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1) Administrative law relates to:

a) Legal status of foreign officials

b) The rights and liabilities of private individuals in their dealings with officials.
c) Specifies law relating to property
d) State and Crime

2) Administrative law is a law relating to the administration. it determines the

organization, powers and duties of the administrative whom was this
definition given?
a) Kenneth Culp Davis
b) Ivor Jennings
c) A.V. Dicey
d) John Locke

3) Which are the sources of administrative law in India?

a) Law of the land
b) Acts of Foreign State
c) Judgements of Ancient Rulers
d) Judgements of Customary law

4) Administrative law as a law has seen its growth

a)19th century
b)18th century
c)2oth century
d) 21st Century

5)Welfare state is a concept of government

a) State plays a key role in protection and promotion of economic and social well beings of
its citizens
b) It plays the function of police state only
c) It provides stringent laws
d) Citizens play a prominent role

6) Delegated legislation is in form of

a) Ordinance
b) Case Law
c) Customary Law
d) International law

7) The doctrine which establishes a line of proper demarcation of proper boundaries for
the functioning of constitutional law and administrative law is
a) Doctrine of pith and substance
b) Doctrine of Waiver
c) Doctrine of Water Shade
d) Doctrine of Precedent
8) Ordinances, notifications issued by the President at union and federal level
a) Sources of Administrative law
b) Cannot be considered part of administrative law
c) Can be overruled by Trial Courts
d) Sources of International law

9)In America the Sources of Administrative law are

a) Statutes
b) precedent
c) public opinion
d) opinion of President

10) Less government is involved in the Economy, the better off business will be is related
to which principle
a) Laissez Faire
b) Principles of Natural Justice
c) Henry clause
d) Doctrine of Pith and Substance

Answer: 1-B, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C, 5-A, 6-A, 7-C, 8-A, 9-A, 10-A.

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