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CEng 143: Geotechnical Engineering

Assignment No. 5

1. The soil profile shown in the figure below is to carry a surcharge of 60 kPa applied at the ground
surface. The result of laboratory consolidation test conducted on a specimen collected from the
middle of the clay layer is also shown. Calculate the settlement in the field caused by primary
consolidation due to surcharge.

2. A 2.5-m clay layer (e =0.94, G = 2.74, Cc = 1/3) is overlain with 3.5-m thick of sand layer (e = 0.6,
G=2.63, w = 0). The water table is 1.75 m below the ground (sand) surface. If a 3-m thick land fill
(𝛾 = 17.5 ) is placed over the existing ground surface, compute the consolidation settlement of
the clay layer.

3. Under a given surcharge, a 6-m thick clay layer has a consolidation settlement of 315 mm.
Assume 𝐶𝑣 = 0.004 𝑐𝑚2 /𝑠𝑒𝑐. (a) What is the average degree of consolidation for the clay layer
when the settlement is 80 mm? (b) How long will it take for 50% consolidation to occur if the layer
is drained at the top only? (c) How long will it take for 50% consolidation to occur if the layer is
drained on both ends?

4. Under normal loading condition, a 3.8-m thick clay (normally consolidated) has 𝜎𝑜 = 195 𝑘𝑃𝑎 and
𝑒𝑜 = 1.25. A surcharge of 195 kPa reduces its void ratio to 0.96. The hydraulic conductivity of the
clay for the loading range is 6.2 x 10 -5 m/day. (a) What is the coefficient of volume compressibility
of the clay? (b) What is the coefficient of consolidation of the clay? (c) How long will it take for
this clay layer to reach 60% consolidation if it is drained on one side only?

5. Given in the figure is the borehole log in a project site. The

proposed building will exert a net stress of 15 Newtons per square
centimeter. Determine the settlement of the normally consolidated
clay layer. Use compression index 𝐶𝑐 = 0.009 (𝐿𝐿 − 10).

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