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Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

C.K. Pithawala College of Engg & Technology, Surat

Mechanical Engineering Department
A detail report on
Title of Summer Internship
Under the Subject of
Summer Internship (3170001)
BE – IV, 7th Semester
Academic Year 2021-2022
Submitted By:-
Enrollment Number: 190093119006

Guided By:-
Name of Guide
 Certificate
 Certificate of completion (company)
 Student’s Declaration
 Acknowledgement
 Preface
 Company Overview
Chapter : 1
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Objective of the internship
1.3. Scope and methodology
Chapter : 2
2.1 Briefing and data collection
Chapter : 3
3.1 Data analysis
Chapter : 4
4.1 Problem and recommendation
Chapter : 5
5.1 Briefing and data collection

C.K. Pithawala College of Engg & Technology, Surat


This is to certify that the report entitled “________________________________________”

has been carried out by Gamit Sahelkumar mukeshbhai, Enrollment No: 190093119006

under the subject of “Summer Internship” (3170001) for degree of Bachelor of Engineering

in Mechanical Engineering in 7th Semester and presented the report as per guideline of

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2021-2022.

Place: Surat


Guide Internal Examiner External Examiner Head of Department

Certificate of Completion (by Organization)

Student’s Declaration
I under signed __________________ a student of C. K. Pithawala College of Engineering
and Technology, Mechanical Department, VII semester, declare that summer internship
project titled “_________________________” is a result of my/our own work and my/our
indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. If
I/we are found guilty of copying any other report or published information and showing as
my/our original work, I understand that I/we shall be liable and punishable by Institute or
University, which may include ‘Fail’ in examination, ‘Repeat study & re-submission of the
report’ or any other punishment that Institute or University may decide.

Name of Student:

Enrollment Number:


Content Specifications
1) Title/Cover page
2) Certificate of completion (College)
3) Certificate of completion (Company)
4) Student’s Declaration
5) Acknowledgement
6) Preface
7) Table of Content
8) List of figures
9) List of tables
10) List of symbols, abbreviation, nomenclature
11) Abstract
12) Industry Overview
 Basic overview of industry
 Major Players
13) Company Overview
 History
 Mission, visions etc. if any
 Management
 Products
 Overview of different departments etc.

14) Introduction, objectives of the internship, Scope and Methodology (Chapter:1)

15) Briefing and data collection (Chapter:2)
16) Data analysis (Chapter:3)
17) Problems and Recommendation (Chapter:4)
18) Conclusion (Chapter 5)
19) Annexure (Training schedule at company*, Questionnaire, any other documents)
20) Bibliography
21) Glossary of terms


I/We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our External guide Mr. Name for continuously
guiding me at the company and answering all my doubts with patience. I/We would also like
to thank my/our Internal Guide Prof. Name for helping us through our internship by giving
us the necessary suggestions and advices along with their valuable co-ordination in
completing this internship.

We also thank our parents, friends and all the members of the family for their precious
support and encouragement which they had provided in completion of our work. In addition
to that, we would also like to mention the company personals who gave us the permission to
use and experience the valuable resources required for the internship.

Thus, In conclusion to the above said, we once again thank the staff members of Company
Name for their valuable support in completion of the project.

Thank You
1. Name 1
2. Name 2


JK Paper Established in 1962, JK Paper is the leading player in Office papers, Coated papers
and Packaging boards. It has two integrated Pulp and Paper Mills viz; Unit JKPM at
Rayagada (Odisha) near the Eastern coast of India and Unit CPM, Songadh (Gujarat) on the
Western coast. In August 2018, JK Paper has acquired Sirpur Paper Mills Ltd– located in
Telangana. With this acquisition, the company’s capacity is now 591,000 TPA. From being
the pioneer of branded paper in India, the Company today is a leading exporter of Branded
Copier Papers and Packaging Boards exporting to over 60 countries covering USA, Middle-
East, South-east Asia, SAARC and African countries.

 To be a dynamic benchmark and leader in the Indian paper industry

 To be a World Class company, creating Shareholder Value by achieving
growth and leadership through:
 JK Brand Equity
 Customer Obsession
 Technological Innovation
 Cost Competitiveness
 Environmental and Social Care

J K Paper Ltd (formerly Central Pulp Mills) a member of HS Singhania Group is originally
promoted by Parkhe Group of Pune to manufacture Paper and Paper products. The Company is
India's largest producer of branded papers and a leading player in Coated Papers and High-end
Packaging Boards. It has two integrated Pulp and Paper Plants at Strategic Locations Unit JKPM
in East (Rayagada Odisha) and Unit CPM in West (Songadh Gujarat).The company which fell sick
and referred to BIFR was taken over by JK Corp Ltd a member of the HS Singhania Group in
1992. JK Corp. holds 44.76% in the equity of this company as on Nov 6 2003.The company has
turnaround in a short period of time with the rehabilitation package by HS Singhania Group
companies JK Corp Ltd and JK Industries. JK Paper today has an combined installed capacity of
150000 tpa with two integrated Paper Mills at JK Paper Mills Orissa (Inst. Cap 100000 tpa) and
Central Pulp Mills Gujarat(Inst. Cap 50000 tpa). The company's paper mills are operating with a
health average capacity utilisation of 115%. Further the company has purchased a Pulp Drying
Plant from Finland in 2001 to increase the output and realization of market pulp. The plant was
commissioned during the year itself. J K Paper has also been consistently exporting its products
to markets such as Sri Lanka Bangladesh and several West Asian Countries. The company is the
first paper mill in India to have been accredited with ISO 14001.The company enjoys the
locational advantage in respect of sourcing raw material. It sources all its bamboo requirements
with in the 200 kms radius of the plant. Further for long term continuous source of raw material
the company is running social forestry and farm forestry programmes in 11 districts of Orissa
and 3 districts of Andhra Pradesh covering a total area of over 20000 Ha. In 2001-02 it has
distributed 27 million saplings covering over 5200 hectares under plantations in Orissa AP and
Gujarat.J K Paper has been a pioneer in every field related to the manufacture and marketing of
paper. It has the distinction of being the Largest manufacturer of branded copier paper in India.;
First to introduce surface sized maplitho in India.; First to introduce high quality bond paper
'Finesse' in A4 size consumer friendly retail packs of 100 sheets. First to introduce laser paper in
India. The company has introduced two new value added products i.e. MICR Cheque Paper and
Cup-stock Board and both of them have well recieved in the market.The company which is well
known for its success in creating brand in paper industry with having top two paper brand (i.e JK
Copier[contributing 140 cr. to co's turnover in FY02-03] & JK Easy Copier) in its basket the
company has initiated outsourcing of paper products in India. This outsourcing activity was kick
started in the end of 2001-02 and gathered momentum last year. The company has outsources
JK Cote (positioned in upper art paper segment) from an international producer who produces as
per the specification of JK Paper. The company outsouces domestically JK Eco Cote (caters to
price conscious Chrome paper segment) and 'JK Eco Print'. The Scheme of Compromise and/or
Arrangement between JK Corp Limited and The Central Pulp Mills Limited was approved and
sanctioned by the High Court of Orissa and High Court of Gujarat and become effective on 5th
November 2001. Subsequent to this the name of the company was changed to JK Paper Ltd
from The Central Pulp Mills Ltd.Latest Development: JK Paper is planning to upgrade over half of
its paper manufacturing capacity to manufacture coated paper. The upgradation (Conversion
from non-coated to coated) to cost around Rs.60 crs.During the year 2016 the Company had
issued 11910000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a price of Rs.42/- (including premium of
Rs.32/-) aggregating to Rs.50 Crore on preferential basis to the Promoter and constituents of the
Promoter Group. Consequently the paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Company increased to
Rs.148.53 Crore from Rs.136.62 Crore. The proceeds of the said issue have been used towards
augmenting the Net Worth of the Company.During the year under review the Company had
issued 7428240 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each at a conversion price of Rs.56.37 per Equity
Share consequent upon the conversion of the Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)
(Series 2) to the holders of such FCCBs. The Company had also converted its FCCBs (Series 3)
into 7428240 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each at a similar conversion price during the financial
year 2017-18 and consequently the paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Company stands
increased to Rs. 163.39 Crore on the date of signing of this Report.During the year 2018 Euro
17.1 million FCCBs were converted resulting in increase in paid up Equity Capital of the Company
from Rs 155.96 crore to Rs 175.50 crore. Since then all the remaining FCCBs (Euro 2.4 million)
have been converted enhancing the Equity Share Capital to Rs.178.24 crore.
 Office Documentation
 Uncoated Paper & Board
 Coated Paper & Board
 Packaging Board
 Imported Coated Art Paper(C2S),Gloss.
 Speciality Paper

Papers produced can be classified into following types:

• JK Copier Plus

Ideal for Quality Photocopying, Project Reports, Resumes, Inkjet & LaserJet
printers, Presentation copies or any aesthetic job.

• Sparkle Copier

Ideal for photocopying & desktop printing.

• JK Easy Copier

Ideal for Photocopying.

• SS Maplitho SS Maplitho is ideal for trouble free printing as it has excellent

smoothness and dimensional stability. It is used for printing books, calendars, maps,
making Diaries, Notepads, Scribble Pad, and Exercise Book.

• JK Excel Bond

Ideal for Letterheads, Brochures, Certificate, Presentations, Project Reports, Envelopes,

Pamphlets, Manuscript writing, Corporate Stationery.

• JK Savannah

Suitable for Corporate Stationery, Reports, Certificates, Presentations, Resumes,

Invitation Cards, Hotel/Airline Menu Cards, Personal Letterheads.

• JK MICR Cheque Paper

MICR (Magnetic Ink Circumstance Register) paper is the high quality papers, used for
making Cheque books and Demand Drafts.

10 | P a g e
Overview of different department
• List of Departments

• Production Department

• Bamboo Yard

• Chipper House

• Pulp Mill

• Paper Machine Process

• Paper Machine I & II

• Stock Paper Machine I & II

• Rewinder & Cutter

• Finishing House

• Works Office

• HRD Centre

• Personnel Department

• Accounts Department

• Forest Department (Raw Mat.)

• Sales & Stock (Marketing)

• Stores

• Purchase

• Other Departments

• Transport h. Laboratory

• Security & Fire Fighting i. Instrument

• Administration j. Civil

• Information Technology k. Electrical

11 | P a g e
• Turbine l. Plantation

• Recovery m. Pulp Mill Maintenance

• Works Office n. Paper Machine Maintenance

Formatting Specifications

 Report should be spiral bound.

 The page for project should be A4 size paper.
 Font Type – Times New Roman.
 Font size
 For the Main heading: 16 (Bold Font, Capitalize Each Word)
 For the Sub heading: 14 (Bold Italics Font (Capitalize Each Word)
 For the text of project: 12 (Unbolded, non-italics)

 Line spacing should be 1.5.

 Maintain Single inch Margin on all four sides of A4 size paper.
 Each page should have a Page number.
 All tables, charts, graphs, big equations should be numbered properly.
 Below each table the source of data must be mentioned.
 Content on each page should be justified and left aligned
 Report should be hardbound with black colour, with Front Cover Page Title as per the
format with Golden colour. (If Any)
 The front title page should be on the cover page.
 The student should ensure that there are no grammatical and spelling errors in the

12 | P a g e
 Follow American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines for preparation of
manuscript references. The format of the same is as under,

 For books
1. Name of author, last name first.
2. Title indicated in italics.
3. Place, publisher, and date of publication.
 For magazines, journals and newspapers
1. Name of the author, last name first.
2. Title of article, in quotation marks.
3. Name of periodical indicated in italics.
4. The date of the issue, volume, year etc.
5. The pagination (Page number)

* Training Schedule
Training Schedule of (Name of Student) at (Name of Company).

Date Division Time Working Details of daily work Mentor

(am -pm) Hour done

Total Hrs =

13 | P a g e

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