ST - Agnes Cbse School First Periodic Test Grade Ix TIME:90 Mins Marks:40

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TIME :90 mins Marks :40

The question paper is divided into three sections
Section A : Reading 8 marks
Section B : Writing and Grammar 12 marks
Section C : Prose and Literature 20 marks

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (8)
1. Chocolate diamonds are actually brown diamonds and compared to the well-known white
diamond, they aren”t worth much. Diamonds are produced in mines. The best known
diamond mines are in Australia, South Africa and Russia. The largest diamond mine was
discovered in 1976 in the desert of Australia near a little creek named lake Argyle. Diamonds
are created under very extreme conditions of pressure and high temperature. It is a general
misunderstanding that there exists only white colourless diamonds. Actually diamonds exist
in many different colours.
2. In all the diamond mines of the world, almost 80 percent of all diamonds produced are
brownish in colour, because they were found in such large quantities compared to the other
coloured diamonds, they were considered as low value diamonds, only good for the industrial
sector. But a famous man called Le Vian came with a marketing campaign to increase the
popularity of the chocolate diamond. Instead of calling it brown diamond, he gave it popular
names like caramel, chocolate, cinnamon and cognac. Since his marketing campaign,
chocolate diamonds are becoming very popular.
3. The value of a diamond is based on its shape, brightness and colour. As white diamonds are
rare, their value is based on the fact that there are not many white diamonds around.But if you
look at the shape and brightness, then the brightness diamond in this world known to man are
brown diamonds. Before the development of the Argyle diamond mine in Australia in 1986,
most brown diamonds were considered worthless for jewellery; they were even not assessed
on the diamond colour scale and were predominantly used for industrial purposes. However
marketing strategies changed in the 1980s and brown diamonds became popular gems. The
change was mostly due to supply of the Argyle mine, with its 35 million carats of diamonds
per year, making about one third of global production of natural diamonds; 80 percent of
Argyle diamonds are brown. The percentage of brown diamonds is lower in other mines, but
it's almost always a significant part of the total production.

(i) When marketing strategies changed in the 1980s, brown diamonds--------------

(a) became popular gems (b)unpopular
(c) white diamonds (d) chocolate diamonds
(ii) The largest diamond mine as discovered in---------------------
(a) The desert of Australia (b) Russia
(c) South Africa (d) none of these
(iii) Diamonds are created under following conditions ----------------
(a)High pressure and high temperature (b) Low pressure and low temperature
(c)low temperature and moderate pressure (d) high pressure and low temperature

(iv) Argyle diamond mine in Australia was developed in the year---------

(a)1896 (b)1986 (c)1972 (d)1980
(v) Brown diamond are also called -----------------
(a)Peppermint diamonds (b) chocolate diamonds
© mud diamonds (d) rock diamonds
(vi) The word techniques means the same as ------------- in para three
(a) Process (b) strategies
(c)efficiency (d) skill
(vii) Only white colourless diamonds exist in the world
(a) True (b) not sure © false
(viii) The value of a diamond is based on
1.colour 2.brightness 3. Size 4. Quantity
(a)1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c)3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4

2. Write a diary entry about how you enjoyed your virtual birthday celebration last week when your
friends and relatives made the occasion lively .


Write a letter to your uncle, describing the damage caused by heavy rains to your house and the

3. Fill in the following blanks by choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given
below: (4)
(a) ………...the first prize in the debate competition, Raju decided to put in his maximum
efforts in all the (b)......... inter-school competitions. His teacher advised him not (c) …….
over confident.(d) not always necessary.

(a) Win won to win winning

(b) Comes come came coming
(c) Feeling to feel felt feel
(d) Winning will win win won

4. Choose the appropriate determiners to fill in the blanks: (3)

(a) My sister is --------(an/the) architect.
(b) He can’t hear ---------(anybody/somebody). He is completely deaf.
(c) ------------- (The /A) dinner we had at the tourist hotel was very nice.

Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follows:(4)
5. The wind God winnows and crushes them all,
He won't do what you tell him,
So, come let’s build strong homes,
Let’s join the doors firmly.
(a) How does the wind God come?
(b) Why does the poet want to join the doors firmly?
6. She never looked back from that point onwards. She toured the united kingdom with a
Youth orchestra and by the time she was sixteen, she had decided to make music her life
She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music and scored one of the highest marks in
the history of the academy. She gradually moved from orchestral work to solo
(a) What history did Evelyn create?
(b) When did Evelyn decide to make music her life?
Answer the following questions in 30 -40 words: (2x3=6)
7. Why did Margie’s mother send for the county Inspector?
8. Where did the shehnai get its due place and why?
9. Where does the( poet) traveller find himself? What problem does he face?
Answer the following questions in 60-80 words: (5x2=10)
10. How does Evelyn hear music?
11. What did the child do when he realised that he had got separated from his parents?


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