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Airport Carbon Accreditation Application Summary

Date Started: 14-Apr-2021

Airport: Libreville Airport, Gabon


Accreditation Level: Level 2

Accreditation Level Details

Level 2 Requirements

The requirements of Level 2 participation comprise:

Submission of a verified carbon footprint and demonstration that all other
Level 1 participation requirements have been fulfilled. The base year for
targets set by the airport must also be verified for Level 2 applications.
Development and submission of a Carbon Management Plan covering
activities over which the airport has direct control. These activities will
have been defined during the preparation of the airport’s carbon footprint
in line with Level 1 requirements and are likely to include:
On-site combustion – boilers, generators, fire exercises;
Airport owned vehicles – airside transit, company cars;
Purchased electricity for airport consumption;
On site waste treatment.

Identification of the emissions improvement metric to be used (absolute or

relative targets) (see section 10.2 for further guidance)
Demonstration of improvement in the chosen emissions improvement
metric vs. the average of the past three years (see section 10). It is
possible to join or upgrade to Level 2 without having 3 years of historical
data. Please refer to section 10 for guidance.

Level 2 Requirements for Annual Renewal

In order to remain accredited at Level 2 an airport should fulfil the following

requirements on an annual basis.
Annual submission of a carbon footprint comprising scope 1 and 2
emissions over which the airport has direct control (as per Level 1). This
carbon footprint must be independently verified every second year.
Demonstration of on-going improvement in the chosen improvement
metric. Note: there are exceptional circumstances where an increase in
emissions may be acceptable. Please refer to detailed guidance on this is
Chapter 10.7.
Explanation of how major infrastructure changes have impacted on
improvement metric. For example, the opening of a new terminal may
increase the emissions or emissions per traffic unit in the following year. It
should be possible to demonstrate how the underlying emissions or
emissions per traffic unit (without the new terminal) have reduced.
Submission of a revised carbon management plan at least every 3 years,
the specific activities undertaken and showing how the airport has
responded to:
Changing organisational and operation circumstances;
Changes to legal requirements and statutory codes;
Revised scientific evidence of climate change and expectations of
corporate behaviour;
Development and accessibility of new technologies and management
Organisational Boundary
Before an airport can develop a carbon footprint it must first define the
boundaries of the inventory. In setting organisational boundaries, an airport
should include businesses and operations that constitute the company for the
purpose of accounting and reporting GHG emissions. Where an airport has
operational control over a source of emissions, the airport should account for
100% of these emissions and thus include them within its organisational
boundary. Where applicable the organisational boundary may also include
emissions from joint ventures and subsidiaries.

Please list the operations and facilities that are included in your
organisational boundary.
1) the main terminal,
2) telescopic gangways
3) businesses,
4) the offices
5) lighting masts
5) operating vehicles
6) the installations connected to our main meter

Operational Boundary
The operational boundary defines the scope of direct and indirect emissions for
operations based on a company’s established organisational boundary and, if
applicable, any joint ventures and subsidiaries.

Description of Emission SourcesEmission Scope Internal department or third

party with responsibility for
emission source

"Control" Emissions Sources

brushcutters diesel fuel , 1 Opération, Maintenance and all
vehicles 1 Opération, Maintenance and all
tractors 1 Opération, Maintenance and all
Generator 1 Opération, Maintenance and all
Purchased Electricity 2 All Dpt
Excluded Emission Sources
Please detail any emissions sources that you may have excluded from your
carbon footprint.
Where emissions have been excluded de minimis, this must be justified and you
must explain the reason for exclusion as well as the relevance of the exclusion on
the overall inventory report.

Emission Source Estimated % of Reason for exclusion

total footprint

N/A 0 N/A

Footprints can be compared year on year on an absolute basis (measured in t
CO2) or using a relative benchmark (e.g. t CO2 per passenger or traffic unit). The
airport can choose a market based benchmark if it is already accredited at level 3
or 3+. Otherwise, it should select a location based benchmark. Airports at all
levels must select a benchmark. Only airports at Level 2, 3 and 3+ must
demonstrate a reduction in emissions associated with this benchmark.

Chosen benchmark

Absolute Footprint (Location-based)

If you select a relative benchmark please specify the denominator being

used (i.e. passenger or traffic unit)
we choose absolute footprint

Rationale for benchmark:

we used and absolute basis to measure our carbon footprint thus, the result obtai
ned is to present in the attachment
Carbon Footprint
Do you operate in a market with access to contractual agreements (e.g.
green electricity, power purchase agreement (PPA), Guarantees of
Origin (GO), Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), or other?)

Are you using contractual agreements as part of your purchased


Please list the types of contractual agreements you have (e.g. green
tariff, PPA, Guarantees of Origins etc.)
We have subscribed to a subscription with the electricity distribution company (S

For the fuel of the generator set and vehicles, we proceed by order form then pay

Please explain how you have used this information to calculate your
market based carbon footprint.

Location based

Year -3 Year -2 Year -1 Average of Year of Less than

historic data application average?
(Year 0)

Absolute footprint (tCO2) for emissions under the airport's Scope 1 and 2

emissions only.
1446 1386 1192 1341 1134 Yes
Market based

Year -3 Year -2 Year -1 Average of Year of Less than

historic data application average?
(Year 0)

Absolute footprint (tCO2) for emissions under the airport's Scope 1 and 2

emissions only.
1446 1386 1192 1341 1134 Yes
Does the carbon footprint apply to the same organisational and
operational boundaries and to the same sources of emissions as
reported in the previous sections?

Have you uploaded a copy of your carbon footprint?


Have you used Degree Day methodology to calculate your carbon

footprint reduction?

Like-for-like comparison:
Structural Change Footprint Adjustment made:

Have you used the ACERT spread sheet to calculate your carbon

Please list which parts of your footprint were prepared using ACERT
(e.g. whole carbon footprint, Scope 3 only, LTO only, etc.)
whole carbon footprint
Carbon Reduction Policy
An airport must provide public written evidence of policy commitment to
greenhouse gas (GHG), carbon or energy reduction from the top management /
governing level. This commitment may be a separate statement or part of an
existing document(s) such as EMAS, ISO 14001, or Annual or Environmental

Please provide reference to your low carbon/low energy policy.

Responsibility: Please indicate which Board Committee or other
Executive Body has overall responsibility for climate change matters
and explain who has day-to-day responsibility.
The top management reviews the carbon energy performance one time a year (th
e CEO and all the directors).

There are 2 persons of the organization who follow the performance of carbon en
ergy each month (the ES&H Manager and the Director Oversight dpt)

Communication: Please explain how carbon emissions reduction targets,

reduction initiatives and performance are communicated to relevant
internal and external stakeholders.
The organization communicates its environmental commitment policy by posting
it on ilts websites and on poster in the company premises. communication meeti
ngs will be held shotly stakeholers.
Carbon Management
At Level 2 and above an airport must demonstrate that it has meaningful efforts
and procedures in place to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions in line with its
target(s) and policy statement. This section of the Application covers the targets
and actions that are in place to develop and implement the Carbon Management

Monitoring: Please explain how your airport actively monitors and

controls its energy and fuel consumption throughout the year.
1- The technical department proceeds to the statement of electricity meters verifi
es the coherence of electricity bills; - proceeds on the statement of the consumpti
ons of diesel vehicles (mileage).

2- The financial dpt keeps the data of supply in gasoiline of vehicles and lawn mo

3- Safety - Securuty and Environnment Dpt collects all data for monthly monitorin

Have you uploaded supporting evidence for your monitoring activities?


Targets: Please detail the reduction targets that your airport has in
place. These can be absolute or intensity based targets.
Libreville Airport stated goal is to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2% by th
e end of 2021 from 2018 levels.
- stopping lights in unoccupied areas.
- 2°C increase in the temperature of the cold group.
- Promote two-sided, black-and-white prints
- Communicate our environment performance.
Implementation Strategy: Please explain the implementation strategies,
programmes and actions your airport has in place to reduce your Scope
1 and Scope 2 emissions.
the actions in place are:
- Training and awareness of staff.
- The setting of computers for restaurant-verse prints.
- the systematic shutdown of the lights in unoccupied areas.
- the increase in the temperature of the cold group.

Have you uploaded supporting evidence for your implementation plans?


Training: Please explain the training programmes that are available to

staff generally and particularly for those responsible for carbon
In order to familiarize staff with environmental aspects, Libreville Airport has focu
sed on the following:
- Make safety, safety and envy induction to all the salaries of GSEZ Airport.
- Make toolbox meetings on environmental aspects.

Incorporate environmental aspects such as :

- EMS,
- management of the surrounding aspects of the airport into the training plan and
Publication of the monthly dashboard

Self-Assessment and Auditing: Please explain how your airport tracks

progress and identifies areas of improvement or the need for corrective
action with regards to carbon management.
we carried out an energy assessment to draw up an inventory of the consumption
of the airport, which allowed us to establish axes of improvements for the reducti
on of our consumptions in electricity but also in fuel.

In addition, the airport monitors these electricity and fuel consumption on a mont
hly basis, allowing us to see the evolution of our consumption and defy the areas
for improvement.

With our dashboard, we can observe the increase in electricity or fuel consumptio

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