Table of Contents:: Chapter One: Introduction

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Table of Contents :

Table of contents ___________________________________________1

List of figures _____________________________________________3

List of tables ______________________________________________4

Abstract ___________________________________________________1


Chapter One : Introduction

Introduction _____________________________________________5.1

General review _________________________________________8 1.1

Problem statement _______________________________________8 1.2

Objectives ______________________________________________9 1.3

Main objectives ________________________________________9 1.3.1

Specific objectives ______________________________________9 1.3.2

Chapter two : Literature review and previous experiments

Literature review _________________________________________9 .2

Literature review ________________________________________10 2.1

Previous experiments ____________________________________11 2.2

Comparison ___________________________________________12 2.3

Chapter three : The Methodology

General review 3.1

Electrical and electronic part 3.2

Software part 3.3

Human body is prone to various toxic gases and hazardous elements or
chemicals or compound consisting in the atmosphere. A person can fall
into danger if the level of those gases exceeds human body tolerance limit
or even can die if the gas level is too high as against sustainability. To
cope out against this kind of situation, gas detection and measurement
system is highly necessary to detect and measure the level of toxic gases
in places where human inhabit such as home and industrial areas. The
human environment is surrounded with different toxic and dangerous
gases such as natural gas (CH4) found in kitchen stove or LNG in
cylinder, different type of fuels for burning etc. In industrial areas, the
amount of toxic gases is high and therefore the probability of an accident
from those gases. Thus in these areas different types of gases are present
as exhaust gases during manufacturing such as CO (Carbon Monoxide),
CH4 (Methane), fuels for burning purpose etc. Therefore, for better
protection of human life, a gas monitoring system is required. It can be
more effective if we measure these gases from a distant safer place with
wireless communication devices and components, so that a monitoring
system is developed with MQ2 gas Sensor GSM Module and Arduino as
.a MCU


‫ة أو‬CC‫واد الكيميائي‬CC‫رة أو الم‬CC‫ر الخط‬CC‫امة والعناص‬CC‫ازات الس‬CC‫ف الغ‬CC‫ة لمختل‬CC‫ان عرض‬CC‫م اإلنس‬CC‫جس‬
‫ك‬CC‫توى تل‬CC‫اوز مس‬CC‫ يمكن أن يتعرض الشخص للخطر إذا تج‬.‫المركبات المكونة في الغالف الجوي‬
‫ الغاز مرتفعًا جدًا مقارنة‬C‫الغازات حد تحمل جسم اإلنسان أو حتى يمكن أن يموت إذا كان مستوى‬
‫ة‬CC‫ يعد نظام الكشف عن الغاز وقياسه ضروريًا للغاي‬، C‫ لمواجهة هذا النوع من المواقف‬.‫باالستدامة‬
‫نزل‬CC‫ل الم‬CC‫ان مث‬CC‫ا اإلنس‬CC‫كن فيه‬CC‫تي يس‬CC‫اكن ال‬CC‫امة في األم‬CC‫ازات الس‬CC‫توى الغ‬CC‫ مس‬C‫اس‬CC‫اف وقي‬CC‫الكتش‬
( ‫بيعي‬CC‫از الط‬CC‫ل الغ‬CC‫ة مث‬CC‫ البيئة البشرية محاطة بغازات سامة وخطيرة مختلف‬.‫ الصناعية‬C‫والمناطق‬
‫ة من‬CC‫واع مختلف‬CC‫ وأن‬، ‫طوانة‬CC‫ال في االس‬CC‫ المس‬C‫ المطبخ أو الغاز الطبيعي‬C‫) الموجود في موقد‬CH4
‫الي‬CC‫ة وبالت‬CC‫امة عالي‬CC‫ازات الس‬CC‫ تكون كمية الغ‬، ‫ في المناطق الصناعية‬.‫ للحرق وما إلى ذلك‬C‫الوقود‬
‫ازات‬CC‫ة من الغ‬CC‫واع مختلف‬CC‫د أن‬CC‫اطق توج‬CC‫ذه المن‬CC‫الي في ه‬CC‫ وبالت‬.‫ازات‬CC‫االحتمال لحادث من تلك الغ‬
)‫ان‬CC‫ان (الميث‬CC‫ون) والميث‬CC‫يد الكرب‬CC‫ون (أول أكس‬CC‫كغازات عادم أثناء التصنيع مثل ثاني أكسيد الكرب‬
C‫ يلزم وجود‬، ‫ من أجل حماية أفضل للحياة البشرية‬، ‫ لذلك‬.‫ وما إلى ذلك‬C‫والوقود لغرض االحتراق‬
‫ثر‬C‫د أك‬CC‫ان بعي‬C‫ازات من مك‬C‫ذه الغ‬C‫ يمكن أن يكون أكثر فاعلية إذا قمنا بقياس ه‬.‫نظام لمراقبة الغاز‬
C‫تخدام‬CC‫ة باس‬CC‫ام مراقب‬CC‫ نظ‬C‫وير‬CC‫ بحيث يتم تط‬، ‫ االتصاالت الالسلكية‬C‫أمانًا باستخدام أجهزة ومكونات‬
.MCU ‫ كوحدة‬Arduino ‫ و‬MQ2 ‫ لمستشعر الغاز‬GSM ‫وحدة‬

1.1 General Review:

The ardent passion towards contributing to the society in order to save

.human lives was the main reason behind the origin of this project

Various articles which stated the numerous cessations of human lives

while attempting to treat underground sewers intrigued our team to
. develop the model

For those who work in atmospheres that could be hazardous to their

health, selecting the right gas detector could be the single most important
decision they could ever make. Their life could hinge on that decision so
it is critical that the user make him aware of the hazards that could be
.encountered and the proper sensors to protect them

Data gathered in the late seventies and early eighties indicated

that 65% of all those who died in confined spaces were unaware that
the space they were entering was a potential hazard. Over 50% of
confined space deaths occur to the rescuers and over one third of the
fatalities occurred after the space was tested and declared safe and the
.gas detector was removed
Gas detectors have been around for a long time, starting with that
infamous methane sniffing canary, which sadly was a one-shot device,
which when subjected to methane, tended to die rather quickly with no
audio and visual alarm capabilities other than being slightly cheap and
.a total lack of motion
Fortunately technology has advanced significantly and we find
ourselves at this point in time with some very sophisticated electronic
equipment. But even the most sophisticated technology is useless if the
sensors used are unable to detect the gases present Such references and
may more throw light on the fact that the sewer gases contribute a
major role in the mortality rate. The overall causal ratio may be small
in comparison with others, but is still not a good reason to ignore the
.situation as life, however small it may be still has to be valued
Tragedies like this frequently happen when gas monitors either are
used improperly or not used at all. Manufacturers tirelessly work to
make their instruments easier to use in an effort to eliminate such
tragedies. But no matter how user-friendly the instruments become, if
employees do not use them properly, injury and death on the job will
.continue to occur
Deciding to use a gas detector is a smart thing to do Sewer gas is a
complex mixture of toxic and nontoxic gases produced and collected in
sewage systems by the decomposition of organic household or
industrial wastes, typical components
Sewer gases may include hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane, carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides Improper disposal of

1.2 Problem statement:

Many previous studies have already addressed the gas
identification and concentration estimation problems, including
implementation of fuzzy logic designs, multilayer perceptron, artificial
neural networks (ANN), and principal component analysis . Support
vector machines (SVMs) have been recently employed for a least
squares approach to estimate gas concentration .
1.3 Objectives:
1.3.1 Main Objectives:
To track the presence of hazardous gases, the most threatening •
amongst them namely carbon monoxide and methane present in
To identify the safe limits of these gases and calculate the level •
.in that situation
Concentration of these toxic gases present in the air is •
identified accurately in ppm (parts per million)

1.3.2 Specific Objectives:

design and implement easy to use and cheap device using *
mq2 gas sensor to detect the concentration of many gases and
.present them on lcd screen
To warn the workers about the potential threats that they might face *
on account of exposure to such gases above a safe limit by sending the
.effect of the gas at that level through GSM technology

: Literature review 1 .2
In this section we have seen more than one previous study in the
last four years. all focused on gas detection and gas leak detection
.using different methods and different sensors

: Previous Experiments 2.2

Detection of Gas Leakage and Automatic Alert System using

Arduino (2019)

Juhi Chaudhary and Anurag Mishra , LPG is a significant and

effective fuel, for the most part utilized as a part of private spots for
cooking. LPG for the most part filled in cylinder which is solid and
can't be harmed effortlessly. In any case, breaks may happen from gas
cylinder, controller and gas pipe tube when these are definitely not in a
decent condition and may cause a mishap. Mischances may prompt
medical problems like suffocation and potentially cause an impact on
the start of any fire or electric supply. One of the important preventive
methods to stop mischance related with the gas spillage is to introduce
gas leakage detector at vulnerable places. The main focus of this paper
is to present such an outline that can consequently identify and remove
gas spillage in defenseless premises. The gas spill sensor is such a
gadget which distinguishes the gas spills at beginning levels and
cautions the individuals of the same. This paper fundamentally
manages the advancement of a straightforward gas spill locator at the
underlying stage and after that changing this basic gadget into a most
progressive gas identifier framework later on. Gas sensors have been
specifically utilized which has high affectability for propane (C3H8)
and butane (C4H10). Gas leakage system consists of GSM (Worldwide
,System for versatile communication) module
which sends SMS as soon as gas leakage is detected. This model has
been tried by using a small measure of LPG gas close to the sensor.
MQ–6 gas sensor distinguishes the LPG gas and thereafter a signal will
be send to the Microcontroller. After that Microcontroller send an
active signal to other remotely associated device. There fore buzzer
sounds and a message is shown on 16x2 LCD screen. At the same time
gas supply is turned off with the help of solenoid valve. At the point
when reset button is pressed, the model again becomes in ready state to
detect gas. The proposed gas leakage detector demonstrated a great
performance and execution results of the gas leakage for the time of
testing. After many observations of the outcome the result was
approximately same in many cases. The Gas sensor may take few
seconds to recognize the gas leakage but once sensed it immediately
closes the valve. As we have seen that a number of deaths are caused
due to the explosion of gas cylinders have increased in recent years.
Here we plan to propose a microcontroller based model where a gas
sensor MQ–6 issued to recognize unsafe gas spills. The detector
flashes a green LED to show that there is no gas spillage. At the point
when there is a gas spillage the LED flashes a red and sound a buzzer.
The essential target of the project is to give a novel means to security.
The primary objective of this basic gas leakage detector is its
effortlessness and its capacity to caution its owner about the spillage of
the LPG gas. The other preferred standpoint of this framework is its
audio cautioning system. This system is executed effectively and low
cost item. Another preferred standpoint of this gadget is that despite
the fact that if nobody is there in the house and afterward gas spills
happens, GSM module is there to send prompt messages to the owner
in regards to the gas break and thus lowers the intensity of accident.
The test outcome check the effective and productive activity of the
model by distinguishing low and high gas spillage levels and auto off
the gas supply and caution the client by giving an audible alarm
warning signal. The proposed Arduino based gas leakage detector
gives high and quick reaction than the manual task during critical
situations. The system can be introduced for recognizing the different
spillage gases at private, lodging eateries, other commercial and
industrial area to avoid from risking of human lives.[1]

Gas Sensor Using Arduino UNO & MQ2 Sensor, March 2018
Prof. Parag Naik, Pranay Dhopte, Rajat Wanode, Roheet Kantode,
Saurabh Nagre In today’s world, everyone is busy in their own life that
people rarely take care of using resources effectively. We know gas is
a useful component in environment. Some gases do not cause any harm
if emitted in excess amount but some do. Gas like LPG is used
household purpose for cooking food. Not only in household purpose
but also in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, etc where there is human
interaction. Also we can see CNG operated vehicles. If there is any
amount of leakage of these type gases it can cause a huge loss to life
and property. So what if we get a way to reduce or abandon the
chances of this loss.
We know that fire attacks due to gas leakage in buildings, restaurants,
etc are increased severely. If the gas knob is left open accidently for a
few hours it only smells and does not catch fire, but it is kept open for
a long time, and then if there is any ignition then the gas rapidly
catches fire. In vehicles where we use CNG , if there is any leakage
then there is also same possibility of the vehicle catching fire. The
sensor in the circuit will sense the leakage, if the leakage is of high
intensity it will put the alarm or the buzzer on so the owners will be
alert so as to take precautious measures to minimize the possibility to
catch fire or any loss to life or property. the conclusion is that we can
be aware of any danger that can be caused by gas leakage and further
catching fire and causing more damage and danger. It’s SMS technique
can also be used with GSM technology to send messages to emergency
services. We can also use it to detect various other gases other than
LPG and CNG. It will be helpful in public places like Mall’s,
hospital’s, hotel’s etc. In such places there is a huge rush of people,
women and small children.[2]

Toxic gas detection-An experiment with the simulation process

Aug -2017 | 08

A.Sivasankari1, R.Malarvizhi2, K.Ayesha3 The main objective of the

work is designing Arduino based toxic gas detecting and alerting
system is to find the emission of toxic gases. The hazardous gases
emitted by plastic should be sensed and displayed what type of gases is
emitted by plastic and also an alert message (SMS) is sent to the
authorized person through the GSM. The advantage of this automated
detection and alerting system over the manual method is that it offers
quick response time and accurate detection of an emergency and in
turn leading faster diffusion of the critical situation. The problem of
toxic or hazardous gas emission is solved by implementing this
process. By this program one can easily identify what type of gas is
produced. If we want to set the threshold level of the gas, it is also
possible by predefined it in the program. Once it crossed the threshold
level it will send an alert message to the concern authority person who
is an in-charge for that process. Here by receiving the alert message
through the GSM mode one can take an immediate action to solve the
problem. [3]

FPGA-GSM based gas leakage detection system December 2016

Arpitha .T1, Divya Kiran, V. S.N. Sitaram Gupta and Punithavathi
Duraiswamy2 Gas leakage is a major problem in industries, residential
premises and gas powered vehicles. The leakage if not detected may
lead to explosion and cause severe damages to life and environment.
The conventional leakage detection system uses on-site alarms for
warning. In this paper, we propose a leakage detection method in
which the leakage information is also sent to first response team
through wireless media. This ensures preventive actions immediately
even in the absence of people onsite. The detection system uses FPGA
to detect the leakage and automatically initiate a warning call through a
GSM. A prototype of the gas leakage detection system has been
developed and tested with LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). The
experimental results show that the system is able to detect the leakage
in less than a minute. An FPGA –GSM based gas leakage detector with
a warning call initiating feature to the first response team is presented.
The FPGA detects the leakage and initiates a warning call through a
GSM module. A prototype of the gas leakage detector has been
developed and successfully tested with LPG. The detector is able to
send the warning call to the mobile number stored in the system in less
than a minute. The proposed leakage detection with warning call
initiation can be extended to send calls/SMS to multiple people and
can be directly linked to the fire station as well. Future work may
include cleaning of the sensor data by averaging the collected data in

Hazardous Gas Detection using ARDUINO April 2016

Prof. K.R.Katole Vrushali Bagade, Bhagyashree Bangade Ankita soni,
Hiranmayee Kamde. The primary aim of the work is to design arduino
based hazardous gas detecting system using gas sensors. The toxic
gases like butane (also known as LPG), methane and carbon monoxide
are sensed and displayed on the LCD display. The concentration of the
gasses will be shown in the form of percentage by LCD display. The
functionality of system is divided into three main steps. In the initial
step, the gas leakage is detected by the gas sensor. This detects the gas
leakage and gives the signal to the microcontroller. After that in second
step the microcontroller receives the signal, which sends by gas sensor.
It sends activation signal to other external devices attached such as
LCD display .The LCD display will show which gas is actually

:Comparison 2.3
Previously gas detection was made through different methods
and the result was dependant on the gas type, constraints, the way
the gas was used and several environmental parameters and most
of the systems were dependent on sending a text message through
GSM in the cases of emergency. whereas our device using mq2 gas
sensor to measure tow kind of toxic gases and analyze them and
monitor these gases through liquid crystal display and transmit
. these values through GSM technology

: General review 3.1

The monitoring and measuring system designed in this project

consists of two units as it is a wireless monitoring system: One is the
detection, measuring and data transmission unit(electrical and
electronic part) and the other is the monitoring and data reception unit.
The detection and measuring unit is constructed with Arduino Uno as
Microcontroller Unit (MCU) which will process the collected data
from the gas sensor named MQ2 Gas Sensor. Another component is a
necessary one which will transmit the data to the receiver, that is, GSM
Module. The monitoring system is actually a data receiving and
visualizing unit consisting of Arduino Uno and liquid crystal display
Module. The wireless module will receive transmitted data from the
GSM module, then will pass to the MCU for processing. After
processing, the MCU will visualize the data through the liquid crystal
The functionality of system is divided into three main parts. In the
initial part, the gas is detected by the gas sensor. This sensor gives the
signal to the microcontroller. After that in second part the
microcontroller receives the signal, which sends by gas sensor. It sends
activation signal to other external devices attached such as LCD
.display and GSM
:Electrical and Electronic part 3.2

Block Diagram 3.2.1

Figure 3.1 Block Diagram

The whole system is developed using the Arduino programming

language in the Arduino development environment. A GSM shield is
used to alert the user about the presence of toxic gases using text
messages. It can also be used to alert co-workers or rescue workers to
help the users in case of an emergency. Given is the basic system’s
architecture Figure 3.1
Circuit Diagram 3.2.2

Figure 3.2 circuit diagram

The system uses sensor namely Mq-2 for the detection of these gases in
the air. An Arduino board containing an at mega 328 microcontroller is
used for processing. Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs
from the sensor, and affects its surroundings by controlling the actuators.
The whole system is developed using the Arduino programming language
in the Arduino development environment. A GSM shield is used to alert
.the user about the presence of toxic gases using text messages

It can also be used to alert co-workers or rescue workers to help the

.users in case of an emergency
: Electronic Components 3.2.3
: Arduino UNO

Figure 3.3 Arduino UNO

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It

has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator
(CSTCE16M0V53-R0), a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header
and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or
power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.. You can
tinker with your Uno without worrying too much about doing something
wrong, worst case scenario you can replace the chip for a few dollars and
start over again.

"Uno" means one in Italian and was chosen to mark the release of
Arduino Software (IDE) 1.0. The Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino
Software (IDE) were the reference versions of Arduino, now evolved to
newer releases. The Uno board is the first in a series of USB Arduino
boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform; for an
extensive list of current, past or outdated boards see the Arduino index of

MQ-2 gas sensor:

Figure 3.4 MQ-2 gas sensor

Sensitive material of MQ-2 gas sensor is SnO2, which with

lower conductivity in clean air. When the target combustible gas
exist, The sensor’s conductivity is more higher along with the gas
concentration rising. Please use simple electro circuit, Convert
change of conductivity to correspond output signal of gas
concentration. MQ-2 gas sensor has high sensitivity to LPG,
Propane and Hydrogen, also could be used to Methane and other
combustible steam, it is with low cost and suitable for different
Good sensitivity to Combustible gas in wide range.1
High sensitivity to LPG, Propane and Hydrogen .2
Long life and low cost .3
Simple drive circuit.4
Domestic gas leakage detector .1
Industrial Combustible gas detector.2
Portable gas detector .3

: GSM shield

Figure 3.5 GSM shield

The GSM modem can’t be powered using the arduino and hence it
draws its power from an external power source. It is built in with a
voltage regulator and hence it does not need any regulation of
power. The GSM cannot be powered with a 9V battery because it
needs more than 1A of current during transmission.
Duringtransmission the GSM modem needs high amount of
current, about 2A and hence the external power supply should be
.able to provide it
Rx of arduino is connected to the Tx of GSM modem *
Tx of arduino is connected to the Rx of GSM modem*
The Arduino has to be uploaded with the code before is
connected to the GSM modem. The arduino board consists of two
serial ports called the Rx and Tx pin which is connected to the Tx
and Rx pins in the GSM modem respectively. The GND pins of
both the boards are also connected together. The Arduino transmits
the message to be sent using the serial ports. The GSM on
receiving the message to be sent fulfils the transmission. The
Arduino controls the GSM modem using AT commands. The AT
. commands are written to the GSM modem using the serial port

Figure 3.6 relay

A relay is defined as an electrically controlled device that opens

and closes electrical contacts, or activates and deactivates operation
of other devices in the same or another electrical circuit. Two types
of relay technology are available, mechanical and solid state. A
mechanical relay is essentially a combination of an inductor and a
switch, where the electromagnetic force of the inductor causes a
switch to change position. A solid state relay accomplishes the
same function with semiconductor devices changing impedance to
effectively activate or deactivate a circuit open or closed. This
document is intended to be a general guide to aid the designer in
.the appropriate selection of a relay for the intended application
The ULN2803A is an array of seven NPN Darlington
transistors capable of 500 mA, 50 V output. It features common-
cathode flyback diodes for switching inductive loads. It can come
in PDIP, SOIC, SOP or TSSOP packaging.[31][32] In the same family
are ULN2002A, ULN2004A, as well as ULQ2003A and
.ULQ2004A, designed for different logic input levels
The ULN2803 is known for its high-current, high-voltage
capacity. The drivers can be paralleled for even higher current
output. Even further, stacking one chip on top of another, both
.electrically and physically, has been done
Typical usage of the ULN2803A is in driver circuits for relays,
lamp and LED displays, stepper motors, logic buffers and line

Figure 3.7 ULN2803

LCD display (16x2)LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an
electronic display module and find a wide range of applications. A
16x2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly
used in various devices and circuits. These modules are preferred
over seven segments and other multi segment LEDs. The reasons
being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have no
limitation of displaying special & even custom characters (unlike
in seven segments), animations and so on. A 16x2
LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines.
In this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has
two registers, namely, Command and Data. The command register stores
the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an instruction
given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen,
setting the cursor position, controlling display etc. The data register stores
the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the
character to be displayed on the LCD. Click to learn more about internal
. structure of a LCD

Figure 3.8 LCD

The Liquid Crystal library allows an Arduino board to control
Liquid Crystal displays (LCDs) based on the Hitachi HD44780 or a
compatible chipset, which is found on most text based LCDs. The
library works with in either 4- or 8-bit mode i.e. using 4 or 8 data
lines in addition to the rs, enable, and, optionally, the rw control
lines. The Liquid Crystal Library contains a set of functions which
can turn on the display, specify the characters to be displayed or
printed specify the cursor point at which the character is to be
Software Part 3.3

Figure 3.9 ARDUINO IDE

In the software part we are using the arduino programming

. language (Arduino IDE) which based on C++ language
arduino is used for the processing of the electrical signals
received from the two sensors. The connections between the
Arduino and the sensor board are shown in the figure 4.7 The black
wire indicates the ground connection and the red wire indicates 5V
circuit voltage. The analog output from the sensor is connected to
the analog input pin in the Arduino. Similarly the digital output
.from the sensor is connected to one of the digital input pins
The Arduino is made to read the analog output from the sensor
using the analogread () function. The analog read function reads
the value from the specified analog pin. The Arduino board
contains a 14 channel bit analog to digital converter. This means
that it will map input voltages between 0 and 13 volts into integer
values between 0 and 1023. The syntax of analog read function is
analog Read (pin) where pin is the number of the analog input pin
to read from. If the analog input pin is not connected to anything,
the value returned by analogRead () will fluctuate based on a
number of factors (e.g. the values of the other analog inputs, how
close your hand is to the board, etc.) Setup () and loop () are the
two methods needed for asketch to start. Hence the two methods
are called as bare minimum. The setup () function is called when a
sketch starts so it is used to initialize variables and pin modes. The
pins present in the Arduino are configured to behave as input or
output using the pin mode() function. The syntax for the function
pin mode is Pin Mode (pin, mode) where pin is the number of the
. pin whose mode is to be set and mode is INPUT/OUTPUT
The setup function runs only once, after each power up or reset of
the Arduino board. After creating a setup() function, the loop()
function does precisely what its name suggests, and loops
consecutively, allowing the program to change and respond as it
runs. Code in the loop() section of the sketch is used to actively
control the Arduino board.The integer values read using the analog
read function are converted back to their analog voltages using the
V = 5.0* analog Read(pin) / 1023
: References

Juhi and Mishra, Anurag, Detection of Gas Leakage and Automatic ]1[
Alert System using Arduino (March 11, 2019). Proceedings of 2nd
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software
Engineering (ICACSE) 2019, Available at SSRN:
Prof. Parag Naik, Pranay Dhopte, Rajat Wanode, Roheet Kantode, ]2[
Saurabh Nagre, Gas Sensor Using Arduino UNO & MQ2 Sensor,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and
Communication Engineering ISO 3297:2007 Certified Vol. 7, Issue 3,
March 2018

[3] A.Sivasankari1, R.Malarvizhi2, K.Ayesha3 , Toxic gas detection-An

experiment with the simulation process , Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO
9001:2008 Certified Journal 2017
[4] Arpitha .T1, Divya Kiran, V. S.N. Sitaram Gupta
and Punithavathi FPGA-GSM based gas leakage
detection system
2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON) DOI:
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