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t-\d..I-l20lI0/01/2021 Rt: \'lIl, Sl. No.

tt (ST 3t)
Covemme ollndia
Ministry of Rural Developmenl
Departne.t of Rual De!.lopnent
(Mahahr Candhi NRECA)

lhc Pay & ccou.r Olticer

Colemme.r ol India
Minislry ol Rural Developmcnl
KrhhiBhasan. Nc$ Dclhi

suhi.d: \r,hrrm, c,ndh' \auon.l Rurul Lmnlo)mrnr currunr.c \cr rYrhrrm. c.ndh'
\REC\) parmenr ol J! ln( ol lL Ltrche ut r cnrrll A\Ntan(€ for
financirl rear 2021-22 to$rd{ s4€ c.mpnnctrt (ST) Cltesory to ihe St"te
Gov€rnm€nr otArs,n

' In conri.ulion
to lhis Minisrry's Molher Seclion Ordr ofeven No. daled 0?.06.2021./
I m dituled lo @nvey lhe stucrion of tne Prcsidor of India for rclee of m mounr ol
tu,1J,.?IJsl/-(Rtrper Ohe Cror.r'lrrnq rd.n Lrkn \eretrty Otre I hougDdf"o Hundr.d,
, rd Fifr, O..ODlyr ro Shk l-mplo) Uuaranrft I Lnd.\driomlFlNronic Fund Vdasemenr
ISFGF NeFVST accour of ArM our of fie bEI available amounr of wage's], ol
,/ R:.5116.70.1{9/.lR!.4oJ0Jl.0oor (S&clron Oder dared 07.0o.2021, tu.),/6.4c,r4e- lResdud
Amoui of pElions Mo$e! sscrion cnder daled 28.05.2021 witn u.o.No.208/FindceD02l-22,
dared 28.05.2021)l for inplene alion ofrh€ Mahaha Candhi NRECA durins lhe fimcial y.tu
2021.22 The ddrdik ,E s\ nnder!

B{lancc rcmrining our ofltorher s,nctnrn ord.r

datgd 07.06.2021

2 Tbe palmenr undcr DBl ato linked ro the FTOSsenerard bascd on primdy Ecords rerrained
at CP/Block lcvel ,nd rherture lhe accounrsrprimary records *ill bo audned b) lhe =ComptrcUer
md Audnor Ceneal ol lndia and rhe lDrcrnal Audn ol rhe P'incipal Accounh Otllcc fie .l
Minislry olRuralDevelopmenl in tcrms.aRule 2l I (l) ol lhe GeneEl liinancial Rulcs

l. Funher i.sullnenr out oflhe rcmainin8 smctioncd amounl would be Eleased s pcr Fr(x
enFred in MIS bt Slale Oovernment d rcflccrcd in PFMS

,1 lhe gant is lo{ards plan expendirur. and $ill bc urih/ed ror approved irems ol Noiks
subje.r b thecondidons laiddorvn in rhe \laharma (laidhi NRFCA cuidelines Nodc\iarion lion
rhe provisions ofthe Guidel esGpcrmissible

5. A1l other lems and condilions mentioncd in the M.rher Sancrion Order ol.v.n ni'mler
dared 07 062021 shsllrcmain rh.sms

6. l he DDO Manaha Gandhi NRLCA (2 r 671 7) Vinisr, r- o| RuEl Developme.r Ncv D.thi
tr'l'& D,r*.ns& ni,b F.rEu fi,('.o'.1.F r^,
7 The ainounl .renlloNd ,n P!tu I rhorc \ilL he rrnslered to the Shle
Assom in Slate Employncnl Cuinnlcc Fund NCTIUS ST - Accoutrl No. 40096157360in
St,lr Brnk oflndir, Disnnr B.rn.h.lrS Code No.SBIN0003030-

3. lhc cr$ndnurc is dcb.t.blc b thc blnnrnrg Hcad ol \.cornh und.r

Dethmcnlol Ru l D3\€tr)tnlcnl(t0:L II):

RumlEmDloymenr Gurbce Scheme (Sub Maior Head)

- Tribd ArB Sub Plm (MinorHad)
' A$islonce io District R uml D*e lopn nr ierDistsicr
Pogamme Coordinatou md orh.u
'Gruls for c@tim of$pirrl cers

9 Tlis issues under te pow6 delegared to rhis Minisrry md

consuhaio. wnb thci.

\$j\t,'trr lrirrrro, 1\lrhxrfrr (,rnrl\i \l{rl(; \ I

F R, i h.&!; &M.;;;
I Ee.omic Ofiicer, RE V Section
2 TheScctionOmcer(FinJ)
,\ssi(,nr Dirrrnn (Nlxhrrmr (;rnJhi \RE(:A)

{r, lhdq,,R oHTNNASIVAMY

$c,l ia/wEBn btr

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