Report No. 2

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This activity focuses on the concept of friction. In particular, we look at static
friction. Static friction is a reaction force that arises between two surfaces in
contact to prevent impending sliding motion between the two surfaces from
Items Needed:
 a coin
 a rubber pencil eraser (preferably rectangular in shape)
 a flat surface (like a wooden board, a cutting board, or a rubber cutting mat)
that you can elevate to a form a ramp
1. Put the flat surface on the floor or on the table.
2. Place the coin on the middle of the flat surface.
3. Slow elevate one side or end of the flat surface until the moves and
slides. Determine the angle of elevation  of the ramp.
4. Calculate the coefficient of static friction S between the coin and flat
f s=μ s N

0=f s−mg sin ( θ ) → f s=μ s N =mg sin (θ ) → μs mg cos ( θ )=mgsin( θ)

μs =tan ⁡(θ)

5. Perform several trials.

6. Repeat experiment, this using the rubber eraser instead of the coin.
7. In the report, describe and discuss your observations.
What is Friction?
Friction is the resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another. It is
not a fundamental force, like gravity or electromagnetism. Instead, scientists
believe it is the result of the electromagnetic attraction between charged particles
in two touching surfaces.
For every general rule about friction, there are just as many exceptions. For
instance, while two rough surfaces (such as sandpaper) rubbing against each other
sometimes have more friction, very smoothly polished materials (such as plates of
glass) that have been carefully cleaned of all surface particles may actually stick to
each other very strongly. 
Types of Friction
 Static Friction
 Kinematic Friction
Static friction operates between two surfaces that aren't moving relative to each
other, while kinetic friction acts between objects in motion.

In liquids, friction is the resistance between moving layers of a fluid, which is also
known as viscosity. In general, more viscous fluids are thicker, so honey has more
fluid friction than water.

The atoms inside a solid material can experience friction as well. For instance, if a
solid block of metal gets compressed, all the atoms inside the material move,
creating internal friction.

In nature, there are no completely frictionless environments: even in deep space,

tiny particles of matter may interact, causing friction.

Coefficient of Friction

Two solid objects moving against each other experience kinetic friction. In this
case, the friction is some fraction of the perpendicular force acting between two
objects (the fraction is determined by a number called the coefficient of friction,
which is determined through experiments). In general, the force is independent of
the contact area and doesn't depend on how fast the two objects are moving.

Friction also acts in stationary objects. Static friction prevents objects from moving
and is generally higher than the frictional force experienced by the same two
objects when they are moving relative to each other. Static friction is what keeps a
box on an incline from sliding to the bottom.

Applications of Friction
Friction plays an important part in many everyday processes. For instance, when
two objects rub together, friction causes some of the energy of motion to be
converted into heat. This is why rubbing two sticks together will eventually
produce a fire.

Friction is also responsible for the wear and tear on bike gears and other
mechanical parts. That's why lubricants, or liquids, are often used to reduce the
friction — and wear and tear — between moving parts. 

As we lift the surface, the angle θ increases, at a certain value of θ, the coin or
rubber slides. This gives the maximum inclination up to which the object does not
The coefficient of static friction of coin or rubber with the plain surface was calculated.

It is given by equation: μ=tan θ

In the experiment, it was observed that the value of θ for rubber is greater than that
the θ value of the coin.

So, θrubber >θcoin

or, tanθ rubber > tan θcoin

or, μrubber > μcoin

Problem No. 1
A 5 kg box on a horizontal table is pushed by a horizontal force of 15 N as shown
on the right. If the coefficient of friction is 0.4, will the box move?

Think about
What is the smallest force that could make the box slide along the table?

Note that the weight of a box of mass 5 kg is 5g where g = 9.8 ms–2 Since the
vertical forces are in equilibrium, R = 5g

Therefore, the maximum possible friction is F = μR = 0.4  5g = 19.6 N The

pushing force, 15 N, is less than this and so cannot overcome the friction.

The box will not move

Problem No. 2
A wooden pallet carrying a load of 600 kg rests on a wooden floor. A forklift
driver decides to push it without lifting it. What force must be applied to just get
the pallet moving?

To get the pallet started, the driver must push it with a force equal to the maximum
static friction.
P=f s =μs N=μ s mg

P=(0.28)(600 kg)(9.8 )

P=1646 N
This activity focuses on the concept of torque and Second Condition of
Equilibrium. Torque is the rotational counterpart of force. For a system to be in
equilibrium, the net torque must be equal to zero.
Items Needed:
 a 12-inch wooden ruler (or hard plastic ruler)
 3 1-peso coins
 scotch tape
1. Place the ruler on a table such that one end of the ruler is at the edge of
the table.
2. Slowly push the ruler over the edge until it is on the verge of falling
over. Take note of this position of the ruler.
3. Tape a coin at one end of the ruler and place it back on the table such
that the opposite end of the ruler is at the edge of the table.  coin ruler
table ruler table.
4. Slowly push the ruler over the edge until it is on the verge of falling
over. Take note of this position of the ruler.
5. Tape another coin on the ruler (same position as the first coin).
6. Slowly push the ruler over the edge until it is on the verge of falling
over. Take note of this position of the ruler.
7. Tape another coin on the ruler (same position as the first 2 coins).
8. Slowly push the ruler over the edge until it is on the verge of falling
over. Take note of this position of the ruler.
9. In the report, describe and discuss your observations.
There are two conditions of equilibrium, the first condition of equilibrium, and the
second condition of equilibrium. According to the First condition of equilibrium
sum of forces acting on a body is zero ( ∑ F =0 ), While according to the second
condition of equilibrium sum of torque acting on a body is zero ( ∑ τ = 0 ).

What is the equilibrium in physics?

“A body is said to be in equilibrium if no net force acts on it’. Newton’s first law of
motion tells us that a body continues its state of rest or of uniform motion in a
straight line if no resultant or net force acts on it. For example, a book lying on a
table or a picture hanging on a wall is at rest. The weight of the book acting
downward is balanced by the upward reaction of the table.
In the case of objects moving with uniform velocity, the resultant force acting on a
leveled road and an airplane flying in the air with uniform velocity are the examples
of bodies in equilibrium.

Second condition of equilibrium

If the body is not in equilibrium although the first condition for equilibrium is still
satisfied. It is because the body has the tendency to rotate. This situation demands
another condition in addition to the first condition for equilibrium. According to this,
a body satisfies the second condition for equilibrium when the resultant torque
acting on it is zero.


∑ τ =0

Second condition of equilibrium examples

 The force applying on the steering of the car

 Couple
 Children playing on the sea saw
What is torque in physics?

Torque is the turning effect of force, it is also known as the moment of the force.
Torque is the vector Quantity. Torque symbol is “ τ “. The formula of Torque is ( τ =
F × L ), Where F  is the Force and L is the moment of the arm. Torque Unit is Nm.
We open or close a door by pushing or pulling it. Here push or pull turn the door
about its hinge or axis of rotation. The door is opened or closed due to the turning
effect of the force acting on it.

Before we go to learn about we will learn a few terms related to torque.

Torque Formula
The formula of torque is the product of the force (F) and Moment of Arm (L).
mathematically it is expressed as:

τ =F∗L

Moment of Arm
The perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and the line of action of the
force is called the moment arm

of the force. It is represented by the distance L.

The torque or moment of a force depends upon the force F and the moment
arm L of the force. Greater is a force, greater is the moment of the force. Similarly,
longer is the moment arm greater is the moment of the force. Thus the moment of
the force or torque (        τ        ) is determined by the product of force F and its
moment arm L.
Torque Unit
SI units of torque is newton-meter (Nm). A torque of 1Nm is caused by a force of 1
N acting perpendicular to the moment arm 1 m long.
In the beginning maximum length that can be ruled out of the edge of table is ½
(before placing the coin). This is by considering the rotational equilibrium with
respect to center of gravity.
If a coin placed at the left end, now the balancing point (center of gravity) shifts
towards left of midpoint.
Now length of the rod extended outside the edge of table is greater than ½.
Similarly, if another coin is placed on the position of first coins its center of gravity
is further moved to the left. Such that the length of ruler that can extend over edge
of table further increase.
Problem No. 1
Two children are balanced on a seesaw of negligible mass. (This assumption is
made to keep the example simple—more involved examples will follow.) The first
child has a mass of 26.0 kg and sits 1.60 m from the pivot.
If the second child has a mass of 32.0 kg, how far is she from the pivot?
The three external forces acting on the system are the weights of the two children
and the supporting force of the pivot. Let us examine the torque produced by each.
Torque is defined to be

τ =rF sinθ

Here θ=90 °, so that sinθ=1 for all three forces. That means r⊥=r for all three.
The torques exerted by the three forces are first,
τ 1 =r 1 w1

τ 1 =−r 2 w2

And third,
τ =r P F P

¿ 0∗F P


Note that a minus sign has been inserted into the second equation because this
torque is clockwise and is therefore negative by convention. Since F P acts directly
on the pivot point, the distance r P is zero. A force acting on the pivot cannot cause a
rotation, just as pushing directly on the hinges of a door will not cause it to rotate.
Now, the second condition for equilibrium is that the sum of the torques on both
children is zero. Therefore
τ 2=−τ 1

Or, r 2 m2 g=r 1 m1 g

Weight is mass times the acceleration due to gravity. Entering mg for w, we get
r 2 w2 =r 1 w1

Solve this for the unknown r 2:

r 2=r 1

The quantities on the right side of the equation are known; thus, r 2 is
26.0 kg
r 2= (1.60 m ) =1.30 m
32.0 kg

As expected, the heavier child must sit closer to the pivot (1.30 m versus 1.60 m) to
balance the seesaw.
Problem No. 2
The two children are balanced on a seesaw of negligible mass. (This assumption is
made to keep the example simple—more involved examples will follow.) The first
child has a mass of 26.0 kg and sits 1.60 m from the pivot.
What is F P the supporting force exerted by the pivot?

F P=m1 g+m2 g

F P=¿

F P=569 N

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