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Guía Diagnóstica Programa: Servicios- Licenciatura en Español e inglés

Asignatura: Inglés II Código: 27603018

Créditos: 3 Plan de estudios: 1029

Horas de trabajo dirigido: 3 horas semanales Horas de trabajo independiente: 6 horas semanales


La guía diagnóstica permite identificar las fortalezas y las dificultades en el desarrollo de los procesos de aprendizaje que los
estudiantes han tenido en su trayectoria académica, y contribuye a definir estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje para alcanzar el
nivel esperado.


Name ________________________________ Surname:_______________________ Date:__________________

Score 5
Use of English and Vocabulary
1. Is he Michael? a) No, he is. b) Yes, he is. c) Yes, he does. d) Yes, he’s.

c) I´m Fine.
2. I’m Miss Martin. How do you do? a) How old are you? b) God morning Thanks d) Good morning.

b) I went to the
3. How did you do yesterday? a) I’m English. doctor c) Fine. d) Yes, I am.

4. My father's brother is my… a) daughter b) uncle c) aunt d) cousin

5. Why are you doing this course? a) It’s more cheap. b) It’s more cheaper. c) It cheap d) It’s cheaper

Circle a, b, c, or d for the answer you consider is the best.

Choose a, b, or c to complete the sentences Complete with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

6. Who ___ your favorite writer? a) is b) are c) am 11. _____John like yoga? Yes, he_______.
7. My hobbies ____languages and Maths. a) is b) are c) am 12. Tim and Phil ______like rice, but they like pasta.
8. I ___from Italy. a) is b) are c) am 13. ______Sally and Mark like tennis?
9. Rob and Matt ___my best friends. a) is b) are c) am 14.Carla _______like football or swimming.
10. Jane’s favorite class ___English. a) is b) are c) am 15.We _______like Jennifer Lopez.

Score 5 Score 5

Read the passage and answer the follow up questions according to the reading. Circle A, B or C

Our Toy Shop

Hi, my name is Amy. I am twelve years old. We have a small toy shop in our neighborhood. My father says Fridays
are the busiest day in our toy shop. So after school, my mom takes me there to help my dad. That's another reason
why I like Fridays. We allow kids to play with the toys when they are in the store. My father says I am responsible
for the toys and that I need to watch and make sure nothing breaks. Many kids from my school and neighborhood
also come to the shop to look at our new toys. It is always noisy here. Because it’s full of babies and small children.
Little girls tend to go for dolls. Boys go for cars. Some just want to play with the toys, some actually want to buy
them. It’s a bit tiring for me but I like going to the shop and helping my father.

1. Which of the following questions you cannot answer? Score 10

A) Where is the toy shop?

B) When is it the busiest day in the toy shop?

C) Why is the toy shop so noisy?

D) What’s the name of the toy shop?

2. Which of the followings is

incorrect? A) Amy goes to school.

B) Amy enjoys helping his father in the toy shop.

C) Kids can play with the toys at the store without buying them.

D) Amy’s mother works at the toy shop too.

3. Why does Amy help his father on Fridays?

A) Because it’s the busiest day.

B) Because she doesn’t go to school.

C) Because she wants to play with the toys.

D) Because she doesn’t like Fridays.

Score 25
Test your English at Cambridge Assessment English

For the questions below, please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation. Page2 of 5. As soon as you finish
it, please scan and sent your score at Moodle.

Click at: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/es/test-your-english/general-english/


Los criterios de evaluación están direccionados a medir los conocimientos lingüísticos: uso del vocabulario y comprensión de lectura.

A continuación se describen las valoraciones cuantitativas:



Excellent You understand fully and…

5.0- 4.6  Complete sentences and questions

 Use vocabulary and grammar in questions and sentences
 Answer reading comprehension questions
 Interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test
Very Good You understand fully and respond...

45- 4.1  Complete sentences and questions

 Use vocabulary and grammar in questions and sentences
 Answer reading comprehension questions
 Interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test
Good You understand and respond

4.0 – 3.6  Accomplish the task but present some difficulties in sentence and structures
 The reading comprehension contains some errors in details.
 Few errors in grammar
 Interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test with some errors
Average You seem to understand…

3.5 – 3.1  Accomplish the task but present some difficulties in sentence and structures
 The reading comprehension contains some errors in details.
 Few errors in grammar
 Interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test with some errors
Fair You seem to understand and respond…

3.0 – 2.6  Great number of answer are incorrectly

 Answer but present difficulties in grammar and sentence structure
 Develop the task even though there are difficulties to find words
 Interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test with plenty errors
Needs Improvement You seem to understand and respond…

2.5 – 2.1  Provide limited answers due to grammatical problems

 Develop the task but presents problems in reading comprehension
 Need to improve vocabulary
 Interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test a lot mistakes
Poor You do not seem to understand and…

2.0 – 1.6  You seem hardly understand the reading topic

 Answer incorrectly due to grammatical problems
 Can hardy develop the task due to lack of vocabulary and grammar structure
 The reading comprehension is misunderstanding
 Interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test but it is incomplete
Very Poor You do not seem to understand and…

1.5 – 1.0  Not response reading comprehension questions

 No interact with technology to answer the Cambridge Assessment English Test h
 Grammar is extremely poor
 Confuse words and grammar aspects
Elaborado por: Actualizado por:
María Eugenia Monroy Edward Saavedra García
Mg. en Educación ph.D Applied Linguistics – Mg. En Educación
Facultad de Educación
Universidad Antonio Nariño

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