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Executive Summary

Since now a days technology brings lots of innovations and as per the convince most of the
people prefers to avail products and services via online platform. This document-shared
information related to food product requirement for the last mile delivery also includes
secondary packaging solution for the commodities like Fruits, Vegies, and Pantry items as
well so that customers can have their orders with optimal quality.
E-commerce has grown vigorously and the prime concern firms are dealing with is handling
end customer in the supply-chain matrix. Again, this same problem gain some altitude when
we were trying to deliver perishable items to the customers. In order to solve these problems
first we required to understand the requirements of food products during entire journey of
operation so that delivered products improves the customer experience with the company. In
order to have that we have look on some parameters like (maintain adequate temperature,
clearly distinction between products, and take care of inter-products damage risk).
Therefore to take a lead our packaging has to be innovative so it not only carries the pre-
requirements of food products but also reliable in terms of cost. To address all the above-
mentioned requirements and facilitates eased fulfilment Separators Technique in packaging
would help. Technique has its others several benefits like increasing the stack ability,
adequate surface area, volume handling, reduces redundant packing material.

To design Packaging Solutions for Last Mile delivery of Fruits, Vegetables and Grocery.

Challenges / Current Situation

There are multiple challenges companies as well as customers have accounted. Let us have a
look on table mention bellow.
Parameters Problems
Protection of Product Vibration caused a severe damage
especially to Fruits and Vegies causes less
customer traction.
Volume Management Either larger volume with less products or
less volume with larger quantity. Both
causes product damage during handling.
Packaging Material Conventional packaging materials like
cardboard and wooden box is in efficient in
terms of cost as well as food preservation.
Losses in Business Perishables items carries cost for limited
time only. Failed to sell on time leads to
either threw it away or put in the sale box.
Alternatives / Opportunities
To delve more in the given case I have a discussion with professional, fruit vendors, and
customers as well and finally I arrived on conclusion about the main function of packaging.
By aggregating the major concerns people have I have concluded four most important
characteristics of packaging material as given bellow.
Function/Characteristics Description
Protection Packaging material includes with shock
resistance feature, easy to handle, leak
and beak-up protection.
Containment Designed for easy transportation on all
vehicle carries product without any harm.
Convenience Material has to carries after use properties,
anti-repellent of insects, and endures
protections from external environment.
Communication Specific guidelines must mention before
dispatching the order.

Since our main concern is with the packaging material, hence no doubt company will spend
its capital on building efficient packaging material in doing so it will increases the overall
operational cost. Thus to avoid manufacturing package again and again company can have
another option to get the crate or packaging material back to inventory by doing this cost of
manufacturing crates will decreases. For more insight look into appendix 1.1. Mentioned
process has the flow of operation to meet the demand of customer as well to maintain the
supply-chain. Moreover as I mentioned above about the Function/Characteristics let us look
on appendix 1.2 to get an overview for the packaging characteristics.
Development During Packaging

Company's Logistics
Vegies Customer
Inventory Team
Return of Same Packaging Material
Appendix 1.1

Appendix 1.2

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