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Graphing linear non Proportional Relationships by

Using Slope and y-intercept

Table of Content

Real-life application.........................................................................................................................4
Challenging and critical thinking questions....................................................................................4
Extra Resources:..............................................................................................................................7


I recall from previous classes that the slope-intercept form of a line's equation is y = mx + b. The
slope m and the y-intercept b are easily seen in this form. So, by charting the point (0, b) and
utilizing the slope to get a second point, you may easily draw a line using this form.


 Linear equations are first-order equations. In the coordinate system, these equations are
defined for lines. A linear equation is an equation for a straight line. The straight-line
equation is written as y=mx+b, where m denotes the line's slope and b denotes the y-
intercept (Hattikudur et al. 2012).

 The first-order equations are known as linear equations. In the coordinate system, these
equations are defined for lines.

 Because the largest exponent of variables is 1, linear equations are also known as first-
degree equations.

 This form of problem is known as a Linear equation in one variable when it has a
homogeneous variable. In other words, a line equation is created by linking zero to a
linear polynomial over any field, and then calculating the coefficients (Ceuppens et al.
 The answers to linear equations produce values that, when substituted for the unknown
values, make the equation true. There is just one solution in the case of one variable, such
as x+2=0. The solutions to the two-variable linear equation, on the other hand, are
computed as the Cartesian coordinates of a point in the Euclidean plane.
 If we look into the Linear Relationship the equation becomes (y=mx+b), where "m"
denotes the line's slope and "b" denotes the point at which the line crosses the "y" axis.
It's vital to remember that either "m" or "b," or both, might be zero or negative. The
function is just a horizontal line at a distance of "b" from the "x" axis if "m" is zero
(Dettmers et al. 2018).

 It is non-proportional if a connection is nonlinear. It might be proportional or non-
proportional if it is linear. The relationship is proportionate when the graph of the linear
connection encompasses the origin.
 When graphed on a coordinate plane, a linear equation has ordered pairs of solutions that
form a line (Hamilton, Ying & Leskovec, 2017).
 The graph does not pass through the origin and the connection may be linear but not

Real-life application

 Ken aims to burn 2400 calories each week by going on vigorous walks. The number of
calories y Ken has left to burn after x hours of walking at 300 calories per hour is
represented by the equation y = -300x + 2400.

Challenging and critical thinking questions

Ken aims to burn 2400 calories each week by going on vigorous walks. After x hours of walking
at 300 calories per hour for two weeks, the equations y = -300x + 2400 and y = -240x + 3000
show the number of calories y Ken has left to burn. How can you tell if the connection is
proportional or non-proportional based on the graph?


Ken aims to burn 2400 calories each week by going on vigorous walks. The number of calories y
Ken has left to burn after x hours of walking at 300 calories per hour is represented by the
equation y = -300x + 2400.

1. How many hours of walking will Ken have left to burn 600 calories?

2. How long would it take him to meet his weekly goal?

Solution : 

Step 1 :

 y  =  -300x + 2400

b = 2400 is the y-intercept. Plot the position where the y-intercept is found: (0, 2400).

Step 2 : 

Write the slope as a fraction.

m  =  -300/1  =  -600/2  =  -900/3

Using -900/3 as the slope aids in the creation of a more realistic graph.

m = -900/3 is the slope. To find the second point, use the slope. Since the slope equals rise / run,
count down 900 units and right 3 units from (0, 2400).

Then there's the new point (3, 1500).

Step 3 : 

Develop the graph by drawing the line through the points. 

Step 4 : 

To determine how many hours of walking Ken will have left to burn 600 calories, multiply the
number of hours he has walked by the number of hours he has walked.

On the y-axis, write 600 calories. Read from the y-axis to the x-axis.

We may deduce from the graph that Ken will have 600 calories to burn after 6 hours.

Step 5 : 

When there are no more calories to burn, Ken will achieve his weekly target. Find the place
where the line crosses the x-axis since every point on the x-axis has a y-value of 0.

After 8 hours of brisk walking, Ken will attain his objective.

Extra Resources:

Two skaters compete to be the first to cross the finish line in a race. The first skater has a 100-
meter lead and is skating at a 10-meter-per-second pace. The second skater is moving at a 15-
meter-per-second rate. How long will it take the second skater to catch up to the first?


Hattikudur, S., Prather, R. W., Asquith, P., Alibali, M. W., Knuth, E. J., & Nathan, M. (2012).
Constructing graphical representations: Middle schoolers' intuitions and developing
knowledge about slope and y‐intercept. School science and mathematics, 112(4), 230-
240. Retrieved from:

Ceuppens, S., Deprez, J., Dehaene, W., & De Cock, M. (2018). Design and validation of a test
for representational fluency of 9th grade students in physics and mathematics: The case
of linear functions. Physical review physics education research, 14(2), 020105. Retrieved

Dettmers, T., Minervini, P., Stenetorp, P., & Riedel, S. (2018, April). Convolutional 2d
knowledge graph embeddings. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (Vol. 32, No. 1). Retrieved from:

Hamilton, W. L., Ying, R., & Leskovec, J. (2017). Representation learning on graphs: Methods
and applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05584. Retrieved from:

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