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Agujo, Daanbatayan, Cebu Revision 2
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified) Page 1 of 8 pages email:

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Name: John Melito P. Dilao Date: October 27, 2019

Program: MAVEd Term: 1st Semester
Course: HA 603 – Needle Craft Professor: Dr. Alerica Frias

Learning Element

1. Objectives:
1.1 To know the history of Macramé;
1.2 To familiarize the basic types of Macramé Knots; and
1.3 To reflect on how to make Macramé.

2. Documentation:

3. Content Outline:
3.1 History
3.2 Materials
3.3 Seven Basic Knots in Macramé
3.3.1 Lark's Head Knot
3.3.2 Reverse Lark's Head Knot
3.3.3 Square Knots and Half Knots
3.3.4 Spiral Stitch
3.3.5 Clove Hitch
3.3.6 Overhand Knot
3.3.7 Gathering Knot

4. Report Proper:

a. Introduction:

Macramé is a form of textile produced using knotting (rather

than weaving or knitting) techniques.
The primary knots of macrame are the square (or reef knot) and forms of
"hitching": various combinations of half hitches. It was long crafted by sailors, especially
in elaborate or ornamental knotting forms, to cover anything from knife handles to
bottles to parts of ships.
Cavandoli macramé is one variety that is used to form geometric and free-form
patterns like weaving. The Cavandoli style is done mainly in a single knot, the double
half-hitch knot. Reverse half hitches are sometimes used to maintain balance when
working left and right halves of a balanced piece.
Leather or fabric belts are another accessory often created via macramé
techniques. Most friendship bracelets exchanged among schoolchildren and teens are
created using this method. Vendors at theme parks, malls, seasonal fairs and other
public places may sell macramé jewellery or decoration as well.

b. Report Proper:


Macramé comes from a 13th-century Arabic weavers' word migramah meaning "fringe".

This refers to the decorative fringes on camels and horses which help, amongst other
things, to keep the flies off the animal in the hot desert regions of northern Africa.
Another school of thought indicates that it comes from Turkish makrama, "napkin" or
"towel", and was a way to secure the ends of pieces of weaving by using the excess
thread and yarn along the top and bottom edges of loomed fabrics.
One of the earliest recorded uses of macramé-style knots as decoration appeared in the
carvings of the Babylonians and Assyrians. Fringe-like plaiting and braiding adorned the
costumes of the time and were captured in their stone statuary. Macramé traveled from
north Africa to Spain with the Moors, and as a result of this conquest it spread, firstly to
France, and then throughout Europe.
In the Western Hemisphere, macramé is believed to have originated with 13th-
century Arab weavers. These artisans knotted the excess thread and yarn along the
edges of hand-loomed fabrics into decorative fringes on bath towels, shawls, and veils.
The Spanish word macramé is derived from the Arabic miqramah, believed to mean
"striped towel", "ornamental fringe" or "embroidered veil". After the Moorish conquest,
the art was taken to Spain, then to Italy, especially in the region of Liguria, and then
spread through Europe. It was introduced into England at the court of Mary II in the late
17th century. Queen Mary taught the art of macramé to her ladies-in-waiting.

Decorative macramé ship

Macramé was most popular in the Victorian era. Sylvia's Book of Macramé Lace (1882),
a favorite, showed readers how "to work rich trimmings for black and coloured
costumes, both for home wear, garden parties, seaside ramblings, and balls—fairylike
adornments for household and underlinens ...". Most Victorian homes were adorned
with this craft. Macramé was used to make household items such as tablecloths,
bedspreads and curtains.
Sailors made macramé objects in off hours while at sea, and sold or bartered them
when they landed, thus spreading the art to places like China and the New World.
Nineteenth-century British and American sailors made hammocks, bell fringes,
and belts from macramé. They called the process "square knotting" after the knot they
used most frequently. Sailors also called macramé "McNamara's lace".
Though the craze for macramé faded, it regained popularity during the 1970s as a
means to make wall hangings, articles of clothing, bedspreads, small jean
shorts, tablecloths, draperies, plant hangers and other furnishings. By the early 1980s
macramé had once again begun to fall out of fashion as a decoration trend. [2] Macramé
jewelry has become popular among the American young and old crowd, starting in the
early 1970s. Using mainly square knots and granny knots, this jewelry often features
handmade glass beads and natural elements such as bone and shell. Necklaces,
anklets and bracelets have become popular forms of macramé jewelry.


Materials used in macramé include cords made

of cotton twine, linen, hemp, jute, leather or yarn. Cords are identified by construction,
such as a 3-ply cord, made of three lengths of fibre twisted together. Jewelry is often
made in combination of both the knots and various beads (glass, wooden, and so on),
pendants or shells. Sometimes 'found' focal points are used for necklaces, such as rings
or gemstones, either wire-wrapped to allow for securing or captured in a net-like array of
intertwining overhand knots. A knotting board is often used to mount the cords for
macramé work. Cords may be held in place using a C-clamp, straight pins, T-pins, U-
pins, or upholstery pins.
For larger decorative pieces, such as wall hangings or window coverings, a work of
macramé might be started out on a wooden or metal dowel, allowing for a spread of
dozens of cords that are easy to manipulate. For smaller projects, push-pin boards are
available specifically for macramé, although a simple corkboard works adequately.
Many craft stores offer beginners' kits, work boards, beads and materials ranging in
price for the casual hobbyist or ambitious craftsperson.

Seven Basic Knots in Macrame

1. Lark's Head Knot

The first knot you'll need to know is the Lark's Head Knot, sometimes referred to as a
Cow Hitch Knot. This knot is what gets your macrame cords attached to an object, such
as dowel, branch, or an anchor cord.

1.1 Fold your cord in half and place the loop over the dowel rod.

1.2 Bring the loop around the back and pull your two cord ends through the loop to
2. Reverse Lark's Head Knot

A Reverse Lark's Head Knot is done in the reverse, so the bump is hidden in the back of
the knot.

2.1 Fold the cord in half and place the loop under the dowel rod.

2.2 Bring the loop round to the front and pull your two cords through the loop to

3. Square Knots and Half Knots

A square knot is one of the most widely used macrame knots and it can be created as left
facing or right facing.

A half knot is simply half of a square knot. It can be right facing or left facing, depending
on which side you start on.

Square knots need to have at least 4 cords (2 working cords and 2 filler cords) but can
have more. The first and last cords are the working cords. We'll call them working cord 1
and 4. The middle cords are filler cords and we'll number those 2 and 3. These cords will
switch places but will still keep their original numbering.

Left Facing Half Knot and Square Knot

A left facing square knot has a vertical bump on the left side of the finished knot.

3.1 Take the first cord (working cord 1) and move it to the right over the middle
filler cords (filler cords 2 and 3) and under the last cord (working cord 4).
3.2 Take working cord 4 and move it to the left under the two filler cords and
over working cord 1.

3.3 Pull both working cords to tighten, keeping the filler cords straight. This is a
left facing half square knot.

3.4 The working cords have now switched places with working cord 1 on the right
and working cord 4 on the left. Take working cord 1 and move it to the left over the two
filler cords and under working cord 4.

3.5 Take working cord 4 and move it to the right under the two filler cords and over
working cord 1.
3.6 Pull both working cords to tighten. keeping the filler cords straight. This completes
your left facing square knot.

Right Facing Half Knot and Square Knot

A right facing half knot and square knot has a vertical bump on the right side of the
finished knot.

3.1 Take the last cord (working cord 4) and move it to the left, over the filler cords (cords
2 and 3) and under the first cord (working cord 1).

3.2 Take working cord 1 and take it to the right, under the filler cords and over working
cord 4.
3.3 Pull both cords to tighten, keeping everything straight. This is a right facing half
square knot.

3.4 The working cords have now switched places and working cord 1 is on the right and
working cord 4 is on the left. Take working cord 4 over to the right, over the filler cords
and under working cord 1.

3.5 Take working cord 1 and move it to the left, going under the filler cords and over
working cord 4.
3.6 Pull both working cords to tighten. This is a right facing square knot.

4. Spiral Stitch

A Spiral Stitch, also called a Half Knot Sinnet or Half Knot Spiral, is a series of half knots
to create a spiral stitch. This is a decorative knot that will add a lot of interest to your

A spiral stitch needs at least 4 cords, 2 working and 2 filler cords, but more can be used.
Mentally number these cords 1-4 moving left to right. Cords 1 and 4 are your working
cords and cords 2 and 3 are your filler cords.

These directions are how to make a left facing spiral stitch, but you can also start on the
right side and use all right facing half knots.

4.1 Take working cord 1 and move it to the right, over the filler cords but under
working cord 4.

4.2 Move working cord 4 to the left, going under the filler cords but over working
cord 1.
4.3 Pull both working cords to tighten around the filler cords.

4.4 Keep making more half knots the same way as above. As you work, your
cords will start to spiral.

5. Clove Hitch

A Clove Hitch, also called a Double Half Hitch, creates lines in your projects. They can be
worked horizontally, diagonally, and on occasion, vertically.

Horizontal Clove Hitch

A Horizontal Clove Hitch creates a series of knots that go across your macrame project.
In this knot, the first cord is the filler cord and rest of the cords are working cords.

5.1 Take your left cord, the filler cord, and hold it horizontally across the other
5.2 Take the next cord (your first working cord) and bring it forward, up, and
around the filler cord towards the left to form a counter-clockwise loop.

5.3 Take the same working cord and to the right of the first knot, take it up, over,
and through the loop. There should now be two knots sitting next to each
other. This is a horizontal clove hitch knot.

5.4 Repeat the clove hitch knots by using the next working cord around the same
filler cord. Continue creating knots until you have the look you want.
Diagonal Clove Hitch

A Diagonal Clove Hitch creates a series of diagonal knots in your project.

5.1 Take the cord on the left, the filler cord, and hold it diagonally across the other cords.

5.2 Repeat steps 2 through 4 of the horizontal clove hitch, moving down diagonally
instead of straight across. Repeat until you have the look you want.

6. Overhand Knot

The Overhand Knot is a basic knot that ties multiple cords together. It can be done with
multiple cords or just one cord.

6.1 Fold the cord into a loop.

6.2 Pass the ends of the cords through the loop to tighten.
7. Gathering Knot

A Gathering Knot, also called a Wrapping Knot, is a finishing knot that gathers cords
together. You'll often see these at the bottom of macrame plant hangers. There are two
working cords in this knot; the rest of the cords are filler cords.

7.1 Take a separate length of cord (this will be your working cord) and form a long u-
shaped loop on top of the group of filler cords, with the loop facing down.

7.2 Starting below the top end of your working cord—which is pointing up—wrap it around
the filler cords and the loop. Make sure that you leave a little bit of the loop uncovered.

7.3 Pass the end of the wrapping cord through the loop at the bottom of your wraps.

7.4 Pull the end of the working cord—that's sticking up at the top—upwards, which will
bring the loop under the wraps. Pull until the loop is enclosed in the wraps.

Your gathering knot is complete! If you'd like, trim both ends of the working cord for a
clean finish.
c. Conclusion:

Macramé is a textile art technique that is highly used in the production of

accessories. This technique is used to produce accessories like bags, necklaces and
etc. which have unlimited scope of production and utilization of the technique. The
extension of the scope of the macramé techniques to garment production will become
beneficial to macramé artisans and for the study in Textiles. Different yarns in 99 the
market were used for the exploration and different and similar results were obtained in
the various samples based on the particular yarns and the particular macramé knots
used for the sample. it was concluded that macramé art technique can be used for the
production of garments. This can be done using a various knot due to the different
outcome of the macramé knots in combination with particular yarns. Some yarns frayed
easily and reduced their suitability for the production of garments but for other items like
accessories. Some yarns also coped well with particular types of knots.

5. Schematic Diagram:

Lark's Head Knot

M Reverse Lark's Head Knot
C Square Knots and Half Knots

R Spiral Stitch

A Clove Hitch
Overhand Knot
Gathering Knot

6. Thought Provoking Questions:

1. What are the types of yarns commonly found in the market?

2. How feasible can the local yarns be used in macramé technique?
3. Can macramé basic technique be used to produce garments?
4. What is the best macramé technique do you know?
5. What are the impacts of macramé in the line of fashion and garment

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