Effective Learning

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Intro:- Whether it is beneficial to combine study and work together or not.

Body Paragraph 1:- (i) Individual can grow more while doing a job and also
they can achieve their goals in early stages of life.

(ii)students can take their financial responsibility by doing part time job and in
this way; they can reduce the burden of their parents as well.

(iii)It increases their confidence level and they learn how to manage study and
work together .

Body Paragraph:- (i) It distracts the mind of a person and he is not able to
focus equally on studies and job.

(ii) This could lead to failure in life as study requires time ,comfort and peace .

Conclusion:- There are both advantages and disadvantages of combining study

and job .However,this decision depends on individual’s capability and choice.

2. CREDIT CARD (Both view)

Intro:- Whether credit card is beneficial for people or not .
Body Paragraph 1:-(i)It is convenient for those people who do not want to
carry cash while shopping .

(ii)Sometimes people of middle class have a situation in which they have no

money for paying bills; they can easily solve their problem by using credit card.

Body Paragraph2 :-(i) Some people use their credit card for useless name and
fame .

(ii)If a person is not able to refund bank money in proper time,he will not be
able to get any help from bank like home loan,car loan and so on.

Conclusion :- Credit card is very good facility for every person. However,
everyone must use it according to their income and financial condition.

Intro:-whether technological access to online music should be free or


Body paragraph1:-(i) Providing free access to music will help so many

struggly singers because they can learn from the pre recorded songs and can
make the career in this field.

(ii)It will be motivation to the upcoming singers and musicians .

Body paragraph 2:-(i) Anything given free reduces its popularity and market
value because people do not show proper respect to singers and songs
recorded by them.

(ii) It also decreases the motivation of playback composers and they feel that
the value of their songs has decreased.

Conclusion:-Anything given for free lose its priority, therefore permissions to

access music through online should be made chargeable.


PROBLEM (Both view)
Intro:-Whether increasing the taxes in order to solve traffic problems
is a solution or not.

Body paragraph 1 :-(I) Less people would be able to afford having a

car and watch would lead to drop in the number of accidents on the
(ii)This would be helpful in solving other environment issues
including air and noise pollution.

(iii) People would start using alternative methods such as walking

and cycling which are healthier and inexpensive.

Body Paragraph 2:-The other hand, there are many reasons why
people that government should not use such solution.

(i)There are many people who prefer travelling in car because it is

faster and more reliable.

(ii) Some people avoid overcrowded modes of public transport

including bus and trains due to hygiene reasons.


Some people think that computers and the internet are more important for a
child's education than going to school. But others believe that schools and
teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.

BP1. A) with a computer accessing the Internet, children can learn whenever
and wherever they want by exposing to a wide range of information from
infinite resources.

b) computers can process a huge amount of data per second and thus can
be more helpful to students while conducting research work or in scientific

BP2. There are many reasons that why children should go to school.
a) Teachers not only provide the vast knowledge but also teach
students how to face difficulties in life and become a good citizen.
b) Practical knowledge is provided by the teachers and schools which
makes students’ learning easy and more interesting.
c) internet has created many health problemssuch as weak eyesight and

Certain kinds of music promote learning in their

life. Agree or disagree.(ONE VIEW, BOTH THE PARAGRAPHS WILL

BP1. A) Music is very a good way to improve memory skill and concentration
which is very useful to children to concentrate on studies.

B) Music gives great relaxation to mind and works as stress buster. Playing
musical instrument like key board and guitar will help enhance their skills. 

BP2. A) when children are introduced to music as a subject in young age, they develop
a more positive attitude towards life and enjoy their learning phase.

B)Music is the structure of our society, it can shape ability and

Conclusion: The benefits of teaching music in schools are too great to ignore.
Therefore, every educational institute should encourage teaching music its students.

Does video communication with doctor help patients to cure any disease?
Pros & Cons?

BP1) A) availability of physician after working hours is the major relief for the

B) It is beneficial for the patients who are physically disabled and can not go to
hospitals for their treatment.

BP2) a)online consulting narrows a doctor’s opportunities to diagnose a

b) Doctors do not get enough time to spend with their family members due to
which their personal life gets affected in a negative way.

Conclusion:- the benefits of video communication between patients are too

great to ignore.

Personal Development is the base for professional

development and advancing in one's career. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

BP1. A)  In present running competition world, organizations are looking for
candidates with good personal skills.

B) Personal development helps to improve talents and potential which is

required to achieve success.

C)  it helps to improve awareness and identity which in turn creates your own
name in the office and build trust. 

BP2. A) They believe that it entirely depends on the performance and how
efficient they perform their job.

B)  performance ratings are totally dependent on how well employee

performed the job and delivered the product within the deadline.

CONCLUSION: professional development is dependent on personal development and  both

are important to be successful.


Intro:- whether design of building affects people’s life work or not

Body paragraph 1:- (i) People working in the well-designed building feel proud and
have a positive attitude towards their work.

(ii)Carefully designed building with the basic needs also empowers person safety
which has a profound at their best level.

Body paragraph 2:- (i) In addition to this , penetration of natural sources such as air
and sunlight in the building is crucial at work place .

(ii) Individual lacking with vitamin D have increased in last two decades due to less
exposure to sunlight.

Conclusion:- The design of building enables people to stay healthy and safe ,and
merits associated with carefully design building are indeed too great to ignore.
Intro:- It cannot be denied that in today’s world, different government and
international organization are facing many problems ; pollution is also one of them.

BODY PARAGRAPH 1:- (Reason and effect)

(I) The pollutants from industries and other sources are harming the
environment badly.
(II) People are using private vehicles instead of using public transport which
causes air and noise pollution.

Body paragraph 2 :- (Solution)

(i) Government should make some strict rules and regulations for those who
are harming of the environment.
(ii) People should use public transport and avoid using private vehicles.

Conclusion:- Although the problem of pollution has becomes a big issue, still it
can be solved by concerted efforts of all individuals and government.


Intro:- It cannot be defined that these days employees are forced to work for
long hours at their work place to meet the requirement of their employers.

Body Paragraph 1:- (Reason and effects )

(i) Due to excessive work pressure , employees have to spend extra time to
complete their target, which put negative impact on their health.
(ii) Due to the fear of job insecurity, they perform at their optimum level and
ignore their personal life

Body Paragraph:- (Solution)

(i) Workshops and seminars should be conducted in order to make

employees more productive in their work.
(ii) Top authority of company should provide facilities such as gym
and sports centers inside the office building so that employees
can maintain their health as well.

Conclusion :- Companies should review and rectify their policies to help their
employees in maintaining balance between personal or professional life.


Intro:- Experimental learning can work well in formal education or not has
certainly been a bone of contention and feud for many years.

Body Paragraph 1:- (i) Experimental approach of learning plays a significant

role to enhance the overall development of learners.

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