PE 104 Module 1 (Tabra, Rose Glaire Alaine EP 25)

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PE 104

Ma. Honey Pearl O. Billato, LPT
Mark Kim I. Herbon, LPT
Taekwondo (Poomsae)

Before you begin your journey in this module, let us try to evaluate what you know
about Taekwondo. Here, you will try to answer some questions that you will
encounter as we learn further this subject.

1. This term refers to the combination of techniques of blocks, stances, kicks and
attacks performed consecutively while moving in certain directions.

a. Poomsae
b. Jujutso
c. Muay Thai
d. Karate

2. This term refers to stop and deflect an incoming attack.

a. Makgi
b. Sogi
c. Jirugi
d. Chigi
3. The term “Sogi” means

a. Punch
b. Attack
c. Stance
d. Defend

4. ITF stands for

a. International Taekwondo Foundation

b. International Taekwondo Feud
c. International Taekwon-Do Fedaration
d. International Taekwondo Federal

5. The term “Hana” means

a. Six (6)
b. One (1)
c. Ten (10)
d. Eight (8)

As a human being, you have encountered various circumstances or moments where

you realized it is really a must to learn skills that can help you to protect yourself. In
this task, you will look back to your experiences and try to recall how you, as a student
or a teenager, managed your safety. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Share an accident or emergency that you experienced and give us the

details on how you exactly handled the situation.

During my Senior High School days, I was practicing for our play-ground
demonstration and I just leave my bag near the area where we will conduct our practice
because I was confident at that time that no one will steal anything from my bag. There
is a girl who went near to the place where we leave our bags but I did not mind her
because I think that she will just sit there and just observe our practice. After our
practice, I’m about to get my money to my wallet to buy water but it is not there
anymore. I searched my wallet anywhere in my bag and asked my classmates if they
saw a small wallet but I found and received nothing. That money is for my payment for
our team T-shirt. When I got home, even if it is scary to tell the truth to my parents I
decided to tell them what happened and I was overwhelmed that they understand the
2. List down your own ways or measures on how to promote and keep yourself
safe. Give at least 2-3 sentences to each safety measure to support your

➢ Avoid going out alone especially during evening

During evening, it is common that there are people who usually do such criminal
acts. So, in order for us to be safe, we should not go out in the evening
especially if you are a girl because not all people that you met or encountered
on the street is trustworthy.

➢ Be aware of your surroundings

You don't have to be too concerned with little details or indulge in paranoid
imaginations to be safe. Being attentive, on the other hand, will protect you from
mishaps and demonstrate that you are paying attention to prospective crooks.

➢ Make sure someone knows where you are and what you are doing
If something were to happen to you, you'd want at least one person to know
what you were up to and where you were headed. If you must walk someplace
late at night, make sure a companion or trustworthy person is aware of your
route. This way, if something happens to you, they'll know where to search.
➢ Have emergency phone numbers memorized
In today's world, your phone holds so much data that it is tempting to forget all
of the digits. You should have a backup plan in place in case you misplace your
phone, it is stolen, or the batteries run out. In addition to the obvious emergency
numbers (such as the police or fire department), you should have a friend or
two you may contact if you get into trouble.
➢ Always keep money on hand for transportation
Make sure you always have enough money to go home, whether it's cab fare
or money for the bus or metro. Even if you're returning home late at night, this
is crucial. If anything makes you feel uneasy or worried, you'll want enough
money to get out of it by taking a cab or bus if necessary.
➢ Keep doors and windows locked
Unless you live in a tiny town where no one locks their doors, you should keep
yours closed, especially if you're alone at home. This is especially essential on
the bottom floor, where robbers or attackers may have easy access.
➢ Telling someone you're alone at home is never a good idea
If someone knocks and requests to talk with you about anything, don't tell them
you're the only one there. If you reside in an apartment building and someone
you don't know wants to buzz you in, don't let them in until you're 100%
confident they're who they say they are.
➢ When traveling, don't show off your possessions
While you can be robbed at home, it's more likely to happen when you're an
evident visitor in an area you're unfamiliar with. Tourists are typically well-off,
preoccupied by the joy of vacationing, and maybe a little ignorant, thus local
ne'er do wells know to target them. Local cops could also be unprepared to
assist you.

Let’s try to practice how far you have managed to understand

the lesson. In your own perspective, identify and explain the
benefits that you can get when you continue practicing

Write your answers on the space provided.

➢ Build confidence
Taekwondo build one’s confidence by encouraging you to succeed and to take control
of your life.
➢ Self-discipline
The self-discipline that develops as a consequence of learning and applying the skills
often spills over into other aspects of individual’s life. As you learn to focus on goals
and work toward them, your grades will often increase. Taekwondo teaches self-
discipline and self-respect, which might help resist peer pressure.
➢ Improved muscle toning
Taekwondo emphasizes various kicks and attacks. You'll most likely find that you've
dropped weight and perhaps gained muscle mass after repeating drills to obtain a
strong grasp of how to perform a motion.
➢ Strengthen your mind and body
Through taekwondo it strengthens your mind and body through increased physical
coordination and mental discipline.
➢ Able to handle stress
When sparring, for example, being able to respond and conquer diverse opponents is
a good illustration of appropriate stress management. Taekwondo training aids the
learner in overcoming the many mental stressors that arise in everyday life as well as
during training sessions. Stress management and stress reduction are achieved when
a student overcomes and confronts anxieties, practices mental focus, and
understands the causes of stress and how they affect us.
➢ Build respect
Taekwondo is based on a set of principles and traditions that are still followed today.
Students are taught to respect their peers, professors, and anybody else they meet
outside of class starting in the first class. With this, they are also able to be respectful
outside the class.
➢ Accepting and overcoming setbacks
It's not always about winning in Taekwondo to be the greatest. Many martial arts
ideologies emphasize the need of acknowledging that failure is inevitable. The key
lesson here is how to bounce back after a setback, and how to recognize that humility
and a feeling of humility are not just a tool, but also a necessary component of
overcoming failure.
➢ Improved socializing ability
You'll have to interact with others, whether it's your students or your professors. It's
not unusual to have a greater knowledge of how other people react and respond in
different situations as you engage with more people, both in Taekwondo lessons and
outside of them. These and other talents can be quite beneficial to individuals who
have difficulty interacting with others.

Now that you already know taekwondo and its benefits, in this
part, you will thoroughly answer the question below. Your answer
must have at least 10 or more sentences.

How does going in and practicing Taekwondo influences personal life of an


Practicing Taekwondo influences the personal life of an individual in a way that

it assists you in your own growth. It instills self-assurance, making you feel safer. It
also instills self-control, or the ability to consider before acting. Taekwondo teaches
discipline by instilling the Taekwondo concepts and methods of respect, honesty,
persistence, self-control, and indomitable spirit in your body and mind. Taekwondo
develops both the intellect and the physical via severe discipline, with a strong focus
on the development of moral character. To put it another way, mental control, self-
discipline, compassion, and humility must all go hand in hand with physical elegance.
Also, it boosts self-confidence by making you feel stronger in a healthy way. It also
boosts your self-esteem by pushing you to achieve and take charge of your life. It
teaches self-defense by teaching you how to detect circumstances when physical self-
defense may be required and how to handle such situations to your benefit.
Taekwondo improves your life by encouraging you to engage in physical and mental
activities that are both healthy and enjoyable. It encourages you to be more
responsible in your actions. Students are taught to respect and practice excellent
behaviors. In general, it affects and influences individual’s life in a way that it makes
you a better version of yourself and makes you a role model to others.

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