Ms SSC 102 Jervyn E. Guianan II-A Activity 6 Answer The Following

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MS SSC 102

Jervyn E. Guianan II-A

Activity 6
Answer the following:
1. Enumerate the types of case studies based on content and give your own
example for each.
a. Live Case Studies
 This are often used or based in an ongoing event, where it has
caught attention to students and other members of the society.
 Example: 15billion PhilHealth Scandal
b. Historical Case Studies
 This case study focuses on many questionable written or non-
written cases of the past, it can be for a country, an event, and
many more. Well I have said cases for this case study are
somewhat use to prove if it is fiction or real.
 Example: First Christian Mass in the Philippines
c. Economics Case Studies
 This type of case study has it point of view on different economical
entities and such as economic stability of a company, business, or
even a country.
 Example: Weekly Budget of a Boarding College Students
d. Social Issues Case Studies
 This may vary too many likely studies, but I do believe that this
case study focuses more on societal problems and issues that is
needed to answered or understand completely.
 Example: Growth on Numbers Teen Age Pregnancy
e. Student Development Case Studies
 This can be often experience in college classes and sometimes in
high school classes too. This is an problem based inquiry method
that use to answer a question that needed data gathering for further
accuracy of the answer
 Example: Study Habits

2. Why case study is considered a problem-based learning strategy?

Based on my understanding a problem-based learning (PBL) strategy is
considered if the learners or the students is having unfamiliarity with the problem,
but do consider solving it. PBL can be considerably done through open inquiry,
teamwork, and critical thinking and these three is also an process listed in a case

3. What are the benefits of using case study in instruction?

Case study has so many good gain brought to the students. Case studies
sharpens students mind lifting their critical thinking skill to another level, their
problem solving skills, and sometimes communication skills.

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