Voice Control of Dual-Drive Mobile Robots Survey of Algorithms

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Voice Control of Dual-Drive Mobile Robots - Survey of Algorithms.

Maciej Sajkowski MSc. Eng.

Silesian University of Technology
Institute of Theoretical an Industrial Electrotechnics
U1. Boleslawa Krzywoustego 2
44-100 Gliwice,Poland
tel. +48 32 237 12 47, +48 32 237 28 02,
fax +48 32 237 13 04
e-mail macieks@polsl.gliwice.pl

Abstract safety issues are very important for that type of vehicle.
There are a few different methods of steer for mobile
This paperpresents survey of the algorithms applied to robots or wheelchairs. One method is to command the
robot by voice through special interface, which plays
voice control of electromechanical appliances,
especially voice controlled mobile robots or intelligent role of the master control circuit for the dual-motor
wheelchair for handicapped people. Second part drive controller [8][17][28][25]. Taking into
consideration classical steering methods - different
of the paper, after introduction, is devoted to voice
recognition algorithms. Beside short voice processing from the voice control, it is common that there is
algorithms review, the need of voice recognition results relatively low probability of error .generation in the
verifcation method was pointed out. The method control circuit layer. In case of the voice control there
is more difficult situation because the control circuit
proposed by author was presented in the third part. In
might generate recognition error. The most dangerous
order to improve robotized-wheelchair operation safety
and functionality, it is necessary to implement error for vehicle control is substitution error, which
additional environment recognition sensors. Some means that recognized command is interpreted as
issues concerning the ultrasonic sensors are referred in opposite command for example “left” is interpreted as
“right”. The probability of substitution error depends
fourth section af thepaper. The data acquiredfrom the
sensors can be used by obstacle avoidance and path on the commands language. Situation described above
planning algorithms. These categories of algorithms is very probable in Polish language. Words meaning
and methods are presented in fJih part of the paper. “left” and “right” have very high acoustic similarity
There is brief review of master control algorithms in [ I l l . This is why there is a strong need to implement
the sixth section. In !he last part the conclusionsfiam recognition results verification algorithm, which is the
author subject of research, but there is also n e c e s s q to
the survey are listed andfirture work of author in area
of robotized-wheelchair is proposed. Additionally implement in voice commanded robot and specially in
detailed list af references is enclosed. wheelchair, additional sensors, which can increase
safety of the mobile vehicle. As it comes from the
literature, in order to improve safety, there are
implementation of advanced techniques of environment
1. Introduction recognition in vehicles controlled by classical methods
like joystick [26][10][27]. Thus implementation of
Mobile wheeled robot or wheelchair are examples of these sensor data processing algorithms in voice
nonholonomic systems [22][ 171.Advanced control of controlled vehicle is the state of art of the voice
this vehicle type is subject of research for many control. It is possible to use sensor data not only to
research groups [6l[Sl[lO1[22][17][26][27][28]. The detect and avoid obstacles, but to find the optimal
robotized wheelchair is an example of use the robotic trajectory between two points in h o w n or unknown
technology to assist people. In opposition to holonomic environment [ 18][ 19][28].
systems, which motion is limited. The mobile robots The aim of the paper is to present bow voice and other
have free of motion on the plane of flat or ofice. data is processed to obtain proper and safe robot or
Additionally, the drive system used in that kind of wheelchair movement. The paper presents in a few
mobile robot has enough power to carry the person, so words what algorithm categories have to he taken into

Third International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, November 9-1 1, 2002 387
consideration in case of designing voice controlled transition between states. The single state could
robot or wheelchair. Content of the paper is the result describe a phoneme. For each utterance from trained
of literature review an work performed by author in vocabulary Hidden Markov Model is created. In case
area of voice control of electric wheelchairs. of neural network systems, the network outputs are
used as estimates of probability for each phonetic state
2. Voice Processing Algorithms analogously to HMM. In both algorithm categories the
recognition result is the uttcrance pattern, which bas
There are some voice processing algorithms which lead highest likelihood function value to recognized
to achieve high recognition accuracy. Previously there acoustic signal. The most likely utterance is determined
were used only isolated words speech recognition from probabilities matrix describing phonetic models
technique, presently it is possible to use continuous using Viterbi algorithm. The methods described above
speech recognition, what although requires more give always recognition result but there is a question if
powerful hardware, but can give highest accuracy of the result is correct. There have to be defined threshold
recognition results and recognition unit response in of probability, below which the recognition result is not
shorter time. The foundations of the voice recognition reliable and shouldn’t be taken into consideration at all.
algorithm are described in [23][25][24]. Situation like that requires the recognition process to
In order to perform speech recognition the speech data be repeated or means that recognized acoustic signal is
should be processed and stored in database as a noise. The decision if the recognition result is correct,
utterance pattern. Speech pattern is usually described incorrect or coming from noise should be made at the
with feature vector, which consists of coefficients control system level. The situation described above is
achieved in utterance spectral analysis process. That common to all voice recognition algorithms and the
stage can be called “training” of the speech data. designer of voice control application should be aware
Speech recognition is similar to training but data of that.
obtained through signal analysis are compared with In voice command applications there are implemented
pattern stored before. commercially available recognition engines [28] or
One of the method of speech recognition process can specially designed [SI. It is hard to evaluate voice
be performed as follows: recognition performance basing only on results
- Acquisition of voice signal through presented in papers. For example there is no precisely
microphone and signal filtering, defined criterion for measure the voice recognition
- Short-term signal analysis including Fast accuracy. This is because the comparison would had to
Fourier Transform calculation, be made under the same conditions likc identical
- Linear Predictive Coding coefficients vocabulary, room acoustics, microphone type , operator
calculation, voice and so on. There are available in literature some
- Feature extraction from Linear Predictive comparisons of the voice recognition algorithm
Coefficients and spectral parameters for software implementations [5]. As it comes from that
example local signal energy maximum, which comparison it is gainful to implement algorithms based
is called formant, on the hybrid neural networks-HMM technique,
- Likelihood of pattern matching calculation for however using methods listed above separately can
the speech feature vectors of recognized also give a good result. As it was mentioned before
utterance. there is a necessity to use recognition results
The recognition process could be strictly connected verification algorithm I case of voice command
with language model, which describes the utterance at similarity. Using voice analysis software like “Matlab”
phonetic level, basing on the features extracted from toolbox “Colea”[20] it is possible to evaluate command
speech. The recognition system could be language set for voice control interface. There are shown on the
sensitive or not. That depends on the speech features pictures the waveforms and spectrogram of three
being extracted in recognition process. In every voice commands. The first and second utterances mean
language it is possible to distinguish a number of states “left” and “right” commands, the third is “forward”.
(phonemes) which are basic phonetic language unit, The commands are spoken in Polish language. It could
However different languages have different phonemes be noticeable from spectrograms that words meaning
set, so if recognition algorithm is based on phonetic “left” and “right” are similar. As it comes form the
information it improves its performance and accuracy calculations made using the mentioned toolbox for
but the recognizer is suitable only for one language. “Matlab” software, there is a possibility of substitution
The following methods or their combination are widely recognition error appearance between the two opposite
used for speech data pattern matching : commands (“left” and “right”). It was also confirmed
- probabilistic algorithms using Hidden Markov in the experiments with voice recognition unit. The
Models [25][23][24] [SI, method for solving that problem was developed and the
- techniques utilizing artificial intelligence like experimental verification results are described in the
Neural Networks [5]. paper.
The voice recognition in mobile robot could be not
Hidden Markov Models describe the sequence of
speech features vectors as a piecewise stationary only used to identify simple motion commands like
process. The HMM is usually represented as finite state described above but can also provide additional
automaton build from set of states and corresponding information to control system and play role of

advanced user interface. The various aspects of that processor. It could identify up to 25 words. The voice
issue are referred in [25] and many other works. recognition algorithm was based on Hidden Markov
Models For each trained word, there were special
register, where the recognition result was stored and
could be read to a file. The processor was trained in
the speaker dependent mode. The experiment was
performed in quiet room and a typical head-mounted
electret microphone was used.
Basing on the recognition results the data for neural
network was prepared. The two-layer feedforward
neural network was designed and simulated using the
,,Matlab-simulink” software and ,,Neural Network
Toolbox”. The first layer neurons have sigmoid
threshold function and the second layer neurons have
linear function. Additionally the one input preceptron
was connected to the network output to digitize the
network output.
Fig 1. Waveform and spectrogram
At the beginning stage of the experiment the network
for command “lewo” (“left”)
x Io: was trained with series of recognition results for “left”
and “right” command obtained from voice recognition
module. For the “right” command 75 percent was
correct result of the recognition and 25 was substitution
error with the “left” command. The simulation of
network fed with random data fiom training set
brought correct result. The next stage of the experiment
was mining and simulation for recognition result of
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 “left” command recognition result set. The effect of
tr111si the experiment was correct classification of previously
trained data. So designed neural network architecture
was suitable for data classification.
For the consecutive experiment the recognition result
set was consisted from data obtained from recognition
module registers corresponding to ,,left” and ,,right”
command. The data was used to train neural network..
When the command was recognized correctly the
network output was 1 and for w n n g recognition result
network output was 0. In that case the neural network
Fig.2 Waveform and spectrogram
for command “prawo” (“right”) algorithm was divergent. As conclusion 60m that
.. .”
In‘ experiment was the need of different training data
In the next experiment part the data set was composed
*om recognition registers of 4 commands:
The following cases was taken into consideration:
-2 1. L J - cnrrect “right” command recognition
o ion 200 301) 400 500 600 700 800 - wrong “right” cnmmand recognition
- wrong “left” command recognition as “right”
command (substitution error)
- correct command left recognition.
The value 1 in output data was corresponding to the
fmt case in input data and the 0 value from output data
was corresponding to remaining recognition results
” 0 100 200 300 400 SW 600 700 800 cases.
Fig.3 Waveform and spectrogram For such organized learning data the neural network
for command “naprz6d” (“forward”) was trained with backpropagation Levenberg-
Marquand algorithm and fed with the &own data.
The task realized with network was distinction the
correct “right“ command recognition from recognition
3. Recognition results verification method error, substitution error or correct different command
The voice recognition module used in the experiment Proper classification for each 6 o m the cases listed
was based on the commercial voice recognition above was achieved as the result of the experiment.
Basing on the experiment one could claim that, it is the original and receivcd sequence. This also allows to
possible to improve recognition accuracy basing on eliminate crosstalks and ultrasonic noise [ 131.
simple neural network algorithm. In order to achieve If ultrasonic transducer (emitter and receiver with one
full recognition results verification it is necessary to membrane) is used, it is impossible to measurc
use that method for each trained command, what distance to very close object, because the membrane
requires to build separate neural network for each word after sending signal cannot receive it immediately, in
from trained vocabulary. Due to necessity of network order to avoid interpreting own pulses as the retuming.
training using large voice recognition results set it It influences on minimal measuring range
could be advantageous to use adaptive learning [7][26].There is also a menace of missing the obstacle
algorithm to use c w e n t and previous recognition when ultrasonic signal is reflected at wide angle and it
results to adjust neural network weights. Currently doesn’t return to the receiver [1][26].
available voice recognition units bring long delay in For a short distance it is possible to use infrared
the control circuit. Voice recognition process could obstacle detection, which is a inexpensive method and
take from 250 milliseconds up to 3 seconds. It is it could give good result in connection with ultrasonic
necessaty to use, beside voice recognition results sensor. Eventually mechanical sensors like
verification method, additional techniques to provide microswitches could be used to detect collision if the
sufficient safety level for mobile vehicle. However obstacle is not registered by ultrasonic or infrared
application of two recognition modules, where one of sensors. There is also an advanced and sophisticated
them is triggered when the othcr is processing techniquc of collecting information about environment
command could be a method of improving control of the robot or wheelchair based on the image analysis
circuit reaction time in case of operator mistake, but algorithm. The image is acquired by the CDD camera
there is also a need of other emergency solution. That and processed in computer. That kind of sensor is very
role could play sensor and path planning algorithms. powerful but requires personal computer, what is not
always possible in area of robotic wheelchairs [12][27].
4. Sensor Data Processing Algorithms To achieve proper path it is necessary for a robot to
navigate in its environment. The basic navigation
techniques are relative position measurements.
The classical path planning method requires full To calculate relative movement of the robot it is
knowledge about the surroundings of the moving possible to use the following methods [7]:
vehiclc before performing any control actions. Sensor - optical encoders for dead reckoning
based planning uses information coming from sensors - inertial navigation with accelerometers.
to calculate the optimal path [4]. The most common Dead reckoning is a technique which bases on the
sensor type used for obstacle detection are laser range measurements of speed for each driving wheel and
scanners and ultrasonic sensors [1][2][10][22] leads to determine current location of the robot from
[261~271~281~291~71. the previous position and calculated path.
The first mentioned type of sensor is quite complicated Magnetic or optical encoders are rather common
and relatively cxpensive device, thus it is not good scnsors utilizcd by that method.
solution for electric wheelchair. However there is Complete path calculation algorithm depends on the
interesting way of utilizing laser beams in detecting vehicle kinematics. Some examples can be found in
obstacles. The laser pointers mark lines on the surface [7]. Because of the possibility of enor that technique
and the CCD camera detects deformation of the image can be used in connection with accelerometers or
so it can detect both convex and concave obstacles periodically corrected by the localization system like
1271. Much more common are ultrasonic sensors. The GPS or different navigation system 1271.
sonar sensors have some limitations although it is In order to determine position of the robot there are
possible to apply them effectively if the robotic used map based navigation 171. In this case information
application designer is aware of the limitations [I]. rctrieved from sensor of the robot are utilized to
When using two or more ultrasonic sensors at the same generate local map of the surrounding environment.
time the crosstalk phenomenon appears, what means The local map is usually compared with global map,
that one sensor picks up the another sensor echo stored in robot controller memory to resolve current
[26][7]. Solution for that drawback is to apply position. The category of algorithms is known as map
advanced fire algorithm for ultrasonic sensors matching algorithms. That kind of methods can be used
[2][13][26]. It is possible to generate firing schedule of in indoor environments and require information from a
the multiple sensors where each sensor generates two few types of sensors, called as sensor fusion [27].
consecutive simals with individual delay between
them. A good idea is to use adaptive fire strategy in
which delays between adjacent sensor firing are 5. Path Planning Algorithms
modified depending on the crosstalk intensity level or
other devices using ultrasonic sensors presence Basic motion planning task was formulated in [18][9]
[2][26]. Another algorithm is based on the generating and it is as follows: Assuming that:
by each transducer pseudo random sequence of the - robot is a single rigid object
signal and analyzing the received signal by the DSP - motion of the robot is not limited by its
processor to calculate the correlation function between kinematics,
- it can move in two dimensional ,known static next step graph is being constructed to describe the set
space containing the obstacles as then set of and f m l l y the graph is being searched for the minimal
fixed rigid objects, path from initial point to the goal position. The
- Exact location of the obstacles is known to advantage of that method referring to sensor based
robot, navigation, is possibility of obtaining distance
- There are two points in the workspace of the measurement directly from sensor data [4]. Another
robot : the initial and target position. method for solving the path planning task is potential
The problem is to generate continuous path for the fields algorithm [15][25]. In that approach the
robot from the initial position to the target point mathematical model is being constructed assuming
without touching the obstacles. that:
The problem can be solved in the following steps: - The robot and obstacles are negatively
- Defining a graph representing geomehically charged particles,
surrounding environment, - the goal is positively charged particle and its
- Yerfonning a graph search to find a connected field attracts the robot
component between the node containing the - the robot bas is the only particle that has an
start point and the node containing the ability to move
destination point. - the repelling forces generated by e 9 h obstacle
The graph structures, describing the environment of field and attracting force of the goal bas to be
the robot can vary, depending on the detailed method. calculated
The most common algorithms are based on one of the - the objective of the robot is to pursuit to the
following. approaches: the Voronoi graph approach, global minimum of the repelling force, which
visibility roadmap approach, the cell decomposition means the goal position.
approach, and the potential field approach. The problem for that methods are local minimums,
The visibility graph method was developed by Lozano where robot can be trapped in. This method stands high
Perez [21]. The obstacles are approximated with requirements before data processing hardware.
polygons. All of the other obstacles vertices visible
from opposite obstacle vertex are connected with that
vertex. The connecting line must not intersect other 6. Structure of the Control System and
obstacle region. From the connecting lines the graph is
generated, the initial and goal positions of the robot are Master Control Algorithms
also connected with visible vertices. As the complete
graph is build it is searched for shortest path. Taking Most of the control system designs in area of robotic-
into account that real robot is not a particle and has wheelchairs requires appreciable processor capacity,
physical dimensions, it necessary to use obstacle which seems to be provided only by utilization of
growing [ZI] technique, to enlarge obstacles personal computer [1][6][26][28][29][12]. The
dimensions so the real robot does not touch them. structures of control systems are hierarchical. Robot
Another algorithm is based on the cell decomposition controller can assist the operator of the device on
approach, which is originally based on the dividing various levels depending on situation. This ranges from
two-dimensional map of the robot environment into no assistance of automatic control system in case of
rectangular regions. Each region is classified as free or basic movements to full navigation of the vehicle in
obstacle region. Obstacle regions are recursively case of task planning control. There can be
subdivided until minimal region size is reached. There implemented control system consisting from few units
is a graph build from the obtained cells. outfitted with local intelligence. The units can
The cells are nodes and adjoining sides are arcs. Each exchange (share) information between each other and
use it depending on the control mode [26].Various
arch gets a weight proportional to the distance between
control structures have in common application of
adjacent cells calculated from line segment connecting
midpoints of the adjacent cells sides. Graph is different control layers responsible for specific task
searched for shortest path between initial and goal l i e : general obstacle avoidance, door passing, wall
nodcs. Advanced solution for the method was following, goal reaching etc. In work referred in [28]
presented in [3]. The algorithm called occupancy grids probabilistic reasoning algorithm, based on Bayesian
is a variation of that method. The idea of the algorithm Networks was implemented in master control system.
is to divide space into rectangular regions and for each That method is suitable to use in case of incomplete
region determine the probability of the obstacle and uncertain information about the robot operating
presence basing on the sensor information. Optimal environment and causality existence. Different
path search algorithm lays on the minimum probability approach is presented in [29] where the fuzzy-logic
calculation for cells from initial to target position. based algorithm for the obstacle avoidance and
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- the distance between the robot and the nearest
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