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AH 115A

Flug's _Flowerly_Adventure
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

1 04:12 1 01:00 1 ABBY 1
Look at me --

Action Notes
Fade Up
ON ABBY, posing dramatically in an OLD FLOWERY DRESS and
FLOWERY HAT (re-use Judge Thorn’s hat). She’s having a blast.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

1 04:12 2 02:00 1 ABBY 1
Look at me --

Action Notes
Fade Up
ON ABBY, posing dramatically in an OLD FLOWERY DRESS and
FLOWERY HAT (re-use Judge Thorn’s hat). She’s having a blast.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

1 04:12 3 00:12 1 ABBY 1
-- I’m sooo flowery!
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

1 04:12 4 00:12 2 BOZZLY 2

Action Notes

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

1 04:12 5 00:12 2 BOZZLY 2

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

2 01:12 1 00:12 2 BOZZLY 2
Bozzly flowery, too!
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

2 01:12 2 00:12 2 BOZZLY 2
Bozzly flowery, too!

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

2 01:12 3 00:12 2 BOZZLY 2

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

3 01:00 1 00:12 2 BOZZLY 2
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

3 01:00 2 00:12 3 PRINCESS FLUG 3

Action Notes
WIDER STILL to include Princess Flug, with a couple flowers
in her crown. She looks a little disappointed.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

4 02:00 1 00:12 3 PRINCESS FLUG 3 Me, only a little flowery,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

4 02:00 2 00:12 3 PRINCESS FLUG 3
Hmmm. Me, only a little flowery,
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

4 02:00 3 00:12 3 PRINCESS FLUG 3
Hmmm. Me, only a little flowery,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

4 02:00 4 00:12 3 PRINCESS FLUG 3
. And me love flowers, me.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

5 01:12 1 00:12 4 ABBY 4
I’ll find you more flowers,
Princess Flug.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

5 01:12 2 00:12 She rummages in her closet

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

5 01:12 3 00:12 and comes out with several PLASTIC

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

6 01:00 1 00:12 5 MIRANDA 5
Don’t mind me,

Action Notes
just as MIRANDA enters, carrying a laundry
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

6 01:00 2 00:12 5 MIRANDA 5
, just grabbing the

Action Notes
As she WALKS THROUGH SHOT past Abby, Bozzly, and
Princess Flug to get to the bed:

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

7 05:00 1 01:00 5 MIRANDA 5
The laundry truck comes

Scene Duration Panel Duration

7 05:00 2 01:00
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

7 05:00 3 01:00

Scene Duration Panel Duration

7 05:00 4 01:00

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

7 05:00 5 01:00 pulls sheets off
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

8 01:20 1 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

8 01:20 2 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

8 01:20 3 00:10 6 ABBY 6

Action Notes
Abby puts all but a couple leis on Princess Flug.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

8 01:20 4 00:10 6 ABBY 6
Fuzztastically flowery!

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

9 02:00 1 00:12 6 ABBY 6

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

9 02:00 2 00:12 7 ABBY (CONT’D) 7
Since you’re here, you can be
flowery too!

Action Notes
WIDER to include Miranda as Abby calls to her, holding up the
last leis. Miranda has already stripped Abby’s bed; the
laundry basket is full of her flowery sheets.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

9 02:00 3 00:12 8 MIRANDA 8
I’d love that, Abby! Thank you.

Action Notes
Miranda moves to Abby.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

9 02:00 4 00:12 8 MIRANDA 8
I’d love that, Abby! Thank you.

Action Notes
She bends down so Abby can put the
leis around Miranda’s neck,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

10 03:00 1 00:12 9 BOZZLY 9
More flowers!

Action Notes
and Bozzly throws flower petals
from his pouch.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

10 03:00 2 00:12 9 BOZZLY 9
More flowers!

Action Notes
and Bozzly throws flower petals
from his pouch.

Scene Duration Panel Duration

10 03:00 3 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

10 03:00 4 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

10 03:00 5 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

10 03:00 6 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

11 03:12 1 00:12 As they continue... ANGLE ON PRINCESS FLUG, concerned.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

11 03:12 2 00:12 As they continue... ANGLE ON PRINCESS FLUG, concerned.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

11 03:12 3 02:12 10 PRINCESS FLUG 10
Me, need more flowers, me

Action Notes
As they continue... ANGLE ON PRINCESS FLUG, concerned.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

12 05:12 1 00:12 Then she notices Abby’s flowery sheets in the laundry basket!
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

12 05:12 2 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

12 05:12 3 00:12 11 PRINCESS FLUG (CONT’D) 11
Oooo, flowery!

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

12 05:12 4 02:12 She WADDLES to the basket and HOPS IN.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

12 05:12 5 00:12 12 PRINCESS FLUG (CONT’D) 12
Me, flowery gown, me!

Action Notes
She wraps the sheet
around her and poses.

Scene Duration Panel Duration

12 05:12 6 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

12 05:12 7 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

13 02:00 1 00:12 13 PRINCESS FLUG (CONT’D) 13
<YAWN> Flowery gown cozy. Me,
flowery nap, me.

Action Notes
But then she YAWNS in the coziness.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

13 02:00 2 00:12 13 PRINCESS FLUG (CONT’D) 13
<YAWN> Flowery gown cozy. Me,
flowery nap, me.

Action Notes
But then she YAWNS in the coziness.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

13 02:00 3 00:12 13 PRINCESS FLUG (CONT’D) 13
<YAWN> Flowery gown cozy. Me,
flowery nap, me.

Action Notes
But then she YAWNS in the coziness.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

13 02:00 4 00:12 13 PRINCESS FLUG (CONT’D) 13
<YAWN> Flowery gown cozy. Me,
flowery nap, me.

Action Notes
But then she YAWNS in the coziness.

Scene Duration Panel Duration

14 02:12 1 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

14 02:12 2 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I love it!

Action Notes
ANGLE ON Miranda, standing straight up again, but with the
flower leis around her neck
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

14 02:12 3 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I love it!

Scene Duration Panel Duration

14 02:12 4 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

14 02:12 5 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

15 05:00 1 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I’m the most flowery
thing since Spring!

Action Notes
She prances like a flowery fairy to the laundry basket, then
carries it out of the room.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

15 05:00 2 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I’m the most flowery
thing since Spring!

Action Notes
She prances like a flowery fairy to the laundry basket, then
carries it out of the room.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

15 05:00 3 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I’m the most flowery
thing since Spring!

Action Notes
She prances like a flowery fairy to the laundry basket, then
carries it out of the room.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

15 05:00 4 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I’m the most flowery
thing since Spring!

Action Notes
She prances like a flowery fairy to the laundry basket, then
carries it out of the room.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

15 05:00 5 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I’m the most flowery
thing since Spring!

Action Notes
She prances like a flowery fairy to the laundry basket, then
carries it out of the room.

Scene Duration Panel Duration

15 05:00 6 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

15 05:00 7 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

15 05:00 8 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

15 05:00 9 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

15 05:00 10 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

16 04:12 1 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

16 04:12 2 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

16 04:12 3 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

16 04:12 4 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

16 04:12 5 00:12 14 MIRANDA 14
I’m the most flowery
thing since Spring!

Action Notes
She prances like a flowery fairy to the laundry basket, then
carries it out of the room.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

16 04:12 6 01:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

16 04:12 7 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

17 02:00 1 00:12 15 ABBY/BOZZLY 15

Action Notes
Abby and Bozzly think it’s
hysterical and laugh.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

17 02:00 2 00:12 16 ABBY 16
Did you see that, Princess Flug?

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

17 02:00 3 00:12 16 ABBY 16
Did you see that, Princess Flug?

Scene Duration Panel Duration

17 02:00 4 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

18 01:12 1 00:12 17 ABBY (CONT’D) 17

Action Notes
She looks around and realizes Princess Flug isn’t there.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

18 01:12 2 00:12 17 ABBY (CONT’D) 17

Action Notes
She looks around and realizes Princess Flug isn’t there.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

18 01:12 3 00:12 18 BOZZLY 18
Maybe left to find more flowery

Action Notes
She looks around and realizes Princess Flug isn’t there.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

19 05:00 1 00:12 18 BOZZLY 18 find more flowery

Action Notes
There’s no sign of her. Bozzly turns to Abby.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

19 05:00 2 00:12 18 BOZZLY 18
Maybe left to find more flowery

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

19 05:00 3 00:12 19 ABBY 19
I guess...
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

19 05:00 4 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

19 05:00 5 00:12 19 ABBY 19
(then, excited:) We
should find more flowery stuff too!

Scene Duration Panel Duration

19 05:00 6 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

19 05:00 7 00:12 20 BOZZLY 20

Scene Duration Panel Duration

19 05:00 8 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

19 05:00 9 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

19 05:00 10 00:12 And as they rummage through the armoire...

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

20 01:12 1 00:12 21 MIRANDA 21
I wish there was an easy way to get
all this laundry to the basement.

Action Notes
Miranda blows her hair out of her face as she lugs the
laundry basket.

Scene Duration Panel Duration

20 01:12 2 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

20 01:12 3 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

21 03:00 1 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

21 03:00 2 00:12 She moves towards the elevator, but before she can get there,
PASSAGEWAY! The Squeaky Peepers BOUNCE IN and down the hall,
and Miranda has to back up to get out of their way.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

21 03:00 3 00:12 22 SQUEAKY PEEPERS 22
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Slip and slide ‘til day is

Action Notes
The Squeaky Peepers BOUNCE IN

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

21 03:00 4 00:12 22 SQUEAKY PEEPERS 22
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage

Scene Duration Panel Duration

21 03:00 5 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

21 03:00 6 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

22 03:12 1 00:12 22 SQUEAKY PEEPERS 22
Slip and slide ‘til day is

Action Notes
and down the hall,
and Miranda has to back up to get out of their way.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

22 03:12 2 00:12 22 SQUEAKY PEEPERS 22
Slip and slide ‘til day is

Action Notes
and down the hall,
and Miranda has to back up to get out of their way.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

22 03:12 3 00:12 22 SQUEAKY PEEPERS 22
Slip and slide ‘til day is

Action Notes
and down the hall,
and Miranda has to back up to get out of their way.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

22 03:12 4 00:12 22 SQUEAKY PEEPERS 22
Slip and slide ‘til day is

Action Notes
and down the hall,
and Miranda has to back up to get out of their way.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

22 03:12 5 00:12 22 SQUEAKY PEEPERS 22
Slip and slide ‘til day is

Action Notes
and down the hall,
and Miranda has to back up to get out of their way.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

22 03:12 6 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

22 03:12 7 00:12 23 MIRANDA 23
That’s it!

Action Notes
Miranda smiles, realizing:

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

23 04:00 1 00:12 Miranda smiles, realizing:
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

23 04:00 2 00:12 23 MIRANDA 23
The Fuzzly secret
passageways go all the way down to
the basement... my wish came true!

Action Notes
Miranda smiles, realizing:

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

23 04:00 3 00:12 23 MIRANDA 23
The Fuzzly secret
passageways go all the way down to
the basement... my wish came true!

Action Notes
Miranda smiles, realizing:

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

23 04:00 4 00:12 Miranda smiles, realizing:
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

23 04:00 5 00:12 Miranda smiles, realizing:

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

23 04:00 6 00:12 She DUMPS the laundry, Princess Flug and all (she doesn’t see
Princess Flug), down the passageway, then walks away happily,
with her now empty basket.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

23 04:00 7 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,

Action Notes
She DUMPS the laundry, Princess Flug and all (she doesn’t see
Princess Flug), down the passageway, then walks away happily,
with her now empty basket.

casual with basket
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

23 04:00 8 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

Still wrapped among the sheets, zips down the passageway...STILL FAST

Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 2 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

24 06:00 3 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,

Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 4 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 5 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 6 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 7 01:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 8 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 9 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

24 06:00 10 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 1 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 2 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 3 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 4 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 5 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 6 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 7 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

25 04:00 8 00:12 24 MIRANDA (CONT’D) 24
(singing) Fuzzly Secret Passage
fun/ Laundry slide to basement,

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

26 00:12 1 00:12 25 PRINCESS FLUG 25

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

27 03:12 1 00:12 26 PRINCESS FLUG 26

Action Notes
stirs in her sleep the
littlest bit and snuggles deeper in the sheets, then snores
some more.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

27 03:12 2 00:12 26 PRINCESS FLUG 26

Action Notes
stirs in her sleep the
littlest bit and snuggles deeper in the sheets, then snores
some more.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

27 03:12 3 00:12 26 PRINCESS FLUG 26

Action Notes
stirs in her sleep the
littlest bit and snuggles deeper in the sheets, then snores
some more.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

27 03:12 4 00:12 26 PRINCESS FLUG 26

Action Notes
stirs in her sleep the
littlest bit and snuggles deeper in the sheets, then snores
some more.
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

27 03:12 5 00:12 O.S. <BEEP BEEP>.

Scene Duration Panel Duration

27 03:12 6 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

27 03:12 7 00:12
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

28 00:12 1 00:12 27 UNIFORMED MAN 27
Laundry for the Hatcher Palace

Action Notes
ANGLE ON the outside, basement, garage door as it opens TO
REVEAL a truck with its back doors open, right there, backed
up to the door

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

29 02:00 1 00:12 27 UNIFORMED MAN 27
Laundry for the Hatcher Palace
Hotel... check.

Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

29 02:00 2 00:12 Then he slides the laundry cart into the back of his truck
(re-use truck from “There’s Only One Bozzly”).
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Scene Duration Panel Duration

29 02:00 3 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

29 02:00 4 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

30 02:12 1 00:12 28 PRINCESS FLUG 28

Action Notes
CLOSE ON PRINCESS FLUG, still obliviously asleep as the
Uniformed Man wheels in the large laundry cart with Flug
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

30 02:12 2 00:12 28 PRINCESS FLUG 28

Action Notes
CLOSE ON PRINCESS FLUG, still obliviously asleep as the
Uniformed Man wheels in the large laundry cart with Flug

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

30 02:12 3 00:12 28 PRINCESS FLUG 28

Action Notes
CLOSE ON PRINCESS FLUG, still obliviously asleep as the
Uniformed Man wheels in the large laundry cart with Flug

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

30 02:12 4 00:12 28 PRINCESS FLUG 28

Action Notes
CLOSE ON PRINCESS FLUG, still obliviously asleep as the
Uniformed Man wheels in the large laundry cart with Flug
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Action Notes

30 02:12 5 00:12 Then the Uniformed Man leaves and SLAMS the doors shut!

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

31 02:12 1 00:12 28 PRINCESS FLUG 28

Action Notes
CLOSE ON PRINCESS FLUG, still obliviously asleep as the
Uniformed Man wheels in the large laundry cart with Flug

Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

31 02:12 2 00:12 28 PRINCESS FLUG 28

Action Notes
CLOSE ON PRINCESS FLUG, still obliviously asleep as the
Uniformed Man wheels in the large laundry cart with Flug
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Scene Duration Panel Duration Dialog

31 02:12 3 00:12 28 PRINCESS FLUG 28

Action Notes
CLOSE ON PRINCESS FLUG, still obliviously asleep as the
Uniformed Man wheels in the large laundry cart with Flug

Scene Duration Panel Duration

31 02:12 4 00:12

Scene Duration Panel Duration

31 02:12 5 00:12

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