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The wo theories that have propounded by the two schorlas are relevant and effective inthe

local government ministries and managers stand in a position of implementating these

ideologies and theories .Max Weber says that bureaucracy is the basis for the systematic
formation of any organisation and is designed to ensure efficiency and economic
effectiveness. It is an ideal model for management and its administration to bring an
organisation’s power structure into focus. With these observations, he lays down the basic
principles of bureaucracy and emphasises the division of labour, hierarchy, rules and
impersonal relationship. On the other hand Henri Fayol provides with us the administrative
principles among others that includes Division of Work, centralisation,initiative ,scalar
change and esprit de corps among others.

The managers of the local authorities can become effective in their organization if they
apply the principles outlines by the two theorists and firstly ,

Starting with the Task Speciaoization by Max Weber

Tasks are divided into simple, routine categories on the basis of competencies and
functional specialisations. Every employee is responsible for what he/she does best and
knows exactly what is expected of him/her. By dividing work on the basis of specialisation,
the organisation directly benefits. For example the manager of the local government of Beit
bridge ensures that the town council relies on concept in championing road development,
refusing collection and street lightening (Muleya ,2011) these type if infrastructure are large
in scale and have identifiable revenue steams and measurable results, however this is only
archived if council employees are not getting in one's fields.

Similarly Henri Fayol privides the same principle namley "Division of work".it states that
staff perform better at work when they are assigned jobs according to their specialization.
Hence, division of work to smaller elements turn out to be dominant. Specialization is
important as staff perform specific tasks not only at a single time but as a routine duty also
(Uzuegbu&Nnadozie, 2015).
Moving forward to the principle of Hieracy

This is essentially the trademark and foundation of a bureaucracy. The hierarchy of authority is
a system in which different positions are related in order of precedence and in which the
highest rank on the ladder has the greatest power. The bottom layers of bureaucratic
organizational structures are always subject to supervision and control of higher layers. In the
contemporary Zimbabwean local government,the manager should ensure that they is are
bureaucratic sturtures by setting up officises with certain individuals with ranks of power and
not direct confrontations when they are certain issues to be addressed.the degree of
delegation clearly lays out how powers and responsibilities are divided

This also similar with a an administrative principle by Henri Fayo , Scalar Chain.

Scalar chain depicts there should be a clear line of authority in an organization so that when
one sees the need to “Escalate things” then you know the line of authority (Bhasin, 2016).
When faced with emergencies or in catastrophic situations, one should know the right line of
authority to handle such situations.This is better considering a situation where in an
organization, there exists one head/boss.

Rules and imperaonal relationships

Regulations and clear requirements create distant and impersonal relationships between
employees, with the additional advantage of preventing nepotism or involvement from
outsiders or politics. These impersonal relationship are a prominent feature of bureaucracies.
Interpersonal relationships are solely characterised by a system of public law and rules and
requirements. Official views are free from any personal involvement, emotions and feelings.
Decisions are solely made on the basis of rational factors, rather than personal factors. The
Manager of any local government issues gets an idea of not being involved in Nepotism wch has
greatly dominated in the Zimbabwean local governments .
The epidemic nature of corruption and it's manifestation in local authorities such as Gokwe
are attributed to a number of shortcomings which include but not limited to the existence of
political patronage .According to (2017).it is alleged that the current Town
secretary (Melania Mandeya) was offered the position of Town Secretary despite of having
come fourth inthe interviews and not having the required qualifications.Before interviews, the
panel allegedly coached by the then Council chairperson to give more marks to Melania
Mandeya . These are forms of nepotism that requires to be put out of box and get dealt with
accordingly therefore managers should take responsibility using the Max Weber principle.

Further more , we look at the administrative principles that have been allerveted by

Henri Fayol.

Centralisation and decentralization

According to (Bhasin, 2016). Centralization is when there are few selected people in control of
making decisions in an organization, especially when the concentration of control of an
organization is under a single authority, this occurs mostly in large organizations. On the other
hand, Decentralization is when there islarger amount of people with decision making authority
in the organization. It is when decision-making authority is distributed throughout a larger
group, mostly in smaller businesses.

The managers in Zimbabwean local authorities should strike a balance between both as there is
need for employees to make decisions. It is noticed that in contemporary management,
employees‟ initiative tends to be encouraged. In the studied startups, they have employees
make decision all dependent on the severity of the decision. However, certain decisions made
have to be from the top management and heads of departments. According to the daily News
(2015) they have been complaints at the Zvishavane town council that the employees do not
posses any form of autonomy and all the procedures undertaken are all decisions based on
managerial influence.

It is stated under this principle that management should provide from time to time creative
ideas, skills and more convenient methods to carry out tasks in the organization. For this
principle to be successfully executed in the Local government of Zimbabwe, it entails Managers
being creative to initiate new ideas and also implement them, give room for employees to
contribute to the innovation and productivity of the organization. It has been said inthe Sunday
Mail 12 June 2019."The failure of the local authority to site suitable areas for new Town
development" in most cases the manage are the root cause of it as they employees unqualified
employees and also to plan their ideas alone without considering what even the employees
think about it.

This principle was directly relating to Managers in such minicipalities that resides in both urban
and rural ssettlements,but the Contemporary age,staff have in turn become the idea-house and
bedrock of organisations. It however has been observed in African countries that group
problem-solving systems are patronized against dependence on top level management as the
problem-solving point (Magjuka, 1991 & 1992).

Esprit de Corps

This principle emphasizes on team work and team spirit. For an organization to achieve the best
result, there should be a unified and effective integration and coordination of both individual
and group effort. However, unity is the strength of this principle. The manager of any local
institution can become effective through aspirering team spirit amongst employees of the
organizationof which all of them must consider themselves as members of the organisations
further maintaining high morale and unity amongst themselves.(Pathak, 2014) insisted that the
principle is based on two theories “Unity is strength” and “Unity of staff is the foundation of
success in any organization”. Thus, the principle states that both the staff and management
should work together to accomplish the objectives.
Having analyzed the principles of management‟ as proposed by Henri Fayol the principls of
bureaucracy by Max Weber, it can be brazenly said that they are needed in Startup
organizations including the Local authorities as they are being applied in others. The managers
can become effective in implementating these principles intheir organisations as demonstrated
above. It can also be argued that due to occurrence of diverse managerial styles, some of this
principle have been subject to alteration and redefining, but with the aim of making them
better and more effective to organisations upon application.

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