286.35 169215.669
Subtotal 2193314.77
2 Installation of Pipes and Fittings

Supply and Installation PN25 PE100

2.1.2 m 7557 403.2086 3047047.17
OD180mm HDPE pipe, With welding point

Supply and Installation PN10PE100

2.1.3 OD140mm HDPE pipe, With welding point m 769 106.479 81882.351
(From BS2 to SR)

2.2 PN 16 installation of wash out valves -

2.2.1 DCI All Flanged Tee 150 x 50x 150 No. 5 2250 11,250.00
2.2.2 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 5 1,235.00 6,175.00
2.2.3 DN 50 Flanged GI Pipe with length of L=3m No. 5 600 3,000.00
2.2.4 DN 150 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 5 3,280.00 16,400.00
2.2.5 Internal Threaded GS adapter DN 50mm No. 40 600 24,000.00
2.2.6 Flanged GS Flap valve DN50mm No. 5 450 2,250.00
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with back ring
2.2.7 No. 10 508 5,080.00
OD160/ DN 150mm
2.2.8 180*160 butt-weld reducer No 10 2148.75 21487.5

2.3 installation of Air valves -

2.3.1 CI All Flanged Tee 150 x 50x 150 mm No. 7 2250 15,750.00
2.3.2 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 7 1,235.00 8,645.00
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2.3.3 DN 50 Flanged Single orifice Air Valve No. 7 2400 16,800.00

2.3.4 DN 150 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 7 3,280.00 22,960.00
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with back ring
2.3.5 No. 14 508 7,112.00
OD160/ DN 150mm
2.3.6 180*160 butt-weld reducer No 14 2148.75 30082.5

Subtotal 3319921.53

Construction of Thrust, anchor blocks

3 ,River Crossing ,gully crossing structures
and masonry valve chambers

Construction of grade C-20 concrete for thrust

3.1 blocks

Construction of grade C-20 concrete for

thrust blocks for 90 &45 degree bends, price
3.1.1 No 15 6000 90,000.00
includes reinforcement ,foundation
excavation, back fill and formwork

Construction of River, Road and Gully

3.2 -
Construction of grade C-25 concrete river,
crossing, gully and road price includes;
3.2.1 foundation excavation,7mm lean concrete, m3 5 6500 32,500.00
reinforcement and formwork as per the
3.3 Construction of Masonry Valve Chamber -
Construction of Masonry Valve Chamber
400mm thick valve chamber; price includes
foundation excavation, hard core,cart away,
3.3.3 No 12 26000 312,000.00
lean concrete, finishing work , & 4 mm sheet
metal manhole cover as per the drawing type
3.4 Anchor blocks -
Construction of grade C-20 concrete for
anchore block , price includes reinforcement
3.4. m3 4 8000 32,000.00
,foundation excavation, back fill and
sub Total 466,500.00
4 Test & Commissioning of pipelines

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Test & Commissioning of pipelines as per

the specification. This includes supply of all
4.1 necessary equipment required for the work, LS 8,326.00 40 333,040.00
chemical and water, as approved by the
sub Total 333,040.00
Carried to Summary 6,312,776.29

Bill NO.8Distribution installation

Distribution Installation QNT unit rate amount
Part I Trench excavation and back
1 Trench excavation
Trench excavation in ordinary soil
1.1 for pipe lines to a depth of 80cm m3 2024.4 111.75 226,223.46
and a width of 60
Trench excavation in ordinary soil for
1.2 pipe lines to a depth of 110cm and a m3 5606.58 115 644,756.70
width of 90
Ditto to item 1.1.1 and1.1.2 for
1.3 m3 3448.68 278.73 961,264.34
excavation in soft rock
Ditto to item 1.1.1 and1.1.2 for
1.4 m4 1724.34 665.94 1,148,311.33
excavation in hard rock
2 Back for the pipe laid
11079.6 153.668 1,702,589.19
2.1 Backfilling excavated soil m3
Supply and spread 100mm approved
2.2 selected material above and below m3 1724.34 286.35 493,764.76
the pipe
subtotal 5,221,915.36
3 Installation of pipes, fittings
HDPE PE100 PN16 pipe laying
with Butt Welding Connection
3.1.1 OD110 m 4219 139.81 589858.39
HDPE PE100 PN10 pipe laying
with Butt Welding Connection
3.2.1 OD160 m 82 188.6614 15470.2348

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3.2.2 OD140 m 2130 144.7071 308226.123

3.2.3 OD 110 m 2629 92.27143 242581.5895
3.2.4 OD 90 m 2382 80.15143 190920.7063
3.2.5 OD 75 m 370 49.55143 18334.0291
HDPE PE100 PN10 pipe laying
with Compression Connection
3.3.7 OD 63 m 2116 29.98286 63443.73176
3.3.8 OD 50 m 1524 18.79286 28640.31864
3.3.9 OD 40 m 2385 12.29143 29315.06055
Fittings, gate valves, nipples &
HDPE PE100 PN16 butt weld
3.4.1 Tee(mmxmmxmm)
0 110*110*110 pcs 4 600.579 2402.316 160*160*160 pcs 1 880.9605 880.9605 63*63*63 pcs 1 493.9695 493.9695
HDPE PE100 PN16 butt weld Reducer
3.4.2 Tee(mmxmmxmm) 160*75*160 pcs 1 399.69 399.69 140*63*140 pcs 3 390 1170 110*75*110 pcs 1 359.64 359.64 110*63*110 pcs 1 359.4 359.4 90*63*90 pcs 1 330 330
HDPE PE100 PN16 Compression
3.4.3 Reducer Tee(mmxmmxmm) 110*40*110 No 1 414 414 90*50*90 No 1 359.4 359.4 75*63*75 No 1 354 354 63*40*63 No 1 279 279
HDPE PE100 PN16 butt weld Reducer
3.4.4 (mmxmm) coupling
0 160*140 No 2 2148.75 4297.5 160*110 No 1 2037.6 2037.6 160*63 No 3 1998.45 5995.35 140*110 No 1 1998.45 1998.45 110*90 No 2 1700.1 3400.2 110*40 No 3 1635.3 4905.9 90*63 No 1 1546.2 1546.2

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HDPE PE100 PN16 Compression

3.4.5 Reducer (mmxmm) coupling 75*63 No 1 1612.8 1612.8 75*50 No 1 1546.2 1546.2 63*50 No 1 1445.85 1445.85 63*40 No 5 1445.85 7229.25
Installation of complete set of gate
valve assembly and construction of
complete valve chamber as per the
Stab Flanged Adapter With back 0
OD 160mm No 6 184.176 1105.056
OD 110mm No 8 168.81 1350.48
OD75 mm No 2 168.81 337.62
DN 75 HDPE Female adapter No 4 1,400.00 5,600.00
4 Dismantling Joint 0
DN150mm No 6 3300 19800
DN100mm No 8 2880 23040
OD65 mm No 2 168.81 337.62
3 Gate Valve
DN150mm No 3 3300 9900
DN100mm No 4 2880 11520
DN65 mm No 1 168.81 168.81
DN50 mm(Internal treaded) No 2 168.81 337.62
4 Nipple -
2'' No 4 380 1,520.00
3.5 PN 16 installation of wash out valves -
3.5.1 CI All Flanged Tee 100 x 50x 100 No. 3 2250 6,750.00
3.5.2 CI All Flanged Tee 50 x 50x 50 No. 2 1500 3,000.00
3.5.3 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 5 1,235.00 6,175.00

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DN 50 Flanged GI Pipe with length

3.5.4 No. 5 600 3,000.00
of L=3m
3.5.5 DN 100 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 3 3,280.00 9,840.00
3.5.6 DN 50 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 2 1,850.00 3,700.00
Internal Threaded GS adapter DN
3.5.7 No. 5 600 3,000.00
3.5.8 Flanged GS Flap valve DN 50mm No. 5 450 2,250.00
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with
3.5.9 No. 2 508 1,016.00
back ring OD125/ DN 100mm
3.5.10 HDPE reducer125*110 No. 2
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with
3.5.11 No. 4 325 1,300.00
back ring OD110/ DN 100mm
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with
3.5.12 No. 4 325 1,300.00
back ring OD63/ DN50mm
3.6 installation of Air valves -
3.6.1 CI All Flanged Tee 80 x 50x 80 mm No. 1 2250 2,250.00
3.6.2 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 1 1,235.00 1,235.00
DN 50 Flanged single orifice Air
3.6.3 No. 1 2400 2,400.00
3.6.4 DN 80 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 1 3,285.70 3,285.7
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with
3.6.5 No. 2 508 1,016.00
back ring OD90/ DN 80mm
3.7 PRV-1
Installation of Double Flanged
Pressure Reduce Valve (PRV) DN
150 PN 16 Q= 12.019 l/s to be
installed on OD 140 Pipe; the PRV
should reduce an Inlet Pressure of
64m H2O to an Outlet pressure of 55
m H2O under flow Condition (for
Dynamic Pressure Control) and
Reduce an Inlet pressure of 70 m
3.7.1 H2O to an Outlet pressure of 55 m No 1 18286.952
H2O under the No flow Condition
(for Static Pressure Control) i.e the
Pressure should have a) "dropping -
tight controlling future. The PRV
should contain the important
components such as balanced spring
Diaphragm, Valve Fittings like
stainless steel strainer, reducers and
any another necessary Works.

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Stab flanged Adapter OD160with

3.7.5 No 2 2200.614 4401.228
DN 150with back ringPN16
3.7.7 Butt weld reducer 160/140mm No 2 1612.8 3225.6
3.8 PRV-2
Installation of Double Flanged
Pressure Reduce Valve (PRV) DN 80
PN 16 Q= 3.797 l/s to be installed on
OD 110 Pipe; the PRV should reduce
an Inlet Pressure of 69m H2O to an
Outlet pressure of 56 m H2O under
flow Condition (for Dynamic
Pressure Control) and Reduce an
Inlet pressure of 80 m H2O to an
3.8.1 Outlet pressure of 56 m H2O under No 1 18286.952
the No flow Condition (for Static
Pressure Control) i.e the Pressure
should have a) "dropping -tight
controlling future. The PRV should
contain the important components
such as balanced spring Diaphragm,
Valve Fittings like stainless steel
strainer, reducers and any another
necessary Works.
Stab flanged Adaper OD100with DN
3.8.5 No 2 2200.614 4401.228
110with back ringPN16
3.9 PRV-3

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Installation of Double Flanged

Pressure Reduce Valve (PRV) DN
100 PN 16 Q= 2.727 l/s to be
installed on OD 110 Pipe; the PRV
should reduce an Inlet Pressure of
90m H2O to an Outlet pressure of 63
m H2O under flow Condition (for
Dynamic Pressure Control) and
Reduce an Inlet pressure of 115 m
3.9.1 H2O to an Outlet pressure of 63 m No 1 18286.952
H2O under the No flow Condition
(for Static Pressure Control) i.e the
Pressure should have a) "droping -
tight controling future. The PRV
should contain the important
componets such as balanced spring
Diaphram, Valve Fittings like
stainless steel strainer, reducers and
any another necessary Works.
Stab flanged Adapter OD110with
3.9.5 No 2 2200.614 4401.228
DN 100with back ringPN16
SUB TOTAL 1728427.206
Construction of Thrust, anchor
blocks ,River Crossing ,gully
crossing structures and masonry
valve chambers
Construction of grade C-20 concrete for
4.1 thrust blocks
Construction of grade C-20 concrete
for thrust blocks for 90 &45 degree
4.1.1 bends, price includes reinforcement No 10 6000
,foundation excavation, back fill and
Construction of River, Road and
Gully Crossings -
Construction of grade C-25 concrete
river, crossing, gully and road price
4.2.2 includes; foundation excavation,7mm m3 5 6500
lean concrete, reinforcement and
formwork as per the drawing
Construction of Masonry Valve
Chamber -

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Construction of Masonry Valve

Chamber 400mm thick valve
chamber; price includes foundation
4.3.1 excavation, hard core,cart away, lean No 6 18571.43
concrete, finishing work , & 4 mm
sheet metal manhole cover as per the
drawing type 2
Construction of Masonry Valve
Chamber 400mm thick valve
chamber; price includes foundation
4.3.2 excavation, hard core,cart away, lean No 3 15000 45000
concrete, finishing work , & 4 mm
sheet metal manhole cover as per the
drawing type type 1
4.4 Anchor blocks
Construction of grade C-20 concrete
for anchore block , price includes
4.4 m3 4 8000
reinforcement ,foundation 32,000.00
excavation, back fill and formwork

sub Total
5 Pipeline testing and Disinfection
Pipeline testing and Disinfection for
the whole transmission and
distribution system, including all
necessary works such as thrust
blocks, anchor blocks, transportation,
flushing with clear water, filling with 13,618.0
5.1 m 70 953,260.00
water containing 0.15 g/l calcium 0
hypo chloride, left for 24 hours. This
includes supply of all necessary
equipment, chemical and water and
use of water, pipe fittings, disposing
of used water
SUB TOTAL 953,260.00
total 8,139,531.14

Bill NO 9 .Generator house & Pump House

Item Unit
Description Unit Qty Total price
No. price
1 Excavation and Earthwork

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Site clearing to a depth not exceeding

1.1 m2 141 15.5 2185.5
20cm of top soil
Common excavation to level the
1.2 construction area in all type of earth m3 141 107.1 15101.1
Excavation for foundation to a depth not
1.3 m3 45.47 137.94 6271.85592
exceeding 1.5m
1.4 Ditto as item 1.2 but in Soft rock . m3 23.85 267.04 6368.904
1.5 Ditto as item 1.2 but in Hard rock . m3 15.9 573.62 9120.558
Cart away surplus material to distance not 17712.5811
1.6 m3 254.42 69.62
exceeding 500 m 6
Excavated material back-fill and
1.7 compacted every 20cm layer to standard m3 9.65 278.27 2684.74896
proctor density.
25 cm thick hard core filling and blinded
1.8 m2 59.4 319.23 18962.262
with basaltic or equivalent material
2 Masonry Work
Stone masonry for foundation above and
2.1 below ground level wall bedded in m3 20.1 1,491.14 29971.914
cement mortar 1:3

Semi-dressed stone pavement around the

water reservoir having 1m wide embedded
2.2 with mortar (1:3) mix price includes all m2 46.34 488.98 22659.3332
necessary activities (excavation, cart away
and finishing work) price.

construction of rectangular ditch i.e.

20cm canal hard core lined with 10cm
thick of c-10 mass concrete which is
2.3 m 46.45 761.01 35348.9145
bounded by 25cm masonry wall price
includes excavation & finishing works of
Sub Total 87980.1617
3 Concrete Work
7cm thick lean concrete C-10 under
3.1 m2 68.45 220.6 15100.07
ground floor slab.
Reinforced concrete c-25concrete class
a In Grade beam m3 4.12 4,032.93 16615.6716
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b In Elevation column m3 2.34 4,184.48 9791.6832

c In Top tie beams m3 4.23 4,184.48 17700.3504
d In Lintels m 1.2 4,184.48 5021.376
e In Pump & Generator seat m 3.23 4,032.93 13026.3639
f In 15cm Floor Slab m3 12.67 4,032.93 51097.2231
Sub Total
4 Sawn Zigba form work
4.1 In Grade beam m2 18.34 363.04 6658.1536
4.2 In elevated Column m2 41.8 657.2 27470.96
4.3 In top tie beams m2 21 657.2 13801.2
4.4 In lintels, Pump & Generator Seat m 11.14 657.2 7323.8368
Mild rod reinforcement, including
5 cutting, bending & placing in position
and also tying wire.
5.1 ø 6 mm Kg 192.73 64.51
5.2 ø 8 mm Kg 325.77 68.44
5.3 ø 10 mm kg 209.72 67.52 14160.2944
5.4 ø 12 mm Kg 418.53 65.15
5.5 ø 14 mm Kg 469.63 64.93
20 cm thick HCB "class B" bedded in
cement mortar with (1:3) ratio.
a. 200mm 'thickness m2 145.66 643.3 93703.078
Subtotal 93703.078
7 Carpentry and Roof Works
Supply, assemble and fix in position
eucalyptus roof tress price shall include
the application of three coats and external
anti-termite treatment as per the drawing.
a. Lower & upper chord 120mm dia m 252.23 74.82 18871.8486
b Diagonals and verticals 80mm dia m 186.74 41.8 7805.732

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Supply and fix roof purlin in zigba wood

size 50 x 70 mm nailed in to eucalyptus
7.2 m 143 92 13156
truss including three coats of anti-termite
external treatment.
Supply and fix roof cover in G-28mm
corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed in
7.3 to zigba wood purlin with dome headed m2 124 367.8 45607.2
galvanized nails (Purlin and ridge cover
measured separately

Supply and fix edge gutter formed in G-28

flat galvanized metal sheet 150*100 mm
including brackets 1mm thick shaped
7.4 plate spaced at a maximum spacing of m 32.2 279.06 8985.732
1000 mm c/c and fixed to purline -price
includes metal primer and two coats of
synthetic enamel.
Supply and fix 200mm*25 mm facia
7.5 m 45 144.1 6484.5
Supply and fix 100x70mm down pipe in
G-28 including 1mm thick metal support
7.6 brackets fixed at a maximum interval of m 33 350 11550
1000mm fixed to walls or columns and
two coats of synthetic enamel.
8 Metal Works
Note: The metal work include cleaning of
the metals from unnecessary material,
paint anti-rust and two coats of enamel
paint, all necessary bolts and welding
plates. The color of the paint shall be as
the Engineers preference.

Metal framed Doors with profile cut and

welded along the entire line of contact and
8.1 covered with 1.5 mm thick Ribbed sheet Pcs 1 18273.07
metal ,size 3000 x 3600mm as shown
in the drawing

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Metal framed Doors with profile cut and

welded along the entire line of contact and
8.1 covered with 1.5 mm thick Ribbed sheet Pcs 1 10000
metal ,size 2000*2500mm as shown in
the drawing
1.5 mm thick flat sheet metal window,
8.2 size 1500x 1200m as shown in the Pcs 3 8,273.07 24819.21
Supply and fix 1800 x 500mm metal
8.3 Pcs 1 2,000.00 2000
frame with wires mesh
2mm thick sheet metal ventlated window,
8.4 Pcs 1 5,500.00 5500
size 1700 x 1800mm
Subtotal 60592.28
9 Finishing work
Applying 12mm thick 3 coat Plastering
internal wall 1:3 price shall include
9.1 m2 148.68 212.75 31631.67
preparation of the surface to all internal
Applying 12mm thick Rendering external
9.2 wall 1:3 price shall include preparation of m2 130.68 100.39 13118.9652
the surface to all external surface.
9.3 Floor Slab 30mm thick cement screed m2 70.8 244.72 17326.176
Applying 12mm thick 3 coats of plastic
9.4 paint to internal walls & plastered external m2 148.68 145.4 21618.072
beam & column
Subtotal 83694.8832
Total No 1 807,095.45
Total number for Three (A) No 3
10 Fence Work

Supply and erect 150mm*100mm

concrete fence post with c/c spaced at
180cm to a height of 2m above ground
10.1 level with 6 lines of barbed wire mesh m 160.00 1,502.22 240,355.20
with cross diagonal & to a depth of 70cm
embedded in concrete foundation of

Supply and construct gate type III as per 27,121.8

10.1.1 No. 1 27,121.85
the drawing 5
Total No 1
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Total number for two (B) No 2 534,954.10

Grand Total (A+B) 2,956,240.45

Bill No.12: Construction of Chemical House 1 in No.

Unit Total
Description Unit Qty. price Amount
(Birr) (Birr)
1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a
1.1 m2 15.5
depth of 200 mm 23.85 369.68
common excavation to a depth not
1.2 m3
exceeding 1m 4.00 75.5 302.00
1.3 Excavation for foundation ordinary soil m3 107.1
1.00 107.10
1.4 Ditto as item 1.3 but in Soft rock m3 573.62
0.60 344.17
1.5 Ditto as item 1.3 but in Hard rock m3 688.35
0.80 550.68
Cart away and deposit excavated surplus
1.6 material to a distance not exceeding 1km m3 115.4
6.40 738.56
from site
1.7 Back fill and compact selected material m3 278.27
0.40 111.31
2 Masonry Work
25 cm thick hard core filling and blinded
2.1 m2 369.64
with basaltic or equivalent material 4.00 1,478.56
3 Concrete
Reinforced concrete grade C-25 with
minimum cement content 360 kg/m3 cast
into formwork and vibrated around -
reinforcement bars in:-
3.1.1 Grade beam (20cm*20cm) m3 4529.64
0.45 2,029.28
3.1.2 Top tie beams (20cm*20cm) m3 4529.64
0.45 2,029.28
3.1.3 Lintel (20cm*15cm) m3 4529.64
0.09 407.67

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3.1.4 Column m3 4529.64

1.60 7,247.42
3.1.5 Footing Pad m3 4529.64
1.00 4,529.64
3.1.5 concrete fill on floor slab (15 cm thick) m3 220.60
2.31 509.59
Provide, cut, bend and fix in position
deformed reinforcement bars. All according
to structural drawing. Price shall include -
tying wires
4.1 dia 14 mm kg 77
180.00 13,860.00
4.2 dia 12 mm kg 77
60.00 4,620.00
4.3 dia 10 mm kg 77
230.00 17,710.00
4.4 dia 6 mm kg 77
60.00 4,620.00
5 Provide, cut and fix formwork
5.1 To grade beam m2 657.2
5.60 3,680.32
5.2 To column m2 363.04
26.00 9,439.04
5.3 To tie beam and lintel m2 748.04
7.75 5,797.31
5.3 To footing pad m2 748.04
4.00 2,992.16
6 Block work
20 cm thick HCB "class C" bedded in
6.1 m2 555
cement mortar with (1:3) ratio. 30.38 16,860.90
7 Carpentry and Roofing
7.1 Eucalyptus truss of
7.1.1 Lower 120mm & upper chord 100mm dia. m 363.04
30.00 10,891.20
7.1.2 Diagonals and verticals 80mm dia. m 748.04
15.00 11,220.60
7.1.3 zigba wood purlin 50mmX70mm m 365.21
17.50 6,391.18
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32mm
7.1.4 corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed in to m2
11.05 3,088.59
zigba wood purlin with galvanized nails 279.51

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Supply and fix edge gutter formed in G-28

flat galvanized metal sheet including
support brackets 1mm thick shaped steel
7.1.5 plate spaced at a maximum spacing of 1000 m 256.21
4.00 1,024.84
mm c/c and fixed to purlin - price includes
metal primer and two coats of synthetic
enamel paint and varnished facial board
Supply and fix diameter 80mm PVC down
pipe including 1mm thick metal support
7.1.6 m 300
brackets fixed at a maximum interval of 16.00 4,800.00
1000mm fixed to walls or columns
7.1.7 Supply and fix 2.5cm*25cm fascia board m 200
4.00 800.00
8 Doors and windows as per the drawing
Supply and fix 900 x 2100 mm metal door
1.5 mm thick Ribbed sheet metal price
8.1 No
including three coats of antirust painting , 1.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
painting, hinges and cylinder safety lock
Supply and fix 1200 x 1200 mm metal
frame 1.5 mm thick Ribbed sheet metal
8.2 window price three coats of antirust No
1.00 6,500.00 6,500.00
painting , painting, including hinges and
9 Finishing
Apply three coats of plaster in cement
9.1 mortar to internal cement concrete block m2 224.18
28.08 6,294.97
Pointing external wall 1:3 price shall
9.2 include preparation of the surface to all m2 224.18
33.31 7,467.44
external and internal surfaces.
9.3 30mm cement screed for floor m2 190
6.60 1,254.00
construction of rectangular ditch i.e. 20cm
channel hard core lined with 10cm thick of
9.4 c-10 mass concrete which is bounded by m 165.50
17.80 2,945.90
25cm masonry wall price includes finishing
works of ditch
Painting works by blue color for grade, tie
9.5 m2 600
beam and column 8.80 5,280.00
2'' GS pipe ladder supply and installation
with 4.5 m height and horizontal member
9.6 No. 8596.63
1'' GI pipe with 40cm c/c as shown the 1.00 8,596.63
drawing and hooked to base and roof slabs.
Total for booster station

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Bill No - 11 Guard House
It. No. Description Unit Qty Unit rate Total price
1 Earth Work
1.1 Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of m2 23.9 313.88
200 mm 13.16
1.2 m3 11.9 1,332.60
common excavation to a depth not exceeding 1m 111.75
1.3 m3 4.0 445.88
Excavation for foundation ordinary soil 111.75
1.4 m3 1.2 333.64
Ditto as item 1.2 but in Soft rock 278.73
1.5 m3 2.0 1,328.56
Ditto as item 1.2 but in Hard rock 665.94
1.6 Cart away and deposit excavated surplus material m3 23.9 1,957.91
to a distance not exceeding 1km from site 82.00
1.7 m3 2.7 759.39
Back fill and compact selected material 286.35
1.8 m2 6.6 2,879.63
Fill 250 mm thick hard core 436.31
Sub Total 9,351.50
2 Masonry Work
40cm thick stone masonry Stone masonry for
2.1 foundation below and pointed above ground m3 3.0 5,822.51
level wall bedded in cement mortar 1:3 1,940.84
Semi-dressed stone pavement having 1m wide
2.2 embedded with mortar (1:3) mix price includes m2 7.0 1,050.50 7,353.50
all necessary activities (excavation, cart away
and finishing work) price.
Sub Total 13,176.01
3 Concrete
Reinforced concrete grade C-25 with minimum
3.1 cement content 360 kg/m3 cast into formwork
and vibrated around reinforcement bars in:-
3.1.1 Grade beam (20cm*20cm) m3 0.45 4,032.93 1,806.75
3.1.2 Top tie beams (20cm*20cm) m3 0.45 4,032.93 1,806.75
3.1.3 Lintel (20cm*15cm) m3 0.09 4,184.48 376.60
3.1.4 Column m3 0.40 4,032.93 1,613.17
3.1.5 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (10cm thick) m3 0.66 3500 2,310.00
Sub Total 7,913.28
Provide, cut, bend and fix in position deformed
4 reinforcement bars. All according to structural
drawing. Price shall include tying wires

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4.1 kg 102.74 7,367.86

ø 10 mm 71.71
4.2 kg 41.90 3,005.18
ø 6 mm 71.72
Sub Total 10,373.04
5 Provide, cut and fix formwork
5.1 m2 5.60 2,642.63
To grade beam 471.90
5.2 m2 8.00 3,775.18
To column 471.90
5.3 m2 7.75 3,657.21
To tie beam and lintel 471.90
Sub Total 10,075.02
6 Block work
6.1 20 cm thick HCB "class C" bedded in cement m2 30.38 10,075.02
mortar with (1:3) ratio. 693.68
Sub Total 10,075.02
7 Carpentry and Roofing
7.1 m 30.00 2,337.61
Eucalyptus truss of 77.92
7.1.1 m 30.00 2,337.61
Lower 120mm & upper chord 100mm dia 77.92
7.1.2 m 15.00 1,062.57
Diagonals and verticals 80mm dia 70.84
7.1.3 m 17.50 65,127.54
zigba wood purlin 50X70 3,721.57
Supply and fix roof cover in G-28mm corrugated
7.1.4 galvanized iron sheet fixed in to zigba wood m2 15.20 7,277.04
purlin with galvanized nails 478.75

Supply and fix edge gutter formed in G-28 flat

galvanized metal sheet including support
7.1.5 brackets 1mm thick shaped steel plate spaced at a m 4 1,498.14
maximum spacing of 1000 mm c/c and fixed to
purlin - price includes metal primer and two coats
of synthetic enamel paint and varnished facial
board 374.53
Supply and fix diameter 100mm down pipe in G-
28 including 1mm thick metal support brackets
7.1.6 m 9 1,984.76
fixed at a maximum interval of 1000mm fixed to
walls or columns 220.53
Supply and fix 25*250mm fascia board to purline
7.1.7 m 4 810.44
ncludes two coats of enamel paint. 202.61
Sub Total 82,435.71

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Doors and windows as per the drawing Metal

doors and windows manufactured from
38x1.2mm LTZ frame profile and 1.5 mm
8 thick ribbed sheet all as per the engineers
approval. Unit price shall include one coats of
anti rust and three coats of synthetic enamel
paint, approved quality cylindrical lock,
hinges, manila and any other accessories to
complete the work.
8.1 Supply & fix 900 x 2100mm metal door with No 1 4,631.22
1.5mm thick ribbed sheet 4,631.22
8.2 Supply & fix 1200 x 2100mm metal window No 1 3,334.48
with 1.5mm thick ribbed sheet 3,334.48
Sub Total 7,965.70
9 Finishing
9.1 Apply three coats of plaster in cement mortar to m2 28.08 3,337.81
internal cement concrete block wall 118.87
Rendering to external cement concrete block wall
9.2 including plastering of external smooth concrete m2 33.31 8,989.39
wall and parfait HCB wall above roof cover. 269.87
9.3 m2 6.60 3,844.94
30mm cement screed for floor 582.57

construction of rectangular ditch i.e. 20cm

channel hard core lined with 10cm thick of c-10
9.4 m 17.80 32,103.54
mass concrete which is bounded by 25cm
masonry wall price includes finishing works of
ditch 1,059.12
9.5 Painting works by blue color for grade, tie beam m2 8.80
and column 62,882.22
10 Electrical Installation
Supply and install the required electrical
10.1 installation LS 1 17,591.75 17,591.75

Sub Total 128,749.65

Total for One Guard House 280,114.92

Bill -No.12 Public Fountain

Item No. Description Unit Qty Unit price Total price

1 Earth Work
Clearing and removal of top soil to
1.1 m2 25 13.16 329.02
an average depth of 20cm

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Bulk excavation for foundation to a

1.2 m3 11.56 111.75 1,291.81
depth not exceeding 500mm
1.3 Ditto as item 1.2 but in Soft rock. m3 3.47 278.73 966.65
1.4 Ditto as item 1.2 but hard rock. m3 3.47 665.94 2,309.49
Selected material fill and
1.5 m3 5.78 286.35 1,655.09
Cart away surplus excavated
1.6 material to a distance not exceeding m3 18.12 82 1,485.84
Supply and place 250mm thick
(equivalent to hard basaltic
1.7 m2 10.89 436.31 4,751.42
stone)hardcore blinded with
crushed aggregate
Subtotal 12,789.32
10cm thick C-20 mass concrete in
2.1 water point base and on the surface m3 0.9 3,729.47 3,356.52
of the hard core
10cm thick concrete class C-20 in
2.2 m3 0.1 3,729.47 372.95
manhole floor and cover
Ditto, but in water point pillar and
2.3 m 1.96 3,729.47 7,309.76
seating floor
Subtotal 11,039.23
For water point base, pot seat and
3.1 m2 13.1 391.61 5,130.09

Hard trachytic or equivalent stone
4.1 masonry water point wall grouted m3 1.652 2,589.94 4,278.58
and filled with 1:3 mortar
1.4mx1.4m masonry Valve
4.2 chamber construction as shown in m3 1.188 2,171.00 2,579.15
the drawing
Sub Total 11,987.82
Three coats of plastering to internal
5.1 m2 1.92 471.9 906.04
walls of manhole, using 1:3 mortar
Pointing stone masonry wall of
5.2 m2 6.14 471.9
water point with rich mortar
30mm thick sand and cement floor 2
m 8.93 471.9

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Supply & fix 3mm thick sheet

metal 80cmX80cm access cover
5 with 40X40mm angle iron frame No 1 471.9 471.9
latch and lock for reservoir
Sub Total 4,275.39
6.1 G.S pipe 1'' of class 'B' Type m 12 194.1 2,329.20
6.2 Elbow 90 deg. dia. 1" pcs 4 426.3 1,705.20
6.3 Elbow 90 deg. dia. 1" pcs 1 115.8 115.8
6.4 Reducer dia. 1 ½"x1" pcs 1 115.8 115.8
6.5 Tee dia. 1” pcs 3 156.3 468.9
6.6 Faucet dia.1" pcs 4 2,856.30 11,425.20
6.7 Water Meter dia. 1" pcs 1 561.3 561.3
6.8 Gate Valve dia. 1" pcs 1 75.3 75.3
6.9 Nipples dia 1 " pcs 2 169.8 339.6
6.1 Union dia 1 " pcs 1 115.8 115.8
6.11 Nipples dia 1" pcs 1 75.3 75.3
6.12 Union dia 1" pcs 1 536.54 536.54
6.13 Male Adapter OD 90 mm pcs 1 2,849.40 2,849.40
6.14 Reducer dia. 3"X1" pcs 1 416 416
Subtotal 21,129.34

Supply and erect fence of
50mm*50mm*3mm angle iron
stands c/c spaced at 100cm to a
height of 2m above ground level
with 6 lines of barbed wire 200mm
and 400mm spacing the bottom 4
m 26 2200 57,200.00
and upper 2 lines, respectively with
cross diagonal & to a depth of
50cm embedded in concrete
foundation of 200mm*200mm.
Construct 1000mmx2000mm size
gate with metal frame and
rectangular hollow tube RHS2.5
7.2 No 1 17,000.00 17,000.00
including sheet metal having three
coats of antirust painting including
hinges and lock.
Subtotal 74,200.00
Total Sum for One WPT 135,421.10
Total Water points No 14 1,895,895.40

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Bill No. 13: Toilet

Item Unit Total price
Description Unit Qty
No. rate(ETB) (ETB)
1 Earth Work
Clearing and removal of top soil to
1.1 m2 7.2 15 108
average depth of 25 mm
Excavation in ordinary soil to a depth
1.2 m3 13 107 1391
Ditto as item 1.2 but soft rock
1.3 m³ 17 600 10200
Ditto as item 1.2 but hard rock
1.4 m3 17 980 16660
Cart away the excavated materials
1.5 m3 47 160 7520
note less than 500m
2 Structural works
2.2 Class C-20
a. In columns, beams, lintels and tie
m3 1.2 4032.93 4839.516
b. In floor slab m3 1.2 4,032.93 4839.516
supply and fix in position sawn
2.3 m² 20 363 7260

Provide, cut,bend and fix in position

Reinforcement bar. All according to
2.4 the structural drawing the cost
including tying wires (Steel tensile
strength fst=460 KN/m2)
a. Diameter 10mm deformed bar kg 160 77 12320
b. Diameter 8mm deformed bar kg 15 77 1155
c. Diameter 6mm deformed bar kg 40 77 3080
2.5 3 cm thick cement screed m2 6.28 250 1570
stone masonry with cement mortar 1:4
2.6 m3 17.6 450 7920
ratio cost including pointing works
HCB class – B wall including sand
2.7 cement mortar and both sides left for
a. of 200mm thickness m² 25 643.3 16082.5
3 Roof and Wood Poles 0
Gauge 32 corrugated iron sheet Roof
3.1 m2 11.71 4684
cover 400

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8cm diam. Vertical & Diagonal

3.2 m 17.57 90.00 1581.3
Eucalyptus tree
10cm diam. Eucalyptus for lower &
3.3 m 31.05 92.00 2856.6
upper chord
3.4 10cm diam. Eucalyptus for poles m 30 200 6000
10cm diam. Eucalyptus for horizontal
3.5 m 47.62 355 16905.1
wall support
Supply and fix Zigba wood purlin size
50 x 70 mm nailed into eucalyptus
3.6 m 16 200 3200
truss including three coats of anti -
termite external treatment
3.7 Supply and fix 20*2.5 cm facia board m 4 452 1808
4 Metal Works 0
Note: The metal work includes
cleaning of the metals from
unnecessary material, paint anti-rust
and two coats of enamel paint, all 0
necessary bolts and welding plates.
The color of the pint shall be as the
Engineers preference.
2mm thick sheet metal doors, size
4.1 Pcs 1 7000 7000
2.00 x 1.00m
4.1 wire mesh m² 5.2 250 1300
Total for 1 Toilet 140,280.53
Total for 4 Toilet

Bill No.:14: Installation of all Electro-mechanical works for debi beleqa WSP project

item Total
Description Unit Quantity Unit rate
No Amount
installation of surface Pump and

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Supply of self-prime side & radial or top

discharge multistage, centrifugal horizontal
Raw water/polder heavy duty surface pump
with Q=9.67l/s, H=230m , pump motor
power <=37kw, 3phase, squirrel cage,
induction type, 380/400v, 50hz,2900rpm,
1.1 pump efficiency at duty point>=65%, Set 2
81,180.00 162,360.00
including 3pcs level control electrode, star
delta starting control panel board and all
other accessories necessary for the complete
supply and operation of the pump. NPSHr of
pump should be less than 4m and static
suction (Hs) head(+) or lift (-), is -2.25m
installation of diesel generator set,
continuous rating, as per the technical
specification, engine & alternator pre-
installed on a common rigid frame,
switchgear panel, day tank incorporated
1.2 into the frame, exhaust piping system, Set 1
165,000.00 165,000.00
including manufacturer working, service
maintenance manual, spare part catalogue
and all accessories required for installation :
prime power =100KVA, 3 phase, 400V,
50hz, 1500 RPM
copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with
1.3 roll 2
electrodes and other accessories 330.00 660.00
copper power cable from control panel
1.4 board to motor size 3x25sqmm (rated mtr 40
99.00 3,960.00
voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Cable tray, cable tie,Cable duct with cover
and drainage system, cable supports & cable
1.5 Ls 1
lags and all necessary required accessories 660.00 660.00
within the compound.
copper power cable from generator to
1.6 change over switch size 3x35+16sqmm mtr 10
118.80 1,188.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from EEPCO power
meter to breaker or change over switch size
1.7 mtr 10
3x35+16sqmm (rated voltage: Uo/U- 118.80 1,188.00
copper power cable from changeover switch
1.8 to control panel board size 3x35+16sqmm mtr 10
118.80 1,188.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)

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Earthing materials, including 25 sqmm

earthing copper cable, 50sqmm, 1.2m length
1.9 Set 1
of copper rods, tape bonding straps etc. as 990.00 990.00
necessary for the earthing requirements
lightning protection including arrestor, 8m
length of 3-6”mm flat copper bar, 35sqmm
1.1 and 1.2 m length of copper rod with 25mm set 1
1,980.00 1,980.00
diam.and other accessories for installation
including inspection pit and pipes
installation of Lighting and socket
systems with appropriate fittings
Standard coated metal Common Main
Distribution Board (CMDB) which floor
standing on concrete seat and lockable door,
IP55 consisting of:
1 pcs main breaker of MCCB 160A/3ph
2 pcs main breaker of MCCB 100A/3p
1 pcs breaker of ligthting MCB 10A/1p
2 pcs breaker of socket MCB 16A/1p
1 pcs breaker of Indutial socket MCB set 1
63A/3Ph 6,600.00 6,600.00
1 pcs lighting surge arrester with load rating
and the board with 25% reserve
pitches,Complete with busbar system of
160A/3p rating , fixing accessories and
earthing connection bar terminal.
A wall mounted standard galvanized metal
body & lockable door.4 pole 3 phase
Manual Transfer Switch board with 160A
2.2 Set 1
rated current capacity and including all bus 1,452.00 1,452.00
bar accessories to make the cable
connections and board installation
installation of lightning protection system
with 1piece lightning arrestor connecting at
the top of roof and extend the 8m length of
2-10mm flat copper bar outside the wall to
2.3 Set 1
grounded 16x1200mm length of copper rod 2,310.00 2,310.00
and this should including other accessories
for installation i.e. manhole, tape bonding
strap etc.
Lighting and socket systems with
2.4 Ls 1
appropriate fittings. 99.00 99.00
2.5 16A single phase circuit breaker for sockets Set 2
99.00 198.00

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10A single phase circuit breaker for

2.6 Set 1
lightings 85.80 85.80
Single phase flush mounted socket outlet of
16A,with 2*2.5mm2 cable and 16mm
2.7 Set 4
conduit diameter with appropriate length 79.20 316.80
and all accessories
Twin fluorescent lamps with 36w with
2.8 single pole on/off siwitchs including all Set 6
85.80 514.80
accessories for connection
Lighting point feed through PVC insulated
conductors of 2*1.5mm2 in conduct of
2.9 diameter 16mm under surface including Set 6
72.60 435.60
junction boxes with cover, single pole
switches etc with all accessories
2.1 Nuts and bolts LS 1
528.00 528.00
2.11 anchor bolts LS 1
660.00 660.00
3 Installation of pipes and fittings -
3.1. Suction side -
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 1 No 1
pipe with puddle DN100 , L=6000mm 990.00 990.00
3.1. 2 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN 100,PN10 No 2
1,056.00 2,112.00
3.1. 3 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 2
1,023.00 2,046.00
3.1. 4 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 1
963.60 963.60
3.1. 5 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 2
1,042.80 2,085.60
3.1. 6 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 1
970.20 970.20
Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN 100
3.1. 7 with one side to fit pump suction flange, 2
No 1,221.00 2,442.00
Stainless steel flanged foot valve with
3.1. 8 No 1
strainer DN000, PN10,with all accessories 1,023.00 1,023.00
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 9 No 2
pipe DN1000 L=1500mm 739.20 1,478.40
blind flange, DN150, PN10 No 2
10 330.00 660.00
3.1. Medium class double flanged GS piece
No 1
11 pipe DN100, L=2000mm 792.00 792.00

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Gs double flanged medium class pipe

(suction common manifold) DN 150 with
3.1. two single flanged DN 150 weld to pump
Ls 1
12 side(each L=500mm) and one single 990.00 990.00
flanged pipes DN100 welded to suction side
on it(L=1000mm) , L= 5000mm
3.1. Medium class Double flanged GS piece
No 2
13 pipe DN100, L=1000mm 660.00 1,320.00
3.2 Delivery side -
3.2.1 Double flanged check valve, DN80, PN25 No 2
528.00 1,056.00
3.2.2 Double flanged Gate valve, DN80, PN25 No 2
1,188.00 2,376.00
3.2.3 Dismantling joint DN 80, PN25 No 2
1,122.00 2,244.00
Double flanged GS concentric reducer, DN
3.2.4 80 with one side to fit pump delivery flange No 2
1,306.80 2,613.60
Double flanged GS 90⁰ elbow,
3.2.5 No 2
DN80,PN25 1,240.80 7,444.80

3.2.6 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN100,PN25 No 4

1,174.80 4,699.20

3.2.7 All flanged tee, DN100/80/100, PN25 No 2

1,320.00 2,640.00

Flanged Double orifice Air release valve,

3.2.8 No 1
DN80, PN25 with isolated gate valves 1,247.40 1,247.40
Double flanged woltman turbine type water
3.2.9 No 1
meter DN100 ,PN25 1,042.80 1,042.80
Pressure gauge, 0-40 bar with isolating
3.2.10 No 1
cocks and ½”male socket outlet 1,287.00 1,287.00
Pressure switch 0-40 bar with isolating cock
3.2.11 No 1
and ½” male socket outlet 990.00 990.00
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
3.2.12 No 1
DN100, L=3000mm 990.00 990.00
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
3.2.13 No 2
DN100 , L=1000mm 1,003.20 2,006.40
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
DN100, L=900mm,1/2” socket welded on it
3.2.14 No 1
for pressure gauge and pressure switch 924.00 924.00

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Heavy class Double flanged piece pipe with

3.2.15 No 1
puddle DN100,PN25,L=2500mm 957.00 957.00
Heavy class double flanged GS short piece
3.2.16 No 1
pipe DN100,L=1500mm 957.00 957.00
Heavy class single flanged short piece pipe
3.2.17 No 1
DN80,L=3000mm 858.00 858.00
GS double flanged Heavy class pipe
(delivery common manifold) DN 100 with
3.2.18 No 1
two single flanged DN 80 weld to pump 660.00 660.00
side(each L=500mm) , L= 5000mm
3.2.19 Blind flange DN100,PN25 No 1
528.00 528.00
Reinforced Concrete anchors both suction
3.2.20 Ls 1
and delivery side 363.00 363.00
3.2.21 Double flanged Check valve DN100,PN25 No 1
1,188.00 1,188.00
Double flanged gate valve DN80,PN25 for 1
3.2.22 No
wash out system 1,168.20 1,168.20

Total for BS-1


Bill No.15 For booster ID: installation of debi beleqa booster station-2 Electromechanical

item Total
Description Unit Quantity Unit rate
No Amount
installation of surface Pump and
installation of self-prime side & radial or top
discharge multistage, centrifugal horizontal
surface pump with Q=9.21l/s, H=210m,
pump motor power <=30kw, 3phase,
squirrel cage, induction type, 380/400v,
1.1 50hz,2900rpm, pump efficiency at duty Set 2
78,540.00 157,080.00
point>=65%, including 3pcs level control
electrode, star delta starting control panel
board and all other accessories necessary
for the complete supply and operation of the
pump, NPSHr<5.7.

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installation of diesel generator set,

continuous rating, as per the technical
specification, engine & alternator pre-
installed on a common rigid frame,
switchgear panel, day tank incorporated
1.2 into the frame, exhaust piping system, Set 1
163,020.00 163,020.00
including manufacturer working, service
maintenance manual, spare part catalogue
and all accessories required for installation :
prime power =93.75KVA, 3 phase, 400V,
50hz, 1500 RPM
copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with
1.3 roll 2
electrodes and other accessories 330.00 660.00
copper power cable from control panel
1.4 board to motor size 3x16sqmm (rated mtr 40
85.80 3,432.00
voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Cable tray, cable tie,Cable duct with cover
and drainage system, cable supports & cable
1.5 Ls 1
lags and all necessary required accessories 660.00 660.00
within the compound.
copper power cable from generator to
1.6 change over switch size 3x25+16sqmm mtr 10
99.00 990.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from EEPCO power
meter to breaker or change over switch size
1.7 mtr 10
3x25+16sqmm (rated voltage: Uo/U- 99.00 990.00
copper power cable from changeover switch
1.8 to control panel board size 3x25+16sqmm mtr 20
99.00 1,980.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Earthing materials, including 25 sqmm
earthing copper cable, 50sqmm, 1.2m length
1.9 Set 1
of copper rods, tape bonding straps etc. as 660.00 660.00
necessary for the earthing requirements
lightning protection including arrestor, 8m
length of 3-6”mm flat copper bar, 35sqmm
1.1 and 1.2 m length of copper rod with 25mm set 1
990.00 990.00
diam.and other accessories for installation
including inspection pit and pipes
installation of Lighting and socket
2 -
systems with appropriate fittings
Standard coated metal Common Main
Distribution Board (CMDB) which floor
2.1 -
standing on concrete seat and lockable door,
IP55 consisting of:

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1 pcs main breaker of MCCB 125A/3ph

2 pcs main breaker of MCCB 80A/3p
1 pcs breaker of ligthting MCB 10A/1p
2 pcs breaker of socket MCB 16A/1p
1 pcs breaker of Indutial socket MCB
63A/3Ph set 1
6,501.00 6,501.00
1 pcs lighting surge arrester with load rating
and the board with 25% reserve
pitches,Complete with busbar system of
80A/3p rating , fixing accessories and
earthing connection bar terminal.
A wall mounted standard galvanized metal
body & lockable door.4 pole 3 phase
Manual Transfer Switch board with 100A
2.2 Set 1
rated current capacity and including all bus 627.00 627.00
bar accessories to make the cable
connections and board installation
installation of lightning protection system
with 1piece lightning arrestor connecting at
the top of roof and extend the 8m length of
2-10mm flat copper bar outside the wall to
2.3 Set 1
grounded 16x1200mm length of copper rod 1,650.00 1,650.00
and this should including other accessories
for installation i.e. manhole, tape bonding
strap etc.
Lighting and socket systems with
2.4 Ls 1
appropriate fittings. 79.20 79.20
2.5 16A single phase circuit breaker for sockets Set 2
85.80 171.60
10A single phase circuit breaker for
2.6 Set 1
lightings 66.00 66.00
Single phase flush mounted socket outlet of
16A,with 2*2.5mm2 cable and 16mm
2.7 Set 4
conduit diameter with appropriate length 85.80 343.20
and all accessories
Twin fluorescent lamps with 36w with
2.8 single pole on/off siwitchs including all Set 6
72.60 435.60
accessories for connection
Lighting point feed through PVC insulated
conductors of 2*1.5mm2 in conduct of
2.9 diameter 16mm under surface including Set 6
85.80 514.80
junction boxes with cover, single pole
switches etc with all accessories
2.1 Nuts and bolts LS 1
330.00 330.00

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2.11 anchor bolts LS 1

660.00 660.00

3 installation of pipes and fittings -

3.1 Suction side -
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 1 No 1
pipe with puddle DN100 , L=6000mm 990.00 990.00
3.1. 2 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN 100,PN10 No 2
1,056.00 2,112.00
3.1. 3 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 2
1,023.00 2,046.00
3.1. 4 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 1
963.60 963.60
3.1. 5 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 2
1,042.80 2,085.60
3.1. 6 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 1
970.20 970.20
Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN 100
3.1. 7 with one side to fit pump suction flange, 2
No 1,221.00 2,442.00
Stainless steel flanged foot valve with
3.1. 8 No 1
strainer DN000, PN10,with all accessories 1,023.00 1,023.00
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 9 No 2
pipe DN1000 L=1500mm 739.20 1,478.40
blind flange, DN150, PN10 No 2
10 330.00 660.00
3.1. Medium class double flanged GS piece
No 1
11 pipe DN100, L=2000mm 792.00 792.00
Gs double flanged medium class pipe
(suction common manifold) DN 150 with
3.1. two single flanged DN 150 weld to pump
Ls 1
12 side(each L=500mm) and one single 990.00 990.00
flanged pipes DN100 welded to suction side
on it(L=1000mm) , L= 5000mm
3.1. Medium class Double flanged GS piece
No 2
13 pipe DN100, L=1000mm 660.00 1,320.00
3.2 Delivery side -
3.2.1 Double flanged check valve, DN80, PN25 No 2
528.00 1,056.00
3.2.2 Double flanged Gate valve, DN80, PN25 No 2
1,188.00 2,376.00
3.2.3 Dismantling joint DN 80, PN25 No 2
1,122.00 2,244.00
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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Double flanged GS concentric reducer, DN

3.2.4 80 with one side to fit pump delivery flange No 2
1,306.80 2,613.60
Double flanged GS 90⁰ elbow,
3.2.5 No 2
DN80,PN25 1,240.80 7,444.80

3.2.6 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN100,PN25 No 4

1,174.80 4,699.20

3.2.7 All flanged tee, DN100/80/100, PN25 No 2

1,320.00 2,640.00

Flanged Double orifice Air release valve,

3.2.8 No 1
DN80, PN25 with isolated gate valves 1,247.40 1,247.40
Double flanged woltman turbine type water
3.2.9 No 1
meter DN100 ,PN25 1,042.80 1,042.80
Pressure gauge, 0-40 bar with isolating
3.2.10 No 1
cocks and ½”male socket outlet 1,287.00 1,287.00
Pressure switch 0-40 bar with isolating cock
3.2.11 No 1
and ½” male socket outlet 990.00 990.00
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
3.2.12 No 1
DN100, L=3000mm 990.00 990.00
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
3.2.13 No 2
DN100 , L=1000mm 1,003.20 2,006.40
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
DN100, L=900mm,1/2” socket welded on it
3.2.14 No 1
for pressure gauge and pressure switch 924.00 924.00
Heavy class Double flanged piece pipe with
3.2.15 No 1
puddle DN100,PN25,L=2500mm 957.00 957.00
Heavy class double flanged GS short piece
3.2.16 No 1
pipe DN100,L=1500mm 957.00 957.00
Heavy class single flanged short piece pipe
3.2.17 No 1
DN80,L=3000mm 858.00 858.00
GS double flanged Heavy class pipe
(delivery common manifold) DN 100 with
3.2.18 No 1
two single flanged DN 80 weld to pump 660.00 660.00
side(each L=500mm) , L= 5000mm
3.2.19 Blind flange DN100,PN25 No 1
528.00 528.00
Reinforced Concrete anchors both suction
3.2.20 Ls 1
and delivery side 363.00 363.00
3.2.21 Double flanged Check valve DN100,PN25 No 1

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1,188.00 1,188.00
Double flanged gate valve DN80,PN25 for
3.2.22 No 1
wash out system 1,168.20 1,168.20
Total for BS-2

Bill.No.16 For booster ID: installation of Debi-Beleqa booster station-3 Electromechanical


item Total
Description Unit Quantity Unit rate
No Amount
Installation of surface Pump and
installation of self-prime side & radial or top
discharge multistage, centrifugal horizontal
surface pump with Q=9.21 l/s, H=73m,
pump motor power <=15kw, 3phase,
squirrel cage, induction type, 380/400v,
1.1 50hz, 2900rpm,pump efficiency at duty Set 2
42,900.00 85,800.00
point>=65%, including 3pcs level control
electrode, star delta starting control panel
board and all other accessories necessary
for the complete supply and operation of the
pump, NPSHr<5.7
1.2 installation of diesel generator set, Set 1
continuous rating, as per the technical
specification, engine & alternator pre-
installed on a common rigid frame,
switchgear panel, day tank incorporated
into the frame, exhaust piping system,
49,500.00 49,500.00
including manufacturer working, service
maintenance manual, spare part catalogue
and all accessories required for installation :
prime power =37.5KVA, 3 phase, 400V,
50hz, 1500 RPM
copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with
1.3 roll 2
electrodes and other accessories 330.00 660.00
copper power cable from control panel
1.4 board to motor size 3x10sqmm (rated mtr 40
66.00 2,640.00
voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Cable tray, cable tie,Cable duct with cover
and drainage system, cable supports & cable
1.5 Ls 1
lags and all necessary required accessories 660.00 660.00
within the compound.

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

copper power cable from generator to

1.6 change over switch size 3x16+10sqmm mtr 10
85.80 858.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from EEPCO power
meter to breaker or change over switch size
1.7 mtr 10
3x16+10sqmm (rated voltage: Uo/U- 85.80 858.00
copper power cable from changeover switch
1.8 to control panel board size 3x16+10sqmm mtr 10
85.80 858.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Earthing materials, including 25 sqmm
earthing copper cable, 50sqmm, 1.2m length
1.9 Set 1
of copper rods, tape bonding straps etc. as 660.00 660.00
necessary for the earthing requirements
lightning protection including arrestor, 8m
length of 3-6”mm flat copper bar, 35sqmm
1.1 and 1.2 m length of copper rod with 25mm set 1
990.00 990.00
diam.and other accessories for installation
including inspection pit and pipes
installation of Lighting and socket
2 -
systems with appropriate fittings
Standard coated metal Common Main
Distribution Board (CMDB) which floor
2.1 #VALUE!
standing on concrete seat and lockable door, -
IP55 consisting of:
1 pcs main breaker of MCCB 80A/3ph
2 pcs main breaker of MCCB 40A/3p
1 pcs breaker of ligthting MCB 10A/1p
2 pcs breaker of socket MCB 16A/1p
1 pcs breaker of Indutial socket MCB
63A/3Ph set 1
5,610.00 5,610.00
1 pcs lighting surge arrester with load rating
and the board with 25% reserve
pitches,Complete with busbar system of
80A/3p rating , fixing accessories and
earthing connection bar terminal.
A wall mounted standard galvanized metal
body & lockable door.4 pole 3 phase
Manual Transfer Switch board with 80A
2.2 Set 1
rated current capacity and including all bus 1,386.00 1,386.00
bar accessories to make the cable
connections and board installation

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installation of lightning protection system

with 1piece lightning arrestor connecting at
the top of roof and extend the 8m length of
2-10mm flat copper bar outside the wall to
2.3 Set 1
grounded 16x1200mm length of copper rod 1,452.00 1,452.00
and this should including other accessories
for installation i.e. manhole, tape bonding
strap etc.
Lighting and socket systems with
2.4 Ls 1
appropriate fittings. 99.00 99.00
2.5 16A single phase circuit breaker for sockets Set 2
85.80 171.60
10A single phase circuit breaker for
2.6 Set 1
lightings 79.20 79.20
Single phase flush mounted socket outlet of
16A,with 2*2.5mm2 cable and 16mm
2.7 Set 4
conduit diameter with appropriate length 85.80 343.20
and all accessories
Twin fluorescent lamps with 36w with
2.8 single pole on/off siwitchs including all Set 6
72.60 435.60
accessories for connection
Lighting point feed through PVC insulated
conductors of 2*1.5mm2 in conduct of
2.9 diameter 16mm under surface including Set 6
85.80 514.80
junction boxes with cover, single pole
switches etc with all accessories
2.1 Nuts and bolts LS 1
330.00 330.00
2.11 anchor bolts LS 1
574.20 574.20
2.12 Installation of pipes and fittings -
3 Suction side -
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 1 No 1
pipe with puddle DN100 , L=6000mm 990.00 990.00
3.1. 2 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN 100,PN10 No 2
1,056.00 2,112.00
3.1. 3 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 2
1,023.00 2,046.00
3.1. 4 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 1
963.60 963.60
3.1. 5 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 2
1,042.80 2,085.60
3.1. 6 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 1
970.20 970.20

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN 100

3.1. 7 with one side to fit pump suction flange, 2
No 1,221.00 2,442.00
Stainless steel flanged foot valve with
3.1. 8 No 1
strainer DN000, PN10,with all accessories 1,023.00 1,023.00
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 9 No 2
pipe DN1000 L=1500mm 739.20 1,478.40
blind flange, DN150, PN10 No 2
10 330.00 660.00
3.1. Medium class double flanged GS piece
No 1
11 pipe DN100, L=2000mm 792.00 792.00
Gs double flanged medium class pipe
(suction common manifold) DN 150 with
3.1. two single flanged DN 150 weld to pump
Ls 1
12 side(each L=500mm) and one single 990.00 990.00
flanged pipes DN100 welded to suction side
on it(L=1000mm) , L= 5000mm
3.1. Medium class Double flanged GS piece
No 2
13 pipe DN100, L=1000mm 660.00 1,320.00
3.2 Delivery side -
3.2.1 Double flanged check valve, DN80, PN10 No 2
673.20 1,346.40
No 2
3.2.2 Double flanged Gate valve, DN80, PN10
686.40 1,372.80
3.2.3 Dismantling joint DN 80, PN10 No 2
706.20 1,412.40
Double flanged GS concentric reducer, DN
3.2.4 80 with one side to fit pump delivery flange No 2
666.60 1,333.20
Double flanged GS 90⁰ elbow,
3.2.5 No 2
DN80,PN10 646.80 3,880.80
3.2.6 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN100,PN10 No 4
712.80 2,851.20

3.2.7 All flanged tee, DN100/80/100, PN10 No 2

719.40 1,438.80
Flanged Double orifice Air release valve,
3.2.8 No 1
DN80, PN10 with isolated gate valves 726.00 726.00
Double flanged woltman turbine type water
3.2.9 No 1
meter DN100 ,PN10 825.00 825.00
Pressure gauge, 0-16 bar with isolating
3.2.10 No 1
cocks and ½”male socket outlet 990.00 990.00
Pressure switch 0-16 bar with isolating cock
3.2.11 No 1
and ½” male socket outlet 990.00 990.00

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

medium class Double flanged GS piece

3.2.12 No 1
pipe, DN100, L=3000mm 514.80 514.80
medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.2.13 No 2
pipe, DN100 , L=1000mm 297.00 594.00
medium class Double flanged GS piece
pipe, DN100, L=900mm,1/2” socket welded
3.2.14 No 1
on it for pressure gauge and pressure switch 264.00 264.00
medium class Double flanged piece pipe
3.2.15 No 1
with puddle DN100,PN25,L=2500mm 277.20 277.20
medium class double flanged GS short
3.2.16 No 1
piece pipe DN100,L=1500mm 244.20 244.20
medium class single flanged short piece pipe
3.2.17 No 1
DN80,L=3000mm 231.00 231.00
GS double flanged medium class pipe
(delivery common manifold) DN 100 with
3.2.18 No 1
two single flanged DN 80 weld to pump 792.00 792.00
side(each L=500mm) , L= 5000mm
3.2.19 Blind flange DN100,PN10 No 1
330.00 330.00
Reinforced Concrete anchors both suction
3.2.20 Ls 1
and delivery side 363.00 363.00

3.2.21 Double flanged Check valve DN100,PN10 No 1

646.80 646.80
Double flanged gate valve DN80,PN10 for
3.2.22 No 1
wash out system 587.40 587.40
Total for BS-3
BILL No: 17 Installation of Chlorination System at reservoir.
1 Description Unit Qty. Unit rate Total Amount
Two PVC Chlorine solution preparation tank
with agitator, complete with all accessories
required for installation, content 150 liter, to
be installed around booster station
1. Agitator compatible with tank c/w
single –phase or 3-phase, 230/400v,
50hz, P<=1 kw, IP55 electrical motor
and all accessories required for
installation, to be installed at main
reservoir Set 1 85,000 85,000

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2. Adjustable Magnetic flow meter with

discharge rate 0-15 L/hr
3. Solution pipe system made of HDPE,
UPVC pressure pipes, fittings and all
accessories connection from the
preparation tank (magnetic flow
meter inlet and unit outlet) to the
injection point at the bottom of main
collection chamber or reservoir.
pressure pipes, fittings, double saddle
clamp with required fitting for
complete installation and other
materials required for raw water
adding to both tank and its drainage

Total 85,000 85,000

VAT 15%

Bill.No.18 Material supply for 300 m3 Service reservior, 25m3 Sandwich reservior,
Sedmentation tank, Slow Sand
300m3 service reservior material supply
Supply pipes, fittings & valves
1 supply of pipes and fittings
1.1 Air Vent as shown in the drawing
1.1.1 GI 3'' vent pipe (0.75*2) m 1.5
420 630.00
1.1.2 GI 3'' tee No. 2
350 700.00
1.1.3 GI 3'' nipples No. 4
329 1,316.00
1.1.4 GI 3'' elbow No. 4
350 1,400.00
1.2 Inlet Pipe
0 -

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1.2.1 DN 150mm double flanged DCI pipe m 6

5670 34,020.00
DN 150mm DCI double flanged 90 degree
1.2.2 No. 2
Bend 7560 15,120.00
DN 150mm L=1.5m double flanged Puddle
1.2.3 No. 1
DCI pipe 5670 5,670.00
1.2.4 DN 150mm flanged float valve No. 1
5985 5,985.00
1.2.5 DN 150mm flanged dismantling joint No 1
7700 7,700.00
Stub flanged Adaptor OD160mm with DN
1.2.6 No 1
150mm back ring, bolt and nuts 6300 6,300.00

1.2.7 HDPE PN10 Reducer coupling OD160 to OD

140mm Butt weld No 1 0 0.0
1.3 Outlet Pipe
DN 150mm L=1.5m double flanged puddle
1.3.1 m 1
DCI pipe 5670 5,670.00
DN150mm DCI double Flanged 90 degree
1.3.2 No. 3
Bend 7560 22,680.00
1.3.3 DN 150mm flanged Gate Valve No. 1
5950 5,950.00
1.3.4 DN150mm dismantling joint No 1
7700 7,700.00
1.3.5 DN150mm flanged Water Meter No 1
1750 1,750.00

Stub flanged Adaptor OD150mm with

1.3.6 No 1
DN150mm back ring, bolt and nuts 6,300.00

1.3.7 DN150mm flanged spigot No 1

8400 8,400.00

1.3.8 DN150mm flanged Strainer No 1

8400 8,400.00
1.4 Over Flow and Drain pipe
0 -
1.4.1 DN150mm flanged DCI pipe m 6
1750 10,500.00
1.4.2 DN150mm flanged 90 degree bend No. 4
7700 30,800.00
1.4.3 DN150mm L=1.5m fanged puddle DCI pipe No. 1
4200 4,200.00
1.4.4 DN150mm L=1.2m flanged puddle DCI pipe No. 1
3500 3,500.00
1.4.5 DN150mm flanged Gate valve No. 1 5950

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1.4.6 DN150mm flanged dismantling joint No. 1
7700 7,700.00
1.4.7 DN150mm flanged Tee No 1
4200 4,200.00
Sub Total

25m3 Sandwich reservoir materal supply

1 supply of pipes and fittings

1.1 Inlet pipe

1.1.1 DN -200-mm Double flanged DCI anchoring No 1 7562.7
piece with puddle at the center [1.2m] 7562.7368
1.1.2 DN 200mm Double flanged 90° bend No 3 1387.8245 4163.5
1.1.4 DN200 mm Flanged Socket No 1 6263.0257 6263.0
1.1.5 DN200mm theared Float valve No 1
6263.0257 6,263.03
1.2 Supply of Outlet Pipes & Fittings
0 -
1.2.1 DN 200mm flanged strainer No 1 7562.7368 7562.7
1.2.2 DN 200mm Double flanged 90° bend No 3 6263.0257 18789.1
DN200mm Double flanged pipe with puddle
1.2.3 No 1 7562.7
[2m] 7562.7368
1.2.4 DN200mm Flanged gate valve No 1 8519.0283 8519.0
1.2.5 DN 200mm Dismantling Joint No 1 8093.7783 8093.8
1.2.6 DN200mm Flanged water meter No 1 1750 1750.0
Stub flanged Adaptor OD180mm with
1.2.7 No 1
DN200mm back ring, bolt and nuts 6300 6,300.00
Supply of PN10 GS Overflow and Drain Pipes &
Fittings 0 -
1.3.1 DN200mm Double flanged anchoring piece No 1 6000.0
with puddle at the center [0.6m] 7562.7368
1.3.2 DN150mm Double flanged anchoring piece No 1 6000.0
with puddle at the center [1.3m] 7562.7368
1.3.3 DN200mm pipe m 10.6
1387.8245 14,710.94
1.3.4 DN200mm flanged 90° bend No 2
6263.0257 12,526.05
1.3.5 DN200mm Flanged Gate valve No 1
8519.0283 8,519.03
1.3.6 DN 200mm Dismantling Joint No 1 8519.0283 8519.0
1.3.7 DN200mm All Flanged Tee No 1 7135.875

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1.4 vent pipe as per the drawing
0 -
1.4.1 GS 2'' medium class pipe m 0.6
245.08682 147.05
1.4.2 GS 2'' elbow 90 degree No 2
362.82189 725.64
1.4.3 GS 2'' Tee No 1
645.32055 645.32
1.4.4 GS 2'' union No 2
206.46255 412.93
1.4.5 GS 2'' nipples No 2
206.46255 412.93

total 148,584.41
Total for Three 445753.23
Sementation tank material supply
6.4 Supply of GI pipe and their fiting
Supply DN 100mm overflow pipe as shown
6.4.1 in the drawing m 24 1120 26880
DN 150mm drain pipes pipe as shown in
6.4.2 the drawing m 30 1172.4008 35172.0243
DN 100m inlet and out let pipe as shown in
6.4.3 the drawing m 24 1120 26880
DN 100mm dia gate valve for drain & outlet
6.4.4 pipe control No. 4 8400 33600
6.4.5 Gs pipe internal ladder 1 1/2” Ls 1 874.8282 3
DN 150mm internal dia gate valve for inlet 17038.0566
6.4.6 flow control No. 2 8519.0283 1
6.4.7 Dismantling DN 100 mm dia No. 4 7350 29400
6.4.8 Dismantling DN 150 mm dia No. 2 8093.7783 1
6.4.9 90 Degre bend DN 100mm No. 6 6263.0257 6
6.4.10 45 Degre bend DN 100mm No. 4 5250 21000
6.4.11 DN 100mm pipes for diffusers hole m 6 1120 6720
flanged tee DN 150*150*150mm 14271.7499
6.4.12 No. 2 7135.875 2
6.4.13 blined flanged pipe DN 100mm No. 2 7562.7368 2
6.4.14 Flanged reducer DN 150*100mm No. 2 1722 3444
6.4.15 Flanged reducer DN180*160mm

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stab flange with adaptor OD 160/DN 150mm

6.4.16 including net and bolt No. 1 700 700
Sub total 4

Slow sand filter material supply

6.1 Supply GI pipe at equivalent length DN 50
mm Gs medium class(B) perforated lateral m 380.8
under drain pipe with slot 4mm size 1249.0062 475621.553
6.11 Supply GI pipe at equivalent length DN 150
mm Gs medium class(B) main drain pipe m 40.5
with slot 50mm size 1628.3507 65948.20184
6.12 Supply DN 150 mm DCI pipe for Overflow
m 37
pipe & Drain pipes as shown in the drawing 1387.8245 51349.5067
6.13 Supply DN 150 mm Medium class GI pipe
m 10
for Inlet pipe as shown in the drawing 1387.8245 13878.24505
sub total
0 606,797.51
7 Supply of pipe and fitting 0
7.1 PN 10 All Flanged CI Reducer Tee DN
No 112
150*50*150 mm 8919.8437 999,022.49
PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Flanged socket No. 2
6263.0257 12,526.05
PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Flanged 90 elbow No. 2
5636.7231 11,273.45
7.4 PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Gate valves for flow
No. 2
control &outlet 1260 2,520.00
K 9 DN 150 GS pipe Out let m 23
8519.0283 195,937.65
PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 2
8093.7783 16,187.56
PN 10 All Flanged CI Tee DN 150 mm No 2
7135.875 14,271.75
7.8 PN 10 DN 150 mm CI Gate valves inlet
No. 2
control 8519.0283 17,038.06
7.9 PN 10 DN 100 mm GS Internal threaded stub
No. 112
flange Adapter 2,411.95 270,137.90
DN 150 mm Flanged End plug No. 2
5786.7687 11,573.54
DN 50 mm Threaded End plug No. 112
4324.9279 484,391.93

sub total 2,034,880.3

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Total for slow sand filter 2,641,677.88

Total material supply 3,733,428.36

Bill No.19 Rising Main Material Supply

I.No. Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Total Pricce
1 Supply of Pipes and Fittings
Supply and Installation PN25 PE100 OD180mm 1200 9068400
1.1.1 m 7557
HDPE pipe,With welding point
Supply and Installation PN10PE100 OD140mm
1.1.2 HDPE pipe,With welding point (From BS2 to m 769 300 230700
1.2 PN 16 Supply of Fittings
1.2.2 PN 16 Supply of wash out valves
1.2.1 DCI All Flanged Tee 150 x 50x 150 No. 5 1,575.00 7,875.00
1.2.2 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 5 864.85 4,324.25
1.2.3 DN 50 Flanged GI Pipe with length of L=3m No. 5 700 3,500.00
1.2.4 DN 150 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 5 2,296.35 11,481.75
1.2.5 Internal Threaded GS adapter DN 50mm No. 40 280 11,200.00
1.2.6 Flanged GS Flap valve DN50mm No. 5 280 1,400.00
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with back ring
1.2.7 No. 10 355.7 3,557.00
OD160/ DN 150mm
1.2.8 180*160 butt-weld reducer No 10 5013.75 50137.5

1.2.3 PN 16 Supply of Air valves -

1.3.1 CI All Flanged Tee 150 x 50x 150 mm No. 7 5250 36,750.00
1.3.2 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 7 2,882.14 20,174.98

1.3.3 DN 50 Flanged Single orifice Air Valve No. 7 -

1.3.4 DN 150 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 7 7,654.50 53,581.50

HDPE Stub flanged adapter with back ring
1.3.5 No. 14 1,185.67 16,599.36
OD160/ DN 150mm
1.3.6 180*160 buttwelded reducer No 14 5013.75 70192.5
Subtotal 9589873.84
Carried to Summary 9589873.84

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Bill NO.20. Part 2 Distribution Supply

unit QNT unit rate amount

1 Supply of pipes, fittings
HDPE PE100 PN16 pipe laying
1.1 with Butt Welding Connection
1.1.1 OD110 m 4219 466.028571 1966174.543
HDPE PE100 PN10 pipe laying
1.2 with Butt Welding Connection 0
1.2.1 OD160 m 82 628.871429 51567.45714
1.2.2 OD140 m 2130 482.357143 1027420.714
1.2.3 OD 110 m 2629 307.571429 808605.2857
1.2.4 OD 90 m 2382 267.171429 636402.3429
1.2.5 OD 75 m 370 165.171429 61113.42857
HDPE PE100 PN10 pipe supply
1.3 with Compression Connection 0
1.3.1 OD 63 m 2116 99.9428571 211479.0857
1.3.2 OD 50 m 1524 62.6428571 95467.71429
1.3.3 OD 40 m 2385 40.9714286 97716.85714
Fittings, gate valves, nipples &
1.4 addaptors 0
HDPE PE100 PN16 butt weld
1.4.1 Tee(mmxmmxmm) 0 110*110*110 pcs 4 2055.5745 8222.298 160*160*160 pcs 1 1401.351 1401.351 63*63*63 pcs 1 1152.5955 1152.5955
HDPE PE100 PN16 butt weld
1.4.2 Reducer Tee(mmxmmxmm) 0 160*75*160 pcs 1 932.61 932.61 140*63*140 pcs 3 910 2730 110*75*110 pcs 1 839.16 839.16 110*63*110 pcs 1 838.6 838.6 90*63*90 pcs 1 770 770
HDPE PE100 PN16 Compression
1.4.3 Reducer Tee(mmxmmxmm) 0 110*40*110 No 1 966 966 90*50*90 No 1 838.6 838.6 75*63*75 No 1 826 826 63*40*63 No 1 651 651

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

HDPE PE100 PN16 butt weld

1.4.4 Reducer (mmxmm) coupling 0 160*140 No 2 5013.75 10027.5 160*110 No 1 4754.4 4754.4 160*63 No 3 4663.05 13989.15 140*110 No 1 4663.05 4663.05 110*90 No 2 3966.9 7933.8 110*40 No 3 3815.7 11447.1 90*63 No 1 3607.8 3607.8
HDPE PE100 PN16 Compression
1.4.5 Reducer (mmxmm) coupling 75*63 No 1 3763.2 3763.2 75*50 No 1 3607.8 3607.8 63*50 No 1 3373.65 3373.65 63*40 No 5 3373.65 16868.25
supply of complete set of gate
valve assembly and construction
of complete valve chamber as per
1.4.6 the drawing. 0
Stab Flanged Adapter With back ring 0 OD 160mm No 6 429.744 2578.464 OD 110mm No 8 393.89 3151.12 OD75 mm No 2 393.89 787.78 DN 75 HDPE Female adapter No 4 3,266.67 13,066.67 Dismantling Joint 0 DN150mm No 6 7700 46200 DN100mm No 8 6720 53760 OD65 mm No 2 393.89 787.78 Gate Valve 0 DN150mm No 3 7700 23100 DN100mm No 4 6720 26880 DN65 mm No 1 393.89 393.89 DN50 mm(Internal treaded) No 2 393.89 787.78 Nipple - - 2'' No 4 886.67 3,546.67
PN 16 installation of wash out valves
1.5 -

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

1.5.1 CI All Flanged Tee 100 x 50x 100 No. 3 5250

1.5.2 CI All Flanged Tee 50 x 50x 50 No. 2 3500
1.5.3 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 5 2,881.67
DN 50 Flanged GI Pipe with length
1.5.4 No. 5 1400
of L=3m 7,000.00
1.5.5 DN 100 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 3 7,653.33
1.5.6 DN 50 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 2 4,316.67
Internal Threaded GS adapter DN
1.5.7 No. 5 1400
50mm 7,000.00
1.5.8 Flanged GS Flap valve DN 50mm No. 5 1050
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with
1.5.9 No. 2
back ring OD125/ DN 100mm 1185.33333 2,370.67
1.5.10 HDPE reducer125*110 No.
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with
1.5.11 No. 4
back ring OD110/ DN 100mm 758.333333 3,033.33
HDPE Stub flanged adapter with
1.5.12 No. 4
back ring OD63/ DN50mm 758.333333 3,033.33
1.6 installation of Air valves -
1.6.1 CI All Flanged Tee 80 x 50x 80 No. 1 5250 5,250.00
1.6.2 DN 50 Flanged CI Gate Valve No. 1 2,881.67 2,881.67
1.6.3 DN 50 Flanged single orfice Air No. 1 5600 5,600.00
1.6.4 DN 80 mm CI Dismantling Joint No. 1 7,653.33 7,653.33
1.6.5 HDPE Stub flanged adapter with No. 2 1,185.33 2,370.67
back ring OD90/ DN 80mm
1.7 PRV-1 0

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Installation of Double Flanged

Pressure Reduce Valve (PRV) DN
150 PN 16 Q= 12.019 l/s to be
installed on OD 140 Pipe; the PRV
should reduce an Inlet Pressure of
64m H2O to an Outlet pressure of
55 m H2O under flow Condition
(for Dynamic Pressure Control) and
Reduce an Inlet pressure of 70 m
1.7.1 H2O to an Outlet pressure of 55 m No 1
H2O under the No flow Condition
(for Static Pressure Control) i.e the
Pressure should have a) "droping -
tight controling future. The PRV
should contain the important
componets such as balanced spring
Diaphram, Valve Fittings like
stainless steel strainer, reducers and
any another neccessary Works.
23333.3333 23333.33333
Stabflanged Adaper OD160with
1.7.5 DN 150with back ringPN16 No 2 5134.766 10269.532
1.7.7 Butt weld reducer 160/140mm No 2 3763.2 7526.4
1.8 PRV-2 0

Installation of Double Flanged

Pressure Reduce Valve (PRV) DN
80 PN 16 Q= 3.797 l/s to be
installed on OD 110 Pipe; the PRV
should reduce an Inlet Pressure of
69m H2O to an Outlet pressure of
56 m H2O under flow Condition
(for Dynamic Pressure Control) and
Reduce an Inlet pressure of 80 m
1.8.1 H2O to an Outlet pressure of 56 m No 1
H2O under the No flow Condition
(for Static Pressure Control) i.e the
Pressure should have a) "droping -
tight controling future. The PRV
should contain the important
componets such as balanced spring
Diaphram, Valve Fittings like
stainless steel strainer, reducers and
any another neccessary Works.
23333.3333 23333.33333

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Stabflanged Adaper OD100with

1.8.2 DN 110with back ringPN16 No 2 5134.766 10269.532
1.9 PRV-3 0

Installation of Double Flanged

Pressure Reduce Valve (PRV) DN
100 PN 16 Q= 2.727 l/s to be
installed on OD 110 Pipe; the PRV
should reduce an Inlet Pressure of
90m H2O to an Outlet pressure of
63 m H2O under flow Condition
(for Dynamic Pressure Control) and
Reduce an Inlet pressure of 115 m
1.9.1 H2O to an Outlet pressure of 63 m No 1
H2O under the No flow Condition
(for Static Pressure Control) i.e the
Pressure should have a) "droping -
tight controling future. The PRV
should contain the important
componets such as balanced spring
Diaphram, Valve Fittings like
stainless steel strainer, reducers and
any another neccessary Works.
23333.3333 23333.33333
Stabflanged Adaper OD110with
1.9.2 DN 100with back ringPN16 No 2 5134.766 10269.532

Cost Estimation for Supply of All Electro-mechanical Material BOQ for debi beleqa kebele
WSP project
Bill.No:21. Well ID: supply of Sump well Booster-1 to TP/BS-2 Electromechanical materials:

item Uni Quantit Unit rate Total

No t y USD) Amount ($)
1 Supply of surface Pump and Generator

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Supply of self-prime side & radial or top

discharge multistage, centrifugal horizontal
Raw water/polder heavy duty surface pump
with Q=9.67l/s, H=230m , pump motor power
<=37kw, 3phase, squirrel cage, induction
type, 380/400v, 50hz,2900rpm, pump
1.1 efficiency at duty point>=65%, including 3pcs Set 2 $24,600.00
level control electrode, star delta starting
control panel board and all other accessories
necessary for the complete supply and
operation of the pump. NPSHr of pump
should be less than 4m and static suction (Hs)
head(+) or lift (-), is -2.25m
Supply of diesel generator set, continuous
rating, as per the technical specification,
engine & alternator pre-installed on a common
rigid frame, switchgear panel, day tank
incorporated into the frame, exhaust piping $25,000.0
1.2 Set 1 $25,000.00
system, including manufacturer working, 0
service maintenance manual, spare part
catalogue and all accessories required for
installation : prime power =100KVA, 3
phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500 RPM
copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with electrodes
1.3 roll 2 $50.00 $100.00
and other accessories
copper power cable from control panel board
1.4 to motor size 3x25sqmm (rated voltage: mtr 40 $15.00 $600.00
Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Cable tray, cable tie,Cable duct with cover
and drainage system, cable supports & cable
1.5 Ls 1 $100.00 $100.00
lags and all necessary required accessories
within the compound.
copper power cable from generator to change
1.6 over switch size 3x35+16sqmm (rated mtr 10 $18.00 $180.00
voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from EEPCO power meter
1.7 to breaker or change over switch size mtr 10 $18.00 $180.00
3x35+16sqmm (rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from changeover switch
1.8 to control panel board size 3x35+16sqmm mtr 10 $18.00 $180.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Earthing materials, including 25 sqmm

earthing copper cable, 50sqmm, 1.2m length
1.9 Set 1 $150.00 $150.00
of copper rods, tape bonding straps etc. as
necessary for the earthing requirements
lightning protection including arrestor, 8m
length of 3-6”mm flat copper bar, 35sqmm
1.1 and 1.2 m length of copper rod with 25mm set 1 $300.00 $300.00
diam.and other accessories for installation
including inspection pit and pipes
Supply of Lighting and socket systems with
2 appropriate fittings
Standard coated metal Common Main
Distribution Board (CMDB) which floor
standing on concrete seat and lockable door,
IP55 consisting of:
1 pcs main breaker of MCCB 160A/3ph
2 pcs main breaker of MCCB 100A/3p
1 pcs breaker of ligthting MCB 10A/1p
2 pcs breaker of socket MCB 16A/1p
1 pcs breaker of Indutial socket MCB set 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
1 pcs lighting surge arrester with load rating
2.1 and the board with 25% reserve
pitches,Complete with busbar system of
160A/3p rating , fixing accessories and
earthing connection bar terminal.
A wall mounted standard galvanized metal
body & lockable door.4 pole 3 phase Manual
Transfer Switch board with 160A rated
Set 1 $220.00 $220.00
current capacity and including all bus bar
accessories to make the cable connections and
board installation
Supply of lightning protection system with
1piece lightning arrestor connecting at the top
of roof and extend the 8m length of 2-10mm
flat copper bar outside the wall to grounded
2.2 Set 1 $350.00 $350.00
16x1200mm length of copper rod and this
should including other accessories for
installation i.e. manhole, tape bonding strap
Lighting and socket systems with appropriate
2.3 Ls 1 $15.00 $15.00
2.4 16A single phase circuit breaker for sockets Set 2 $15.00 $30.00
2.5 10A single phase circuit breaker for lightings Set 1 $13.00 $13.00

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Single phase flush mounted socket outlet of

16A,with 2*2.5mm2 cable and 16mm conduit
2.6 Set 4 $12.00 $48.00
diameter with appropriate length and all
Twin fluorescent lamps with 36w with single
2.7 pole on/off siwitchs including all accessories Set 6 $13.00 $78.00
for connection
Lighting point feed through PVC insulated
conductors of 2*1.5mm2 in conduct of
2.8 diameter 16mm under surface including Set 6 $11.00 $66.00
junction boxes with cover, single pole
switches etc with all accessories
2.9 Nuts and bolts LS 1 $80.00 $80.00
2.1 anchor bolts LS 1 $100.00 $100.00
3 Supply of pipes and fittings $0.00
3.1. Suction side $0.00
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 1 No 1 $150.00 $150.00
pipe with puddle DN100 , L=6000mm
3.1. 2 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN 100,PN10 No 2 $160.00 $320.00
3.1. 3 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 2 $155.00 $310.00
3.1. 4 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 1 $146.00 $146.00
3.1. 5 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 2 $158.00 $316.00
3.1. 6 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 1 $147.00 $147.00
Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN 100
3.1. 7 2 $185.00 $370.00
with one side to fit pump suction flange, PN10 No
Stainless steel flanged foot valve with strainer
3.1. 8 No 1 $155.00 $155.00
DN000, PN10,with all accessories
Medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe
3.1. 9 No 2 $112.00 $224.00
DN1000 L=1500mm
blind flange, DN150, PN10 No 2 $50.00 $100.00
3.1. Medium class double flanged GS piece pipe
No 1 $120.00 $120.00
11 DN100, L=2000mm
Gs double flanged medium class pipe (suction
common manifold) DN 150 with two single
3.1. flanged DN 150 weld to pump side(each
Ls 1 $150.00 $150.00
12 L=500mm) and one single flanged pipes
DN100 welded to suction side on
it(L=1000mm) , L= 5000mm
3.1. Medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe
No 2 $100.00 $200.00
13 DN100, L=1000mm
3.2 Delivery side $0.00
3.2.1 Double flanged check valve, DN80, PN25 No 2 $80.00 $160.00
3.2.2 Double flanged Gate valve, DN80, PN25 No 2 $180.00 $360.00
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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3.2.3 Dismantling joint DN 80, PN25 No 2 $170.00 $340.00

Double flanged GS concentric reducer, DN
3.2.4 80 with one side to fit pump delivery flange No 2 $198.00 $396.00
3.2.5 Double flanged GS 90⁰ elbow, DN80,PN25 No 2 $188.00 $1,128.00

3.2.6 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN100,PN25 No 4 $178.00 $712.00

3.2.7 All flanged tee, DN100/80/100, PN25 No 2 $200.00 $400.00

Flanged Double orifice Air release valve,

3.2.8 No 1 $189.00 $189.00
DN80, PN25 with isolated gate valves
Double flanged woltman turbine type water
3.2.9 No 1 $158.00 $158.00
meter DN100 ,PN25
3.2.1 Pressure gauge, 0-40 bar with isolating cocks
No 1 $195.00 $195.00
0 and ½”male socket outlet
3.2.1 Pressure switch 0-40 bar with isolating cock
No 1 $150.00 $150.00
1 and ½” male socket outlet
3.2.1 Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
No 1 $150.00 $150.00
2 DN100, L=3000mm
3.2.1 Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
No 2 $152.00 $304.00
3 DN100 , L=1000mm
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
3.2.1 DN100, L=900mm,1/2” socket welded on it
No 1 $140.00 $140.00
4 for pressure gauge and pressure switch
3.2.1 Heavy class Double flanged piece pipe with
No 1 $145.00 $145.00
5 puddle DN100,PN25,L=2500mm
3.2.1 Heavy class double flanged GS short piece
No 1 $145.00 $145.00
6 pipe DN100,L=1500mm
3.2.1 Heavy class single flanged short piece pipe
No 1 $130.00 $130.00
7 DN80,L=3000mm
GS double flanged Heavy class pipe (delivery
3.2.1 common manifold) DN 100 with two single
No 1 $100.00 $100.00
8 flanged DN 80 weld to pump side(each
L=500mm) , L= 5000mm
Blind flange DN100,PN25 No 1 $80.00 $80.00
3.2.2 Reinforced Concrete anchors both suction and
Ls 1 $55.00 $55.00
0 delivery side
3.2.2 Double flanged Check valve DN100,PN25 No 1 $180.00 $180.00

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3.2.2 Double flanged gate valve DN80,PN25 for
No 1 $177.00 $177.00
2 wash out system
Total for BS-1 (USD) $61,892.00

BillNo.22. For booster ID: Supply of debi beleqa booster station-2 Electromechanical

item Uni Quantit Unit rate Total

No t y (USD) Amount ($)

1 Supply of surface Pump and Generator

Supply of self-prime side & radial or top

discharge multistage, centrifugal horizontal
surface pump with Q=9.21l/s, H=210m, pump
motor power <=30kw, 3phase, squirrel cage,
induction type, 380/400v, 50hz,2900rpm, $11,900.0
1.1 Set 2 $23,800.00
pump efficiency at duty point>=65%, 0
including 3pcs level control electrode, star
delta starting control panel board and all other
accessories necessary for the complete supply
and operation of the pump, NPSHr<5.7.
Supply of diesel generator set, continuous
rating, as per the technical specification,
engine & alternator pre-installed on a common
rigid frame, switchgear panel, day tank
incorporated into the frame, exhaust piping $24,700.0
1.2 Set 1 $24,700.00
system, including manufacturer working, 0
service maintenance manual, spare part
catalogue and all accessories required for
installation : prime power =93.75KVA, 3
phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500 RPM
copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with electrodes
1.3 roll 2 $50.00 $100.00
and other accessories
copper power cable from control panel board
1.4 to motor size 3x16sqmm (rated voltage: mtr 40 $13.00 $520.00
Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Cable tray, cable tie,Cable duct with cover
and drainage system, cable supports & cable
1.5 Ls 1 $100.00 $100.00
lags and all necessary required accessories
within the compound.
copper power cable from generator to change
1.6 over switch size 3x25+16sqmm (rated mtr 10 $15.00 $150.00
voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

copper power cable from EEPCO power meter

1.7 to breaker or change over switch size mtr 10 $15.00 $150.00
3x25+16sqmm (rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from changeover switch
1.8 to control panel board size 3x25+16sqmm mtr 20 $15.00 $300.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Earthing materials, including 25 sqmm
earthing copper cable, 50sqmm, 1.2m length
1.9 Set 1 $100.00 $100.00
of copper rods, tape bonding straps etc. as
necessary for the earthing requirements
lightning protection including arrestor, 8m
length of 3-6”mm flat copper bar, 35sqmm
1.1 and 1.2 m length of copper rod with 25mm set 1 $150.00 $150.00
diam.and other accessories for installation
including inspection pit and pipes
Supply of Lighting and socket systems with
appropriate fittings
Standard coated metal Common Main
Distribution Board (CMDB) which floor
standing on concrete seat and lockable door,
IP55 consisting of:
1 pcs main breaker of MCCB 125A/3ph
2 pcs main breaker of MCCB 80A/3p
1 pcs breaker of ligthting MCB 10A/1p
2 pcs breaker of socket MCB 16A/1p
1 pcs breaker of Indutial socket MCB
63A/3Ph set 1 $985.00 $985.00
1 pcs lighting surge arrester with load rating
and the board with 25% reserve
pitches,Complete with busbar system of
80A/3p rating , fixing accessories and earthing
connection bar terminal.
A wall mounted standard galvanized metal
body & lockable door.4 pole 3 phase Manual
Transfer Switch board with 100A rated
2.2 Set 1 $95.00 $95.00
current capacity and including all bus bar
accessories to make the cable connections and
board installation

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

Supply of lightning protection system with

1piece lightning arrestor connecting at the top
of roof and extend the 8m length of 2-10mm
flat copper bar outside the wall to grounded
2.3 Set 1 $250.00 $250.00
16x1200mm length of copper rod and this
should including other accessories for
installation i.e. manhole, tape bonding strap
Lighting and socket systems with appropriate
2.4 Ls 1 $12.00 $12.00
2.5 16A single phase circuit breaker for sockets Set 2 $13.00 $26.00
2.6 10A single phase circuit breaker for lightings Set 1 $10.00 $10.00
Single phase flush mounted socket outlet of
16A,with 2*2.5mm2 cable and 16mm conduit
2.7 Set 4 $13.00 $52.00
diameter with appropriate length and all
Twin fluorescent lamps with 36w with single
2.8 pole on/off siwitchs including all accessories Set 6 $11.00 $66.00
for connection
Lighting point feed through PVC insulated
conductors of 2*1.5mm2 in conduct of
2.9 diameter 16mm under surface including Set 6 $13.00 $78.00
junction boxes with cover, single pole
switches etc with all accessories
2.1 Nuts and bolts LS 1 $50.00 $50.00

2.11 anchor bolts LS 1 $100.00 $100.00

3 Supply of pipes and fittings $0.00

3.1 Suction side $0.00
Medium class Double flanged GS piece
3.1. 1 No 1 $150.00 $150.00
pipe with puddle DN100 , L=6000mm
3.1. 2 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN 100,PN10 No 2 $160.00 $320.00
3.1. 3 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 2 $155.00 $310.00
3.1. 4 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 1 $146.00 $146.00
3.1. 5 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 2 $158.00 $316.00
3.1. 6 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 1 $147.00 $147.00
Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN 100
3.1. 7 2 $185.00 $370.00
with one side to fit pump suction flange, PN10 No
Stainless steel flanged foot valve with strainer
3.1. 8 No 1 $155.00 $155.00
DN000, PN10,with all accessories
Medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe
3.1. 9 No 2 $112.00 $224.00
DN1000 L=1500mm

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

blind flange, DN150, PN10 No 2 $50.00 $100.00
3.1. Medium class double flanged GS piece pipe
No 1 $120.00 $120.00
11 DN100, L=2000mm
Gs double flanged medium class pipe (suction
common manifold) DN 150 with two single
3.1. flanged DN 150 weld to pump side(each
Ls 1 $150.00 $150.00
12 L=500mm) and one single flanged pipes
DN100 welded to suction side on
it(L=1000mm) , L= 5000mm
3.1. Medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe
No 2 $100.00 $200.00
13 DN100, L=1000mm
3.2 Delivery side $0.00
3.2.1 Double flanged check valve, DN80, PN25 No 2 $80.00 $160.00
3.2.2 Double flanged Gate valve, DN80, PN25 No 2 $180.00 $360.00
3.2.3 Dismantling joint DN 80, PN25 No 2 $170.00 $340.00
Double flanged GS concentric reducer, DN
3.2.4 80 with one side to fit pump delivery flange No 2 $198.00 $396.00
3.2.5 Double flanged GS 90⁰ elbow, DN80,PN25 No 2 $188.00 $1,128.00

3.2.6 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN100,PN25 No 4 $178.00 $712.00

3.2.7 All flanged tee, DN100/80/100, PN25 No 2 $200.00 $400.00

Flanged Double orifice Air release valve,

3.2.8 No 1 $189.00 $189.00
DN80, PN25 with isolated gate valves
Double flanged woltman turbine type water
3.2.9 No 1 $158.00 $158.00
meter DN100 ,PN25
3.2.1 Pressure gauge, 0-40 bar with isolating cocks
No 1 $195.00 $195.00
0 and ½”male socket outlet
3.2.1 Pressure switch 0-40 bar with isolating cock
No 1 $150.00 $150.00
1 and ½” male socket outlet
3.2.1 Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
No 1 $150.00 $150.00
2 DN100, L=3000mm
3.2.1 Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
No 2 $152.00 $304.00
3 DN100 , L=1000mm
Heavy class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
3.2.1 DN100, L=900mm,1/2” socket welded on it
No 1 $140.00 $140.00
4 for pressure gauge and pressure switch

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3.2.1 Heavy class Double flanged piece pipe with

No 1 $145.00 $145.00
5 puddle DN100,PN25,L=2500mm
3.2.1 Heavy class double flanged GS short piece
No 1 $145.00 $145.00
6 pipe DN100,L=1500mm
3.2.1 Heavy class single flanged short piece pipe
No 1 $130.00 $130.00
7 DN80,L=3000mm
GS double flanged Heavy class pipe (delivery
3.2.1 common manifold) DN 100 with two single
No 1 $100.00 $100.00
8 flanged DN 80 weld to pump side(each
L=500mm) , L= 5000mm
Blind flange DN100,PN25 No 1 $80.00 $80.00
3.2.2 Reinforced Concrete anchors both suction and
Ls 1 $55.00 $55.00
0 delivery side
Double flanged Check valve DN100,PN25 No 1 $180.00 $180.00
3.2.2 Double flanged gate valve DN80,PN25 for 1 $177.00 $177.00
2 wash out system
Total for BS-2 (USD) $60,296.00

Bill No. 23: For booster ID: Supply of debi beleqa booster station-3 Electromechanical

item Total
Description Unit Quantity rate
No Amount ($)
1 Supply of surface Pump and Generator
Supply of self-prime side & radial or top
discharge multistage, centrifugal horizontal
surface pump with Q=9.21 l/s, H=73m, pump
motor power <=15kw, 3phase, squirrel cage,
induction type, 380/400v, 50hz,
1.1 2900rpm,pump efficiency at duty Set 2 $13,000.00
point>=65%, including 3pcs level control
electrode, star delta starting control panel
board and all other accessories necessary for
the complete supply and operation of the
pump, NPSHr<5.7

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1.2 Supply of diesel generator set, continuous Set 1

rating, as per the technical specification,
engine & alternator pre-installed on a common
rigid frame, switchgear panel, day tank
incorporated into the frame, exhaust piping $7,500.0
system, including manufacturer working, 0
service maintenance manual, spare part
catalogue and all accessories required for
installation : prime power =37.5KVA, 3
phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500 RPM
copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with electrodes
1.3 roll 2 $50.00 $100.00
and other accessories
copper power cable from control panel board
1.4 to motor size 3x10sqmm (rated voltage: mtr 40 $10.00 $400.00
Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Cable tray, cable tie,Cable duct with cover
and drainage system, cable supports & cable
1.5 Ls 1 $100.00 $100.00
lags and all necessary required accessories
within the compound.
copper power cable from generator to change
1.6 over switch size 3x16+10sqmm (rated mtr 10 $13.00 $130.00
voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from EEPCO power meter
1.7 to breaker or change over switch size mtr 10 $13.00 $130.00
3x16+10sqmm (rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
copper power cable from changeover switch
1.8 to control panel board size 3x16+10sqmm mtr 10 $13.00 $130.00
(rated voltage: Uo/U- 0.6/1kv)
Earthing materials, including 25 sqmm
earthing copper cable, 50sqmm, 1.2m length
1.9 Set 1 $100.00 $100.00
of copper rods, tape bonding straps etc. as
necessary for the earthing requirements
lightning protection including arrestor, 8m
length of 3-6”mm flat copper bar, 35sqmm
1.1 and 1.2 m length of copper rod with 25mm set 1 $150.00 $150.00
diam.and other accessories for installation
including inspection pit and pipes
Supply of Lighting and socket systems with
appropriate fittings
Standard coated metal Common Main
Distribution Board (CMDB) which floor
standing on concrete seat and lockable - -
door, IP55 consisting of:
1 pcs main breaker of MCCB 80A/3ph set 1 $850.00 $850.00

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2 pcs main breaker of MCCB 40A/3p

1 pcs breaker of ligthting MCB 10A/1p
2 pcs breaker of socket MCB 16A/1p
1 pcs breaker of Indutial socket MCB
1 pcs lighting surge arrester with load rating
and the board with 25% reserve
pitches,Complete with busbar system of
80A/3p rating , fixing accessories and earthing
connection bar terminal.
A wall mounted standard galvanized metal
body & lockable door.4 pole 3 phase Manual
Transfer Switch board with 80A rated current
2.2 Set 1 $210.00 $210.00
capacity and including all bus bar accessories
to make the cable connections and board
Supply of lightning protection system with
1piece lightning arrestor connecting at the top
of roof and extend the 8m length of 2-10mm
flat copper bar outside the wall to grounded
2.3 Set 1 $220.00 $220.00
16x1200mm length of copper rod and this
should including other accessories for
installation i.e. manhole, tape bonding strap
Lighting and socket systems with appropriate
2.4 Ls 1 $15.00 $15.00
2.5 16A single phase circuit breaker for sockets Set 2 $13.00 $26.00
2.6 10A single phase circuit breaker for lightings Set 1 $12.00 $12.00
Single phase flush mounted socket outlet of
16A,with 2*2.5mm2 cable and 16mm conduit
2.7 Set 4 $13.00 $52.00
diameter with appropriate length and all
Twin fluorescent lamps with 36w with single
2.8 pole on/off siwitchs including all accessories Set 6 $11.00 $66.00
for connection
Lighting point feed through PVC insulated
conductors of 2*1.5mm2 in conduct of
2.9 diameter 16mm under surface including Set 6 $13.00 $78.00
junction boxes with cover, single pole
switches etc with all accessories
2.1 Nuts and bolts LS 1 $50.00 $50.00
2.11 anchor bolts LS 1 $87.00 $87.00
2.12 Supply of pipes and fittings $0.00
3 Suction side $0.00

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Medium class Double flanged GS piece

3.1. 1 No 1 $150.00 $150.00
pipe with puddle DN100 , L=6000mm
3.1. 2 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN 100,PN10 No 2 $160.00 $320.00
3.1. 3 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 2 $155.00 $310.00
3.1. 4 Double flanged Gate valve, DN100, PN10 No 1 $146.00 $146.00
3.1. 5 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 2 $158.00 $316.00
3.1. 6 Dismantling joint DN100, PN10 No 1 $147.00 $147.00
Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN 100
3.1. 7 2 $185.00 $370.00
with one side to fit pump suction flange, PN10 No
Stainless steel flanged foot valve with strainer
3.1. 8 No 1 $155.00 $155.00
DN000, PN10,with all accessories
Medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe
3.1. 9 No 2 $112.00 $224.00
DN1000 L=1500mm
blind flange, DN150, PN10 No 2 $50.00 $100.00
3.1. Medium class double flanged GS piece pipe
No 1 $120.00 $120.00
11 DN100, L=2000mm
Gs double flanged medium class pipe (suction
common manifold) DN 150 with two single
3.1. flanged DN 150 weld to pump side(each
Ls 1 $150.00 $150.00
12 L=500mm) and one single flanged pipes
DN100 welded to suction side on
it(L=1000mm) , L= 5000mm
3.1. Medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe
No 2 $100.00 $200.00
13 DN100, L=1000mm
3.2 Delivery side $0.00
3.2.1 Double flanged check valve, DN80, PN10 No 2 $102.00 $204.00
3.2.2 Double flanged Gate valve, DN80, PN10 No 2 $104.00 $208.00
3.2.3 Dismantling joint DN 80, PN10 No 2 $107.00 $214.00
Double flanged GS concentric reducer, DN
3.2.4 80 with one side to fit pump delivery flange No 2 $101.00 $202.00
3.2.5 Double flanged GS 90⁰ elbow, DN80,PN10 No 2 $98.00 $588.00
3.2.6 Double flanged 90⁰ elbow, DN100,PN10 No 4 $108.00 $432.00

3.2.7 All flanged tee, DN100/80/100, PN10 No 2 $109.00 $218.00

Flanged Double orifice Air release valve,

3.2.8 No 1 $110.00 $110.00
DN80, PN10 with isolated gate valves
Double flanged woltman turbine type water
3.2.9 No 1 $125.00 $125.00
meter DN100 ,PN10
3.2.1 Pressure gauge, 0-16 bar with isolating cocks
No 1 $150.00 $150.00
0 and ½”male socket outlet

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

3.2.1 Pressure switch 0-16 bar with isolating cock

No 1 $150.00 $150.00
1 and ½” male socket outlet
3.2.1 medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
No 1 $78.00 $78.00
2 DN100, L=3000mm
3.2.1 medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
No 2 $45.00 $90.00
3 DN100 , L=1000mm
medium class Double flanged GS piece pipe,
3.2.1 DN100, L=900mm,1/2” socket welded on it
No 1 $40.00 $40.00
4 for pressure gauge and pressure switch
3.2.1 medium class Double flanged piece pipe with
No 1 $42.00 $42.00
5 puddle DN100,PN25,L=2500mm
3.2.1 medium class double flanged GS short piece
No 1 $37.00 $37.00
6 pipe DN100,L=1500mm
3.2.1 medium class single flanged short piece pipe
No 1 $35.00 $35.00
7 DN80,L=3000mm
GS double flanged medium class pipe
3.2.1 (delivery common manifold) DN 100 with
No 1 $120.00 $120.00
8 two single flanged DN 80 weld to pump
side(each L=500mm) , L= 5000mm
Blind flange DN100,PN10 No 1 $50.00 $50.00
3.2.2 Reinforced Concrete anchors both suction and
Ls 1 $55.00 $55.00
0 delivery side
Double flanged Check valve DN100,PN10 No 1 $98.00 $98.00
3.2.2 Double flanged gate valve DN80,PN10 for
No 1 $89.00 $89.00
2 wash out system
Total for BS-3 (USD) $29,449.00
Bill No: 24. Supply of Chlorination System at Booster station.
Unit Total
Description Unit Qty.
1 rate Amount
Two PVC Chlorine solution preparation tank
with agitator, complete with all accessories
required for installation, content 150 liter, to be
installed around booster station including:-
1. Agitator compatible with tank c/w single
–phase or 3-phase, 230/400v, 50hz, P<=1
kw, IP55 electrical motor and all
accessories required for installation, to be Set 1 450,000 450,000

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Development Bureau Works Enterprise

installed at main reservoir

2. Adjustable Magnetic flow meter with
discharge rate 0-15 L/hr
3. Solution pipe system made of HDPE,
UPVC pressure pipes, fittings and all
accessories connection from the
preparation tank (magnetic flow meter
inlet and unit outlet) to the injection point
at the bottom of main collection chamber
or reservoir.
pressure pipes, fittings, double saddle
clamp with required fitting for complete
installation and other materials required
for raw water adding to both tank and its
drainage system.

Total 450,000 50)
Grand total supply of Electromechanically 6515480.00

Debi Beleqa kebele Electromechanical Work supply and installation Cost Estimation summary:
Total Cost estimation summery for all electro-mechanical work
Sr.No Description Unit No. Total
I For all EM-material supply of Debi set 1 6,515,480.00
beleqa kebele WSP with vat 15% Or $

II For all EM-material Installation of set 1 1248675

Debi beleqa kebele WSP with Vat

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