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Chapter #7

World Urbanization
World city growth

• Urbanization:
Increase in percentage of people
living in urban areas (Towns/
Causes of
• Industrial Revolution
• Industrialization following
the Industrial Revolution
• Emergence of large
manufacturing centers
• Job Opportunities
• Availability of easy
• Migration
Types of work in urban and rural areas:
• Primary Industries
Primary industry involves getting raw materials e.g. mining, farming and fishing.
• Secondary Industries
Secondary industry involves manufacturing e.g. making cars and steel.
• Tertiary Industries
Tertiary industries provide a service e.g. teaching and nursing.
• Quaternary Industries
Quaternary industry involves research and development industries e.g. IT.
Big city growth in Asia and its problems
• Problems of urbanization:
Problems of urbanization:
• Growing poverty: More unemployment, tough survival in cities, most of the
people work in informal sector (providing petty services i.e. street seller, garbage
collector, doing errands, porters etc.)
• Traffic Congestion
• Development of slums (Inadequate housing)
overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people.
• Increased air, water and noise pollution:
Trash thrown in rivers, industrial waste, more vehicles on roads,
Push Factors
for Migration
These are some push
factors of Migration. The
studies are taken from the
following sites:
• Mardan
• Faisalabad
• Dera Ghazi Khan
What can be done to reduce urban problems:

• Encourage the use of public transport instead of personal cars

• Proper recycling and management of waste.
• Access to affordable housing
• Combat poverty by promoting economic development and job creation.
• Plant trees and incorporate the care of city green spaces as a key element in
urban planning.
Slum Housing
• Slum is an area with heavy population
living in substandard housing which lacks
basic and civics amenities(things that make
life easier). Urbanization, growing
population and migration pressurizes cities
leading to overflowing infrastructure,
increase in urban poverty.
• According to the Economic Survey of
Pakistan, 2010-11, Pakistan's total urban
population is about 37 per cent and on the
rise at an annual rate of 3.97.
Pros(advantages) of Slum housing
• There earning improve.
• Manufacturing sectors such as textile get the required low paying labour.
• More floor space available in slums.
• Better access to market and transport facilities as slums are usually found in/
around populous centers.
• The younger men and women are at work, the children usually play in the
neighbourhood under the watchful eyes of the older men and women.
Cons(disadvantages) of Slum Housing

• Poor health conditions

• Poor education availability as cost of education is very High
• Rise in number of crimes due to social inequalities
• Poor facilities like poor quality of water ,poor sanitation conditions
• Exploitation of rural people in cities .
How megacities are different from millionaire
• Millionaire cities:
Millionaire cities are those that have over a million residents.
• Megacity:
Megacities which are far larger, they have at least 10 million people.
Pattern of Millionaire and Mega cities
• In 1990 the world`s biggest cities were predominantly in Europe and Asia.
• Today the vast majority cities of the world Of the world's biggest cities are found in
Asia, with mega cities found in every continent.
• Asia has the largest number of millionaire cities today, whilst Europe and North
America struggle to make it onto the largest cities list.
• The world cities have changed slightly but less than the location of mega cities. Despite
dropping of the top 10 list of most populous areas London and Paris remain dominant
world cities with huge influence over European and world economies and politics.
Urban vs Rural areas

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

How Urban settlements are different from
Rural settlement?
Two major differences are in:
1. Size (population size and built up area)
2. Function (services/facilities)
Urban Areas
• Size: Large population, more built up area and more residential area.
• Communication: Properly built roads , bus and railway stations, Airports are present.
• Economic Activity: Secondary(industries) and Tertiary(transportation) activities.
• Cultural: Large places for worship, libraries and museums present.
• Public services: Greater availabilities of basic necessities(electricity , gas ,water); proper
medical facilities; Education(school, universities )are present.
Rural Areas
• Size: Low population, less built up area and less residential area
• Communication: Not properly built roads and streets. There are few rural areas that
may have bus terminals therefore, no railway stations and Airports present.
• Economic Activity: Primary(farming), Secondary(cattle ranching) activities.
• Cultural: Few places for worship, there are no libraries and museums.
• Public services: Lesser availability of basic necessities(electricity, gas); no medical
facilities only few basic institutions; rear education/low facilities for education.
Total urban population growth
• In 1970 more people were still living in towns and cities
• In developed countries, but the ratio between developed and developing
was narrowing until, by 1990, a clear majority of urban dwellers was
living in developing countries.

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