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1. What is the family’s current knowledge about the situation?
-Our house is prone in floods, and it can cause disease like dengue.
2. What is the family’s primary source of income?
-My father is a teacher abroad while my brother is a web designer from a company.
3. Are there any student nurse who are able to provide health teaching in the community?
4. Are there any community resources to fix the problem?
-no, we asked the barangay to fix the drainage system in our area but there is no action.
5. Is the barangay able to help with the problem?
1. What is the family’s current management of the problem?
-There is just the 3 feet pit inside of our backyard.
2. How long has it been a problem?
-18 years
3. What is the extent of the problem, does it cause any infection or trouble to the family?
-yes, there is a canal in the alley in our area project of the barangay and they didn’t close it. Then,
during rainy days it’s hard to see it. That leads to my sister fell to it and got injured for almost two
times. It also has foul odors that leaking through the holes.
4. Are there any member of the family who belong to the high-risk group?

1. Does the family think that the problem needed urgent attention?
2. Does the family realize the problem however, thinks that it does not need urgent attention?
-Yes, there is no proper sewage system in our area for waterway.
3. Does the family realize that no proper drainage is a problem?
-Yes, we do.

Nature of the problem: Diabetes Mellitus MODIFIABILITY
1. Is the family's awareness of the condition sufficient to handle it? No.
Did they put a limit on how much sweets the patient may eat?
No. My Grandmother eats what she wanted to eat even if we say no.

What type of Diabetes the patient has? Did the family change the patient’s diet?
Type 1, We didn’t change her diet because even if we change it, she will hide some food. But we are
reminding her instead when she eats a lot of food.

2. Does the family have enough income to support the patient’s need? Who provide for her/his needs?
Her 2 out of 6 children supports her.

3. What intervention/ management does the nurse doing for the patient’s condition? Is there available nurse
in your community?
-My grandmother doesn’t want to use insulin, so the Doctor gave her medicines instead to control her
DM. There is no available nurse in my community.

4. Is the patient being monitored by the barangay health center? Were there sufficient medication supplies
for DM maintenance?
-There are no medication supplies for DM maintenance in the Brgy. Health center and no she is not
being monitored there.

1. Is the patient still able to do daily activities? Is there a wound on the patient's body?
-She was able to move but need an assistance and there is wound in her feet.
2. How long has the patient had Diabetes Mellitus?
-37 years
3. How is the patient's condition being managed? Is the patient's blood sugar level tested on a regular basis?
-She was taking medicine and we check her blood sugar regularly.
4. Is there anyone in the family who is overweight? What is the usual diet the family has?
-There is no overweight in my family.
1. Is the patient's illness known to the family members? Were they trying to control the disease in any way?
Does the patient get regular checkup?
Yes, it is known to the family. We are trying to control her eating habit and giving her medicine. She
does have regular check-up although sometimes, she is not coming in her schedule because she is afraid
of the Doctor.

1. Ilang taon na si lola? At ilang taon siya nagkaroon ng diabetes?

-78 yrs old. Bandang 30s nung na diagnose pero Di na maalala exact.
2. May family history ba ng diabetes?
-sa mother's side ng grandmother ko.

3.1 Ano yung kadalsan na kinakain niyo?

- laging gulay, karne at prutas. (Balance lang kinakaen namen, para maka iwas sa DM, dahil nga nasa lahi na raw

3.2Yung pagkain niyo ba ay katulad lang nubg kay lola?

-hindi. Yung niluluto namen sa kanya ay mga paborito nya. (pinapa dala lang kase yung pera samen, tapos
pinapaluto lang samen kung ano gusto ni lola).
Community Acquired Pneumonia
Nature of the problem: Health Deficit (CAP)

1. Does the family member and other members know how to mamage his condition? Did he stop
smoking already?
-My Family members knows how to manage his condition. However, he doesn’t want
to cooperate he still does smoking.
2. Does the patient still work to provide for his needs? Or is there any member of the family that
help supports the need of the member with CAP?
-2 out of 6 of his children support his needs.
3. Did the student nurse provide a health teaching with regards’ to patient’s condition?
4. Is there any Health Centers/Clinic/Hospital near you to provides your health care?
-There is health center next to our barangay but, there is no available resources for his
case. Moreover, we can only access hospital on our town or other municipality.

Preventive potential:
1. Is the family member with CAP still able to do activities of daily living? Does she/he depend
on other family member for her/him to be able to do certain task.
-He can move with the help of family member.
2. For how long was the family member diagnosed with CAP?
-6 years ago, when diagnosed
3. What are the management for family member’s condition is being implied?
-Oxygen therapy

4. Is there any family members that could possibly be infected also? Do they use the same
utensils with the patients, the they communicate with patient without putting on mask?
-my older brother had acute pneumonia for 1 year and he got treated when he’s 3
years old. We don’t share utensils but, we don’t use mask when communicating to him.

1. Do the family members know that 1 family member is having CAP, are they doing something
to bring back the normal condition of the family member with CAP, are they following the
regular checkup if it was ordered by the doctor?
The family does know about his condition and we wanted to have him his regular
check-up, but he has anxiety in going to Doctor and to be diagnose with more disease
and to drink expensive medicine.

Prepared By: Ferdinand B. Tupaz

1.How long the cats and dogs have lice and skin diseases?
-my cats have been infected of skin disease since summer until present, 5 months in total.
3 out of 10 of our dogs have been inflicted of lice for almost 1 month.
2.What is the primary source of income of the family?
-My father is working as a teacher abroad, while my brother is web designer in a company.
3.Is there any nearby vet clinic around your community?
-there is no nearby vet clinic in our barangay. We still have to move in town to see the vet

1.Are there any medication or management does your pets is currently taking? Do your pets have
their own cages?
 there is a cage for the puspin (pusang pinoy) only. For their skin disease we boil
some herbal plant (acapulco) then, spray it in their skin.
 The cats with other breed (Persian/himalayan/siamese) are out of the cage- they are
as well receiving anti-helmic and vitamins.
 3 of our dogs(aspin) with lice are outside of the house with cage. While, the rest
(shih zu) are inside the house the mother is in leash, the babies are in small cage.
Our shih zu only receives the vaccine and medications regularly the others receive
medicines if only ill.

2.Is there any baby or children in your family? Do they have weakened immune system?
3.Do your pets get a vet visit/check-up?
-only the 7 shih zu
4.Do you have plans on visiting the vet clinic? If yes, when?
-the monthly visit of the dogs in vet clinic had stop due to pandemic.

Nature of the Problem: PRESENCE OF VECTORS AND ITS DISEASES (Mosquitoes & Flies)
1. Is the family aware of why there are mosquitoes and flies in the house?
2. Who is the head of the family and how much does he/she earns every 15 th and 30th of
the month?
Father – 15k every 15th and 30th of the month
3. Is there any student nurse who lives nearby that would health teach the community?
4. Do the barangay officials help or conducts routinely cleaning session for the
Preventive Potential:
1. Does the presence of vectors in the surrounding interferes the family’s activities of daily
living (ADLs)?
2. When did you first discover that various vectors were present?
3 years
3. What steps do you take to eliminate or at least reduce the presence of vectors in your
home? Was it effective/ helpful?
We use mosquito repellants, it is helpful to get rid of mosquito however, we do not
have solutions for flies because the reason of it was the poultry near our house.
4. Is there any member of the family who is at high-risk group of having vector-borne
diseases? e.g children at any age
Does the family knows that presence of uncontrollable number of vectors is alarming? If yes,
what was the head of the family’s initial action about it?
Yes, we use repellants for mosquito and we only close the windows for flies. We seldom use
chemicals because we have pets.

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