Department of Computer Engineering Academic Year 2021 - Semester-V 3150711-Software Engineering

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Lab Manual

Computer Engineering
3150711- Software Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
(Theory: 3 | Practical: 2 | Credits: 4)
Academic Year 2021 | Semester-V
Prof. R.B. Gondaliya

Sr Practical Description
Project Definition and Analysis
● Decide the project title.
● Write a project Abstract (Short description of project minimum 600 word).
1 ● Write a project detailed description (minimum 1500 word).
● List out project requirement.
o Functional requirement
o Non-Functional requirement
Prepare given diagrams of project.
● Class diagram
● Use case diagram
● Activity diagram
2 ● Swimlane diagram
● Sequence diagram
● State diagram
● Data flow diagram
Project Design
● Prepare screen list.
● Design each screen (for mobile App use MarvelApp and for website use Responsive
3 HTML Template).
● Describe each screen along with the fields used in screen.

Tools required for this activity: MarvelApp/MockFlow/Figma

Story and Scenario Writing
● Write a story along with a scenario for each screen.
o Refer to Gherkin Syntax for story writing
4 (More details refer this link:
o Use for story writing.
Project Scheduling and Test Case Writing
● Estimate time required to build each screen (in Hour).
5 ● Find the complexity of each screen (easy/medium/hard).
● Write a test case for the screen.
Database Design and API
● Prepare database schema as per given sample.
o Manage following information along with schema: Design Date, Verified By,
Verification Date, List of Changes, Approved By, Approved Date
● Prepare API Document (Use POSTMAN tool to save API details). Maintain following
information for each API.
o Input parameter.
o Output parameter.
o Refer
o Use Swagger API for creating dummy API
Lab Manual
Computer Engineering
3150711- Software Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
(Theory: 3 | Practical: 2 | Credits: 4)
Academic Year 2021 | Semester-V
Prof. R.B. Gondaliya

Tools required for this activity: Swagger API, Postman

7 Introduction of version control using Git Lab

8 Construct software requirement specification (SRS) document of projects.

● Use MarvelApp, MockFlow, Figma for screen design.
● Use Gherkin syntax for story writing.
● Use Atlassian Jira for managing Project and issue tracking
● Implementation starts with version control. Use Git Lab.
● Use Swagger API for generating dummy API.
● Integrate SonarQube for static code testing.
● Use Appium for mobile App testing
● Use Selenium for web application testing

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