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DeepEX 2017: Report Output

Copyright@2009 - 2017 Deep Excavation LLC: A

program for the evaluation of deep excavations Deep Excavation LLC,
Astoria, New York,

Project: My Project

Company: My Company
Prepared by engineer: Engineer
File number: 1
Time: 7/30/2021 4:02:02 PM

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File: C:\Users\momsboy\Desktop\test 2 layer strut optimization.DEEP
The following tables summarize critical resuls for all design sections. These results may include wall moments,
shears, displacements, stress checks, wall embedment safety factors, basal & slope stability safety factors, etc.
Summary vs Design Section
Base model Wall Moment Wall Shear Wall Displace Max Support Critical Support Embedment Comments
(k-ft/ft) (k/ft) (in) Reaction (k/ft) Check Wall FS
Base model 79.6 13.55 0.8 17.81 0.372 1.06 Calculation successful

Extended Summary
Table: Extended summary for all design sections.
Design Section Calculation Result Wall Displacement Settlement
Name (in) (in)
Base model Calculation successful 0.86 2.03

Table: Extended summary for wall moments and shears for all design sections.
Design Section Wall Moment Wall Moment Wall Shear Wall Shear
Name (k-ft/ft) (k-ft) (k/ft) (k)
Base model 79.6 318.38 13.55 54.19

Table: Extended summary for wall stress checks for all design sections.
Design Section STR Combined STR Moment STR Shear Wall Concrete Service
Name Wall Ratio Wall Ratio Wall Ratio Stress Ratio FIC
Base model 0.605 0.605 0.359 N/A
Table notes:
STR Combined: Combined stress check, along eccentricity line considering axial load and moment (demand/capacity).
STR Moment : Moment stress check, assuming constant axial load on wall (demand/capacity).
STR Shear : Shear stress check (shear force demand/wall shear capacity).
Table: Extended summary for support results for all design sections
Design Section Max Support Max Support Critical STR Support Support Geotech
Name Reaction (k/ft) Reaction (k) Support Check Ratio Capacity Ratio (pull
Base model 17.81 267.18 0.372 0.372 N/A
Table notes:
STR Support ratio: Critical structural stress check for support (force demand/structural capacity).
Support geotech capacity ratio: Critical geotechnical capacity stress check (demand/geotechnical capacity).
Critical support check: Critical demand/design capacity ratio (structural or geotechnical).
Table: Summary for basal stability and wall embedment safety factors from conventional analyses.
Design Section FS Toe FS Toe FS Toe FS
Name Basal Passive Rotation Length
Base model 2.258 5.947 1.082 1.06
Table notes:
FSbasal : Critical basal stability safety factor (relevant only when soft clays are present beneath the excavation).
TOE FS Passive : Safety factor for wall embedment based on FS= Available horizontal thrust resistance/Driving hor. thrust.
TOE FS Rotation: Safety factor for wall embedment based on FS= Available resisting moment/Driving moment.
TOE FS Length : Safety factor for wall embedment based on FS= Available wall embedment/Required embedment for FS=1.0
Table: Summary for wall embedment safety factors from elastoplastic analyses.
Design Section FS Mobilized FS
Name Passive True/Active
Base model N/A N/A
Table notes:
FS Mobilized Passive : Safety factor= Available horizontal passive resistance/Mobilized passive thrust.
FS True/Active : Soil thrust on retained wall side/Minimum theoretically horizontal active force thrust.
Table: Summary for hydraulic safety factors, water flow, and slope stability
Design Section Hydraulic Qflow FSslope
Name Heave FS (ft3/hr)
Base model 1.502 N/A N/A

Max. Moment vs Stage

Base Model
M stg0 (k-ft/ft) DS: 0
M stg1 (k-ft/ft) -17.51
M stg2 (k-ft/ft) -6.03
M stg3 (k-ft/ft) 40.66
M stg4 (k-ft/ft) -7.9
M stg5 (k-ft/ft) 79.6

Max. Shear vs Stage

Base Model
V stg0 (k/ft) DS: 0
V stg1 (k/ft) -8.08
V stg2 (k/ft) 2.08
V stg3 (k/ft) -8.28
V stg4 (k/ft) -4.12
V stg5 (k/ft) -13.55

Max. Support F vs Stage

Base Model
Rmax Stage 0 (k/ft) DS: 0
Rmax Stage 1 (k/ft)
Rmax Stage 2 (k/ft) 2.742
Rmax Stage 3 (k/ft) 11.408
Rmax Stage 4 (k/ft) 7.884
Rmax Stage 5 (k/ft) 17.812
DEEPxcav is a program that simulates the behavior of flexible vertical retaining walls. With DeepXcav it is possible to
simulate all the different stages of an excavation.
The program is able to perform both classical limit-equilbrium as well non linear analysis solutions.
For the non linear analysis a FEM model is used. The FEM model follow the well known beam on elasto plastic foundation
approach. The wall is modeled using BEAM elements, the soil is simulate using a double system (for each part of the wall)
of elasto plastic springs with
an spring connected on each node of the beam elements.
The excavation analysis can be performed performed through the following analysis methods:
1) Classic analysis with limit-equilbrium.
2) Non linear analysis : every stage represents an excavation phase with a defined configurations of excavations, loads,
3) Bracing supports in the non-linear analysis have to be activated in a separate stage.
The non linear analysis has been performed using a full Newthon Raphson approach.

Available structural codes (for determining the structural capacity of walls and supports) are:
- AISC ASD 9th Edition, 1989
- AISC LRFD 2nd Edition, 2003
- AISC LRFD 3rd Edition, 2008
- ACI 318-2008
- CSLP, "Istruzioni per l'applicazione delle Notme tecniche per le costruzioni di cui al DM 14/1/2008"
- DM 2008 - "Norme tecniche per le costruzioni"
- EC2 1-1 :2004, Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures
- Ec3 1-1:2005, Eurocodice 3 - Design of steel structures
- Ec3 5:2002, Eurocodice 3 - Design of steel sheet piles walls
- Ec8:2004 - Seismic design of structures
In some cases, overall safety factors may have to be applied when using codes that produce ultimate capacities.
These safety factors can be changed in the design tab.

Name Strength Fy Fu Elastic E Density g
(ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (pcf)
A36 36 58 29000 0.49
A50 50 72.5 29000 0.49
Name Strength Fc' Elastic E Density g Tension Strength Ft
(ksi) (ksi) (pcf) (ksi)
Fc 3ksi 3 3122 0.15 10
Fc 4ksi 4 3605 0.15 10
Fc 5ksi 5 4031 0.15 10
Fc 6ksi 6 4415 0.15 10
Steel rebar
Name Strength Fy Elastic E
(ksi) (ksi)
Grade 60 60 29000
Grade 75 75 29000
Grade 80 80 29000
Grade 150 150 29000
Strands 270 ksi 270 29000
S410 59.4 30434.8
S500 72.5 30434.8
B450C 65.2 30434.8
Name Ultimate Bending Srtength Fbu Ultimate Tensile Strength Ftu Ultimate Shear Strength Fvu Density g Elastic E
(ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (pcf) (ksi)
Construction Timb 1.6 1.4 0.8 0.05 1000
Regular grade 1 1 0.6 0.05 800

Name=material name
fy=fyk= characteristc resistance for steel (for all the codes)
Fu=fuk= ultimate resistence for steel (for all the codes)
Elastic E= Elastic modulus
Density g= specific weight
Name=material name
f'c=fck= cylindrical resistance for concrete (for all the codes)
Elastic E= Elastic modulus
Density g= specific weight
Tension strength=ft=fctk= characteristic tension resistance for concrete
Name=material name
fy=fyk= characteristic resistance for steel (for all the codes)
Fu=fuk= ultimate resistence for steel (for all the codes)
Elastic E= Elastic modulus
Density g= specific weight
Name=material name
Fb=fbk= Ultimate bending strength
Ftu=ftuk= Ultimate tensile strength
Fvu=fvuk= Ultimate shear strength
Density g= specific weight
Elastic E= Elastic modulus
Wall section 0: Wall 1

Wall type: Secant pile wall

Hor. wall spacing: 4 ft Wall thickness = 2.5 ft
Passive width below exc: 4 ft Active width below exc: 4 ft Swater= 4 ft
Steel members fy = 50 ksi Esteel = 29000 ksi
Secant pile wall soldier pile properties
Table: Soldier Pile Properties
Section W A D tw or tP bf tf k Ixx Sxx rX Iyy Syy rY rT Cw fy
(plf) (in^2) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in^4) (in^3) (in) (in^4) (in^3) (in) (in) (in^6) (ksi)
W18x9 97 28.5 18.6 0.535 11.1 0.87 1.27 1750 188 7.82 201 36.1 2.65 2.65 15800 50


Hor wall spacing= Wall horizontal spacing
Passive width below exc= spacing for passive thrust pressure for classic analysis
f'c=fck= cylindrical concrete resistance
fyk=fy= steel rebar characteristic resistance
Econc= Concrete Elastic modulus
fctk= characteristic Concrete tension
Esteel= steel elastic modulus
TABULAR DATA (principal parameters)
1) Diaphragm wall (rectangular cross section)
N/A= data not available
D=wall thickness
B=wall width
2)Steel sheet pile
DES=shape (Z or U)
W=width per unit of length
t=horizontal part thickness
b=width of the single sheet pile part
s=inclined part thickness
Ixx=strong axis inertia (per unit of length)
Sxx=strong axis section modulus (per unit of length)
3)Secant piles wall, Tangent piles wall, soldier piles, soldier piles and timber lagging
W=weight per unit of length
tw=web thickness
tp= pipe thickness
bf=flange width
tf= flange thickness
k= flange thickness+stem base height
Ixx= strong axis inertia modulus (per unit of length)
Sxx= strong axis section modulus (per unit of length)
rx=radius of gyration about X axis
ry=radius of gyration about Y axis
Iyy=weak axis inertia modulus (per unit of length)
Syy=weak axis section modulus (per unit of length)
rT=radius of gyration for torsion
Cw= warping constant


Name Section W A D tw tP bf tf K Ixx Sxx rX Iyy Syy rY rT Cw fy
(klf) (in^2) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in4) (in3) (in) (in4) (in3) (in) (in) (in6) (ksi)
PM600X19 183 53.75 23.6 0.74 3519 298 8.09 3519 298 8.09 0 50
PP24x0.50 125.4 36.91 24 0.5 2549 212.4 8.31 2549 212.4 8.31 0 50

Result summary for 3D Frame analysis

Summary of 3D waler frame results
Waler Elev. Moment Shear Axial RAT RAT M RAT V Section
Name (ft) (k-ft) (k) (k) - - -
A_0 -8 256.67 102.67 258.82 0.581 0.581 0.418 H-Waler
A_1 -8 224.43 100.52 256.67 0.545 0.545 0.41 H-Waler
A_2 -8 256.67 102.67 258.82 0.581 0.581 0.418 H-Waler
A_3 -8 224.43 100.52 256.67 0.545 0.545 0.41 H-Waler
B_0 -19 400.77 160.31 404.13 0.896 0.896 0.653 H-Waler
B_1 -19 350.42 156.95 400.77 0.84 0.84 0.64 H-Waler
B_2 -19 400.77 160.31 404.13 0.896 0.896 0.653 H-Waler
B_3 -19 350.42 156.95 400.77 0.84 0.84 0.64 H-Waler

Summary of 3D strut results

Strut Length Moment Axial force RAT Section
Name (ft) (k-ft) (k) - Name
A0 21.213 3.52 266.19 0.578 PP16x0.375
A2 21.213 3.52 266.19 0.578 PP16x0.375
A4 21.213 3.52 266.19 0.578 PP16x0.375
A6 21.213 3.52 266.19 0.578 PP16x0.375
A8 45 15.86 151.6 0.615 PP16x0.375
A9 45 15.86 151.6 0.615 PP16x0.375
B0 21.213 3.52 415.63 0.895 PP16x0.375
B2 21.213 3.52 415.63 0.895 PP16x0.375
B4 21.213 3.52 415.63 0.895 PP16x0.375
B6 21.213 3.52 415.63 0.895 PP16x0.375
B8 45 15.86 236.71 0.926 PP16x0.375
B9 45 15.86 236.71 0.926 PP16x0.375
Strut 13 45 15.86 123.71 0.514 PP16x0.375
Strut 14 45 15.86 123.71 0.514 PP16x0.375
Strut 15 45 15.86 193.15 0.767 PP16x0.375
Strut 16 45 15.86 193.15 0.767 PP16x0.375

Summary of 3D anchor results

Anchor Free Length Fixed Length Section Axial force RAT RAT GEO RAT STR
Name (ft) (ft) Name (k) - - -
Project: My Project
Results for Design Section 0: Base model


The Design Approaches (from Codes or Customized by the user) and related safety factors are the following:
Ftan fr=mult factor for friction angle
F C'= safety factor on effective cohesion (Eurocode 7 methods)
F Su'= safety factof for undrained shear strength (Eurocode 7 methods)
F EQ= Load factor for seismic loads
F perm load= Load factor for permanent loads (dead load, etc)
F temp load= Load factor on live loads and other temporary loads
F perm supp= Reduction factor for resistance for pull out checking of permanent tiebacks
F temp supp= Reduction factor for resistance for pull out checking of temporary tiebacks
F earth Dstab= Load factor for driving earth pressures, unfavorable (on retained side)
F earth stab= Safety factor for passive pressures, favorable (on excavation side)
F GWT Dstab (ground water)= Load factor for driving water pressures, unfavorable
F GWT stab (ground water)= Load factor for resisting water pressure, favorable
F HYD Dstab= Load factor for hydraulic heave, unfavorable (hydraulic checking)
F HYD stab= Resistance factor for hydraulic heave, favorable (hydraulic checking)
F UPL Dstab= Load factor for uplift check, unfavorable
F UPL stab= Resistance factor for uplift check, favorable
Stage Design Code Design Case F(tan F F F F(perm F(temp F(perm F(temp F Earth F Earth F GWT F GWT F HYD F HYD F UPL F UPL
Name fr) (c') (Su) (EQ) load) load) sup) sup) (Dstab) (stab) (Dstab) (stab) (Dstab) (stab) (Dstab) (stab)
0 Default Service Factors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 Default Service Factors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Default Service Factors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Default Service Factors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Default Service Factors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 Default Service Factors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Summary of Wall Moments and Toe Requirements

Top Wall Wall L-Wall H-Exc. Max+M/Cap Max-M/Cap FS Toe FS Toe FS Toe FS 1 Toe EL. Slope
(ft) Section (ft) (ft) (k-ft/ft) (k-ft/ft) Passive Rotation Embedment (ft) Stab. FS
0 Wall 1 50 30 79.6/131.61 17.51/131.61 5.947 1.082 1.06 -48.87 N/A
0 Wall 1 50 30 17.51/131.61 79.6/131.61 5.947 1.082 1.06 -48.87 -

Summary of Basal Stability and Predicted Wall Movements According to Clough 1989 Method Wall: W
1. FSmin 2. DxMax (in) 2. Stiffness 2. FSbasal 3. Dx/H (%) 3. Stiffness 3. FSbasal
@ stage 5 @ stage 5 @ DxMax @ DxMax @ stage 3 @ Dx/H max @ Dx/H max
2.258 1.075 115.2 2.258 0.339 59.034 2.403

Summary of Basal Stability and Predicted Wall Movements According to Clough 1989 Method Wall: Ri
1. FSmin 2. DxMax (in) 2. Stiffness 2. FSbasal 3. Dx/H (%) 3. Stiffness 3. FSbasal
@ stage 5 @ stage 5 @ DxMax @ DxMax @ stage 3 @ Dx/H max @ Dx/H max
2.258 1.075 115.2 2.258 0.339 59.034 2.403

Basic information for supports

Support Type Elev. Z X Supports Angle Space H Free L Fixed L
Number (ft) (ft) Wall # (deg.) (ft) (ft) (ft)
0 Strut -8 2.5 Both walls -180 15 45 0
1 Strut -19 2.5 Both walls -180 15 45 0
Notes: Space H= Horizontal support spacing
Fixed L= Fixed support length (tiebacks)
Free L = Free support length
Critical support reactions and stress checks
Support R.Max R.Min R.Max R.Min STR
Number (k) (k) (k/ft) (k/ft)
0 171.12 0 11.41 0 0.12
1 267.18 0 17.81 0 0.37
Notes: R.max = Maximum support reaction.
R.min = Minimum support reaction.
STR = Critical support capacity stress check = Load/Design capacity
General assumptions for last stage: Stage 5
Concrete Code: ACI 318-11/1.6
Steel Code: AISC 360-10 ALL.
1st Wall Limit Equilibrium California Shoring Manual-11
Mult. supports, top support F x 1.15, (DM7.2-103)
Drain State Clays Default
Water γ= 62.4 pcf Simple flow
Drive FHWA, Km= 1.3, m= 0.3
Resist Kp
2nd wall classic California Shoring Manual-11
Drive FHWA, Km= 1.3, m= 0.3
Resist Kp
Envelope of results
A sequence of result diagrams for each excavation stage is reported

Extended vs Stage
Calculation Result Wall Displaceme Settlement Wall Moment Wall Moment
(in) (in) (k-ft/ft) (k-ft)
Stage 0 Calculated 0 N/A 0 0
Stage 1 Calculated 0.12 0.53 17.51 70.04
Stage 2 Calculated 0.02 0.3 6.03 24.12
Stage 3 Calculated -0.49 1.76 40.66 162.66
Stage 4 Calculated -0.01 1.37 7.9 31.61
Stage 5 Calculated -0.86 2.03 79.6 318.38

Wall Shear Wall Shear STR Combined STR Moment STR Shear
(k/ft) (k) Wall Ratio Wall Ratio Wall Ratio
Stage 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stage 1 8.08 32.31 0.133 0.133 0.214
Stage 2 2.08 8.32 0.046 0.046 0.214
Stage 3 8.28 33.11 0.309 0.309 0.22
Stage 4 4.12 16.48 0.06 0.06 0.109
Stage 5 13.55 54.19 0.605 0.605 0.359
Table notes:
STR Combined: Combined stress check, along eccentricity line considering axial load and moment (demand/capacity).
STR Moment : Moment stress check, assuming constant axial load on wall (demand/capacity).
STR Shear : Shear stress check (shear force demand/wall shear capacity).
Max Support Max Support Critical STR Support Support Geotech
Reaction (k/ft) Reaction (k) Support Check Ratio Capacity Ratio (pull out
Stage 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A
Stage 1 0 0 0 N/A N/A
Stage 2 2.74 41.12 0.065 0.065 N/A
Stage 3 11.41 171.12 0.121 0.121 N/A
Stage 4 7.88 118.26 0.116 0.116 N/A
Stage 5 17.81 267.18 0.372 0.372 N/A
Table notes:
STR Support ratio: Critical structural stress check for support (force demand/structural capacity).
Support geotech capacity ratio: Critical geotechnical capacity stress check (demand/geotechnical capacity).
Critical support check: Critical demand/design capacity ratio (structural or geotechnical).
FS Toe FS Toe FS Toe FS Zcut FS Mobilized FS
Basal Passive Rotation Length (nonlinear) Passive True/Active
Stage 0 1000 12.274 11.955 200 N/A N/A N/A
Stage 1 2.95 5.947 4.319 3.404 N/A N/A N/A
Stage 2 2.95 N/A 7.144 12.569 N/A N/A N/A
Stage 3 2.403 N/A 2.561 2.18 N/A N/A N/A
Stage 4 2.403 522.544 3.019 2.865 N/A N/A N/A
Stage 5 2.258 10.199 1.082 1.06 N/A N/A N/A

Hydraulic Qflow FSslope

Heave FS (ft3/hr)
Stage 0 2.484 N/A N/C
Stage 1 2.003 N/A N/C
Stage 2 2.003 N/A N/C
Stage 3 1.728 N/A N/C
Stage 4 1.728 N/A N/C
Stage 5 1.502 N/A N/C

Support Force/S vs Stage

0:(El.-8) k/ft 1:(El.-19) k/ft
0:Stage 0 0 0
1:Stage 1 0 0
2:Stage 2 2.742 0
3:Stage 3 11.408 0
4:Stage 4 7.884 7.427
5:Stage 5 10.961 17.812

Support Force vs Stage

Support Force vs Stage
0:(El.-8) k/15 ft 1:(El.-19) k/15 ft
0:Stage 0 0 0
1:Stage 1 0 0
2:Stage 2 41.124 0
3:Stage 3 171.115 0
4:Stage 4 118.26 111.407
5:Stage 5 164.409 267.179

Embedment FS vs Stage
Min Toe FS FS1 Passive FS2 Rotation FS3 Length (from FS1, FS2) FS4 Mobilized Passive FS5 Actual Drive Thrust / Theory
Stage 0 11.955 12.274 11.955 200 N/A N/A
0:Stage 0 3.404 5.947 4.319 3.404 N/A N/A
1:Stage 1 7.267 N/A 7.267 12.569 N/A N/A
2:Stage 2 2.18 N/A 2.609 2.18 N/A N/A
3:Stage 3 2.865 522.544 3.019 2.865 N/A N/A
4:Stage 4 1.06 10.199 1.082 1.06 N/A N/A

Table notes:
FSbasal : Critical basal stability safety factor (relevant only when soft clays are present beneath the excavation).
Wall embedment safety factors from conventional analysis (limit-equilibrium):
FS1 Passive : Safety factor for wall embedment based on FS= Available horizontal thrust resistance/Driving hor. thrust.
FS2 Rotation: Safety factor for wall embedment based on FS= Available resisting moment/Driving moment.
FS3 Length : Safety factor for wall embedment based on FS= Available wall embedment/Required embedment for FS=1.0
Wall embedment safety factors from non-linear analysis:
FS4 Mobilized Passive : Safety factor= Available horizontal passive resistance/Mobilized passive thrust.
FS5 True/Active : Soil thrust on retained wall side/Minimum theoretically horizontal active force thrust.
Tables for stress checks follow: Support force/Design capacity

Support Check vs Stage

0: (EL= -8) 1: (EL= -19)
0:Stage 0 0 0
1:Stage 1 0 0
2:Stage 2 0.065 0
3:Stage 3 0.121 0
4:Stage 4 0.098 0.116
5:Stage 5 0.118 0.372

Forces (Res. F, M/Drive F, M)

FS1 Passive FS2 Rotation FS3 Length FS4 Mobilized Passive FS5 Actual Drive Fh EQ Soil Fh EQ Water
(FxResist/FxDrive) (Mresist/Mdrive) (Embedment/ToeFS=1) (FxPassive/FxPas_Mobili / Theory Active
Stage 0 1453.137/118.391 26150.03/2187.4 50/0.25 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Stage 1 704.13/118.391 9447.44/1840.74 40/11.75 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Stage 2 N/A 20312/2795.15 40/3.18 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Stage 3 N/A 10128.47/3882.1 29/13.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Stage 4 186.192/0.356 6682.7/2213.86 29/10.12 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Stage 5 7.018/0.688 2878.19/2659.96 20/18.87 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Reinforcement Requirements
Parameter Description
Note: Wall does not use steel reinforcement. Section does not apply.

Calculation warnings for design section Base model

Warning number: 1, warning is general recommendation.
Applies to stage number 2, left wall.
Description: The current apparent pressure diagram assumes 0 pressure at the excavation. This might lead to potentially
unsafe calculation of moments and toe safety factors. (left wall)
Current value= 0
Recommended value 0
Suggested action: Consider setting the bottom Triangular portion to 0.
Applies to item index 2

Warning number: 2, warning is general recommendation.

Applies to stage number 3, left wall.
Description: The current apparent pressure diagram assumes 0 pressure at the excavation. This might lead to potentially
unsafe calculation of moments and toe safety factors. (left wall)
Current value= 0
Recommended value 0
Suggested action: Consider setting the bottom Triangular portion to 0.
Applies to item index 3

Warning number: 3, warning is general recommendation.

Applies to stage number 4, left wall.
Description: The current apparent pressure diagram assumes 0 pressure at the excavation. This might lead to potentially
unsafe calculation of moments and toe safety factors. (left wall)
Current value= 0
Recommended value 0
Suggested action: Consider setting the bottom Triangular portion to 0.
Applies to item index 4

Warning number: 4, warning is general recommendation.

Applies to stage number 5, left wall.
Description: The current apparent pressure diagram assumes 0 pressure at the excavation. This might lead to potentially
unsafe calculation of moments and toe safety factors. (left wall)
Current value= 0
Recommended value 0
Suggested action: Consider setting the bottom Triangular portion to 0.
Applies to item index 5
Warning number: 5, warning is critical.
Applies to stage number 5, left wall.
Description: Wall Rotation Embedment FS is smaller than 1.0
Current value= 1.08204235025693
Recommended value 1.5
Suggested action: "Increase wall embedment ,move support lower, add support"
Applies to item index 5

Warning number: 6, warning is critical.

Applies to stage number 5, left wall.
Description: Wall Embedment FS based on Depth is smaller than 1.0
Current value= 1.06010295206319
Recommended value 1.2
Suggested action: Increase wall embedment
Applies to item index 5

Warning number: 7, warning is critical.

Applies to stage number 5, right wall.
Description: Wall Rotation Embedment FS is smaller than 1.0
Current value= 1.08204235025693
Recommended value 1.5
Suggested action: "Increase wall embedment ,move support lower, add support"
Applies to item index 5

Warning number: 8, warning is critical.

Applies to stage number 5, right wall.
Description: Wall Embedment FS based on Depth is smaller than 1.0
Current value= 1.06010295206319
Recommended value 1.2
Suggested action: Increase wall embedment
Applies to item index 5

NOTES: Calculation warnings

These calculation warnings include a series of diagnostic checks and may or may not be applicable.
Also, the reported warnings may not include all critical items that have to be reviewed. Other checks can be reviewed
from the summary tables and individual reports for each design section. Additional checks and verifications may be
required. All items have to be reviewed and accepted by a professional engineer in accordance with the E.U.L.A.

Name g tot g dry Frict C' Su FRp FRcv Eload rEur kAp kPp kAcv kPcv Vary Spring Color
(pcf) (pcf) (deg) (psf) (psf) (deg) (deg) (ksf) (-) NL NL NL NL Model
F 120 120 30 0 N/A N/A N/A 300 3 0.33 3 N/A N/A True EXP
S1 125 100 34 0 N/A N/A N/A 521.92 3 0.28 3.54 N/A N/A True Linear

Name Poisson Min Ka Min sh ko.NC nOCR aH.EXP aV.EXP qSkin qNails kS.nails PL
v (clays) (clays) - - (0 to 1) (0 to 1) (psi) (psi) (k/ft3) (ksi)
F 0.35 - - 0.5 0.5 1 0 7.2 4.8 20 -
S1 0.35 - - 0.441 0.5 - - 21.8 14.5 30 -

gtot = total soil specific weight

gdry = dry weigth of the soil
Frict = friction angle
C' = effective cohesion
Su = Undrained shear strength (only for CLAY soils in undrained conditions, used as a cutoff strength in NL analysis)
Evc = Virgin compression elastic modulus
Eur = unloading/reloading elastic modulus
Kap = Peak active thrust coefficient (initial value, may be modified on each stage according to analysis settings).
Kpp = Peak passive thrust coefficient (initial value, may be modified on each stage according to analysis settings).
Kacv = Constant volume active thrust coeff (only for clays, initial value)
Kpcv = Constant volume passive thrust coeff (only for clays, initial value).
Spring models= spring model (LIN= constant E over the soil layer height , EXP=exponential , SIMC=simplified winkler)
LIN= Linear-Elastic-Perfectly Plastic,
EXP: Exponential, SUB: Modulus of Subgrade Reaction
SIMC= Simplified Clay mode

Top Elev= superior SOil level
Soil type= type of the soil (sand , clay , etc)
OCR= overconsolidation ratio
K0= at rest coefficient
Name: Boring 1, pos: (-65.617, 0)
Top elev. Soil type OCR Ko
0 F 1 0.5
-10 S1 1 0.44

Wall section 0: Wall 1

Wall uses wall section 0: Wall 1

Wall type: Secant pile wall
Top wall El: 0 ft Bottom wall El: -50 ft
Hor. wall spacing: 4 ft Wall thickness = 2.5 ft
Passive width below exc: 4 ft Active width below exc: 4 ft Swater= 4 ft
Steel members fy = 50 ksi Esteel = 29000 ksi
Wall friction: Ignored
Steel wall capacities are calculated with AISC 360-10 ALL.
Concrete capacities are calculated with ACI 318-11
Note: With ultimate capacities you may have to use a structural safety factor.
Secant pile wall soldier pile properties
Table: Soldier Pile Properties
Name Sectio W A D tw or t bf tf k Ixx Sxx rX Iyy Syy rY rT Cw fy
(plf) (in^2) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in^4) (in^3) (in) (in^4) (in^3) (in) (in) (in^6) (ksi)
W18x97 W18x9 97 28.5 18.6 0.535 11.1 0.87 1.27 1750 188 7.82 201 36.1 2.65 2.65 15800 50

Wall section 1: Right wall

Wall uses wall section 0: Wall 1

Wall type: Secant pile wall
Top wall El: 0 ft Bottom wall El: -50 ft
Hor. wall spacing: 4 ft Wall thickness = 2.5 ft
Passive width below exc: 4 ft Active width below exc: 4 ft Swater= 4 ft
Steel members fy = 50 ksi Esteel = 29000 ksi
Wall friction: Ignored
Steel wall capacities are calculated with AISC 360-10 ALL.
Concrete capacities are calculated with ACI 318-11
Note: With ultimate capacities you may have to use a structural safety factor.
Secant pile wall soldier pile properties
Table: Soldier Pile Properties
Name Sectio W A D tw or t bf tf k Ixx Sxx rX Iyy Syy rY rT Cw fy
(plf) (in^2) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in^4) (in^3) (in) (in^4) (in^3) (in) (in) (in^6) (ksi)
W18x97 W18x9 97 28.5 18.6 0.535 11.1 0.87 1.27 1750 188 7.82 201 36.1 2.65 2.65 15800 50


Hor wall spacing= Wall horizontal spacing
Passive width below exc= spacing for passive thrust pressure for classic analysis
f'c=fck= cylindrical concrete resistance
fyk=fy= steel rebar characteristic resistance
Econc= Concrete Elastic modulus
fctk= characteristic Concrete tension
Esteel= steel elastic modulus
TABULAR DATA (principal parameters)
1) Diaphragm wall (rectangular cross section)
N/A= data not available
D=wall thickness
B=wall width
2)Steel sheet pile
DES=shape (Z or U)
W=width per unit of length
t=horizontal part thickness
b=width of the single sheet pile part
s=inclined part thickness
Ixx=strong axis inertia (per unit of length)
Sxx=strong axis section modulus (per unit of length)
3)Secant piles wall, Tangent piles wall, soldier piles, soldier piles and timber lagging
W=weight per unit of length
tw=web thickness
tp= pipe thickness
bf=flange width
tf= flange thickness
k= flange thickness+stem base height
Ixx= strong axis inertia modulus (per unit of length)
Sxx= strong axis section modulus (per unit of length)
rx=radius of gyration about X axis
ry=radius of gyration about Y axis
Iyy=weak axis inertia modulus (per unit of length)
Syy=weak axis section modulus (per unit of length)
rT=radius of gyration for torsion
Cw= warping constant

Result diagrams (for walls)

A sequence of result diagrams for each excavation stage is reported


Support 0
Stage No R
0 0
1 0
2 41.124
3 171.115
4 118.26
5 164.409
Support 1
Stage No R
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 111.407
5 267.179

Stress checks
Support 0
Table: Support 0, summary of stress ratios
0 N/A N/A N/A
1 N/A N/A N/A
2 0.065 0.065 -1
3 0.121 0.121 -1
4 0.098 0.098 -1
5 0.118 0.118 -1

Support 1
Table: Support 1, summary of stress ratios
0 N/A N/A N/A
1 N/A N/A N/A
2 N/A N/A N/A
3 N/A N/A N/A
4 0.116 0.116 -1
5 0.372 0.372 -1

Table: Support 0, capacities for each stage
(k) (k) (k)
0 N/A N/A N/A
1 N/A N/A N/A
2 1161.834 1161.834 0
3 1161.834 1161.834 0
4 1161.834 1161.834 0
5 1161.834 1161.834 0
Table: Support 1, capacities for each stage
(k) (k) (k)
0 N/A N/A N/A
1 N/A N/A N/A
2 N/A N/A N/A
3 N/A N/A N/A
4 811.539 811.539 0
5 811.539 811.539 0

Equations for wale segment (moment check)A_0, stage: 3, point 67


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