A Letter On Karabakh

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The Main informations about Karabakh

Dear UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund),

We are writing to inform you about Karabakh and some facts of it. Here is all the information that you
can take advantage of in understanding the real and non -bias facts about the current would ike to travel
back to the history of the
In 1747, Panahali khan of the Javanshir, one of the well known Khans (Khan - is a historic title used in
some medieval Central Asian societies to refer to a ruler or military leader. )of Azerbaijan dynasty founded
the Karabakh khanate. The Karabakh khanate was located in the south-east of the Lesser Caucasus
Mountains. The borders of the khanate stretched from the Araz River to Lake Goycha, from the Tartar
River to the whole plain and to Nagorno-Karabakh, Zangazur, Mehri, Tatev and Sisian for Bargushadik.
Khanate Sheki, Ganja, Iravan (nowadays Yerevan), Nakhchivan, Garadagh, Javad and Shamakhi
khanates were bordered.
The first appearance of Armenians in the South Caucasus (Transcaucasia) dates back to about BC. With
their entry into the region, aggressive actions against local states and peoples begin. BC of the Roman
Empire. With the destruction of Tigris II in 66, the fictional legend of "Greater Armenia" came to naught,
and they became vassals of Rome. This situation lasted until the 4th century. In this case, the description
of the historical lands of Albania temporarily occupied by the Armenians as an integral part of Armenia
has no scientific and historical basis. However, unlike the Armenians, the Azerbaijani-Albanian state
continued to pursue an independent policy, and the historical regions of Karabakh were part of it.
The great epos “The Book of Dede Korkud” a magnificent monument of Azerbaijani and all-Turkic oral
folk literature, also proves that Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan and that various Turkic ethnic groups
have lived here since ancient times. The epic "Dada Gorgud" was spread in all Azerbaijani lands,
including Karabakh, in the VI-VII centuries, including in the basin of Lake Goycha, which the
Armenians now call Sevan.
Ibrahim khan signed a contract with the commander of the Russian troops RD Sisianov (1802-1806) in
Kurakchay. According to the Kurakchay agreement, the Karabakh khanate was annexed to Russia as a
Muslim- Azerbaijani land. The Kurakchay Treaty, which reflects the historical reality, is also the most
authoritative document proving that Karabakh, as well as the mountainous part of this region, belongs to
the Azerbaijani people. After the Treaty of Turkmenchay in 1828, this situation became more regular and
purposeful. The resettlement of Armenians from Iran to Northern Azerbaijan was confirmed by Article
XV of the agreement. With the Treaty of Edirne in 1829, the resettlement of Armenians from the
Ottoman Empire to the newly occupied lands of Northern Azerbaijan began. One of the main directions
of the resettlement of Armenians was the territory of Karabakh. According to official data, between 1828
and 1830, that is, in just two years, 40,000 Armenians were relocated to Northern Azerbaijan, including
Karabakh, from Iran and 90,000 from the Ottoman Empire. Together with the unofficial Armenian IDPs,
their number exceeded 200,000. After the resettlement, the number of Armenians in the ethnic
composition of Karabakh began to increase. All these facts show that Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan,
and the Armenians moved only later
How and when was Nagorno Karabakh problem started?
The origin of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. During the
Soviet Union period, Joseph Stalin Head of the head of the former SSR decided to create an Armenian
autonomous region in Nagorno-Karabakh within the borders of Azerbaijan. For this, he settled many
Armenians from different regions here. This policy of the Russians started to bear its bloody fruits in the
late 90s. When the Soviet Union started to weaken, Armenians expressed their demands for the transfer
of Karabakh from Soviet Azerbaijan to Soviet Armenia. The relations between the two communities
turned into conflict, and into a large-scale war in the early 1990s. Armenians, who also got the support of
the Russians, occupied Khankendi in 1991 and Shusha and Khojaly (It was those Armenians who
committed Khojali massacre at that time) in 1992. The Armenians, who later captured the Azerbaijan
regions named as Lachin, Hocavend, Kelbecer and Agdere and then entered Agdam in 1993. The
occupation of Aghdam district was followed by the occupation of Jabrayil, Fuzuli, Gubadli and Zangilan
provinces. Armenians committed massacres against Azerbaijani Turks during that period. 20 percent of
Azerbaijani territories were occupied, and close to one million Azerbaijanis had to leave their native
lands. No country or international organization recognized the occupation of Armenia for nearly 30 years
and the so-called republic that it established on the territory of Azerbaijan.
2) Failure of attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully, the reasons for the war and its inevitability,
why it could not be resolved without war.
The primary reason is problems with current OSCE attempts at conflict resolution. Even with a ceasefire,
the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was no longer
effective. This negotiating format was created in 1992 as an attempt to look for a compromise on the
Nagorno-Karabakh problem. In 1997, the Minsk Group brought together Russia, France and the U.S. But
since 2010, the OSCE Minsk Group has found itself in a deadlock. The signing of a ceasefire on May 8,
1994 as a result of Heydar Aliyev's efforts marked the beginning of a new stage in the "Karabakh" issue.
Hundreds of civilians were killed and wounded as a result of the ceasefire violation by Armenians. The
relentless "ceasefire" brought up a generation that grew up hearing the sound of bullets. Armenians are
even attacking our regions not included in the conflict zone, trying to violate the border. July 12 As a
result of border violations in the direction of Tovuz, civilians were targeted. The fighting in Tovuz,
which was not included in the conflict zone for 4 days, was one of the next tricks of the Armenians. The
lies that the battles took place in Tovuz, not in the territory of Azerbaijan, but in Armenia, were another
Armenian fabrication. On the other hand, Armenia did not keep its promises at the political table. They
talked about peace in the political arena and at the same time attacked civilians on the battlefield.
Armenia's violation of the ceasefire on September 27 by attacking our frontline regions made the war
inevitable. It was impossible to solve this conflict without war. Because Armenia has repeatedly violated
the ceasefire since 1994 and did not comply with any United Nations resolutions and continued its
separatist policy on Azerbaijan lands. Armenia ignored the suggestions of international mediators
regarding the conflict, did not liberate the regions from occupation and tried to include the separatists in
Karabakh in the negotiations. The Azerbaijani government has repeatedly warned about the withdrawal
of the Armenian army from Karabakh. However, occupying Armenia never heeded these warnings and
carried out illegal work in the occupied lands. Armenia was meeting with the terrorist PKK and creating
conditions for them to settle in Karabakh. Armenia had been repeatedly violating main principles of
international law. It was Armenia who violated the cease-fire and attacked Tovuz, a strategic town in
Azerbaijan, on July 12.
3) The result of war and what will happen now?
Terms of the agreement: With Armenian forces devastated by the war, Ilham Aliyev The president of
the Azerbaijan Republic and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan agreed on November 9 to a
cease-fire deal brokered by Russia. Azerbaijan will keep all the areas it recaptured since the conflict
flared up on September 27, including Shusha, the region’s second-largest city. Russian peacekeepers to
guard the region for five years. The deal also guaranteed that Khankendi would retain access to Armenia
through the Lachin Corridor mountain pass. Armenia has also agreed to withdraw from several other
areas ( Kalbajar, Agdam, Lachin ) over the next few weeks. More importantly – Yerevan agreed to give
Baku a new transit corridor through southern Armenia to Azerbaijan’s southwestern exclave of
1.Given that it was Russia that started and inflamed the conflict ("assistance" to Armenia is generally
known), the "peacekeeping" policy does not seem convincing. In addition, the fact that the fate of our
blood memory Khojaly, the capital Khankendi, Agdara and Khojavend remains unknown is also a matter
of concern. And unsurprisingly, no one wants to live with the representatives of the nation that brutally
killed their relatives.
2. As we all know Russia is a huge, strong country. Let's imagine that Russian peacekeepers do not come
to the region, Azerbaijan says no to the Russians. Consider that scenario:
•Fights are going on for Aghdara, Agdam, Kalbajar, so thousands of soldiers would be killed.
•Winter is coming and Kalbajar is in the area above 3500 m. In winter, the cold there would be worse
than in Siberia. Many of our soldiers could freeze to death.
•As the war would continue, Armenia would continue its treacherous plans and the events in Barda and
Ganja would take place more often. Therefore, more civilians would suffer.
The cessation of the war, the return of Lachin, Kalbajar and Agdam regions to us, to Azerbaijan, without
excessive loss is a very important event. After this incident, the status of Karabakh is no longer being
discussed. In other words, Karabakh will remain the territory of Azerbaijan forever, but most of us do
not know that once our country agreed to give autonomy to the Armenians, but the Armenians did not
agree. Now, thanks to the victory of our army, this issue is not discussed. As for the arrival of Russian
peacekeepers and giving the Armenians the right to live in some cities. First, because the territory
belongs to Azerbaijan, they will live here according to our laws, they will pay taxes to us, they will play
with it. Secondly, they will not live alone, and our refugees will return to their native lands. Third, no
Armenian will come and live there after that. In addition, the road connection with Nakhchivan, which is
impossible to implement, is a great economic gain. We will not give billions of dollars to Georgians
every year in transit. We will carry our own products. The return of Russia to Azerbaijani lands is of
great symbolic and strategic importance for this country. Azerbaijan removed the Russian army from the
country to a great extent in 1992-1993 and refused its return, despite very severe pressures. In fact,
following the difficult period in 2012-2013, the term of the Gabala Radar Station, which was the only
military base of Russia left in Azerbaijan, was not extended. When we compare the deal with the 1994
ceasefire agreement, the arrival of peacekeepers in the region this time can largely ensure the cessation of
armed conflict in the region. Turkey and Russia’s actively participating in this peacekeeping force would
improve the odds that this problem could be solved in a fair manner. On the other hand, if the regional
and global balances change for the worse, there is a possibility that the problem will take longer to
resolve or become chronic again. 10.11.2020 this day is our amazing victory day. We hope everything
will be alright for us. We believe our president's strategy. We will live in our mother land-in Karabakh,
the glorious heritage of our ancestors. We are happy for that.
4) What role the war has played in my life?
War is a situation or a period of fighting between countries or groups of people. It is the most destructive
and pitiless of all human activities. War has a catastrophic effects on the health and well-being of
nations. Death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness, and disability are some of the most
threatening physical consequences of war, while post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety
are some of the emotional effects. Karabakh war also known as Second Karabakh war lasted from 27th
September (2020) to 9th November (2020). The war ended with the victory of Azerbaijan. During the
war Azerbaijan gains control of 5 cities, 4 towns, 240 villages and the entire Azerbaijan–Iran border.
Ceasefire agreement signed on 10 November 2020. As a result of agreement Armenians will live the
territory of Azerbaijan lands until 1st December 2020.
Like everyone else in my country my family also considered this war necessary. We were very saddened
by the news of martyrs coming from the battle- front. My family is proud of the heroes of the Azerbaijani
army. They are very happy and proud of our victory. During the war, we played the role of the rear. We
tried to convey the truth to the world as best we could and we succeeded. Our kind people held a rally to
help those on the front lines. We tried to join those actions as much as we could. And we always kept our
spirits high thus we gave morality to those who around us. In my opinion, the war taught us a lot of
things. As a nation, we understood the importance of being strong generally in the sphere of not only
battle-field, but also in the sphere of information war against the lies and propagandas wisely. The war
taught us to be more tolerant towards people, regardless of their nation, religion or sexuality. We all are
citizens of Azerbaijan and our love and will to fight is equal, no matter how different we may be. I'm sure
as the result of the war we will be more tolerant and careful than we used to be, because it only made us
The cease-fire ended six weeks of intense fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-
Karabakh region and territories outside its formal borders that had been under the control of Armenian
forces since 1994. The agreement calls for Azerbaijan to take control of the outlying territories. The first,
Kelbajar, was to be turned over on Sunday.
But Azerbaijan agreed to delay the takeover until Nov. 25 after a request from Armenia. Azerbaijani
presidential aide Hikmet Hajiyev said worsening weather conditions made the withdrawal of Armenian
forces and civilians difficult along the single road through mountainous territory that connects Kelbajar
with Armenia
After the agreement was announced early Tuesday, many distraught residents preparing to evacuate set
their houses ablaze to make them unusable to Azerbaijanis who would move in. Armenians are damaging
the environment and civilian objects. Environmental damage, ecological terror must be prevented. We
think the world community must not be quiet to this ecological vandalism of the Armenians.
Thank you for being one of our valued supporters. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

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