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IGOR STRAWINSKY 1918 GRANDE SUITE L’histoire du Soldat ARRANGEMENT POUR PIANO PAR L’'AUTEUR Prix 10s. (Fr. 15.00) net. J. & W. CHESTER, LTDp., LONDON: Seuts Dépositain ou ROUART, LEROLLE ET CIE, MAISON CHESTER, 2), RUE DIASTORG, PARIS, 8, RUE DE LA MONTAGNE BRUXELLES, Eng Copyright. Mi ‘THE TALE IN BRIEF (Taken from the program of the concert given by the League of Composers) Part I Joseph, a Soldier, penniless, hungry, and weary, is merch-march-merching home for a two weeks! leave Music--MARCHE DU SOLDAT Impatiently he empties the contents of his knap-sack, searching through his few treasures to pick up finally a violin, on which he plays for his own comfort, Music—aU BORD DU RUISSEAU The Devil, disguised as « little old man with a butterfly net, appears suddenly Debind the Soldier and offers to exchenge a book for his violin, The Soldier cannot reed, but the Devil presses his gift, a magic book which can produce gold. . The Soldier thereupon takes the book, moves his lips as if reading, but cries that he cannot understand. Promising to teach Joseph to read in exchange for lessons on the violin, the Devil transports him to a place where, for two or three days, he shall “eat, drink end smoke Havana cigars with gold bande on them." dn interval passes, during which Joseph eats, sleeps, drinks and teaches the Devil to play on the violin, and after two or three "well worth-while" days, flice ecross the sky with the Devil. He reaches his hone, but, alae, his mother does not know him, and hie fiancee? Married and the mother of two children He turns aray in wild grief, realizing that three years have passed in three days. The Soldier wanders into the village, where he meets the Devil, outfitted as a horse dealer. He attacks with his sword but is powerless. Divested of his military cap and coat, he is ordered to get the megic book and wander on. During the next interval the Soldier learns to read the book. Money and every- thing it can buy are his, but alas, all is in vein, for he is unhappy and sits at his desk dreaming of death. He mourns his lost joys, the innocence of rustic life, his home, the sight of ell the watering cans in his village. "They have el: have nothing," he cries, "0 Satan, Satan" ‘he telephone interrupts him, Creditors call him to pay his current bills, but he postpones these worldly duties and resunes his reverie. To the Soldier, still at his desk, the Devil reappears as en old peddler woman. ‘From her bag she finally draws out his old violin, and with Joy he takes it up. But he cannot remember how to play. The Devil departs, The Soldier, in despair, turns again to the book, Part II Joseph, the Soldier, is march-march-marching on; no one knows whither nor why. He appears poorer than ever, without even his Imap-sack. He comes to a new country, enters an inn, and here there is a crowd all talking of the princess who is mortally ill and is promised by the king to any man who will cure her. A passer-by suggests to Joseph that he epply; there 1s no risk and every— thing to gain. "Why not?" cries Joseph and is off. TABLE Marcne pu Sovvat Le Vioton pu Soupat . oe mans Marcue Rovare Perit Concert... ‘Trois Danses 24 “Tango—Valse— Ragtime Danse pu Diaste 39 CHORAL oe see te Marcue TriompHae pu Diasie HISTOIRE DU SOLDAT GRANDE SUITE I Marche du Soldat IGOR STRAWINSKY 1918 MMd =n2 Copyright 1922 by J. W. Chester. Ltd J.8W.C, 2080 Tous droits réservés 1.8 WC. 2080 Lg W.c.2080 pig, _ be =p |subito | ‘= 5 W.C. 2080 I Le Violon du Soldat anand = 100) sempre staccato e p J. W.C, 2080 staccato legato sempre 1. WiC. 2080 J. WC. 2080 J.8W.C.2080 J-8W.C. 2080 10 Il Marche royale Mu, d= 2 £ 2 (simile) sub.menof ESWC. 2050 Sub menof? J.aW.c.2080 crescendo - staccatissimo sempre LS W.C.2050 Simprestace.e P J.8W.C. 2080 {p-subito ¢ SF subito ze Si si ESWC. 2080 Gimile al fino) Lg W.C. 2080 16 Iv Petit concert mam. d=120 J. WiC. 2080 légatissimo staccato sempre Lg WC. 2080 Fa. J. W.C. 2080 ty sotto legato possible LS W.c. 2080 20 dolce a sempre legatissimo def 7 SM —S {psub. pstace. Ly W.C. 2080 = 7 Ssub.e stacc, Ls w.c.2080 J.8W.c. 2080 23 2080 24 Vv Trois Danses TANGO. Mat. d= 80 (environ) PIANO. (taille moyenne-sans corde) CAISSE = Claire 'm.dr.= baguette & tete en capoc m.g.:mallloche GR.CAISSE| CYMB, J. # WC. 2080 25 IS W.C.2080 26 Calsse cl. Gr.caisse Cymb. J.8W.c.2080 27 J WiC.2080 28 Poco pit mosso. J = moyenne J Wt, eu09 29 VALSE. ee ttt te tt OP Sp . J. W.c.2080 sub. {staccatiss. = stace. —= leggierissimo non stace. 3 {come sopra Le W.c. 2080 J. §W.C.2080 83 Lg W.c. 2080 34 RAGTIME, = > = ~ > as Sty Me J. W.C.2080 35 NTE segs siete Ne Ls W.c, 2080 37 | fe Psub. Lg W.C, 2080 sub, meno f Lome Lew.c, 2080 VI 39 Danse du Diable Allegro. a. J = 138 marcatissimo come sopra J.$W.C. 2080, \ || { teggiero sempre stacc. Ls We, 2080 leggiero J.8W.C. 2080 42 . staccato} bp [aisses vibrer 4.8 WiC. 2080 VII 48 Choral Largo. um. d =s4 SWC, 2080 tunga ad lib. rr re fe | VUI 45 Marche triomphale du Diable MM.d= 112 b, 8% bassa..... a9 be trés court et fort J.9W.c. 2080 46 staccatissimo tres (ee, J.sw.c.2080 47 J.§ WC, 2080 48 BP baSSdn i fide court t fort J. Wo.2080 49 CCl, moyenne iden fee (Avec des baguettes en capoc) 1. Wc. 2080 Po Tacet al Fine Fine. J. Wc. 2080 Morges, 1918. ba os CEUVRES DE IGOR STRAWINSKY PUBLIEES PAR J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd, LONDRES. BERCEUSES DU CHAT, suite de chants pour voix de femme et trois clarinettes Partition d'ensemble Parties . Réduction pour chant et piano par l'auteur... FINALE ("“L’Oiseau de Feu”) Arrangement pour orgue de Maurice Besly. es CHANT DES BATELIERS SUR LE VOLGA, pour instruments & vent: Partition et parties LES CINQ DOIGTS, huit pices faciles pour piano CINQ PIECES FACILES pour piano & quatre mains (main droite facile) LHISTOIRE DU SOLDAT, grande suite Arrangement pour piano par auteur Suite pour clarinette, violon et piano, arrangement par I'auteur LES NOCES, scénes chorégraphiques russes avec chant Réduction pour piano et chant par l'auteur ... LOISEAU DE FEU, nouvelle suite pour orchestre moyen : BERCEU: Partition Parties PIANO RAG MUSIC pour piano seul PRIBAOUTEL, chansons plaisantes pour une voix et huit instruments Partition Parties Réduction pour chant et PULCINELLA, ballet apres Pergolesi : Réduction pour piano par l'auteur .. QUATRE CHANTS RUSSES, chant et piano RAG-TIME pour petit orchestre Partition Réduction pour RENARD, Histoire burlesque en un acte Réduction pour piano et chant par 'auteur RONDE DES PRINCESSES (""L'Oiseau de Feu"): ‘Arrangement pour orgue de Maurice Besly TROIS HISTOIRES POUR ENFANTS, chant et piano TROIS PIECES FACILES pour piano & quatre mains (main gauche facile) ‘TROIS PIECES pour clarinete seul iano par auteur 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, W.-I. 15/- 2 216 216 58 a

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