Behavior and Design of Prestressed Concr

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Behavior and Design of

Prestressed Concrete Beams

With Large Web Openings
George B. Barney W. Gene Corley
Structural Engineer Director
Structural Development Section Engineering Development Department
Portland Cement Association Portland Cement Association
Skokie, Illinois Skokie, Illinois
John M. Hanson Richard A. Parmelee
Vice-President of Operations Professor of Civil Engineering
Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates Northwestern University
Northbrook, Illinois Evanston, Illinois

George B. Barney W. Gene Corley

John M. Hanson Richard A. Parmelee

Reports the results of tests on 18 full-size precast
prestressed tee beam (13 long-span beams and 5
short-span beams) to 1etermine the effects of large
web openings on the erformance of prestressed
concrete members.
The results showed th t large web openings can be
accommodated in pre tressed concrete members
while maintaining their full strength. Also,
serviceability requirements can be satisfied.
A design procedure b sed on the results of these
tests is presented and a fully worked numerical
example illustrates the applicability of the proposed
design method.

he trend in recent years to and berta were the first to conduct a series
T the systems approach to building of tests on prestressed concrete tee
beams with multiple web openings.
has generated a need for web open-
ings in structural members. Mec an- They found that sizeable web open-
ical and electrical services in 4iost ings could be accommodated without
buildings are carried in the s ace sacrificing strength. Deflections for
within the floor-ceiling sandwich. beams with openings were not signif-
Passing these services thro gh icantly greater than those for beams
openings in the webs of the foor without openings.
beams eliminates a significant am unt Tests2 were also conducted to de-
of dead space and results in a nore termine the effect of both vertical and
compact and often more econorrical longitudinal reinforcement in tee
design. However, the effect of the beams with multiple openings. It was
openings on the strength and er- found that increasing the vertical rein-
viceability of the floor beams mus be forcement in the posts between open-
considered. ings increased shear capacity of the
specimens. Additional tests of pre-
stressed beams with multiple
Background parallelogram-shaped web openings3
indicated that these beams were
Only limited research has ben stronger than similar beams with rec-
done to determine the effects of eb tangular openings.
openings in prestressed concrete tee The investigation reported in this
beams, a member widely used in he paper was carried out at the Structural
precast concrete industry. Ragan tnd Development Laboratory of the Port-
Warwaruk' at the University of 1- land Cement Association.

PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977 33

force is tension or compression. For
Design Recommendations net axial compression, the shear
capacity of the concrete section with-
Based on the results of the investi- out web reinforcement can be deter-
gation reported here, a design proce- mined from the provisions of Section
dure is recommended for prestressed, 11.5.2 of the ACl Code. 4 Eq. (11-11)
pretensioned concrete beams with will usually govern the design. In
large rectangular web openings. The terms of notation used in this report,
procedure is applicable for beams this equation becomes:
having straight strands.
To avoid slip of the prestressing v = 0.6 f,` ^ (1)*
strands, openings must be located
outside the required strand embed-
ment length. This length may be cal- where
culated using the provisions of Sec- a = minimum width of tensile
tion 12.11 of the 1971 ACI Building strut
Code.4 The value of the force to be d = distance from extreme com-
transferred by each strand can be es- pressive fiber to centroid of
timated as its breaking strength. prestressed reinforcement
Vertical stirrups must be provided but not less than 0.8h
adjacent to both sides of all web open- fc = compressive strength of con-
ings. These stirrups should be propor- crete
tioned to carry the total shear force at h = overall depth of tensile strut
the section where they are located. M. = maximum moment in tensile
The analytical procedure described strut at section considered
later in this report may be utilized to due to superimposed loads.
determine axial forces, shear forces, Note that M. _ V 1/2 where l
and moments in the struts above and is the effective strut length
below openings. The capacity of the M me. = bending moment causing
struts to resist flexure and axial loads flexural cracking at section
may conveniently be determined from considered due to superim-
interaction curves. posed loads
Slenderness effects in the compres- vcz = shear stress at diagonal crack-
sive strut should he considered in ac- ing due to all design loads,
cordance with Section 10.10 of the when such cracking is result
AC! Code.4 When the section being of combined shear and mo-
analyzed is a tee beam, the effective meat
width of the flange in determining F k = shear force in tensile strut

properties and capacities of the com- and
pressive strut should not exceed the
limits established in Section 8.7 of the
ACI Code.4 cr = _. ^]' p`

Axial forces should be accounted for Yt d.A1,t

in the shear design of the struts. The
shear capacity of concrete in the com- In Eck. (2)
pressive strut can be determined from A = gross area of tensile strut
the provisions of Section 11.4.3 of the cis = distance between centroidal
ACI Code' for members subjected to axis at tensile and compres-
axial compression. sive struts
Design of the tensile strut for shear
depends on whether the net axial *Note that in SI units, ^}' psi = 008304 y f MPa.

fpe = compressive stress In on-
crete due to prestress my
after all losses, at extr me Synopsis
fiber of section at which en-
sile stresses are cause by Results of tests on 18 full-
applied loads. Note hat size prestressed, pretensioned
fieP(ds + A d) /(d3 gt) concrete tee beams represent-
where P is the effective re- ing one-half of a structural
stress force and d d is the is- double tee section are re-
tance of the effective re- ported. The variables investi-
stress force resultant be ow gated were opening size, loca-
the centroidal axis of the en- tion of opening along the span,
sile strut type and amount of web shear
I^ = moment of inertia of reinforcement, and amount of
cracked section transfor:
to concrete primary flexural reinforcement.
M = moment at center of open Behavior of beams with
y t = distance from centroidal openings was found to be simi-
of uncracked section to lar to that of a Vierendeel
treme fiber in tension truss. For the sizes of open-
ings studied, distribution of
When the tensile strut is in net a ial shear force above and below
tension, the shear capacity of concr to an opening was dependent on
may be determined from the pro i- the relative flexural stiffnesses
sions of Section 11.4.4 o€ the A I of the struts. Based on these
Code.4 findings, a method of analysis
Shear reinforcement in the s ts, was established. Criteria for
when required, should be prop r-
tioned using the provisions of Sect on strength design are presented
11.6 of the ACI Code.4 and a fully worked numerical
Results of the tests indicate t at example is included to illus-
cracking in the struts occurred in m st trate the application of the pro-
specimens prior to reaching service posed design method.
load. However, this did not appear to The tests indicate that large
have a significant effect on deft c- web openings can be accom-
tions. In view of this finding, it is r c- modated in pretensioned dou-
ommended that the allowable tensile ble tees while maintaining re-
stress of 6 , specified in Secti n quired strength and servicea-
18.4.2(b) of the ACI Code 4 be i -
bii'cte. However, the openings
creased to 7.5 VT psi (0.62 3 1l a)
for concrete in the struts.. must be located outside the
Furthermore, it is likely that e required strand embedment
provisions of Section €8.4.2(e) w 1I length and adequate shear
often apply for prestressed bea s reinforcement must be pro-
with web openings. The a Iowab e vided adjacent to the open-
tensile stress would then be increas d ings.
to IZ,1 psi (1.00 V MPa). Allow - The experimental work was
ble tensile stresses at sections aw y carried out at the Portland
from openings should not be i - Cement Association.
creased above those allowed in th
ACI Code.4

PC[ JOURNAL/November-December 35
Table 1. Variables and measured material properties for short-span beams.
Concrete Properties
Opening** Equivalent % of
Specimen Location f, fsp Ec Load Calculated +
ft psi psi ksi kips/ft. Ultimate Load

Pl_P* 6 6040 570 3570 5.36 61

P2-P 3 5990 570 3530 3.69 42
P3-W 6 5920 550 3290 8.52 97
P4-R 3 6040 560 3350 5.38 61
P5-W 6 6200 590 3750 8.25 94

*Symbols indicate reinforcement as follows:

P - no web reinforcement
W - welded wire fabric to provide minimum shear reinforcement
R - welded wire fabric and stirrups near openings
**Distance shown as X in Figure la
+Ultimate load for flexure calculated with = 1.0
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 psi = 0.006895 MPa
1 ksi = 6.895 MPa
1 kip/ft = 14.6 kN/m

Rectangular openings 10-in. (254

Experimental Investigation mm) deep and 30-in. (762 mm) long
were placed symmetrically about
The experimental investigation was midspan. These openings were cen-
conducted to determine whether pre- tered at either 6 ft (1.8 m) or 3 ft (0.9
stressed concrete beams could ac- m) from each end of the 18-ft (5.5 m)
commodate large web openings while span.
maintaining adequate strength and Welded wire fabric and U-shaped
serviceability. Details and results of No. 3 stirrups with yield strengths of
the investigation are presented below. 80.6 and 67.3 ksi (556 and 464 MPa),
respectively, were used as shear rein-
Short-span beam tests forcement in three specimens. The
A series of short-span beams tested other two specimens contained no
at the Structural Development Labo- shear reinforcement. Variables and
ratory of the Portland Cement Associ- concrete material properties of the
ation indicated that slip of the pre- short-span beam specimens are shown
stressing strands limited strength of in Table 1.
beams containing openings in the re- Strand slip occurred in all five
gion required for strand embedment. specimens causing a premature loss of
In this investigation, five 26-in. (660 strength. Vertical stirrup reinforce-
mm) deep tee beams, each containing ment along each side of the openings
five 1 -in. (12.7 mm) diameter, 7-wire, did not delay the occurrence of strand
prestressing strands with a breaking slip in these beams. However, Speci-
strength of 286 ksi (1972 MPa) were men P3-W with welded wire fabric for
tested. Forces were applied to simu- minimum shear reinforcement and
late conditions in a uniformly loaded with openings centered at 6 ft (1.8 m)
beam. Note that the cross section of from each support, carried a load cor-
these beams was similar to that for the responding to 97 percent of the calcu-
long-span beams, except that the lated flexural capacity for a beam
flange was monolithic. without openings.

Table 2. De ails of test specimens.
Beam Concrete To ping Concrete
opening Opening**
Specimen f^ fsp Sc fc fsp Ec Size Location
psi psi ksi psi psi ksi in. ft.

B1-W* 6820 590 4150 2990 370 3150 10x45 6

B2-W 7610. 650 4260 2820 370 2680 - -
B3-W 7600 650. 4320 2840 380 3080 10x45 12
B4-W 7820 690 4340 2800 360 3100 10x45 9
B5-W 7410 630 4320 2830 380 3110 10x60 9
B6-W 7500 650 4230 2860 360 3050 10x30 9
B7-R 8020 660 4220 2860 390 3010 10x60 9
B8-P 7660 650 4190 3110 440 3220 "10x60` 9
B9-W 8140 670 4300 3680 420 3330 10x60 15
B10-W 7910 670 4310 3710 380 3440 10x60 12
B11-R 8000 670 4530 3760 500 3740 10x60 9 & 15
B12-R + 7170 690 3770 3460 400 3580 10x60 9
B13-R + 7460 680 4130 3110 400 3250 14x60 9

*Symbols indicate reinforcement as follows:

P - no web reinforcement
W - welded wire fabric to provide minimum shear reinforcement
R - welded wire fabric an stirrups near openings
**Distance shown as X in Figure la
+Specimens B12 and 513 contained 2 strands, all others contained 3 strands

1 psi 0.006895 MPa

1 ksi = 6.895 MPa
1 in. = 25.4 mm
1 ft = 0.305 m

Long-span beam tests the short-span test series. The overall

Test beams in the long-span s ries length of each specimen was 37 ft
represented one-half of a stan and (11.3 m). Specimen details and con-
double tee section. Dimensions and crete material properties are shown in
details of the test specimen are sh wn Table 2.
in Figs. 1 and 2. Prestressing was provided with
The web and the lower 2 in. ( 0.8 1/2 -in. (12.7 mm) diameter, 270K
mm) of the flange were cast with or- Grade, 7-wire straight strand with a
mal weight concrete designed to ave breaking strength of 278 ksi (1917
a compressive strength of 4000 psi MPa). Most specimens contained
(27.6 MPa) at the time of initial pre- three strands spaced at 4 in. (102 mm),
stress. After transfer of prestre s, a as shown in Fig. 2b. This arrangement
2-in. (50.8 mm) topping of no mal permitted 10-in. (254 mm) deep open-
weight unreinforced concrete was ings to be placed in the web while
cast. The topping had a design om- still maintaining adequate concrete
pressive strength of 3000 psi (0.7 cover. One specimen was tested with
MPa) at 14 days, normally the a e at only the top and bottom strands in
time of testing. place. A specimen containing 14-in.
A span of 36 ft (11.0 m) was sele ted (356 mm) deep openings was tested
so that openings could be place I at with only the two bottom strands.
several locations outside the reqi fired Web shear reinforcement, when
strand embedment length. This was provided, was of two types. Minimum
intended to decrease the likeliho d of shear reinforcement as specified by
bond failures that were observe I in the 1971 ACI Building Code 4 was

PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977 37



Sot 6'-0" 30'-d" 3tOe

I" = 254 mm

Fig. 1. Loading for long-span beams.




I" = 25.4 mm

—Welded wire fabric

0 (4x4-10/IO)
Welded wire fabric
(6x6-8/8) —I/2Dja. 270 K Strand


Fig. 2. Properties of long-span beams.

Fig. 3. Test setup for prestressed beam with four openings.

provided by welded wire fabri in test specimens. Consequently, infor-

most specimens with three stra ds. mation was obtained for the develop-
This type of reinforcement had ea- ment of strength design criteria.
sured yield strengths between 8.2 Openings were placed symmetri-
and 75.2 ksi (470 and 519 M a). cally about midspan with the distance
Specimens with two strands, alth ugh from the supports to the center of the
having a lower minimum shear ein- openings, shown as "X" in Fig. la,
forcement requirement, were ro- being either 6, 9, 12, or 15 ft (1.8, 2.7,
vided with the same amount of eb 3.7, or 4.6 m). Web shear reinforce-
steel. ment in most specimens consisted of
One additional U-shaped No. 3 stir- at least the minimum amount required
rup was placed at each side and dia- by the 1971 ACI Building Code.4
cent to each opening in four s eci- Some specimens contained additional
mens. Distance from the centroi of stirrup reinforcement adjacent to the
the stirrups to the edge of the ope ing openings. Specimen B8 was tested
was 1 in. Welded wire fabric was ro- with no shear reinforcement.
vided in the flange of each speci wn Specimen B2 was tested with no
to satisfy temperature reinforc it openings and with minimum shear
requirements. reinforcement. This provided a stan-
The tests were limited to be ms dard with which to compare the re-
with rectangular-shaped openi gs. sults of other specimens. The beam
Opening depths in 12 beams wer 10 was designed to be under-reinforced.
in. (254 mm). Specimen B13 had Specimen B11 contained four open-
14-in. (356 mm) deep openings. he ings. This beam was tested to deter-
openings were long enough, 30, 45, mine the effect of closely spaced
and 60 in. (762, 1143, and 1524 m), openings on forces in the struts (see
to cause failures in the struts of s me Fig. 3).

PCI JOURNAL/November-Decembor 1977 39

Test procedure —The test setup is
shown in Fig. 3. Concentrated loads Test Results
located directly over the web were
applied at 6-ft (1.8 m) intervals along Observed behavior
the span to simulate conditions in a Observed behavior of the test
uniformly loaded beam. specimens can be assigned to three
To avoid having load points directly different categories. Examples of each
over openings, a five-point loading are shown in Fig. 4.
scheme was used for specimens hav- Specimens with adequate strength
ing openings at 9 and 15 ft (2.7 and 4.6 at the openings, and the standard
m) from supports, and a six-point load- specimen with no openings, reached
ing scheme was used for specimens their capacity in flexure. These tests
having openings at 6 and 12 ft (1.8 and ended when the prestressing strands
2.7 m) from supports. Positions of fractured at midspan. Fig. 4a illus-
loads are shown in Fig. 1. trates this behavior.
During each test, the design service The capacity of several specimens
load was reached with the application having openings in high shear regions
of seven to twelve equal load incre- was limited by an unrestrained shear
ments. The beams were then un- crack extending from the low moment
loaded in one increment. Next, the side of an opening toward the support.
service load was reapplied in one in- These cracks normally propagated
crement. The beams were then un- along the prestressing strands. In
loaded before being tested to destruc- some beams the cracks extended into
tion. This sequence provided data in the region required for strand em-
the service load range both before and bedment causing the strand to slip.
after the specimens cracked. The capacity of the tensile strut to
carry shear was reduced as the crack
Instrumentation —To determine the lengthened. As a result, additional
distribution of forces in the vicinity of shear was transferred to the compres-
the openings, parallel lines of electri- sive strut. Capacity was reached when
cal resistance strain gages were at- a hinging mechanism formed in the
tached to the compressive struts over compressive strut. An example of this
the openings. Additional strain gages behavior is shown in Fig. 4b.
were placed on the prestressing Some tests ended with fracture of
strands in the tensile strut. the prestressing strands beneath an
Gage points for a Whittemore me- opening. For specimens having open-
chanical strain gage were attached to ings in high shear regions, strand frac-
the test specimens at the level of the ture frequently coincided with the
prestressing steel at the center of the formation of a hinging mechanism in
span. These gage points were used to both struts. This mechanism is illus-
determine strains due to prestress trated in Fig. 4c.
both after transfer and at the time of
testing. Findings
In addition to strain readings, de- The tests clearly established that
flections were measured at midspan large web openings can be accommo-
and at points directly under the edges dated in prestressed concrete beams
of one of the openings. Load cells without decreasing their strength.
measured the applied forces and reac- However, this is possible only when
tions. Dial gages placed at the tip of cracking at an opening is not allowed
the strands extending from the ends of to extend into the required strand
the beam were used to detect slip. embedment length.

(a) Specimen B2 just before strand (fracture at midspan.


(b) Specimen B1 just before strand

(c) Specimen B4 just before strand racture beneath opening.

Fig. 4. Behavior of beams un er overload (Specimens B2, B1, and B4).

To satisfy this requirement, en- percentage of design ultimate load at-

ings must be located outside t] re- tained, the type and cause of failure,
quired embedment length. Ad( on- and the location of damage.
ally, vertical stirrup reinforce ,nt In most specimens with openings,
must be provided adjacent to en- cracking occurred in the struts at less
ings in an amount sufficient to .rry than service load. Therefore, design of
the full design ultimate shear foi these members may be controlled by
Principal test results are prey ted serviceability requirements when
in Table 3. Listed are the ma). urn cracking is not allowed.
load carried by each specime. the In all tests, measured service load

PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977 41

Table 3. Principal test results.

Equivalent % of Failure
Specimen Load Design Initiated
kips/ft Load* Type by Location

B1 0.98 77 Shear-secondary Strand Opening

Hinging** Slip
B2 1.36 107 Flexure Strand Midspan
B3 1.41 110 Flexure Strand Midspan
B4 1.35 106 Flexure Strand Opening
B5 1.18 92 Shear-secondary Shear Opening
Hinging** Cracking
B6 1.38 108 Flexure Strand Midspan
B7 1.34 105 Flexure Strand Opening
B8 0.94 73 Shear-secondary Strand Opening
Hinging** Slip
B9 1.34 104 Flexure Strand Openin
310 1.36 105 Flexure Strand Opening
811 1.33 103 Flexure Strand Opening
B12 0.91 106 Flexur Strand Opening
B13 0.86 91 Flexure Strand Opening

*Ultimate load for flexure based upon = 1.0

**Indicates shear failure of tensile strut followed by hinging in
compressive strut
1 kip/ft = 14.6 kN/m

deflections were well within those al- contraflexure was near the midlength
lowed in the 1971 ACI Building of the strut.
Code. 4 A comparison of load versus Forces determined from strain read-
deflection for Specimen B2 with no ings indicated that shear in the com-
openings and Specimen Bit with four pressive and tensile struts was carried
openings is shown in Fig. 5. It may be in proportion to their flexural stiffnes-
concluded that the influence of open- ses. It was also found that cracking in
ings on deflection is minor in properly the struts had a significant effect on
detailed beams. the distribution of shear. This is illus-
Behavior of the test specimens was trated in Fig. 6. Axial forces in the
analogous to that of a Vierendeel struts were close to those calculated
truss. Analysis of recorded strains in- on the basis of a Vierendeel truss
dicated that points of contraflexure analogy. Cracking had little effect on
existed in the compressive struts of axial forces, as seen in Fig. 7.
specimens with openings. For open- Specimen B11 was tested with
ings in high shear regions, the point of 10 x 60-in. (254 x 1524 mm) openings
100 200 300

Coiculaled Flexural opocily APPLIED

kipsl U. 10
Service Load

0 5 10 15
Fig. 5. Load versus flecti n for beams with and without openings.


B6 30
83 8 25
BII (exi)
5 810
We 4 B12 Vc
kips 3 15 kN


2 BIIOnf)


Fig. 6. Shear f rce in compressive strut.

PCI JOURNAL/November-Decembers 1977 43

B9 I

I 4 IIB6 87 I I 300
ji ii 7
C 60 I Vc
I B5 I I I elll(int) I
kips_ BII(ext) kN
I i I I I 200
B8 I I I
40 B12
'^ 5/13
II I I !I f
200 k4-m- Ite
/ k-ft

Fig. 7. Axial force in compressive strut.

centered at 9 and 15 ft (2.7 and 4.6 m) amount of web shear reinforcement.

from each support. The openings The effect of web reinforcement and
were separated by 1-ft (0.31 m) thick opening length on beam strength is
web elements, referred to here as shown in Fig. 8a. Only specimens
posts. Forces in the struts of Speci- with openings centered 9 ft (2.7 m)
mens B7 and B9, having isolated from the supports are compared in
openings centered 9 and 15 ft (2.7 and this figure.
4.6 m) from supports, respectively, Minimum shear reinforcement pro-
were compared to corresponding vided adequate strength for speci-
forces in Specimen B11. It was de- mens having opening lengths of 45 in.
termined that cracking of the posts (1143 mm) or less. For specimens
affected strut forces. Nominal with 60-in. (1524 mm) openings, addi-
shear stresses in excess of 7 J f psi tional stirrup reinforcement at the
(0.58 f MPa) were calculated from openings was required to prevent
experimental data. However, the strength reduction. Stirrup forces for
cracks in the posts did not reduce the Specimen B7 are shown in Fig. 9.
strength of the specimen. Further re- The effect on strength of opening
search is needed to identify the be- location and opening size for speci-
havior of posts between closely mens containing minimum shear rein-
spaced openings. forcement is shown in Fig. 8b. No loss
was found for specimens with open-
Effect of variables ings centered 12 ft (3.7 m) or more
Of the variables considered in this from the supports. However, 10 x 60-
investigation, those having the in. (254 x 1524 mm) openings located
greatest effect on specimen strength 9 ft (2.7 m) from the supports de-
and behavior were the location of the creased the strength of Specimen B5.
web openings along the span and the Specimen B1, with 10 x45-in.


82 x86 xB4 0B7

— x8I

0 15 30 45 60


q B6 x83
B8 °BIO xE
o B5
50 I

q IOX30 in. I
X IOX45 in. I
o IOX60 in.

00 3 6 9 12 15
(support) OPENING LOCATION, ft.




I° = 25.4 mm

1^ =0.305m

10 14


Fig. 8. ffect of variables.

(254 x 1143 mm) openings center d 6 Specimens B12 and B13 provides an
ft (1.8 m) from the supports, exhil ited indication of the effect of opening
a substantial loss of strength. Cr cks depth on behavior. Increased opening
extending from the openings into the depth in Specimen B13 was provided
regions required for strand em ed- by decreasing the depth of the tensile
ment in this specimen caused the strut.
strands to slip. This led to a prem ure As shown in Fig. 8c, Specimen B12
failure. with an opening depth of 10 in. (254
A comparison of test results for mm) carried a load 6 percent greater

PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977 45

10 20 30 40


Strain Gage Location


4 ST 2


15 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 B.0


Fig. 9. Stirrup forces in Specimen B7.

than that corresponding to its calcu-

lated flexural capacity. The capacity of Analytical Procedure
Specimen B13 with an opening depth
of 14 in. (356 mm) was 9 percent In this section, an analytical proce-
below its calculated flexural strength. dure for determining forces in the
Varying the amount of primary struts of prestressed beams with large
flexural reinforcement did, not signifi- web openings is presented.
cantly change specimen behavior. Analysis of recorded strain data in-
Specimens B7 and B12 were similar dicated that the behavior of the test
except for the number of prestressing specimens was similar to that of a Vie-
strands. Since Specimen B7 had three rendeel truss. Cracking was observed
strands, its calculated flexural capacity to have a significant effect on the
was greater than that of Specimen B12 shear distribution in the struts. Before
with only two strands. cracking, shear was distributed to the
Therefore, the shear at the opening struts in proportion to their gross mo-
for Specimen B7 was much more se- ments of inertia.
vere. However, the behavior of the Forces acting on a beam with an
two specimens was virtually identical. opening are illustrated in Fig. 10.
Both carried loads exceeding their Loads on the beam produce. shear, V,
calculated flexural capacities. Frac- and moment, M. Moment is resisted
ture of the prestressing strands be- by the two struts acting together as in-
neath the openings occurred in both tegral parts of a beam. This results in
specimens at ultimate load. the primary stress condition indicated.

Primary Secondary Combined
Stresses Stresses Stresses

Fig. 10. 1 tresses at opening.

Each strut also carries a statically states of stress results in a combined

indeterminate portion of the t tal stress condition as shown.
shear force acting at the section. he
shear carried by the compressive s rut Distribution of forces
is designated V e and that carried by Simplified method An idealized
the tensile strut is designated Vt. model of a beam with an opening is
These produce secondary flex ral shown in Fig. Ila. The length of the
stresses in the struts. struts, shown as 1, is conservatively
At some section near the left edge taken as the distance between vertical
of the opening, the secondary stre ses stirrups on each side of the opening.
before cracking are similar to ti ose In practice, these stirrups must be
shown. Superposition of these wo provided to contain cracking.

Ac Abutment

StrrruQ Stirrup';

ds M LM 1MM

Ltd'--^ P




Fig. 11. Idealized model free body diagram at beam opening.

PC[ JOURNAL/November- December+ 1977 47

The compressive and tensile struts tribution of forces takes place in the
are assumed to frame into rigid abut- struts. For this case, the design proce-
ments on each side of the opening. To dure is dependent on the extent of
reflect the Vierendeel truss action ob- cracking in the tensile strut. When
served in the tests, hinges are as- Eq. (5) results in:
sumed at the midlength of each strut. (6)
Moments of inertia for the compres-
sive and tensile struts are shown as I, a crack extending the full depth of the
and I, respectively. tensile strut is likely to have occurred.
Shear, moment, and prestress are For this condition, it is recommended
introduced into the system through that the struts be designed for:
the rigid abutments. For strength de- V c =V (7)
sign, the shear, V, and moment, M, at
Vt _ 0 (8)
the center of the opening are deter-
mined from beam forces at ultimate. For values of T satisfying the condi-
When the opening length,1, is small tion:
compared to the span length of the T < 6 A g, (9)
beam, V can be assumed constant over
the length of the opening. Moment a full-depth crack has not occurred.
then varies linearly across the open- For this case the tensile strut must be
designed to carry some of the shear.
ing from M – AM to M + OM, where:

The recommended design forces are:
AM ° l(3)
V 0 =V I` (10)
^ i;+ lt(cr)
and AM denotes the change in mo-
Iment tover one-half of the strut length.
The prestress force, P, acts at a dis- Vt =VI I + 1 (11)
tance Ad below the centroidal axis of It
the tensile strut. The distance be- where
tween the centroidal axes of the struts I, = moment of inertia of un-
is shown in Fig. ha as d8. cracked compressive strut
Forces acting at a section through I t = moment of inertia of un-
the center of the opening are shown cracked tensile strut
in Fig. Jib. With respect to the It(cr) = moment of inertia of fully
applied loads, the axial forces in the cracked tensile strut
struts are calculated as: The use of this simplified method
for determining strut shear forces at
–P(Ad) (4)
C= M ultimate load results in a conservative
d8 design. This should be satisfactory for
most design applications.
T= M– P(d8 +Ad) (5)
Iterative method When an accu-
d8 rate determination of strut shear
For design purposes a simplified forces is required, analysis using the
procedure for estimating shear forces modified idealized model shown in
in the struts has been derived. When Fig. 12 is recommended. Variable ef-
no cracking has occurred in the struts, fective moments of inertia I ci, 'c2, I tl,
shear is carried in proportion to the and I t2 are assumed in each strut seg-
untracked moments of inertia. This ment to allow the effects of cracking
will often be the case at transfer of to be included in the analysis.
prestress and at service load. Axial forces in the struts are calcu-
Once cracking has occurred, a redis- lated from Eqs. (4) and (5).

between the loads in the untopped
system and loads in the composite Concluding Remarks
system. Dead load and prestress
forces are initially resisted by the un- Tests were carried out on 18 full-
topped system. However, once crack- size tee beams containing large rec-
ing occurs, some of the dead load and tangular web openings. The beams
prestress forces along with all of the were loaded to simulate conditions in
load applied after the topping is cast a uniformly loaded beam.
are redistributed to the composite sys- Principal variables in the test pro-
tem. gram were size and location of open-
The two systems must be analyzed ings, type and amount of web shear
separately to satisfy compatibility. reinforcement, and amount of primary
However, the effects of forces in both flexural reinforcement.
systems must be considered together The behavior of beams with open-
in determining the properties of the ings was similar to that of a Vieren-
struts after they have cracked. More deel truss. Test results indicate that
detail on the aspects of this analysis large web openings can be placed in
are contained elsewhere.' A computer prestressed concrete beams without
program for this analysis is available. sacrificing strength or serviceability.
The analysis applies only when the However, openings must be located
struts behave primarily as flexural outside the required strand embed-
members. As a guide in this regard, ment length. Adequate shear rein-
the analysis is not recommended forcement must be provided adjacent
when overall length-to-depth ratios of to openings.
the struts are less than 2.5. Fur- An analytical procedure has been
thermore, to ensure that the posts be- established for determining forces and
have rigidly, it is recommended that moments in struts above and below
adjacent web openings be separated openings. Design criteria have been
by web elements (posts) having over- presented.
all width-to-height ratios of at least
2.0 where the width of the posts is the
distance between adjacent stirrups. A
limit on nominal total design shear References
stress, v,,., of 2f J psi (0.17fj MPa) is
advised for the posts. 1. Ragan, H. S. and Warwaruk, J., "Tee
Members With Large Web Openings,"
PCI JOURNAL, V. 12, No, 4, August
1967, pp. 52-65.
2. Sauve, Jacques Germain, "Prestressed
Acknowledgments Concrete Tee Beams With Large Web
Openings," MS Thesis, University of
Alberta, Fall 1970.
The investigation described in this re-
port was carried out in the Structural De- 3. LeBlanc, Eric P., "Parallelogram
Shaped Openings in Prestressed Con-
velopment Laboratory of the Portland Ce- crete Tee Beams," MS Thesis, Univer-
ment Association in Skokie, Illinois. B. W. sity of Alberta, Fall 1971.
Fullhart, A. G. Aabey, and W. Hummerich, 4. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code
Jr. of the technician staff of the Structural Requirements for Reinforced Concrete
Development Section fabricated and (ACI 318-71)," American Concrete In-
tested the beams. Photographic services stitute, Detroit, Michigan, 1971, 78 pp.
were provided by P. J. Walusek. Astaire M. 5. Barney, G. B., "Design of Prestressed
Parisi provided the secretarial services. Concrete Beams with Large Web Open-
Figures in the report were prepared by ings," PhD Thesis, Northwestern Uni-
Louise S. Masten. versity, June 1975.

A0 = gross area of tensile strut = moment of inertia of un-
bz = minimum width of tensile cracked tensile strut
strut I t(cr) = moment of inertia of fully
C = axial force in compres ive cracked tensile strut
strut Ic,, I t2 = effective moments of inertia
d = distance from extreme c m- in tensile strut
pressive fiber to centroi of = effective strut length
prestressed reinforcement M = moment at center of opening
but not less than 0.8h AM = change in moment over
d8 = distance between centro dal one-half of strut length
axes of tensile and comp es- Ma = maximum moment in strut
sive struts segment
Ad = distance of effective re- MC,. = bending moment causing
stressing force result nt flexural cracking at section
below centroidal axis of n- considered due to superim-
sile strut posedloads
E, = modulus of elasticity of c n- M„ = maximum moment in tensile
crete strut due to superimposed
= compressive strength of c n- loads
crete P = effective prestress force
fYe = compressive stress in c n-
T = axial force in tensile strut
crete due to prestress o ly
v ex = shear stress at diagonal
after all losses, at extre e
fiber of a section at wh ch cracking due to all design
loads, when such cracking is
tensile stresses are cau ed
result of combined shear and
by applied loads
f8P = splitting tensile strength of
= nominal total design shear
h = overall depth of tensile st t
V = shear force at center of open-
I, = moment of inertia of n- ing
cracked compressive strut
V, = shear force in compressive
Ic,. = moment of inertia of crac ed strut
strut section transformed to
Vt = shear force in tensile strut
X = distance from support to
1 ,i, 1C2 = effective moments of iner is
center of opening
in compressive strut
lit = distance from centroidal axis
'elf = effective moment of inerti
of uncracked section to ex-
Ig = moment of inertia of n- treme fiber in tension
cracked section transform d (P = capacity reduction factor
to concrete

PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977 51


In this section a design example is Non-prestressed reinforcement:

presented for a prestressed concrete f 60ksi
double tee beam with a 2-in, thick Prestressed reinforcement:
reinforced concrete topping. Part I of f = 270 ksi
the example demonstrates strength A requirement of two 10-in, deep by
design using the simplified method 36-n, long web openings for passage
referred to in the text. of mechanical and electrical services
Part II illustrates procedures for has been introduced. The centers of
checking stress and•. deflection re- the openings are located 8Yz and 15 ft
quirements at service load. from one support as shown in Fig. Bi.
Note: For the convenience of read- Design the beam to carry the re-
ers unfamiliar with the American sys- quired loads. Assume that the dis-
tem of units, a table of metric (SI) tance from the vertical edges of the
equivalents is included below. openings to the centroid of the stirrup
reinforcement adjacent to the open-
Part 1-Strength design ings is 1 in.
The simply supported prestressed 1. Calculate the required embed-
concrete double tee beam shown in ment length t d for 1/a -in, diameter
Fig. B1 has been designed without strand from the provisions of Section
web openings to carry a live load of 50 12.11 of ACI 318-71. Assume a strand
psf. Material properties are as follows: stress of 0.7fg.. immediately after
Concrete: transfer and 15 percent losses under
Beam f, = 6000 psi service load conditions from the ef-
fects of creep, shrinkage, and strand
Topping., = 3000 psi
1d = (fpff- z/afse)dt,
_ { 270 – 2/3 (270) (0.7) (1 – ©.15)} (0.5)
= 81.5 tn.
Embedment length provided
6+ 102- 18– 1= 89in.> 81.5 in.
2. Calculate the effective flange
width from Section 8.7.2 of ACI 318-
1!a of span length =
(1/4) (36) (12) = 108 in. > 48 in.
Allowable overhang
8 times slab thickness
= 8 (4) = 32 in.
or allowable overhang
= 1!a clear distance to next
(48 – 5.75)
= (1/2)
= 21.13 in.
Therefore, full flange width is ef-

.E `^ 2 { 36.. A

Hole A Hole 8

8.4 A

L 36 - 0 „ 6




Symmetrical Welded Wire Fabric

About Center (4x4-10/f0)
2 ' Dia.270 K Strands
Welded Wire Fabric
(4x4-10/10) N

1 , = 25.4 mm
I' 0.305m 5


Fig. 81. Elevation and cross secti n of prestressed beam used in example.

3. Check the width-to-height ra 'o 111. = 1/i wLX — ½ w,,.X2

of post: = 1/2 (760) (36) (8.5) -
1,4 (760) (8.5)2
(42 — 2) /10 = 4.0 > 2.0
= 88,825 ft-lb = 1066 in.-kips
4. Calculate the beam design loads
assuming a uniformly distribut d V. = % w .L — wuX
dead load. Since the double tee is = ½ (760) (36) — (760) (8.5)
symmetric about its centerline, desi n = 7220 lb = 7.2 kips
for one-half of a standard double t e 6. Calculate the size of stirrup rein-
section. forcement adjacent to the opening:
wu = 1.4wa+ 1.7w1
= 1.4(299.7)+ 1.7(50)(4) A„= "
= 760 lb/ft
5. Calculate the design mome it _ 7200
= 0.14 sq in.
and shear at the center of Hole A. (0.85) (60,000)

PCI JOURNAL/November-December 977 53

Use U-shaped No.. 3 stirrup, i.e., To obtain a conservative estimate of
0.22 sq in. of steel each side of shear force in the tensile strut, assume
opening. that cracking causes no redistribution
of dead load shear, V 4. to the com-
7. Calculate the axial forces from pressive strut.
Eqs. (4) and (5): Vd = 1/s w dL - wdX
= ½ (299.7) (36) - (299.7) (8.5)
dg = 2847 lb = 2.9 kips
where d s = 17.57 in. based on
transformed strut properties and It
V t =Vd I +It +
Od = 0.25 in.
C = { 1066 - (2) (270) (0.153) (0.7) x
(1 - 0.15) (0.25) } /17.57 It
(Vu -V4)
= 60 kips (compression) I ` + It
T= M-P(d3+Ad)
I 642 f
=2.9It 32+6421+
_ { 1066 - (2) (270) (0.153) (0.7) x
(1 - 0.15) (17.57 + 0.25) } /17.57 642
= 10.8 kips (tension) (7.2 - 2.9)
214 + 642
8. Check the extent of cracking in
the tensile strut from Eqs. (6) and (9). = 6.0 kips
The value of A,- is calculated as
53.2 sq in. 10. Calculate the moments at ends
_ 6(53.2)fOO60 of the struts using the free body dia-
6A gt J 1000 gram of Fig. B2. Assume strut lengths
of 36 + 2 = 38 in. and hinges at mid-
= 24.7 kips lengths of the struts:
T = 10.8 kips < 24.7 kips
Therefore, the tensile strut is not In compressive strut
penetrated by a crack over its full M,= ±5.4(19)
depth. = 102.6 in.-kips
In tensile strut
9. Calculate the strut shear forces Mt= ±6.0(19)
from Eqs. (10) and (11). The section 114.0 in.-kips
properties of the struts are:
I, = 214 in. 4 (with topping, based on 11. Determine the magnified mo-
transformed section) ments in the compressive strut to ac-
I, = 32 in.4 (without topping) count for slenderness effects. Using
I t = 642 in.4 Eq. (10-5) from Section 10.11.5 of ACI
I t(cr) = 72 in ,4 318-71, for a frame not braced against
From Eq. (10) the shear force in sidesway:
the compressive strut is:
s = Cm
I, 1 -"
Ic +I t( .)
_ 214
V^-7.2 214+72 C m = 1.0 for unbraced member
P u = C = 60 kips
= 5.4 kips 0 =0.7

Calculating dead load sh ar in
compressive strut:
V , = 2.9
32 + 642
= 0.1 kips
= 1.4 (0.1) (19)
(5.4) (19) Fig. B2. Free body diagram.
= 0.03
Using Eq. (10-8):
Step 7). Determine the shear capacity
E,.I,. from Section 11.4.4 of ACI 318-71.
El = 2.5 Vu
`Vb wd

(57) (214) = 6.0

2.5 (0.85) (3.75) (0.8) (12)
1.03 = 0.20 ksi = 200 psi
= 3.67 x 105 lb-in.2
Using Eq. (10-6): v =2I 1+0.002^u

= 2 ( 1+ 0.002 ( 10800) I J,MW

P^ _
(kl)2 53.2
__ir2 (3.67 x 105) = 92 psi < 200 psi
(1.0 x 38)2
Hence, additional reinforce-
= 2508 kips ment is required. Proportion
the shear reinforcement in ten-
S - 1.0 sile strut according to Eq. (11-
_ 60 13) in ACI 318-71. Maximum
1 0.7 (2508) spacing by Section 11.1.4(b) of
ACI 318-71 is 0.75h = 9 in.
= 1.04
BM,= ±1.04(102.6)
v- f.
- yc) bws
= ± 106.7 in.-kips
_ (200 - 92) (3.75) (9)
12. Check the positive and nega ive
flexural capacities of struts with re- 60000
spect to interaction curves shown in = 0.06 sq in.
Figs. B3 and B4 (see next page). Use No. 3 bar single leg stirrups
For C = 60 kips at 9-in, centers in tensile strut
(Mc)allow = + 114 in.-kips to provide A„ = 0.11 sq in. An-
- 143 in.-kips ( k) chor stirrups around the strands
(M t)^Zo,,, _ + 120 in.-kips using a 180-deg bend at each
- 152 in.-kips (ok) end.
13. The net axial force in the 14. Determine the shear capacity of
sile strut is 10.8 kips tension compressive strut using the provisions

PCI JOURNAL/November-December h977 55



-20 -10 ao 20
1 ____
-200 -150 -100 -500 50 100 ISO 200


25 100




Fig. B3. Interaction curve for compressive strut.



Fig. B4. Interaction curve for tensile strut.


of Section 11.4.3 of ACI 318-71. flee 16. Following a similar procedure
d is different at each end of the .rut, for Hole B results in the following:
check capacity at each end. Eo. the Design moment at center of
end having d = 1;in. opening:
Vu M,, = 1436 in.-kips
Design shear at center of open-
5.4 ing:
(0.85) (48) (1) VV, = 2.3 kips
=0.13 ksi = 130 psi Stirrup reinforcement adjacent
to opening: U-shaped No. 3 bar
v, =21 1+0.0005 _ 1 C = 81 kips [from Eq. (4)11
T = 31.9 kips {from Eq. (5)]
where A g = 165 sq in. is the
6Ag = 24.7 kips
gross area of the compres live
<T=31.9 kips
strut transformed to 600C
concrete. Therefore: Therefore, the tensile strut of
Hole B is penetrated by a full-
v, = 2j 1 + 0.0005 6 00 1 ' 60 0 depth crack. The distribution of
shear to the struts is determined
from Eqs. (7) and (8).
= 183 psi > 130 psi (ok)
V, = V„ = 2.3 kips
For the end having d = 3 in.,
Ve = 0
assume the capacity is ov-
erned by topping concete av- Moments adjusted for slender-
ing f 3000 psi since this s in ness effects become:
compression. Thus, in Eq. SM c = - 4.3 in.-kips
(11-6) of ACI 318-71, A 9 = 193 M = 0
sq in. From the interaction diagram in
_ 5.4 Fig. B3, for C = 81 kips:
v" (0.85) (48) (3) (M) Qilo _ + 140 in.-kips
= 0.04 ksi = 40 psi – 172 in.-kips (ok)
Shear design for the end of the
vc =2f 1+0.0005 strut with d = 1 in. results in
v = 56 psi
127 psi> 40 psi (ok) v = 193psi>56psi(ok)

For the end of the strut with

15. Check the horizontal si
d = 3 in.
capacity between flange and top;
using Sections 17.5.3 and 17.5. of v, = 17 psi
ACT 318-71. v, = 133 psi > 17 psi (ok)
V. Checking horizontal shear be-
vah=^d tween topping and flange leads
_ 5.4
vdn = 17 psi < 80 psi (ok)
(0.85) (48) (3)
= 0.04 ksi = 40 psi 17. The shear stress in the post is
<80 psi (allowable) calculated as:

PCI JOURNAL/November-flecembe} 1977 57

vu = ( C )Hole B - ( C )Hote A I ^,
V, = V
_ 81-60
(0.85) (4.84) (42 - 1) =1.9
32 + 642
= 0.12 ksi = 120 psi
= 0.1 kips
2/T = 155 psi (ok)
V t = V -Ve
= 1.9 - 0.1
Part II-Stress and = 1.8 kips
deflection requirements The calculated values of d $ and
Check deflection and stresses Ad shown in Fig. ha for the un-
around the openings at service load. topped beam are:
Assume a strand stress of 0.7f.,.. im- ds = 16.75 in.
mediately following transfer of pre- O d- 0.25 in.
stress. Also, assume that the entire From Eqs. (4) and (5):
prestress loss of 15 percent occurs
after the topping is cast. C 280 - 57.8 (0.25)
1. Service load stresses will be cal- = 15.9 kips
culated at the extreme fibers of the
struts at the four points shown in Fig. T - 280 - 57.8 (16.75 + 0.25)
B5. Stresses will be calculated assum- 16.75
ing that full dead load, including the = - 42.0 kips
weight of the topping, and the full
prestress force are resisted by the un- 3. For the bottom extreme fiber at
topped beam. After the topping be- Point 1:
comes an integral part of the beam,
additional stresses resulting from live VJ ')yb
load and loss of prestress will be cal-
culated. f = -C 21e

2. Referring to Fig. B2, the forces 15900 (100)(19)(1)

caused by dead load and prestress act- 97 32
ing on the untopped beam at Hole A
= - 223 psi
are calculated as follows:
Stresses at other locations are
P = AJ. calculated using a similar proce-
= 2 (0.153) (0.7) (270) dure.
= 57.8 kips
4. Referring to Fig. 11b, the change
M = 1/2 wdLX - 1/2 wdX2. in forces caused by live load and 15
percent loss of prestress at Hole A are
= 1/2 (199.7) (36) (8.5)
calculated following the procedure in
- 1/2 (199.7) (8.5)2
Step 2.
= 23340 ft-lb = 280 in.-kips
P = - 2 (0.153) (0.7) (0.15) (270)
V = 1/2wdL -wdX _ - 8.7 kips
= 1/2 (199.7) (36) M = 1/2 (50) (4) (36) (8.5)
- (199.7) (8.5) - 1/2 (50) (4) (8.5)2
= 1897 lb = 1.9 kips = 23375 ft-lb = 281 in.-kips

I" = 25.4 mm . Q=38

Stirrup .' .

Fig. B5. Location of stresses.

V = i/2 (50) (4) (36) From Eqs. (4) and (5):

– (50) (4) (8.5 C _ 281 – (– 8.7) (0.25)
= 1900 lb = 1.9 kips 17.57
1 16.1 kips
Ic +it
VI –V^1 281–(-8.7)(17.57+0.25)
214 = 24.8 kips
= 1.9
L2 14 + 642
5. Stresses for live load and 15 per-
0.5 kips cent loss of prestress acting on the
topped beam are now calculated from
V t = V – V, first principles. A summary of service
= 1.9 – 0.5 load stresses for Hole A is presented
= 1.4 kips in Table B1.

Table B1. Str sses (psi) at service load.

Hole A Hole B

Location Top ottom Fiber Top Fiber Bottom Fiber



1 -48* -455 -71* -519

2 -92* -241 -112* -421

3 +648 -1052 +451 -279

4 -614 +478 -29 +241


1 -1350, +657* - 700, +930 -1350, +657* -2700, +930

2 -1350, +657* - 700, +930 -1350, +657* -2700, +930

3 -2700, +930 - 700, +930 -2700, +930 -2700, +930

4 -2700, +930 - 700, +930 -2700, +930 -2700, +930

*Stresses in topping

PCI JOURNAL/November-Decembe 1977 59



t :.l


Fig. 86. Details of additional reinforcement.

6. Stresses service load for Hole 8. Estimate the midspan deflection
caused by live load and 15 percent
B are calculated in a similar manner.
A summary of service load stresses for loss of prestress. Assume that the
Hole B is given in Table B1. component of deflection caused by
live load shear at each opening is de-
7. Allowable stresses in tension and termined from the following expres-
compression for 3000- and 6000-psi sion derived from moment-area prin-
concrete from Section 18.4.2 of ACI ciples.
318-71 are as follows:
V 3
For 3000-psi concrete—
in compression, (12)
O.45 fe = 1350 psi s" – 23E,(I,+It)
in tension, 12 J , = 657 psi
where I is the opening length of
For 6000-psi concrete— 38 in. and E 6 is the concrete
in compression, modulus. For Hole A, conserva-
0.45f= 2700 psi tively estimate I t = 72 in. 4 This
in tension, 12 f 1 = 657 psi is the moment of inertia of the
Modulus of rupture is deter- fully cracked strut.
mined from Section 9.5.2 of ACI
Calculate the component of
318-71 are as follows: midspan deflection caused by
For 3000-psi concrete- loss of prestress from the expres-
. r =7.5 f 411 psi sion:
For 6000-psi concrete— _ _ PeL2
f1.=7.5 f 581 psi 8,,
As indicated in Table B1, no al-
lowable stresses are exceeded. where e = 13.27 in. is the eccen-
However, cracking is indicated tricity of the prestressing steel.
in the top extreme fiber of the Conservatively estimate I =
tensile strut at Location 3. 12939 in.4, the moment of inertia

of the beam at a section through The above deflection compares
an opening. to a calculated deflection of
Total midspan deflection is cal- 0.168 in. for a similar beam with
culated as: no web openings. Note that the
increase in deflections caused by
the holes is small. This finding
& + (&v )Hote A + (6v)Hole B + 8v was verified by the experimental
= 5 (6x124
384 (4415000) (12939) Design summary
2 (1900) (19) + I. Use U-shaped No. 3 stirrups ad-
jacent to both edges of each
3 (4415000) (214 + 72) opening to contain cracking
2 (600) (19) + within the struts. See reinforce-
3 (4415000) (214 + 642) ment details in Fig. B6.
(8700) (13.27) (36 x 12)2 2. Use single-leg No. 3 stirrups at
8 (4415000) (12939) 9-in, centers as additional rein-
forcement in the tensile strut of
= 0.132 + 0.007 + 0.001 + 0.04k Hole A. See reinforcement de-
= 0.187 in. < L1360 = 1.2 in. (ol) tails in Fig. B6.

Discussion of this paper is invited.

Please forward your comments to
PCI Headquarters by May 1, 1978.

PCI JOURNALfNovember-Decembei 1977 61

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