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Republic of the Philippines


Division of Romblon
Mat-i, Santa Fe, Romblon

Third Periodical Test in T.L.E 8

Name: _ Date: _
Grade 8-Sardonyx Score: _
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze each statement below. Choose the correct answer and write on the space provided before
each number.

1. How many rings before you answer the telephone?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
2. Which of the following is the best way when you answer the telephone in the office?
a. Hello, Sally Santos speaking
b. Hello, accounting department, Sally Santos speaking
c. Hello/ Good morning, Sally Santos speaking
d. Hello/ Good morning, accounting department, Sally Santos speaking
3. What will you say to the person, if you must interrupt the conversation?
a. I’ll be right back c. Please excuse me for a moment, I’ll be right back
b. Please excuse me, I’ll be right back d. Excuse me, I’ll be right back
4. These are the things to remember when leaving messages through telephone, except
a. Speak clearly and slowly c. Always leave your return telephone number
b. Use broken phrases, slang or idiom d. Give all the information needed.
5. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Always identify yourself at the beginning of all calls.
b. Be sensitive to the tone of your voice
c. Do not allow interruptions to occur during conversations.
d. Build the habit of always turning on your cell phone ringing when entering a meeting.
6. The following question must be asking by the front office staff, except
a. May I have your name? c. How much money do you have?
b. May I know your arrival date? d. How many rooms would you need?
7. This is where the name of the caller and his/her telephone number is written
a. Reserved by b. Reservation type c. Confirmation d. Channel
8. This describes how the booking was made such as through telephone, fax, telex, sales and catering
a. Confirmation b. Block name c. Channel d. Special
9. These are the information on the reservation records, except:
a. Indicate the mailing address and contact number c. explains guaranteed or non-guaranteed reservation
b. Ask for the arrived and departure date d. Enter the rate code.
10. Upon checking for availability, Front office staff may include the following except:
a. Arrival date b. No. of nights c. Work background d. Rate code
11. Which of the following is the most courteous way of advising the guest that a package is no longer available?
a. Mr. Smith, the package is no longer available
b. Mr. Smith, you can check other available packages
c. I’m sorry Mr. Smith, but the package you want to avail is not valid anymore.
d. I’m sorry Mr. Smith, but there is no such package here.
12. If the caller does not want to guarantee a reservation, what will you say?
a. Explain your property’s policy on billing c. Tell caller on property’s check in and checkout policies
b. Explain property’s policy on non-guaranteed reservation d. Let the caller hang up first
13. As a front office staff, we do the following preparations upon the arrival of guests except:
a. Keep your work station clean and tidy c. Maintain a par stock of supplies
b. File as you work d. Organize guest’s departure
14. A term used to refer a procedure utilized by a hotel upon the arrival of a guest to confirm his/her stay at
the hotel.
a. Reservation b. Registration c. Arrival d. Departure
15. During the registration, what should you do first as the guest arrived?
a. Determine if guest has reservation c. Confirm reservation information
b. Provide personal greetings d. Use up selling tactics
16. Why do you have to follow through on special requests of the guests if any?
a. To insure total satisfaction of the guest during his stay c. To show him your courtesy
b. To encourage him to stay for a while d. To show that customers are always right
17. Why is it important to update the guest information directory?
a. The guests will be informed of the latest events, happenings and place of visits
b. The guests will praise your good work
c. The management will be satisfied with your work performance
d. You, personally, will be updated of the latest happenings, events and place of visits
18. A guest information directory should include the following except:
a. Information of name and location
b. Telephone no. and hours of operation of an establishment
c. Directions of the property, type of establishment and dress code
d. All of the above statements are correct.
19. During the guest check out, you should do the following.
a. Inquire about additional reservation
b. Bid the guest farewell
c. Process future reservation or alert the reservation clerk to these requests.
d. All of the above statements are correct.
20. When does desk clerk files folio related documents for night audit?
a. Guest reservation b. Arrival c. Departure d. Future reservation
21. When does front office staff checks for availability using reservation system?
a. Guest reservation b. Arrival c. Departure d. Future reservation
22. When does front office staff confirm reservation information and provide general hotel information
a. Reservation b. Registration c. Arrival d. Departure
23. When does desk clerk communicate guest departure to housekeeping and other departments in hotel if
a. Registration b. Arrival c. During stay d. Departure
24. What is the best way to offer a personalized service to the guest?
a. Consistently address the guest by his name upon every conversation.
b. Provide guest with accurate hotel information
c. Answer all guest inquiry
d. All of the above
25. Front desk office enters system password when:
a. Accessing reservation system information c. Using reservation system information
b. Familiarizing reservation system information d. All of the above
26. This resource aims to help you hone your skill in receiving reservation using competency based approach
a. Access directory system information c. Access reservation system information
b. Access inventory system information d. Access marketing system information
27. The following details of the directory should be coordinated with the guest except:
a. Name and location c. Type of establishment
b. Dress code d. Work background of staff
28. It means that the room is reserved but not in use or the reservation has been cancelled.
a. Double occupancy c. Walk-in
b. No show d. Blocked room
29. What do you call to a guest who arrived at the hotel before the designated time?
a. Walk-in c. Early arrival
b. Preregistration d. Late arrival
30. What do you call to a guest who arrived at the hotel after the designated time?
a. Walk-in c. Early arrival
b. Preregistration d. Late arrival
_31. The following statements are TRUE in handling guest complaints, EXCEPT ONE.
a. Argue with the guest. c. Listen to the guest complain.
b. Secure guest name and room number. d. Do not blame others nor insult the guest.
_32. How to listen and talk to the clients?
a. Do not understand the words you hear from the client. c. Discourage the customer to talk.
b. Find out what the client/customers really means. d. Use idiomatic expressions.
_33. Mr. Lee Ming Sy, is a Chinese citizen wants to check in Makati Shangrila hotel, how would you address or greet
a. “Good Morning Mr. Lee, welcome to Makati Shangila hotel.”
b. “Good Morning Mr. Lee Ming Sy, welcome to Makati Shangrila hotel.”
c. “Good Morning Mr. Sy, welcome to Makati Shagrila Hotel.”
d. “Good Morning Mr. Ming Sy, welcome to Makati Shangrila hotel.”
_34. This is a guest who registers to the hotel without reservation.
a. no show b. early arrival c. late arrival d. walk in
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