Integrating Project Essay

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RZL110_C4 Group 3


Hossain, Shailani

Mallari, Nickole Iris

Yañez, Allen Jacob P.

Jose Rizal is a significant person in Philippine history as the national hero who,

through his literary works, provoked a revolution. Even though his novels Noli Me

Tangere and El Filibusterismo are taught in high schools, teachers seldom address the

circumstances that led to the writing of these books.

This project is entitled “The First Filipino”. We chose this title because as a group

we’ve been amazed that Rizal is the first person who called us Filipino. This project was

developed by the group as a tribute to Dr. Jose Rizal, who was on a path of improving

the homeland and sacrificing a great deal to liberate the country from Spanish

colonialism when he came up with the idea. The project's goal is not only for people to

recognize Rizal's name as a writer and hero, but also for them to see and understand

the journey he traveled that led to a breakthrough and learn for them to be surprised

and have fun in an appreciating manner while learning about him.

In making the project, the group followed five main steps to be completed:

research, relation, script, recording, and editing. The members of the group did the first

two steps individually. After making sure that everyone has something to share, they
decided to have a group discussion. During the discussion, the group made an outline

of the topics that should be discussed in the project as well as how to execute them.

When the topics are finalized, each member of the group is assigned on which part of

the project they are willing to contribute. The members then wrote their own scripts to

smoothen the flow of information in the video and to capture the situations that will be

presented. These scripts served as the narration for each member, who also individually

recorded their parts. The video includes and addresses the topic discussed in the

sharing and it was then did to correlation, in which the topic's information was

compared and reflected to the problems our society is facing.

The first paragraph of the script is the introduction. It was discussed in the

introduction how influential and known Rizal is to the people. A brief background about

his occupations was mentioned and the topics that were about to be tackled was

mentioned in question form.

In the second paragraph, a brief background about the life of Rizal and how his

intuition came to him that built his intention to correct what was wrong in our country.

This is important because it will give the audience a recap so that they can relate to the

topics that will be discussed in the video. Events such as the first bad encounter that

Rizal experienced, his progress in studying and mentioned some people that were with

him during his journey. In the second paragraph, the things Rizal fought for was

mentioned. His intentions and way of saving this country which was not a violent way

was also mentioned. This will hone the imagination of the audience for the main

discussion and will also serve as another recap for those who knew Rizal already.
For the last paragraph, modern issues in our country were correlated to what

Rizal fought, both negative and positive outcomes. First, the positive result of the

heroism of Rizal was discussed. Things like freedom of speech and equal treatment

were mentioned. After that the negative discussion was conducted. In that part, the

video tackled the issue that our country currently has to the ones that was fought by

Rizal and wished to change. It was discussed there that instead of removing those

negative habits that oppressed us, we tend to do the same to our fellow countrymen.

This will give the audience realizations and insight on how cruel and beautiful our world

is.  In the end, we included a short message about voting for the right person to justify

the sacrifices of our heroes. It was included to encourage everyone to vote for the right

person through research and gathering of info.

The group presented several features of Dr. Jose Rizal, using infographics

inspired by Nas Daily to capture the audience's attention. It is the technique chosen

because of its unique method of conveying information and communicating with

viewers. The subject, Rizal's path to being a national hero and the present world's

connection, offers an outline of Rizal's life and experiences on his way to becoming a

national hero.

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