A&C No.2 To RVNL's Standard Bill of Quntities December 2018

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Rail Vikgs Nigam Limited = |, (A Govt of India Undertaking) | Comporate Offlce:1" Floor, ‘B’ Block, August Krenti Bhawan, Bikali Cama Place, New{belhi- 120066 ‘Tel-+91 11 26738517, Fax: 191.11 26182957 ; Sonal: Senin eal com gautamtas pheka@ivntors || No. C/Standard/BOQ/2008 PtIV Dated} 29.04.2019 All ED(Projects)/CPMs/GGMs/GMs, i AGMs & DGMs, i RVNL i H Sub: A&C No.2 to RVNL’s Standard Bill of Quantities ~ becember 2018 Ref: This office latter no, C/Policy/Estimates & BOQ/2011/24 Pt l dated 31.12.2018 1.0 Due to practical considerations, it has been decided that following cl be made to the RVNL's Standard BOQ (December 2018); \ i anges should 1.1 The existing item no. 1001 of Bill No. 1 of Standard BOQ (Ded 2018) stands replaced with the following: [ So Description of ftem | 100) Earthwork in filing ia Embankment Fill and i Prepared Subgrade of formation including guide | bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge approaches, trolley refuges ete using contractor's i carth of approved quality as per RDSO guidelines | for design /Construction of formation on Indian Rattway track issued vide letter no. | RS/GMOB/Heavy Axie Load dated 26.10.2016 (using A/BI/B2 group soil (with CBR value of | 5 or more generally but not less than 4 in isolated cases) or C group soil (with CBR value of 3 or more generally but not less than 2 in Isolated cases) compacted at 97% of MDD in Embankment: Fil and using A/B1/B2 group j soil with CBR value of 7 or more gonerally but ! | nat less than 6 in isolated cases compucted ni | 98% of MDD in prepared subgrade), procured | from outside railway land including site clearances, | setting out and demarcation, benching, initial Compaction of subsoil after levelling the surface after site clearance. spreading loose earth in layers of maximum 30 em thickness using grader up to xtra width of OS m beyond designed profile, ipaction using vibratory compactors, top and | dressing and removal of extra earth from sides ‘@)provide final formation as per designed profile '3[per RDSO Guidelines, The rate shall incfude | | Sing of wees wir iris upio 30 em, making good | pockets and depressions left in soil during ‘ng and uprooting of jungle/trees at site and inliat compaction of sub-soil Uncreaficr. The rate I1not include cutting of trees of girth beyond 30 ‘and compaction (excluding initial compaction offsub-soit mentioned above), which shall be paid ‘The minimum Ev2 Criteria as foned im the. guidelines of 2009 is not Sfplicable, The rte sal include cos of al fed laboratory tests including those required for ‘sipsoil but excluding CBR tests which will be vide separate BOQ item, . Toor @ Effbankment “All and prepared” subgrade with Gtoup A Soil 0) Cum | oy tbankment fil and prepared subgrade with up BI Soil . 0 {Gum} + [TOOT | Efptankment “ill and prepared subgrade wih] 0] Gant 37 | up B2 Soll | YOOT (| Eihibankiment Ail with Group C soil 0 [tam| = 1 ] Nite foritem i001; 1 1,| The group of soit to be used in embankment fill shall be locally available soil in different Siretches along the alignment. Please note that Shrinkage Allowance shall be deducted as per provisions of para of RVNL Stendard Specitications. ‘The Latest guidelines for Design / Construction [of formation on Indian Railway track, issied | vide ROSO Ir. No. RS/G/108/Heavy axle load | dated 26.10.2016 shall be adopted for ths item. |) The basic instructions (other than those |Joontained in the atest guidelines dated | |]26.10.2016) detailed in GE: G-1 of 2003 and |GE:0014 of 2009 shall continue to apply. 4. | Incase embankment fill is made using A group ||soll. prepared subgrade of $00 mm thick shall lalso be made wit A group soil and no blanket layer shall be provided. 5.lIo case embankment fil is made using BI lgroup soil, 350 mm thick shall also be made with B1 group soil and 150 "| || aa Page 203 prepared subgrade, Payment for blanket layer | | ‘mim thick blanket shall be provided over the ‘shall be made under item No. 1005. 6. in case embankment fili is made using B2 | | ‘group soil, S00 mm thick prepared subgrade shall be made with B2 group soil and 250 mm | thick blanket shall be provided. Payment for | blanket layer shall be made under item No. 100s. | 7. Incase embankment fil is made with C group | | soil no prepared subgrade will be made with | | soil and 500mm thick blanket shall be provided | | | | layer, Payment for blanket layer shall be made under item No. 1005, 8. The quantities indicated for sub item no. 1001 {@), 1001(b), 1001 (¢) and 1001 (4) are tentative snd may vary depending upon actual availability of the soil for use in embenkment formation and hence variation in quantities | shall be determined combininig quantities of | | to act as prepared subgrade as well as blanket | i item no, 1001), 1001(6), 1001(6) and 1001(d) for applicability of new ries sper GCC clause 123. 2.0 SBOQ (December 2018) incorporating all the above-mentioned Excel file, is being sent through Email and also being uploaded o1 langes in MS- the website. 3.0 For guidance of the PIU officials, a procedure for estimation of rate for SBOQ item No.1001 along with example is enclosed as Annexure-A. 4.0 This issues with the approval of CMD/RVNL. Addl.Gene Copy to: 1) Secy to CMD - for kind information of CMD please. 2) DP, DO, DPE & CFO - for kind information please. 3) All PEDS/EDs in Corporate Office - for kind information please, 4) Pr.Advisor/Projects — for kind information please 5) All GMs/JGMs/Sr.DGMs (Finance) K, BHAKAT) /Manager/Civil Page 3 of 8 Estimation of following, 0) 8) 8 for item 1001 (a), 1001 (b), 1001 (c) & 1001 (a) has to be done as per the jure:~ Based upon geotechnical investigations, ascertain type of soil (A/B1/B2/C) available locally along the alignment in different stretches of earthwork in filling (not longer than a block section). Decide opal the type of soil to be used in earth fill and prepared subgrade for each stretch. Workout leads for soil to be used in earth fill and prepared subgrade for each stretch separately. || Workout quantity of earthwork required in embankment fill and in prepared subgrade for each stretch sey ly. Workout weighted average lead separately for each group of soil (A, B1, B2 & C) to be used in embankment fill and in prepared subgrade for entire package, Use the weighted average lead as above and cost of soil for each group of soil to work out the rate as per flandard rate analysis for item no. 1001 separately for item 1001 (a), 1001 (b). i soil of group A, B1, B2 & C respectively tities of blanketing material (under BOQ item no. 1005) may also be worked out from bitinket thickness required for each stretch depending upon the group of soil proposed tc be used in fill and prepared subgrade. Subgrade ‘Normally one group of soil shall be available in a package end accordingly one of the items 1001(@), 1091 (b), 1001 (c) & 1001 (d) may be required to be kept in Bill of Quantities. However, if! some cases two or more groups of soil may also be available in a package in different stretches uf project and accordingly two or more fiems may have w be kept in Bil of Quantitiés. To illustrate working out weighted average lead for each group of soil an example is ire below considering that soils of group BI, B2 and C are available in the same package. ae | EXAMPLE

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