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2, APRIL 2012 849

A Novel Online Technique to Detect

Power Transformer Winding Faults
A. Abu-Siada, Member, IEEE, and Syed Islam, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Frequency-response analysis (FRA) has been growing to during faults, switching transients, and other system events
in popularity in recent times as a tool to detect mechanical defor- result in magnetic forces being imposed on the windings. If
mation within power transformers. To conduct the test, the trans- these forces exceed the withstand capability of the transformer,
former has to be taken out of service which may cause interrup-
tion to the electricity grid. Moreover, because FRA relies on graph- winding deformation can occur. One of the reasons a trans-
ical analysis, it calls for an expert to analyze the results. As so far, former experiences mechanical damage to its windings is the
there is no standard code for FRA interpretation worldwide. In this loss of clamping pressure due to insulation degradation caused
paper, a novel online technique is introduced to detect the internal by aging. With only minor winding damage, the transformer is
faults within a power transformer by constructing the voltage–cur- still capable of normal operation; however, its ability to with-
rent ( ) locus diagram to provide a current state of the trans-
former. The technique does not call for any special equipment as stand faults is greatly reduced. As a result of the aging asset
it uses the existing metering devices attached to any power trans- population, it is becoming more critical to detect even slight
former to monitor the input voltage, output voltage, and the input winding deformations as early as possible. Transformers are ex-
current at the power frequency and, hence, online monitoring can pected to survive a number of short-circuit faults without failure
be realized. Various types of faults have been simulated to assess but once any significant winding deformation is produced, the
its impact on the proposed locus. A Matlab code based on dig-
ital image processing is developed to calculate any deviation of the likelihood of surviving further short circuits is greatly reduced
locus with respect to the reference one and to identify the because of the locally increased electromagnetic (EM) stresses.
type of fault. The proposed technique is easy to be implemented Furthermore, any reduction in winding clamping due to insula-
and automated so that the requirement for expert personnel can tion shrinkage caused by aging will also increase the probability
be eliminated. of failure by reducing the mechanical strength of the winding
Index Terms—Condition monitoring, digital image processing, assemblies [2]. Winding deformation can take many forms, in-
frequency-response analysis (FRA), power transformer. cluding radial buckling, conductor tilting, spiral tightening, and
collapse of the winding end supports. It is difficult to detect these
I. INTRODUCTION types of internal faults with traditional testing techniques [3].
Frequency-response analysis (FRA) is a powerful diagnostic
method in detecting winding deformation, core, and clamping

I N MODERN electrical transmission and distribution sys-

tems, power transformers are critical components within the
network. In the event that a failure occurs in service, the impact
structure for power transformers [4]. Since transformer wind-
ings can be modelled as a network of capacitance, resistance,
and self and mutual inductances, the values of these parameters
can be far reaching. Not only can extended outages occur, but are altered when a fault occurs on the winding and, hence, the
costly repairs and potentially serious injury or fatality can result. frequency response of the winding will change accordingly. The
The aging transformer population increases the likelihood of test is conducted by applying a sweep frequency voltage of low
failure so a reliable diagnostic tool is required to determine the amplitude to a transformer terminal and measuring the response
current state and the remaining life of these assets. The majority voltage across the other terminal of the winding with reference
of transformers currently in service were installed prior to 1980 to the tank [5]. While the testing method is relatively simple
and, as a result, the bulk of the population is approaching or has since the development of specific FRA test equipment, the in-
already exceeded its design life [1]. This poses a significant risk terpretation of results remains a highly specialized area and re-
for utilities and other power network stakeholders as the impact quires expert personnel to determine the type and possible loca-
of an in-service transformer failure can be catastrophic. Trans- tion of the fault [6]. The main drawback of FRA is that the trans-
former age is determined by the condition of its insulation and former has to be switched off and taken out of service which may
an aging transformer population greatly increases the likelihood cause interruption to the power network. To prevent network in-
of failure. The mechanical forces that a transformer is exposed terruption due to transformer outage for testing and to reduce
the need for specialist analysis, an alternative online method to
detect internal mechanical faults inside the transformer is re-
Manuscript received June 07, 2011; revised October 26, 2011; accepted De-
cember 14, 2011. Date of publication January 31, 2012; date of current version
quired. This paper introduces a new online technique to detect
March 28, 2012. Paper no. TPWRD-00494-2011. internal faults within a power transformer. The technique is re-
The authors are with Curtin University, Perth WA6102, Australia (e-mail: lying on constructing a locus between the voltage difference in the high- and the low-voltage sides of a particular phase against
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at the input current. A digital image-processing technique is used
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2011.2180932 to compare the healthy and faulty loci and to determine the type
0885-8977/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

Fig. 1. (a) Per-unit equivalent circuit of the transformer. (b) Phasor diagram.

Squaring both sides and rearranging the equation

of fault. Unlike FRA which uses a sweep frequency in the range
of 2 MHz, this technique is performed at the power frequency
and, hence, online monitoring of transformer mechanical con-
ditions can be realized. Moreover, the method does not call for (7)
any additional equipment since it uses the metering equipment
attached to any power transformer to monitor the input/output
(I/O) voltages and the input current. Also, the method does not Assume the coefficients of (7) are
call for an expert person to conduct or to analyze the results.


The proposed technique relies on constructing a locus dia-
gram relating the transformer input current on the axis and
the difference between the input and output voltages of a partic-
ular phase on the axis. The relationship relating the aforemen-
tioned parameters can be derived using the single-phase trans-
former equivalent circuit and its phasor diagram shown in Fig. 1. The quadratic (7) represents [7]:
• an ellipse if 0;
Let • a parabola if 0;
• a hyperbola if 0

For simplicity, assume

(5) Equation (8) is always a negative term regardless of the values
of , , , and . Hence, the Cartesian relationship between
The Cartesian formula relating and can be obtained from and represents an ellipse. The approach is shown
the parametric (3) and (5) by eliminating . graphically in Fig. 2 where the instantaneous values of
From (3) and (5) and are measured at a particular time to calculate the
corresponding point on the locus. The graph in Fig. 2 is
drawn at a 0.8 lagging power factor. As the phase shift between
and is normally small, the impact of the angle on the

Fig. 4. Transformer distributed parameters model.

rapid transient condition, the flux lines tend to center around the
conductors rather than penetrating the iron core and for high-fre-
quency components of surges, the iron core acts effectively as
an earthed boundary [9]. Some studies [10], [11] have neglected
the effect of distributed shunt conductance which is considered
a valid assumption for impulse voltage distribution analysis in
the case of a faultless transformer, but may not be adequate in
the case of fault diagnosis. Neglecting shunt conductance in the
equivalent circuit will eliminate the study of leakage fault in-
Fig. 2. Graphical illustration of the approach. side a transformer which could have been caused by several
reasons, such as insulation damage, ground shield, or hot spots.
The equivalent model (neglecting shunt conductance) could be
ideal for verifying the measured transfer function for interdisk,
coil short circuit, and winding displacements. Hence, the model
needs some modifications to incorporate the study of leakage
faults and partial discharges in the winding. These shortcom-
ings of the computational model can be overcome if parameters
which would allow for simulation of ground leakage and voids
in the insulation are taken into consideration. The distributed
transformer model equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 4 has been
proposed in this paper.
In this model, a single transformer winding is divided into
Fig. 3. Impact of load PF on the 1V 0 I locus. a cascaded pi-network comprising self/mutual inductances, re-
sistance, series/shunt capacitances, and shunt dielectric conduc-
tance. For simplicity, it is assumed that the mutual inductances
locus is insignificant and can be neglected. The phase shift be- are lumped into series inductances; this assumption is widely
tween and is almost equal to the load impedance phase used in the literature [12]. The model parameters were calcu-
angle since the phase shift between and is negligible. To lated based on practical FRA measurements performed on the
investigate the impact of the load power factor on the pro- three-phase low-voltage windings of a 250-MVA, 345/16-kV,
posed locus, the locus is constructed for a 15-kVA, 102-disk transformer. Details of the model and parameter cal-
2300/230-V single-phase transformer with the following equiv- culation based on the FRA signature can be found in [13] and
alent circuit parameters referred to the low-voltage side: [14]. The use of the distributed parameter model for the power
transformer will allow simulating different types of faults on
k k
the individual internal 102 disks used in this model. The pa-
Three operating conditions (0.8 lagging power factor, unity rameters of the distributed model shown in Fig. 4 can also be
power factor, and 0.8 leading power factor) with constant determined from the geometrical dimensions of the transformer
impedance magnitude are investigated, and the corresponding which makes the model suitable for different fault studies [12].
locus for each case is constructed. The three loci are There is a direct relationship between the geometric configura-
found to be identical as shown in Fig. 3. Hence, the load power tion of the winding and core within a transformer and the dis-
factor has no impact on the proposed locus. tributed parameters of the transformer [15]. Table I outlines a
number of physical parameters of the transformer distributed
III. TRANSFORMER MODEL network and the types of faults these are associated with [16].

The practical application of any diagnostic technique to de-

tect mechanical damage in a transformer depends on its sensi-
tivity to any change in the distributed inductances and capaci- One-hunded and two disks (two turns per disk) of the model
tances. The transformer can be modeled with sufficient accuracy shown in Fig. 4 are simulated using PSIM software. The model
as a distributed analog R-L-C circuit. Miki et al. [8] show that is energized by an ac, 50-Hz voltage source of low amplitude
the effect of the iron core had a minimal role to play in an im- and the instantaneous values of , , and are recorded at a
pulse stressed winding. This agrees well with the fact that in a time step of 10 s. In this way, a locus of a healthy


Fig. 6. Healthy 1V 0 I locus.

Fig. 5. Impact of load PF on the 1V 0 I locus.

Fig. 7. Accuracy of the proposed approach to detect the interdisk fault.

transformer can be constructed and is considered as a reference

or fingerprint of this transformer. When a transformer experi-
ences an event that results in deformation of the windings, the some unique features of the locus such as the semi-
transformer impedance will vary and this alters the transformer major and semi-minor axes lengths and the angle between the
locus diagram. major axis and the horizontal axis. These parameters are shown
As has been shown in Fig. 3, the load power factor with con- in Fig. 6 as , , and , respectively.
stant impedance magnitude does not have any impact on the pro-
posed locus. Different load levels at constant power factor are
simulated to investigate the effect of load magnitude variation
on the proposed locus. As can be shown in Fig. 6, increasing To identify the features of winding deformation and effect of
the load level from 10 to 20 (100% increment) will not have model parameters on the locus, faults such as inter-
any impact on the proposed locus. The effect of load magnitude disk fault, axial displacement, leakage (disk to ground fault),
on the proposed locus will take place when there is a significant and buckling stress of inner winding have been simulated and
change in load level as can be shown when the load magnitude compared with the healthy locus.
is increased to 200 . The effect of this significant increment
in load magnitude on reducing the entire area of the A. Interdisk Fault
locus is clearly shown in Fig. 5. However, all loci will have the
same common major axis and same centroid. In the model under The interdisk fault is considered as the most common fault of
study, a 10 36.87 is simulated as the load impedance. power transformers. Studies show that about 80% of transformer
Fig. 6 shows the locus of the healthy transformer breakdowns are attributed to interdisk fault [17], [18]. In the
since there was not any change made to the model parameters. model under study, different numbers of disks has been short-
Different mechanical faults are simulated on the model and circuited to find their impact on the locus. To show
the corresponding loci are plotted and compared with the accuracy of the model to detect this fault, 5% of the coils
the healthy locus shown in Fig. 6 as will be discussed in the have been short-circuited and the proposed locus is compared
following sections. The diagnosis of the problem is achieved by to the healthy one as given in Fig. 7, which clearly shows the
comparing the healthy transformer fingerprint and the faulty one difference between the two loci.
to identify any differences and, hence, to determine the possible Fig. 8 shows the locus for 30% and 60% faulty disks com-
fault type. In this paper, a Matlab code is developed to measure pared to the healthy locus. It can be observed from Figs. 7 and 8

Fig. 10. Effect of forced buckling on the 1V 0 I locus.

Fig. 8. Effect of the interdisk fault on the 1V 0 I locus.

C. Buckling Stress
Leakage flux and current in the windings causes radial force
on windings. This force pulls the inner windings close to the
core (buckling stress), while pushing the outer winding toward
the limb (tensile stress) [20]. Buckling stress can be simulated in
the distributed model by reducing the interwinding capacitance
and the mutual inductance between the windings at the position
of deformation. Furthermore, the shunt capacitance is increased
due to the reduction of the distance between the winding and the
core [21].
In this paper, forced buckling is modeled by increasing the
shunt capacitance by 10%, and decreasing the inductance and
series capacitance by 10%. The effect of this fault on the pro-
posed locus is shown in Fig. 10. Unlike the axial displacement
effect, buckling stress increases the locus area, and the major
Fig. 9. Effect of axial displacement on the 1V 0 I locus. axis will slightly rotate in the clockwise direction as the number
of faulty disks increases. The slight locus rotation discriminates
this type of fault from the interdisk fault.
that as the number of faulty disks increase, the locus rotates in
the clockwise direction and its entire area increases. D. Leakage (Disk to Ground) Fault
Insulation damage, ground shield damage, abrasion, high
B. Axial Displacement moisture content in the winding, hotspot and aging insulation,
which reduces its dielectric strength, are the main reasons for
This fault occurs due to the magnetic imbalance between the leakage fault inside a transformer [22]. This type of fault can
low- and high-voltage windings due to short-circuit currents. be simulated by increasing the shunt conductance and shunt
The axial displacement between the magnetic centers of the admittance [2]. Fig. 11 shows the effect of increasing the shunt
windings will result in unbalanced magnetic force components admittance and shunt conductance by 70% on the proposed
in each half of the winding which leads to a change in its rela- locus. As can be shown in Fig. 11, the locus area is increasing
tive position. Leaving this fault unattended can cause winding and the major axis is rotating in a clockwise direction, similar
collapse or failure of the end-supporting structure due to its pro- to the case of interdisk fault. However, the locus area in the
gressive nature. This type of fault can be simulated by changing case of interdisk fault is larger than the corresponding locus in
the mutual and self inductances of particular disks. The change case of a leakage fault for the same number of faulty disks.
in capacitance can be neglected [19]. In the model under study,
axial displacement is modeled by a 10% decrease in the induc-
E. Disk Space Variation
tance. Fig. 9 shows the effect of axial displacement of 30% and
60% disks on the locus. Mechanical displacements of power transformer windings
Fig. 9 shows that axial displacement will decrease the area of can occur due to short-circuit currents. Disk-space variation
the faulty locus compared with the healthy one. Increasing the is one of the frequently occurring mechanical faults in power
number of faulty disks will further decrease the locus area but transformers where the geometry of transformer windings will
there is no rotation in the locus major axis. be altered. For such faults, the effect of inductance can be

Fig. 13. Comparison of the effect of each fault on the 1V 0 I locus.

Fig. 11. Effect of the disk-to-ground fault on the 1V 0 I locus. TABLE II


Fig. 12. Effect of disk space variation on 1V 0 I locus.

neglected with respect to series capacitance at the location of

fault [23]. Due to the fact that at the low-frequency range the
transformer winding response is dominated by inductance and
the effect that the series capacitor is almost negligible, unless Fig. 14. Comparison of the effect of each fault on the 1V 0 I locus (five
there is a significant disk space variation, this type of fault disks).
cannot be detected using this technique. In the model under
study, this fault is simulated by increasing the series capacitor
by 70%. The effect of such fault on the proposed locus is shown fault has a significant increase in the locus area and its major
in Fig. 12. By increasing the number of faulty disks, the locus is axis rotates significantly in the clockwise direction. Locus area
rotating in the clockwise direction. And the length of the major increases in case of forced buckling and leakage fault and both
axes is significantly increasing. loci rotate in the clockwise direction with respect to the healthy
locus. However, the angle of rotation in case of leakage fault is
VI. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS slightly higher. The disk displacement major axis length signif-
icantly increases and rotates in the clockwise direction.
A. Visual Discrimination Table II summarizes the effect of studied faults on the locus
Discrimination between different types of faults can be vis- area and locus major axis rotation in relation to the healthy locus
ibly observed from the locus area and major axis rota- for visual discrimination.
tion. To show this, different types of faults discussed before are To show the accuracy of the proposed technique to detect
simulated on 80% of the overall disks of the transformer model, faults simulated in a small number of disks, all types of faults
and the loci for all of them with respect to the healthy are simulated in five disks (4.9%) of the overall disks, and the
locus are compared as shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 13 shows that the corresponding loci are plotted as shown in Fig. 14.
locus area is increasing in all faulty cases with respect to the The same trend can be observed in the impact of each fault on
area of the healthy locus except in case of axial displacement the locus as discussed before. However, it is difficult to visually
where the area is decreased. The locus major axis in case of axial discriminate different types of faults in this case. A software
displacement is aligning with the healthy major axis. Interdisk model is developed to automate the discrimination process and


Fig. 16. Comparison of faulty and healthy loci.

the number of faulty disks increases. Axial displacement does

not introduce any effect on the axis rotation, and the value of
eccentricity slightly increases as the number of faulty disks in-
crease. The eccentricity in forced buckling and leakage faults
slightly increases with the increase of faulty disks; the eccen-
tricity increment is more noticeable in case of a leakage fault.
On the other hand, the increase in the angle of rotation with
the increase of faulty disks is more significant in case of forced
buckling than the leakage fault especially for a large number
of faulty disks. The disk space variation has a minor impact on
the eccentricity and a significant impact on the angle when the
number of faulty disks is increased. Based on the range of the
percentage differences of these parameters for each fault, the
Fig. 15. Comparison of two identical loci. Matlab code is modified to identify the type of fault within the
transformer. Five case studies are used to validate the developed
approach as follows.
to identify the fault type based on some features of the ellipse Case 1) Two identical loci are compared using the developed
as will be discussed in the next section. software. The developed software converts the color
of the two loci into white with a black background to
B. Discrimination Using Ellipse Features perform the calculations of ellipse centroide, major
As has been shown in the mathematical proof and simula- and minor axes lengths, eccentricity, and the angle
tion results before, the locus is always representing an between the major axis and the horizontal axis. The
ellipse. Some unique features of the ellipse can be used to com- software produces the two loci shown in Fig. 15
pare different loci and to identify the type of fault within the and shows that there is no difference in eccentricity
power transformer. These features include ellipse centroid, the and angle of rotation of the two loci and, hence, the
major and minor axes lengths (a and b, respectively), the angle software recommends a healthy transformer for this
between the major axis, and the horizontal axis . A Matlab case.
code is developed to measure these parameters and to calculate Case 2) Forced buckling stress is simulated in 44 disks, and
the ellipse eccentricity which is used to describe the ellipse gen- the faulty locus is compared with the healthy one
eral proportion and is given by [7] using the developed software (Fig. 16). The software
gives a 0.72% difference in eccentricity and 4.95%
difference in the angle and recommends a forced
(9) buckling fault.
Case 3) An axial displacement fault simulated in six disks
To identify the type of fault based on eccentricity, angle of and the faulty and healthy loci shown in Fig. 17 are
rotation, major-axis length, and minor-axis length, each fault compared using the developed software. The soft-
has been simulated on a different number of disks starting from ware gives a 0.19% difference in eccentricity and
five disks to 100 disks, and these parameters are calculated for 0% difference in the angle and recommends an axial
each fault using the developed software as shown in Table III. displacement fault.
Table III shows the percentage difference in eccentricity (e) Case 4) A leakage fault is simulated in three disks, and the
and the angle of rotation of the major axis for different types faulty and healthy loci shown in Fig. 18 are com-
of faults with respect to the healthy locus. The interdisk fault has pared using the developed software. The software
a significant increase in the eccentricity and angle of rotation as gives a 0.40% difference in eccentricity and a 0.61%

Fig. 19. Comparison of a one-disk space variation and healthy loci.

Fig. 17. Comparison of a six-disk axial displacement fault and healthy loci.

Fig. 20. Effect of practical turn-to-turn faults on the 1V 0 I locus.

Fig. 18. Comparison of a three-disk leakage fault and healthy loci.

difference in the angle and recommends a forced

buckling fault.
Case 5) A disk space variation simulated in 1 disk and the
faulty and healthy loci shown in Fig. 19 are com-
pared using the developed software. The software
gives a 0.005% difference in eccentricity and 1.6%
difference in the angle and recommends a disk space
Case 6) Laboratory experimental testing was performed on a
0.5-kVA, 150/170-V single-phase transformer. The Fig. 21. Comparison of practical faulty and healthy loci.
transformer is loaded by a 54- resistor, and a turn-
turn short circuit is created on 6% and 15% of the
low-voltage winding. The locus of the tation aligns well with the range of the turn-to-turn
transformer is constructed using a digital oscillo- short-circuit case shown in Table III.
scope. The healthy and faulty loci are compared as
shown in Fig. 20 which shows a significant change
in the locus area as the number of faulty turns in- VII. CONCLUSION
creases. The healthy and 6% short-circuit turns loci This paper presents a new technique to identify mechanical
were fed to the developed software, the percentage faults within a power transformer. The technique relies on con-
difference in eccentricity calculated by the software structing a locus diagram of the input and output voltage dif-
is 0.21% and the percentage difference in the angle ference of a particular transformer winding on the axis and
of rotation calculated by the software is 11.9%; these the winding input current on the axis. This locus is consid-
differences are clearly visible in the two loci shown ered as the fingerprint of the transformer. Any mechanical fault
in Fig. 21 that are generated by the developed soft- will alter this locus in a unique way and, hence, fault detection
ware. The significant difference in the angle of ro- as well as fault type can be identified. The digital image-pro-

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2008. energy conversion, and power systems.
[11] J. Pleite, C. Gonzalez, J. Vazquez, and A. Lazaro, “Power transformer Prof. Islam has been a keynote speaker and invited speaker at many in-
core fault diagnosis using frequency response analysis,” in Proc. IEEE ternational workshops and conferences. He is the current Vice-Chair of the
Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf., 2006, pp. 1126–1129. Australasian Committee for Power Engineering (ACPE) and a member of the
[12] Z. Chun, R. Jiangjun, D. Zhiye, L. Shoubao, Y. Yefeng, and Z. Yuan- steering committee of the Australian Power Institute. He is a Fellow of the
hang, “Calculation of parameters in transformer winding based on the Engineers Australia and of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, and
model of multi-conductor transmission line,” in .Proc. Int. Conf. Elect. a Chartered Engineer in the United Kingdom. He is a regular reviewer for the
[13] E. P. Dick and C. C. Erven, “Transformer diagnostic testing by frequ- DELIVERY. Prof. Islam is an editor of the IEEE TRANSACTION ON SUSTAINABLE
uency response analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., , vol. PAS-97, ENERGY. He received the IEEE T Burke Haye’s Faculty Recognition award in
no. 6, pp. 2144–2153, Nov. 1978. 2000.

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