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Teaching techonolgy is a method used to insert technology in it, one example is

Nearpod application. Nearpod my application was just a few months to find out from my
lecturer, he told the concept of nearpod. And after I heard his long exposure, I know nearpod is
almost the same application as powerpoint, but must be accessed by using the internet. If usual i
teach i need a powerpoint percentage, Lcd Projector and laptop. With nearpod we can
percentage using laptop and the participant / student can join my percentage by entering code.

In essence, the nearpod app works for percentage using the internet and participants can join
class / percentage with the code given by the lecturer through their laptop or smartphone. when
the lecturer to move the slide presentation, automatically on the student device slidenya was
replaced. sample image :

After trying several times Application of nearpod presentation percentage to lecturers teaching,
has advantages and disadvantages. (In my opinion).

Excess Nearpod:

1. Application Application of interest, can attract student / student attention

2. No need to require LCD Projector, because participants can see the percentage using laptop or
3. Application of Teaching Technology
in this application can be checked by students who mingikuti class or not

Nearpod Shortcomings:

1. Application using internet connection, so it takes high internet

2. Paid Apps to add features. check
3. Not yet can be measured whether the application down when used by many people
4. Slide size is limited
5. The number of users is also limited

Classdojo is an android educational site and app that helps teachers to improve
student behavior in the classroom quickly and practically. With classdojo, teachers can give
feedback on student behavior anytime, so that each positive student behavior can directly get
reinforcement. Without having to enter data, classdojo records and compiles student behavior
data, which can then be shared online with the student's parents or students themselves.
In this application, master can enter many classes at once, with interesting cartoon pictures that
represent each student. Teachers only need to invite the students to register through and download the application via any gadget either tablet or smartphone based
on android operating system .. After combining the names of students in one class, master has
been able to give positive or negative points on each behavior they are in the class instantly.
Anything that signifies positive or negative behaviors you can set yourself according to need.

To send classdojo analysis results to the parents of the students, the teachers simply
send invitations via email or provide parent code so they can access it themselves.

 Excess ClassDojo:
Facilitate the parents and check or monitor how the progress of their children / students.
Teachers will not spend too much time in the classroom to control student behavior and lose
time delivering material with this classdojo.

 Disadvantages of ClassDojo:
Requires smartphone as well as internet network. The problem is if the parent or student does
not have a smartphone or internet connection.

Teacher Kit is a simple, easy-to-use and feature-rich app application that keeps teaching
days like the wind by removing headaches with regular classroom administration. Teachers can
organize classes and manage students easily. TeacherKit is compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPod
Touch and all Windows 8 devices. On iOS devices, TeacherKit is available in 7 languages:
English, Arabic, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Russian. On Windows 8 devices,
Teacher Kit is available in both English and Arabic.

Advantages :

a. Accessible anywhere.
b. As a medium for monitoring the development of classes, individual students, to the
automation of report cards.

Disadvantages :

a. Not accessible without internet network (online).

b. The Operating System used is limited
c. The platform is just iOS.
d. Mobile based.

Difference :

This application is mobile based, not yet support on PC, but this application more practical use
by teacher in scope of learning.

ClassMarker is one application to create online quiz that can be used for free. This app
can only be accessed online. The classmarker access address is on the page.

Advantages :
1. Safe to use;
2. Easy to define the test settings;
3. Not requiring software installation;
4. Have a test certificate and can design a test award certificate;
5. Tests may be made publicly or privately;
6. Value of test results automatically available immediately;
7. Accessible via Personal Computer (PC), iPhonr, Chromebook, Smart Devices;
8. Online quiz test results can be downloaded and exported in excel form.

ClassMarker is not only used as an online quiz in education only, but also can be used
for business activities. Test types provided by ClassMarker consist of: multiple choice, true false,
free text, grammar, and essay. As for being able to create tests on this application, you must
login first using an account already registered. However, if you do not have an account, then you
can register first for free.

Deficiency :
1. Must have an account registered in the classmarker to be able to create and develop online
2. To be able to access online quiz in this classmarker must require internet connected;
3. Facilities available for free access are still limited, for example to be able to import images and
questions in the form of files can not be used. As for being able to use this facility must
upgrade / pay in premium.

Is an application from a general Google account, accessible for free if you have a
Google account.

Advantages :
With Google Forms, users can create a form that can be found by everyone around the
world. To fill in the Form created in the Google Form, the respondent does not need to have a
Google account so it can be said that Form is general. Making Google Form can be done through
laptops, computers, and even smartphones.
With Google Forms, you can create and send surveys via email or by uploading them online
using Google Drive.

Disadvantages :
However, Google Forms does not provide the means to upload questions into
Facebook or any other web, but what you can upload is your already linked survey and it can be
done directly from your form page. Google Forms only has one version of the service, which is a
free service with unlimited question submission, but with limited features.

Form is very useful to facilitate someone to contact to your email / contacts, booking your
product order / business.How to make this form? How easy it is easy you just visit web form
builder that is is according to ane own easy settinganya and have the feature
custom color, font, width and height of form.Another interesting feature is also provided
example of template form which is uniquely designed.

Advantages :
1. can be used in blog
2. free
3. notifications sent directly to registered email.
4. can upload files and sent to registered email.

Deficiency :
for free can only make the form can not be much.


Quizizz is one of the interesting web 2.0 applications to use in education. It is

considered capable of replacing old ways of quiz involving only paper and pens, which are
seen as boring. Quizizz is useless and does not require anything to pay. Through a quizizz
one can create new ones or try out the available quiz created by Quizizz users. Also, the
teacher may prefer to choose the same quiz that will be implemented, made live (live) or as a
home work.

Advantages :
1. You Do not Have to Look to the Infocus or Look into the laptop / computer Make Questions
2. You can see questions and answers in front of your screen.

Disadvantages When Using Quizizz.

1. Requires fast internet connection.


KAHOOT Games there are 2 modes, namely mode creator and Player mode. Creator
mode is used to conceptualize the questions and answers, determine the duration of the
answer time, and launch the game. While Player mode is used by game players to join the
game by entering PIN and nickname. One game is represented by 1 PIN number.

The Advantages While Playing Kahoot Is :

1.Not Easy or Slow Connection Connection

Lack of Kahoot

1. Can See Your Friends' Answers

2. Can not See Questions Provided.

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