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F. No. ABlNRo/Misc./20 1,5 / 01.6


Sub : Formulation of Policy / Guidelines for Speedy / Smooth Release of |oint FDR / RPGF to the
Institute / Societies - regarding.

The above mentioned agenda item alongwith the Report of the Standing Committee (copy annexed)
for formulation of Policy / Guidelines for Speedy / Smooth Release of Joint FDR / RPGF to the Institute /
Societies was placed before the Council at its 43.a Meeting held on September L6, 201,5 at AICTE
Headquarters, Chanderlok Building, New Delhi. The Council considered the above mentioned item at S.No.
43.03.08. The Council deliberated and approved the recommendations of the Committee and for immediate
implementation of the same.

As per the Report of the Standing Committee (copy enclosed at Annexure-l), Regional Officer
concerned shall initiate necessary process for release of FDR / RPGF suo motto, excepting the cases where
complaint is under investigation relating to misappropriation / defalcation f embezzlement of money by the
Institute / Society or Trust are involved. In such cases, the complaint / complaints should be disposed off at
the earliest, say within three months, on receiving the same. It should be ensured that it is strictly followed.


s The Vigilance Cell and the Complaint Cell will prepare the lists of the institutions against which
complaints relating misappropriation / defalcation f embezzlement of money by the Institute / Society or
Trust are pending and /or under investigation and forward the same to all the Regional Offices immediately
(- for processing ofthe cases for release ofFDR / RPGF by the concerned Regional Offices. Further any updates
in these lists shall be communicated by Vigilance Cell and Complaint Cell to all the Regional Officers by the
end of every month.

Ai regards, suggestions under para vi. of Annexure (Putting in place a review mechanism for FDRsJ
in the Report of the Committee, the modalities will be worked out separately.
All the concerned Bureaus are hereby notified to take immediate steps for implementation of
Committee recommendations to enable to release all pending FDRs / RPGFs.

This has the Approval of the Competent Authority on page No. 12-14/N.

(Approval Bureau)

PS to CM, VCM & MS

All AICTE Regional Officers
Complaint Cell
Anti Ragging Cell
Grievance Cell
e-governance Cell
Finance Bureau
Guard File
The Recommendation of the Standing Expert Committee for
Formulation of foligV / Guidelines for Speedy / Smooth Release of
|oint FDR / RPGF to the Institute / Societies
i. Release of FDRs / RPGF on maturitv qr expiry of term period:-
For the reasons referred to above, FDR/RPGF should be released immediately
on maturity / expiry of term period / closure of programme or the institution
even and when there is allegation against such institution for violation of
norms, conditions, requirements or non-performance in time Regional Officer
concerned shall initiate the necessary process for release of FDR / RPGF suo

aJ No request for extension of FDRs after maturity should be entertained.

ii. Release of such deposit in case there is complaint / complaints against the
In case of pending complaint against the institution for contravention /
violation of norms, conditions and requirements release of FDR / RPGF be
made to the institution. Experience shows, most of the complaints relate to
contravention / violation of norms, conditions and requirements or non-
performance by the institution and very few complaints relate to financial
irregularity i.e. misappropriation / defalcation f embezzlement of money by the
institute / Society or Trust. Hence, release of deposit should not be withheld
simply because there is a complaint against the Institution, except cases where
complaint under investigation relating to inisappropriation / defalcation /
" embezzlement of money by the Institute / Society or Trust. In such case, it is
further recommended that the complaint / complaints should be disposed off at
the earliest, say within three months, on receiving the same. It should be
ensured that it is strictly followed.

iii. Caseswhere the Socie$r / Trust / Company is running mord than one
Technical Institution :-
In a case where the Society / Trust / Company is running / managing more
than one institutions and allegation of financial irregularity is against only one
institution, the release of such deposit / deposits of other institutions against
whom there is no such allegation should be made on maturity / expiry of term
period without waiting for the outcome of the result in the complaint.
iv. Institution withdrawing FDR / RPGF before maturity period:-
Such action amounts violation of the norms and the conditions, as such, action
may be taken against the institute like other cases relating to violation of norms
/ conditions. In other words after giving a show cause notice, the matter be

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placed before Standing Appellate Committee [SAC) / Standing Complaint
Committee [SCC) as per Approval Process Handbook [APH).

v. Ins-titution not creating FDR / RPGF for additional programme /

progammes approved by the AICTE:-
This action also amounts contravention norms / condition / non-performance
as such it should also be dealt with like no. iv. as above.

vi. Putting in place a review mechaniqm for FDRs.

i. Create an centralized inventory of all FDRs in all the Regional Offices.

ii. Create a trust of bankers to higher depository services to manage the

information and administration of FDRs.
iii. Preferably outsource it to an agency in the public sector for
management for FDRs depository.

iv. Make a time bound review / reconciliation of maturing FDRs mandatory

in all Regional Officers of AICTE prior to six months of maturity period.

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