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Quarter 1 - English 10
Lesson 4: Reading and Writing


Research writing requires a lot of citing your sources

to support your claims. The evidence you will use
must be based on facts and must also be cited for
your research to be valid and reliable. Therefore,
personal opinions about a subject will not be
deemed reliable and important. The initial
activities in this experience guide will review
your knowledge of evaluating the supporting
evidence used in a text as another skill you
need to use for research writing.

Critical thinking question: How is knowing

how to evaluate evidence relevant to
research writing?

Do this activity with your LF to get started. Discuss your thoughts on the questions with
the class.

Situation: You came across a viral post that attempts to prove that the news
posted by a known newspaper is fake. The post has already reached more than a
hundred thousand social media users and many Filipinos are sharing it including
your relatives. What is the first thing you do when you see posts like this? What
do you do with this information?



At the end of this lesson, I can:
1. follow the development of an author’s argument, identifying and evaluating
supporting evidence for adequacy, appropriateness, and accuracy
2. compose the first draft of our research outline using the correct structure with an
initial set of research questions

LESSON LENGTH: 4 hours (240 minutes)

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● Earphones/headphones
● Notebook and pen for note-taking


Get Started! Synchronous 30 mins

Experience 1: How is knowing how to evaluate Asynchronous 40 mins

evidence relevant to research writing?

Experience 2: What questions does your Asynchronous 30 mins

research paper want to find answers to?

Experience 3: In general, what is your research Asynchronous 60 mins

going to be about?

Experience 4: How can I improve? Synchronous 30 mins

Experience 5: Independent Study Asynchronous 50 mins




Because of technology, information is now everywhere and as daily consumers of

information, we are often exposed to risks of accessing content that means either to
deceive or actually inform us. During the synchronous activity with your LF, you may have
answered to do fact-checking first before believing the viral post. Similar to fact-checking
is evaluating the evidence used to support an author’s arguments in a text. Doing this
helps you become more critical consumers of information.

Read WIKI: Evaluating Evidence to know more about how you can evaluate

Now, go back to the previous activity you did during the synchronous session.
What will you do when an article that contains a controversial issue goes viral?
Read and examine READING MATERIAL: Economist’s fake news on Sinovac
efficacy. This is the article being talked about in the situation above. Follow the
guidelines for evaluating evidence mentioned in the WIKI.

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Based on your evaluation, what would you write as a caption when you give your
opinion about the post? Share your answer in the LMS.

Go to this link to access the article that the author mentioned in the text.


Show your understanding of the concepts learned in this experience by

answering the following questions in the LMS:

1. What is the main point or argument of the article?

2. What can you infer about the author’s attitude toward the vaccine brand
being talked about in the article? Why do you say so?
3. What can you infer about his attitude toward the news report he is
criticizing? Which parts in his article made you say so?
4. How was he able to prove his points? Do you think the evidence he has
cited is adequate? Accurate? Appropriate?
5. What do other studies or articles say about the Sinovac vaccine?
6. What persuasive features are present in the article?
7. Enumerate the steps you took to closely examine the article and its
evidence before commenting on its content.
8. Why do we need to evaluate evidence?
9. How will this knowledge help in your daily casual life?

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10. How will your knowledge of this help you in research writing?


Watch this video as optional material if you’re having difficulty answering

Checkpoint 1. You can also go to WIKI: Review on Persuasive Structures to recall
your lessons on persuasive features and structure and to help you understand
the text better. Make sure to go back to the questions after watching.

● English communication arts and skills
● Practical research 2

Videos used:
● Learn English with Rebecca [engVid]. (2013, May 29). How to Discuss a Topic in a
Group [Video]. Youtube.
● BBC Learning English. (2018, March 30). What They Really Mean: Questions As
Warnings [Video]. YouTube.
● Mrs. Leonardo. (2015, December 2). Example of an Excellent Academic Conversation
[Video]. YouTube.

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any third party, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited unless made with prior written consent from APEC
Schools. Violation or noncompliance shall be dealt with according to law.
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