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(FEB 29 - JUNE 29)






It is my great pleasure to thank for those individually who helped me in preparing this project
work. I heartily thank company adviser Shanbel Tesema Gidey and university adviser Ir,
Abrha who guide my work and made the necessary correction.

I would like also to express my deepest gratitude to: Corp. Kassahun, Ato Abay, for grate
assistance throughout the shop. And i would like to thanks for Eng. Wendwosen and Eng.
Efriem for their cooperative in teaching catia v5 software, giving an advice, and providing
computers for this project.

Finally, I would like to thank my friends, the machinist and librarian for everything those they
have sacrificed a lot for my project by killing their time.

The report is mainly composed of an overall four month report and my project is accessed
through all the industry problems. The four month report generally deals with the activities
done in six main factories, (conventional manufacturing factory, precision manufacturing
factory, mechanical subsystem production, machine building factory, bolt and nut and
material treatment engineering factory), and including the background of the organization,
product and services, and the general work flow of the factory.

The most waste material in this industry is chip. These chips are not recycled in the industry.
Most of the time, it’s just thrown away and expose to temperature and weather but if we
recycle them, we can save a lot of things.

Mainly the aim of the project is that to reclaim and reuse the wastage of chips those which had
been simply exposed to the environment again .Especially it provides a good vital of working
areas through all the shops and it makes clean environment. And also automatically the

problem of chip storage area will be solved and it may reclaim the in ported materials for the
industry if it refabricated again there.


FIGURE 3.1 - Single transverse filet weld

FIGURE 3.2 - Double shear of pin

FIGURE 3.3 - Double transverse filet weld

FIGURE 3.4 - Simple double acting cylinder circuits

1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................................................II
2. ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................................III
3. CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction of the project...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement.......................................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective.......................................................................................................................................1
1.4 The brief history of the organization (HMMBI).............................................................................2
1.5 The main product and service of the company.............................................................................3
4. 1. Precision manufacturing factory.................................................................................................3
1.1 CNC machines...............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Product.........................................................................................................................................4
5. 2. Conventional machine factory....................................................................................................4
2.1 Lath machines...............................................................................................................................4
2.2 Milling machines...........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Slotting Machines..........................................................................................................................5
2.4 Shaping   Machines.......................................................................................................................5

6. 3. Material treatment factory.........................................................................................................6
7. 4. Machine building factory............................................................................................................6
8. 5. Mechanical sub system factory...................................................................................................7
9. 6. Bolt and Nut factory...................................................................................................................7
1.6 The main customer and end users of the company......................................................................7
1.7 Raw Materials...............................................................................................................................8
1.8 The overall of organization and work flow of the company..........................................................8
1.9 procedures....................................................................................................................................9
10. CHAPTER – 2.................................................................................................................................10
11. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCES.............................................................................................10
2.1 sections and machineries of the company..................................................................................10
2.1.1 In HMMBI there are six Machine shops (sections)...............................................................10
12. 1. Precision (CNC) Machine shop section......................................................................................10
1.1 Design Room...............................................................................................................................10
1.2 PPC (process plan control) Room................................................................................................10
1.3 Store............................................................................................................................................10
1.4 Maintenance...............................................................................................................................11
1.5 Quality control room...................................................................................................................11
1.6 Measuring instruments used include..........................................................................................11
1.7 CNC Lathe section.......................................................................................................................12
1.7.1 The working principle of CNC lathe machine.......................................................................12
1.7.2 Main parts of the CNC lathe.................................................................................................12
1.8 CNC Milling section.....................................................................................................................13
1.8.1 Operation performed in CNC milling machine include.........................................................13
1.8.2 Types of milling cutters in the shop and their function........................................................13
1.8.3 CNC Milling accessories........................................................................................................15
1.8.4 Drilling machines..................................................................................................................15
1.8.5 Shaper machine...................................................................................................................16
1.8.6 Large CNC lathe machines....................................................................................................16
1.8.7 Gear hobing machine...........................................................................................................16
1.8.8 Grinding machine.................................................................................................................16
2.3 The work flow in the precision shop...........................................................................................16

13. CHAPTER – 3.................................................................................................................................17
14. Project..........................................................................................................................................17
3.1 DSIGNE OF HYDRAULICALY OPERATED CHIP COMPACTOR MACHINE........................................17
3.1.1 Originality.............................................................................................................................17
3.1.2 Model...................................................................................................................................17
3.1.3 Design specification.............................................................................................................17
3.1.4 Parts of the chip compactor machine..................................................................................18
3.2 Main frame (upper and lower cover of hopper).........................................................................18
3.3 Pin...............................................................................................................................................18
3.4 Link..............................................................................................................................................18
3.5 Double eye gate and link.............................................................................................................18
3.6 Design of the spring carrier.........................................................................................................18
3.7 Design of inlet cover...................................................................................................................18
3.8 Spring..........................................................................................................................................18
3.9 Double acting cylinder, motor and pump selection....................................................................18
3.2 Design of main frame and upper cover of the hopper................................................................19
3.3 Design of the pin.........................................................................................................................22
3.4 Design of link...............................................................................................................................25
3.5.1 Methods of checking failurities............................................................................................29
3.6 Design of the spring carrier.........................................................................................................32
3.7 Design of inlet cover...................................................................................................................36
3.8 Design of the spring....................................................................................................................39
3.9 Cylinder and piston selection......................................................................................................43
3.9.1 PUMP SELECTION.................................................................................................................47
3.9.2 SELECTION OF MOTORS.......................................................................................................48
3.10 Methodology.............................................................................................................................49
3.10.1 Method and tools used to collect Data..............................................................................49
3.11 RESULT AND DISSCUTION.........................................................................................................49
15. CHAPTER – 4.................................................................................................................................50
16. OVER ALL BENEFIT AND EXPERIECE DURING INTERNSHIP............................................................50
17. CHAPTER - 5..................................................................................................................................51
18. MANUFACTURING PROCESS.........................................................................................................51

19. CHAPTER – 6.................................................................................................................................52
20. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................................52
6.1 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................52
6.2 RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................................................52
21. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................54

1.1 Introduction of the project
The chip compactor is simple to operate it is used to compact and reduce the area required for
chip storage. This compactor can reduce chip storage area from up to 5:1 on grinding of scrap
and up to 2.5:1 on machine chips.

1.2 Problem statement

The big problem in HMMBI is that to produce a small work piece they get prepared a large
blank size of work piece by machining that they become to the exact product so during this
process there will be a large wastage of chips these chips are simply throwing and exposed to
the environment, then due to weather and rain it becomes out of use. So this project is done
based on the problem of chip compacting machine and its aim is to avoid this problem. So to
with stand this all problems the hydraulically operated chip compacting machine is needed.

1.3 Objective
 Improved shop keeping
 Reduce area requirement for chip storage
 Reduced safety hazard
 Reclaim cutting fluid
 Makes clean environment

1.4 The brief history of the organization (HMMBI)
The company is Located in Addis Ababa, Lideta Kifle - Ketema, Kebele 07, around Mexico
Square and it covers an area of 92,979 square meters. This company was established between
the agreement of our country about 204 Ethiopian and 13 Czechoslovakian at Addis on march
27/1945E.C at an estimated cost of Birr 2000,000.the main objective was to produce different
types of ammunition of simple bullet, woodwork and metal work ,mead’s and badge and tools
and spare parts.
Before the current name given as Hibret Manufacturing & Machine Building Industry
(HMMBI), it was described by different name at different time frame by different groups the
names of company were: His Majestic H/silassie Ammunition factory, Addis Machine Tools
Factory, Addis Engineering Center, respectively.
This organization passed through different situation of Administration, Addis Metal pressing
Enterprise was established by the council of ministers Regulation No.38/1990 in June 19,
1990E.C by authorized capital of Birr 76, 216, 000, 00 and administered under the
development of government organization according to proclamation No.25/1984.
The council misters of the federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian government 101 th
regular meeting held decision number 2/ms 101/1996. The Addis Metal pressing Enterprise
completely restructured, and the rights and obligations of the organization will shifted to
Defense Mister of the country. This was provoked by the federal Negarit Gazeta 11 th year No .
39 under the heading council of mister regulation No.102/1996. By using this power Defense
takes corrective measure and order to transfer the ammunition factory to “Hormat Engineering
Factory” and according to this order the main body of the factory (i.e. Ammunition product
equipment, machines etc were transferring to hormat Engineering factory). Thus the product
packaging workshops in the organization are Tools and spare parts, medals and Badges and
metal and product packaging workshops.
The organization was working by the name of “Tools and spare parts of Design and
Manufacturing center” under the defense Industries cord nation Office starting from the letter
written by the country Defense Minister of protocol number “m3/st2/t/1094/96” on the day of
April 9, 1997E.C.
The letter was written from Defense Industries coordination Office protocol
number”m3/st/2/t/357/97” on November 23,1997E.C decided the name of the organization to

be called as Addis Engineering center. Defense Industries coordination Office decides, since
December, 2000E.C the company restructured itself with, Hibret Machine Tool Engineering
complex (HMTEC) add some value to the ministry of national defiance (MOND).Again, by
the council of ministers pursuant to article 5 of the definition of powers and duties of the
executive organs of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia proclamation No. 471/2005
and article 47(1)(a)of the public enterprises proclamation No.25/1992 establish the metals and
engineering corporation on the day of June 9,2002 E.C.
Finally, after the council of ministers proclamation Metal and engineering corporation
decides, since June, 2002E.C. re-structured itself with a new name, Hibret Manufacturing &
Machine Building Industry (HMMBI), By applying new management concepts add some
value to the countries staggering manufacturing & machine building industry. Currently,
HMMBI is coming out of its past history and it is now becoming relatively profitable.

1.5 The main product and service of the company

Under HMMBI there are six factories and each of factories has their own product.
Among the factories are:

1. Precision manufacturing factory

As the name implies all the products which are produced over here are more
precise than those in conventional and in any other shops that why because here
they uses some important soft wares like,
 Catia & with small labor interference. 
 Cam/cad & Auto cad.
In precision factory there are so many machines among them,
Grinding machine
Gig boring
Gear hobbling
Electrical discharging wire cutting machine
Chemical cutting machine
Plasma arc welding
CNC Milling and lathe
Slotting machine

In addition to that there is Design room, ppc and quality control.

1.1 CNC machines

There are two CNC machine
 CNC lathe
 CNC milling
 CNC lathe has its own master cam software also CNC milling has its own master
cam software
 CNC lathe always machine two dimensionally in the x-z axis
 while CNC milling machine three dimensionally in the x-y-z- axis
 there were also CNC machines which machine in complete plans

1.2 Product
-Military tools and spare parts
-Industrial machinery parts
-Form machinery parts
-vehicles and trucks spare part
-Molds, Dies, punches, Jigs and Fixtures.

2. Conventional machine factory

This factory consists of lath, milling and heavy duty rooms with much labor power
which consists of its own design room, ppc room & quality control & inspection room.
Major characteristics of conventional machining are
Generally macroscopic chip formation by shear deformation
Material removal takes place due to application of cutting forces- energy
domain can be classified as mechanical
Cutting tool is harder than work piece at room temperature as well as
under machining conditions.

2.1 Lath machines

 In Lath machines the cutting tool is fixed along its axes.
 Whereas the work piece is rotating along its axes.

 Lathe machines can do turning facing boring, and threading (internal/external),
grooving (parting), reaming and tapering.

2.2 Milling machines

Milling machine is the other most important conventional machine with a wide range of metal
cutting capability.
Milling machine unlike lath machines operate with
        -rotating cutting tool about its axis
        -fixed work piece about its axis

2.3 Slotting Machines

 Slotting  is  the  process  of  cutting  grooves  or  slots on  work  piece.
 The slotting machines uses high load to remove material from apiece.
 The spindle is usually oriented vertically.
 The spindle is responsible for cutting motion which has the cutting tool.
 The spindle usually operates in reciprocating manner.

2.4 Shaping   Machines

 Shaping   machines   uses huge   load   per stroke and also it Remove much chip
per stroke   as we compare it with lath and Milling machines.
 Shaping machines are generally used for producing flat surfaces
 In   shaper    machine   cutting   motion is give to reciprocating Cutting tool &
feed motion to work piece.
-Hooks and clamp bolt - Pulley Products
-Spindle big - Taper lock
-Nut - elevating Rod
-Presentation bolt - chock support
-Bevel gear - Belt connector
-Piston Ring -bolt
-Key - helical gear

3. Material treatment factory
Which consists of mainly hydraulic & pneumatically operating press machines in addition to
that it consists of electro plating and design rooms.
Engraving and pressing
- Ornaments
Heat treatment
 Tempering
 Case hardening
 Normal annealing
 Soft annealing
 Coloring
Surface treatment
-Oxidizing phosphate -Silver plating
-Anodizing -Chemical oxidation coloring
-Nickel plating -Chrome plating
-Cadmium plating -Copper plating
-Tin plating -Gold plating
Laboratory testing
-Metallurgical testing
-Chemical test
-Mechanical test

4. Machine building factory

This factory was developed for huge machine production and assembly and
Product Service
-Industrial machinery -Consultancies
-Construction machinery -Training on machine tools building technology.

- Farm machinery -Machine erecting and commissioning
-Up grading convectional machine to NC and CNC

5. Mechanical sub system factory

-Torque converts -Differentials
-Gear box -Transfer case
-Control roads

6. Bolt and Nut factory

Actually this factory is on process it does not begin its production but what is expected
from this factory is only for the production of bolt and nut in mass production.

1.6 The main customer and end users of the company

Hibret manufacturing and machine building industry has so many customers. Among those
the customer are listed below:

Water work construction

Bishoftu motorization
Dejen aviation engineering complex
Ethno tannery
Are shoes
Ambessa city bus
Kombolcha Textile
Graft armament engineering
Dalul plc
Ezmis construction
Hafad tannery
Oromia forest
Afar salt

Bahrdar textile and so on…….

1.7 Raw Materials

Raw materials in HMMBI are imported from India but until now HMMBI has been
using materials which were in the store since the Derg regime.

- The raw materials are in the form of:-

 Cylindrical rods with different diameter

 Hexagonal rods with different size
 Wires of different diameters
 Plates of different thickness
- Most of the materials are steel but bronze and aluminum are also applicable.

1.8 The overall of organization and work flow of the company

The piece which is going to be manufactured passes through the following steps.
1st step – customer
The customer must come with full drawing of the sample to be manufactured
or the sample itself or necessarily specification.
-but if the sample is available, it should not be severely damaged so that exact
measurement could be taken.
2nd step – marketing
In the marketing department the whole cost of the product is estimated.
If the customer agrees with the cost, then he must pay 50% of the total cost.
-The cost is estimated based on the difficulty of production and the type of material.
3rd step – production
After the agreement is done the sample or the full drawing will be forward to the
design room.
Design Room
-In the design room. The sample piece will be converted in to 3D drawing than
back to 3rd angle projection view using CATIA-v5 software.

- All dimensional measurements are taken from the sample piece using caliper
and other measuring tools

1.9 procedures
It means steps that the machinist should follow to produce the required object.
- It includes the machining operations to be performed by lathe or milling
machines which are found in the conventional machine shop
- The major operations include
1. Operations on lathe machine
2. Operations on milling machine
3. Heat treatment: - to create good surface hardness.
4. Grinding: - To create good surface finish after heat treatment.
 After each operation the piece will be checked by the quality control for its
dimensional accuracy
- If any clear and visible error is detected on the piece, it will be rejected.



2.1 sections and machineries of the company
2.1.1 In HMMBI there are six Machine shops (sections)
1. Precision (CNC) Machine shop
2. Conventional Machine Shop
3. Medal and Badge Manufacturing shop
4. Heat treatment
5. Machine Building
6. Bolt and nut shop

1. Precision (CNC) Machine shop section

In this shop there are different sections: - DESIGN ROOM, PROCESS PLAN AND

1.1 Design Room: - in the design room no mechanical design analysis takes
place but sometimes the engineers select material for new products.
- In this room there are mechanical engineers and draftsmen. They take the sample,
measure its dimension and convert it in to 3D drawing, and then in to projection views,
finally they print the views in three copies and give one for machinists one for PPC
and one for the design room.
- They use a software called CATIA-v5 for making the drawings

1.2 PPC (process plan control) Room: - In this room every piece will be
followed starting from the blank raw material up to the finished product.

1.3 Store: - the store in the precision machine shop contains

- CNC Lathe cutters
- CNC Milling cutters and attachments
- Dies and taps

- Vices and C-clamps

1.4 Maintenance
In this industry the most practical type of maintenance is breakdown maintenance

- Most machines breakdown due to either mechanical or electrical problem.

- The mechanical problems are mainly gear breakage, bearing problem, wearing of
bushings and belt failure.
- The electrical problems include,
Motor winding failure and circuit problems due to unwanted contact
- In addition hydraulic cylinders leak oil in old machines like power hack saw vices.

Solutions for the break down

- Most of the bushings Gears and fasteners are replaced by newly manufactured spare
parts from the shop itself.
- Electrical circuit problems are fixed by the electricians and motor windings are re-
- Belts are replaced by new ones purchased from market.

1.5 Quality control room

The main purpose of the quality control is to keep the standard of the final product by
inspecting the dimension and surface finish of the end product .if any error above the limit is
found the product will automatically be rejected of machined some more if the deviation in
dimension is positive.

-In the quality control room there are many types of tools used to measure the dimensions of
end product and it will be compared with the drawing.

1.6 Measuring instruments used include

1. Vernier caliper
2. Dial gauge
3. Plug gauge
4. Micrometer
5. Pitch gauge

6. Divider
7. Protractor
8. Radius gauge
9. Gauge bloke

1.7 CNC Lathe section

This all lathes are automatic Machines which have the ability to read drawing. In this section
different types of lathes are found. Their working principle is the same but they differ in size.

- Some have three jaw chuck and some four jaw chuck.
- Three jaw chucks is used to hold cylindrical work pieces while four jaw chucks holds
rectangular and multi sided pieces.

1.7.1 The working principle of CNC lathe machine

 CNC lathe machine are used to cut cylindrical work pieces in which the work
pieces are held between rigid and strong supports called chuck or face plate. The
chuck could be with three or four jaws.
 In CNC lathe machines the work piece rotates while the cutting tool is moving
across or parallel to the axis of the cylindrical work piece.

1.7.2 Main parts of the CNC lathe

- Head stock Computer programed board
- Tail stock
- Carriage
- Tool post
- Cross slide
- Compound rest

Operations performed on CNC lathe machine

Different operations can be performed on CNC lathe machine

 Plain turning and step turning

 Knurling
 Grooving

 Threading
 Forming
 Spring making
 Boring
 Facing
 Parting
 Drilling
 Reaming

1.8 CNC Milling section

They are fully automatic machines which require a computer program to operate

 The programmer create a program based on the dimension of the piece to be

 The programmer uses a software called master CAM then load it on the machine
 The only thing the machinist do is fastens the work piece and cutters properly so, a
single (one) machine can operate many machines at the same time.

What makes CNC milling differ than CNC lathe?

- The working principle is different from the lathe that in this case the cutting
tool rotator rather than the work piece
- Any complex work piece can produce
- The tool rotates in the vertical axis or in universal machines in any axis.
- The work piece could be circular, rectangular or flat surface
- Main parts of CNC milling machines are Ram, Knee, column & table

1.8.1 Operation performed in CNC milling machine include

- Indexing
- Facing
- Drilling

1.8.2 Types of milling cutters in the shop and their function

a) Shell mills: - these cutters are used by horizontal CNC mills

- They have cylindrical shape with blades across their length

- They are used to cut large and flat surfaces

- They are generally used for heavy cutting operations

b) Slitting saw: - these cutters are also used for horizontal CNC milling

- They are thin discs with cutting periphery

- They have different diameters for different size of work piece
- They are used to cut deep slots and for parting off
c) Dies: - there are two types in the store based on their standard
I. inch
ii. Normal standard
- They are cylindrical and externally thread, they are held by die holders
- They are used to cut internal thread on small work pieces.
d) Angular cutters: - these cutters are similar with shell cutters but

They are tapered at some angle (60%, 450)

- Angular cutters are used to cut inclined slots like dovetail slides
e) End mills: - they are cutting tools used for vertical CNC milling operation
- In the store there are two flute, four flute, six flute and taper shank types of end mills

- End mills are useful for facing and Slotting operations.

f) Machine and hand Reamers

- They are long cylindrical cutters

- Hand reamers are operated manually but machine reamers are operated by machines

- They are used to give a good surface finish and perfect dimension for circular hoes

g) Module cutters; - these cutters are used to cut gears only

h) T-slot cutters: - they are cutters with rectangular shape; they cut which their edges by
moving up and down with the slotting machine.

i) Staggered (side milling) cutter: - it has cutting edges at the end and side of the teeth

- They are used to cut slots or grooves and also shoulders

a) Spline cutters:- these cutters as their name indicate are used to cut splaying gears
- They have a curved (convex) profile at the middle of the cutting edges used to
form a round bottom on the spline gear.

b) Carbide cutters:- are used on a vertical CNC milling machine

- The cutters are carbide materials which could be removed when it
wears out or broken and replace by a new one
- They are used for heavy CNC milling operations
c) Drill bit:- they are available in very thin and wide in diameter
- Their purpose is drilling a hole in the work piece
d) Counter shank: - these cutters are used to cut tapered holes with small depth in order to
burry bolts

1.8.3 CNC Milling accessories

 Vices
- Angular vice
- Normal vice
 Indexing (dividing head):-used to cut gears.
 Rotary table
 C-clamp
 Tool holder collets
- Die holder
- Milling harbor

1.8.4 Drilling machines: - they simple machines which are used to drill holes of relatively
small sizes.
- Slotting machine: - it is a reciprocating machine tool in which the ram holding the tool
reciprocates in a vertical axis and the cutting action of the tool is only during the
downward stroke.

Slotting machine is used to make: - Key way, internal gears, external gears, Dovetails and
different slots.

1.8.5 Shaper machine: - it is a machine tool used for producing a flat or plane surface
which may be in a horizontal, vertical, or at an angle. It is used to make slots, grooves and

1.8.6 Large CNC lathe machines: -the only difference with the smaller ones is large
diameter work pieces can be fabricated.

1.8.7 Gear hobing machine

 In this machine different gears are produced

1.8.8 Grinding machine

 Here surface finish control is takes place after all process has passed the work
piece comes here for good surface finish based on the desired of the customers.

2.3 The work flow in the precision shop

First of the entire sample piece or in the form of drawing is given to the PPC room, and they
control everything beginning from the blank size of the material to the finished product.
Secondly they give to design room what is going on in design room is also they take the
sample or if there is a drawing it is ok if not they change the given sample in to 3D by using
soft wares like CATIA, master cam and so on. And then it is send to the CNC Machines
according to the process of the work piece on which machine is going to be machined. Here
the rest work is played by the machinist based on the given drawing after he finished if it is
needed some heat treatment or surface finish it goes to heat treatment and grinding room.
After each operation the piece will be checked by the quality control for its dimensional
If it is safe they bring it to store and the costumer can take it.
If any clear and visible error is detected on the piece, it will be rejected.




3.1.1 Originality
The whole mechanism that is the five bar mechanism and over all assembly of the machine
are newly generated ideas!

Except the double acting cylinder which is directly selected from standards.

3.1.2 Model
The model of this compact machine is new and has been done by the following software.

CATIA –v17(3D)

3.1.3 Design specification

Suitable chips for compaction

Cast iron
Stain less steel

Compacted briquette dimensions



Compaction pressure


Hopper capacity


Optional accessories

Chip conveyor system (in let side)

3.1.4 Parts of the chip compactor machine

3.2 Main frame (upper and lower cover of hopper)

3.3 Pin

3.4 Link

3.5 Double eye gate and link

3.6 Design of the spring carrier

3.7 Design of inlet cover

3.8 Spring

3.9 Double acting cylinder, motor and pump selection

3.2 Design of main frame and upper cover of the hopper
This body is the main frame of the machine which is used as a supporter for all assembly
of the body in both sides as basement and upper cover. They are joined together by weld
and the chip is compacted through.

The force required to compact the chips,


σ ul = the ultimate stress of the chips being compacted

F = the force required to compact the chips

Ac = compact area

σ ul¿

Fc = σ ul¿ Ac

Since, Ac = 100mm¿150mm = 15000mm2

Fc = 100mm¿150mm¿300

Fc = 4500KN

Material selection

AISI 1117 steal

τ s = 770MPA

Fs = 1.4

τs 770 MPA
τ all = = = 550MPA (3.1)
Fs 1.4


As = shear area

τ s= shear stress

Fc = compacting force

t= thickness of the main frame


As = 230mm∗¿t

Fc 4500 KN 4500000 N
τs= = =550MPA =
As 230 mm∗t 230 mm∗t

4500000 N
230 mm∗550 MPA

t= 35.6mm, to make more safe say,

t= 40mm

Design upper cover of hopper

Material selection

AISA 1030


σ t = 400MPA

Fs = 2

σt 400 MPA
Now, σ all = = = 200MPA
Fs 2

σ All = 200MPA

Type of weld

Figure – 1 single transverse fillet weld


 Since the weld is weaker than the plate due to slag and blow holes there for
the weld is given a reinforcement which may be taken as 10% of the plate
 In order to determine the strength of the fillet joint, it is assumed that the
section of fillet is a right angled triangle with hypotenuse making equal
angles with other two sides.


t= throat thickness
s = leg or size of weld
l = length of weld

We find that the throat thickness

t= s ¿ sin 45 = 0.707s

minimum area of the weld or throat area

A = throat thickness ¿length of weld
A = t¿ l = 0.707s ¿ l
Then, p = 0.707s ¿ l∗σt
Since, P and L is 2250KN and 650mm respectively,

2250000N = 0.707s ¿ 650mm ¿ 200MPA

2250000 N 2250000 N
S = 0.707∗650 mm∗200 N = N
mm mm

S = 24.48mm say = 30mm

S = 30mm

Since, t = 0.707s

t= 0.707¿30mm = 21.21 say = 25mm

3.3 Design of the pin

Here there are two types of pins the short one is used to connect both links whereas the long
one is used to hold the whole assembly with ground rigidly. They are from the same material
and the same diameter except their length.

The pins are in double shear


Figure – 2 double shear of pin

Material selection

AISI 1118 steal

τ s = 803MPA

Fs = 1.3

τs 803 MPA
τ All = = =617.7 MPA
Fs 1.3

τ All = 617.7MPA

Let, d = diameter of pin

P = reaction force acting at the pin joint

Since, the pins are in double shear, therefore load on the pins

τ All= (3.2)

p = 2250KN since, the load is equally shared by the pins.

π d 2∗2
As =

2250000 N∗2
Now, τ all =
π d2

4500000 N
617.7MPA =
π d2

4500000 N
d = N
mm 2

d2 = 2318.92mm2

d = √ 2318.92mm 2

d = 48.155 say = 50mm

d = 50mm


 The thickness of pin collar, 0.5¿ d=0.5∗50 mm=25 mm

 The diameter of pin head is taken as, 1.5d=1.5¿ 50 mm=75 mm
 The diameter of pin collar also, 1.5¿d=1.5¿ 50 mm=75 mm
 The tip of the pin also, 0.25d=0.25¿ 50 mm=12.5 mm
 Thickness of pin head, 0.5d=0.5¿ 50 mm=25 mm

3.4 Design of link
Actually the links are used for the free motion of opening and closing operation then there
is not that much force acting on them. Anyhow due to the load the links may buckle.


The links are hinged at both ends and for buckling in a plane perpendicular to the
vertical plane, it is considered as fixed at both ends.

Material selection

σ t = 806MPA

Fs = 1.2

σ All= =¿

806 MPA
= 671.67MPA

σ All = 671.67MPA

We know that load on the links

F = 2250KN since, the total load is shared by links.

Then let take, Wcr =2250KN no need of factor of safety since the links are used only
for opening and closing system.

Then, Wcr = 2250KN

t= thickness of the link, and

b= width of the link

Assuming that the width of the link is three times the thickness of the link, that is,

b= 3t, therefore,

Cross-sectional area of the link,

A = 3t¿ t =3t2

And moment of inertia of the cross-section of the link,

I= ∗t∗¿

We know that the radius of gyration,

√ A

2.5 t 4

K = 0.866t

Since for buckling of the link, the ends are considered as hinged, there fore equivalent
length of the link,

L= =113mm

And Rankine`s constant, a=

According to rankine`s formula, buckling load,

Wcr = 1+ a ¿

11334272.52t 2
2250000N = 1
1+ ¿¿

11334272.52t 2
2250000N = 32508.1
5624.67 t 2

11334272.52t 2∗5624.67 t 2
2250000N = through some rearrangements,
5624.67 t 2+32508.1

(t2)2 – (1116.57) t2 – 6450 = 0

Let say, t 2=t then,

a= 1

b= -1116.57

c= -6450

−b ± √b 2−4 ac
Then, t =

By substituting the values of a, b and c, respectively yields,

t= −(−1116.57) ± √ ¿ ¿

t= 1122.32mm2, taking positive,

t= 1122.32mm2

Since, t =t 2 therefore,

t 2=1122.32 mm2

t= √ 1122.32 mm 2

t= 33.5mm, say =40mm

t= 40mm

Since, b= 3t = 3¿ 40 mm=120 mm

Now let us consider the buckling of the link,

Moment of inertia of the cross-section of the link,

b∗t 3 3 t∗t 3 4
I= = =0.25 t
12 12

And cross-sectional area of link is,

A = t¿b = t¿3t = 3t 2


Radius of gyration,

I 0.25 T 4
√ √A
=0.29 t

Since for buckling of the links, the ends are considered as fixed, there fore,

Equivalent length of the link,

l= =113mm

Again according to rankine`s formula,

Buckling load,

1+ a ¿ ¿

671.67 MPA∗3t 2
Wcr 1
1+ ¿
7500 ¿ ¿

Wcr = 671.67 MPA∗3 ¿ ¿

3224016 N
Wcr = 1

Through some rearrangement yields,

3224016 N
Wcr =

Wcr = 3224016N

Since this buckling load is more than the calculated value (that is 2250KN), therefore
the link is safe for buckling.


t= 40mm and l= 120mm

3.5 Design of double eye gate and link

The double eye gate is used to opaque the chip during the compressing time until it gets the
desired shape. Whereas the double eye link is used to pull the double eye gate after the full
compaction of the chip through the spring loaded mechanism.

Material selection

Grade – 2

Cs 700

τ s = 733MPA

σ t = 755MPA

Fs = 1.3

Now let`s calculate the safe stress,

τs 733 MPA
τ All = = =563.57 MPA and,
FS 1.3

σt 755 MPA
σ All = = =580.7MPA
Fs 1.3

Based on the standard formula,

Diameter of the pin is already calculated, then,

Thickness of the gate =0.75¿ 50 mm=37.5 mm say ,38 mm

Thickness of double eye link = 0.75¿ 50 mm=37.5 mm say , 40 mm

Let, t2 = 40mm

The outer diameter of the double eye link is = d2 = 2d =100mm

3.5.1 Methods of checking failurities

Let, p = the tensile force acting on the link

d= the diameter of the pin

d2 = outer diameter of the double eye link and the gate

t= thickness of the gate

t2 = thickness of the double eye link

σ t, τ s = the permissible stresses for the joint material in tension, and shear

In determining the strength of the joint for the various methods of failure, it is assumed

1. There is no stress concentration, and,

2. The load is uniformly distributed over each part of the joint

Due to these assumptions, the strengths are approximated however they serve to
indicate a well-proportioned joint.

The most critical failurities are

Since, they have the same geometric and they are from the same material so no need to check

1. Failure of the double eye link in tension.

The double eye link end may tear off due to the tensile load.

We know that area resisting tearing therefore,

Tearing strength of the double eye link

P = (d2-d) ¿ 2∗t∗σ t

2250000N = (100mm-50mm) 2¿ 40 mm∗σ t

2250000 N
σt =
100 mm∗40 mm

σ t = 562.5MPA

Since this one is less than the permissible tensile stress of the material then it is safe.

2. Failure of the double eye link and gate

The forked end may fail in shearing due to the tensile load. We know that area
resisting shearing,

A = (d2-d)¿ 2 t 1 then,

P = (d2-d)¿ 2 t∗τ s

2250000N = (100mm-50mm) 2¿ 40∗τ s

2250000 N
4000 mm 2

τ s = 562.5MPA

Then it is safe since it is less than the allowable shear stress.

3.6 Design of the spring carrier
The spring carrier is used to hold the spring at a proper position.

Material selection

Grade – 3

Cs 840

τ s = 780MPA

Fs = 1.3

Then,τ all=

780 MPA
= = 600MPA

The desired type of weld is,

 Long fillet weld


 A vertical plate attached to a horizontal plate by two identical fillet
 The effect of the applied torque is to rotate the vertical plate about
the -x - axis through its mid-point.
This rotation is resisted by shearing stress developed between two
fillet welds and the horizontal plate.

Let, T = torque acting on the vertical plate which is,

T=F¿ R (3.7)

T= 2250000N¿ 100 mm=225000 Kmm

L = length of weld

S = size or leg of weld

t= throat thickness

And, through some rearrangement,

τ =
t∗l 2

Since the maximum shear stress occurs at the throat and is given by

4.242 T
τ Max = since, t= 0.707s
s∗l 2

4.242 T
τ∗l 2

4.242∗225000000 Nmm
S= 2 since, l = 200mm
600 MPA∗(200 mm )

S = 39.77mm say, 40mm

Since, t= 0.707s

t= 0.707¿ 40 mm=28.28 mm say , 30 mm

t= 40mm

s = 30mm

Stability of the machine

During the compaction process the whole assembly of the machine may move forward so, it
should be pinned by two 50mm pins to the ground.

And also the lower plate of the hopper is welded to some other grounded plate to make
safe the stability of the whole machine.

Material selection

Grade - 1


σ t = 520MPA

Fs = 1.3

σ All=

520 MPA
= =400 MPA

Type of weld

Single transverse fillet welded joint

Since, F = 2250KN


 Since the weld is weaker than the plate due to slag and blow holes,
therefore the weld is given a reinforcement which may take as 10%
of the plate thickness.
 In order to determine the strength of the fillet joint it is assumed that
the section of fillet is a right angle triangle with hypotenuse making
equal angles with the other two sides.

Where, t= throat thickness

S = leg or size of weld

L = length of weld, which is, 200mm

We find that the throat thickness

t= s¿ sin 45=0.707 s

Maximum area of the weld or throat area,

A = throat thickness¿length of weld

A = t¿l = 0.707s¿ l


p = 0.707s¿ l∗σ all

2250000 N
0.707∗400∗200 mm

s = 39.5mm say, 40mm

s = 40mm


t= 0.707s

t= 0.707¿ 40 mm

t= 28.28 say, 30mm

t = 30mm

3.7 Design of inlet cover

The inlet cover is used to cover the chip after the hopper is filed enough by the chip.

Then, the most critically induced stress is shear stress

Material selection

AISI 3140


 Annealed

τ s = 793MPA

Fs = 1.3

Then,τ all =

793 MPA
τ all ¿ =610 MPA

Since, As = 100mm¿ t

F = 4500KN

Therefore,τ all= (3.11)

4500 KN
610MPA =
100 mm∗t

4500 KN
t= since, there is double shear stress,
610 MPA∗200 mm

t= 36.885mm say, 40mm

t= 40mm

Design for the welded joint also

Figure – 3 double transverse fillet weld


 The section of fillet is a right angled triangle with hypotenuse making equal
angles with other two sides.
 Since the weld is weaker than the plate due to slag and blow holes therefore,
the weld is given a reinforcement which may be taken as 10% of the plate

Where, t= throat thickness

S = leg or size of weld

L = length of weld

We find that the throat thickness,

t= s¿ sin 45=0.707 s

Minimum area of the weld or throat area

A = throat thickness¿ length of weld
A = t¿ l=0.707 s∗l

σ t = tensile stress for the weld metal

P = force acting at the weld joint

Material selection

AISI 610


σ t = 845MPA

Fs = 1.2

Now, p = throat area¿ allowable tensile stress

P = 0.707s¿ l∗σ all

Since, the weld is double fillet weld then,

P = 2¿0.707s¿ l∗σ all

P = 1.414s¿ l∗σ all by substituting the values yields,

4500KN = 1.414s¿ l∗σ all

4500000 N
S= since, l = 100mm
1.414∗100mm∗704.2 MPA

S = 45.19 say, 46mm

S = 46mm

And also t= 0.707¿ 46 mm = 32.522mm say, 34mm

3.8 Design of the spring

 The pulling force which is applied to the gate due to the mechanism of spring
loaded should be greater than the friction in between the chip and the two eye
gate. Then it is easily opened and the chip gets out through smoothly.

Since there is no vertical force acting on the gate so, let’s begin from the equation, that the
summation of all forces acting on the gate horizontally,


Ff = friction force

μ=coefficient of friction

FH = pulling force which is applied to the gate

Fn = normal force

Then, FHcos θ- Ff = 0 since, θ is 00. So,

FH-Ff = 0 (3.12)

And also, Ff = μ∗¿FN now substitute in the above equation yields,

FH –μ∗¿ FN = 0

Based on the criterion poor work man ship or very slow and frequent motion without
lubrication and hard material let’s take,

μ = 0.21

Fn = 2250KN by considering only half part of the gate.

Since, the chips are very fine then let’s assume that the maximum force that is exerted by the
hydraulic at the end of the gate is half of 2250KN which is 11250KN. Then,

Ff = 1120KN * 0.21

Ff = 236.25KN

Then, it is less than the pulling force so it is safe and the gate can easily opened. Having all
this assumptions lets design the spring.

Material selection

A633 Grade E

τ s = 780MPA

G = 300Gpa

Fs = 1.2

τs 780 MPA
τ All = = =650 MPA
Fs 1.2


 The end of spring is squared and ground

 The spring index, s = 4


F = 50KN

Stress factor, K is given by,

4 s−1 0.615
K= + by substituting all the values in the equation yields,
4 s−4 s

4∗4−1 0.615
K= +
4∗4−4 4

15 0.615
K= +
12 5

K = 1.2

Having all this values let’s find all the dimensions of the spring,

The wire diameter d, can be calculated as follows

8 K∗F∗s
π∗d 2

8 K∗F∗S
d2 = √

1.2∗8∗50000 KN∗4
d= √
π∗650 MPA

1920000 N

d= N

d= √ 940.24 mm2

d= 30.66mm say, 31mm

d= 31mm

Now all dimensions of the spring is as follows,

 Mean coil diameter

D= d¿s
D= 31mm¿4
D= 124mm
 Outside diameter of the coil


D= 124mm + 31mm

D= 155mm

 Inside diameter of the coil

Di = D – d
Di = 124mm – 31mm
Di = 93mm
 Number of coil required

8∗F∗z∗s 3

8∗F∗s 3

31mm∗20 mm∗300000
z= mm2
8∗50000 N∗4 3

186000,000 N
25600,000 N

z = 8.3 say, 9


 Total number of turns for square and ground ends,

Z’ = z + 2
Z’ = 9 + 2
Z’= 11
 Solid length of the spring
L = (z + 2) d
L = (9 +2) *31mm
L = 341mm
 Free length of spring
LF = solid length + deflection under load + allowance
LF = z’ ¿ d +δ +0.15 δ
LF = 11¿ 31 mm+20 mm+0.15∗20 mm
LF = 364mm
 Pitch of the coil
Free length
Z ' −1
364 mm
P = 33.1mm

3.9 Cylinder and piston selection

The specification of the job

Force requirement

 4500KN

Length of work stroke

 650mm

Speed of piston and rod assembly

 0.02

Maximum pressure rating

 300MPA

Having all this limitations the hydraulic double acting cylinder should be

Body material

 Steel

Pressure direction

 Double acting cylinder

Standard or non-standard

 Standard


 Piston cylinder

Seal type

 UN or common standard or in accordance with client`s requirement

Fluid temperature range

 -10 to +90 degrees C

 For more safe during operation temperature should not exceed 70/80 degree

Filtration requirement

 -25 micron abs (recommended minimum)

Fluid specification

 Mineral oil DIN 51524+51525HL H-lp and HV ISOHM

Fluid viscosity

 5 to 200cst

Rod finish

 20 micron and chromium plate minimum Ra = 0.4

The size of the reservoir

 2.5– 3 times the pump capacity

Structure: piston cylinder

a. Chrome plated thickness > 25micron

b. Roughness Ra < 0.2
c. Top seal

Cylinder selection reasoning

Large diameter cylinder

1) Operates at low pressure

2) Requires bigger pump for speed

Based on the limitations of the machine

Table 1: - standard cylinders

Type Bore O.Dia Rod Max A 1.5 B C D

barrel dia stroke

40M 40 50 22 300 122 55 11 ¼

50M 50 60 28 480 134 60 22 ¼

60M 60 73 36 650 146 65 27 3/8

70M 70 80 40 750 155 70 27 3/8

80M 80 92 45 820 177 82 32 3/8

90M 90 105 50 900 190 88 32 --

100M 100 115 56 1005 210 90 32 --

Source: - Standards of HMMBI

Since the maximum stroke is 650mm then,



Rode diameter


Outer diameter of barrel





Figure -4 simple hydraulic double acting cylinder circuits


 Strainer
 Reservoir
 Pump
 Flexible coupling
 Electric Motor
 Connectors
 Relief valve
 DCV – 4 way
 Hydraulic Cylinder


 Directional valve with three positions, four

connectional and an arrangement that close the value when in the central position.

 Manual shut off valve operated by hand.

 Electric motor

 Filter – remove dirt and foreign matter from the system

 A fixed displacement pump

 Double acting cylinder, single rod end

 Pressure gauge – for indicating either oil or air pressure

 Pilot operated relief valve

 A line to the reservoir, entering the reservoir below the fluid level in the
reservoir or tank.


 Assumption
 No leakage through the cylinder i.e. positive displacement
Sliding velocity=0.02m/s
 The volume leaving the pump is equal to the volumetric displacement of a piston.
Q=V.A (3.15)
Dia rod = 0.36mm
Weight = 4500KN
Pressure = 300MPA
 The flow rate
Q =V.A

m π (0.36)2
Q =0.02 *
s 4
Q =2.04¿ 10−3 m3/s

 By using the value P=300Mpa and Q=2.04¿ 10−3 m3/s, we can select an appropriate pump.


The given data’s are

F = 4500KW

S = 650mm where, Wand S, are work done and maximum stroke by the cylinder

Then, W=F¿ S (3.16)

W = 4500KN ¿ .65 mm=2925000 J


2925000 J
P¿ =80.5 KW Since, t = is the time for single stroke which is = 30s.
35 s

Now due to this power all the dimensions of the motor are as follows,

N = 1500 rpm

Frame number = D220S

Width (A) = 560mm

Length b/n fixed hole (B) = 540mm

Distance b/n the shaft shoulder & first fixed hole (C) = 270mm

Power requirements

Power supply voltage, Ac 220 ± 10 % 3PH, 60HZ

3.10 Methodology

3.10.1 Method and tools used to collect Data

Primary data collection

 By direct Observing and recording while in the work place.

 Informal interview with concerned body and representative production
manager shop.
Secondary data collection
 Different reference books, which is available in HMMBI library.


After finished this project, there will be no more any wastage of chips and the company may
become profitable even by selling the compacted chips and may refabricate it there and may
reclaim buying of any material that is in ported. And it reduces the area required to store these
chips and the industry becomes very clean.



The benefits internship for students is quite obvious: For the first time we get the chance to
apply the classroom knowledge in the real work life! They are allowed and even demanded to
get dirty hands by touching all the things they have theoretically heard about before. We learn
about working processes, how to behave in a company, experience how it feels to touch in real

work or how important it is to be punctual! .All these experiences sharpen the student’s profile
and improve his technical and personal skills.
Among the benefits I gained during intern ship was:
 I gained knowledge of organizational structure and processes in the industry.

 I learned to live together and work in team with worker and student from other culture.

 I get adapted to different culture and am capable to value difference.

 I get elaborated experience that will be useful in my future profession.
 I was able to make myself matured, more independent and tolerant.
 I build up a network of professional contacts for future opportunities and references.

 I faced individual responsibility and developing strong teamwork skills.

 I tried to be familiarizing with new techniques and methods.
 I already understand the meaning of what is interpriniership by doing together with
those of more experienced workers and Engineers.


a) The manufacturing process of the main frame is prepared by machining and then by
welding each other both of the upper and lower plates.
b) The manufacturing of pin is also by machining in lathe or milling.
c) The manufacturing of the links are all prepared by machining in CNC milling.

d) The manufacturing of all the plates are through machining and then welding.



Generally in this four month I gain more knowledge especially when we see in terms of
improving my personal skills, I can easily see the difference between theory and practical
work. When you do practical work, you can easily see each and individual thing so this make
better to improve my personal skills.

And when we see in terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge, the knowledge that we
know in theory only is not enough but when you see the theory in practical, it is unforgettable
so this makes to upgrade your theoretical knowledge and when you look in terms of work
ethics you learn to be punctual and to work your work properly.

The activities done on each factory helps to see and to know different things because a lot of
activities are done in each day on each factory and I develop my software knowledge by
knowing a software called catia, this helps to do part, assembly, and draft and so on I think it
is helpful to know this in the future.

This mini project helps me to know more things and to read different books so this helps in
the future to take large projects.

HMMBI produces many different machine parts but there are some problems and some of my
recommendations for these problems are;

 Minimize material wastage

When some product ordered to produced, very large diameter material (piece) is used. This
makes a material to waste because to make smaller diameter, we need to remove some
material from it. So if we need to have a small diameter piece, we must use small diameter
piece. The costumers take such responsibilities and pay the money including for the wasted
material so this may cause disagreement between the customers and the company so, the
company may lose customers. Then they should have to avoid such silly problems.

 Reuse waste materials

The most waste material in this industry is chip. These chips are not recycled in the industry.
Most of the time, it’s just thrown away and expose to temperature and weather but if we
recycle them, we can save a lot of things.

 Avoid tool wear

During machining heat is generated at the cutting point. This heat generated is shared by the
chip, cutting tool and the blank. This causes rapid tool wear which reduces tool life. So to
solve this, we must avoid continuous chip formation by using chip breaker.

 Use coolant

The basic purpose of cutting fluid application is cooling of the job and the tool to reduce the
detrimental effects of cutting temperature on the job and the tool. But the machinists don’t use
coolant and there is a formation of fire due to the high contact between the tool and job. So
coolants are very important and consider it to increase the tool life.

 Maintenance

The failure of the machine is due to carelessness or unskilled labor and also improper material
or tool usage due to these and other some machines are stop working so they need to be
maintained and we can increase our profit.

 Finally what I would like to recommend tightly is that there is a big problem
with in the workers I don’t know it may be due to unskilled of labor but the most
probability from what I have observed is that the salary for the workers isn’t
enough compared to their skills so due to this cases workers doesn’t care about
the work task and the machine. During this carelessness there will be some
problems somehow this are the list of problems.
Not under mind back lashes
Breaking of work piece carelessness of dimensionality, surface finish, heat
treatment and so on.

Even they don’t take care the whole machine on what they are machining the work
Breaking of the cutting material since high temperature is produced during the
machining process that why carelessness of using coolant.

 Shigley`s Mechanical Engineering Design, Eighth Edition
 Josely Dominguez E, Machine element & Design.
 Harry L.stewart, practical guide to fluid power new edition.
 A text book of electric motor and drive
 R.S Khurmi and K.Gupta, a text book of machine design.
 Hibret Manufacturing and Machine Building Industry, written documents
Material list.
 Different Web sites.


Dimensions of all the components of the chip compactor

1. Main frame (upper and lower covers) – 1

1.1 Lower cover


2. Pin

3. One eye link

3.1 Small link

4. Double eye gate

4.1 double eye link

5. Spring supporter

5. Horizontal plate

6. Spring

7. Inlet cover

8. Chip inlet hopper

9.Spring carrier

10. Pin collar


Part list

1. Main frame (upper and lower cover)

2. Pin
3. Link
4. Double eye gate and link
5. Spring carrier
6. Inlet cover
7. Spring
8. Double acting cylinder
9. Small link
10. Chip inlet hopper

11. Pin collar


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