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At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Discuss Pharmaceutical drugs and illegal drugs
 Value the importance of pharmaceutical drugs
 Create a short role play about the use and effect of pharmaceutical drugs and
illegal drugs

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Pharmaceutical and illegal drugs, it’s use and effect to human
Reference: MAPEH -1 Textbook, pp. 370-372
Materials: Cartolina, pen

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of attendance

“ Good morning class” “ Good morning ma’am”

“How are you today?” “ were fine”
“Very good! By the way who
are absent for today?”

“Arrange your chairs and

pick up the pieces of papers”

B. Review

“So class, what was our last “Ma’am, our last lesson is all about the
lesson?” meaning, source and form of drugs”

“A drug is any substance which when

“Very good! What is drugs taken to a body, alters the body’s
class?” function either physically and
psychologically. Drugs may be legal or

“Correct! What are the legal “The drug medicine ma’am”

“Absolutely! What are the illegal
one?” “Those drugs that taken by addict
“Yeah right!”

c. Motivation

“Before we start to our

lesson, I want you class to all
stand to release bad energies,
such as causing us to feel
sleepy, so let us have an
action song entitled “It’s I
who build community” are
you ready?”

Action Song:
It’s I. It’s I. It’s I.
Who build community
It’s I who build community.

La la la.
Roll over the ocean. Roll
over the sea. Go and do your
part to build community.

- You
- Us

“Very good! Do you like “ Yes Ma’am”

it class?”

“Do you believe that we

are part of building our “Yes Ma’am”

“Of course, we people

are part of building a
healthy and progressive
C. Unlocking the difficult terms
Pharmaceutical-relating to the
 Pharmaceutical production and sale of drugs and
 Illegal medicine
 drugs
Illegal-not allowed by the law

Drugs-intended to affect the structure or

function of the body

“Since we already know the

meaning of drugs let us proceed
to the 2 classification of drugs.
Class our lesson for today is all
about Pharmaceutical drugs, and
illegal drugs it use and effects to
human body”

“Please read the objectives

posted on the board”  Discuss Pharmaceutical
drugs and illegal drugs
 Value the importance of
pharmaceutical drugs
 Create a short role play
about the use and effect
of Pharmaceutical drugs
and illegal drugs

D. Discussion

Pharmaceutical drugs referred to

as medicine or medication, or
simply as drugs is a drug used to
diagnose, cure, treat or prevent

Illegal drugs are drugs which

have limitations on their
ownership and are illegal in
certain situations. A drug is any
chemical that affects the human
body or mind when it is
swallowed, breathed in, or
consumed in another way

Important uses of drugs

(Referring to pharmaceutical Drug)
 Treat
 Cure
 Prevent
 Diagnose diseases

Effects of drugs
(Referring to illegal drugs)
 Insomnia
 Ulcers
 Fatigue
 Depression
 Addiction
 Vomiting
 Anxiety
 Death
 Headaches

“Class those are the effects of

illegal drugs, that’s why, our
President push a campaigned to
stop using this”

“So did you understand what is

Pharmaceutical and illegal drug
its use and effects?” “Yes ma’am”

“That makes sense to our action

song it’s I, you and us build our
community, right?” “alright ma’am”

E. Application

“Class group yourselves into 2

and create a role playing in
regards to pharmaceutical and
illegal drugs. You have 5
minutes to create and present”

Here are the criteria for your role


*Creativity 30%
*Content 40%
*Acting 20%
*Cooperation 10%

“thank you so much for your

nice work class”

IV. Evaluation
On 1 whole sheet of paper, reflect a nice and progressive community.

V. Assignment
On you notebook write down side effects of drugs.

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